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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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we are having fun with donations, and in the meantime, we will add to our conversation anatoly khrabchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company for the production of radio electronic warfare equipment and an aviation expert. mr. anatoly, we welcome you, we don’t hear you, we see, but we don’t hear, unfortunately, hello, yes, everything is fine now, well, it’s no longer a secret, everyone already reports that the russians themselves are most likely declaring this, and the institute for the study of war says, that... now, in anticipation of this large aid package from the west, the russians can become more active, can strike in various objects, even unexpected ones, and already in the air force they also reported that they used a slightly new tactic from the previous day, attacking ukraine, in fact several one or two shaheda flew in different directions, what do you think this is, what are they looking for, intelligence, why? drag on, that is, not with
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games, but like one or two, then a pause, the next ones flew again, well, let’s start with the fact that the russian shelling tactics are practically changing, we can see actively during these two years an active large-scale war, and again i would note that changing the tactics of shelling does not consist in creating, for example, some strategic tasks, but in destruction. civilian infrastructure and increasing casualties among the civilian population, why, because russia is a terrorist and it will try to act just like that, so you can’t talk about any strategy from the side of the eyelashes from a military point of view, it’s more terror, and at the expense of this they try to either break through or load our anti-aircraft defense as much as possible, ugh, we understand, but we know that we are not sitting still either. and now actually drones,
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the production of drones and the production of reb and r equipment, this is actually the number one task, and there are more than 100 such systems, this is what ukrainian manufacturers are currently working on, a huge number, how do you see this development, because we understand that the russians are also not in place are standing, they are also constantly improving, trying to adjust something, but we... remind our viewers that there was a period when our drone pilots told us directly from the front that we are ahead in terms of drones, in terms of technology you are ahead, but in radio-electronic warfare , by slaves, they outnumber us, but with those manufacturers, our new ukrainian ones, at what stage are we now, let's start with the fact that we actually have a large number of manufacturers of radio electronic warfare equipment, that is, we have a large number of such very powerful engineering solutions that offer .
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for our military, once again we must not forget that the russian radio electronic warfare is slightly different in that, well, as we have always said that it prevails there, it prevailed due to its number and due to the fact that they were developed, although in in another direction, it's a countermeasure against, navigation systems, it's a countermeasure against mobile communication that has gotten into some ranges of fpv drones, now mostly russia, which can counter against our fpv drones or against drones with ... skid or reconnaissance, it's chinese solutions, or the implementation of chinese solutions for the equipment they have. if we talk about us, now there are a large number of our manufacturers who offer quite powerful solutions, and due to the saturation of the market again, we can say that there is an opportunity to close a large number of such issues regarding the protection of the military in the trench, but it is now necessary to actively engage in the acquisition of larger systems. which is true, not on
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a car chassis, so that you can put it there somewhere inconspicuously for the enemy, and work on large large sectors, because at the moment, yes, of course, it helps our military, a solution that we can put in a trench or on a car, but it is necessary already approach solutions that would help us to close sectors in order, for example, not to expose even our military to the fact that such means are actively glowing and not to expose our non-military at... danger, at the expense of this, we need to increase the system production of large systems in order to significantly improve our capabilities for attacks of 5 km or 20 km, that is, we understand the need to create strategic solutions. mr. anatoly, you must have seen this video, and today we were talking with officers from those units who saw it live, i mean this tank barn, remember, which wedged for actually 7 km and came back
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undamaged , because on top of this shed, on the slate, there was a sufficiently powerful rap, and for us simply, our fighters said that it would not be possible with drones, they had to be caught somehow by anti-tank weapons, plus... evaluate this one, i just didn’t understand, there was some kind of plate lying on top of it and it was so powerful that this russian rap of theirs, which is in the hut, works ride on slate? let's say that let them develop in this direction, but this is a wrong decision to create such systems that can do such obstacles due to high power, because there are solutions that allow you to hit such systems, but... account, for example, the creation of new exchange protocols between the pilot and the fpv drone, well, again, we must not forget that we cannot defeat the enemy with fpv drones alone, there is a need to create missile systems and anti-tank systems, an increase on the battlefield in order to to
