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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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standard block 50-52 to what is now the main aircraft in the united states air force, the united states air force, but there are radar stations, 66 stations, there is a second modification or a third modification with a range of 110 km. we compare it with the russian su-35 su30 cm fighters, yes, the range is about 300 km, that is. inferior, perhaps, perhaps, during, so to speak, the current, well, overhaul of these planes, before they are handed over to us, some more modern radar stations will be installed, well then, of course our chances for a full-fledged fight, the opportunities for our pilots to fully fight against russian fighters will increase significantly, well, besides... this is an average
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option, if we still get planes with radar stations of another three types, for example, there 86- that station, yes, it already has 120 km, and in general, for all the planes that have passed, mlu, midlife update, yes, that is, modernization in the process of their use, in the process of their operation, that's what they got. flexibility during successive such stages, as they call after modernization is difficult, it’s an mlu, and then there were stages of improvement, so after stages, several stages, these planes received missiles with a range of 160 km, which in total exceeds the range of russian missiles by 40 kilometers, that is , somewhere we lose capabilities, somewhere we gain better capabilities for damage of aircraft, and in general,
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i really hope that these aircraft will have such modern, powerful on-board defense systems, nato countries, in the united states always pay special attention to this, what is an on-board defense system, it is radio-electronic equipment that can detect the radar irradiation of russian fighters, missile launches and... put effective obstacles in such a way as to deflect these missiles so that they do not hit the aircraft, but if these conditions are met, we will get enough such aircraft, which will give our pilots the opportunity to fight on an equal footing with the russians, well, i’m not talking about the fact that we will be able to destroy russian cruise missiles more effectively, because, for example, the last
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modification was the installation of akkvws missiles, such as on vampire complexes for destruction drones, the cost of such a missile is $25,000. for comparison, the cost of a shaheed is about 200 thousand, 150-2000 dollars. that is, we will be able to use the f-16, even if there are older models... we will be able to destroy the russian shaheds quite effectively and cheaply, well, in general , the question is, you know, inexhaustible, equipment, such different options of weapons, so you better ask some such more specific moments, because i can tell a lot here, because they know these machines quite well, i see quite a lot of them, well, then in fact it turns out that we we will have to form such tactics where we have advantages, that is where we act, if we have a worse radar there... than the enemy has a
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better missile, then we will probably be involved in air defense tasks rather than some other aerial duels, where we will definitely have worse performance and greater risks, so that probably now the tactics of using these f-16s will rather be directed to the task of air defense. well, i think that this is a mandatory task, the main mandatory task that will be faced these summers because you see that the russians are now using kh-69 missiles, they, which fly at a lower altitude, sometimes break through our air defenses, we have guns. let me remind you that this is valery romanenko, an official expert, we are currently recruiting our guest, we are talking about the f-16s, which should arrive in the summer, or by the summer, as our partners say. the main purpose of these
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multi-purpose aircraft may be different, but it all depends on the modification of the aircraft and the weapons that will be on these aircraft. transferred to our partners, also valery romanenko especially also emphasizes that it is extremely important that we receive these aircraft with radio-electronic warfare systems, which will primarily provide important protection of these aircraft from russian relocation guided missiles, this is extremely important, because this will be another indicator of increased efficiency of our planes and their protection against the russian... because russian su-35 planes are armed with x-33 missiles, which have a range of up to 300 km, as they claim, and this is actually the combination in russian planes long-range missiles up to 300 km have been detected, plus
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these long-range missiles create potentially significant threats, especially since the a50 also works in tandem with the su-35 at one time. that is, an aircraft that tries to detect enemy aircraft, and we understand that this spark of a50 and su-35 will be such a tantrum to act on our f-16s. we hope that then the ukrainian f-16s will act in tandem with the nato avax aircraft, because these aircraft have much better capabilities than the russian long-range aircraft detection of the a50, this ... avax aircraft provides data transmission of enemy air targets to the f-16 fighter and thus, even if our f-16 in the first versions or in the versions that we will receive will have a shorter range detection, due to the capabilities of the avax aircraft, all the same, our
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pilot will have good situational awareness of where the enemy's aircraft are. mr. valery, and when we talk about the list of weapons. you mentioned air-to-air missiles, but our partners talked about what would happen to be transmitted long-range means of impression that can be used for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, what means of impression may be in question and whether we will encounter a corresponding reaction of the united states in order to avoid such hostilities against. well, here the question is so interesting, it means that here, if we get permission only for harm missiles, yes, that is one thing, but if we get jasm missiles, then we can destroy russian rears at a great
