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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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so much, it will soon be a year since they started directly shelling very heavily, and this first settlement, on which the russians threw mortars right in the center, we saw their consequences, showed their consequences, well, it is obvious that stanislav is very close to kinborska cash registers, across the liman, actually it, and there, well, on the lower street, as they call it in the village, the lower street near the liman, there are even mortar mines there. fly, it is so close, and stanislav is forbidden to visit with journalists, because of the danger, and there in principles are now flying to the highway, there the highway runs along the lyman, very beautiful picturesque places, and they are already flying there to pivido, so it is really very dangerous there, just as the entire stanislavsk community is suffering a lot, and the neighboring bilozersk community is also suffering.
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yesterday there was heavy shelling of bilozerka of the dnipro and kizamys and other settlements near the river, this is the dnipro delta, in fact the place where the dnipro flows into the liman, further into the sea, and the same was the case in kherson today and upstream in all settlements. well, that's it a woman died in the village of kozatske, as a result of enemy mortar shelling, this is exactly what you said, that even... shelling, unfortunately, not only destroys houses and injures people, but also kills our fellow citizens, in the village of kozatske , this is also, cossack, not that mortar mines, in cossack, the russians can actually fire firearms on the outskirts of cossack, the fact that it is located directly opposite, uh, well, the former kokhovskaya gs, that is, they were very damaged there yesterday ... photos were published the day before yesterday
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five-story buildings, there weren't many of them, but they are almost gone, they were destroyed by cabals, and the situation there is very tense, and children were evacuated from there, if you remember, they are trying to evacuate other people as well, but it's difficult, and that's it now we will look at a photo taken by the photographers kostyantyn and vlada liberov, they showed footage from the populated... tokrynka is the birthplace of the famous ukrainian writer, a political prisoner, by the way, in soviet times, pavlo gubenko spent 10 years in the concentration camps, more known as ostapa vyshnyu, and what now, what for now we can see that this, this material, is what many months of fighting, heavy, terrible fighting, as well as constant enemy shelling, turned into a settlement, which... by the way, at one time had a fairly
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large number of people , i’m afraid to lie now, i read the information about how many people lived in krynky, well, quite a large number of the community lived in krynky, and here it is, as the photographers wrote, this is a village that no longer exists, not the first, unfortunately, and on pity, and not the last in this war, which stopped to exist like bahmud, like maryanka, shepherdess. well, mariupol is something there, but in principle it is also destroyed, if i may say a few words, i understand that the fighting continues there all the time, what i read is a very tense situation, the enemy is trying to storm, they are running on the bodies of their fellow soldiers, as they say , of the dead, and it goes on, and it goes on, and it goes on, and it goes on, he has to take these cases, but does the information reach at least what the situation is there, is it possible to restrain this bloody, but... so important, as far as i
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understand, because i don’t know the whole strategy, tactics and i cannot know, a bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region. well, first of all, this is not osapa vyshnya's homeland, he just liked to come there, rest in the summer, this is a little clarification, before the war, before the full-scale invasion , about 700 people lived there, well, there are different estimates, but they say that they are clarifying the data , that 700 people lived, now obviously the village no longer exists. it is directly adjacent to the village of cossack camps, and in the cossack camps, too, now, well , most likely there are no local residents anymore, there were also battles there, something new to tell is very it's difficult, i think that the viewers themselves saw this video and everything is basically clear, and in what incredibly difficult conditions ukrainian soldiers are kept there. it is obvious that
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people who live in the east of kherson and hear at night have a hard time hearing. most likely the flights of kaby there, that is, it even reaches kherson, most likely from there, people are constantly talking about it, well, unfortunately, we do not have any details about it, because there is informational silence and we are waiting for some official information, the krynaks do not communicate very well, although russians constantly they are spreading er, let's say, false information that... first they took the village, then they tell there that they haven't taken it yet, well, as you can see, they won't be able to take the village, because the village no longer exists, and well , the enemy, you see, the enemy engages in propaganda, sometimes tries to pass off wishes as reality,
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sometimes downplays its losses or defeats, on the contrary exaggerates its successes and at the same time tries to exert pressure, it is important to understand to what extent. active today, according to your assessment, it works, and ukrainian communication, information, propaganda, too, because propaganda always exists during war, this is both with a plus sign and with a minus sign, and here, is there any possibility to understand, and is there any access to ukrainian information in the occupied territory of the kherson region, well, with this is very difficult, well, first of all, some information is constantly being kept, i am, well, first of all, many media are working on this, yes, they are doing something, but it is becoming more and more difficult to deliver content there, ukrainian sites are blocked there, our site was blocked back in august 2022 year, in the middle of august, the only way that
