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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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information consulting company defense express. now there is a moment of silence, we honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian invaders. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is the svoboda ranok project, my name is oleg galiv, and below are only the most important news of this morning. the senate of the congress of the united states of america by a majority vote. voted for the adoption of an aid package to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of 95 billion dollars now all that remains is president biden's signature. and observers say that the first weapons will be able to arrive in ukraine already in april. russian forces entered the southern part of the settlement of ocheretine, in donetsk region. vosuv khortytsia confirm the difficult situation in the area of ​​this village, although they note that the majority of the settlement is controlled by the defense forces. what is happening at the front? don't miss it well,
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the suspension of the provision of services to a man of mobilization age in diplomatic institutions is a temporary step and is connected with adoption by the verkhovna rada of a new law on mobilization. this was reported by the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. in our broadcast with guests, we will discuss this topic in more detail in order to understand what threats such steps carry and to what extent such actions are legal in general. your every like is important to promote this content, so please share. this video with friends so that as many people as possible receive important information. in the morning in odesa , explosions rang out during the air raid, after which smoke rose over the city. about this reports public. there is currently no official information on this matter. the local publication dumskaya writes that there is no electricity in part of the city. at the same time, the russian state news agency ria novosti reports on an alleged attack on a military unit in the city. well, in
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the smolensk region of russia, after an attack by drones, the objects of fuel and energy complexes are on fire, this is reported by the russian state media with reference to the governor of the region. according to the russian telegram channel astra , an oil refinery is on fire near populated areas points razdoro and prihorske. with reference to local residents, astra writes about at least four or five explosions and shows videos of these fires. a drone flew to us here. a drone flew to us here. and not one, there were two explosions, a big fire was burning, a fire on the right and a third one, it was clear that it was a drone flying, and there was an oil depot, a small one, but still, the yartsiv npc. you can hear it roaring, you can hear it roaring, it's burning. i think it bombed four times, loud, loud. astra also publishes a video of a large-scale fire in the voronezh region, allegedly after the impact.
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an oil refinery is also on fire there, but in the lipetsk region there is a fire at a metallurgical plant. the governor of the region says about the fall of the drone in the industrial zone of lipetsk. the russian ministry of defense has not reported on the drone attack on lipetsk. instead, there are reports of eight ukrainian drones shot down during the night over the kursk, belgrod, smolensk and voronezh regions. ukraine has not yet officially commented on these events. russian forces. eliminated in the reeds west of avdiivka, analysts report this of the deep state project. meanwhile , the american institute for the study of war did not see any confirmed changes on the front line during yesterday. a day earlier , the russian and ukrainian publics wrote about the rapid breakthrough of russian forces into this settlement. a video of the russian flag hanging over the building of the local administration of ocheretiny even appeared on social networks. the operational and strategic grouping of the troops of the khortytsia armed forces announced the day before that the situation in ochereteny is difficult,
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but the armed forces control most of it villages, and the other is under their fire control. the military is taking measures to stabilize the situation and repel russian forces. from the south of the village, - said the spokesman of khortytsia, nazar voloshyn. the russian ministry of defense says that the russian army improved its tactical position near ocheretiny and other settlements in the donetsk region and repelled nine counterattacks by the armed forces of ukraine. but the white angel police unit came under fire in ocheretiny when evacuating people from there. this is reported by the police of the donetsk region. this happened in the past week at first, the policemen came under fire when they were working in the residential sector. help a wounded man, and then, when they were leaving the village 70 m away, shells exploded, the police say that it was a targeted strike on the crew of the evacuation group. a very powerful shelling has begun, so we have to leave here very quickly in
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our car, we are already being shot at, come on, more. press 500 meters to get out of here. i noted that according to the police of the donetsk region, during the past week, there was a chain of raids ten people were evacuated, mykola kovalenko, the head of the selych military administration
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, reported in a public comment that as of april 13, there are still 250 residents in ocheretyny, and the police of the donetsk region also showed the first footage of the rescue of people in kostyantynivka. donetsk region. the day before , russian forces dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city. five people who were riding in the car were injured. they were in the epicenter of the explosion. police paramedics provided assistance on the spot and took the people to the hospital. in these pavlo dyachenko, spokesman for the police of the donetsk region and a member of the white angel evacuation squad, joins the svoboda ranok broadcast. my greetings to you. greetings from the studio. thank you for joining. let's start with kostyantynivka, what are the consequences of the shelling there. as of now and in what condition are the people who suffered, what do you know? well, as of yesterday evening, there were five wounded, two people were in a serious condition, well, it's simple, if even words can't convey what an insidious
