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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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problematic, in addition, the constitution of ukraine does not specify the forms in which the state will provide care and protection. by the way, we have an explanation, i don't know if it was mentioned earlier on this broadcast, that yesterday evening, after the end of the working day, answers to the most common questions caused by this decision of the ministry were published on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine of foreign affairs, and there. such conciliatory rhetoric, there is an explanation according to which, if a person finds himself in an emergency situation, in a road accident, his detained by the police, for example, then consular protection will be granted to her, so and so, well, not so well, when you read the clarification of the ministry of foreign affairs on this topic, it becomes a little, a little more calmer, at least as
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clarity appears, but we talked before you with a member of the committee on defense security and intelligence, actually their specialized committee gave approval to all the directions that were adopted in the new law, but they are not satisfied with the fact that mrs. solomiya bobrovska actually said that they are not satisfied with that , what the ministry of foreign affairs did it because there was no warning and they don't understand why this was done, because the law that came into force will come into force on may 18, it will actually give men the opportunity to update this data for a certain time, i want to ask you one more thing about another point, look, this is really important , if people... were unable to update their documents and a ukrainian man who is currently abroad, of conscription age, wants to update his documents, but does not have military data, does not want the tsc to somehow there it is registered, saw where he is and so on, and will not update this data, he then remains on the territory of the european union without documents at all, essentially illegally i understand your question, it is absolutely valid... for
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returning to ukraine, there is an exception right away in the letter, the letter of mr. sebigi, that for the return, please, at any time updated, not updated, for the return to of ukraine, we publish document to you right away, but as for other situations when a person does not want to return to ukraine, but does not want to deal with his military records, but wants a new valid ukrainian passport, such people... there will be certain problems, which again are not undecidable, because how a person will stay on the territory of a foreign state is decided by the corresponding foreign state, and in the situation when people are dangerous, and this is the position of western european states, for example, that it is dangerous for people to return to the territory of ukraine, while there are active hostilities.
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accordingly, they can, let's say, tolerate on their territory ukrainian men and women with invalid ukrainian documents, well , first of all, now we are talking about ukrainians with invalid ukrainian documents, because they will still have a corresponding valid foreign document, or some kind of passport or some other others, i.e. international legislation here is still on the side of a conditional citizen of ukraine who is in the territory. european countries for example, well, not here we are talking about international law, here we are talking about how international law is understood by a specific foreign state, and in international law there is such a principle of non-refoulement, it sounds in french, and in ukrainian it means the prohibition of forced expulsion and return to the territory of a foreign state, that a person who may be at risk of danger, physical danger on the territory of a foreign state, respectively,
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as long as hostilities are taking place in ukraine, this is actually regulated, as long as there is danger for citizens here, and judging by everything, it will be like this until the end, until the end of the war. mrs. olya, i thank you very much for explaining from a legal point of view how it works, what international law says about it, giving those angles that are not actually explored, and remaining acute in this matter. olga poedynok, this is an international lawyer, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about restrictions. temporary provision of consular services to ukrainians of conscription age abroad, which was officially announced by the ministry of foreign affairs. well, and to the corruption scandals, by the way, until we move on to this one topics, you can continue to write your thoughts in the chat, we constantly read them, and this is important for us in order for us to be in touch with you and understand which topics are of interest to you and which are not. regarding corruption scandals, the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office and the national agency anti-corruption bureau of ukraine announced suspicion against the current minister. of agricultural policy and food
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of ukraine to mykola solskyi. he is suspected of illegally acquiring state land worth almost uah 300 million and attempting to acquire land worth almost uah 200 million more. detectives nabu is described. that it is about the activities of a top official at the head of a criminal group, this is a direct quote to which officials of state cadastre bodies went, as well as persons who controlled the activities of these bodies, the so- called curators. it is about the events of 2017, that is, even before solskyi held the position of minister of agricultural policy. the minister himself stated that he did not agree with the accusation of nabu, according to him, the events described by nabu refer to the years 1718, when he worked as a lawyer and had nothing to do with the use of land. about which the seven-year-old circumstances relate to a dispute between state-owned enterprises and government officials, in particular ato soldiers, over land that was given to the latter in possession in accordance with the law. disputes are resolved by the courts, including the supreme court, and as far as i know, a number of decisions state