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remains to communicate with these people is still telegram channels, viber chats, a little instagram, a little youtube. well, no more, i, well, in principle, well, and cable tv, i don’t know if your tv channel is in cable, not cable, sorry, satellite, satellite tv channels, they continue, well, to be available, those that are not blocked, uh, people most likely get information through these channels, well yes, indeed there is an espresso channel in the satellite, obviously that is... channels and plus it picks up the radio a little bit, by the way , russian radio picks up in our coastal areas, and ukrainian radio picks up, well enough, let’s say, far away, there is already a local radio station in kherson that tries
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to communicate with these residents, but you understand that all coastal settlements are under fire, there is often no light, so it is very difficult, very difficult to reach these people, except for informational pumping, as they say, the enemy conducts various such actions, where he tries to sell his russian peace to the local population, or attach his to this community of a poisonous phenomenon such as the russian measure, i read today that in genichesk, i don’t know how people live there now under occupation, but the occupiers unrolled the colorado tape, they call it... tape, but we call it colorado tape ribbon, which was 84 m long, these are probably the kind of things with which today they can please the local residents in quotation marks, because, well, i understand that all needs, even if it is an occupied territory, but there are certain obligations
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to the civilian population on occupied territory to still provide for his needs, even if you are an occupying army, well , but this is not about the russians, because in principle they do not observe any conventions, any obligations and any norms. international law even, even during the war. how would you comment on this long ribbon of strange colors that they stretched across the glorious city of henichesk? well, firstly, it is strange that it is only 84 m long, it is not 88 m, which would be symbolic, and secondly, well, i looked at the photos of the unfolding of this gigantic skirmish, and i was surprised that in ginichivsk now there should be... well, thousands of occupation officials, all kinds of ministers, their governors, workers of these apparatuses, these occupation authorities in coffee shops, why didn’t they come out to stretch the ribbon, but in fact it was stretched by some
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exiled schoolchildren and so on, well this question worried me more, the fact that henichetsk, as it was a depressed region, remained watching. the fact that the russians called it something like the capital of the kherson region and did not rename it to the heniche region, but it is obvious that no one... went to save the people who were cut off by the flood on the arabian peninsula from the mainland, no one started to save them, because everyone went to stretch the ribbon, and so in everything, the russians say, there are many nibalits in genichevsk, starting, as it was two years ago, a year and a half ago , they said that will build a new city near henichesk, they started to build it, and then it turned out that it was not a city at all, but an occupied boarding house. sanatorium, and which they pass off as a built city, when everyone started laughing at them, they simply
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forgot about this idea, now they will to build some neighborhoods, there is something else, but you understand that this is all just stupid fiction, we have to thank you very much, i will only remind you at the very end that one day it is possible to put a monument in genichka to an outstanding man, the engineer of a separate battalion of sailors vitaly skakun, who, together with himself, blew up the henichesky road bridge in order to stop the breakthrough of the enemy 's fishing arrow, we remember the beginning of the invasion, this city. will definitely return to ukraine, will be freed from the occupation, but the enemies, the only thing left is to drag ribbons of his colorado in cities and villages, expelling people for this. serhii nikytenko, editor-in-chief of the most publication, talked a little about kherson oblast, and now we will talk with people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i just want to congratulate you, as a person who also participated as a people's deputy, and perhaps not only in this capacity, to... here is this decision of a positive and finally signed aid package for ukraine, i just wanted
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your to hear the reaction, because it is important, it is real hot and long-awaited and perhaps even long-awaited news, and the plus is that joseph biden said that in the near future these weapons will be transferred to ukraine. yes, it was already being prepared, and it was in warehouses in germany and poland. we are waiting for it, because it is very important for us, it is important for preserving the lives of ukrainians. we once again made sure that... and now we have a certain technical problem , now we are solving it quickly, you know, there is also a plus here, like, you know, this victory of ukraine, including and joseph biden signing this bailout, and before that the decision of the house of representatives of the united states congress, now you know, so many smart people have come forward saying why mike johnson. decided to put to a vote why he changed his opinion, well, not hundreds, but
