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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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trh, but will not tell everything, because khrystyna parubiy knows much more and is ready to share this information with all of us. thank you, colleagues, there are wounded from the morning attack of the russians in cherkasy region, i will tell about the situation there and in other regions in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, wait. veterespress news, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant thing at the moment: six people were injured due to the morning russian attack on cherkasy region, our air defense shot down a missile, but a critical infrastructure object was damaged - the head of the region ihor taborets said. four injured due to russian shelling in donetsk region, in dobropil. two residents were injured,
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high-rise buildings, private houses and social facilities were damaged, the head of the region vadym filashkin said. one more victim each in krasnohorivka and solov'ovo, three houses were destroyed in lymansk hromada, another in ponivycheny, and in chasovoyarsk nine private residences, two high-rise buildings and a non-residential building were damaged. the russians injured three people in the kherson region as well. 10 cities were shelled. and sat during the day. at night, the occupiers attacked the dnipro district of kherson, hit a residential building, windows and a roof in the ponivychyna residence, as well as damaged a gas pipe. in the region, russian projectiles hit a critical infrastructure object, private cars and a multi-storey building - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. gazogin got involved because of the russian attack on dnipropetrovsk region. the occupiers hit nikopol and chervonogrigorivskyi.
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three private houses, a monument, a greenhouse and power lines were also damaged. - said the head of the region serhiy lysak. five rescuers were injured in mykolaiv, they were extinguishing a fire that arose due to the explosion of an unknown explosive device, and a repeated detonation occurred, the state emergency service reported. cars also caught fire, explosions are not related to russian shelling, nearby houses were not damaged, he added. the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. he will sit in a pre-trial detention center without bail . such a preventive measure was chosen for the abbot of the sviatohorsk lavra of the moscow patriarchate, metropolitan arseny. he was informed about the suspicion of spreading information about the location of the defense forces, the regional prosecutor's office said. last year in september, during a sermon in the church, pip told the faithful the addresses of the checkpoints of the armed forces of ukraine in the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. then videoli. published on
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the lavra website and in the local telegram group. moskovskiy pop faces up to eight years in prison. evidence of support for kremlin terrorists in china revealed a russian ship involved in the supply of north korean weapons to the russian federation. the angara ship is under us sanctions, as seen in satellite images obtained by reuters from of the british royal institute of united services, the ship is at the dockyard in shchyna. chatjiang province. us secretary of state anthony blinken arrived in china to find out the details. america is concerned that under nebesne probably provides military aid to moscow. the us state department said that the information about sodo angara was fully confirmed and demanded an explanation from china. meanwhile, russia vetoed a us-drafted un resolution calling on countries to prevent an arms race in space. project.
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resolutions of the security council were put to a vote usa and japan after long negotiations. he received 13 votes in favour. china abstained and russia vetoed it. washington accused moscow of developing space-based anti-satellite nuclear weapons. the supply of weapons to ukraine will begin in a few hours - said joe biden after signing the aid bill. the first receipts will include $1 billion in support for the armed forces, also noted the exceptional bipartisan unity during the last senate vote. let me remind you, in general, the document provides for 61 billion dollars for ukraine. i i will make sure that deliveries start immediately. in the next few hours, we will start sending air defense equipment, ammunition for artillery, for jet systems and armor to ukraine. equipment, you know, this package
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is literally an investment not only in the security of ukraine, but also in the security of our country. we send equipment to ukraine from our own stocks here in america. meanwhile, the united states of america has already sent many long-range missiles to ukraine, and in the near future there will be even more deliveries - the adviser announced white house homeland security officer jake sullivan. he specified that ukraine undertook to use american weapons only within its territory and not to use them against russia. i can confirm, as you have heard from others, that in february the president. instructed his team to provide ukraine with a significant number of missiles for use on the sovereign territory of ukraine. this batch started moving in march, which the president gave permission for on march 12, and these missiles arrived in ukraine.