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that state-owned enterprises do not have the right to land, which nabu probably means. the corruption scandal became known against the background of rumors from the deputies' circles about personnel changes in the government, as well as ideas for new ones. to unite the ministry of agricultural policy with the ministry of economy. the bbc, with reference to sources in the government, suggests that solsky himself may write a resignation letter against the backdrop of a corruption scandal. today solskyi should be given a preventive measure in court. radio svoboda will follow the development of these events. well, in the meantime, yuriy nikolov, the editor of our money site, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. good morning. mr. yuriy, what do you think, how do you assess the minister's accusation of taking over state land, at least from this basis evidentially from the data published by the prosecution? well, now it looks quite decent from the point of view of the investigation, since we are talking about the fact that there were two state-owned enterprises in the sumy region, they had been farming on that land since soviet times, and suddenly, when
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solsky's private lawyers came to the case , it turned out that they did not have documents for this land, there were, there were, and now there are none, yes, according to the investigation, the campaign of this group included representatives of... the state register of land registry, who were responsible for preservation of these documents, i.e. even if they are not there, then this is a question for the state geocadaster, and then according to the scheme with the use of ato soldiers, this land fell into the hands of a private enterprise, in what way? at that time, our state adopted such a law that since there is no money to thank the soldiers for the war in the ato, they will receive 2 hectares of agricultural land each, everyone has the right for free. to receive, but in this case the soldiers were given this land, which had already been taken in advance, like from state enterprises, on the condition that they they will immediately hand it over to a specific private enterprise, and they signed such a piece of paper, of course the soldiers there received some kind
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of fee for this, and it is absolutely clear, well , if someone should thank the people for the war, for the fact that they fought, that is... until they have no complaints, but all this just looks like a completely finished scheme, when lawyers with an agrarian background wrest land from the state and give it to private hands, here is minister solsky, here he meets all the criteria, he was at that time and a lawyer, and he was a co-founder of the ukrainian agricultural holding, well, that is , precisely such activity, and the fact that he was not a minister or a people's deputy at the time does not justify him in any way. and i only noted that in his own position he said that he did not agree with such an accusation against naboo and said that he had nothing to do with this land, this is important, but please tell me what you think, in such cases , how should the head of the government behave, for example denys shmyhal, what should he say, i don't know solsky, or how
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should solsky himself behave, resign, not resign, what do you think, well, everything depends on that, well , on the guilt that everyone feels in this, in this story. conditionally speaking, if, well , today we will find out in court what evidence the detectives and prosecutors have, and there everyone will be able to assess for themselves how important they are, what was known beforehand, for me it already meant, in fact, well, it is quite a weighty and well-argued story, especially since there were a lot of arrests, in fact, except for sol there were a lot of arrests yesterday, so let's put it this way, this story doesn't look like there, you know, it's made up, and the fact that the lawyers ruled there, that's it. against the background of rumors about the probable unification of ministries, and maybe , i don't know, they don't want to help in any way, let's say that solsky should resign so that the ministry could be united, or
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are these just rumors that should be left outside of this case, no, i think so it has nothing to do with solsky, he simply represented such a group in the servants of the people, which andrii bohdan started at one time. now the former head of the president's office, so i don't think that he has any such patronage, that for this it is necessary to include the goals of the mechanism with criminal proceedings, no, this case dragged on for five years, it went on and on. and it's just good that it turned out in such a way that finally we have a story again when the suspect did not flee abroad or there without receiving some kind of time lag to solve his questions, as unfortunately often happened before, minutes, and i would like here is something else to ask you about, an example of this case, when the minister was declared suspicious, in fact, it proves what it is, that nabucchi is really an independent law enforcement agency, for which actually, well... there is no limit to what level you are an official in ukraine, and they are ready to honestly investigate
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cases. well, in order to understand such a judgment, yes, i would like to wait until they begin to announce suspicions to representatives of the president's office and high-ranking officials in the military sphere, who allowed corruption phenomena. but for now, the good news is that ukraine is beginning to write the history of the fight against corruption, and not just the history of corruption in its own way. thank you very much, mr. yuriy, for being able to explain briefly and in simple language, by the way, what the essence of this case is, because many people really do not understand what it is about, yuriy nikolov, editor of the site our money, we were talking about the announcement actually the suspicions were acquired by the specialized prosecutor's office for the minister of agriculture. well, the ukrainian energy system has experienced several very large-scale and destructive shocks over the past few weeks. up to 80% of thermal generation, half of hydrogen, were affected. our correspondent halyna tereshchuk visited numerous substations at one of the thermal power plants.
