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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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this video was filmed in the polish division of the state-owned enterprise, the document, after the temporary ban on the provision of consular services began to take effect, specifically on this video people are outraged, they say that they paid money for services, but neither money nor services. the ministry of foreign affairs says that all applications for the provision of consular services submitted by
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april 23 will be fulfilled. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. we continue to investigate the topic of suspension of consular services to ukrainians abroad. what and how will it affect? some welcome such a decision. he said that citizens have not only the right, but also the duty. others criticize, saying that it is not constitutional, besides, it will not increase mobilization. the provision of consular services to ukrainians abroad has been suspended since yesterday, april 23, 24. for the fourth year, the restriction applies to men aged 18-60 and it will remain in effect until the embassies abroad receive additional clarifications regarding the application of the provisions of the law on mobilization, which will enter into force on may 18. . the most requested consular services among ukrainians of citizens abroad is the issuance of a foreign passport or extension of its validity period, issuance of a passport of a citizen of ukraine, issuance of certificates, entry of information about children in passports, execution of wills.
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acceptance of inheritance or rejection of it. currently, men of conscription age abroad can only issue documents for return to ukraine. our colleagues from the radio liberty tiyak project, which tells about the lives of ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons , have been studying the situation in consular centers for the last two days poland, germany, belgium and the czech republic. take a look. if they believe that this will be a reason for the return of ukrainians to... the country, then i don't think so, my opinion is that people would rather look for certain loopholes here in europe than return to ukraine, it is of course sad, but somehow it is so, real, real picture so, mykola has been living in the czech republic for about four years, reacting to the suspension of consular services for men of conscription age abroad, which was previously introduced by the ministry of foreign affairs. ukrainians are not
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want to give up citizenship, but now conditions are being created that people will have the instinct of self-preservation. he came to the ukrainian consulate in prague, but so far they can only issue documents for returning to ukraine. people came, in regular order, some by appointment, some came to ask something, we gave everyone an explanation. and there were those who also fell under this norm, so you sent them, we explained them, people accepted the situation with understanding, and were there any who submitted whether to return to ukraine or not, there was one citizen who applied to return to ukraine, meanwhile, the reaction in warsaw is more heated, here in the document processing center , obscene language was used, because the service center is not working due to a technical failure. there are
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documents, the state enterprise reported. give the documents to the country? people who came for their documents in the version of the suspended base do not believe, they assume that the reason is in the law on mobilization, an announcement appeared at the gate of the consular department that from april 23 the commission of consular days at the request of citizens. male citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60 , except for identity cards for returning to the homeland. the women we met near the consular department in warsaw also did not speak too favorably about the innovations of the ministry of foreign affairs. they say that the state will not return men in this way. well, it depends, if it was legal to cross the border, if a person has been living here for a long time and did not connect his life with returning from ukraine to ukraine, then i, well, think that it is not. wrongly, and those who
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illegally, then in this way, may be worth them return those who did not legally cross the border. if a person submitted an application to the consulate before april 23, it will be considered, but new applications will not be accepted temporarily, the ministry of foreign affairs reported. but, for example, ivan, who lives in belgium, says that he cannot pick up the finished document yet. i had to write an application for the transfer of my passport and i was refused. is your passport ready? my passport is ready, it is in ukraine. i had to write a statement just to send it. and that's all. and how you now his can you i don't know yet, surprised by the news about restrictions on access to services in germany as well, the men here agreed to speak with us only on condition of anonymity. in general, this is the right action, but it is done very clumsily, for example, if a person, like
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me, for example, at the age of 17, has a disability, i cannot even take the deadline to come here and make my foreign passport, i have a woman the second group - i have to take care of her, leave her here, i can't, i have to go with her, she has oncology, it will be difficult to travel there and back to do this commission. refusal to provide consular services without appropriate military registration documents is provided for in the adopted law on mobilization. the law will not come into effect on may 18, and before then the ministry of foreign affairs decided to freeze consular services for ukrainian men. the ministry of foreign affairs, as if it just happened to me. how to say, diplomatically, through some back yard, and in fact not just an idea, if from which it should be adequate, they push away all our citizens, push literally to obtain temporary residence permits of other countries, to obtain citizenship for those
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who has been abroad for more than two or three years , a member of the committee on national security and defense criticizes the decision of the ministry, in her opinion, the demand for social justice in ukrainian society cannot be achieved by such methods. so we don't have a state policy of returning ukrainians from abroad home, so here we are, we say, please, dear, you can wait three months, you can be you, you are nobody to us. oleksandr mereshko, a deputy from the presidential party, said that he is the closest in the parliament sometimes they listen to the representative of the ministry of foreign affairs. however, according to his words, he has a presumption of trust in representatives of the ministry. i have a presumption of trust in the ministry of foreign affairs, experts really sit there, and when they make some decisions, i... trust it, but still, i would like to understand this issue in more detail. according to eurostat , 650,000 men of draft age have left ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. these statistics do not