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depth, because the latest models of missiles jasm, they have a range of up to 900 km, that is, in fact. we will be able, let's say, to destroy russian ships right in the harbors, but we won't even need to catch them in the sea, or, well, it's in the crimea, yes, there aren't any here at all, there won't be any obstacles, because the crimea is allowed, whatever what nato means that we receive, we can strike in crimea, well, in general, if there is permission to fire on russian territory, then from... accordingly, a number of defense enterprises are also at risk of being destroyed by these missiles, there after all 50 kg or 20 kg for how our drones now have a warhead, yes, but 450
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kg, it's already serious, and i can't help but ask about the price question, because we say that there will be the first six aircraft, then maybe we ... go to the figures of up to 50 f-16 aircraft, but mark miley, former chairman of the chiefs committee of the us headquarters spoke about the fact that this is quite an expensive pleasure, he said that 10 planes cost billions of dollars, and their acquisition is another billion dollars, that is , in fact, 10 planes are 2 billion dollars a year, when we are talking about 50 of these cars, the question immediately arises whether we will pull are we... these costs or do we need to balance the quantity and our economic capacity? well, don't forget about the cost of the weapons that will need to be used, one amraam missile is more than a million dollars, well, i am amraam with
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a range of about 120-150 km, but in general very expensive weapons, besides, we are not getting new ones aircraft. so, indeed , the cost of their operation can be very high, but i hope that if we show the result of using these letters. then i think that there will be help from the allies to increase, because you see, it directly depends on our successes, there were successes, we were supplied with more or less weapons there, and i cannot help but ask whether we should now take care of increasing the number of pilots who can use these planes f- 16, because now we are talking about... the optimal indicator there is like 12 pilots,
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shouldn't we still think about increasing the personnel, so that later it will not be a restraining factor in obtaining aircraft. well, we have already trained a group of young pilots, actually without combat experience, yes she has already been trained in great britain, and i think this practice should be continued, and the more pilots we have. the easier it will be for us somehow , so, well, understand, we will receive one, at most one brigade of aircraft, that is 22 squadrons, 24 aircraft, and the russians can oppose us with up to 500 aircraft of new models, that is, we also have to somehow increase the number the number of these planes, because there will be losses, well, of course, war is war, there will be losses of planes. losses and pilots, regarding the optimal number, well, we need to see, evaluate the level of aircraft losses
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after a certain period, at least a few months of combat use of these aircraft, but for now i believe that it is necessary to feed as many pilots as possible, if there is such an opportunity, if new sets from the kharkiv air force institute, is it possible to go to the air force university, yes. it is possible to send our guys as much as possible to train not only pilots, but also ground personnel, and we must have a supply of pilots, because planes, you see, we were promised up to 60 planes, plus belgium will also be decommissioned, other countries that have improved these machines will shoot, well, there are possibilities, i think there is a possibility. to increase their number, i think that, if everything goes well with the united states,
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they also have more than a hundred aircraft in warehouses, but not in warehouses, there is a storage base in arizona and there are up to a hundred aircraft, and i think that everything anyway, well, it is too early to say about the optimal number, the experience of combat operations will show that. i hope that the combat experience will be effective enough and they cannot. then at the very end of our conversation, don't ask about others american planes, about a10 and ndermbolts, which are actually being removed from the arsenal of the american army, and a number of american publications wrote about the fact that the secretary of the us air force said that ukraine was not interested in receiving these planes, although there were apparently previous proposals for a possible transfer of these planes in... the country, although the same minister says that the planes are old, the planes are difficult to operate,
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but a number of ukrainian publications picked up the topic again, that it seems appropriate to take on these planes for the needs of the armed forces. what are yours? assessments of such proposals and the rationality of such opportunities? well, you yourself say that the optimal number of pilots is needed for the f-16, right? if we start training pilots on a10. yes, then it will just be a suicidal reaction, because this plane, first of all, is very vulnerable, in fact, it is a flying cannon, which is a 30-millimeter cannon, huge, very powerful, it, you know, it, you can put a barrel on it wear it, it has such a huge diameter, yes, a very powerful gun, but the range of the target from the gun is 3 km, i.e. the plane will be instantly destroyed, it is designed to operate in conditions of absolute dominance in the air, that is, there are not, there should not be
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any anti-aircraft missile systems in the area of ​​its operation, and the russians have a short-range armor there, yes, there is also an average one the range of the beech, there is also a long range of the s-300, s-400, yes, that is, these planes, they will not even be able to hit, strike any enemy, they will be destroyed on approach. i am not talking about the fact that this aircraft is not capable of air combat, it is not universal, it is just an attack aircraft, it's not capable of carrying amram missiles and doing any aerial combat, right? it does not have a radar station, that is, it is not even able to detect an enemy plane at a long distance to escape in time, it is not fast, and therefore, if we get these planes, it will be a waste of our resources, efforts, money, because everything they will still have to be operated, yes, and
