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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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there were very, very many heavy threes, it was very difficult to deliver, ammunition was very difficult, they were there, but it was difficult to deliver them to us, because all the roads that led to the pasture, all the roads were shot at, and it was very terribly shot at from all corners , delivered, but i say, yes, literally 15 minutes, we had time, we had time to threaten. they threatened that the car did not have time to make a u-turn and immediately drove off, i was wounded somewhere on march 23, it was around 12-30, we were ordered to leave and work, because the enemy's box drove in, it was necessary to work so that we left, when i ran out to run to the car, i heard the exit, i heard such a firm exit. i didn't hear a whistle,
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but it turned out that the mine was flying straight at me, and 3 meters from me it broke into the wall, i was thrown back, maybe five or six meters away, i was thrown back by the wave, and i was lying like this, unconscious, i am lying down, my eyes are open, noise, noise in my head, a pile of dust, i tried to get rid of it myself, i realized that it will not work, because i don't even have a heel, fragments flew there, i see blood flowing from my eye, i try with that hand, those fingers jammed, because here a penetrating wound, i tried with that hand , i looked, the blood was also flowing, i realized that it was nothing, that hand was torn off right away on the left, and that was it , and i started to say goodbye, well, i knew that it was all, i raised my head, i looked at my commander, then my commander pulled me out , my type of tank that i drove. and he pulled me out of the shelling,
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they gave me first aid, put on thronics, took me away, put me in the car, took me to the ambulance by car, overloaded the ambulance, evacuation took place during the shelling, and all the soldiers who were wounded were taken away somewhere 20 minutes we were driving, then mines fell behind us, because the road was shot through, mines just fell behind us and that was it, well, maybe two kilometers somewhere. three ambulances overloaded me, provided me with further medical assistance, sent me to pervomaiske, sewed them up there, then sent me to the dnipro, in general they said that i was born in a sorozhka, because i had lost a lot of blood, they had already put in blood there, and i was there for a day in dnipro, and i was sent to a hospital in lviv, where i underwent the first operation. the second operation, the third operation,
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the fourth operation, four operations were performed on me, the fourth and the last one were performed on me hand, and that's all, i stayed in the hospital for maybe a month, and i was in rehabilitation, because i healed very quickly, and i was sent to the city of kruskavytsi. smet lyubinya received a protest, then i was sent to the vlk through sek, they gave me a second group, too... such a one, passed the vlk, was made limited fit, i was transferred from the military unit, where i served, i was transferred to the drohobytsk rtcc and security guards, i've been in the drohobytsk rtc for more than six months, well, during those six months, the attitude is very terrible, people they think that i bought a group for myself, that i wasn't there, it's very, very difficult, you simply explain to people that there is a war in ukraine, they say:
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there is no war, there is no war, it is very difficult here, psychologically, it is very difficult to maintain your iron nerves, people they watch videos on the internet, they don’t understand that the guys here are in drohobytsk martelska, they think that no one fought here, all the guys here are fighters, half of the 24-year-olds here don’t have an eye, but people don’t understand that, and in general they told me that i wanted to dig out what to talk about with that person, that's all, the guys have to be changed, no one...
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now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. sports, a review of sports events from yevgeny potasha for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much elina chechenii for information on cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. quick evaluations of the vkks, as a judge's wife passed the interview for 7 minutes, i have been working in the judicial system all my life, and where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy have valuable property, my brother gave me his apartment. on thursday, april 25, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. a lever of influence or a decision that will anger ukrainians. minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba shocked men abroad, after all. citizens of ukraine of conscription age will stop providing consular services outside of ukraine. all the most important today at 21:15 in the project "great lviv speaks". a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel.