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shelling is, hit almost in the center in the morning of the city, guided, this is such a munition, a guided aerial bomb, and it hit the... ocheretyn, the evacuation from there is ongoing, we will ask what details will happen now, during this time i suggest you subscribe to the radio liberty youtube channel, as well as to our other platforms, we try to publish information quickly, and most importantly verified, because we understand how important it is, mr. is pavlo coming back to our broadcast, sir? but about kostyantynivka and about this strike, you say that it was actually terrible, sorry for the connection, well, it happens, it passes through, well, it is really terrible, and this guided air bomb fell, hit directly on the roadway, there is
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a lot of traffic, this is the center of the city, and this car, in which five people were traveling, well, it was just thrown off this roadway, the footage is very scary. the guys who provided help, paramedics, policemen, well, well done, they did everything quickly, people were taken to medical facility, and just as constantly, russia constantly hits civilian objects, cities, towns, and it doesn't even cost them anything. pavle, what is the security situation in ochereteny as of now and is evacuation going on from there, taking into account the actual security situation, how often are evacuation routes... these routes exposed to shelling from the russian army? well, today there are no planned evacuations from the outline, you showed the footage, it’s just that evacuation is like this, you know, on the border, it took place on saturday
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last week, then we received information about a wounded man, and a week before that, well, about 10 people were taken out, well, these shots speak for themselves... that is, how in those conditions, it is simply necessary to do everything quickly, quickly and very quickly, which is what they are trying to do in conduct evacuation squads in any populated place. that is, it was a few minutes when they drove up to the house where the man was, they wrapped his leg, he had a shrapnel wound on his leg, and already when they started to carry him out, put him in the car, there was a volley of artillery, it was very close, and this road , but even now you are broadcasting these cadres, well, artillery, and they are going, well , we see, there is no one even on the road, that is, not a single car, and we understand that it is just... then fire on this vehicle, and please explain, evacuation is for today is not provided in connection with something, with
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the fact that it is not possible to reach those areas, actually villages, where the situation is the most difficult due to the security situation, or due to the fact that there is no longer a need to evacuate people, because they refuse or did not give requests, or there is no opportunity there and no need to for this, well, at the moment there are no requests, the security component is already being formed and analyzed together with the defense forces, then, when we have, for example, a conditionally, let’s call it that, yes, an application, then only then will we contact the leadership of police departments, departments stations, contacts the military in order to have an understanding of the security component, i.e. you can stop by, you can't, at what time you can achieve it, you can do it, and so far this information has not been checked, because there is no statement, no requests, i... thank you for joining and thank you for the work you do do in very difficult conditions. i would like to remind you that the guest of our broadcast is pavlo dyachenko, he is
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the spokesman of the police of the donetsk region, as well as a member of the white angel evacuation squad, we talked about the security situation in donetsk region, the day before russian forces hit kostyantynivka with an aerial bomb, in particular, the evacuation of civilians continued from uchereteng . the united states senate tonight overwhelmingly voted to approve an aid package for ukraine. israel and taiwan in the amount of 95 billion dollars, the voice of america writes about it. 79 out of 100 senators voted in favor, 18 were against. now the document must be signed by the president of the united states, joe biden. earlier, after a long delay, the us house of representatives supported the allocation of aid to ukraine. the total size of the bill on aid to ukraine, which was initiated by the republican speaker of the house of representatives , mike johnson, is almost 61 billion dollars. a third of these funds, i.e. more than 23 billion. dollars will remain in the united states and will be spent on replenishing american stocks. except
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moreover, the document obliges the president of the united states to immediately transfer long-range atacoms missiles to ukraine, but biden has the right to refuse if, i quote, this transfer could harm the national security of the united states. meanwhile, the source of the american tv channel cnn says that most of the american weapons intended to help ukraine are in warehouses in germany and poland. and to the topic that we announced today as one of the main topics of our broadcast, about which you write so much on our broadcasts, this topic consular services for ukrainians of conscription age abroad, that is , consular services for men of conscription age abroad will not be temporarily provided until the law on mobilization comes into force, i.e. until may 18, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine explained, after this date applications will be considered from taking into account the new requirements of mobilization. of this law, it refers, in particular, to the updating of military accounting data in the tcc. and so