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poland is ready to help ukraine return men of conscription age, the minister said defense of the country. he did not reveal the details, but noted that many poles are outraged when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and at the same time poles themselves should make an effort to support ukraine. according to eurostat, as of january 2024, more than 4 million ukrainians live in eu countries, of which about 860,000 are men. at the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, poland sheltered 950,000 ukrainians. on international dna day. the ukrainian defenders dismembered as many as 1,040 occupiers, and a total of almost 463,000 russians have become rotten biomaterial since the start of the full-scale invasion. also, our defenders burned 13 tanks, 14 bmp and 28 artillery systems
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of the enemy, one anti-aircraft system and one anti-aircraft missile system each, as well as 59 units of cars and special equipment of the russian occupiers. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 104 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the ukrainian military repulsed 27 attacks in the areas of ocheretyne settlements, most notably in the avdiyiv region. solov'ove, novokalynove, berdychi and nytailove in donetsk region. another 25 times the russians tried to storm in the direction of bakhmut and 19 times in the direction of lyman. unsuccessfully. also, the aggressor does not stop trying to... knock out our units from the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the ukrainian military repelled four assaults. our aviation and missile forces struck 12 enemy concentration areas. and i remind you about our collection.
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the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live. work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. yuriy, a journalist from lviv, decided to find out whether it is possible to survive on uah 200 a month. lavrin writes about expenses and diet in a social network, an experiment started not only out of curiosity, but to raise money for a drone for my brother, who is currently at the front. how survives on a meager amount in our plot. is it possible to survive on uah 200 per
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month? discussing this in the kitchen with friends turned into a real challenge for yuri lavrin. he calculated that this is how much money he would have left for food after paying the utilities from the minimum pension. i just wanted to conduct an experiment, and then i realized that for this experiment you can shoot a lot of content, distribute it among friends, and it seemed to me that it would be interesting, and i thought that in principle, why not help my brother, who is now protecting me, and you, and all of us from the onslaught of russians, yuriy started the experiment on april 5, already in 12 days his readers donated the required amount, uah 75,000. to mavik, who will soon help yuri's brother destroy the invaders. since there were still more than two weeks left before the end of the experiment, the man decided to help with the collection and also a familiar volunteer. she collects on the radio transmitter to fpv drones for the third assault brigade. the journalist's facebook has turned into a diary in which you can
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see what he buys, how much he spends, and what meals he cooks. parishioners, now i will simply prepare a delicacy that would cost a fortune in restaurants. first i made mashed peas, and now i will make asparagus, which. i grew it in my garden 5 years ago, here it is, yuriy says that he feels good, but in two weeks he lost 5 kg. the most difficult thing, says the husband, is to calculate how much ready-made porridge will turn out from dill, and also to watch how his children and his wife eat their favorite dishes. it hurts when children are sitting on the side, eating ice cream, or i marinate a kebab, i marinate, buy meat, marinate a kebab, these are all the smells, then i fry it, and they eat it, and i just... look and it hurts, well, nothing, nothing,
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yuri's experiment ends just in time for easter, and on this day he dreams of eating a delicious paska. ema stednyk, andriy polyakovsky, espresso tv channel. read more about the next issue at 11:00 on our website, also on our social networks, join, set your favorites, then my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the analysis with switch, leave. with the espresso team. we return, thank our colleagues from the news department for the selection of information, pick up the baton and continue to talk about the most important things, but let us remind you that while we ask our guests, analyze the situation with them, we ask you to inform us about the cold ravine. and for the black people of zaporozhye , we need to collect uah 2 million in order to buy a huge batch of fpv drones, we constantly see such
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cool videos where you can see how these drones work, we understand that maybe it was not filmed from the first take, maybe some drone somewhere before that flew and hit the target in a slightly different way, but the effect is definitely there, we see it, we hear about it, our guests tell us about it, so before and now you can see with your own eyes how it works, ugh, and about that , do you remember the bearded priest, who only remotely resembles zitop, in fact he is a facebook user of the svyatogorsk lavra, so he is behind bars for two or two months, it is already a decision and that is good, he has been shining for eight years, it is not enough, well, but he has to say thank you , which is alive, because he adjusted the blows, so he adjusted, but he was not alone there, he announced it, and there were a lot of other people. who heard it and carried it on, that is, there are many here and they are called the uoc mp,
