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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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by horse, which was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night, an enemy army came out of it. 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. for your attention, the most important events. in the smolensk region, drones hit two oil depots, reuters reports and publishes the corresponding video. as a result , powerful fires broke out, one of them on the outskirts of the village of razdvora, the other near the village of yartsevo. later, the local governor confirmed the fact of the impression of the objects. and before the operational situation, a 43-year-old
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woman was injured due to morning sickness shelling of odessa. about 30 buildings were damaged by the shock wave, the windows were broken and the glass in some apartments collapsed, the head of the region, oleg kiper, said. the impact also took place in the place of storage of broken vehicles. residents of khadzhibey district of the city were left without electricity. the dtek company reported that the aerials were damaged. line, repairmen are already working on restoring the power supply, due to the attack , trains heading to odesa are also delayed. all families with children were evacuated in the village of ivazhki, zolochiv community, kharkiv region. nine families with 15 minors were placed in other areas of the region. they will also be provided with material support - said the head of the regional military administration oleg sinigubov.
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forced evacuation of families with children has been announced in 47 front-line settlements. there were 182 children in these territories. evacuation continues. one person died, five more were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. over the course of a day, the russians set fire to more than 20 towns and villages, the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, informed. a victim became russian. an 82-year-old resident of the village of kozache, the occupiers hit her with mortars, enemy shells also damaged a high-rise building and almost a dozen private houses. in kherson itself, hits were recorded in a residential quarter of the central district. in the houses of the townspeople, the windows were blown out, in addition to the garages with cars and the gas line. i turn on the column, the water does not heat up, the gas is on, and the water runs cold. i immediately
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energy companies attract emergency help from europe, the electricity shortage persists, in the morning consumption is 10% higher than yesterday, - noted in ukrenergo. due to damage by russian missile strikes , power plants... cannot produce enough electricity, due to hostilities and bad weather, some consumers in dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, khmelnytskyi and kharkiv regions are without power. in odesa, as a result of the morning attack, the equipment of the local oblenergo was damaged. some areas of odesa are without power, repair work is ongoing to restore the light by the end of the day. the state border guard service will increase by 15,000
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military personnel, the parliament decided the relevant draft law. now, the total number of border guards within a year from the date of termination or cancellation of martial law will be up to 75,000 people, including up to 67,000 military personnel. such a number is needed for the formation of border detachments according to a new model and structure, which will restore the border after the complete liberation of all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the law is aimed at transitioning to a military method of guarding the entire ukrainian-russian section of the border. and today in strasbourg in the session hall the european parliament held a solemn meeting on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the largest enlargement in the history of the european union. in 2004 , 10 states simultaneously joined the eu: cyprus, the czech republic, estonia, hungary, latvia, lithuania, malta, poland, slovakia and slovenia.
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of course, in the context of enlargement , ukraine and its european aspirations were also mentioned. a correspondent of espress works in the european institutions on the sidelines of the european parliament. tanya, i congratulate you, and please tell me what statements were made today regarding ukraine. congratulations irina, greetings from strasbourg. today's ceremony was really beautiful and very bright. the session hall was attended by politicians who were directly involved in the great enlargement of 2004, in particular the former president of the european commission, roman oprodi. also to the european parliament. they asked european youth who could ask questions to old politicians, the atmosphere was friendly, warm, and of course they talked about ukraine, about its place in the big european family, but for ukraine the most important thing was, of course, the speech of the president european commission incumbent ursula fonden, and
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what she will say about ukraine in the context of enlargement, in fact, most of ursula fonden's report was devoted to ukraine, and i want to quote a few. so, today it is my duty to give a very strict message about the future of our union - said ursela fonberlyen, because what is happening in ukraine determines the future of the european union forever. russia poses an existential threat not only to ukraine, but also to the european union, and its victory will mean changes on the map and the direction of movement, of the european continent, said ursula fonliajen. ukraine. carries the heavy burden of the war on his shoulders for all of us, she stated, and there is only one way to confront it, and only one language that putin understands, is to provide more military aid to ukraine, military aid from the united states inspires
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the european union to do more, she emphasized ursula von derlejen, she said: "it is necessary to state clearly, for europe to win the future, this is necessary, and only one thing is necessary." ukraine must win. ukraine did its part european choice, and europe has made its ukrainian choice, stressed ursula fonderyn. here it is worth emphasizing that today's speech by ursula fondeyan was expected to be a little more expected to hear a signal when the european union will be able to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. let me remind you that the ukrainian authorities still expect that the relevant intergovernmental conference will take place in june this year, but ursula fondelein's silence and keeping a certain intrigue can only indicate that the final decision on the start date negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu have not yet been accepted. studio. thank you tanya. it was
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our correspondent in the european institutions, tatyana vysotska, from strasbourg, and we are moving on, and the german opposition called on the british prime minister. pressure german chancellor olaf scholze to provide taurus missiles to ukraine. a meeting of the two leaders will take place today in berlin, local zmi reports. the head of the german defense committee said that after the decision of the united states of america, the government germany is obliged to provide more support for ukraine, because the chancellor has always assured that he is oriented towards the usa in matters of arms allocation. in russia. arrested deputy serhiy shoigu on suspicion of accepting bribes, as reuters informs, fsb officers detained deputy defense minister timur ivanov the day before. the investigation believes that the high-ranking official entered into a criminal conspiracy with third parties.
