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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel with a news broadcast, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. let's start with good news: the us senate supported the draft law on aid to ukraine. 79 senators voted for the document, 18 against it. i will remind you that it provides for the allocation of 61 billion dollars for the armed forces of ukraine. the bill has yet to be signed by the us president. the white house
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said that joe biden will order it today to resume the supply of weapons to kyiv this week. as written earlier, foreign media will be sent in the first part of the tranche billion dollars in military aid. and to the operational news: two people were injured due to the night attack of the russians in kharkov, these are 33-year-old and 53-year-old men. both were injured by fragments of glass, - said the mayor of the city ihor terekhov. after midnight, the occupiers hit the city with two s-300 missiles, they hit the ground in the territory of a residential building. four high-rise buildings were damaged, their windows were blown out. also, fragments of shells damaged cars and cut off the gas pipeline. therefore, gas supply in the microdistrict had to be done turn off now prosecutors, police investigators, and explosives experts are working on the spot.
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remains of rockets are removed for proper examinations, criminal proceedings have been opened based on the fact of this war crime under the first part of article 438 of the criminal code of ukraine, violation of the laws and customs of war. the number of victims of yesterday's russian strike in dnipropetrovsk region increased by eight, - said the head of the region serhii lysak. a 23-year-old girl was diagnosed with a severe brain injury. they also went to the hospital three. men nikopol region was also under enemy fire. she was fired upon by artillery and hit by kamikaze drones. two people were injured. and in the evening near the dnipro , the ukrainian military shot down two russian orlan reconnaissance drones. a 57-year-old man died due to a landslide in mohyli-podilskyi, vinnytsia region. it collapsed during the repair of the sewage system, the regional emergency department said. rescuers
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retrieved the body of the deceased from under the rubble, another man suffered minor injuries and refused hospitalization. in russia again the oil depot is on fire. the governor of the smolensk region announced that the drones had struck, causing fuel and energy facilities in two districts to be destroyed. several other regions reported such a pplla. the authorities of the lipetsk region talk about the alleged downing of a drone in an industrial area. zone of the regional center, witnesses write in the public that the lipetsk tractor plant, which manufactures military products, was allegedly attacked, the explosions were also heard by residents of voronezh. the president of ukraine discussed the reinforcement of troops at key areas of the front with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. special attention was paid to the donetsk region, volodymyr zelenskyy noted in his evening address. he also... thanked ukrainian
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arms manufacturers. thank you to everyone who works at our defense industries in hundreds of companies that do everything to increase the power of our state. ukrainian artillery, ukrainian missiles, our drones, ukrainian equipment, ukrainian ammunition, ukrainian rep systems, ukrainian defense software. thank you all, the contribution helps ukraine to fight. there will be no nuclear weapons in poland yet. nato currently does not plan to expand the deployment zones of nuclear potential, - the secretary general of the alliance, jen stoltenberg, emphasized during his visit to warsaw. this is how he reacted to the statement of the president of poland, andrzej duda, who the day before declared that official warsaw is open to hosting nuclear weapons of the allies. let me remind you that since november 2009
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, as part of the deterrence program, us nuclear weapons have been stationed in belgium, germany, italy, the netherlands, and turkey. hammers to the front from the diaspora, ukrainian church communities in the usa, together with the charity fund help heroes of ukraine, they are collecting money for cars for the armed forces of ukraine, as our correspondents will tell how the state of illinois, in particular chicago, joined the initiative. they sing prayer songs, consecrate easter baskets and donate money for cars for the armed forces of ukraine. this is how our emigrants and diaspora unite and join in supporting ukraine in the united states of america. near the entrance to the church, an already purchased hamer was placed so that people could see what they were giving charity for contributions even today is easter in our country, we came to the holy temple, we pray and sincerely
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worry about our soldiers, because prayer and work can help, so we work and always try our best... people are not willing, we do our volunteer work they throw money, help, small donations and help our boys. such an initiative among believers was implemented by representatives of the charity fund help heroes of ukraine in order to raise funds for armored vehicles for the military. religious communities from the states joined the action chicago, cleveland, michigan and ohio. why did god send us here? so that we can be just like volunteers in ukraine, some are at the front, others are for the front, and that's all, and only victory, no, no peace can be achieved without victory. humvees have high cross-country ability and mobility
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and are less vulnerable to enemy bullets. the cost of one car with inspection, repair and transportation reaches 30 thousand dollars. ukrainian soldiers use these pickup trucks for various combat tasks, from reconnaissance to evacuating the wounded. actually the very process of delivery and purchase of this type of machine is not easy, because buying, simply buying such a machine is not difficult, but to officially deliver it to the military in ukraine requires special permits, special licenses, in fact, which healperos of ukraine have. seven hummers are already ready to serve our defenders on the front line, three more cars. benefactors collect money. in 2023, the help heroes of ukraine fund donated more than 20 armored vehicles to the armed forces. and i remind you about our collection. communication and safety equipment is required intelligence unit of the third regiment of
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special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our. the goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 400,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. japan, with eyes and heart, an exhibition project dedicated to unique nature, culture and people. this one countries were presented at the history museum of kyiv. more than 100 exhibits. works of japanese landscape graphics from the museum's collection, which were once a gift from the city of kyoto. and also photos of the ukrainian artist veria blanch, who has now received asylum in japan.