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this criminal organization must be stopped one way or another, despite all the screams of useful idiots in the west, who think that this somehow concerns the church or faith as such, it concerns the military a unit of the uoc terrorist organization, it's called, but in the meantime we'll talk, maybe we'll ask a little about crimea, because vladyslav is in touch with us. seliznyu, a military expert, in the past spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, glory to ukraine. brozy, i congratulate you, words. yes, well, you see, i’m not for nothing in the announcement right away about the native crimea, and i’m talking about the fact that a map has already been put up, the pentagon confirmed it, reuters told that the attacks arrived in another package, in the march packages to if. these attacks worked, and if you take a compass and apply these 308 km, it turns out
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that all the temporarily occupied territories are now the target area of ​​these attackers, the crimea and including the crimean bridge, so you and i have repeatedly said that the key to the liberation of crimea is the availability of missile weapons that will systematically and methodically destroy all enemy military facilities on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastok. fields, as well as objects of military infrastructure, transport, logistics, objects of the energy complex that russia has built in different parts of crimea, that is, all these are legitimate goals, because it works within the framework of strengthening the combat capabilities of the russian occupation contingent in crimea. by the way, today around 8:15 a.m. the local monitoring stations reported that planes and fighter jets suddenly took off in the sky from loto. saki, it is not clear whether some kind of threat to them was real, because
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the traffic on the kerch bridge was also blocked, whether it is possible that they were looking for or hunting our drones, i don’t know enough, i think we will find out about it during the day, but in any case in this case, the russians lost their peace in crimea, because it is constantly in the zone of attention of our rocket operators and pilots of fighter and bomber aircraft and our operators drones, just as ukrainian vakulaks continue to operate in crimea. can you give a little clarification, we have a question here in the studio from the airfield with dzhanka, how many more such dzhankos are needed from atakamsita so that... it is possible to start the crimean operation, well here we must remember that 232 enemy objects are what has already been verified on the territory of the crimea by independent journalists, researchers, in general, they say that there may be up to half a thousand such military facilities in the crimea, of course, that this is not an exclusive landing site, it ladders, arsenals, warehouses, some commands, a command point, a control point, this is the connection
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of the location of personnel or the concentration of military equipment, but almost half a thousand, that is, the work ahead of our soldiers... it is not enough, but it is very important to understand why, why it's so cool that we destroyed the air defense system on the territory of jonkonsky latovishche, well, first of all , there was the s-400 complex, which the russians carry around like that map with a grenade, showing off that we have the most powerful air defense system in crimea , but as we can see, what is less three launchers, or even four launchers of the s-300 complex, in addition, three radar stations. and the complex of automatic information processing, the foundation m was reduced to ashes due to the effective combat work of our attack commanders, in addition, there was a fire on the territory of a small warehouse with ammunition, the video that we now saw in the field window with a secondary detonation, then most likely that warehouse exploded, well and again there were flights over the site where
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enemy helicopters were stationed, because after this attack the russians got away and overthrew dzhankoy. to kirovsky, it is closer to feodosia, the rest of their planes and helicopters, so now the russians have lost their sight a little, at least in the north of crimea, and this will create a certain opportunity for us, of course, the russians still have a lot of fpu pods, near and still closer to sevastopol, there is a certain usurpation and possession of radio engineering troops in the west of crimea in the area of ​​mystitark, but again , the path will be overcome by those who walk. that way, and therefore the ukrainian army still has a lot of work to do in order to turn all enemy military objectives into solid ruins and sevastopol. they are waiting for a big holiday show, as they say, on the crimean bridge on may 7-9, let them wait. meanwhile, despite this aid package we received, we also have salvan's statement that throughout this 24th
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year, the states are ready to provide ukraine with everything we need. we understand that the package is now huge, we supported, voted, signed, but can we now, without thinking, without saving, use all that we received, expecting that in a few months, september-october, they will give another package help, not less, but similar, needed at that time, in such a volume and such a nomenclature, should we now think again. however, can we release this atakams, or should we keep it, maybe there will be some more important purpose somewhere? and, in fact , the issue is as important as it is extremely difficult, because it took almost eight months of wandering until we were able to convince congressmen from the united states of america that military-technical assistance to the ukrainian army is not only an investment in the safe future of ukraine, it is an investment in secure future
