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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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well, what was observed, similar, similar stories were observed recently in greece, so long precipitation washes the dust from the atmosphere and as a result fix the colored spot with yellow shades, so we are not afraid, but watch the news, and now iryna koval, news editor, will present all the most important. for your attention, the news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval and just now about the most important events. in the south, our defenders repelled five assaults by russian invaders in the orihiv direction, of which two were in the staromayorsky district and three in the work on the left bank of the dnieper, in the temporarily
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occupied kherson region, the enemy launched three unsuccessful assaults in the krynok area. having suffered losses, the occupiers withdrew. according to the military, the enemy is pressing with artillery fire, airstrikes, and using a large number of attack drones. yesterday, the enemy intensified aerial reconnaissance. 236 reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles were recorded. in the village of iva'. all families with children in the zolochiv community of kharkiv region were evacuated, nine families with 15 minors were placed in other areas region they will also be provided with material support - said the head of the regional military administration oleg sinigubov. forced evacuation of families with children has been announced in 47 front-line settlements. there were 182 children in these territories. evacuation continues. in warsaw, outraged ukrainians
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blocked the premises of the passport document service and demanded to give them the already produced passports. however, the employees refused to do so. the law stipulates that services in ukrainian consulates will be provided to men only after clarification of data regarding military accounting. zaporozhye finally got an acting city manager. regina kharchenko, deputy from the servant of the people faction, became the mayor and secretary of the city council. the deputies unanimously terminated the powers of anatoly kurtev, who temporarily performed the duties of the mayor. according to the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, during the full-scale invasion, the city and the region moved in different directions, which is unacceptable during a war. he called creation economically a priority for work strong city of zaporozhye. should become the center
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of the rear support of the defense forces. i wanted to get the mattress to moldova. the man tried to cross the dniester, but he was noticed and pulled out of the water by border guards. a resident of dnipro wanted to escape from ukraine with the help of advice he read in one of the messengers. the coordinators remotely gave instructions on where and how to follow him and instructed him to use the inflatable. with a backpack, and put a change of clothes, documents and phone in a backpack. this service cost €400. of which he has already paid half in advance, the state border service said. a report was drawn up against the offender. the security service of ukraine informed metropolitan arseniy of the sviatohirsk lavra of the ukrainian orthodox church about the suspicion. he is ihor yakovenko. agent in ryasa in communication with faith.
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praised kirill, and used liturgies to reveal to the occupiers the location of checkpoints of the defense forces in the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. then video recordings of liturgies with the addresses of checkpoints of ukrainian troops were published on the website of the lavra and in local newspapers telegram channels. in december 2022 , by his decree, president volodymyr zelensky suspended the citizenship of a number of uoc mp priests, among whom was yakovenko. it interfered with arranging a personal life. in dnipro, a woman tried to sell her two-year-old son. she found a buyer and offered a price of uah 1 million for the child. the woman was detained while handing over the child , the regional prosecutor's office reported. currently, the issue of selecting her preventive measure in the form of detention is being resolved . under the temporarily occupied simferopol at the oil depot. there was a fire, about it
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reported information resistance. it is known that three fuel tanks caught fire. there is information about one dead and three injured. according to the occupation. 109 rescuers and 28 pieces of equipment are working at the ministry of emergency situations. the preliminary cause of the fire is an alleged violation of the rules of the technological process. the working tour continues. british prime minister rishi sonak arrived today on a visit to germany. the british head of government has already managed to visit the military barracks in berlin, where he met with german and british soldiers. sunak plans to hold talks with the country's chancellor, olaf scholz. according to the british government, the leaders will announce plans to develop 155 mm remote-controlled artillery systems, as well as discuss cooperation in the security and energy
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spheres. support within the ucraine facility. the european union allocated a new tranche of macro-financial assistance to ukraine , the president of the european commission, ursula fondeen, announced. in her post on the ex social network, she noted that these funds are vitally necessary for the state and services of ukraine could work while the fight against russian aggression continues. funderlajen added that europe remains united and determined to support ukraine. for the third day in a row, ukrainian energy companies are bringing in emergency help from europe, the electricity shortage persists, in the morning consumption is 10% higher than yesterday, ukrenergo noted: due to damage from russian missile strikes, power plants cannot produce enough electricity, due to hostilities and bad weather without electricity, some consumers in
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dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, khmelnytskyi and kharkiv regions. in odesa, as a result of the morning attack, the equipment of the local regional energy company was damaged. some areas of odessa are without power, repair work is ongoing to restore the light by the end of the day. hammers to the front from the parishioners. ukrainian church communities in the united states of america together with the charity fund help heroes of ukraine collect money for cars for the armed forces. how chicago and the state of illinois in general joined such an initiative, our correspondents will tell. they sing prayers songs, consecrate easter baskets and donate money for cars for the armed forces of ukraine. this is how our emigrants and diaspora unite and join in supporting ukraine in the united states of america.
