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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i just want to congratulate you, as a person who also participated as a people's deputy, and perhaps not only in this capacity, to this decision of the positive and ultimately signed aid package for ukraine, i just wanted to hear your reaction, because this is important, this is really hot and long-awaited and perhaps even long-awaited news, and the plus is that joseph biden said that in the near future these weapons will be transferred to ukraine, yes, they were already being prepared, and they... were in the warehouses of germany and poland, we expect it, because it is very important for us, this is important for the preservation of the lives of ukrainians, we once again made sure that now we have a certain technical problem, now we will solve it quickly, you know, there is also a plus here, as you know, this is the victory of ukraine, in including the signing by a...
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joseph biden of this aid package, and before that the decision of the house of representatives of the united states congress. now, you know, so many smart people have come forward telling us why mike johnson decided to put on the ballot, why he changed his opinion, well, not hundreds, but i have already read from dozens of versions, almost jesus, almost jesus christ appeared to him at night, there are many versions, but the point is that our partners, state leaders, prime ministers , presidents, ministers of foreign affairs in britain, japan, the prime minister and president of poland, came to the united states of america and said: "sign, vote, give aid to ukraine." mr. mykola, please continue there, well, at the end of this topic, help ukraine. yes, despite all the difficulties that exist in the inner life the political system of the united states of america , after all, we were convinced that the deep state exists in america, and... and america stands in
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defense of the values ​​of democracy, and we received this support, and we are of course grateful to all the american people, and president joseph biden, and congressmen , and to the senators who supported this decision, so for us it is really extremely valuable and important, and proves once again that we will definitely win with the support of the democratic world, i mean, this democratic world in the person of the united states of america, he reacts very sensitively to violations of democratic...principles in the field of media, in particular, by those states that he helps, well, now we are talking about ukraine, so the state department of the united states of america included the edyni news telethon in the report on human rights violations in ukraine for 2023. i will not quote these excerpts, because actually i would like you to say about the most important thing, whether it is a plus or a minus, and why exactly the only news, and what confused our dear ones the most? when they
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were determining whether it was a violation of democracy and freedom of speech and principles, is it not a violation, please, this is political censorship, not military, but rather political, it is obvious to the whole world, because it is possible to fool trying to fool ukrainians by monopolizing the television airwaves, but you cannot fool the world, and the americans, whoever is in power there, they cannot close their eyes to the values ​​on which their state is built, it is very unfortunate that these reports... and these data, which correspond to reality, become an argument very often against ukraine among our enemies. if we continue want to support, receive support from the democratic world from the united states, we must not only be a true democracy in words, but in deed. obviously, we are a democratic country, and we have become an outpost of democracy, but in order not to betray those who support us, we must be such an outpost in every action we take. when the ukrainian government shuts down television channels without
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any explanation, when it monopolizes the television airwaves under the guise of war, it can be imitated in front of ukrainians, but it cannot be imitated in front of a democratic world, therefore, on the one hand, for the preservation of democracy, this report is very important and it is good that it appeared, but for our further support, it is very bad that there are such points for which the responsibility lies entirely with the ukrainian authorities, which, in short, what should be the consequences, well, at least, how should they respond to this in ukraine, because i understand that the state debt office is probably waiting for some kind of reaction, otherwise why was it written, done, researched, so that just to report, especially the country that is helping us now, and we saw it, president said clearly, without the help of the usa, we will lose this war, well, this was said by the head of state, so perhaps it is worth reacting to such and such conclusions, to such remarks, they must be reacted to, because the state department, which is financed by american taxes, must speak to the americans the truth and tell about what is happening. the world, what are they doing,
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and the americans who vote for us, the next time, if god forbid, this continues, will read that this is a country that violates human rights and restricts freedom words, they just won't vote because it's then... not a democracy, there's a very big danger of losing independence, so obviously this whole marathon thing has to be stopped immediately. the other thing is that i am in favor of having military censorship, so that obviously tv channels, social networks do not give out the location of our military units, do not tell anything that could harm our national security, but that in no way means that they should only show the ruling party of the president, there must be democracy, all votes, all... patriotic voices should be heard, these patriotic voices sometimes have different views, different recipes, belong to different parties, but what should unite them is love for ukraine and the desire for victory, that's what we really have , and i would really like the authorities to hear these assessments and understand how important it is to correct the mistakes