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work more actively, so to speak, comprehensively, because in reality there is no weapon of such a game changer, but each weapon is important and each weapon can perform certain tasks. er, for example, significant actions, because we can definitely say there that we are developing there in the development of semi-drones, but in the meantime, we must not forget about the classic systems that could also hit, for example, the same javelin, which, i think, would destroy this tank very easily, ugh, well, when this little hut, this little shed drives, we saw , but the military also writes that sometimes they disguise the slaves without fixing them on the equipment, but somewhere, for example, some one there... once a model of a cow was installed, the rap is working inside, you met with something like that, what else can the russians disguise their slaves and what is the opportunity to manifest them and accordingly destroy? well, i will say more, there is a very strange decision from our side, in fact, which
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very coolly misleads the enemy, so we will not reveal all the details, but that's what it is, and radio electronic warfare, which involves some. such subtleties in terms of misleading the enemy, ugh, the second thing, that’s actually, in addition to hiding, masking, somehow and, as you said, such cool solutions, there is still a moment when they think that we have rap , there is a trench rap or something else, and we think that it works, then suddenly it turns out that it does not, here are these analyzers that check whether the slaves are working, how well our troops are currently equipped with them, so as to actually have the opportunity immediately on the spot quickly... to believe and be sure that they are protected? in any case , each means of radio-electronic warfare, before being used, must be digested by spectrum analyzers to understand, for example, ah, because some chinese systems may lose over time, for example, the ranges you mentioned may float ,
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so to speak, and we can say that this obstacle will spread and will no longer be like that powerful, that's why it's very important, and we always tell all our military that you have to have some... even a little chinese classic there spectrum analyzer in order to understand and check the equipment, and let's not forget that you have to conduct , so to speak, regular and technical maintenance for each means of radio-electronic warfare, which involves checking the performance of those so-called technical characteristics, because in fact we can think that the means works, it can, for example, it is already incorrect or low-quality to work and not protect the military, and we will count on it. that's why it's also important here, that's why i say that it's necessary to approach comprehensively, it's necessary to create a certain system of operation of means of radio-electronic warfare at the expense of, for example, more strategic long-range tactical systems in order to be able to stand in a more dangerous place and make certain moves, for example for our
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enemy drones, thereby creating an opportunity for our drone to fly, that is, we are talking about a comprehensive approach, implementation artificial intelligence into the system. of electronic warfare, which will make it possible to adjust and work in that theater of operations, for example, partly at the expense of artificial intelligence there. but in fact, this is a very interesting point, that is , in fact, the same recognition should take place here, our own foreign one, we were even allowed to see some demonstration videos, because we thought that at first they would think of artificial intelligence to use so- called swarms of drones, and now we see , that it is slightly in the other direction. gone, how do you assess the prospect of such a according to this principle, its own artificial intelligence, which helped our ee drones to work more efficiently. let's start with the fact that, in fact, if we talk about the alien system, everyone envisages it as an aviation complex that stood on planes, and
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it somewhat has its own performance characteristics, if we talk about the alien system for bipol, then it is a little another, and we can say, for example, that even... in the creation of a certain sector of obstacles, for example, our drones can move calmly, unlike the enemy's, that is, due to certain algorithms, which are built into these drones, uh, but there's one more... thing we always say on one side fpv drones, on the other side rap, the third is what we've seen from the very beginning sometimes transmitted by our partners, the so-called anti-drone guns , since technologies are developing, how effective are they, are these anti-drone rifles also being upgraded, or on the contrary should we move towards an analogue, as they say, because they are checking whether it is possible to more effectively knock down proni at short distances from a shotgun, as they say, with buckshot and shot distances let's understand what actually if we are talking about countermeasures by means of electronic warfare, even
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an anti-drone gun, we need to have a comprehensive approach here, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary to find out on which ranges the enemy works and then act on those means that can create obstacles on these ranges, and therefore actually we are talking about the fact that the anti-drone gun is not going anywhere, it can be used and sometimes anti-drone guns are much more effective than the means that can just be lying in a... pit, because we are talking about directed action and capability, for example, destroy enemy drones at a distance of a kilometer and further, if we are talking about reconnaissance, then it is more than 3 km, and due to this we can endanger, for example, blind enemy reconnaissance drones and make their work impossible, so in fact, if we talk about, for example , the anti-drone gun, our anti-drone gun, has now gone through about 12 upgrades and is now out. there is also a new one, which provides a very interesting solution that will allow the military to somewhat