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from a dozen versions i have already read, almost jesus almost jesus christ appeared to him at night, there are many versions, but the point is that our partners , heads of state, prime ministers, presidents, british foreign ministers, japanese prime ministers, and the prime minister and president of poland came to the united states of america and said: "sign, vote, give help." in ukraine, mr. mykola, please, continue there, please, well, to conclude this topic on helping ukraine, yes, despite all the difficulties that exist in the internal, political life of the united states of america, we have nevertheless convinced , that the deep state exists in america, and america stands in defense of the values ​​of democracy, and we received this support, and of course we are grateful to all the american people and president joseph biden. congressman and senator who supported this decision, so for us it is really extremely valuable and important, and once again
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proves that we will definitely win with the support of the democratic world, and this democratic world in the person of the united states of america, it is very reacts sensitively to the violation of democratic principles in the field of media, in particular by those states that it helps, well, now we are talking about ukraine, so the state department of the united states of america introduced a telethon. the only news to report on human rights violations in ukraine for 2023. i will not quote these excerpts, because actually, i would like you to tell me about the most important thing, whether it is a plus or a minus, why the only news, and what most confused our esteemed partners when they were determining whether it was a violation democracy and freedom of speech and principles, is it not a violation? please, this is political censorship. not a military one, but rather a political one, it is obvious to the whole world, because you can fool, try
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to fool ukrainians by monopolizing the television airwaves, but you cannot fool the world, and the americans, whoever is in power there, they cannot close their eyes to the values ​​on which their state is built, it is very unfortunate that these reports and these data, which correspond to reality, become an argument very often against ukraine among our enemies, if in the future we want to support, to receive support from the united states from the rest of the world, we have to be a real democracy, not in words, but in deed. obviously, we are a democratic country, and we have become an outpost of democracy, but in order not to betray those. supports us, we must be such an outpost in our every action, when the ukrainian government shuts down independent television channels without any explanation, when it monopolizes the television airwaves under the guise of war, it can be imitated in front of ukrainians, but it cannot be imitated in front of the democratic world, so on the one hand, for preservation of democracy, this report is
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very important and it is good that it appeared, but it is very bad for our further support that there are such points from... which, in short, what should be the consequences, well at least, as in ukraine has it to react, because i understand that the state debt office is probably waiting for some kind of reaction, otherwise why was it written, done, researched, just to report, especially since the country that is helping us now, and we saw it, the president said clearly , without the help of the usa we will lose this war, well, this was said by the head of state, so perhaps it is worth reacting to such, such conclusions, such remarks, it is necessary to react to them. because the state debt, which is financed by the taxes of the americans, should speak to the americans tell the truth and tell about what is happening in the world, what they are doing, and the americans who vote for us, the next time, if god forbid, this continues, they will read that this is a country that violates human rights and restricts freedom words, they just won't vote because it's not a democracy then, there's a very big danger of losing
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independence, so obviously this whole marathon thing should be stopped immediately, the other thing is that i... i'm in favor of having a military censorship to obviously tv channels, social media did not reveal the location of our military units, did not tell anything that could harm our national security, but that in no way means that they should only show the ruling party of the president, there should be democracy, all voices, all patriotic voices should be heard, these patriotic voices sometimes have different views, different recipes, belong to different parties, but what should unite them is love for ukraine and the desire for victory. we actually have it that way, and i would really like to so that the authorities hear these assessments and understand how important it is to correct the mistakes they made. well, democracy or not democracy, violation of human rights, or , after all, an effort, i don't even know how to express it correctly, to encourage the citizens
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of ukraine, men of draft age who are abroad, to fulfill their constitutional duty, here we are today we have information, we already had an inclusion from warsaw from ours. respondents and listened to the representatives of this organization, where they came for their passports ukrainian citizens abroad, instead of providing consular services, in fact a person cannot get his passport, a lot of emotions, a lot of quarrels, the police, well, what is happening abroad, and various comments on this matter in ukraine, but explain what is actually happening , whether the violation is a violation of people's rights or not, and what should be the further logic, because for now, well, there are emotions, here are explanations. that there are such prescriptions, so act, then how? well, look, we are a democratic state, in which the rule of law, the rights of ukrainians, is of value the border must be secured, the constitution of ukraine and a number of different laws state this, and when these rights are violated, it is obviously a very bad and dishonorable example. i am in no way defending the residents, i think
