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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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in the course of it, it became known that this is volodymyr yarmolenko, the one who, on the other hand, signed the document, that is, the ex-director of the bilotserk military construction works department. at the same time, he is a co-founder of the same monolith booth tv, in other words, they are friends. the monolith enterprise, we have known each other for a long time, we have all worked together for a long time. the land does not go anywhere, the land remains with the ministry. defense, according to the documents, you see it, you see, there is no crime here, i don't see it as a last resort, i don't see a crime here. case is so suspicious that while we were preparing this material, we could not find a lawyer or a lawyer who would agree to talk about her on camera, or rather about details that not everyone knows, so at the request of the speaker we change his name and do not show his face in the phone
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during the conversation, he told that before signing the contract for the establishment of the land easement, there was another one for the lease of the land. this contract has strangely disappeared, it is nowhere to be found, only it exists in the land register, as far as i know, in the biloserkiv city council, mention of him, when drawing up a state act, the permission of the minister at that time was mandatory. ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, this permission was received, let's say, the leaders were not signatories. obviously a conflict of interest, the signatories were officials and therefore understood what they were getting into. but the building on the territory of the market is a former point of technical maintenance and repair, however, according to the human rights defender, it no longer belongs to
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the state enterprise, it has recently been the private property of the monolit booth company. through peace agreements, ostensibly to repay the debt, the state-owned enterprise , the ministry of defense, handed over to buvr for some hundred thousand hryvnias a huge premises, a warehouse. our tv channel will follow. according to the situation, so that there would be housing for the military, yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to regain control over urination feminost uuro - release
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and ochad. there are 15% discounts on uruleisan in the psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars at... turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? aloholk, and what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue, this is a big ether. let me remind you that my name is vasyl zima and he is joining me oleksandr morchivka. money during the war. alexander, congratulations, please. thank you vasyl
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for the word. thanks to the viewers who joined the column about money during the war. i will talk about energy, as well as about international aid , not only from the united states, how much. provided to ukraine by the european union, everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. i monitor the ukrainian energy system, and now for the third day in a row, our energy workers are seeking emergency assistance from europe. deficit stored online. in the morning, for example, consumption was 10%, 10% higher than in... yesterday, ukrenergo says, due to damage from missile strikes, power plants cannot produce enough kilowatts, due to hostilities and bad weather without electricity, some consumers in dnipropetrovsk , donetsk, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, khmelnytskyi and kharkiv regions,
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currently without power supply, also in odesa as a result of the morning attack , the equipment of the local oblenergo was damaged, and in ukrenergo, the company adds that... already have started such a scheduled power outage for businesses, it lasts from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., and ordinary household consumers , you and i, are urged not to turn on appliances unnecessarily, even during peak hours , both in the morning and in the evening. let's help our energy workers and our network to survive together. we stand with international support not only from the united states. that became known today during the live broadcast, which viewers could watch on our tv channel. support within the framework of the ukraine facility program continues, the european union has allocated a new tranche of macro-financial assistance, we are talking about 1.5 billion euros. this was announced
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by the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlein, in her post on the social network, she noted that these funds are vitally necessary so that the state and services of ukraine can... can work while the fight against russian aggression continues, and let me add that this money, where they should be directed, in particular, the first component is important - it is the support of the state budget, well , mostly it is social expenses, it is teachers' salaries, payments to pensioners. the second component - is an investment tool to cover risks due to lack of funds in such strategic industries. well, the government does not name specific sectors, the third is technical support in the implementation of reforms, that is, funds from macrofin, in particular, this share, which came in the amount of 1.5 billion euros, will also cover the costs of reforms. ukraine is changing for the better. well, it’s interesting that
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there really is a need in the state budget for financing pensions, salaries for teachers, doctors, well, there are few funds left, in particular for vulnerable sections of the population, so that, well even to feed yourself, it was an interesting experiment, i watched the story beforehand, our journalists were looking for an answer to the question, is it realistic to feed yourself for 200 uah a month now, let's see how our colleagues manage to do it, is it possible to survive on 200 uah a month, a discussion about this... in the kitchen with friends turned into a real challenge for yuri lavrin. he calculated that this is how much money he would have left for food after paying the utilities from the minimum pension. i actually just wanted to spend experiment, and then i realized that a lot of content can be filmed for this experiment,