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you can view them until june 30. i follow a lot of artists. and i instantly remembered that in... we have a famous artist, a photo illustrator, blanche, who was sheltered by japan, who takes incredible black and white photos, shoots, in particular, the residents of tokyo, the lives of these people, and i wanted to make an interpretation, to show japan through the prism of two two stories, japanese, that is, japan as depicted by... japanese people and modern, as seen by a ukrainian woman who currently lives in japan. this is the end of the issue, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. next, please welcome my colleagues,
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oksana vysochanska and roman chaiko. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. the 17th ukrainian marketing forum has already opened in kyiv. organizers of this event they say that war is our new reality. that is why businesses adapt to today's challenges, develop new social strategies, invent unique marketing plans and actively develop. this year, our slogan is ukrainian realism, and we understand that no matter what happens there, ukrainian businesses are the foundation that... helps the country win, no one has canceled the economy, and really now
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we understand what we are working for . the russian invasion is causing great losses to companies, but despite this, ukrainian business has been in business for two years demonstrates that it not only holds and recovers, but even scales despite the challenges of war. our losses are the six shopping centers that epicenter lost during the war. in september 22, we opened two new shopping centers, one in kyiv. and the second one is in lviv, and this was our bold discovery and response to how we see and believe in our ukraine. business representatives say that they continue to develop and create social projects. most often, social initiatives are aimed at those who have suffered from the war, and companies are actively involved in helping those in need. but ukrainian businesses do not forget about our smaller brothers. the company we launched from our klubchotirilapa brand is ours. released before the new year with the name animal is not a gift for any holiday, because more than
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50% of animals that are given as gifts for birthdays or other holidays, a month later, unfortunately, they are given away or thrown out on the street. forum participants also share their marketing strategies and features your audience. we are forced to balance somewhere very often, this is exactly about us. for example, we don't joke, the only joke that was made was in our communication about knees, but we don't do that in the product, we think that the person who came to us has a lot of problems and yes, she has some pain , she has someone sick, and we are talking about jokes here, that is, it is, as i say, both a minus and a plus of a large audience, the organizers of the forum note that a brand cannot stay out of events, so the forum should help brands tell: their cases, share experience and acquire new ones. ukrainian business is a reliable rear that
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has withstood two years of war and will continue to stand. greetings, dear viewers, roman chaika, oksana vyschanska. i would about good morning... from the point of view, when we had a working day there, the senate voted, that is, from the point of view of aid to the armed forces and ukraine, and good morning from the point of view of shelling, not quite, and with from the point of view of the map, because we have concerns over a large number of regions, in fact the entire south, center, vinnytsia region, khmelnytskyi, bukovyna and, unfortunately, the eastern donetsk region, luhansk region, krasnoye, report explosions. in odesa, its two cruise ballistic missiles, they say, in fact,
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literally just these minutes flew at odesa, after the explosions, part of the city remains without light, the air force asks to stay in shelters and not to ignore air alarm signals. i'm starting to pick up some kind of harmony, two wings, tango for two, because it's in the smolensk region. these combustion and energy facilities in two districts of the region have turned into places of power, now you can warm up there, i.e. a point of invincibility in the voronet region, an oil refinery became such a point of invincibility , and in the lipitsky region of russia , a bpa also fell on the territory of an industrial zone. we still cannot verify the consequences in one word, and russia has something to start with.
