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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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a person who can look from the side and say about what ukraine has lost? look, it's true, i'll be biased if i answer about the law enforcement system, about certain things related to my work at the gpu, but, yes, it's really a war, and participating in it gives a very serious, fresh perspective on what happened in the 19th year, well, first of all, poroshenko came... to a country in which donbas and 2/3 of donbas and crimea were already occupied. at the same time, according to the testimony of the then chief of the general staff, there were from 5 to 15 thousand combat-ready troops in the country. actually after yanukovych the entire technical base, documentary base, economic base of the armed forces of ukraine was destroyed. nevertheless, without general, without general mobilization. thanks to volunteers and the armed
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forces, we managed to liberate two-thirds of the occupied donbas, after that we managed to sign the minsk agreements, which gave us respite for the revival of the armed forces of ukraine. at that exact moment, i can be biased here, but the general prosecutor's office of ukraine at that moment had yanukovych, who is now on the screen, his organized criminal group. confiscated 1.5 billion dollars, half of this amount, by poroshenko's decision, went to ukrainian -made missile and artillery programs. and to be honest, when i started to analyze this situation at the front, you know, when you're all the time waiting for studio fire or , well, our rocket attack on other people's ork positions, you remember all this and analyze it, and you think. how much have we failed to appreciate what has been
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done? torchynov, being the secretary of national security, himself a native of the city of dnipro, in the old dnipropetrovsk, clearly remembered that we are a country of rocket manufacturers, builders, and with the money confiscated from yanukovych's mafia, a closed-loop ukrainian missile program was created in three years, and we became one of the top five in the country. of the world, which can produce their own missile weapons, just think about it, from the fuel of the hull and the guidance head to all the elements of the missile, we did everything ourselves, during these two or three years , the vilkha m missile was developed for 130 km, this is the radius at which it hits hymers, in the same years the neptune missile was developed, which hit 280 km, this atakams in... years was developed on
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the sapsan missile, or some people call it thunder, is up to 500 km southward, and according to analysts’ estimates , if this program had not been frozen in the 19th year, had not been exchanged for asphalt, we would have at the beginning of the war at least 90 100 alder launchers, 30-40 neptune launchers. 200 long-range guns and 20-25 sapsan missiles for 500 km, and now tell me, someone would dare to go through chongar in crazy columns if we had hundreds of ukrainian missiles. someone would go to kyiv in a 120-kilometer column with belarus, if we had neptune missiles, the kerch bridge would be standing, if we had a falcon missile, that's it. that's the main thing we didn't
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appreciate in '19, and the voters, unfortunately, didn't see it as an achievement. i remember how, mainly in the east of ukraine, at any mention of war, they said: what if putin attacks? those towns, which the russians have now wiped off the face of the earth, at that time doubted that there would be a war. and absolutely did not appreciate the effort. poroshenko's team, which built the new armed forces of ukraine. not to say i'm engaged remember the videos of us going to the front in the 14th year, in sandals, in old soviet uniforms, in those terrible helmets that do not protect anything, at best with a machine gun, on which unfinished cars would not be hit, and what she looked like. already in the 19th
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year, this process had to be continued, but amateurs looking for applause chose asphalt, again in this. in the film you are talking about, which can be watched on chikalkin's youtube, and on youtube there is a direct channel, the fifth channel, and there is a terrible number, which for some reason ukrainian society forgot, in the last year before the war, when the leadership of the us special services, when the government leadership of the united states and britain, and other countries warned us about an imminent attack, so only in the last year... before the war in asphalt ukraine invested 13 billion bucks, 13 billion dollars. yuriy vitaliech, where is the price of the difference between those who professionally approached foreign policy and
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the external challenge with such a neighbor as russia, and those who, well, viewed the presidency as a fun campaign for with applause, ee and this... has its price today, yuriy vitalich, i want to ask you about one more decision that was announced literally yesterday by andrii sybigo, who is now the first deputy minister of foreign affairs, but this is the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs regarding the ban on foreign divisions of state enterprises document, issue ready-made documents to men conscripted and aged 18 to 60. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba confirmed this information about the suspension of consular services to citizens of ukraine of conscription age who are abroad and explained it as follows: the way it looks now, a man of draft age went abroad, showed his country that the question of its survival does not bypass him, and