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several other people were detained with him. the criminal case against ivanov is related to the execution of contract and subcontract work for the needs ministry of defense the court decided. keep ivanov in custody for two months. i would like to note that deputy minister of defense ivanov is under the sanctions of the usa, the european union, great britain and canada. not yet armageddon. residents of many cities in the center and south of ukraine witnessed dirty rains. ore sediment remains in drain tanks and on the surface of the car. even the clouds have an ominous red-orange color. according to the words. forecasters, the cause of this was a cyclone that came from the south and dust from the sahara. the precipitation itself is clean, but has sediment in dirty ones particles of sand. and of course, it is worth reminding about our collection, means of communication and
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security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and... our goal is 720,000 uah, with your help we have already made a down payment, and it remains to collect less than 300,000 uah, so... thank you for everyone who donated, let's not delay, the war continues and everyone's help is important, you can see all the details on the screen now. that was the news for this time, our team is working so that you can see an updated news release already at 15 o'clock, more as always you can read on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube . and then... ether continues, my colleague, antin borkovskyi.
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thank you to irina koval, thank you to the editors of novin, who are picking up the baton and are happy to welcome you, dear tv viewers. well, there are a lot of events today. dnipro. came out of the banks and flooded the territories in the capital's hydropark the muromets embankment park on obolon and mikulsko-slobitskiy street (i am quoting) serhii popka, the head of the kyiv city military administration. this year's vodopillya in the capital has renewed its record level. over the last day, the water in the dnieper within kyiv has risen by another 8 cm. the water level is now 644 cm above the fasting zero. according to mr. serhii, the level safety yellow. yes, popko assures that at the moment vodopillya does not pose a threat to kyiv.
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no emergency flooding was recorded in the city, industrial facilities and residential areas of the city out of danger monitoring continues, but we still understand that the key story is now unfolding on the eastern front of the russian-ukrainian war. oleksiy hetman is in touch with us. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy. good day, yar times, yes, and the battles around it, we understand that the enemy intensified, and it was as if very specific dates were set for the enemy, in particular , the number 9 may was heard. i would like to ask you now to assess the current situation in the direction of chasiv yar and beyond? well, chasiv yar is really there a deadline of may 9 was set by the russian president. this is a sacred date for the russians, it may be may 7, because it is the day of putin's inauguration there, so
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at least 25-30 thousand russian servicemen should be brought there, this is much more than our defenders are there, and if such a task is set, then they will obviously try at any cost, not sparing the people, they spare the equipment a little, because it is not restored... like the people in them, and these will be at least local assaults, which i am sure will intensify in the near future days, because it is extremely dangerous for them not to carry out putin's order, and well, almost impossible, with their mentality, with their fear of their leader. mr. oleksiy, well, if we take the so-called bad scenario, we understand that it is possible, maybe not, well, but maybe we would have to... withdraw from certain positions, in general, which is time in view of its strategic importance, it is
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heights, on the one hand, it is a logistical solution, it is a certain node and so on and so on, and it was at the time of faith that several additional functions were fixed, hence the importance of this settlement, well, it is, well, first of all , it is a commanding height, that is, it is easier to maintain defense there than in the lowlands, besides, it is on... the city and the most important thing is that if they manage to capture the chesteuar, then relatively, well relatively, the way to kostiantynovka is opened, which is extremely important for them russians, because this is our railway, our railway , and it is used precisely for the transportation of troops, equipment, everything that is necessary, well, any railway is a logistical route, it a logistical artery, and if the boron gods can make it to it... to advance, it will somehow complicate our opportunities, well, at least in this
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direction, whether they succeed or not, well , the syrian commander said that additional forces have been added there, another 115th brigade should come there, at least, whether or not should arrive, there are some not quite clear things happening there with the rotation, well , we hope that whatever the temporary problems, everything will be solved there very quickly, artillery systems, artillery shells have been added there in order to be able to hold the defense, this is not a matter of time less important than than, well, there was an avdiivka of its time, so... we will try to keep the defense there, although again it depends not only on us, not only on weapons, on our partners, but also on how powerful forces will be able to get there to withdraw the russians, if they add some more units there, and it will be a multiple advantage of manpower and equipment, and even artillery fire, in air superiority, in planning cabs, cabs,
