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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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near air defense, it will be expressed this, absolutely. so, in fact, this is the biggest, i think, problem right now with these long-range drones. thank you very much, yehor firsov, our time has run out, i just wish you the greatest success in your work, and be sure to donate, i urge everyone for any attack uavs, this is very important. well, our time is up, see you in another week , stay with espresso. we have a lot of interesting things, at 18:00 in ukraine, we have a news broadcast on the tv channel for your attention. the press is in iryna koval's studio and
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we start with urgent news: the president of the united states signed a document on the allocation of aid to ukraine. this will allow to resume the supply of weapons to kyiv this week. it is expected that the first tranche of military aid will amount to one billion dollars. the united states, together with its allies, has created a powerful logistics network that will help deliver support to ukraine as quickly as possible, pentagon spokesman general patrick ra said. the day before, the us senate supported a bill on aid to ukraine. the document was voted by 79 senators against 8. it provides for the allocation of 61 billion dollars for armed forces of ukraine. let's listen to joe biden live. javelins that are made now in alabama, other weapons that are made in pennsylvania, in texas. however, we are investing in... our own strength, our own military base,
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supporting jobs in over 40 states across the country, and the united states is not alone in this, our allies are helping us, they're talking about what, by the way, they 've been asking me, whether we would not fall back, or whether we would be with them, they were very anxious that we might fall back from our way, and that... they will not be able to help ukraine, but we did everything to prevent this from happening. over the past few months, we have done something that directly helps the national interests of the united states and made it so that putin knows that he cannot threaten nato allies and countries, and if he does. attack on one
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country, it will mean that he attacks other countries, and we, we had no other choice, we had to help ukraine, we knew that what happened in us on september 11 was important for us others helped to stop what was happening, and we want to help stop putin. and let's move on to the following news: ukrainians living abroad... continue to wait for their passports, having ordered a document in warsaw from the passport service of the state of ukraine. my colleague, maria chernyakhivska, knows what the situation is there at the moment, and she is now in direct contact with us from the polish capital. maria, i congratulate you and i am waiting for details from you. greetings iryna, we are now near the shopping center in warsaw, where the passport service is located.
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dp document, where already for the second day, citizens of ukraine are trying to collect their foreign passports, which they ordered right away. the situation is really tense, in front of my eyes today the police arrived, they detained two citizens of ukraine, fined them and released them. employees of the state-owned enterprise complained to the document that they tried to enter their office premises. why don't they give passports to citizens here. of ukraine, which ordered them, let's listen to the official position, and in general, what is the atmosphere like? documents are issued accordingly only to persons who are less than 12 years old, because we cannot technically issue documents to persons who have reached the age of 12 and have submitted their fingerprints when issuing documents.
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that is, there is a technical problem with the verification of documents for issuance. i live, i have lived here for 8 years, in a few years i will try to get polish citizenship, of course for. by and large, i did not need this ukrainian passport, but i still, even though i speak russian, was a patriot of ukraine until the last moment, until yesterday, when i read this news, i was actually very upset, you can come and pick up your foreign passport, each of us has such an eska, i received a visa a week ago, but i was not here, the dp document says about a technical failure, but present more it connects. with yesterday's order of the ministry of foreign affairs on the suspension of the provision of consular services to men of conscription age who are abroad, however, it is worth reminding that the dpe document is subject to the state migration service, and here we were told about that it is not yet known when
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passports will be issued, at least until today it has not happened. that's all i have, irina, you have my word. thank you. maria, this was my colleague maria chernyakhivska from warsaw. and we are moving on: germany and britain are working together to ensure that ukraine survives the fight against russian aggression. this is stated in the declaration following the meeting between british prime minister rishisunak and german chancellor olaf scholz in berlin. the leaders said that the priority in the near future is their military aid there will be anti-aircraft defenses, unmanned systems, artillery and ammunition. as well as the training of the ukrainian military. germany and great britain stand together on the side of ukraine. our clear goal is to provide support so that ukraine can resist russian aggression, but it is also important that we, nato countries, do not go to war with russia. the decision