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then comes and wants to receive services from this country, it does not work like that, in our country war in the country, how to perceive this... this decision and information, because in principle, apparently, some of the men left abroad legally, some of them apparently fled through this system , a path that was created, and people got access to a possible legal departure for the border, someone fled illegally, but oh well the decision simply outlaws now those who are there abroad, not without understanding, that is, in what way... renew the status quo of those people, that is, they all have to return here and, in principle, go through to clarify the data at the tcc and go through the vlk , or how should it all happen? you know, it is both difficult and
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easy for me to answer, on the one hand, this decision is obviously against the constitution, and it seems to me that the constitutional court should act very quickly in this situation. after all, he already receives funds for something during the war, he has to give assessment of such actions of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, because the constitution is still the basic law of our state. on the other hand, i believe that this decision is fair, because there is a section of law in the constitution, which obviously violated the order of the ministry, but there is also a section of duty, which is obviously violated by those who evade their duty. i emphasize the duty to protect one's country, for this, it seems to me, it would be necessary to start with the key concept on which ukrainian society rests - justice. to begin with, it should have been made public a long time ago
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lists of those persons of conscription age who left ukraine without reason, for example, disability or three children, or over 60 years of age, after the introduction of martial law, as well as lists of those who signed their documents, because i'm sorry, it's unfair, first collect millions dollars from evaders, and now to threaten not those who allowed them to flee the country, but actually him, that it would be possible to act with these people, well, i think, of course, they should be invited to ukraine, and i know of many cases when people from abroad they come, take weapons. the armed forces of ukraine are coming to hand, but in advance, i, for example, personally, this is my point of view, i would impose a tenfold war levy on these people for the rest of their lives, even after the end of the war, because they transferred their duty to the shoulders of my other brothers,
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accordingly, should pay for it, but should they be pushed to the point that they leave ukrainian citizenship and acquire another? i am not sure, because ukraine is in any case a legal state that must think about the future. i regret what i said, now i have to open the spear. evaders and those who blessed them on this slippery anti-constitutional path. second, to offer them to choose a profession in the armed forces, according to the vacancies, which, unfortunately, there are many, and third, to introduce punishment not in the form of these insane queues and unconstitutional deprivation of rights, but in the form of... increasing the military levy until the end life to those who do not want to fulfill their
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constitutional duty. thank you, yuriy vitaliyovych, it was yuriy lutsenko, politician, former prosecutor general of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our platforms, our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you. about this, do you watch the telethon edyni news, well, i mean not directly during the broadcast of the tv channel, but in general, do you watch these news and do you watch the telethon of edyni news, if so, then you can call 0800-211- 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are available for free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and in ... on youtube everything is quite simple, choose the options either yes or no, or write your comments under this video. next, we have
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yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings mr. serhiy. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. literally in these minutes, the minutes of our telecast, the meeting of the united states senate should take place. it was announced that sometime around this time, senators were supposed to... consider a bill on providing ukraine with 61 billion dollars of aid, but they postponed this meeting, and it is not yet known when this meeting will take place, they are talking about april 24, well, let's see, actually, when it will all be, you can say, but what changed the position of american congressmen and senators in the so-called ukrainian issue? over the last week, because that position has changed, the congressmen have voted for this
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bill, the senators will also obviously vote and obviously biden will sign this legislation, what arguments were convincing for senators and for american congressmen in the matter of providing aid to ukraine? i think that we should consider this situation as a whole, and first. question, we should note the fact that the usa and its nato partners, after february 24, 2022, provided ukraine with an unprecedented amount of military assistance, unprecedented, we did not count on such assistance and there were no documentary grounds for it on february 24 , 22 we did not have a security agreement. which are sufficiently actively subscribed to us, they also do not create such grounds, this too