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to put it simply, then of course it will be obtained, well, except in theory. maybe practically if there are only 30-35 bombs flying by the timer every day, well, these are powerful explosions, and they hit not only residential buildings, they hit landing sites, well , where they think that our units that have to dodge, hide from artillery and air strikes, missile strikes, and also conduct er... contact battles, that is, it is extremely difficult there. well, look, well, there is such an assumption that the enemy can gain so-called fire control over druzhkivka, kramatorsk and kostiantynivka, right? well, it doesn't mean to take but this means causing additional suffering to our population, and in particular, it is about the fact that the enemy can try to fire artillery very precisely at the above-mentioned
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settlements, that is, it can significantly worsen logistics. to what extent is this true, yes, mr. oleksiy, tell me, yes, of course, a rocket had already arrived at the station in kostiantynovki, it was destroyed, there is such a square near the station, the square seems to be more or less normal, there is such a traffic junction, but directly the station premises of the station already was damaged significantly, if they move even closer to then they can already fire from artillery and of course then it will be necessary ... well at least those trains, well, what is there now and the railway can be repaired quite quickly, if even it was damaged by a hit there accurate projectiles or rockets, but there is no point in keeping the iron, well, the railway trains, because if they are damaged, then they themselves will create additional obstacles for any
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possible movement, so you really have to try to keep this... but again, me i understand that i am repeating myself, but not everything depends on us, if it is there, well, multiply, which means multiply, there will be 10 times more russians, with more equipment with dominance in the air, well, how can it be obtained, at the expense of what? look, if we assume such a moment that the enemy will add additional resources of manpower, equipment and so on, this applies not only to the time gap, yes, it can be additional areas of the front. where battles continue, but their intensity may increase, and accordingly the enemy may try to one or another promotion, if we talk about the resources available to them, that is, we understand that hidden, undisguised, concrete, contractual, any other mobilization is going on in russia, that is, they raise payments, they prepare, train people at various
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training grounds and so on further, i.e. their task, i.e., that this ot... flow of life force of the interventionists does not stop, how threatening the scenarios are, that they have now collected additional ones, i don’t know 100-150 00, or maybe a smaller number, no, they are just somewhere 120 oriented, they have already collected, well this is a plus-minus, they trained them, they went through the course of a young fighter, somewhere over there in siberia, beyond the urals, that is, by and large , these units are ready, if they went through training, then not only the training was directly for the serviceman, but also. .. and combat coordination, that is, if the newest units are formed, then they must communicate with each other, and that too, well, it works, this is combat coordination, so that they are not separated, they have such forces, they will have them little by little or at once, well here how they will decide join, and so far it is going that they mobilize at least 30 thousand every month, well, like contract workers, although it can also be
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insurers, who are conditionally, well, persuaded, let's say so, because... when a person gets into a direct military unit , then there are arguments to be found for him to sign the contract with quite a lot of russians, and these additional 200-3000 that they want to mobilize are among those that they already have prepared units, well the people are at least prepared, the units may not yet be formed finally, well, in the show he said that they are they want to form two or three armies, at least, that is why this formation process is happening now, and where will they add? where they will strengthen, well , no less where they are already taking these offensive actions, this is the bakhmut direction, the avdiiv direction, the maryan direction, the kupinsky direction, the zaporizhia direction. well , damn it, wherever they attack, they will reinforce with these people, or maybe they will take one or two, prospects for kharkiv, yes, because the enemy is trying to intimidate the people of kharkiv,
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on the other hand, we understand that regularly shelling, well, here are today 's statistics, so after 15:00 at night there were explosions in kharkiv - terikhov said, two s-300 rockets that exploded near a residential high-rise building, a lot of broken windows. we will examine the roofs. recently, there have been chaotic shelling of kharkiv, mainly in residential areas of the city. and accordingly, unfortunately, there is a feeling that this is not the last piece of news of this kind. that is, the enemy has a sufficient number of s-300s, they do not lack ill will, and accordingly kharkiv, they are talking about kharkiv, right? but we are assured that it is impossible, but knowing the enemy, you know, they will take nothing but blood. in the literal sense, they can drink quite a lot, well, their minister of foreign affairs serhiy lavrov said about that, about the fact that they have kharkiv, well, in terms of priority,