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europe and the whole world, but it happened, although there was a lot of time and during this time... we lost some settlements in donetsk region, why, because there was a banal lack of artillery systems and ammunition for them, the enemy had a total advantage not only in artillery , and in the aviation component. of course, it will be a little easier for us now, and not only because our overseas partners transfer weapons and military equipment to us as part of the same 61 billion tranche of military-technical assistance, we also continue to be helped by our european partners, we know about the largest in the history of modern britain. here, by the way, i will use the opportunity and inform our community that despite
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the intense pressure from the russian occupation army, our marines succeeded. and they do this under difficult conditions, under conditions of extremely difficult logistics, because it is extremely difficult to move through the dnieper under the heavy fire of russian mortars, under the constant vigilance of enemy kamikaze drops, but even in such conditions our soldiers continue to conduct combat operations on the left bank of the dnieper and the enemy , a by the way, there will be an enemy there, only on this part of the front they are kept two by two. moreover , the elite divisions, which include russian paratroopers, that is, it is clear that this is an incredible example of courage, bravery and heroism of our soldiers and... in order for this desire to be shown and give appropriate results, we need resources, and the same case is military - technical assistance from the government of great britain is extremely important, and
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of course 1,600 missiles, which we also provide within the framework of this military technical assistance i will receive, they will also serve the fact that rockets will fly at the heads of the enemy, which will turn into ashes, their military facilities and everything connected with this, ugh, i wanted. you have already mentioned britain, in my opinion, it is not the only country with which we, having signed this so-called defense agreement, although we have put some parameters there, nine such security agreements, spending time, resources and money, are concluded by the official kyiv , this will be fresh ukrainian-portuguese, i understand that they will write down that ukraine undertakes to advance on lisbon, and portugal will write down that we... let's not bomb kiev there, why spend so much effort on completely empty and senseless agreements, if, if all this
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could be directed precisely at our euro-atlantic, that is, nato integration, why are these agreements portuguese, because if there is no such agreement from chile agreements, you know, the ukrainian-chilean one on non-aggression, then i cannot... understand what they are playing at, what do you say, maybe we are on the way to the implementation of the ukrainian-chilean or ukrainian-argentine agreements, by the way, regarding cooperation with argentina, i think that is the story there may be an absolutely real basis, but we must understand that it is not for nothing that russian propagandists tell us that lisbon is a russian city, and it seems that it is not for nothing that the minister of defense of germany, mr. fistoriu , declares that some of the weapons and military equipment. which is currently being manufactured by the russian defense-industrial complex, is directed to the arsenal base and warehouses for storage, for which, according to the german
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politician, this is done in connection with certain alarmist and rather far-reaching plans vladimir putin and his henchmen, and therefore i think that the security agreements are an important case, although most likely this is more of a gesture of such sincere goodwill, which... is implemented as part of the preparation for mr. vladyslav, but there is nothing in those agreements , managed to look at some of them, well, this is really a collection of toasts measured in the whole world, and it does not work, here i agree with you, because if we are talking about everything good against everything bad, then obviously real concrete steps, real planning with sub-item with time indicators, with respectively. the justification for all these processes, because everything else is empty talk that will not lead to anything good, we all remember well, the budapest memorandum of 1994, there is even such a hard document that it
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cannot even be used in any other way, because not even any, well, again, it was this document that in no way safeguarded the situation with ukraine, it was not affected in any way back then in february 2014, and therefore the agreements must be on... filled with concrete, detailed planning with all positions, time , financial, resource, so that there are no such decisions that we consulted here and decided that it is not worth implementing them, because something is wrong there , and once again, ukraine's experience in this context is not positive, let's remember the processes that raged in crimea in february, march 2014 . at the same time, ukraine was a member of two security organizations, our marpihi was part of nato's immediate response force, and our marpihi, the second rostomorsky