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it is necessary to understand, this is the first, second, we could get this agreement last year, but the situation became hostage to the elections to the house of representatives, which will be held together with and accordingly, those who have plans to run for office, they tried to determine, i think the situation with the division of the bill into different segments is related to this, because the amount proposed by biden from the very beginning has not changed, it still slightly exceeds 90 billion dollars and... the recipients didn't change the money, but someone
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got a chance to show their support ukraine, some support gaza, some support the republic of china or taiwan. someone, and there is a certain novella, is acting as a politician who wants to torpedo tiktok in the united states. that is, there is, well, you know, the segmentation of american politics, where different political players within the matrix of their own. political forces, they choose how they act, and it's, well, i think it's interesting enough, by the way, the next thing, i think in this context, both the democrats and the republicans got arguments in their favor during the election campaign, one will speak about the fact that we provided unprecedented
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aid to ukraine, others will say that we... destroyed the principle of an open check and will demand plans from the biden administration and, accordingly , a report from the ukrainian side on how it uses and used american military aid, i.e. everyone will stand their ground, and this will allow these political forces to act accordingly. this is currently the situation that... as far as i know to this day that the united states of america will provide in this package, which will be obvious in a few weeks or in a week in ukraine, long-range missiles of the atakams system, and actually zelensky talked about his conversation with joseph biden
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about how the american leader spoke and explained his. or the decision of the united states of america? we are working with our american partners to increase our capabilities. four priorities, they are key: defense of the sky, modern artillery, long-range, so that these packages of american support arrive as soon as possible. and today's result in agreements on attacks for of ukraine. these dots are spaced. thank you mr. president, thank you congress, thank you america. today, the prime minister of great britain rishi sonak arrived in poland and there he has to announce the provision of huge aid to ukraine in the amount of 500 million pounds, this is the largest aid, military support from
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great britain, well, probably to other countries great britain in a similar way ... never helped, but the very fact that this happened literally a few days after the vote in the congress, does this mean, mr. yevgeny, that our western partners after all decided what the defeat of russia is, and this dilemma, when they did not want ukraine to be defeated, but did not know in what way russia should be defeated, that this dilemma no longer exists, that they understand that the more. .. arms to ukraine and the ukrainian armed forces and ukrainian fighters, the less chance the putin regime has of surviving at all. i would very much like to answer your question in the affirmative, mr. serhiy, but i have to say no, because the aid that ukraine will receive
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will, unfortunately, contribute to the fact that ukraine first of all... it defended its territory, of course, by striking russian objects, including those on occupied ukrainian territories, this is absolutely understandable, but to say that we were given such, you know, carte blanche, and it will be possible to act as much actively, i will, i think that would be an extremely serious exaggeration. with such a giant as russia, it is impossible for ukraine to achieve maximum success in a face-to-face confrontation, russia outnumbers us in terms of resources. i am now deliberately putting in brackets the possible thesis of russia that they will be there to use nuclear weapons in case of such and
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such and such. nuclear weapons after 10.945 have always been a weapon of deterrence, not a real factor, and therefore we should not, i think, talk about it at the moment, we, moreover, at one time back in september of the 22nd year valery zaluzhnyi and mykhailo zabrodsky emphasized that even the use of tactical nuclear weapons will not stop ukraine from op. i do not think that there have been any significant changes in the official position of ukraine on this issue, but i think that the main thing should be... the process of changing the modus operandi, that is, the way of thinking of the west. the west must realize that a world without russia is
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quite possible, that the dismantling of the russian federation is not something fundamentally terrible and unbelievable. we can use analogies with the situation. in the early 1990s, when the united states and its partners in western europe said the same thing, well, we cannot dismantle the soviet union in any way in principle, it must exist, there was also the famous kyiv cutlet from george bush sr., and other speeches, but let's go in in this case, let's be frank and honest, we... today's moment is a radically different situation, because russia has become the aggressor, it started the biggest
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war in the world after 1945, and we have to realize this for ourselves, and we have to broadcast this thesis to the west, we have a moral right to it, as a country that has become a victim of aggression and that has withstood a blow to... despite the fact that 800 days ago, western partners, analysts, experts, practically with one voice, well, more than 90% of forecasts were negative for us, we were already negative for them at that time died, it's true, but today we are not the living dead, the truth is, we are a fully capable organism that is fighting for its life, yes, we have problems. yes, we have difficulties, but ukraine, with weapons in hand, proved its right to statehood. this is , in general, i would say,