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an already purchased hummer was placed near the entrance to the church so that people could see what they were donating for . even today is easter, we came to the temple of the saint, and we pray sincerely. we are worried about our soldiers, because prayer and work can help, so we work and try always from our wages to help, and people are willing to throw money, help, there are no small donations, we do our volunteer work and help our guys, representatives of the charity fund help heroes of ukraine implemented such an initiative among believers to raise funds for armored vehicles. for the military, religious communities from the states of chicago, cleveland, michigan and ohio joined the action. god sent us here for what, so that we can be the same as volunteers in ukraine, one is at the front, the other is for the front, and that's all, and
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only victory, no, no peace can be achieved without victory. humvees have high cross-country ability and mobility and are less vulnerable to enemy attacks. the cost of one car with inspection, repair and transportation reaches $30,000. ukrainian soldiers use these pickup trucks for various combat tasks, from reconnaissance to evacuating the wounded. in fact, the very process of delivery and purchase of this type of machine is not simple, because buying, simply buying such a machine is not difficult, but to officially deliver it to ukraine by the military requires special permits, special... and licenses, actually, which healperos of ukraine also have. seven hummers are already ready to serve our defenders on the front line. benefactors are collecting money for three more cars. in 2023, the help heroes of ukraine fund donated more than 20
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armored vehicles to the armed forces. and not only cars are needed for the front. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is 720 00 uah and with your help we already are. collected half of this amount and made an advance payment, so, join the collection, we will not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important, you can see all the details on the screen now. such was the news for this time, we will see you at 6 p.m., our team is working to ensure that you are the first to learn all the latest news on time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks, where there is a brief summary of the main points, and see more
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the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become many. ovredny, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people. espresso in the evening. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! greetings, this is the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, and we have, well, recently a lot of events and changes have happened at the front, battles during the time of yar, battles for... , the activity is quite high, but i will also remind you about our collection espresso and social. the organization of the uarotiv base is called to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, this is our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, and we can provide all this by collecting 2 million hryvnias together. we have already collected 1.5 million, there is still half a million left, please
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join, you can see privatbank, monobank, qr codes here. at the end of the day, invest in our victory, invest in destroying the enemies, this fpv drones just allow you to do that directly, so it's just the best contribution to our victory that you can now make, well, let's see now what happened on the front line in the last few days, well, and then we will actually discuss, the map of combat operations for... the period of april 17-24 , tactical failures on the front against strategic victory in the war the russians captured novomykhaivka, entered the strategically important reedbed and came close to the temporal ravine. instead, the armed forces of ukraine dealt a dagger blow to crimea. counterattack of the armed forces in the time gap. the pace of the russian offensive slowed somewhat. they are fixed
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in the achieved positions, meanwhile, the enemy aircraft is leveling the city and... ukrainian positions, in addition, the occupiers are trying to finally knock out our military from the last positions in bohdanivka and completely capture ivanovske. however, within a week, the defense forces completely nullified the results of their assaults. instead, in response, the armed forces launched a pre-school strike on bakhmut, where a guided missile hit the command post of the 331st airborne regiment. about a dozen officers were eliminated, including the commander. a number of wounded. with therefore, soldiers of the fourth assault battalion of the 92nd brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirko, south of ivanovo, launched an offensive and knocked out the russians from previously captured positions. this will make it possible to strengthen the all-important defense of klischiivka. postavdiyiv front, crisis in ochereteny. on the southern
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avdiiv front, the occupiers suffered heavy losses and were unable to break through further west after the occupation. vnevyo, and also rested on our defenses near yasnobrodivka and umanskyi and failed to cross the durna river near orlivka, samenivka, and berdychiv, so they shifted their efforts to the northern flank. the offensive on novokalynovy ceramics stalled, but the enemy managed to break through in the direction of ocheretiny a week ago. during the last days, they developed their offensive, and reached the center of this town, and also expanded it. their wedge in the southwest direction and entered novobakhmutivka and began to attack berdychi from another flank. this advance of the russians on the commanding high ground, which extends through ocheretyne, is quite threatening to our defense of berdychiv, semenivka, and umansky from the right flank and novokalynovy and ceramics and from the left. that is why the battles for ocheretyne are going on