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in the swamps, here is a list of joyful shouts, hurrah, hurrah, zdravstvuet svo, a special water operation, that's what it's called, you know, the sinking of the russian atlantis to the bottom, okay, what's in the clothes? in odesa, which is in the odesa region, in literally 15 minutes we will ask, because we will have on communications deputy of the odesa district council, later we will be in touch with kharkov, night explosions, and last night there too... there were explosions, we will ask, and now viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, is in contact with us , mr. viktor, we congratulate you, congratulations, congratulations, let's not start with berdyansk, let's start with what we heard in berdyansk, because they say that there was so much banging in mariupol that the whole embankment in berdyansk heard it, that when banging in mariupol is heard in berdyansk, sometimes yes, well, by air, not
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so far, and the sea across the sea, sometimes strange, it depends on... on the wind, and mariupol is eastern, more eastern, more eastern than berdyansk, and our wind is quite often easterly, so it is not surprising, and if the quality of cotton in mariupol is really good, then in berdyansk the locals enjoy the fact that that is heard and loud and all that and it is not clear from where, and then already, after a while, people understand that it is from mariupol, that is why berdyansk is also happy with mariupol cotton, berdyansk is happy with its cotton. and berdyansk is happy that atakamsa and stormshadow are announced from britain, because it is precisely berdyansk mariupol clients for atakamsy and stormshadow, and that’s enough, we talked, it seems, about the last cotton of berdyansk, which was in april, so god forbid, god forbid, our glorious armed
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forces with all these weapons to destroy the occupiers there in the rear of berdyansk, mariupol , because tambaga. maripol will have to sign up in line, because kmak is also pushing with his elbows, he also says: i want to meet with ata-kamsomu, in this case , how much, mr. viktor, are our military intelligence and the armed forces of ukraine from the local they receive information, that is, we understand that there is a large movement of russian troops there now and through mariupol, i don’t know how it is in merdyansk, whether there is any movement in the city, but in mariupol something is always moving... something is being transported somewhere, hidden somewhere , pretends that the local population and so on, that is, how informed are we? eh, mostly we are informed, but you know, here it is necessary, it is only necessary to call out, as they say, to the locals, that information is needed, and it will be processed, the fact is that at one time the city, well, i know for sure
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own city, the city of berdyansk, 90% of the information that was provided did not go to the address, because we did not have it. realistically then weapons or missiles at the beginning of the invasion, at the beginning of the war, but plus or minus the locations where its occupants are located, locations where they repair or store equipment, where they hide ammunition and all these fortifications plus or minus they are known, we understand, that practically every object of the factory infrastructure is used by the occupiers, all rail, road and sea logistics, i mean our berdyanskyi port. and the airport, that is used by the occupiers, so the main thing is known today, but if you only ask the local population, please tell us quietly, they will say a lot, it is 100%. mr. viktor, how does life look like now, especially for men in the temporarily occupied territories, we know that in fact
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such a draft was officially announced by balytskyi, in the end they talked about it even before the election of putin, that... only he will be reappointed again, they will immediately start everyone as much as possible, who else not collected, collect to the russian army. the fact is that this is exactly what we are talking about conscription, not about mobilization, and it is this so-called order of that gaulliater, balytskyi, that was signed on april 17, and the conscription begins on april 1, a little over 2.5 weeks. before the signing, and it was about the fact that precisely from april 1, the occupiers will unofficially begin these active actions, and the problem with them is that there is no ee, well, there is no, let's put it this way, the eyes of this layer of society, which is subject to conscription, because this is a young generation, these are graduates, and seniors,
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so to speak, that is, this is a youth of which there are very few in the occupation. and they just accepted these documents after the middle of april, and they understand, they thereby acknowledge that they cannot, they do not control the situation, they do not control the society, and today they have recognized conscription rules, they have today formed commissions that deal with conscription, and the main and reserve, everything is very serious there, but what happens besides that is not yet clear, because it is really in them, i repeat. there are no such conscripts, or if they are, then they must appear in some of their pr campaigns, yug molody, volunteering and so on, in addition... active recruitment continues today active in volunteer battalions, which is not so compulsory, but people are being recruited there, and