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production of electricity and heat supply has been stopped at this facility. recovery can take years and billions of dollars. see more in the story. this is one of the test enterprises. a few weeks ago, russia launched a massive attack on this infrastructure facility. and actually, the russian rockets hit this place, these are turbines and transformers, other regions. destroyed, for the first time in the long history of this thermal power plant, there is no ani here electricity supply, nor heat supply, it is stopped. energy experts say that billions of hryvnias are needed to restore such a large enterprise, however, in order to restore something, there must first be good protection, because they say that russia will continue to make such attacks on important infrastructure facilities in ukraine. according to the official according to the information, five tests out of six suffered very serious damage on march 22 and 29, as well as
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on april 11, in fact, there was a rocket attack on my shift, it was such a deep night in the morning, and the staff and i heard explosions, well, in fact, we were on the call all night, we were on the alert, because we are working out such options. and psychologically we were actually already ready for this missile attack, and simply felt the explosions, felt that the walls were shaking, in general we were worried about the people, most of all we were worried about the people, but thank god, everything passed, everyone is alive, after these last attacks on us the city was still left without hot water supply, but the weather helped us, it was already warm in the streets, but... so that it would be in the middle of winter, it would be so, it would be very difficult, the situation is difficult, such a station, it
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provides heat and a large amount of electricity, so the power system felt it very strongly, two more members of my family are employees of this enterprise, my my wife was also on shift several times during the shelling, so i worry more here, the first shelling was simply amazement and misunderstanding, i... how in the 21st century can this happen in civilized countries, well, then out of anger, the desire for revenge, well now just understanding that you have to do your thing, after after the last shelling, our company stopped generating power, due to the fact that there was a lot of damage to the main equipment, which is artificial equipment, which costs a lot and is not produced very quickly, so this... restoration can take from months to years, and some the equipment cannot
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be restored at all, this enterprise will actually be restored before winter, everything depends on whether the shelling will continue, to 100% restore the enterprise, it takes years, equipment, finances, but prepare for the autumn-winter period by a frequent coincidence circumstances possible. well, again , reliable protection is needed here. at the beginning of the broadcast, we talked about the morning. attack on odesa about the attack, oleg kiper, the head of ova, says that as a result of the attack, it is known that a 43-year-old woman was injured, she was taken to the hospital in a moderate condition. our team wishes you a peaceful day, we thank you for being with us, we will meet with you tomorrow, subscribe to all platforms of radio liberty, in order to be aware of important events, my name is oleg galiv, see you soon.
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its shape, call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of the full price of the mattress... pay only half, premium sponsor of the national team represents, united by football, together stronger, we will be back, thank you from espresso, thanks for what you have to contribute. we have fresh news from odesa, let me remind you, today around 7 am the occupiers were beating around the city, so far it is known about one injured woman, she is 43 years old, she is in a moderate condition and is currently in the hospital, there are also the information that the shock wave damaged about 30 houses, the windows and glass were broken, the ceilings fell in some houses, that
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's the information, our news colleagues are already updating and clarifying. and after we talk to our guest, you'll find out more in a fresh news release. and our guest, ivanna klympush-tsen-sadze, mp, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. mrs. ivano, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. ms. ivan, before i can ask you about the european parliament, i can't go back to yesterday's threats from the hungarian fide. a great friend of putin, a resident of st. petersburg and sochi, siyar, then the minister of foreign affairs, said that they will block the next portion of european aid to ukraine, the patamusha in ukraine is chasing hungarian campaigns, this is what he said, and i see that today
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is the day to start from the other side, namely , that the hungarian football players will finally get a normal sponsor, gazprom, which lost 85% of the european market, will officially be the sponsor of the hungarian football players, well, i don't know, they still have to erect monuments to stalin and put putin on in the evening instead of news, what to do with hungary? i think that we should continue working with all other partners and insist that they be located within the framework of the european union. but they were used, rather not like that, they were not found, because the tools are there, but those tools of pressure that are available were used, in particular, for example, the seventh article of the treaty on the european union, which allows... to initiate certain legal and restrictive actions against the country member states of the european union, so actually i think
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that this is a very, very negative signal, i think, this negative signal is also in the context of the elections to the european parliament, as the right-wing forces hope for a much more serious one. in these elections and for much more representation than in this european parliament, this convocation, and here a sharp and clear position of all other leaders of countries, members of the european union on these events will be very important, but obviously we have to tell them about it, obviously we have to talk about additional sanctions pressure, we obviously have to work with that well, the high representative for the foreign and defense security policy of the european union, mr. borel, so that the next sanctions package could not be blocked
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by hungary and that it was really such that it would not allow member countries to bypass these sanctions restrictions in such strange ways against russia. ms. ivana , including against gazprom. you have already mentioned it even a little bit, in fact this european parliament at... expects 20-25%, i.e. up to the fourth part, that putin and the ferstairs will come in one or another bottle, i.e. there will be whole coalitions parties that are oriented towards russia, or financed by russia, and here the question is, europeans will still vote, this means that... than a ukrainian company in