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premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, these are the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, and we have, well, recently a lot of events and changes have happened at the front, battles during the time of yar, battles for staromaisk, harvest, battles around avdiiv. well, that is, until enough, enough, enough, the activity is so high, well, on the other hand, i will also remind you about our espresso collection and the public base organization baza ua resistance are calling to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets,
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this is our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, and we can provide all this by collecting 2 million uah together, we have already collected 1.5 million . there is still half a million left, please join, you see here private bank, monobank, qr codes, account numbers, invest in our victory, invest. destroying enemies, these fpv drones allow you to do this directly, so this is simply the best such contribution to our victory that you now you can do, well, let's see now what has been happening on the contact line for the last few days, and then we'll actually discuss it. map of hostilities for the period april 17-24. tactical failures. at the front against strategic victories in the war. the russians captured novomykhalivka, entered the strategically
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important next and came close to the temporal ravine, instead the armed forces of ukraine dealt a dagger blow to the crimea. counterattack of the armed forces in the time gap. the pace of the russian offensive slowed down a bit, they are entrenched in the positions they have achieved, meanwhile enemy aircraft are leveling the city and ukrainian positions. in addition, the occupiers are trying to finally knock it out. our troops from their last positions in bohdanivka and completely capture ivanovske. however, within a week, the defense forces completely nullified the results of their assaults. instead, in response, the armed forces launched a pre-school strike on bakhmut, where a guided missile hit the command post of the 331st airborne regiment. about a dozen officers were killed, including the commander, and a number of them were injured. at the same time, to the south of ivanovsky voyni. of the fourth assault battalion of the 92nd brigade named after kosh otaman ivan sirk conducted an offensive
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and knocked the russians out of previously captured positions. this will make it possible to strengthen the all-important defense of klischiivka. postavdiyiv front crisis in ochereteny. on the southern avdiiv front, the occupiers suffered heavy losses and were unable to break through further west after the occupation of may day, and also rested on our defenses near yasno. divka and umansky and did not manage to force the durna river near orlivka, samenivka and berdychiv, so they transferred their efforts to the northern flank. an attack on novokalynovy ceramics suffocated, but the enemy managed to break through in the direction of ocheretiny a week ago. during the last days, they developed their offensive and reached the center of this town, also expanded their wedge in the southwest direction and entered novobakhmut. and began to attack berdychi from another flank. this advance of the russians on
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the commanding high ground, which stretches across ocheretyn, is quite threatening for our defense of berdychiv, semenivka, and umansky from the right flank, and novokalynovy and ceramics from the left. therefore, these are the days of fighting for the reed fighting continues quite intensively, bradley from the 47th brigade, who are holding the defense in a nearby area, came to help the defenders of the town. in berdychi. on the ughledar and kurakiv directions, the armed forces of ukraine are holding back a powerful offensive. unfortunately, the defense of novamykhaivka, in which our heroes held back the invaders from october 22, collapsed. with the village almost completely occupied, the defense forces retreated in the direction of the next settlement of kostiantynka. the armed forces of the russian federation launched an active attack on the village seven months ago, during this time, having lost tens of thousands of troops. and hundreds of armored vehicles, they managed to break through to the west for 13 km. this is too little to secure
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the donetsk, volnovakha, mariupol railroad, so the russians want to develop success. they storm along the entire perimeter of the front, from mikilskyi to the recently captured victory, but fail. near marinka, between the victory of georgiyivka, the occupiers occupied part of the gray zone, moving their positions a kilometer behind. further west fierce fighting continues in krasnohorivka, where last week the rashists stormed the southern and eastern districts outskirts of the city. the defense forces managed to partially knock out the occupiers from the eastern districts, and the battles for the southern buildings continue to this day. the armed forces of ukraine is preparing for the deoccupation of crimea. five american atak ms missiles hit the airfield near dzhankoy, where, in addition to airplanes and rotorcraft, an air defense division was stationed. as a result , four were destroyed. military installations of the latest s-400 triumph, two
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s-300 installations, three radar stations, an unknown number of aircraft, and also detonated a warehouse of ammunition for air defense. the elimination of the unique is especially important of the fundamentm radar system, which was the air defense control point in crimea. according to its characteristics, it could track and direct air defense to 10,000 targets, but mes. could not stop it, now the calculation has begun of how many such missiles the armed forces of ukraine need to completely destroy the russian anti-aircraft defense in the occupied crimea, in sevastopol the missiles hit... the unique kamun ship, built in the distant pre-revolutionary year 1915 to rescue submarines. currently, he was extracting from the bottom the elements of the ex-flagship of the black sea, important for the enemy of the cruiser fleet of the russian federation, moscow. strategic victories over russia. for the first time, our air force, together with the main