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mobilization is potentially looming, mobilization is still looming, so really life in the occupation today is incredibly stressful for men, no today, and tomorrow or in an hour, the fuse will be turned off and the occupiers will start packing everyone in a row, everyone understands this very well, everyone is ready for this, and because of this, you know, people are afraid to leave the occupied territory, and it is dangerous to stay, so just well, they go with the flow, realizing that if there is a problem, people will solve it, hide, try to leave, or simply, i don’t know, not to interact, not to contact the occupiers, there is no pill for that mobilization of the draft and all these things, but why are they afraid to leave the occupied territory, so there are still ways through? flooded territories, then you can return to sumy region through russia, we know there are those ways, then to turkey or through the baltic countries to europe and then to ukraine, which is not occupied under control
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why don't they want to go to kyiv, what's holding them back? this is a risk, including leaving the occupation, there are ways, but they are all multiplied after the most difficult section, which you have to go through and go through filtering on that section, and this is me... just to drive the few literally a couple of hundred kilometers from berdyansk to for example, to the borders of russia, ukraine, and russia, practically, well , to rostov and hanrog there and there, you have to go through filtering at least one anti-terrorist operation and two. they are very cruel and they are not predictable at all. what will happen from the occupiers, what will happen claim from the occupiers this time, no one knows. today they have an incredible amount of information about military personnel, about everyone, well, not everyone, but about employees of the law enforcement
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agencies, their relatives, about the presence of property in people, and when a person leaves the occupation, goes through these so-called filtrations, he is four to eight hours away in the vehicle in which she drives, she hands over phones and documents. the occupiers check it all, and then they say, yes, ivanov, petrov, zidarov, here, everything, all the others they go, where these people disappear, it is unknown, and this happens, you have a cousin who is fighting in the armed forces of ukraine, they went to prison in bryansk, or to a pre-trial detention center, to rostov, or somewhere else, and it is a roulette, so leaving the occupation for many is such a very, very, very dangerous mr. viktor yesterday i watched a very funny video with mario. olya there, a local young vatnyk shared such a scheme, it means that he had a two-room apartment, as
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a result of the liberation, which he is so happy about, he lost that two-room apartment, it is necessary to apply, so he said: "i applied application, but they gave me a one-room apartment, but now, because they didn’t give me a two-room apartment, but once they didn’t give me such a cunning scheme, it wasted your time twice ." i recorded a video, but it never came out , so this is common in berdyansk, when , for example, one property is exchanged for a smaller one and it is also presented as a big gift from the russians, well, in mariupol the story is that it destroyed them, but in berdyansk you can say the opposite , in berdyansk i determined that various... kind of marginals, who at one time did not have the education, qualifications and experience to work somewhere and earn housing for themselves,
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today, with the arrival of the russian world and the liberators, have become huge leaders, specialists in various fields, and they simply write to the commandant kid, we are asking to give us housing, and the commandant is so op, he got a drawer in the list, where are the... road apartments and says: hold on, here is a warrant, come in, please, welcome, that is, it is not even registered as any, even fictitious papers, it's just that the abandoned homes of the residents of berdyansk are handed over to new ones, yes, well, who asked better, that's why they give this apartment, it's just for your maintenance, and as for the registration, well, nobody there cares at all, that is, they gave it. this so-called document, a document from the commandant, i don't know what it looks like, it's called correctly, fortunately, but he gives permission, the commandant is
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a military-political one. the head of its territory, and he is almost more important than the gauleiters there , such as the mayors appointed there, the hedynorosov , and so on, that is, he is the one on whom they go to complain if the military offended someone, well, no, it doesn't help, but this is the subject, one of the serious subjects, if he issued a permit to live in housing, and he handed it over and says that everything is yours , you can live there for free as long as you want, well, that's all, that is, they are like that... i don't know, this is not sovietism, it's even worse, it's the worst form of sovietism in the 30s, when there was such lawlessness, the black funnel arrived, tomorrow the other one was taken away, and the next day the other one was settled at the same hour in the same hut, to my great regret. mr. viktor, thank you for being with our
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viewers at this early hour. but we promise you the latest information from odesa and from kharkiv region, where explosions rang out at night and in the morning. be with espresso. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. megu, turn on hundreds of thousands of channels. movies and sports. kratal contains natural components, who carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts on glycysed and glycyset max 15% in
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the ship district, kherson, live broadcast. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like
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family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war , russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has at its disposal the data of more than 20 million people, it is more than an action. telegram is on...


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