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simplify the system of work, because in fact we say all the time that we need to simplify systems, to automate them, in order to make it easier for the military to work, it is like, for example, an f-16 pilot who can simply fly, capturing a target, press a button on a note, for example, missiles and forget, knowing that this missile will do the job, so we really need to... look for solutions for our military that are somewhat automated to make their work easier on the front. mr. anatoly, thank you for the professional analysis. anatoly hrabchynskyi, the company's deputy general director for production means of radio electronic warfare and an aviation expert was with our viewers. next on our air is the story about the defense of luhansk region. military ivan kardan, ivan with the call sign kardan, took part in the hostilities right there, in the east of ukraine, this is the 20th and fourth separate mechanized brigade named after danylo koron, the man was wounded,
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now he serves in the drohobytsky territorial supply center, and actually told how everything happened in our khrystyna parobii, let's watch together. he is a local who knew every street, everyone alley, knew our location, where we were based. my name is ivan, call sign kardan, i am currently serving in the drohobytsk rtc in the guard company as a senior rifleman. that in the 15th year, it was my late father's dream that the youngest son, because there were only two of us in the family, the elder brother, and how it turned out that my father had just died, not even 40 days had passed since my father died, i joined the army myself. i did not wait for that summons, i went to the contract anyway, in the 13th year i was in the rear
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guarding bridges, until the 17th year, in the 17th year came, worked a little in the civilian structure, realized that it was not for me, and in the 21st year i signed a contract, in the 21st year there were no such intense battles, there were shootouts, that kind of thing, but mostly they shot from their side. the aggressor side, we had no right to open fire, because we had the minsk agreements, and we had no right to respond. and the war began on february 24 , 2022, we were a rapid response company, we were sent to a colony in the city of starobilsk, and it all started with starobilsk. we held back a column, not one, there were two of them. one was restrained, the second was not restrained, and we had to retreat, because there was a very large
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armored vehicle, and there were a lot of them, at the beginning we still had the strength to restrain, but there were twice as many of them as we had, all the equipment from all borders was just going to break through, there was no aviation, there were wheeled vehicles and there was heavy armored vehicles, these are tanks, howitzers, we held back the first battle. but everything went very well, only in the first battle, we destroyed their entire column, well, we destroyed the entire column that was moving, but then we destroyed and destroyed the column. wheeled vehicles, and heavy armored vehicles were moving the second way, we had to retreat, because at the moment we only had four boxes of ours there, that's all, we had to retreat, because theirs were more than 100 units, and that's why we retreated, we held him for two or three days ,
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then we were transferred to a settlement between the border. the settlement, which was varvarovka, it was very, very difficult there, but we held on there until the last, there were not only russians there, there were also those who were for the lpr, dpr, and local residents who were for russia, who constantly betrayed us , they just handed it in, and on us 152nd caliber, 120th mortar, tanks were working, well, it was very difficult, we were standing. at the checkpoint, between varvarivka, a car was driving from the side of the border, towards varvarovka, we drove it with the headlights off, we stopped, tried to stop, it did not react, we opened fire, it stopped there, then their so-called priest was in the car
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of the moscow patriarchate, and his and the mentor, that is... the mentor had photos of all our positions on her phone, and in the car we also found grenades, stretch marks, chances it didn’t happen at all, a lot of my comrades died in my vorvarovka, my company was burned in a tank, his gunner was also burned in a tank, only one mechanic was still alive, he got out when the car was on fire, he managed to get out, everything later. they fought a little in the frontier, then i was sent to such a town to graze. russia sent a large part of its special forces to pastoralism, we as special forces there fought with the local lpr, dpr and their, their special forces,
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and that is why it was very difficult for us. our cambric died there, we were constantly fired upon. we are not we had time to leave, when no large-caliber guns came at us, rounds of aviation, aerial bombs, it was very scary, a woman was walking along the pasture, we, at our place, well, we had lunch, so-called, like, because war is war, and lunch is according to the schedule, as they say, we had dinner and walked towards the car, because our cars were just standing like that, well, in the landing, well, so that it could not be seen. a woman was walking past our car, we didn't let her in, and she started crying, and we are western ukraine, here we understand everything, we took her to the introductions and let her pass, and warned her that the road ahead was mined, and she walked, looked where each mine lay, and after 15 minutes, artillery shelling, the road was demined and