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they made, and democracy or not democracy, violation of human rights, or still, an effort, i don't even know how it is right you. to catch and push to fulfill one's constitutional duty citizens of ukraine, men of conscription age, who are abroad, today we have information, we already had an entry from warsaw from our correspondent, and we listened to representatives of this organization, where ukrainian citizens abroad came to get their passports, and they do not provide consular services, in fact, a person does not can get his passport, a lot of emotions, a lot of quarrels, the police, well, what is happening abroad, and various comments about this in ukraine, but... explain what is actually happening, whether it is a violation or not people's rights, and what should be the next step, the next logic, because for now, there are emotions, there are explanations, that so there are such prescriptions, so to act, what to do next? well, look, we are a democratic state, in which
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the rule of law is valuable, the rights of ukrainians abroad must be ensured, the constitution of ukraine and a whole series of different laws say about it, and when these rights are violated, obviously, it is very bad... and an unworthy example, i in no way defend the evaders, i think it is shameful when citizens, not you , do not fulfill their duty to the state, but the state must fulfill its obligations to citizens, and fulfilling the state's obligations means that the state must act in accordance with the law, we have a law, it will soon come into force, changes to the law on mobilization can be made in accordance with the current legislation, but the ministry of foreign affairs sent out a letter instructing consuls not to... provide consular services to persons of conscription age, and persons of conscription age are not all those who are draftees or are required to be in the army, they are, for example, young students , who are not currently in the army are taken, these are disabled people, people with disabilities, these are older people, who may be under 60 there, they are still of conscription age, but they can live in
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another country there for many years, there since 1991 or since 2000, and not receive no invitations of any kind to the military office or to be unfit for... military service, but everyone suffers, without any warning, because consular services are not only passports, if a person wants to write some order so as not to lose property, to entrust something to his child, agree on some economic issues, all these actions have actually been suspended, of course this is an unconstitutional step, will it help to return evaders, i do not believe it, i think that such unconstitutional steps increase the number of evaders, because many people who are abroad, many of them had two passports , because supposedly in our country... multiple citizenship is prohibited, there is only a law submitted by the president and dual citizenship, but there is no punishment for this, and many people have them, they will simply revoke their ukrainian passports if they continue them, or if in this passport has them be extended after a year, then they will just get another passport, we need people,
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firstly we need people at the front, secondly we need people in the economy, especially after the victory, because we need someone to rebuild the country and pay taxes here . because we already have a labor shortage, where will we get these people from, we will push out all ukrainians who will lose confidence in the state and will invite people from asian countries or from african countries, how will it look, this step is absolutely short-sighted, i i don't believe that he is anything will help in the mobilization processes, and this help is extremely necessary, and for this it is necessary to use completely different means and methods. if, for example, we returned personal income tax paid by enterprises in their regions, and they were taken from... from city budgets to the central budget, and it is not clear where they are going, allegedly for the purchase of drones for state special communications , which has been accused of many corrupt practices for buying the same drones, and the drones of these drones that they are buying, is not what solves the problems on the front, unfortunately, but if returned this pdf to its place, or at least some
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part of it, and obliged to give, for example, 500 € to each family where the breadwinner or a family member goes to the front, this would stimulate people to go to the front and it would see, showed that their families can also... give support, and this is one of the ways out, there are many such ways out, and what the ministry of foreign affairs did illegally may have some positive intentions, you know, i am also offended when my relatives or... relatives at the front, and these fled abroad and are hiding, but it is necessary understand that, first of all, not all of them fled and are hiding, but those, excuse me, who fled, where are the criminal cases against those who released them, how they escaped through the system, gave bribes, swam across rivers, these are hundreds of thousands of people , who took these bribes, where is the punishment for these people, instead we do not see this and limit the rights of all men, those who should serve, should not serve, and thereby push them out of ukraine and reduce them. our mobilization potential, that is the greatest danger. thank you very much