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ukrainian men aged 16 to 60 who are abroad are currently not will be able to issue or replace a foreign passport, driver's license. services such as name change, marriage registration and dissolution, power of attorney, permission for a child to travel abroad, etc. will also be unavailable. in a number of countries where the ukrainian dp document works, they have also stopped issuing ready-made documents. consular services are provided. to men in the event that they want to return to ukraine, the ministry of foreign affairs explains that after updating the military registration data in the tsk, men of conscription age will have access to consular services in in full, although the mechanism of how to update military registration data if you are abroad is still being clarified, the ministry of foreign affairs says, and they promise to give an explanation when it will be. i will remind you that on the eve of the diplomatic institution, as well as the state-owned enterprise, the document temporarily stopped accepting and processing documents abroad, publications. last week published a document on behalf of the first deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine andrii sybigi, in
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which it was instructed to temporarily stop receiving and processing documents abroad. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, confirmed the introduction of the restrictions, and this is how he explained them. if these people believe that someone is far away at the front, fighting and giving his life for this state, someone will sit abroad, but at the same time will receive services from this state, then it does not work like that. stay abroad does not release a citizen from his duties to his homeland. our correspondents in poland and belgium spoke to people abroad and asked what they thought about the price restrictions from the ministry of foreign affairs. consular services to men of prime age and this is what they answered: my passport is ready, it is in ukraine, i needed to write an application just to send it, my valid passport is still valid for two years, and you, if it is not a secret, are you here after the war or you did you come to the war? uh, no, during the war, but you
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work here, well, yes, you legally left for... but just like that , the fact is that, well, this is a legal service, it should be performed, but the point is , that without any solutions and not on the site anywhere at all it was not stated that there is now, for example , such a restriction, well, i didn’t know that, i had to drive another 150 km here to find out that now i was simply denied this, for technical reasons they simply don’t issue passports, people are very unhappy . angry and even said that they want to storm simply, if they go to storm, the security will come now, take everyone away and no one will get their passports. i have been there since the 16th year, and i just wanted to extend the documents today so that everything would be fine, but it didn’t work out, just today i wanted to pick it up, and it turns out that i won't pick it up,
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it turns out that i won't pick it up, which is the case, because i lost my passport, and i want to restore that passport, well, i don't feel good about it, i have that family. wife, children, well, well, and the terrace, i am a future returnee to ukraine, well, to confirm my identity, well, it turns out, or some documents will be issued in the military commissariat, something like that, i don’t know, on the one hand, i can understand , but let's deal with those who left during the war, and those who came during the war, i understand that boys need to fight, but many boys too they have families, they also have families, there is no justice in us in ukraine, so i think that on the one hand... it is half and half fair, let those who went abroad due to disability be taken away first, then similar should be done, if it was legal to cross the border, if a person has been living here for a long time and has not connected his life with returning from ukraine to ukraine, then i think that it is not wrong, but those who are illegal, then it may be worth returning them in this way, who did not
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cross the border legally. solomiya bobrovska, narodna. mp of ukraine, voice faction, also a member of the security, defense and intelligence committee, joins our broadcast. solmi, i congratulate you. greetings, good. tell me, please, what is your understanding of why the ministry of foreign affairs stopped providing consular services for men abroad, and do you think that you, as deputies, may have poorly written the rules in the law that diplomats need some additional clarification, or why did that happen? in fact, for me , yesterday's decision was quite absurd, very strange and one that, in fact, does not find any logical explanation. because in once again, instead of explaining to people, elucidating, interpreting, we once again made an idea that should have a chance, it has logic, because if you don't have it, you don't have it, you want to have rights, but you don't you want to have obligations before the state, obviously there must be and can be certain consequences, but no one in our country explains this, just as the ministry of foreign affairs does not explain or has forgotten that, in addition to the fact that