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it is shameful when citizens do not fulfill their duty to the state, but the state must also fulfill its duties to. citizens, and to fulfill the duties of the state means that the state must act in accordance with the law. we have a law, it will soon enter into force, changes to the law on mobilization, you can act in accordance with the current legislation. but the ministry of foreign affairs sent out a letter in which it instructed consuls not to provide consular services to persons of conscription age, and persons of conscription age are not all those who are draftees or are required to be in the army, these are, for example, young students who are now... . they do not take the army, they are disabled people, they are older people, who may be under 60, they are still of conscription age, but they can live in another country there for many years, there from 91 or from the year 2000, and not to receive any invitations to the military office or to be unfit for military service, but everyone suffers without any warning, because
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consular services are not only passports, if a person wants to write some order in order not to lose property, something... entrust your child, agree on some economic issues, all these actions are actually suspended, of course, this is an anti-constitutional step, will it help to return the evaders, i do not believe in it, i think that such steps increase the anti-constitutional the number of evaders, because many people who are abroad, many of them had two passports each, because it is supposed that multiple citizenship is prohibited in our country, there is only a law submitted by the president and dual citizenship, but there is no penalty for this and many people have them, they just... ukrainian passports will be revoked if they renew them, or if they have this passport to be renewed in a year, then they will simply get another passport, we need people, first of all, we need people at the front, secondly secondly, we have people in... in the economy, especially after the victory, because it is necessary for someone to restore the country and pay taxes here, because we already have a shortage of labor, where will we get these people from, we
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will push out all ukrainians who will lose trust in the state and will invite people from asian countries or from african countries, how it will look, this step is absolutely short-sighted, i do not believe that it will help anything in the mobilization processes, and this help is extremely necessary, and for this we need to use completely different means and methods, for example, we returned personal income tax, tax on incomes of individuals who pay enterprises in their regions, and they were taken from the city budgets to the central budget, and it is not clear where they are going, allegedly for the purchase of drones of the state intelligence service, which was accused of many acts of corruption for the purchase of the same drones, and the drones of these drones that they buy are not what solve the problems on the front, unfortunately, but if they returned this pdf to the places or at least some part of it, and obliged to give, for example , 500 € to each family. where the breadwinner or family member goes to the front, it would stimulated people to go to the front and it would show, show that their families can also get support, and this is one of the ways out, there are many such ways out, and what
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the ministry of foreign affairs did illegally, maybe with some positive intentions, you know , i am also offended when my relatives or loved ones at the front fled there abroad and are hiding, but it is necessary to understand that, first of all , not all of them fled and are hiding, but those, excuse me, who escaped, where... criminal cases against those who released them, how they escaped through the system, bribes were given, rivers were crossed, there are hundreds of thousands of people who took these bribes, where is the punishment for these people, instead we do not see this and limit the rights of all men, those who should serve, should not serve, and thus we are pushing them out of ukraine and reducing our mobilization potential, but this is the biggest danger, thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, the actual question that mr. he still voices to himself where all those people are, from the smallest a border guard to a member of the vlk and so on, who gave these people the opportunity to escape, hundreds of thousands of people, well, we have several detained heads
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of the tsk, we have, we have someone somewhere, but globally, where, well then, either they did not break the law, or they are law breakers , which they will be allowed to violate, go unpunished, although again here the question, i agree, must be decided wisely, and i support mr. mykola, that there should be no evasions, yes, well, serhiy zgorets, with us. i very briefly, we did not discuss with you today, i just asked your opinion, how professional expert, in the daily telegraph i saw an article about how and why the enemy managed to break into ocheretyn, and the brigades are called there, and as you and i found out, the journalists were a little confused, in general, the quality of the western press in covering the events of the war in ukraine, and where exactly was the mistake, because it is important. well , actually, when we talk about ocheretyn, it is such a settlement that attracts attention, ocheretyn, as the language says, there are russian troops and our troops there, today nazar voloshin talked about the fact that we
