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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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any information. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings viewers of the espresso tv channel. my name is kateryna galko and this is our exclusive conversation with the head of the european union representation in the republic of moldova. let's start. greetings, thank you for making time for us today. so, on june 23, 2022 , the european council granted the republic of moldova candidate status for joining the european union. which? i believe that since june 2022
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, quite substantial and quite impressive work has been done, because like ukraine, moldova had quite a lot of homework, actually more homework, if you look at the number of points that moldova had to complete, and the work is being promoted, this has been recognized by both the european commission and the european council. which decided to start accession negotiations with the country. we are now at the technical stage when we explain what the negotiations will be like, and what, first of all, the moldovan should pay special attention to in the process of screening and negotiations. so now there will be the usual process that we have had with all the candidate countries that have gone through the chapters, which is the opening of the chapters, the closing of the chapters, and it will take quite a long time because the purpose of this process is to prepare. country to
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full membership with all rights and obligations. and can moldova join the eu by 2030, for example? this is the ambition of the country's leadership, and this is also what it is about the highest officials of the eu said. that the union should be ready for expansion by 2030, noting that currently 2024 and 2030. is not much time left, this is a very ambitious schedule, but quite feasible if the high pace of reforms, the high pace of change is maintained throughout, so that one of the points that i keep repeating is that this is not only about the current mandate of the president or not only about the current mandate of the parliament, which means that this high pace of european integration must be maintained in the next cycle elections after all, we also saw bad
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examples when countries lost their desire for european integration, and the process slowed down, on our part, this is something ambitious, but we hope that it is possible. will the euroscepticism of a rather large part of citizens prevent moldova from quickly and effectively joining the european family. well, first of all, citizens will have the opportunity, as soon as the decision of the constitutional court appears, to indicate it in the referendum on eu membership in the fall of this year. so that would naturally be the first step to show whether the people of the country want to continue moving in this direction. we see that the number of people who support the european union is growing slowly. of course, it depends.
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including 2/3 of moldovan exports going to the markets of the european union, however, this will be a great work process, because there really is also an electorate that does not support integration into the eu. do you think that if mrs. maia sandu does not win the elections this year and is replaced by a pro-russian representative, which is quite realistic according to recent polls, could moldova suddenly stop the process of accession to the eu? first, we greatly appreciate president maia sandu's leadership in the process. integration into
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the eu, because i believe that much of what the country has accomplished is its merit, not only the political steps towards obtaining the status of a candidate country and the beginning. negotiations, but also all the essential steps that made it possible, namely the reform of justice, in particular the fight against corruption, which were her personal priorities. therefore, we hope that the european course of the country will be preserved even after the elections, because it is also supported by the citizens. this applies not only to eu membership, but... do you accept that russia can interfere in the presidential and parliamentary elections in moldova in order to compromise eu accession. how to deal with it? unfortunately, i'm pretty sure
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russian interference will happen because we see it on a regular basis. be it elections to local authorities. last year, when there was a lot of this. we are talking about millions of euros and dollars that were brought into the country by various means to influence political processes. or we will take it maria zakharova, for whom moldova has become a daily topic. i can say that this is, on the one hand, a reality that the country will have to live with until it becomes a member. at the same time, it is important to take measures against russia tried to slow down this process, but russian disinformation, russian propaganda, hidden funding that comes from outside. after all, we need
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help so that the political process is genuine, that it is not controlled by uninvited pro-russian forces. of course, legitimate public sentiments can be different direction, but it is important that such processes come from within, and not be bought, and in order for this to happen, i think several things should be done: first, it is the work of law enforcement agencies, which must fight the extortion of funds. and... the second is work to combat disinformation. that is why we have now supported the creation of a stratcom center in the republic of moldova. which, i hope, will not only analyze the narratives, but also provide advice on how to counter them. and
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of course, from our side, we also perform this one work, both here at the national level and through the headquarters. ukraine and moldova simultaneously started their way to the european union, however, both countries suffer from the neighborhood with russia, one way or another, how does the eu plan to help these countries in their struggle? we provide quite strong support, and it's not only our projects, but when needed, it's also very quick and very large amounts, like for example to the republic.
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good evening, please, a word to you, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. join
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the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads. fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together.