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distributed among friends, and it seemed to me that it would be interesting. and i thought, why not help my brother, who is now protecting me, and you, and everyone... us from the onslaught of russians, yuriy started the experiment on april 5, already in 12 days his readers donated the required amount, uah 75,00 for mavik , who will soon... help yuri's brother destroy the occupiers, since there were still more than two weeks left before the end of the experiment, the man decided to help with the collection also a familiar volunteer, she collects drones for the third assault brigade on the radio transmitter for fpv. the journalist's facebook has turned into a diary in which you can see what he buys, how much he spends and what meals he cooks. hello parishioners, now i 'm going to cook a simple delicacy that would cost around a million hryvnias in restaurants. first i made pureed peas, and
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now i will make asparagus, which i grew in my garden 5 years ago, here it is, yuriy says that he feels good, but in two weeks he lost weight 5 kg. the most difficult thing, says the husband, is to calculate how much ready-made porridge will turn out from the dill, and also to watch how his children and his wife eat their favorite dishes. it hurts when children are sitting on the side, eating. ice cream, or i marinate shish kebab, i marinate, buy meat, marinate shish kebab, these are all the smells, then i fry it, and they eat, and i just watch, but it hurts, well, nothing, nothing, yuri's experiment ends just at it's easter, and on this day he dreams of eating delicious paska, ema stednyk, andriy polyakovskii, espresso tv channel. well, this is a story that is still going on. we hope that our fellow journalist will be able to prove an ideological conclusion, to hold on, but in fact, together with this
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initiative, it is a good thing to collect, in particular , to donate through social networks, and it is good that there is asparagus, which was somewhere at home until i think i saved it, these stocks of asparagus saved a little, if people have reserves, well, that's it , if we talk globally about what amounts they live on today, let's say very often pensioners or people who are not socially protected, well , that's natural, well, let's be honest. it is impossible to live, plus people have health now stress and, but such stories really remind us that people need additional money, maybe some kind of social grants, social, social support from the state, non -state institutions, international organizations, because it is really unrealistic to live on uah 200, let me remind you, remember at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when we arrived in lviv at the time, there were whole such large boxes in the stores, where you could take some food, things that were handed over by volunteers. well, later, it's true, somewhere it all disappeared, appeared in large supermarkets, there are still such such baskets, but these are mainly products that
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consumers place on the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. well, i'm moving on. now about the economy of the aggressor country: russia will supply gas to china 20% cheaper than to european consumers. yes, it will last at least until 2027 - bloomberg reports. they refer to... forecast of the ministry of economic development of refia. even before the full-scale invasion , gazprom said it viewed the asian country as a promising market. even then, it was expected that the demand on the european markets would decrease to the end of the decade. the price of the export price to heaven is set at the level of $257 for 1,000 cubic meters, compared to $320 for the flows that are going to go. in the future even before the european union. well,
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european and ukrainian metallurgists suffered from the easing of sanctions on metallurgical products from muscovy. indeed, such a statement was heard by vasyl from the representative of the industry association of ukrmetallurgprom oleksandr kalinkov. well, there are european partners who really want to strengthen sanctions against the aggressor country, but are there? it is necessary to understand and to realize that there is a russian lobby, well , in particular , two countries insisted on relaxed sanctions - the czech republic and belgium, where the production assets of the novolipetsk medical complex are located, and oleksandr kalinkov says that ukraine should now intensify its position, it is possible to prove to international partners that it is necessary urgent sanctions against the metallurgical complex of the aggressor ukraine, well, in particular, it is necessary and i already mentioned the direct limits... to nornickle, because it is currently suffering only due to certain shortages of spare parts, some
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logistics chains, but the company continues to bring income to the coffers of our enemy, about novolypetsk sanctions were introduced against the novolypetsky meteorological plant by the head of the main intelligence department, which means that on the night of april 24, on this day in russia, the novolypetsk metallurgical plant was attacked, a source in the special services informed the union , well, good ones. i like them, as long as someone thinks that some drones are flying here, this is also an economic limitation, and i will end the column about money during the war with this, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more of us in the future. thank you oleksandr morshevka, and thank you. well , now we will congratulate serhii rudenko. the verdict program starts at 20:00 and what will be discussed. although i guess today is the main one of the main topics, but still . serhii, please give me the floor. congratulations
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to vasyl. the main topic is, of course , joseph biden's signing of the law passed by the united states congress. of america and this night the senate of the united states of america, 61 billion dollars, biden publicly signed this law and said that he would do everything to ensure that ukraine received the first military aid from this package by the end of this week. we hope that the americans will really be operational and provide the armed forces of ukraine with everything they need to defeat the russians. we will talk about all this for the next hour, starting at 20:00 , with three of our guests: yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, oleksandr hara, a diplomat, and ihor reiterovych, a political expert. we will also mention the warning to china from the americans, there blinken flies. in short,