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of the united states does not release us here in europe from the task of strengthening our support for ukraine. we cannot expect americans to pay the full price. will bear the entire burden if we in europe are not ready to make these sacrifices and make investments in defense, so we are dealing with this issue, it is very important that we in europe demonstrate that we are also making an effort. support within the ukraine facility program. the european union allocated a new tranche of macro-financial aid to ukraine for 1.5 billion euros, the president of the european commission announced. in her post on the ex social network, she noted that these funds are vitally necessary so that the state and services of ukraine can work while the fight against russian aggression continues, fonderlyen added: "europe remains united and
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determined to support ukraine." and to the situation at the front, in the south, our defenders repelled five assaults by russian snipers on orihivsk. direction, of which two are in the staromayorsky district and three in the robotyny district. on the left bank of the dnieper, in the temporarily occupied kherson oblast, the enemy launched three unsuccessful assaults in the krynok area. having suffered losses, the occupiers withdrew. according to the military, the enemy is pressing with artillery fire, airstrikes, and using a large number of attack drones. last day the enemy activated aerial reconnaissance. 236 reconnaissance drones were recorded. flying apparatus. zaporizhzhia policemen evacuated an old pensioner from a field walk. tanks, artillery, hailstones and ffrons are constantly operating in the city. not a single surviving quarter remains,
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but people live here. the woman lasted more than two years. probably, fate protects her - say the policemen. she was not at home when a shell exploded in her yard. however, a serious illness forced him to take a decisive step. the police took the woman to one of the zaporizhzhia shelters, where she receives care and medical assistance. currently , approximately 800 people live in the city of golepol, who also need to be evacuated, but unfortunately, they have not shown a desire to evacuate. now we have 10 people, all of them. people have been evacuated from different places, all of these people have no housing, and all of these people have some group of disabilities, the workers of the national police have brought a woman from golyapil who will now stay with us, we have all the necessary
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things for this, then this the woman will go there where she wants. it's not armageddon yet. residents of many cities in the center and south of ukraine witnessed dirty rains today. red sediment remains in drain tanks and on the surface of the car. even the clouds have an ominous red-orange color. according to forecasters, the cause of this was a cyclone that came from the south and dust from the sahara. the rain itself is clean, but the drops contain small particles of sand. colored clouds will roam ukraine for two more days. such were the news at that time. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you peace and quiet. in the evening, my colleague vasyl zema will continue the broadcast in just a few minutes.
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more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when the liver wakes up, allochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder, the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger good evening, we are from ukraine.
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biden signed heavy battles in the east, the enemy is again hitting civilian infrastructure and killing and wounding ukrainian citizens. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting with a very hot and highly anticipated, i would say, long-awaited and long-awaited news. president of the united states of america. joseph robin biden signed the bill on foreign aid, which includes aid to ukraine, and appealed to the americans live with ukrainian translation in t. espresso will be available to watch if it hasn't finished yet, and i also want to tell you that biden said the following words: in the next few hours, i will give orders to the relevant services to transfer missile systems and all necessary weapons to ukraine. actually, i will say again, this is such a long-awaited and long-awaited help, how did it happen, what happened there,
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as a result, we have what we hoped for before, but it is good that we have it now. well , serhiy will talk about this too today zgurets in the military results of the day, because it is important for understanding. well, let's move on to our frontline realities, and at the front, our fighters need both complex systems and simpler systems, but in any case, they need everything that we can help them acquire today. therefore, the espresso tv channel is calling to join the collection of ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. she. serves in the zaporozhye direction, we have a request from our soldiers for specific types of ammunition, they are very much waiting for help from us in the near future, the battles are being fought in package conditions, so things must be modern, high-quality and meet needs. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection. our goal is uah 100,000.