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quite intensively these days, bradley came to help the defenders of the town. from the 47th brigade, which is holding the defense in the neighboring area in berdychi. on the ughledar and kurakiv directions, the armed forces of ukraine are holding back a powerful offensive. unfortunately, the defense of novomykhaivka, in which our heroes restrained the invaders from october 22, fell. the village is almost completely occupied, the defense forces retreated in the direction of the next settlement of kostyantynivka. active attack on the village, the armed forces of the russian federation launched seven mi. months ago during this time, having lost tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of armored vehicles, they managed to break through to the west for 13 km. this is too little to secure the donetsk, volnovakha-mariupol railway, so the russians want to develop success. they storm along the entire perimeter of the front, from mikilskyi to the recently captured victory, but
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fail. near marinka, between victory and georgiivka, the occupiers occupied a part. gray zone, moving their positions by a kilometer further west fierce fighting continues in krasnohorivka, where last week the rashists stormed the southern and eastern outskirts of the city. the defense forces managed to partially knock out the occupiers from the eastern districts, and the battles for the southern buildings continue to this day. the armed forces of ukraine is preparing for the deoccupation of crimea. five american atak mc missiles hit the airfield near dzhankoy, where, in addition to airplanes and rotorcraft. in the air defense division. as a result , four launchers of the newest s-400 triumf were destroyed. two s-300 installations, three radar stations, unknown. number aviation, and also detonated a warehouse of ammunition for air defense. the liquidation of the unique fundament m radar system, which was
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the air defense control point in crimea, is particularly important. according to its characteristics, it could track and direct air defense to 10,000 targets, but could not stop the ms attacks. now the calculation has begun, how many such missiles are needed by the armed forces to completely destroy the russian one. in the occupied crimea, in sevastopol, rockets hit the unique kamun ship, built in the distant pre-revolutionary year 1915 for rescue submarines. currently, he was extracting from the bottom elements important for the enemy , the ex-flagship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, cruiser moskva. strategic victories over russia. for the first time, our air force, together with the central intelligence agency and the security service. ukraine made a successful ambush and shot down a strategic russian bomber tu-22m3, which was returning after an attack on
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the territory of our state. the point is not even that russia has about 30 similar aircraft left, and it cannot produce new, in that now they will be extremely careful, so the number of attacks on ukraine may decrease. in addition, three pilots of such a unique aircraft in the russian armed forces were killed. there are very few federations, but the real breakthrough was the drone strike on the radar station of the strategic nuclear cover container in the city of kavilkino in mordovia. the station provided calculation and control for air defense launchers, which are located throughout russia, especially concentrated near moscow and would have repel the blows of the enemy's heavy ballistic missiles. without this station , it is impossible to repel ballistic strikes. hopefully eight blasts from our drones were enough to ensure sufficient damage to the container. in addition, for the first time, our air defense system shot down two kh-22 supersonic cruise missiles and one
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modernized kh-32. dozens of ukrainian drones visited eight russian regions. in the moscow, belgorod, bryansk, kursk, tula, smolensk, ryazan and kaluga regions , electric substations of the storage base exploded. fuel and other objects of the enemy's critical infrastructure. thus, in the smolensk region , an oil depot burned down, which was the main transit hub for exports from belarusian oil refineries. in kaminsk-shakhtynsk, rostov region, drones set fire to a chemical plant that produces solid fuel for anti-aircraft missiles. and in kazan, drones attacked the garbunov aircraft factory, which manufactures tu-22m and tu-160m ​​strategic bombers. we win daily, death to the enemy. so, let's talk with oleksandr kovalenko, military and political the audience of the group is informational. congratulations,
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mr. oleksandr. congratulations. let's, you know, start with such urgent news, well, the senate has already voted for aid to ukraine, we've been waiting for this moment for a long time. it is clear that us president joe biden will sign it in the near future, and here's what... we can expect, because of course, we have been talking very actively for six months about the fact that we are lacking, well, lacking, let's say, on the front line of this help, and what we can get from this help in the near future, well, here we need to understand this, this general assistance is financial, it is the largest than that which was allocated during the 22nd and 23rd years. ah, this aid will begin to be allocated actually immediately after the relevant document is signed by president joseph biden, and this will happen until the end of april, that is, all