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for comments, thank you for joining, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. the actual question that mr. mykola voiced, i still voice to myself, but where are all those people, from the smallest border guard to a member of the vlk and so on, who gave these people the opportunity to escape, hundreds of thousands of people, well, we have several detained heads of the shopping center, we have , we have someone somewhere, but globally, where, then, either they did not break the law, or they are law breakers who will allow them to break it. not punished, although again here the question, i agree, must be resolved wise, and i support mr. mykola, that there should be no evasions, yes, well, serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense agency is with us, the presenters of the military summaries of the day, serhiy, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, i will very briefly, we didn't discuss with you today, i just asked your opinion as a professional expert, in the daily telegraph i saw an article about how and why the enemy managed to break into the reeds, and it's called brigades, and how you and i... found out, the journalists were a little confused, the quality in general of the western press in covering the events
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of the war in ukraine, and where exactly was the mistake, because it is important, well, really, when we talk about ocheretyne, it is such a settlement that attracts attention, ocheretyne, there are also russian troops, and our troops, today there nazar voloshyn talked about the fact that we are trying to counter the enemy who is trying to advance, but a few days ago there was this story, why is this happening... the entry of the enemy into this settlement and it was said that it is related to by the actions of the 47th brigade, in fact, literally yesterday, the 47th brigade said that it remained on the defense of berdych, if our bradleys were active there, then we also helped other brigades, and the situation around ochereteny is actually connected precisely with the actions of 115- of the mechanized brigade, i think that this is just right, even if we look at different directories, different maps, we can understand that it was precisely there that the 115th brigade operated, who... understands, in principle, makes fewer mistakes, but in any case we still have
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to focus on our spokespeople, although sometimes our spokespeople are in no hurry to make correct statements, sometimes our propaganda prevails, and then we actually find ourselves in a situation where we already pay attention to the comments of foreign media, which is actually not quite acceptable, according to me. and then in our column we will talk about american military aid, about... the purchase of drones for the armed forces and about the demining of liberated territories, how much time, money and technology is needed for this, about that in a moment. first, of course, i'll start with the good news that the senate passed the bill on financial military assistance to ukraine, the us president signed this law, in fact we have... more than 60 billion us dollars, which will
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provide for ukraine's defense needs during the year , including the needs of american defense companies that will manufacture new weapons, if if these 60 billion are roughly distributed in this way, then within the limits of 12 billion dollars what can be taken from the reserves of the ministry of defense and quickly supplied to the armed forces 14. this is the weaponry that will still be manufactured at american companies. if we are talking about 12 billion, then it is actually possible to make a package of 1 billion almost every month, and the nearest package of american arms assistance, i think will be exactly the same in terms of volume and will include, in my opinion, and according to the estimates of other experts, this is primarily ammunition, anti-aircraft defense systems, perhaps definitely missiles for the patriot systems, for the nasams. and also a significant amount of armored vehicles, because both bradleys, which are now used to eliminate the enemy
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from the same ocheretiny, and abrams, and m-113, these things that we desperately need, but when we talk about american aid, about european aid, we must not forget that we also have the potential to create weapons systems that demonstrate success on the battlefield, i am primarily talking about unmanned systems. starting with drones and ending with long-range systems, long-range drones with a range of more than 100 km, and now we will talk about this very topic with our guest, we are joined by maksym muzyka, an expert in defense technologies. mr. maxim, i greet you, glad to see and hear. welcome, thank you for the invitation. of course, at first i wanted to say that you are, relatively speaking, the head of the ua dynamicx team, but i see that now the positions have changed a little, and still i would like to ask in this context, should you have
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taken a job at the ministry of defense, considering to this story, which would... there was also a discussion on the network about the fact that you could be involved in the procedures for the purchase of drones, but this background is connected with some claims to the fact that the music has gone, now it will be there, probably saying to lobby your punisher, i thought it was quite strange, to be honest, because i didn't think that our people were so, to be honest, jealous on the one hand, and on the other hand, it's strange how they feel about it, but in any case you had could... see from the inside how drones are procured for the armed forces. now there are new rules, in addition to talking with you, i spoke with other representatives of the company and they say that in principle the procedures, to be honest, seem to be correct, but for some reason ukrainian -made drones are purchased less than they could be purchased, what are the nuances