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this law enters into force in a month, i read already today or yesterday, this is the explanation that they are writing, which seems to be... in a month documents will be made for those people who applied there on these dates, but i want to emphasize that from the month when it enters, from the day when this law comes into force, there are still two months, 60 days for people to have the opportunity to come to the trade center, or another option, to issue an electronic office and get a barcode there or any other confirming document, not even a document, but an electronic form of the result. that you entered your data in the amulet, you would confirm this at the consulate during e-service, when receiving consular actions. all this, how always, no one explains to anyone, the ministry of foreign affairs, how i was attacked simply because, how to say, diplomatically, because of some backyard, and actually not just an idea, because of which it should
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be adequate, they push away all our citizens, push literally to receive and permits for temporary residence in other countries, to obtain citizenship for those who have been abroad for more than two or three years, and those who have grounds for obtaining these passports, they stopped the registration of certain consular actions for children, because in order to register a child, you need to have the father's documents, the father must be on the consular records, the father must be on the military registration, so for us it's just like that for those whom you interviewed today , the same, the same the bar itself and... and for me this is such an indicator, you know, of a step, i would say rather, of ways and methods in the republic of belarus, but they said that everyone who left and ran away, you, you are not our citizens, yes and in our country, let's say, i understand what we want to show with this to show social justice, because people should be responsible for their actions, that's right, you have a citizen's passport, you have your responsibility, except for the privileges that
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ukrainian citizenship gives you, but don't do it because of some half-back place in order for it to disturb the reputation of ukraine, again the moral one inside ukraine, because they cannot bring order inside, we climbed into someone else's garden, and it is very unfortunate for me that in fact this... the document was signed, for example, by the first deputy, why him, why not the minister, why does the minister leave after 12 hours with this communication, what is wrong with that, and could it be connected with the fact that mr. tsebiga, he worked in the president's office until recently, that is, the president's office may have some kind of vision, already when he moved, i don't know if there could be some kind of instruction, not an instruction, a recommendation from the president's office, it is clear that we do not have their position, but, i allow games between myself and first deputy and ex officio minister a minister there or someone... more will fulfill his duties better, but this does not bother anyone at all in the context of hundreds of thousands of people who are abroad or inside the country, who are trying to do it there and legally, well
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, it concerns, for example, children, get consular actions or get your passports or reissue something and so on and so on, the same and abroad, no one is interested in political internal and such conflicts, they, they make a consequence for the facts for hundreds. people of ukraine and in particular state policy, it is not enough that we do not have a state politicians, the return of ukrainians from abroad to their homes, yes, we are still here, we say, please, dear, you can wait three months, you can be you, you are nobody for us, we will figure it out ourselves, we will read it, but now i want, that you explain the law in simple words for those who watch us, when it will take effect from may 18 and when there will be another two months, when ukrainians abroad will be able to actually update their data in the tcc, if they do so. yes, if they don't do it within those two months, then what? there is for example men who do not have a military ticket, they were never registered here, we know how mobilization in ukraine, not mobilization, how the army was actually treated
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before, yes, that is, this is a topic that was also talked about a lot, if they do not update these military data during these two months, which then the law says, that's when the law actually says, that there will be restrictions on the provision of consular services, which we are talking about with you this morning, or... the police already have the right to enter there, in turn, whether the tsc will already have questions about those people, if such a person is found on the street, i don’t know how the documents were transported there, but the ministry of defense tearfully promised the next thing, that those people who cannot physically go to the military, or who want not to go to the military, but to make their office, an electronic office , mrs. solomy, and you are talking about men who are in ukraine, that’s right, because abroad are out of bounds, that’s why there should be an electronic office abroad, people should also in... abroad, in principle, to all ukrainians and women and men, let's start with that, they can create your electronic account, register, enter all your data there, and
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when you get a barcode there at the end or a qr code there or something else, so that the software of the ministry of defense will give it there, then you come with it on your phone and show it to the consulate, and this is the basis for you to receive consular actions, in this case it all looks logical. and there are three months, you can take 2 months, the ministry of defense still has to come out, first of all, to say that this is an electronic cabinet, they have to have time with it, because they convinced, swore that it would all be and they would manage everything, and then the ukrainian comes calmly without all these tantrums, scandals for the whole world, dissatisfaction, injustice, political games and well, it all hardly fits logically, because the main goal was not not to prohibit consular actions or not to take away their people, but that the maximum number of people something... should be on the military register, to see our, in principle , general resource, how much it is in ukraine, outside ukraine, and so on and so forth, so