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les podem hoje. congratulations, this has been going on in russia for several days now. you know, panic and hysteria about the fact that it is necessary to give weapons to ukraine, the fact is that the russians in principle thought that they
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had broken western democracy, and now there will be no help for ukraine, and that is already final, and actually that's why they somehow, you know, it inspired them, and they thought that now they were being given the opportunity to defeat ukraine, that's exactly how they formulated it, moreover, they themselves... precisely the lack of sufficient numbers of air defense, weapons, considered as something that gives them the opportunity to fight, in principle did not hide this, for example, to solve the air defense problem here, in general, zelensky has a grandeur complex, he decided to put himself on the same page as israel and demands that the americans shoot down our missiles and defended ukraine so how are they for... defending israel. this is nonsense. therefore, i believe that the problem of air defense of ukraine in
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the foreseeable future, no matter how much the americans and their western european allies want it, it still has no solution. and we need to make the most effective use of it. in fact, the entire war against ukraine, russia's, is such a thing that is completely provoked by the fact that no one will answer to russia. and this is the only thing that inspires them, impunity, only impunity, nothing else, if they knew what they were getting in return, they would they didn't do it, but impunity is what prompts them to try to seize more, more, more, and it works just like that, there are no other reasons, you know, other motives, they do it because they can, that's all, here we need to put a full stop, and that's actually how they... sometimes they told and that's how they seriously thought that there
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would be nothing, no help, and even then they directly mocked themselves on tv broadcasts over the entire western world that, well, what do you do to us will do, will you supply weapons and aid to ukraine, in general nothing will happen if they sit down in the evening, will sit down, get together and give zelenskyi four airist and five patriots. no, it won't happen, i think it won't happen, the tambourine will be beaten, they will cast spells, but you won't cast a spell here. johnson will put aid to israel to a vote this week, but not aid to ukraine. in the last few hours , the situation in the united states, which is usually followed by political and european
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officials, has changed dramatically and radically. they will be more likely to vote for aid to ukraine there. well, they rejoiced, rejoiced, and so on here the situation changed dramatically, and this sudden change of the situation, well, it just caused some, you know, reaction, at the anecdotal level, just such explanations are also anecdotal, and of course, you know, hysterical, that is, it's just hysterical. we will fight, as we are fighting now, seriously and for a long time.
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rejoicing that the money of american taxpayers will go to ukrainian nazis. the first deliveries to the us should begin as if by the end of this week, that is, the pentagon has prepared everything in advance. zelensky received the gift on april 20. for a birthday hitler. and you know that on the same day , april 20, the chinese language day. i'm starting to think that the chinese are also nazis, since they have a chinese language day, on the same day that hitler was born, or the problem is simply russian propagandists, who for some reason
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know hitler's birthday very well, but you didn't think about it. i didn't think about that, none of us could draw these parallels, and only russian propagandists know when hitler's birthday is, and apparently they celebrate it strongly, because about only about they spoke in the context of this, that is , this is all they remember, it is very interesting that they have such a story, out of all the birthdays they chose one, well, in the end , you might think that it is the opposite of lenin's birthday, but no , anyway... hitler's birthday. well, you know, well, what to do, that’s exactly how russian propagandists are probably more educated, they know this, and they don’t really know that, well, it happens, because, well, this, in the end, they have to know their spiritual father, they know her, well, and in all these explanations there is another thing, in general there,
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something has already started to be told that it is probably some kind of fake, they can't welcome ukrainians and they can't greet them with their flags, it's probably some neural network that generated the video, they said on russian television. an amazing story, today we will talk about neural networks in our program, about the generation of all kinds of pictures and all kinds of horrors. it seems to me that these congressmen who wave ukrainian flags in the american congress. most likely, it is a kind of generation. true, why are they waving not american, but ukrainian. it seems to me that this cannot be the case in reality. it's 2024, get used to it. well, then, get used to it. well, and, you know, in this context, it is also
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interesting that the russians once told for six months how wonderful trump and the republicans are, how they help them, what high hopes they have for the republicans, and that's it happened, and they were simply blown away, that is, well, blown away in such a way that now the republicans are just, well, you know, people who are probably even more scolded than biden on russian television, although i don't i know if it’s possible, well, ukrainians are being scolded there, then biden, and now... republicans, you know, more than biden, it’s amazing, but now russian television, russian propagandists have such enemies, they are republicans, it turns out, and trump for the company they bought johnson, they bought it, but trump's idea, it was trump who proposed the idea of ​​a loan. in fact, this game is johnson speaker. comrade
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johnson, you are the speaker, don't take a bribe from biden. i wonder how much biden broke trump and his supporters? he really destroyed them, this is an unequivocal brutal victory biden because he gave the republicans nothing, nothing, what was it, is it a defeat for donald trump, or is it a concession by the republicans? no one can understand how it happened that speaker johnson changed his clothes so quickly in the air, what happened to him, maybe he was tortured, there must be some very strange multi-part game, to understand what happened there is very ... difficult, difficult to say clearly, but i think, all the same, without trump it was not possible here. and here are such conversations,