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that both experts and our viewers should know about within the limits of what is permissible. yes, thanks for that. for such an intro, yes, in fact, for two months i was, so to speak, a freelance adviser in the defense procurement agency, in the end i was offered the position of deputy director, i refused, because i personally see my greater effectiveness in the private sector to help with a technological project, to show myself on the field fight than dealing with bureaucracy, i will say, i do not underestimate the importance of bureaucracy, of course, it is very important necessary, but i just personally do not see my effectiveness there, and the director of the agency stated this, well, they parted ways, so to speak, and regarding the purchase of drones, yes, in fact there are a lot of problems, and it seems to me that 80% of the problems are solved procedures, both within the agency itself, and within the ministry of defense and the general staff, everything starting with
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the definition, there is such a temporary procedure for determining the need for unmanned aircraft systems and which was approved back in december of last year, signed by the needs, really, it needs, there are more changes there, well, that is, if lawyers read it, they just grab their heads a little, because it is written incorrectly, and it is not a working option, there are also many procedures that complicate and delay contracting procedures, but we understand that first of all... every week there, every month of delay in contracting is a week or a month when the drones will not be at the front, and it must be accelerated, and it can be done within the ministry of defense, within the agency, within the general staff, there are people who understand that i hope they definitely do. regarding procurement, we are in a slightly different position this year than we were
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last year, last year we had more money for domestically produced drones than we had production capacity. of all domestic manufacturers, but over the course of a year, the production capacity increased three or four times, and the money was not much more, let's say, that's why there are now whole companies that do not exist this year, well, their products are not a priority, because the priorities now at the front are primarily fp drones and long-range drones, and some systems, well , in fact, such as ms. of this class, they are not in the first priority now, and maybe they will be purchased later, when additional funds appear, but if we talk about the purchase of drones in general, that is, we must say that drones are primarily an unmanned aircraft system, and the main thing is this is precisely the system, the systematicity of procurement, the systematicity of application, it must be
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present, now we have a little towards systematicity ... the newly created forces of unmanned systems, but they still need to work, because now it a little different, i will say frankly, even before the system, before the system vision , there are big questions in procurement, i am currently communicating, i am actively helping the association of technological forces of ukraine, precisely the priority of the predictability of procurement and the systematicity of procurement is the number one priority that they, as representatives, have. .. industries are lobbying in front of our, shall we say, helmsmen, and does that mean that in this situation, relatively speaking, the structures that have money, in particular, there are ministers? or state special communications, it can impose some things, some things, which in fact, they may not coincide with the priorities of the command of the unmanned forces, because, relatively
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speaking, various models may be proposed that do not fit into the concept that is seen, in particular, well, there is a new commander, well, look, no, not quite, there is a question, let's say so, because the first supply request, which was formed according to the needs of the general staff. it was verified by the old team, and there were certain questions regarding the process of this formation, because already at the time when it was formed, there was an understanding that there are more effective means that should be purchased, but even the process of changes to the supply request is bureaucratized, and it must be simplified so that the general staff can react to changes more quickly, because this is a technological war and changes in needs are quite fast. regarding the fact that there may be some manipulations about the fact that what is being purchased is not what the general staff asks for, well, this is not quite the case, because in fact, if we talk about the agency, then
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the agency specifically receives from the general staff a specific list of means with the indication that it for the tool, what is it called, how is it codified, who is its manufacturer, and even buy a similar tool, which may be cheaper, may be a little more effective, the agency cannot directly, that is... determine what it needs, and then, when we talk about foreign samples, there was information for literally a couple of days that we are buying vector drones from the germans, there is a significant amount for the future, are these samples really much more technological than those that ukrainian companies can offer? well, in fact, if we talk about the vector drones of the company quantum systems, then they are really, they are technological, they are cool and... moreover, quantum system has already opened a representative office in ukraine, its service center, well, that is, they are already partially a local manufacturer, i know that
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there is even a factory where housings are made for these drones, and this factory is located in ukraine, strangely enough, so these same drones are not bad, they are, not even that they are not bad, they are cool, there is definitely that , that we are helped by partners and transfer, and often the general staff from... from these means, realizing that they are ineffective, and spending money on these means is ineffective, that is, there are certain countries in which, in principle, there are no means that can be effective in a modern war, as such technological war, which is currently taking place here in ukraine, that is why the general staff is forced, let's say, to give up these means, just so as not to multiply the means that will fly out and not be effective. mr. maxim, thank you for your work, for your time. for inclusion, now i will tell you how about the defense technology expert, i think that after a certain interval we will know your new position and then in a new capacity we will continue to discuss what is happening