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a unique situation in the modern world, the civilized world. and we're going to listen now to rishi sunak about what kind of aid great britain is going to give, because we're talking about a british aid package that includes four. 100 units of equipment, 4 million cartridges and air defense elements and stormsadow missiles. let's listen to the british prime minister. today we go even further. we will provide ukraine with an additional half a billion pounds, reaching £3 billion in support this year. we will provide them with a record-breaking aid package. and what, mr. evgeny, should they do? and our western partners in order for russia to lose? in order for russia to lose, our western partners must introduce
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sanctions that directly hit the financial sphere and the oil and gas sphere even more, that is, the price of $60 per barrel of oil for russia is too much, it should be reduced accordingly. this is affected, further, our western partners should be, i would say, more pragmatic, and accordingly they should realize that the fakes with which russia acts against them, they will bury them if they do not really oppose them, that is, as of today moment... i just drew attention to the fact that reuters, wrote about the interference of the election, or microsoft already records the activation
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of russian hackers, and this is a very serious matter, a real matter, with which we must work concretely and substantively, because the election - this is a sacred cow, and if we look at the second on... the summer and the second half of this year, then all the time there will be some kind of election, and russia will try to shake the situation on them, that's absolutely clear. further, our western partners should realize that ukraine is not just a state that deserves various advances. i am now far from the fact that we will be offered accession to nato or acceleration. on the way to the european union, no, this is, unfortunately, an unrealistic scenario, but a constant signaling of what cannot be
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more... i remember how in the 21st year, in february of the 21st year, he visited russia, moscow, and he, i'm sorry, almost didn't wipe shmarkl's jacket there, it's true, but now borel takes a completely different position, and this is the position, by the way, of the european people's party, this is the position. ursula fonder, this is the position of many other leading politicians, but we also have to understand that there are others, and in this sense it is necessary that the issue of confiscation of russian property, russian capitals, it is gradually implemented. we have to search opportunities for ukraine to receive new and new resources for the anti. actions of the russian
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federation. we need ukraine to be a full-fledged partner of the west. by the way, we have to show ourselves that we are the vanguard in the fight between good and evil. this is, in my opinion, the most clear analogy for the western world, where mostly christian morality prevails in terms of policy formation, but not in the sense... that we have to turn the left cheek if we are hit on the right and vice versa, in that sense that we have to more actively protect our interests, and we have to emphasize that ukraine was a colony of the russian federation for a long time, and we are currently waging a war for independence, and we have
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today... a chance to take revenge for the previous defeats of the national liberation movement, you have already mentioned borel and european politicians, there is a separate caste of these, i don't know if it is correct to just say caste, but there are politicians who do not want ukraine to receive aid from the european union, from our american partners, from our british partners, minister of foreign affairs of hungary peter. jarto stated that the european union is making incorrect conclusions about the situation on the battlefield in ukraine, and the supply of western weapons contributes to further escalation. let's listen to what siyard says. arms deliveries did not bring us closer to peace, did not improve ukraine's situation on the battlefield, on the contrary, arms deliveries can
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only... you understand why the hungarians who survived the occupation, the soviet occupation, and in quite a harsh way, why are they now speaking out on putin's role is on putin's side, that is, it is about money, it is about money about the joint gas business, they are doing there, why is hungary... now not on the side of the european community, of which they are a part, and why are they so against helping ukraine, because they are next. i think the question is somewhat different. i think that both hungary and slovakia are trying to use the situation in ukraine, the relationship between
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ukraine and the european union. in order to demonstrate to brussels that they need to provide financial assistance. in this context, the situation is aggravated by the fact that poland will receive more than 130 billion euros help, well, help that was not received before. i would not say, although my opinion is not in trend, that hungary, well, it is... an enemy of ukraine, we have to do sufficiently clear things here and speak with clear definitions, you can say that it is an enemy, you can say that it is an opponent, but we have only one enemy when we call a country that is a member an enemy...


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