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what is it, something so unexpected has happened, all this is again possible to understand only by understanding that the russians are simply non-stop all the time not only on their television, but also through their various commissioned publications in the western media or. through social networks, in particular, they tried to influence the american audience and tell them that it is not profitable for americans to support ukraine, that no one supports ukraine in america, that literally only politicians are trying, and then suddenly it turns out that when the situation really escalates, trump removed himself, johnson, well, he missed the vote, but what happened, and suddenly skabeeva tells what happened, so the election... it turns out, and it turns out that in the context of the election, american voters absolutely do not want their politicians to abandon
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ukraine, and voters want american politicians to support ukraine, and trump is simply behaving like that there because he wants to be re-elected, that is, all these long conversations and attempts to influence have not led to anything, moreover, russian propagandists are forced to admit that... the idea of ​​supporting ukraine is actually popular with american voters, american voters support ukraine, but this is a way to influence individual republicans, such as medjar taylor green, who goes there and now half of america just laughs at her, because she looks like a person who has probably been bought or lost her mind . which simply broadcasts russian propaganda, this is what the american media say, well, they simply do not hide that it broadcasts russian propaganda, so these are the people whom the russians tried to influence,
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influenced somewhere, and they are completely unpopular, and trump, if he wants to be popular , it turns out that he needs to support ukraine, and that's how the russian propagandists suddenly found out for themselves. on the day of the vote , he hid in the most comfortable place in marlago and did not put pressure on the republicans. didn't say a word against helping ukraine at all. that is, donald comes out deflated. but why? first, because he has elections soon. and public opinion polls work very well in the us. for the americans , the main enemy, and yes, that is, the voters, just the voters, and therefore, working with the american voter in the end, it bears
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fruit, even if some american politicians are under the influence of russia, and from this it is necessary to draw a simple conclusion and understand that it is necessary to work with the russian, with the american media, with the american wider circles, and not to get hung up only... try something there, come to an agreement, sometimes it works completely in to the other reverse of this method, well, not only this, there was also a big , well, there was, you know, the very opinion of the russians that, again, not only they will not do anything with weapons, but also that everyone is very dependent on russian money, and what will be done against it of russian money, it was also done with great pride and... you know, well, they can't do anything, the west can't do anything about it,
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the head of the us treasury stated the day before. that the united states cannot even steal the frozen 300 billion dollars because they are afraid of moscow's response. great britain , unlike its american partners, does not even calculate the risks. london will probably never confiscate russian assets, according to political financial correspondent eleonora myers. well, it literally passed from that, here a couple of days from this statement, and a completely different reality. disturbing news, unfortunately, not only regarding military aid, but a lot of disturbing economic news, unfortunately, western countries continue to climb the ladder of economic escalation, another bill that the congress of the united states approved the other day is causing, or in any case should cause, many issues, this is
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the law on the confiscation of russian when the united states considered and adopted this law, what did they want, did they want to show the europeans how it should be done? that is happening, this is piracy and economic suicide, the right of the strong. if it is necessary to steal, and they have decided on it, then they will definitely write a law. and here, you know, again, the most interesting thing here is not even how much. the americans decided to confiscate what, and what is more interesting is that this may also entail pressure on the europeans and the confiscation of assets there, of course, this is still very, very far away, but this is the greatest horror of russian propagandists and the kremlin right now, and this is , about which they have been shouting for a long time that no, europeans never do they won't go, no, this can't happen, but now they feel, you know, very
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sad. and hysterical about it. there is a very high risk that this provocation of the united states of america with the seizure and confiscation of assets of the russian federation. there we are talking about 454.6 billion, in fact the main assets are in europe. what is it about? about the fact that the americans, having made these decisions, will put pressure on the europeans and blame their lack of political will for ukvalingvolov decisions. as written in the bill, that is they do not even name the exact amount of russian frozen assets that are in the territory of the united states, they will not save the father of russian democracy, they are not able to influence anything at all, well , what is 4 billion, but the european 300 billion that are in storage
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right now in belgium, this is a key issue. harshly and asymmetrically, we will be forced to take away all the western assets located on the territory of the russian federation, well , they too on this occasion, but solovyov is also there shouting that we will take it, we will take it, but it is necessary to understand that russia has already stolen quite a lot of other people's property. well , it will steal a little more, it will be, on the other hand, you know, such a science for those who, for those businesses that have not yet left russia, that it should have been done a long time ago, well, screams, well, how without them, of course, they is, to declare america a country, a financial terrorist, with all the consequences that flow from it, and completely take and break the entire system of relations with it, economic,
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trade, and not... more important, give up dollars in calculations and of course freeze all their property and take away, and her there is a lot here, as i understand it, in various forms, there is a lot here, so freeze or take away, first freeze and then take away, ice cream is better stored, ice cream is better, quite true, especially i would see how they will refuse dollars in calculations, well, that means that they will be able to sell practically. nowhere their energy carriers and buy what they need now for their military equipment. i would look at this, so i think, let them implement, these are very good ideas that, in principle, suit us very well, especially refuse the dollar, let them refuse, after that, of course, i say, not only will they not be able to buy anything, after that nothing will fly there, if you look at it...


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