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that's why it's some wild stuff to me the middle ages, almost steal people, but actually what has already happened means the restriction of these consular services and those that will happen, as you think, in this way some part of ukrainian citizens who are legally staying abroad , illegally left them yes? it's still, well, let's say this, to encourage them to return, to protect the ukrainian land itself, or vice versa , i don't know, given the fact that the hype has already been created around these consular services, they will try there somehow conditionally renounce ukrainian citizenship, if you read, by the way, the comments under the publications on this topic, a lot of people write that you need to hand in your passport, you need to hand in your passport, that is, what can it turn into, as you think, i am actually very worried about this, so emphasized that for many people, especially those who have been there for more than two or three years, the reason for obtaining another citizenship and actually throwing away their ukrainian document is far from shocking. i don't have a simple answer to your question about how
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to stimulate. return to ukraine, i believe that we have this time and this motivation somewhere, we have lost it, we have lost it, or whether blocking accounts, for example, or what kind of property, will be a solution, i also look at it, i look at it so difficult, because knowing how ukraine implements its legislation, it can look very wild and very, very rugged and again, it will quickly reject itself, well... well, but for now it is a fact, a solution, a solution , unfortunately, unfortunately, it is not in this, and i, i do not see it as it is possible to force a man from the side of ukraine, because we do not have the right to give interference to other countries in such things returning home, so for now the recipe is only to block the property, not to make sure that it is right, madam, in conclusion, very briefly, if possible, about the ministry of foreign affairs, will you, as a member of the committee, perhaps initiate
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a vote at the meetings of the committee or as your faction. some kind of, i don’t know, additional report, maybe the minister of foreign affairs, will you summon him to the parliament or the deputy so that they explain what happened at all and why such actions took place, or is this still the incompetence of your committee itself, the competence , because the mfa, i don't i remember in no committee regarding comments, exercises that related to the legislation, before the change in the law on mobilization, so i think that we will call them to the next committee so that they explain the disturbance that they did not warn us about, but in three months actually illegally issued or semi-legally issued such an order, which has a very dubious, er, dubious result, adequacy and content. thank you very much, ms. soloma, for joining in and explaining, it is necessary to explain to the citizens of ukraine, who are here and those who are behind the border, because there are a lot of inquiries from journalists about what is happening, how it will work, and actually communication is very important, straw bobrovska people's deputy of ukraine, voice faction, member of the
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security, defense and intelligence committee of ukraine. i would like to note that everyone we mentioned today on this broadcast is the ministry of foreign affairs, in particular minister kulebu, deputy mr. sebigu, and the office of the president, all of whom we agreed upon during our conversations, we leave it to them to express their position , we are always open to they joined our broadcasts and also explained their opinion, this is important, and at this moment olga poedynok, an international lawyer, joins our broadcast, ms. olya, i congratulate you, and good morning, thank you for joining. tell me, please , how discriminatory is this approach, the limitation of consular services for men of conscription age, what do you think, and what does international law say about this, is it a violation of human rights according to international norms or not? well, look, not in international law the duty of the state to provide assistance to its citizens who are abroad is fixed, and accordingly we then work in
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the field of our national legislation, where we have article 25 of the constitution, which stipulates that ukraine provides care and protection to its to citizens abroad, but again, in the same constitution, we have the duty to protect the motherland, and accordingly , we have two equivalent articles of the constitution here, and the main question arises, whether we can at the expense, at the expense of one article. to ensure, to ensure compliance with another article of the constitution, and the question, well, somewhat philosophical even, therefore, therefore yes, from the point of view of international law, again, here itself, the very fact of non-provision , yes, temporary, again non-provision, well , it is not too problematic, besides,
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we do not have... the forms in which the state will provide care and protection are specified in the constitution of ukraine. by the way, we have an explanation, i don't know if it was mentioned before on this broadcast, that yesterday evening after the end of the working day, on the website the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine published answers to the most common questions, which were caused by this decision of the ministry of foreign affairs, and there is such conciliatory rhetoric, there... an explanation according to which, if a person finds himself in an emergency situation, in a road accident, his detained by the police, for example, then consular protection will be granted to her, yes, therefore, well, therefore no, well, when you read the explanation of the ministry of foreign affairs on this topic, it becomes a little bit more calm, at least which...


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