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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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and therefore at least two more divisions must be liquidated, in addition to this , the 12th zerp, an anti-missile regiment, is located in crimea, it is located in sevastopol, as well as in the yevpatoria area, and the third radio engineering regiment, which is also located on cape torkhankut and the destruction, liquidation of which also has its own meaning, so there is still work to be done, well, but i understand... that after all, atkms is not something that should fly there on the crimean bridge, it is not very effective in this, depending on the modifications in dependencies and there are several modifications missiles, and those that flew over the airfields in berdyansk and luhansk, as well as the podzhanka, are precisely a modification with a cluster-type warhead, and there is a modification of the warhead with a volumetric detonation in the air before impact with the surface, that is, it... also
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effective against the accumulation of manpower, equipment, repair bases and so on, and there is a combat unit of the penetrating type, concrete type, that is, it is used against fortified objects, headquarters, which are even underground, and besides everything else , it can be used and to destroy a the span of the railway branch on the kerch bridge as an option, it cannot be said that it will be possible... from the first time to destroy the support on which this or that part of the kerch bridge is located, but in general , in order to destroy the spans, it is it will be nice to show off. well , actually, have we finally come to the moment when we will see the supply of air defense systems from the united states, directly, because so far we have had... the air defense systems are american,
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but not from the united states, so has it come this moment in the end, well, we see that even germany is now trying to put pressure on the united states, and they say, well, you are the largest user, the operator of the patriot air defense system, let’s at least have a patriot battery there, and also join our coalition, which, by the way, has already found actually potential, let's call it that. customers who can transfer four batteries to ukraine, patriot, and this is not bad, it is very good, this du here the question becomes not available, here the question becomes the training of crews and operators so that they are for use, and therefore one more battery from usa, well, it would be appropriate, it is necessary to close cities of millions, it is necessary to close strategically important places, and also... to cover extremely
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dangerous directions and locations along the line of combat, or in some others, for some other very interesting scenarios. well , let's, you know, let's talk a little more about the situation directly on the line of contact, well, of course, now, let's say this, not so, maybe an active offensive of the russians, well, not that... it's inactive, it's active, but he doesn't do very well near the temporal ravine, but we have seen, at least in the last few days, two points where they managed to advance, that is how far the 70th and 79th brigades did not hold nova mykhailivka, but this is closer to ugledar, but still they were forced to withdraw, and this is how it can affect in the future, what does this mean, does it give the russians any such significant advantages.
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for the russian occupying forces, it was very important to capture novomykhaivka, this is their further advance to line 05-32, that is , in fact, we are talking about the route between marinaka and ugledar, and further beyond novomykhaivka will already be kostyantynivka, which is directly located on this route 0532, this advance of the russian occupiers is needed by them in order to... to create a security buffer for the railway, the railway, ah, which goes, in fact, to the south, and from the donetsk region to the south, that is, through volnovakha, this very transport hub, and in this way, it is under the influence of fire from our artillery, it makes no sense for them to restore any logistics there, as long as it is... in the affected zone,
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that is why they are trying to advance to lines 0.5-32, but in novomykhaivka it is necessary to understand that, first of all, this is a completely destroyed village, because the fighting for it. especially such intensive ones, took place for almost a year, for almost a year the russian occupiers tried to capture this village, using a rather serious potential of the resource, there was also this very well-known 155th brigade of marines, which was destroyed several times under the shelling, they still decided to transfer the russian command them on novomykhaivka, and therefore a... the russians will now rest on konstantin, and for them this promotion will also be very difficult, and it may take a long time, that is , there will not be any quick victory, very fast any promotion, apart from everything else, let's not
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forget there, a difficult landscape is already beginning for them, and because if you advance, there are reservoirs there, which are a natural obstacle and... even the village of praskov'ivka is quite uncomfortable for advancing, so now the next stage of the exit to porotskov'ivka and the battle for it is starting in them, no so much for kostyantynivka, how much exactly for the porotskovs, well, that is, we actually have such a direction there now, where they are probably concentrated and trying to advance no less than there under the chasm of time, where they talk a lot, so many times... the direction of ocheretino, novamykhaivka - these are now the hottest locations, and remain the hottest in terms of the intensity of offensive actions. other areas of the battle line, they are less intense, there are manifestations of assault actions, but