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the explanation of all the crimes of russia, which attacked ukraine, or whether it can it be explained in a different way, is it still the europeans who will elect this fifth part of putin-fersteiers? yes, it will be chosen by the europeans, and this means that the european union, unfortunately, suffers from... serious informational influence, but also from the serious influence of the corrupt russian then the federation, the purchase of the same politicians, the purchase of think tanks, the purchase of certain individual journalists, and we saw with you literally, well, a few weeks ago, if i am not mistaken, there was a serious such statement from the czech government officials, who managed to debunk one such network of the russian impact but you and i understand that this is far from the only such network, and this, well, this process covers, well, it systematically covers all countries, different countries
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of the european union, in some they are more successful, in some less successful, in relation to compared to us, you know, we are increasingly, well , weaker, in my opinion, using all our capabilities as a country to bring the truth about this war, which is still necessary. the russian federation, what its goals are, what its interests are, in fact, there are still a large number of citizens, including citizens of the european union, not to mention countries that are clear to us, why this war, how it behaves on other continents, which fall under the influence of these rights'. and, by the way, new radical left-wing political forces that are emerging now, which are supported in exactly the same way by the kremlin, and this is a big challenge, we still
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hope, as sociology now shows, that in the future european parliament there will still be an overwhelming majority of forces such as the european people's party, as a liberal party, as a social democratic party, and they will be able to provide that majority. support of ukraine, but we certainly cannot hope that the numbers of this support will be similar and as convincing as they were, and still are, in this parliament of this european convocation. ms. ivanna, this convocation is actually the last one, this term is the last meeting, and yesterday the european parliament voted by a huge majority to continue duty-free trade with ukraine, there are certain nuances, concessions to those who protest. the current rules are still valid until june 5, and from the sixth, if the council of the eu approves it all, then new rules will apply, well, we are glad that... this is how
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it is happening, how it is happening, in general, if we summarize the work of this convention of the european parliament, pros, cons, please describe briefly, we have four minutes, but actually, i think that the european parliament of this convocation, he was such a leader, a political leader of support for ukraine in the most diverse in the most diverse manifestations of its own, because it was the european institution that first... declared the need to grant candidate status to ukraine, which would politically support, ah, and tough sanctions, which politically supported proposals not just to freeze russian assets, but also to withdraw russian assets for the benefit of ukraine, which put pressure on other european institutions to the european commission, or set the tone for the european council,
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in certain support decisions. of ukraine. we really, really appreciate it. and what you say is really, well, here are the additional autonomous, trade, preferences that have been voted on now. we are glad that at least some part of them has been preserved. and this is a lot of work at different levels, both with european parliamentarians, and with the european commission, and government officials, and parliamentarians from our side. but, unfortunately, we did not manage to preserve that... level of preferences and that level of opportunities and lack of restrictions that will still be in place until june 5. at the same time, it is all the same, well , a great achievement because, unfortunately, it could have been much tougher and many more restrictions could, well, some colleagues wanted to plant, both, say, from poland, and from
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france, and from others'. countries, and it was a very, very difficult process, so after all , the european union, it, the european parliament of this convocation is ending its mandate with, well, convincing support for ukraine and at the same time also with a clear understanding of the challenges that ukraine is facing today during actions of the military state, because it is this parliament, and speaking for us, for our support for ukraine, is the same thing. sno indicates to the ukrainian authorities that restrictions on public parliamentary diplomacy are inadmissible, indicates that , remember, the so-called urban planning bill, which was a law voted by the council, very clearly indicated that restrictions on the rights of local self-government in this matter are inadmissible process , the inadmissibility of the application of corruption norms, that is, the parliament sees in great detail
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everything that is happening here in ukraine, and i would i wanted those parliamentarians who are very careful about the analysis of the situation in ukraine to at the same time advocate for our great and such systematic support, so that they would re-elect mandates and be present at the next convocation of the european parliament. mrs. ivanna, thank you for your detailed answer, ivanna klympushaz was a people's deputy of ukraine with us. head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, and let's remind you that june will be the next elections, a lot is tied to them, including even our ukrainian-polish border blockades, they are also connected with the fact that certain forces, including anti-european ones in poland , are also betting on these elections to the european parliament, and i want to believe that during the elections those who will vote will also
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monitor and pay attention to the fact that fewer of those involved in some espionage scandals get to these parliamentary seats, regardless of the country, of course, now is the time for news, and khrystyna porobiy is ready to share a selection of the latest information, christina, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, the number of casualties in kharkiv has increased due to the night attack of the russians, i will tell you about the situation there in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy in a moment, wait. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant things at the moment. a 43-year-old woman was injured in the morning shelling of odesa.


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