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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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whole peoples and civilizations were respected. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why or limit the influence of telegram. i introduced the corresponding bill, it is not about banning telegram, it is about regulation his work, we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night, an enemy army came out of it, see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova:
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evaluation of the vkk, how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have been working in the judicial system all my life, and where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy have valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. on thursday, april 25, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the hundredth individual mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks by the hundred. of a separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine.
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let's stick together. it's 12 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time . khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. in smila, cherkasy region, there was a liquidation. the consequences of the morning russian shelling. six victims were treated on the spot. our anti-aircraft defense shot down a rocket over the city, 47 private houses on several streets were damaged by the blast wave and debris. the windows in the high-rise building were also shaking. the object of critical infrastructure was also damaged - reported the head of the region ihor taborets. four injured due to russian shelling of donetsk region in dobropil. two residents were injured, the enemy
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attacked the city three times, high-rise buildings, private houses and social facilities were damaged - the regional police reported. one more victim each, due to russian shelling in krasnohorivka and solov'ovo, three s-300 rockets were directed by the occupiers at pokrovsk, a partially destroyed social facility. in halytsynivka, the enemy struck from a drone, six private houses and a shop were damaged. during the day , russian terrorists attacked the region almost 1,900 times. the russians wounded three people in kherson oblast as well. 10 places and villages were shelled during the day. at night, the occupiers attacked the dnipro district of kherson. damaged windows and roof, as well as a damaged gas pipe, were hit on the residential building. in the region, russian shells hit a critical infrastructure object, private cars and a high-rise building. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. in the sumy oblast
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, border guards engaged in a battle with a russian subversive and intelligence group, the state border service reported that the border guards discovered an enemy in one of the directions an ambush in which more than 10 saboteurs were hiding. a firefight took place, border guards and defense forces were used to repulse the attack, and artillery mortar calculations worked. as a result of the collision, the enemy retreated. pokovyk of the armed forces corrected missile strikes on kharkiv oblast. the security service of ukraine prevented the fsb agent from escaping. he was detained near the front line in the kupyansk direction. the collaborator wanted to take the position of the occupiers, the russian occupiers were waiting for him. he had an agreement that he would work for the fsb in the temporarily occupied luhansk region. traitor under guard, he faces up to eight years in prison. fire in omsk, russia. there are burning three
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tanks with oil products, each with a volume of 200 liters. the burning area is 500 km, reports the russian ministry of emergency situations. extinguishing with a fire train and aircraft. the causes of the fire are currently unknown. evidence of support for kremlin terrorists in china revealed a russian ship involved in the supply of north korean weapons to the russian federation. the angara ship is under us sanctions, according to satellite images obtained by reuters from britain's royal joint services institute. the vessel is docked at a shipyard in the eastern province of chejiang. us secretary of state anthony blinken. arrived in china to find out the details. america is concerned that the celestial empire is probably providing military aid to moscow. they stated that the information about the ship angara was fully confirmed and required explanations. meanwhile, russia vetoed
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a us-drafted un resolution calling on countries to prevent an arms race in space. the draft resolution of the security council was put to a vote by the united states and japan. after long negotiations. he received 13 votes in favour. china refrained, and russia vetoed it. washington to replace moscow in the development of space-based anti-satellite nuclear weapons. poland is ready to help ukraine return men of conscription age, the country's defense minister said. he did not reveal the details, but noted that many poles are outraged when they see young people. ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and at the same time the poles themselves should make an effort to support ukraine, according to eurostat, as of january 2024 , more than 4 million ukrainians live in eu countries, of which about 860,000 are men. from the beginning
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full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, poland sheltered 950,000 ukrainians. on the international day of dna, ukrainian defenders decomposed as many as 1,040 occupiers into molecules, and in total, almost 463,000 russians have already become rotten biomaterial since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. also, our defenders burned 13 tanks, 14 bmps and 28 artillery systems of the enemy, one air defense system and one anti-aircraft missile system each, as well as 59 units of cars and special equipment of the russian occupiers. the general staff recalls the data. intovni ukraine started negotiations with portugal on the security agreement. it was reported in the office of the president. the parties also discussed the upcoming peace summit in switzerland and the implementation of the ukrainian peace formula. i should note that ukraine has already concluded nine
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bilateral security agreements with great britain, germany, france and denmark, as well as with canada, italy, the netherlands, finland and latvia. and i remind you of our assembly: the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues and so does the help. of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. horses of the royal horse guards flew into a crowd in london and nearly trampled passers-by. during the rehearsal of the military parade, five animals