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it is necessary to note that they are beilohorivka, serebryansk forestry and terni, but in general, the russians reduced the intensity in... for example, at the end of the 23rd and the beginning of the 24th , well, ocheretin, as far as i understand, in principle, can be considered lost, that is, at least that's what they say there, more or less, as well as the strong promotion in novokalynovy, novobakhmutivka, there too, it is already the avdiiv shade of the past, it should rather be called it now, i don’t know, maybe it is pokrovsky, so to say, because it is precisely this, this place is now such, on which the wishes of the russians are concentrated, their attempt to attack pokrovsk, but as for ochereteny, how much this
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loss undermines the possibility of building our defense line, after all, because it was about building a defense. along certain places there are also the height of water obstacles, that's how it will be now, because in principle, well, there is a loss there, let's say this, and the queue, well, the queue itself has not yet been completely lost, but the hostilities continue there, the russians really entered the settlement, they control its... part, especially the southern part, and now they are trying to get them out of there, especially the units of the 47th separate omsbr are trying to do this, separately it should be noted that why exactly ocheredina, because ocheredina is located along the route 0511,
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in fact 0511 is logistically, it leads to pokrovsk, so what do they intend to do. advance precisely in the direction of pokrovsky, and besides everything else, it is again located further north than it was placed, where our defense lines and boundaries are now, to the west of avdiivka, that is, from one on the one hand, they are continuing to advance, trying to continue advancing in the direction of pokrovsky, on the other hand, they are trying... to bypass our defense lines, so as not to go head-on, not to waste a lot of resources, they stick to the main logistical artery 0.511, that is, along the route, this is their advance refutes the logistics in the first place, but there are also relevant
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nuances from this, that is, with such an advance, they do not control their southern flank, and this is a threat to the distance. if the flanks are not aligned, they risk being, well, soft speaking, in a not very convenient position, and with further progress in this direction, something can happen. and therefore, one way or another, they will be forced to stop this advance and start aligning the flanks. most likely this will happen after they take full control of the village itself, but again , that hasn't happened yet. ugh. well, i understand that there, there is such an opportunity to hit them from several sides and somehow change their ability to move, but for this. accordingly, it is necessary to have more opportunities, means and forces, which we
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can expect for the time being, but there is still nothing to talk about in this regard. ok, thank you, it was oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political analyst of the information resistance group, thank you very much for joining us, i remind you about our collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, now we we have a short break after it... we will be joined by yehor firsov, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, and we will actually talk about what is happening to him, at the front and what happening around, well, actually his unit. pain and sports. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release, says the energy expert. slaughterhouse exclusive interview with valery peker. what should
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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks.
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so, let's continue, yehor firsov, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, who serves in a company of attack uavs, has joined us. i congratulate yehor, i wish everyone good health, but actually i want to say that you have such a collection for the needs of the 109th brigade from the goal is 15 million, and what exactly, mainly drones, as i understand it, as a rule, yes, well, in principle, not mainly, but... so there are fpv drones that we work with, our arch directly. the only thing is that we have not yet
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fully decided whether they will be night drones or ordinary daytime drones, and because daytime drones, because the enemy has now actively moved to offensive actions at night, and here, and for us, well , fpv drones are high-precision weapons, and we are now shifting more to night work, well... you already started to say a little bit that the enemy has switched to such active offensive actions at night, in general, what has appeared with such, possibly new tactics of the enemy, well, first of all we saw that for a while it was applied... a lot equipment, a lot of it burned as a result, then very recently there appeared such, you know, large grills on tanks and equipment, i wonder how it affects in reality, that is, is it effective at all? yes, well , let's start from the end, barbecues on tanks, we all laughed about it, you remember those