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specify how many of them crossed the border as parents of many children or because of disability. at the same time, many ukrainians live with families abroad for many years. ivan tymochko, military officer... chairman of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, has already joined our broadcast. good evening, ivan. good health, glory to ukraine, glad to see you. glory to each other to the heroes . you know, we have already discussed this topic with people's deputies and lawyers, but we have not yet discussed it with the military. what do you think about the restriction of consular services for men of conscription age abroad, do you understand the first logic of such a decision and from your point of view vision, it will somehow contribute to mobilization, because in principle, everything was done with this goal in mind. look, in fact, listening to these cries of these people in general, sometimes in general terms, somewhere i create the opinion for myself that those people have long since renounced ukraine, and just a diploma, a passport, which gives them the opportunity to simply
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move around the countries of the european union, or to provide for themselves a decent, calm, well-fed life, nothing more to do with ukraine... and those cries that you fight for yourself, i don't need that country, if you refuse the country and refuse its protection, your family members refuse her, but for some reason they demand from the country the most comfortable services for them, it becomes incomprehensible to me when, especially in the conditions of war, this is the main moment, the second moment, well, i will tell you that any serviceman ... much more limited in fact in movement and we cannot go abroad, why were they so easily able to enter and live there, and this is also a question for me, probably not only for these people, but also for law enforcement officers organs, on the other hand, if you don't want to
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to protect the state and you protest against it, then you certainly cannot claim the completeness of all... state services that the state should provide for the citizens of ukraine, this is my opinion as a military man, my subjective subject . opinion, i am surprised by the opinion of the deputies who immediately rushed to defend those people, i understand that the deputies really like to defend evaders, especially in different ways, maybe that is why they blocked this law at one time, which was supposed to strengthen the mobilization processes, i understand that they somewhere you want to be liked, they fight for electoral bases, but they should understand that we... and the third point, which i have always said, is that the law on strengthening mobilization
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processes, as we call it, or on strengthening mobilization, will come into force on may 18 of this year, and in order for it to work fully, by-laws, resolutions, instructions, interactions must be written under it. the citizen, the state, the interaction of authorities, the army and the interaction of all state institutions, in accordance with the new legislation, is still worth, probably, to all to wait for new orders, new instructions, new regulations to be written so that we can work, a strange situation, people are sitting in peaceful countries, people are doing their own business, we are here trying as much as possible... to create a situation in order to mobilize as much as possible for defense, for defense
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, they don't have patience, but for some reason even i listen to them more than once, by the way, some constant blackmails from them, so what if we don't want this country, we'll turn away, but maybe we can enter into interaction, understanding, after all, instead of mothering, cursing and shouting, he can still offer the ways of roaring. and i understand, maybe some comfort of living there is disturbed, but it shouldn't be, well, people shout, for example, i really accept it when they shout that we don't need that country, mother swearing that this country is gone , i am for her and millions of people like me who went to protect her, we need her, why do these people allow themselves to say this in emotion, and what is the way out, by the way, i am asking you, we are here...
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to the new legislation, but already now, but already now, ivan, it is obvious that people, men, who are of conscription age abroad, they will not be able, will not be able to get consular services, if they do not update their military registration documents, how will it be, technical eyes, all the moments, details, it is not clear, but the law provides exactly that, what prevents them from doing it and what, what they are threatened with abroad, if they renew. military records are nothing, they will be called up, deported, that's right, it's just a reluctance
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to leave their comfort zone, well, after all, it's probably necessary to interact with those conditions and even those changes to the applicable legislation that await us, that have now come and are in effect, perhaps i understand that abroad, i repeat, in european countries they do not fully understand what is happening in ukraine or what we are facing ... by challenges, maybe it's a problem of communication, maybe the deputies who spend so much energy trying to please the evasive women, to tell various fairy tales, someone is being challenged, you yourself voted for this law after all, and now what are the explanations to provide , well, you probably did not read this law, deputies, deputies, in particular from the specialized committee, they say that what is happening now, at least this is a temporary restriction, it is not provided for in the law, therefore... because of this they are calling some representative of the ministry of foreign affairs to the committee, but let me then
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let me such a technical side of the question, because you say, what prevents them from getting registered, and to get registered, do you have to pass the vlk or not? no, the vlk is passed if you received a summons and a potential summons for not even a summons, calling the picking center, and you undergo a medical examination, if in order to determine you as... or unfit, provide information about your place of residence and about the documents that you have, your current condition, whether you are a person with a disability there, whether you have many. the father of the child or many other processes, it does not interfere with people, the vlk is held in recruitment centers, the military medical commission, it implies in the very phrase, military medical in embassies, consulates there are no military medical commissions, maybe there are such, maybe there are such fears, i do not know, i am now