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directorate of intelligence and the security service of ukraine, made a successful ambush and shot down a strategic russian tu-22m3 bomber, which was returning after an attack on the territory of our state. it's not even that russia has about 30 similar aircraft left, and it can't produce new ones, it's that now they will be extremely careful, so the number of attacks on ukraine can decrease in addition, three pilots were killed, which is extremely rare for such a unique aircraft in the armed forces of the russian federation. however , the real breakthrough was the strike by drones on the radar station of the strategic nuclear cover container in the city of kavilkino, in mordovia. the station provided calculation and control for air defense launchers, which are located throughout russia, especially concentrated near moscow and should repel the blows of heavy ballistic missiles of the enemy. without this
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station, it is impossible to repel ballistic strikes. we hope eight blasts from our drones were enough. to ensure sufficient damage to the container. in addition, for the first time, our air defense system shot down two kh22 supersonic cruise missiles and one modernized kh-32. dozens of ukrainian drones visited eight russian regions. in the moscow, belgorod, bryansk, kursk, tursk, smolensk, ryazan and kalutsk regions , electric substations, fuel storage bases and other critical infrastructure objects exploded. the enemy thus, in the smelensk region, the oil depot, which was the main one, burned down a transit hub for exports from belarusian refineries. in kamiansk-shakhtynsk, rostov region, drones set fire to a chemical plant that produces solid fuel for anti-aircraft missiles. and in kazan, drones attacked the garbunov aircraft factory, which manufactures
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tu-22m and tu-160m ​​strategic bombers. we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, let's talk with oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information conflict group. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. congratulations. let's, you know, let's start with such urgent news the senate has already also voted for aid to ukraine. we have been waiting for this moment for a long time. it is clear that us president joe biden will sign it in the near future, and that's what we can expect, because of course, for six months we have been very... actively talking about the fact that we are lacking, well, lacking, let's say, on the front line of this aid, and what we can now receive from this aid in the near future, well, here we must understand that this general aid is financial, it is the largest, than that which was allocated during
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the 22nd and 23rd years, and this aid will begin stand out actually right after... for the relevant document to be signed by president joseph biden, and this will happen by the end of april, that is, all the logistics chains themselves, they will already be working by the end of april, but that does not mean that we get all of it at once, it will be the same system and the usa will not refuse it, as in the 22nd and 23rd years, i.e. two packages every month with exception. april, april, most likely there will be one package at the end of the month itself, and this package will include the corresponding weapons, therefore, every month there will be two packages of aid in the first two weeks and the last two weeks, and what will be included in the first package, it certainly, i think, will still be
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the nomenclature of ammunition, precisely the ammunition that our artillery needs, and not... we even exclude the presence of artillery itself, barrel or jet, these will be anti-aircraft guided missiles for air defense systems, of various modifications, and i do not exclude the fact that they can even be operational-tactical level missiles, i.e. atakams, again for striking deep into the temporarily occupied territories against the objects of the russian occupiers, and already separately. in any case, the article will be about equipment, i am not talking about abrams tanks, but it is medium and lightly armored equipment, it is necessary, the same... m2 a2 bredley, which have proven themselves excellently in battles in the combat zone, and therefore it can be
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approximately such a list of this equipment and weapons that we can get in the first package, and then gradually it will be another nomenclature, other means of defeat, and also a mechanized component, well, you already mentioned the atakams missiles, and now it’s about... at least in the military, there are conversations that maybe missiles will be provided there, increased by the increased distance of the impression there to 300 km, something like that, but what does it mean is that we will finally be able to use these missiles on russian airfields on the territory of russia, are these, you know, romantic expectations for now, but no, because i don't think that... we are getting permission to use western weapons on the territory of russia federations, we and we will remain in the position that on
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the temporarily occupied territories, yes, that is , we will and will continue to make this commitment, and on the territory of the russian federation, western weapons will not be used, and therefore precisely to strike at projects on the territory of russia, and we will... precisely use a component of our own production, and this will stimulate the military-industrial complex, and if they attack us, we can really get a modification for 300 km, and because in the south of crimea, by noon we still cannot reach the crimea with the attacks of the block one modification itself, ugh, and that is why we need something more effective, at greater distances, in the south of the crimea there are many... such objects that must be hit, first of all, this divisions of anti-aircraft missile regiments, which are concentrated there, and their destruction has an important role.