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pictures there, it's actually not that, well, it's very effective, because, well, we, for example, can't ... can hit a tank fully, so that it is protected by a fpv drone, i mean because it is protected by such a structure, i am not a tanker and never even been in a tank, not that i worked there, i don't know how the crew behaves there, what they see, but what i, as fpv drone operators, cannot effectively destroy a tank that is equipped with such protective pieces this is a fact, and it is a real pity that i see that some of ours, our equipment is not completely neglected if it neglects such and such, well, here is the equipment, let's say this, here, and this allows, of course, the enemy fpv drone operator to better destroy our equipment, therefore
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, here there is a certain advantage of the enemy, because he begins... to think more deeply to understand, well, i will tell you this, the enemy shot down about 30-40 fpv drones with rifles, not kalashnikov assault rifles, but with special rifles, shotguns, as i understand it, they are staffed by target crews who are on duty and protect we fly there to saushka, which is a self-propelled artillery installation that gives nightmares to our infantry, we fly over the sea. would, but the most important thing is to fly this crew that starts patrolling, and if he hears an enemy crew, if he hears an fpv bird flying, he starts chasing them, that is, they are orcs, well, specially for this function, but their
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function is to knock down half-drones with shotguns, and in general, i will say frankly, the enemy's tactics cannot be changed... it was polished, starting there with the bakhmut offensive of these small groups, it was polished as much as possible in avdiivka, and that's all, what happened in avdiivka, everything now, is implemented by the enemy along the entire front line, starting from ugledar, ending there at the very end to liman, and this is in the wide use of fabs, planes, and... all this artillery is flying and, unfortunately, the enemy continues we are outnumbered in terms of artillery installations and projectiles in general, and these are small groups, mainly at night, storming our positions, this is how the situation looks in principle. and have you ever seen in your direction that they were trying to storm, there they are there on golf carts, there are some on
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motorcycles, that is, now in the summer they start using such things, and it's like... well , in theory, it's a little harder to hit them when they all ride on one kind of armor, there are several of them at once, and you hit and hit everyone, and then they disperse and it seems that it is more difficult, or have you come across such a thing or not, which of course you have, in fact only yesterday i saw it constantly on the monitor screen, that is , these columns, wide clusters have already ended, for example, i have never, well, the last time i saw it was somewhere under... the verb, if i'm not mistaken, it was there sometime in october, there were significant concentrations of infantry, that is, there were 40 orcs, something like that, but now, well, the maximum we can see is six or eight orcs, who appeared there and quickly hid, and we need time in order to fly there, hit them with aim and so on, that's why there are many tactics, well
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, how was it differentiated, yes, that is, there were many, many... small groups, small these small movements, you can even see them riding on motorcycles, on buggies, on bicycles and so on , well, by the way, this applies to the appearance of fpv drones and we have the same, for example, there were cases when i walked to a position of 3.5 km, because it was much safer to walk that way than to drive on the road, which if not ... what is shot through, yes, is flown by fpv drones, that is, for fpv drones there, one person goes, for example, he saw me, well, i protected myself with tree branches, there are people walking along the landing and... i feel calm, but if i go without a reb just in a car, well, it is very, very dangerous if the fpv drone sees me,
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i.e. i, as an fpv drone operator, as a commander in a fpv drone platoon, see this as a significant threat, and now we have just begun to equip machines with a reb, that is, we drive and jam everything around us, but unfortunately... there are no such installations in everyone, it is desirable that, in principle, now everything that moves, a car, i don’t know, there’s a buggy, if you want, there ’s anything, i want a motorcycle to have a rap on it that jammed in the range of 50 to 100 m, everything around me, well, but that’s a threat that can be caught and your own drones, probably absolutely true, the problem is that... when we raise the fpv bird, the main problem is ours, the first is to fly our rap, because it is closer to us, that is, we, let
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's say, evpivishniks, and there are infantry, there is a certain mykola, his wife made a collection for him, collected for a small rap, here mykola brought from himself in a position and turns on this rap incoherently, and jams us, and we think that it is the orcs that are jamming us, and yes. and there are simply millions of such processes at the front, yes, uncoordinated processes, and it is necessary to start, well, let's say this, to make this, if you will, chaos in the good sense of the word, because war is always a little chaos, and sometimes not a little, to make it controlled, trained, here, with a lot of data, so that you open the tablet and see where you have a reb, where it is turned on, how to fly it and so on. this, by the way, is a very, very important question, and i want to say i was active there in civilian life , and i had less chats and