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i'm just trying to imagine why this innovation caused such dissatisfaction among people abroad. maybe there are some fears, that maybe people assume that this is the first step to update the data, then they will almost work there at the embassies, i don’t know, not the tsc, of ​​course, but they will serve summonses, for example abroad, this is generally real. after all, the employees of the assembly centers will then be transported, it is like opening military commissariats from the centers, this is a complete change to the current legislation, state military institutions cannot. act on the territories of other countries without their consent, cannot exercise their powers, if it is not provided for by legislation, well, if we are already talking about the legislative plane, well , the question may be that many of them are afraid to provide information, how they found themselves, or due to the circumstances, how they ended up abroad
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is another question, well, that’s it, if they crossed the border in a legal way, if they... live there in a legal way, why should they be afraid to worry, i, for example, don’t understand, well actually yes, men are for it the border is generally divided into two types: those who went there even before the war, some even a long, long time ago, and those who left after, and some of those who left after, they left illegally, and of course there are question, and now we see restrictions are in effect and may be applied to both the former and the latter, do you think that any different approaches should be applied to these people, well, for sure. there is information in the passport, who, when, under what circumstances crossed the border, if it was not only there, i don’t know, crossing the thousand, therefore, i i do not want to divide men into types, species, categories, you and i very correctly said that there is a law, and whoever violated the law, crossed the border, he must answer according to our, what, foreign legislation,
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those persons who live abroad in a legal way, a legal way, just to... we are waiting for changes to the current legislation, orders that the consulates will receive and everything will work. in general, i have the impression that the situation with consulates abroad is not a crisis situation, it is not, say, citizens who have found themselves in countries where some military conflicts or war, it is people who work for, live abroad, in peaceful countries, and what makes them react so aggressively. to the challenges that we found ourselves in ukraine, in accordance with these mobilization processes, which are carried out in ukraine and the current legislation is being formed, the consulates themselves, the migration services themselves and any services that interact with our foreign partners, they rely on everything on our current legislation, and
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if they are not the order or the procedure of conducting or the form of providing even the dock. they expect in accordance with the current legislation, they will be forced to do this, there is no hysteria, no complaints, i mean, we have a front line of 1,500 km of intense combat operations, why did we draw the attention of the whole country to the technical situation, just the technical situation in the provision there documents to citizens of ukraine who are abroad, without being in countries that are experiencing a man-made disaster, state of emergency, martial law, and so on, if such problems arise, it should be resolved in the legislative, or at least in the technical plane, this is a job, well, at most the ministry of foreign affairs, this is a task, but by no means we raised it within the country,
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within the country, the country is discussing what day it is, listening... these shows, there, what, what there is something going on in them, there is law, there is order, please, let's all work together, i, well, i can't understand, maybe we've just tied ourselves up so much somewhere here in the war, we're busy with defense, that's just in our uniform , the formula for the protection of ukraine, to our worldview, when people, fighters die here every day, to attract, when we have about the equipment. of the civilian population within the country, who live, who work, despite the shelling at all, so focused on people who loudly publicly... deny, blackmail, threaten outside the country, the country, the state, and they clearly state, we do not connect our future, that is, if
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services are to be provided to you in the legislative plane, are there any deadlines or in accordance with the current ukrainian legislation, please wait and everything is received and not a single application either from the ministry of foreign affairs or at the level state authorities, we have not heard that they will be refused even once. but it is said that the services will be provided in accordance with the new changes, the new law, yes, which will come into force on may 18. i thank you very much, ivan tymochko, a serviceman and head of the council of reservists of the land forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was on radio liberty. thank you! well, not only in ukraine, not only in consular centers of ukrainians abroad, but also in the european commission reacted to the suspension of the provision of consular services to ukrainian... men of conscription age abroad in the eu did not comment on whether they support the decision of the ukrainian authorities or not, nor did they say whether they would be subject to deportation, ukrainian men who end up on the territory
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of the european union with expired documents only stated that they are taking note of this innovation, listen: it is not for us to comment on the decisions of the ukrainian government regarding the measures that must be taken in the context of the conflict, the only thing we can do is to explain what the situation is with these persons who are on the territory of europe, this is what we can do. we take note of this announcement. i have no specific comments when it comes to the temporary protection directive. we do not distinguish between articles and enlistment status. that's all i have to say from my side. our broadcast has already been joined by serhiy sumlenny, a political scientist and director of the serhiy center for european sustainability initiative. i'm glad to see you, good evening, good evening, i congratulate you, thank you for inviting me, you see, before that we had a serviceman, he says, i don't understand why you spend so much time