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because they want to create a sanitary zone there, move our troops away from the russian borders, as far as possible to ensure the safety of the city, more precisely to its residents, but it looks a little strange to put tens of thousands of people to ensure safety. thousands to people, well, it’s somehow, i understand that it is mathematically impossible to take into account human life, but here too, well, to put more lives in order to save fewer lives, it looks a little, well, it’s somehow unclear, that is, a lie , to put it simply, on lavov’s part, there is a desire really capture this city, but they also understand that it is possible to fight in kharkov for several years, this city will turn into a fortress and conduct street battles, well, it is extremely difficult. but to try to turn kharkiv into a gray area, that is , to deprive it of electricity, to deprive it sewerage, water supply, they try to do this constantly, they attack energy,
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infrastructure facilities, well, everything related to the life of the city, well, maybe, maybe they will try to surround it from the north and south in order to make such a ring , although we also understand that, most likely we will not let them do it, but with constant shelling... turning kharkiv into a conditional gray zone, well, they will do it now, and hope that they will reduce the number of shots, especially missiles, which are short-range, relatively short-range, s300, s400, well, they will not stop, unfortunately, they will most likely increase it, so the people of kharkiv, who can hear this broadcast now, need to understand that, well, they need to stock up on water and food immediately do not neglect now. because the shelling can only increase, unfortunately, assume that they will decrease, well what will they decrease, they have been preparing for these offensive actions, and this is one of their
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key, one of their key areas, so let's hope for an improvement, at least for the next month exactly what on sorry, not worth it. mr. oleksiy, and finally, to what extent can the united states' provision of the long-awaited by us change the situation on the battlefield. military aid, yes, i don’t know what will be included in very specific packages, they announced it as if attacks, i don’t know what scope, yes, because attacks are of different types and so on and so on, you have a word, well, they say long-range, we hope , that it will be 300, maybe 600 km, well, we constantly focus on some one segment of weapons, believing that it is he, well, this is again our belief in some miracle, here we are... we constantly believe in some kind of miracle, and this sometimes leads us to sad consequences, there is no weapon that can defeat the enemy by itself, in the complex there are missiles, and
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shells, and spare parts for equipment, and fuel - bridges, even, and cartridges for small arms, and means of communication, and means of rebuking, well, everything that is necessary for the functioning of the army, it will already start, in a few days, as experts say, that there is a lot to find. .. in the warehouses of the united states, but in europe, and they prepared in advance for shipment and moved even these first batches to germany and poland, that is, not far from our borders, well, poland is definitely not far from our borders, so at the beginning of next week, maybe even this weekend , the first part will already arrive, how will it help, well on its own, some kind of weaponry will not help, everything is in complexes, taking into account portable missile systems, stingers should arrive there, they can... sometimes even shoot down hovering bombs, if they are used correctly there, and these are means of anti-aircraft defense of short and medium range, to be this is precisely for combating the s300 complex and
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so on, all this in the complexes will improve our capabilities, but once again the military personnel who use weapons prevail on the battlefield, so our partners have done their homework, they have approved a very large amount the amount of aid to our country is very large, if you count how much we have, if we translate it into dollars , how much, for what amount our partners transferred to us, including europe, japan, the united states, then this amount comes to approximately 100 billion, that is 20 billion more than the russians spent on this war, that is, it is a lot of money, this is the homework of our partners, our homework is to complete fortifications where we have not yet completed and ensure mobilization, because people fight, weapons help to win , and not fighting instead of people, so far there are already some samples there with artificial intelligence, but still they may not be directly from scratch, but from some distance, but they are still controlled by operators, by
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themselves. to you, mr. oleksiy, a comprehensive and extremely sober analysis, we were in touch oleksiy hetman, major of the national guard of ukraine in reserve, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. i'm going to take a short break now, but before that, dear viewers, i'm turning to you, if you're watching from the press, then you're probably actively using our youtube channel, watch it, there are a lot of interesting options, and accordingly, watch criticize, praise, react, and... stay with us on vkontakte, my colleagues have done a lot of different special projects, there is a section called shorts and so on, that is, a short video, and help us create espresso youtube together. now there will be a short break, after which i will continue to inform you about all the most important events of the day, please wait. petrol trimmers are so
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