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with our unmanned systems, how they are developing them and what our defense companies can provide to our armed forces. let me remind you that it was maxim muzyka. and then we will talk about the topic that is a consequence of hostilities, it is about the mining of territories and how to deal with it, that's what it is. one of the problem-thematic areas that will be in kyiv tomorrow to be discussed at the forum that opens tomorrow in kyiv, called the safety of the population in conditions of war, this is the cooperation of the state emergency service and our communities, there are many different topics, but we will single out only one issue, which is precisely related to the threat from mines that are scattered on our territory, and now we are joined by timur pistryuga, this is the head of the association of ministers of energy of ukraine, mr. timur, congratulations. glad to see and hear you, good afternoon, er, the association of sappers of ukraine, because we are demining, all sappers of ukraine, okay, and i would like to ask you if there
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now, what are the statistics that allow us to assess this threat associated with the mining of our territories as a result of hostilities, what are the indicators, how to deal with it, what are the time and financial components associated with solving this problem. yes, there are statistics, and unfortunately, they are disappointing, ukraine, it is already a fact, at the moment is the most mined country in the world, with the biggest problem that other countries have not yet faced, if we are talking about the scale of our tragedy, if to speak in the language of numbers, then... it was just recently announced by the national mine countermeasures body activity such a figure as 156 km is potentially
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dangerous. territory, i.e. we cannot yet provide a clear figure of how many mined territories there are, because for that we need to carry out at least the first stage, i.e. finish a non-technical survey of the territory, then we can understand exactly how much is mined, but it is already 156 00 of potentially dangerous territory km, mr. timur, but who does this, right? do we have private companies that carry out this demining mission, are there enough of these companies, how are they financed, where do they get the money, where do they get the technical equipment, what about this layer to solve these problems? yes, of course, well, look, in accordance with the law of ukraine on mine action, humanitarian exchange is carried out by operators of mine action, that is, it is of any
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legal form, organization, institution that has passed certification, responded, received an appropriate certificate for this or that process and authorized to engage in this activity, if i am not mistaken, somewhere, well, at least last week data were made public that today there are such operators who have passed the certification. there are 34 on the list, that is, there is a corresponding list, 34 of them, and it can be a private company, such as, for example, a public one, because the super association of ukraine is also an operator of mine action, even a state structure and even a military unit, the most important condition , that they have to undergo certification, is it enough, i
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think, we have to talk here anyway. which are primarily not about the number of such operators, but about their capacity, because, well, let's say one operator may have 1,000 sappers, another may have five sappers, we understand that here in this case we need to talk about their capacity, then answering your question, of course at the moment it is not enough, if you can answer like that, and when we talk about needs. communities, can the communities themselves conclude contracts with such associations, structures and where to look for funds to pay for services related to demining, do they have community funds, is it possible for some state or foreign financial solutions that allow you to provide this service? well, at the moment, if we talk about the financing of humanitarian exchange programs, then we must talk first of all
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about donor funds. here, but, but the ministry of economy has already made public several times, and i know that many are very much waiting, uh, that our state market will open for this service, and the state budget provides 3 billion hryvnias for, let's say, compensate for humanitarian exchange costs specifically for the agricultural sector. so far, these are two, let's say, the main ones programs that can, well, find some funding for these activities. regarding the types of allocation of funds to communities, well, i have not yet heard of such a thing, specifically even, let's say, the most affected communities, which need priority exchange. to
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allocate funds to them separately in this line, you corrected me at the beginning, because i was thinking about the war and i was thinking about the sappers, and you still told me that we should think about the miners, but here the situation is such that in any somehow we understand that there is a war, and i understand that now there, the tsc and other structures, in principle , need people who understand the explosions of explosive devices, can demine them, like this balance... between humanitarian demining and the need for people who have such, well, specific, but extremely important experience on the battlefield, yes, well , in fact, the situation in ukraine is unique, and this is a great difficulty for all our activities, because, well, humanitarian measures in the classics, they start from the beginning.


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