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correspondence than when i, for example, sit in positions in the trenches, because you are constantly exchanging messages, agreeing on frequencies so that you do not interrupt, in short, i am now starting to climb already in the wild, i will say only one thing that what you see in the video when the fp flies is... only the tip of the iceberg, behind all this there is a deep, downright unreal, what a great work and moderation of this work, well, let's say so , senior command, so that it is as effective as possible, well, i understand that so far, there is no such unified system for the coordination of the uav and the work of the guys, but is it theoretically possible on the basis of nettle or something? this is theoretically possible, and it goes to that, and for example, my task as a chief sergeant is to make this coordination between
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the units, for example, those who fly and between the infantry and so on, that is , to ensure communication, it is possible, well, listen, olga, let's say yes, even a year ago, the fpv drone was, for many , super, somewhat unexpected. some kind of miracle somehow, a year has passed and you won’t surprise anyone with this now, in reality, the fpv drone destroys a tank, a sau, a sundial, and a thor, and whatever, and there are many more of them, thousands and thousands, now for a second, i probably don’t know there , well , hundreds of drones in the air at this very second, and maybe even thousands, of course, increasing the use of drones requires pe'. there is no moderation and problems arise, so everything goes before this, that this problem will be gradually solved there, but of course not immediately. well,
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how do you assess the current saturation of drones in actually the occupying forces, because they are trying to do this as well, they have contacts with china there, as far as we have them, after all, a certain base and the ability to produce it far enough from the front, that is. now you would like to evaluate whether it has increased or not , how is it organized, yes, by the way, i would like to thank your viewers right away, because the phone vibrates here and they are constantly giving me thanks very, very much , we will use everything for its intended purpose and with the best video report of how we burn and destroy something so, but i have one clarification are we talking exclusively about fpv drones or the field of uavs in general, well, let's talk about fpv , it's still interesting about fpv, i would say that everything is not so bad, the situation in them feels that there is more fpv, i can't
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say the number, but is felt more fpv, and they can use this fpv as just another drone, that is, if we have a target, we only then use the drone, they use it, they just picked it up and are looking for a target, but did not find it, the drone just fell there , or hit somewhere there and so on, and here, ah, the initiative and use of the ability to use this drone is ours, we are much better at using it, much more developed and... somewhere i would say half heads per head we are better in application, but half heads per head they are better at providing, if we talk about uavs in general, then the enemy significantly outplays us in this component, because they have long-range drones, reconnaissance drones, which, for example, well, as of now, i am in a more or less comfortable place, that is, 20 km
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from ... the front lines, and i do not rule out that, for example, a reconnaissance drone is flying over me right now, it’s easy, it’s drawing something, i, for example, am not so much a target, that is, just a car, but this drone will record the movement of equipment, the accumulation of infantry, entering and exiting somewhere, and so on. i.e. this constant monitoring, and the enemy usually wins with this, if he was able to draw something interesting for himself, then he... immediately transfers this data to other groups there and they already send rockets there, shaheds there and everything else, i.e. the war has become more online, and the information is interesting for now, i know a bunch of spots where, for example, the enemy's s300 system was working, but that doesn't help me, i need it to work now, so that in 10 minutes i can assemble my drone and hit this system already.
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there, if it is as of yesterday, well, it doesn't give me anything, so the birds that are hovering in the sky and are constantly watching, analyzing the situation, he has a significant advantage, and unfortunately, this advantage is now held by the enemy, so our engineering rooms , our country, in general, it is strategically very important to beat the enemy not on the battlefield, but in engineering rooms, with the involvement of our engineers, there are foreign engineers, we have something to offer the world and so on. in fact, we can see the problem that you are talking about now, when our systems were attacked, well, in kharkiv district, and it was clear that this is precisely the work of this reconnaissance drone, which simply scans and has the ability to guide russian missiles, and there it was missile strikes by iskander, and in fact, until this situation of combating such uav
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scouts is resolved, it will not be resolved. air defense situation because we can't pull that close air defense, it's going to be impressive, it's absolutely, so actually, that's the biggest problem, i think, right now is the long-range of these drones. thank you very much, yehor firsov, our time has run out, i wish you the greatest success in your work, and be sure to donate, i urge everyone to any attack uavs, this is very important, well, our time has run out. stay with espresso for another week, we have a lot of interesting things.
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18 o'clock. ukraine brings to your attention a news release on a tv channel.


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