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one, was part of halbrook's immediate response force, it refers to the countries of greece, cyprus, it seems that romania, bulgaria, eh, that is , ukraine was a member of the security blocs and should have simply counted on an appropriate reaction, but there were disturbances in the crimea and sevastopol, but... but the other members of these security blocs did not react in any way to the processes that started in the crimea, then , like some kind of leprosy, began to spread to different parts of our country, and eventually all this transformed into this full-scale russian-ukrainian war. mr. vladyslav, ivanov, who is shaigu's deputy, was arrested. yes, they said that it was bribe. well, it sounds very strange that someone is being taken for bribes in russia. even in such positions, and this is where new information appears, sources in gur confirm that it was not a bribe, but treason, and we are
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interested. no, no, only a bribe. we see that he has been arrested, the russians are writing, all his accounts, bank and real estate, have been seized, he is behind bars, and they are serious, the case is serious, obviously, they also held on to him seriously. what can it be and can there be more such good state councilors in russia? well, of course, if mr. ivanov's wife is in need, at least on kishenkova. the ladder is about 50 thousand dollars a month, then, accordingly, that uncle should look for funds, was he able to become a salesman, work in the interests of some of the intelligence agencies of the world, this option cannot be ruled out, because the money is, as they say, you have to find it somewhere, to satisfy the whims of his own wife, especially if she is absolutely not controlled in this matter, so the options with high
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treason, i would exclude although... again , there can be many conspiracy theories, this is the option i heard to demolish with from his positions of the minister of defense of the russian federation sergey shaigu, these are certain such processes related to teaching a lesson to all other members of vladimir putin's inner circle, whatever, but in any case, i think that we will find out what is happening there , and in fact, it is a great pity that this highly respected ... and such a large-scale state military official ended up behind bars, because the work he did was extremely important, because he was engaged in corruption, and corruption destroys like rust the russian federation as a state, respectively , from the inside, and this is actually a very important process, i am sure that this flag of corruption
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in the leadership of the military will be removed. of the russian federation, someone will support it, will continue to develop it, because it is really important, it also works for our victory, the bigger the bribe, the more money will be stolen from the russian military budget, the less this money will come to the front on the line, about money and russians , one more short question, mr. vladyslav, we literally have one minute, there all the time something is on fire, now there are containers with oil products in omsk, the fire area of ​​500 km is not much, but we hope that it can spread. after this package of sledges, we remember. not sanctions, aid from the states, we remember they said, don't hit the refinery, you are hitting the occupied territories, and you don't need to go there, but ambassador markarova says that there was no such thing, ambassador markarova says that we that she did not receive any diplomatic appeals of any kind officially, but , for example, lloyd osin spoke about it, that is, everything it's just in the air somewhere, or having now
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received, having received... all that we have, which is already coming to us, we can continue this kind of activity, or some good drones, not us. i think that the agreement, which provides for the non-use of weapons, equipment and technology that we will receive from western partners, to be used against the sovereign territory of the russian federation, and which it had before the beginning of the russian -ukrainian confrontation in february 2014, i think that this agreement and continues to work. but it in no way applies to the relevant regions of russia federations, which they consider to be newly joined territories, and therefore we have to understand this, we use weapons in the european part of the russian federation exclusively from ukrainian manufacturers, all other territories of ukraine can be under the influence of the weapons that we, as part of military-technical cooperation, from our overseas , european partners and other partners, by
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the way, it is important to remember what should happen in a few days. the next rammstein, i hope that there we will hear wonderful music from where, yes, mr. vladyslav, it was already heard in our studio, and now we hear in the background the announcement of an air alert may have taken off, so thank you for participating in our broadcast, we have to let go, vladyslav seliznyo, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 14-17, we urge you all to go to shelter, yourselves we are also moving there, for those who are watching us. not from the tv screen, but from smartphones, computers, and has the opportunity to go to shelter with all of them, we leave you with our material that can be viewed, we will be back in a few minutes, so, about how on april 4, 22, three espresso tv channels, the fifth and direct, illegally and without any explanation disconnected this material from the network of digital broadcast television, at this time, in two years, it is still impossible to establish who exactly , why?


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