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two tanks and three bmps were going to break through. immediately they started to burst, i remember that i ran out of that building and a shell flew straight into the house, shrapnel fell, i was lying down, then another shell, well, they fired continuously, their gun was reloading, bmp fired, their artillery poured in, well, thanks to our tourists, one tank was burned. and two bnts were burned, and there they ran away, because they realized that they would not go any further, but there were very, very many heavy three-footers, very hard had to be delivered, supplies were very important for the battle, they were there, but it was difficult to deliver them to us, because all the roads leading to the pasture, all the roads were shot at, and they
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were being shot at very terribly from all corners . but i say it like this, literally 15 minutes , we had time, we had time to threaten , we threatened that we didn't have time, the car turned around and immediately drove away from there, i was injured somewhere on march 23, it was around 12-30, we received a command to leave and work, because the enemy's box drove in, we had to work that we leave when i... i ran out, ran to the car, i heard the exit, i heard such a loud exit, i did not hear a whistle, but it turned out that the mine flew straight at me and... 3 m from me into the wall, it exploded, i was thrown back somewhere maybe 5-6 meters away, i was thrown away by a wave, and i'm lying like this,
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i'm lying conscious, my eyes are open, noise, noise in my head, a lot of dust, i tried to fight back myself, i realized that it doesn't work, because i don't even have a heel , the splinters flew there, i look from the collection it is bleeding, because those fingers were jammed with that hand, because there is a penetrating wound, i tried with that hand, i look, too the blood was flowing, i realized that there was nothing, but the arm was torn off right away on the left, and everything was starting to say goodbye, well, i knew that it was all, i raised my head, i saw my commander, then my commander killed me, my type of tank that i was driving, and he pulled me out of the shelling, they provided me with first aid, tronics... they laid me down, carried me, put me in a car, took me to the ambulance by car, loaded it into the ambulance, the evacuation took place
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during the shelling, and all the soldiers who were wounded were taken away , we drove for about 20 minutes, then mines fell behind us, because the road shots were fired, mines were just falling from behind and that was it, well, maybe two or three kilometers away, they loaded me into the ambulance and provided me with medical help there. sent to pervomaiske, trained there, then sent to the dnipro, in general they said to the dnipro, in general they said that i was born in a shirt, because i lost a lot of blood, they already poured blood there, and i was in the dnipro for a day, and i was sent to lviv sent to the hospital, there the first operation. the second operation, the third operation, the fourth operation, four operations were performed on me, the fourth was the last one on my hand, and that's it, i'm still there
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i spent maybe a month here in the hospital and i was in rehabilitation, because i healed very quickly, and i was sent to the city of kruskavytsi, smet lyubinya received a prosthesis, then i was sent to the vlk through sek, they gave me a second group for life. passed the vlk , they made me of limited fitness, i was transferred from the military unit, where i was serving, i was transferred to the drohobytsk rtcc, ksp, to the company guard. i have been in the drugobytsk rtc for more than six months, well, during those six months , the relationship is very terrible, people think that i bought a group for myself, that i was not there, very, very it's hard, you simply explain to people that there is a war in ukraine, they say war. no, it's very hard here, psychologically, it's very hard here, keep your iron nerves, people watch the internet, there are videos, they don't understand that there are guys here, drogobytsko martatska, they
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think that no one has fought here, all the guys here are fighters, half 24, who has no eye, but people don't understand that, and they generally told me that i came to buy, well, what else to talk to that person, and that's it, the guys have to be changed, no one wants to, everyone is running away. who are afraid, and it is difficult for the boys there, which is already the third they have been sitting there for a year, not only is it hard physically, but it is so very, very hard morally, my brother is just native to the east, so i know that it is very hard there. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always they run out of fuel in no time, and so you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution.
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11:00 am
stronger together! 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. himself. several people were injured due to enemy shelling in donetsk region. during the day, the occupiers attacked the region 15 times. the head of the region vadym filashkin informed. five people were injured in kostyantynivka. four houses, two cars and an infrastructure facility were damaged. the occupiers injured one more person in krasnohorivka and new york, and in the chasovyarsk community, in nivychchyna , a high-rise building, seven private houses.


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