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the flight crew, that is, those who write about the fact that we need such planes, well, let's... read a little something about this plane and about the conditions of its use, well, i will say one phrase, that the americans believed that they had about 500 of these aircraft there during the cold war, and they believed that they would be enough for two weeks of combat. mr. valery, thank you very much for these explanations about both the a10 and the f-16. let me remind you that it was valery romanenko, an expert, a leading researcher of the state aviation museum, then we will talk about our... unmanned systems, how they help the defense forces, but after the advertising information break. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is
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no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you draw your own conclusions. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify about... the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has at its disposal the data of more than 20 million people, this is more than action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with
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a mythical trojan horse that has been brought into the city. then in the middle of the night, an enemy army came out of it. we continue our "war and weapons" program. and now we will talk about ours unmanned aerial systems used in security and defense forces. and we are joined by the chairman of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the white eagle special unit of strike drones, valeriy. mr. valery, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. congratulations, congratulations to everyone. i would like to start with the fact that , in fact, your company has developed and provides the use of various unmanned systems, including fpv drones, such as osa, under the osa brand, kamikaze attack drones, vidsich kyivska
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rus, which models of your drones are currently the most actively used on the battlefield and... what is the greatest demand from our military? there is a demand for long-range drones, such as interceptors, it is 40 km, 30 km away, that is, those that hit targets, that is, already along the line of contact, that pass through military obstacles, which can be proven or by gps coordinates, if there is an opportunity like this, or by... the operators themselves can reach the target, we also actively cooperate with the special services for the use of the wasp drone, but i cannot say anything here, because it is closed information, we are now focusing precisely on
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interceptor drones and they will already be the main... which will now be supplied to the front, the order is for your systems, what about this, who is your main customer now, does the volume of current orders allow for scheduled loading of your production, does not allow at all, and this situation is not only with me, not only with us, it means that we closed the contract with the national guard, now our guys are finalizing the technology with them. application in the zaporozhye region, they are helped there, to work more professionally on the contact line, ee we periodically go there, so... and, but on, for example, this is where we are now finishing the production at our own expense of 500 drones, 10, bpaks, in fact, unmanned
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aviation complexes, and so far the contract no, i met with high-ranking officials, spoke with the heads of uav departments, someone says that there is no funding now for contracting, that is, no prospects. there is no long-term contracting, of course, this month we are stopping production, and we will wait for the next steps, because every day is the cost of salary, these people are hanging not under the armor, that is, partly we have booked someone, partly people are just afraid, because tomorrow they can be taken away not based on their qualifications, but because of what is needed . but in fact, people are really needed on the front line, but we are worried about qualifications, engineers, assemblers, electronics technicians, and therefore,
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we do not see prospects in this direction for the coming months, we are now very focused on the supply of other types of weapons , air defense, we we are working, by the way, the first contact became, this, i think, such serious information, became the first official supplier. an agent of deal defense, this is a large german company that supplies iris systems, large radars there and so on, that is, we were the first to become official and passed compliance, we will now work with other large companies, german, french, and so on in the drone issue drones, this is the story i told, well , this story is a bit strange, because the president also talks about... long-term contracts that it seems that our enterprises need them, your enterprise has been developing unmanned strike systems for various purposes since the 14th year, there is a practice of using them,
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there are military groups that use your systems, and as i understand it, an adequate reaction from the ministry of defense, the ministry of information, the state special communications no, that is, there is no order at all for yours, neither for osa, nor for repulse, nor for kievan rus, is that how it turns out? well, look, there are a lot of wasps, that is, only the special services with which we work quite closely, they have work going on for their tasks, but this is a separate work outside the state special forces and the ministry of defense, that is, the wasp, which is such a military-type analogue of the mavik, so it is only now that they understand that these fpv drones, which i talked about, yes, they perform their own mission, but it is not possible spend... the budget , 80% of the budget is only for fpv drones, which, well , they don’t work under rebo, what a big loss they are,