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this topic is a topic of attention, on the one hand, it is understandable, but i will ask you how the political and diplomatic circles in the west, where you are in germany, received this innovation, are they talking about it there and did it come as a surprise, maybe for those people , with whom you spoke, well, let's say so, on... in a broad discussion, the expert almost does not talk about it, because it is still such a very local, very specific topic that concerns only the ukrainian diaspora in germany, of course, that the topic of mobilization and , in general, how ukraine can compensate for the lack of the army, there is simply a lack of people, it is constantly discussed, but such concrete... steps, they do not attract so much attention to themselves, i think that this topic, it, this topic, it can go into some wider
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space of discussion, if, let's say, there will be some lawsuits, some, i don't know, there, well, i can imagine that, for example, there are some men who ended up abroad, they can even file a lawsuit there, demanding for himself, that means he has the right to use consular services, and in that case it will be a topic in germany, but not yet, it's not being talked about, because it's a very new, very new change, and b, it's not really clear to many people in germany, well, for now, this stoppage of consular services , it is temporary, and when the law comes into effect, judging by its text , it will not be possible to obtain military registration documents without updating them. there is a number of consular services in principle, and we can now assume in advance that some part of the men will end up with expired documents, they will not want to return to ukraine,
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they will not be able to update their documents abroad, do we have any ideas, assumptions, what will happen to them, whether they will be subject to deportation, whether all eu countries together, or some separate ones, on the contrary, they can go to meet them and they will grant asylum or even make it easier to obtain citizenship, that's what can happen next, well, i think that each country will ... let's say, there are still eyes ukrainians, they have their permits for staying in germany until the next, let's say, year, if we are talking about germany, then in principle i don't see any problems for them at all, because this is their main document for staying in the territories. they, of course, let's say, if their passport is no longer valid, then they will not be able to travel abroad, that's how it is in principle in germany, that is, every country can issue one.
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a document, even to a person with foreign citizenship or a stateless person, confirming his identity, this is this, this is system, whether it will be used en masse by ukrainians, or whether germany will issue such documents, is also a question, because in principle, if germany issues such documents en masse, it may be viewed as unfriendly steps by ukraine, because in fact it will undermine ukrainian plans such as way means to force these people to return to ukraine, probably germany simply will not do it, just effectively sabotage it, it is difficult to assess it here, but i do not think that there will be any deportations, because in principle there are no grounds for deportation, if a person is legally on the territory of germany, then there is no reason to deport him or
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not... that is, the question is whether these people, whose passports will no longer be valid, will be able to extend their german passport after its expiration date , probably they won't be able to, but again, these are such moments that germany, in this case, will decide and decide on the basis of national legislation and on the basis of european legislation, because... human rights cannot be disturbed more than this is allowed in certain cases by european legislation, but here i think that this is actually such a topic that even government lawyers and female lawyers will consider very carefully if it really remains and there will be a mass of such cases. sergey, what about you, you worked in ukraine for a long time, you know ukraine very well,
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the mood here in ukraine. opinions are divided, someone says that the decision is good and correct and timely, someone says that it is all illegal, unconstitutional, both in society and in politics, what do you think you can say, first of all, about this decision, or will it contribute to mobilization, as the legislators obviously planned, and will it lead to any negative consequences for whom, well , ukraine is looking at it, the principles of ukraine, first of all, thank you for your kind words, but it's difficult for me to talk about it, because, well, i am watching this from the outside as an observer, and ukraine is fighting and wasting lives, including fighting for freedom and for peace in my country, and that is why evaluating the actions of the ukrainian government here is such a very difficult thing, that's why that we all understand that ukraine is facing problems and with challenges that germany, for example, would hardly be able to cope with, because, well,
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we know. that in germany only there 20% of people say, according to a sociological survey, that they are ready to fight for their country in general if there is an armed attack on it, that is why it is better to keep quiet here from the german side, but in principle it is obvious to everyone in germany well, who deals with the topic that the problem of mobilization is big, and it must be solved, and the approach to it is very different there and to lower, lower, that means, the age of mobilization and other things, but today i discussed this very topic with my colleagues, and we all came to the conclusion that the best way is , in principle, to provide ukraine with new weapons, because if ukraine receives new weapons en masse and high-tech weapons, then it is very will increase the readiness of people, including those already in ukraine, to voluntarily go to
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la. and the problem of mobilization will not be so acute. the second point is whether europe, nato, or individual countries can provide assistance to ukraine with their troops, say, by deploying them along the belarusian-ukrainian border, or the moldovan-ukrainian border, where the so- called russian-controlled transnistria is. ot. and if this is done, it will free up a lot of ukraine's human resources. these are military units stationed along these borders, and these troops can strengthen the ukrainian army precisely in the areas of the front, this is another great thing that germany can do, including other countries, in order to reduce tension and reduce the severity of this problem of mobilization, everything else you already know such tertiary things, here on...


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