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there are many topics for conversation, and i hope that within an hour we... with our three distinguished guests will practice and talk about american aid and the situation at the front and how oil refineries in the territory of the russian federation were attacked today, and of course about china, about china's role in the current conditions. at 21:15 we will have two political experts, they are maksym rozumny and oleksiy koshal, the united states does not like the telethon. america's report of the state department for the 23rd year talks about the restriction of rights person on access to information, a single telethon is mentioned, what does it mean for ukraine, what does it mean for president zelenskyi and his team. we will talk about this with our political experts. let's talk about restrictions on consular services
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for ukrainians abroad. just a few days ago, the ministry of foreign affairs ordered not to provide. all services until the law on amendments to the law on mobilization, the so-called mobilization law, enters into force on may 18, and the rules regarding the new clarification procedure come into force of data in the tsc for conscripts, what is behind this restriction now, as far as it will allow to take. for everyone who is currently legally or illegally in european and non-european countries, we will talk about this with maxim rozumny and oleksiy koshel, and the news of the day is that agreman from great britain, former head of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny i did get it, and it is clear
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that he is going to the diplomatic mission, he is going to the diplomatic work, he has a diplomatic job. mission how it will affect the ratings inside countries, be that as it may, all the same, everyone will compare zaluzhny or syrsky with zaluzhny, the prospects will evaluate zaluzhnyi with the prospects of zelenskyi, in a word, to what extent will her mission, the diplomatic mission of zaluzhnyi affect ukrainian politics, we will talk about the processes starting from 21 :15, we start our big... verdict in 10 minutes, vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, serhiy, so serhiy rudenko, we are waiting at 8:00 p.m., don't be late, and actually, you won't go anywhere, because now sports from yevhen pastokhov, let's see, and then the weather is waiting for us,
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roman yaremchuk renewed individual training, ukrainian forward of valencia. for the first time after the injury, he practiced on the field under the supervision of the zfis training coach before the match of the 33rd round of the spanish la liga against barcelona, ​​as reports. let me remind you that yaremchuk suffered a hamstring injury in the match of the 30th round of the spanish championship against mallorca at the end of march. due to damage, the ukrainian was replaced after 16 minutes of the game. against barcelona valencia will play on april 29, so it is currently unknown whether the striker of the ukrainian national team will be able to help... he tells us in the confrontation with the catalans. new candidate to replace jurgen klopp. liverpool has already made an inquiry to fyodor about the transfer of rotterdam head coach arneslot. enfield, the athletic reports. the english club allegedly offered feyenoord 9 million euros in compensation, but was refused. the deal between
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slott and faye nord is valid until the summer of 2026 . the withdrawal amount, which allows to terminate the contract without the consent of the club, is not included in it provided for previously, according to unofficial data , liverpool considered the option of inviting the head coach of bayer xabi alonso, the newly crowned champions of germany. however, in march, the spaniard said that he will also spend the next season in leverkusen. let me remind you that in january jurgen klob sensationally announced his departure from liverpool at the end of the season. the german specialist led the merseysiders for nine years. the rivalry of ukrainian tennis players at the wta tournament in madrid was determined. four ukrainian women will play their opening matches in the spanish capital at the second stage round marto kostiuk will play with mayarsh, a representative of egypt. sheriff, elina svitolina will take the court against the spaniard sara sori without stopping, angelina kalinina is waiting for the winner of the duel between the chinese wang yafan and the american
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karolai doulheid. diana yastremska's opponent will be colombian emiliana arango. the fifth racket of ukraine - lesya tsurenko lost her match in madrid. in the first round, the woman from kyiv lost to the 18-year-old winner of the wild card from the philippines named alexandra eala. the tournament in madrid started on tuesday. will last until 4 may, so i have a little time and i will hold you in my hands all this time so that you do not go anywhere, because firstly, the weather is literally two minutes from natalka didenko, and there they promise warming in ukraine, although not everywhere and not immediately, but of course the 20th verdict by serhiy rudenko, well , now let's... once again i will announce the collection, our soldiers from the 65th separate mechanized brigade are calling to join the collection of 100,000 uah for
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the necessary military ammunition, battles take place in hellish conditions, the situation is very difficult, is not easy, and you know, when something is collected for such a large-scale, large, many millions, people understand that it must be something that will immediately attract moscow, and war is a simple matter, and i cannot speak now from my experience, but. .. from what i read, hear from my friends who are at the front, these are simple things, sometimes they save lives, simple things make you more mobile, and you just find it more convenient to fight, more convenient to beat the enemy , defend yourself, move around, and that's why we collect for ammunition for the 65th brigade, we are collecting uah 100,000, and now i will see how much we have managed to collect the pocha in our eyes for an hour and 45 minutes, well, actually, by the way, not bad, thank you very much, even very good, i won't say. very good, we had 15 00 a little more, even in my opinion 13 a little more, and now we have 26,227 hryvnias, we have to collect 100,000