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the logistics chains themselves, they will already be working until the end of april, but this does not mean that we get everything at once, it will be the same system, and the usa will not refuse it, as in the 22nd, 23rd year, that is, two packages each month, for with the exception of april, april, most likely there will be one package at the end of the month itself, and this package will include the corresponding weapons, so each month there will be two packages of aid in the first two weeks and the last two weeks, and what will be included in the first package is definitely , it seems to me that there will still be a nomenclature of ammunition, namely ammunition. which our artillery needs, we do not exclude even the presence of artillery itself, barrel or jet, these will be anti-aircraft guided
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missiles for... air defense systems of certain modifications, and i do not exclude that that these can even be missiles of the operational-tactical level, that is, attacks, again for striking deep into the temporarily occupied territories against the objects of the russian occupiers, and a separate article will in any case be about the equipment, i am not talking about abrams tanks, but precisely... medium and lightly armored equipment, it is necessary, the same m2 a2 brendly, which have proven themselves excellently in battles in the combat zone , and therefore it can be approximately such, approximately such a list of this equipment and weapons that we can get exactly in the first package, and then gradually there will be a different nomenclature, other means of defeat, as well as a mechanized component, well... you
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already mentioned atakams missiles and now there is talk, well , at least in the military there is a conversation that maybe missiles will be provided there , the impressions there are increased by the increased distance to 300 km, something like that, but does this mean that we will finally be able to use these missiles on russian airfields on the territory of russia, or are these, you know, so far... expectations? and no, i don't think we'll get permission to the use of western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, we will remain in the position that on the temporarily occupied territories, yes, that is, we will and will continue to take this obligation, and western weapons will not be used on the territory of the russian federation , and therefore specifically for striking
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objects on the territory. russia, we will use the component of our own production, ah, this will stimulate the military-industrial complex, and we can really get them modification for 300 km, and because in the south of crimea, to the south of crimea, we still cannot reach the attacks of the block one modification itself, ugh, and that's why we need something. more effective, at greater distances, in the south of crimea, there are many such objects that need to be hit, first of all, these are divisions of anti-aircraft missile spiders, which are concentrated there, and their destruction has an important role. well, you, when you say that there is still something to destroy even on the territory of crimea, then maybe explain it somehow, and how will we see it, that is, it is something from which they shoot at ukraine, it is some
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there, i don't know, ships, that is, what is it? in such simple words, i think that in the first place it will be about air defense means, in the first place they will destroy air defense means with a long range, that is, it is the s-400, and each of them is for a missile regiment, each division has cover for s-400 in the form of zrgk pan s1, which precisely cover from 400. at short distances, that is, complexes of short radius of action, and this will be a comprehensive destruction of such a cover, in principle there is something to destroy, i will say this, because the russians in crimea, what was in dzhankoya, in dzhankoya it was only one division from the 18th anti-missile division, but there are also 18 zrp of feodosia, as well as... the 18th zrp is located
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on the tarkhankut think, and therefore also as at least two divisions must be liquidated, in addition to this , the 12th zrp is located in crimea, the anti-aircraft missile regiment, it is located in sevastopol, as well as in the yevpatoria area, and the third radio engineering regiment, which is also located on cape torkhankut and the destruction and liquidation of which also has its own significance , so there is... to work, well, but i understand that anyway after all, the atkms is not something that should fly there over the crimean bridge, it is not very effective in this case, depending on the modifications, depending, and there are several modifications of the missiles, and those that arrived at the airfields in berdyansk and luhansk, and also according to dzhanko, this is a modification with a warhead of the cassette type, and there is a modification of the warhead with a volume detonating in the air before...
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impact with the surface, that is, it.


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