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well, when you say that there is still something to destroy even on the territory of crimea, maybe you can explain it somehow, and how will we see it, that is, it is something from which they are shooting at ukraine, it is some kind of, i don’t know, ships, well that is, what is it, in such simple words, i think that... first of all it will be about air defense means, first of all they will destroy air defense means with a long range, that is, it is the s-400, and each anti-aircraft missile regiment, each division has a cover for the s-400 in the form of the zrgk pancrs1, which precisely covers the s-400 at short distances, i.e., short-range complexes. judges, and it will be a comprehensive destruction, this kind of cover, in principle, there is something to destroy, i will say this, because the russians in crimea, what
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was in dzhankoya, in dzhankoya it was only one division from the 18th anti-aircraft missile regiment, but there is also the 18th zrp of feodosia, as well as the 18th zrp located on mysla torkhankut, a. therefore, at least two more divisions must be liquidated, in addition to this , the 12th zrp is located in crimea, with an interaction regiment, it is located in sevastopol, as well as in the yevpatoria area, and the third radio engineering regiment, which is also located on cape tarkhankut and the destruction, liquidation of which also has its own meaning, so there is still work to be done, well, but i understand that after all, this is not something that should fly there the crimean bridge, it is not very effective in this attack, depending on the modification, depending on and there are several modifications
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of missiles, and those that flew over the airfields in berdyansk and luhansk, as well as over dzhanka, are precisely the modification with a cluster-type warhead , and there is a modification of the warhead with a volume detonating in the air before impact with the surface, that is, it is also effective in compression. manpower, equipment, repair bases and so on, and there is a combat unit of the penetrating type, concrete-breaking type, that is , it is used on fortified objects, headquarters, which are even underground, and apart from everything else, it can also be used to destroy the span of the railway branch on the kerch bridge, as an option, it cannot be said that it will be possible to destroy it the first time. the support on which this or that part of the kerch bridge is placed, but generally
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precisely to destroy the span. so it will show itself well, and actually, have we finally reached the moment when we will see the supply of air defense systems from the united states, directly, because until now we had air defense systems, american, but not from the united states, but this moment has finally come, well, we see that even germany is now trying to put pressure on the usa, and they say, well, you are the biggest ... user-operator, let's if you have a patriot battery, also join our coalition, which by the way has now actually found potential, let's call it that, customers who can transfer four batteries to ukraine, patriot, and that's not bad, it's very good, that's where the question becomes available, here the question arises in preparation...
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crews and operators to be available for use, and therefore another battery from the usa, well, it would be appropriate, it is necessary to close cities of millions, it is necessary to close strategically important places, as well as to cover extremely dangerous directions and locations along the line combat, or in some other, for some other very interesting scenarios. well, let's, you know, talk a little more about the situation directly on the contact line, well , of course, now, let's put it this way, an active offensive by the russians is not so possible, well, not that it's inactive, it's active, but it's not doing very well near the time ravine, but we've seen, at least in the last few days, two points where they 've managed to advance, that's how much the 79th
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brigade didn't hold. in mykhailivka, but it is closer to the coal mine, but still she was forced to leave, and here is how it can affect in the future, what does this mean, does it give such significant advantages to the russians, for the russian occupation forces, it was very important to capture novomykhaivka , this is their further advancement to line 05-32, i.e. it is actually about... the route between marinka and a coal miner, and further after novomykhaivka will be kostyantynivka, which is directly located on this route 0532. this advance of the russian occupiers is necessary for them to create a safety buffer for the railway, the railway, which actually goes south from the donetsk
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region. to the south, that is, through volnovakha, this very transport hub, and in this way, it is under the influence of fire from our artillery, it makes no sense for them to restore any logistics there, as long as it is in the affected zone, that is why they are trying advance to the 0.532 line, but in novomykhaivka, one must understand that , first of all, this is a completely destroyed village, because the battles for it, especially... so intense, took place for almost a year, almost a year, the russian invaders tried to capture this village , using a rather serious potential of the resource, there was also this, very well known to everyone, the 155th brigade of marines, which was destroyed several times under shelling, the russian command nevertheless decided to transfer them to novomykhaivka, and therefore the russians
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will now... play in kostyantynivka , and for them, this promotion will also be very difficult, and it may take a long time, that is , there will be no quick victory, no very quick promotion, besides everything else, we do not forget there yet, it is enough for them that the difficult landscape begins, because if you advance there there are reservoirs that are a natural obstacle, and the village of proskovyivka is also comfortable for advancement, so now the next stage of the exit to poroskovivka and the battles for it, not so much for kostyantynivka, are starting how many exactly for poroskov'ivka. well, that is, in fact, we now have such a direction there, where they are probably concentrated and trying to advance no less than there during the times, about which they talk a lot, so in the times of the yar
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direction. novamykhaivka -


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