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were frightened by the noise and ran away. they lost themselves riders, three riders were hospitalized. horses were also injured. they broke several shop windows, and... one crashed into a taxi, - reports reuters. all the horses were caught. yuriy lavrin, a journalist from lviv, decided to find out whether it is possible to survive on uah 200 a month. he writes about expenses and diet on social networks. he started the experiment not only out of curiosity, but to raise money for a drone for his brother, who is currently at the front. how survives on a meager amount in our plot further. is it possible to survive on uah 200? the discussion about this in the kitchen with friends turned into a real one for yuri lavrin challenge. he calculated that this is how much money he would have left for food after paying the utilities from the minimum pension. i actually just wanted to conduct an experiment, and then i realized that for this experiment you can shoot a lot of content, distribute it
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among friends, and i thought it would be interesting. and i thought that, in principle, why not help my brother, who is now protecting both you and me. and all of us from the influx of russian, yuriy started the experiment on april 5, already in 12 days his readers donated the required amount, 75 00 hryvnias for... mavik, who will soon help yuriy's brother to destroy the occupiers. since there were still more than two weeks left before the end of the experiment, the man decided to help with the collection and also a familiar volunteer. she collects on the radio transmitter to fpv drones for the third assault brigade. the journalist's facebook has turned into a diary in which you can see what he buys, how much he spends and what meals he cooks. hello parishioners, now i will cook a simple delicacy that would cost a lot in restaurants. for a million hryvnias, first i made puree peas, well, now i will make asparagus, which
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i grew in my garden 5 years ago, here it is, yuriy says that he feels good, but in two weeks he lost 5 kg. the most difficult thing, the husband says, is to calculate how much ready-made porridge will turn out from dill, and also to watch how his children and his wife eat their favorite dishes. it hurts when from the side. the children are sitting, eating ice cream, or i'm marinating a kebab, i marinate, buy meat, marinate a kebab, these are all the smells, then i fry it, and they eat it, and i just watch, but it hurts, well, nothing, nothing, yuri's experiment ends just in time for easter, and on this day he dreams of eating delicious paska, ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. we will summarize the morning at 12:00. read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences,
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my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the show, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we 're coming back, thanks for watching, thanks for being in the hideout. from the air alarm go ahead and donate. peeked in to one of the members of the public about such a phrase that boys at the front do not need stepfathers, but drones. we agree that drones are needed, so please donate, but also pass on the shepherds, because this is also really needed. as a reminder, here is the qr code and card number in our left corner, please transfer as much as you can afford, and do it as often as you can afford, don't forget. well, we are in the meantime. we are adding to our conversation people's deputy iryna gerashchenko in connection with our studio,
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ms. irina, we congratulate you, good day to all viewers of espresso, the parliament has now also returned to work from storage, i will vote in parallel, because i promised to join you on the air, but sorry, i will work in parallel, fine, but will you press the button for or against , we want to find out, because the day before there were some such strange things, there they tried something new between the first and second reading of the law on the english language in order to destroy ukrainian duplications, in a word, some such urgent needs decided to vote in the parliament, they rejected it already this idea what will you vote for today? first of all, i congratulate all ukrainians on the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the law on language, and by the way, i think it was one of the last laws signed by the fifth president poroshenko, the law on language was the fifth president. not the last one signed as the president, we are very proud of it, there are indeed such thoughts, in
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the majority of me, to change the position in the bill on the english language regarding the ban on ukrainian dubbing, and so far the committee has not considered this, but these plans exist, and we are here stand on guards, what is it called, this bill was withdrawn from consideration by the parliament this week, but i think that is very wrong. to make any attack on the ukrainian language now, and you know, it is a pity that this week the parliament is working, and again there is no law on the banning of moscow peeps on the agenda, we believe that this decision is timely and we insist on its mandatory consideration mrs. irina, please explain, by the way, this is this moment, because if you count on your fingers who works for the fsb in russia, it is several deputies they are doing it openly, aren't a few deputies blocking the whole parliament... in principle , this law has not yet
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been adopted in the second reading, but today the sbu only threw metropolitan arseniy for two months to play, who in his position gave out directly from the uoc mps in his sermons it was a subversive activity, are you really holding a couple of deputies and the whole parliament hostage? well, the majority refuses to put this draft law on the agenda so far, and that's why we... can't really consider it, but there is no consensus anywhere raised this issue. i really hope that we will bring it up for consideration in may. you know, there are really 4 or so amendments, mainly from the opzh, well, but today we are mentioning the law on language, let me remind you that the opzh also submitted 400 amendments to the language law, nothing, they considered it, and it did not hinder us at all, very correct the law to vote, which protects the ukrainian language, i think it's time to move on to the law on the ukrainian language. we agree, mrs. iryna, about the good news
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from across the ocean, even the new york times is spreading rumors that... atakams, which were secretly transmitted to us back in march, that there were about a hundred of them, we hope that it is not less, well, but we also have these signals that a large package will help to hold the front line, but defeating russia is not about this, what’s next, how are we going to proceed in order to receive the next aid packages and so that it doesn't look like we are giving you a little... so that you don't lose, but so that you don't win, thank you, the only warning is that i have a speech in four minutes its own on the next bill, so it will be forced to disconnect, as far as the american one is concerned help, indeed, it is critically needed by ukraine today, there is a shortage of ammunition and personnel at the front, and there