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that’s why you need to finance long-range bombers, but not necessarily kamikaze, not necessarily those that are 800 , we also have kyivska rus for 800, but this line, line 40, 30, 40 50-60 km, it is not currently contracted minister. the ministry of defense is not contracted by the general staff, the general staff gives applications and so far funds, as of yesterday i have information on contracting, they said that there is no such kind of drones, well, this is also strange to me, but the situation is such that there are many manufacturers, which are not contracted, you can make a cross-section of the market and ask who has what capacities, how much they are contracted by them. according to these applications and to be able to really plan your life, your life enterprises for the near future,
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there is no such thing now, maybe someone is fully contracted, i have not yet seen such people, well, yesterday, i think there was a statement by kamyshin, who said that, relatively speaking, we are loaded there for 2 billion, we can produce products there for 20 billion, if i am not mistaken, and we need to look for... foreign money so that orders are placed at our enterprises for foreign money, and maybe then there is another version, it can probably still reduce the number of enterprises that manufacture, but download their work adequately, to have a guaranteed quality and a guaranteed quantity of products, because it seems that you are not the only company that does not have a contract, in particular there is athlon avia, the same leading company says, i do not have volumes for... next year and in fact, two months later, he also finds himself in a situation where he will not have an order for a prospect and he is looking for variations on how to get out of this story, well, look at that... and
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there was no need to tell everyone that everyone who has opportunities capacity and tolerance to operation and received nato codes, all will be contracted. these were the statements of more than one minister, not only fedorov, not only, not only the minister of defense, not only the chief of the general staff, everyone said, including the president, said that everyone who passes and can be supplied will all be contracted , this the words went everywhere, at all the meetings we were told and so on, but this is not so, that is, everything turned out in such a way that there is a skew in such cheap drones that burn en masse on the front line, and high-tech things in which funds are invested, minds are invested, intellectual potential, time, finances and so on are invested there, they, they turn out to be
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in the same place, and we have such an opinion that, apparently, that it is easier there, it is somehow easier to carry out some, let’s say, incorrect procedures, that this drone, you understand, it was assembled from a chinese kit, everything went quickly, everything is clear and so on, and where there is a technological process, there where there is, well, the investment is serious, engineering, which requires constant development invest. in rand, it is more difficult there and therefore less funded, and it is really needed on the front line, and we are not fighting only in a 10 km zone, we need to neutralize those means of impression that the enemy has for 30, 40-60 km there are means of suppression, headquarters, decision-making centers, and so on, and this also
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needs to be developed, yes, maybe at the first stage it doesn’t work, you don’t get these impressions, but then you change the frequencies, you work on it , this is a constant investment of one's resource, one's resources, the resource of one's people, risk, because we, we leave the conflict zone, we risk the equipment that is not under contract, which we ourselves take at our own expense, collect volunteer funds and invest in order to leave... and improve our domestic equipment, so as not to purchase in three way abroad. and these things need to be developed, this is what we have been saying constantly since the very beginning of this executive-scale invasion, yes, we have been saying this since the 14th year, but a stage has come when there are simple solutions, yes, there are enterprises that quickly produce fpv, so already
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even some the deputies say: oh, i have to do it, there is a lot of money, it is easy to do, recruit students there or collect them in the kitchen and so on, that is, everyone saw that there is, that there is easy money there, i bought a complete set, yes , she comes later and so on, but i did everything and it was gone, it is not protected from the enemy, it flies 10% to the target, yes, well, i am the first person sitting here who... showed the industrious commander-in-chief the fpv drone, i am the first to him showed, he saw him for the first time at the training ground, when the americans tested, we showed our impressions at the testing grounds, we brought this story to the armed forces, but it was overlooked, ftv was then overlooked by other developments in which we need to invest no less than what
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we need to do in the eyes of cheap drones. serious investments and investments and contracting those companies that do something more than simple fivi drones, and this is not happening now, and 80%, i repeat , of the budget goes to such cheap drones, and you talk to the guys on the front lines who are needed now means, not only for 10-15 km, but also further, and they, they are not purchased, they, they are not invested in, this is so, so and so... the story and not only mine is so sad in punisher, ask punisher, he we recently talked there with a conventionally speaking ideological the inspirer of the punisher max by music, who worked there for a while with the state, traveled and so on, the same situation in the punisher, the same situation you see there, you say that in athlon, in artemmus, yes, it means the same in yunik the situation itself, but...


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