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there we are trying to counter the enemy who is trying to advance, but a few days ago there was this story, why did this cause the enemy to enter this settlement and it was said that it was connected with the actions of the 47th brigade, in fact, literally yesterday there were 47 the brigade said that it... remains on the defense of berdych, if our bradleys were active there, then we helped other brigades, and actually the situation around ochereterny is related precisely to the actions of the 115th mechanized brigade, i think that this is correct, even if see different guides, different maps, we can understand that it was precisely there that the 115th brigade was operating, those who understand, in principle, make fewer mistakes, but in any case, we still have to focus on our spokespeople, although sometimes our spokespeople are in no hurry to do... correct statements, sometimes propaganda prevails here, and then we actually find ourselves in a situation where we already pay attention to the comments of foreign media, which is actually not quite acceptable
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, in my opinion, thank you, please, we will continue in our column talk about american military aid, about the purchase of drones for the armed forces and the demining of liberated territories, how much time, money and technology is needed for this, we will talk about it in a moment. first of all, of course, i will start with the good news that the senate passed a bill on financial military aid to ukraine, the us president signed this law, in fact we have more than 60 billion us dollars, which will provide for the defense needs of ukraine, including the needs. american defense companies that will make new weapons, if from these 60 billion to make such a distribution, then within the limits of 12... billion
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dollars, what can be taken from the reserves of the ministry of defense and quickly supplied to the armed forces, 14 billion are the weapons that will still be manufactured at american companies. if we are talking about 12 billion, then it is actually possible to make a package of 1 billion almost every month, and the closest package of armed american aid, i think it will be exactly the same in terms of volume and will include, in my opinion, and according to the estimates of other experts, this primarily ammunition, anti-aircraft complexes. of defense, it is possible definitely missiles to the patriot system to the nasams and also a significant amount of armored vehicles, because the bradleys, which are now used to eliminate the enemy from the same reed, and the abrams and the m-113, these things that we desperately need, but when we are talking about american aid, about european aid, we must not forget that we also have the potential to create.
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weapons systems that demonstrate success in combat, i am talking primarily about unmanned ones systems, starting from efevi drones and ending there with long-range systems, long-range drones with a range of more than 100 km there, and now we will talk about this very topic with our guest, we are joined by maksym muzyka, an expert in defense technologies, mr. maksym, i welcome you glad to see and hear, congratulations, thank you for the invitation, of course. at first i wanted to say that you are, relatively speaking, the head of the oa dynamics team, but i see that now the positions have changed a little, and still i would like to ask in this context if you should get a job at the work of the ministry of defense, in view of this story, which was also discussed in the network that you may have been involved in the procedures for the procurement of drones, but ... this
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background is connected with some claims to the fact that the music has stopped, now will be there, so to speak, to lobby his punisher, it seemed quite strange to me, frankly, because i did not think that our people are so, frankly, envious on the one hand, and on the other hand , it is strange that they treat it, but in any - in any case, you had the opportunity to see inside how drones are purchased for the armed forces, now there are new rules, in addition to talking to you, i spoke with other representatives of the company and they say that, in principle, the procedures, to be honest, seem to be correct, but for some reason, ukrainian -made drones are purchased less than they could be purchased, which there nuances that should be known within the limits of what is permissible for both experts and our viewers, yes, thank you for such an intro, yes, in fact, for two months i was, so to speak, a freelance consultant in the defense procurement agency, in the end i was offered
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the position of deputy director, i refused , because well, personally, i see my greater effectiveness in the private sector to help technological projects, to show myself on the battlefield, than to deal with bureaucracy, i will say, i do not underestimate the importance of bureaucracy, of course, it is very necessary, but i just personally do not see my effectiveness there, and about that the director of the agency said, "well, they parted ways, so to speak, but regarding the purchase of drones." yes, in fact there are a lot of problems, and it seems to me that 80% of the problems are solved by procedures, both within the agency itself and internally the ministry of defense and the general staff, everything starting with the definition, there is such a temporary procedure for determining the need for unmanned aircraft systems, which was approved in december last year, signed by the minister of defense, and it needs, really, it needs
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more changes there, well, that is, if lawyers read it, they just grab their heads a little, because it is written incorrectly, and, well, it is not a working option, there are also many procedures that complicate and delay contracting procedures, but we understand that first of all, every week there , every month contracting delays are a week or a month when the drones are not at the front, and it needs to be expedited, and it can be done. within the ministry of defense, within the agency, within the general staff, there are people who understand this, i hope that they will definitely do it. regarding procurement, we are in a slightly different position this year than we were last year. last year , we had more money for domestically produced drones than the production capacity of all domestic manufacturers. but over the year, production capacity has increased somewhat.


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