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this is actually both a lot and a little. you have already been able to collect uah 15,240 by joining this fundraiser, i will keep this jar in my bookmarks and at the end of the program, let's see how much more we will be able to collect, i think that we will be able to close this issue in the near future, well, within maybe today, and maybe in the coming days, let's do it, and let's lead now a conversation with serhiy nikitenko, he is the editor-in-chief of the publication most, this is kherson region, sir. sergey, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, russian troops shelled stanislav, 40 houses were damaged, one person was injured, this is what i read in the reports somewhere about a few hours ago. perhaps there is more information as of now, and perhaps, apart from stanislav, there were also shelling of other communities and settlements. please. well,
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stanislav has been under heavy fire for a long time, for almost eight months now. before that, he was also shelled, but not so much, soon it will be a year since they started directly shelling very heavily, and this is the first populated place on which the russians threw mortars directly in the center, we saw their consequences, showed their consequences, well, it is obvious that stanislav is very close to the kinborska spit, across the liman, in fact she went there, well, on the lower street, as they call it in the village, the lower street near... lyman, even mortar mines fly there, it's so close, and stanislav is forbidden to enter with journalists, because of the danger, and there, in principle, arrive now to the highway, there the highway runs along the lyman, very beautiful picturesque places, and there are already flights to pivido, so it is really very
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dangerous there, like the whole stanislavsk community, it is suffering a lot, and the neighboring belozersk community is also suffering, yesterday there was a lot of shelling and beilozerka, dniprovskyi, and kizamis and other settlements located near the river, this is the dnieper delta, in fact the place where the dnieper flows into the liman, further into the sea, well , the same was true of kherson today and there were flights upstream in all settlements . well, a woman died in the village kozatsk as a result of enemy mortar shelling. this is exactly what you said, that even mortar shelling, unfortunately, not only destroys houses and injures people, but also kills our fellow citizens, in a cossack village, it is also, well, in cossack, it is not the same as mortar mines, in the russians can actually fire their firearms at the cossack's houses, so that it is
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directly opposite the former kakhovskaya gs, i.e.... they published photos of very destroyed five-story buildings there yesterday or the day before yesterday, there are not many of them there there was, but it is almost gone, they were destroyed by the cabals, and the situation there is very tense, and children were evacuated from there, if you remember, they are trying to evacuate other people as well, but it is difficult, well, now we will look at a photo that photographers kostyantyn and vlada liberov took their own photo. they showed footage from the settlement of krynka, the birthplace of a famous ukrainian writer, a political prisoner, by the way, in soviet times, who spent 10 years in the pavlo prosydab camps. better known as ostapa vyshnyu, and what now, what do the krynkas look like now, we can see exactly this one material, this is what months of battles,
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heavy, terrible battles, as well as constant enemy shelling turned into a settlement, which, by the way, at one time had a fairly large number of people, i am afraid to lie now, i read information about how many people lived in krinks, well, quite a large number. the community lived in the krynka, well , actually, this, as the photographers wrote, is this village that is no longer there, not the first, unfortunately, and unfortunately, and not the last in this war, which ceased to exist, like bahmud, like mar' yanka, shepherdess, well, there is something in mariupol, but in in principle, it was also destroyed, if i may say a few words, i understand that the fighting continues there all the time, what i read is very similar to... the situation, the enemy is trying to storm, he pushes on the bodies of his fellow soldiers, as they say, the dead and climbs, and he crawls, and crawls, and crawls, he needs
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to take these corners, but does the information reach, at least, what is the situation there, is it possible to restrain, this bloody, but so important, as far as i understand, because i don’t know the whole strategy, i can’t to know the bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region, well, first of all, it is not parents. on osap vyshnya, he just liked to come there, rest in the summer, this is a bit of a clarification, before the war, before the full-scale invasion , about 700 people lived there, well, there are different estimates, but they say that the exact data is that 700 people lived, now it is obvious that the village no longer exists, it is directly adjacent to the village of cossack camps, and there are probably no more people in the cossack camps either. local residents also fought there, it is very difficult to tell something new, i think that the viewers themselves saw this video and everything is basically clear, yes in
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what incredibly difficult conditions ukrainian soldiers live there, it is obvious that it is very difficult for the people who live in the east of kherson to hear. and at night they most likely hear the flights of cabs there, that is, it even reaches kherson, most likely from there, people are constantly talking about it, well, unfortunately we do not have any details, because there is informational silence and we are waiting for some official information, there are no they communicate very well, although the russians constantly spread rumors... had false information that at first they took the village, then they tell there that they still they didn’t finish, well, as we can see,