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hryvnias, i think we will speed up and close these needs as soon as possible, because this is again what what is needed now, this is not some global project and what will be needed, this is what the soldiers need now, ammunition, equipment, let's collect and close, well and at the very end, i want to say that i would very much like the relevant, well, it should not be president zelenskyi, it should not be someone there, it should be people who should be responsible for it, well, in particular, the ministry of culture and information policy, or maybe even the president can react, or the person who is responsible for communication in the office of president mykhailo podalyak, maybe a minister or the head of the government or the head of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, and the fact that the state department of the united states of america, the united states america, who today... helped us by signing this aid package, and maybe too late, as we would think, but it's good that you signed it and it's good that this money today will really affect the situation at the front, well, they say, there are limitations freedom of speech, there is
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political censorship, the only marathon performs a political function, well, let's do something about it, well, let's also do something about what our partners say, because we always say: you, you, you, you, and you , well, that is, we are fighting for democracy, political censorship is not... democracy is self-censorship with looking at the big brother who is looking at you, this is not democracy, well, they help those who want to build democracy, and military censorship, please, in the information provided, please, but not restrictions, thank you for being with us, with me , and i was with you, and natalka didenko will be with you now, with the weather for tomorrow, and then the verdict, have an espresso, have a nice evening. synoptic, hello to all, our dear viewers, we are starting our next meteorological meeting, we will see what the weather will be like in the next day in all regions.
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of ukraine and their differences, nuances, and we will start our meeting today about early greens, about early vegetables that we are waiting for, that we love so much, and whether they are always so useful. so, i have picked up a few such interesting facts and recommendations especially for you, and i will gladly, of course, share them with you. well, early vegetables, greens, are not recommended for children under 5 years old. for people with chronic diseases, the elderly and pregnant women, as well as mothers who are nursing a child, the most dangerous are lettuce, cabbage, radishes, dill, green onions, spinach, in second place, i.e. still less dangerous, are cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini, carrots, celery, the most safe of the young, early ones are potatoes, legumes,
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sweet peppers, tomatoes, brussels sprouts. they say that cucumbers and greens should be dark green, look closely at the bazaar or in the store, young cabbage should have bright green leaves, and er, nitrates accumulate in the largest amount in the petioles and in the leaves and at the base of the fruit, so you should always well, cut off the place of attachment to the stem as much as possible, and preferably not either buy large vegetables, the most dangerous repeat again and again. a vegetable is a radish, which we all love very much, and what is the way out of this not to eat it, of course not, but it is recommended that before eating these vegetables and greens, they should be eaten directly for several hours, well, maybe not for several hours, but for such a longer time, soak in salted water and then eat for health, ee we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention is a prognostic
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diagram, from which it is clear that tomorrow - a certain activation will be observed, but is insignificant, so people who react even to small such fluctuations should, of course , listen more carefully to themselves, to their well-being, and if you have any ailment or something, then of course turn exclusively to professionals, to specialists, er, well and let's move on to the main topic of our weather meeting, the weather forecast for april 25, in the west of ukraine , rain is expected in some places tomorrow, the air temperature will not drop, by the way, tomorrow it will be 12 or 15 in transcarpathia and in the chernivtsi region until 15-17°. in the north of ukraine, tomorrow there will finally be a respite with precipitation and rain, dry weather will prevail, maybe there will be some rain in sumy oblast, but still, mostly without precipitation , it will warm from 15, from 17 to 22 degrees. antiquity in the east.
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the nature of the weather will be warm, and the air temperature is quite high, comfortable, and the sun will even peek out tomorrow in the eastern regions of ukraine, except for kharkiv region, but it will also receive such a small portion of rain already in the evening. in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow without precipitation, in the poltava region the probability of a little rain, but in general it is dry in the center, +18 +23, in some places even up to +25°. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. wonderful spring, almost summer weather, i would say +18 +25, dry, a lot of sun, the warmest will be in the crimea, well, tomorrow the air temperature will finally rise in kyiv and the maximum will be +18 +20°, precipitation is not expected in the capital , of course, there is always room for improvement, so keep an eye on our espresso channel weather forecasts. good
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evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this the verdict program, my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. russian oil refining is on fire. productive night for sbu drones. why is the united states frightened by strikes on strategic objects of the russian federation? resonant two-party voting. biden signed the package of military aid to ukraine approved by the us senate. american weapons are not too late for the armed forces. preparation of punitive measures. americans warn china about the consequences of aid.


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