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they won’t be able to take the village, because the village no longer exists, and the enemy, you see, is engaged in propaganda, sometimes tries to pass off his wishes as real, sometimes downplays his losses or his defeats, on the contrary, exaggerates his own successes and at the same time trying to press, here... it is important to understand how effectively today, in your opinion, it works, well, ukrainian communication, information, propaganda too, because propaganda always exists during war, this is both with a plus sign and with a minus sign, and here, is there any possibility to understand, and is there any access to ukrainian information on the occupied territory of kherson oblast, well, this is very difficult, well, first of all, some information is constantly being kept. i do, well, first of all, many media are working on this, the government is doing something, but it is becoming more and more difficult to deliver content there, ukrainian sites are blocked there, our
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site was blocked back in august 2022, in the middle of august, it is the only way , which remains to communicate with these people, these are still telegram channels, viber chats, a little bit of instagram, a little bit of youtube, well, no more, i, well, in principle, and cable tv, i don’t know if your tv channel is in cable, not cable, sorry, satellite, satellite tv channels, they continue, well be accessible, the ones that aren't blocked, uh, people are more likely to get information through those channels, well, really. it is obvious that the tv channels, well , plus, the radio catches a little bit, and by the way ,
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russian is caught in our coastal areas as well. radio and ukrainian radio catch up, well enough, let's say, far away, there is already in kherson local radio station trying to communicate with these residents, but you understand that all the coastal settlements, they are under fire, very often there is no light, so it is very difficult, very difficult to reach these people, except for information pumping, as they say, the enemy conducts... such actions where he tries to sell his russian peace to the local population, or to include him in this community of a poisonous phenomenon such as russian peace, but i read today that in genichesk, i don't know how people live there now under occupation , but the occupiers deployed the colorado ribbon, they call it st. george's ribbon, but we call it the colorado ribbon, which was 84 m long, it's probably the kind of things that we today...
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can't please the local residents in quotation marks, because, well, i understand that everyone needs, even if it is an occupied territory, but there are certain obligations to the civilian population in the occupied territory to still provide for their needs, even if you are an occupying army, well, but this is not about the russians, because they do not follow any conventions in principle, no strings attached and no strings attached norms of international law, even, even during the war, how would you comment on this long ribbon of strange colors that they stretched? around the famous city of henichesk. well , first of all, it is surprising that it is only 84 m, it is a tape not 88, which would be symbolic. and secondly, uh, well, i looked at the pictures, the unfolding of this giant tape. and i was surprised that genichesk should now be concentrated, well, thousands of occupation officials, all kinds of ministers, their governors,
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workers of these apparatuses. those occupying authorities in quotation marks, why did they not come out to stretch the ribbon, but the actual one was stretched by some exiled schoolchildren and so on, well, this question worried me more, the fact that henichetsk, as a depressed region , remained so, despite the fact that the russians nicknamed it something like the capital of the kherson region and did not rename it to the henicheska region, but... well, it is obvious that no one went to save the people who were cut off by the flood on the arab arrows from the mainland, no one started to save them, because everyone went to stretch the ribbon, and so in everything, the russians talk about the henicheska many nibolits, starting like two years ago, a year and a half ago they said that they would build a new city near henichesk, they started building it,
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and then it turned out that... this is not a city at all, but an enthusiastic boarding house, a sanatorium, and what they they pass it off as a built city, well, once everyone started laughing, then they simply forgot about this idea, now they will build some microdistricts, there is something else, but you understand that this is all just stupid nonsense, we have to thank you very much, i only the very end will remind me that someday it is possible to deliver in genichka, there is a monument to an outstanding man, an engineer of a separate battalion of sailor vitaly skakun, who, together with himself, blew up the genetic road bridge in order to stop the enemy's breakthrough. zarabat arrow, we remember the beginning of the invasion, this city will definitely return to ukraine, it will be freed from the occupation, but the enemies, the only thing that remains is to drag their colorado ribbons through cities and villages, expelling people for this. serhiy nikytenko, editor-in-chief of the most publication, talked a little about kherson region, and now we will talk with people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. i just want to congratulate, as a person who also
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got involved as a people's deputy. perhaps not only in this capacity to this decision of the positive and finally signed aid package for ukraine, i just wanted to hear your reaction, because it is important, it is really hot and long-awaited and maybe even long-awaited news, and the plus is that joseph biden said that the nearest sometimes these weapons will be transferred to ukraine. yes, it was already being prepared, and it was in warehouses in germany and of poland we are waiting for it, because it is very important for us, it is important for preserving the lives of ukrainians. we once again made sure that, and now we have a certain technical problem , now we will quickly master it, you know, there is also a plus, like, you know, this victory of ukraine, including the signing, and ...


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