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is a need for increased mobilization, but a reasonable one, but first of all, our military must be provided with everything. necessary weapons, equipment, shells. thanks to our american partners for finally getting this unlocked, to the president of the united states for his leadership. i am convinced that despite the internal disputes in the united states related to the election campaign, we could have received help earlier if more professionally and worked professionally with the american side. and now it is necessary to draw conclusions from the fact that among the congressmen more... republicans did not vote for the provision of this aid, so intensifying our dialogue with the republican party is very, very important. next, i want to make one more important point about other decisions that came out of the united states this week. it is very positive about the help, but in parallel there is a report of the state department
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of the united states of america, which states that the marathon and the closing of three tv channels. systems t2 is a problem that it violates freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and the ukrainian authorities should pay attention to this, our partners, the united states, the european union, want to see ukraine as a democracy, and therefore it is very important that ukraine develops as a democracy. mrs. iryna, at the beginning of the week, there was an announcement that the furniture in the cabinet of ministers would be rearranged, that is, some point furniture. replacements, and then suddenly he disappeared, they changed their minds, and what's up with personnel reshuffles, have you heard anything in the parliament? this week there will be no personnel reshuffles, nay it is more terrible that the servants themselves did not even know which of the ministers would go on the way out, and this is about the subjectivity of the parliament, as far as i know, the ministers themselves also did not know which
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of them was going to be removed, because ah... with no one none of them talked about the subjectivity of the parliament and the government, about the fact that we actually have a huge problem with the fact that today the parliament has lost this subjectivity, our position: to replace several ministers who are clearly unprofessional is does not save the problem with the unprofessionalism of the government as a whole, and now the time has come to form a new government, national unity, but there is no political will for this, and tomorrow for the first time, for... questions to the government at the request of european solidarity, the minister should report here in months, we will see the hour of development issues in the parliament, mr. kubrakov, who should inform and report to the parliament on the protection of critical infrastructure, i apologize, colleagues, i have a statityrino, thank you, thank you, iryna gerashchenko directly and
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iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy directly from the session hall, now is her time. on the podium to report, and we heard very important information, one of the candidates for departure, kubrakov, is the minister of infrastructure, will be at the government meeting tomorrow, this is in the period in democratic ukraine, when it was parliamentary-presidential, this is when the parliament controls the government in the form of questions and answers. we also had a lot of questions, especially after the destroyed trypilskaya heat generating station near kyiv, it was one of the main ones for the capital, and on it, like on many others, a total of billions of hryvnias were spent on the arrangement of anti-aircraft defense, not only covering it with bags and other things, they talked about... about deep defense against missiles, that is, it was supposed to be such a shelled defense, as it turned out, after the kha-69 was hit by missiles, there
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was nothing there, and billions neither, well, it will be interesting to hear tomorrow the answer to this question, tomorrow it will also be interesting to hear what will be agreed on at ramstein, in the meantime, this is reported by the monitoring channels that monitor the actions of the enemy about... launches that may be in the near future vovchanska, kharkiv region, there is also a message from the armed forces, from the ground forces of the armed forces that after they had already distributed the information that starting from may 18 , for two months, everyone is required to serve, from 18 to 60 years old, for the most part men should come to the ccc to check... queues have started, that is, on the one hand, we have queues at the consulate in warsaw, for example, and on the other hand , they say that there are queues near the ccc, they say that
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they are happy about that, but not necessarily everyone must come at the same time, you can come at a different time time, because it turns out that they work 24/7 and inform you, but you can also make an appointment online for a certain hour, so that you can be calm that you will not spend it for... a lot of time, that's the story, let's remind you once again, these queues - this is an opportunity to simply update the bases for the fact that the country should know its mobilization resource and update, this is neither a summons nor mobilization, it is simply a mandatory part of the implementation of the updated law on mobilization, this is such an explanation, i am curious, but at you still need to have a certain list of documents, that is, not just to come to the shopping center, but when you come , you understand that your passport, identification code, and military registration document are also there. obviously medical documents, driver's license if you have one, education information, documents that confirm the composition of the family, this also applies, for example, to those who
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care for people with disabilities, and documents that confirm eligibility for deferment , if you have it, you should have it with you, no one will look for it somewhere online or look at some photos, i wanted something more interesting and... funny about you for you and the audience tell me, we used to laugh about how the customs crossings work between cool countries like the dpr and the lpr, as they call themselves, you know, these terrorist groups, it turns out, have a border and customs, we laughed then, now we can laugh from another , what was once the state of belarus, well, this territory is controlled by lukashenka and the fsb of russia, but there are some strange movements. the belorussian hayun monitoring project confirms that lukashenko has transferred his air defense forces from the belorussian-ukrainian border, do you know where?
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on the belarusian-russian border, that is, he knows something, he knows something, i think that we can see a cringe-worthy second video clip, when lukashenko will come out and say: "and i will tell you in a while from which sides russia planned to attack belarus, because it looks like a sequel." joke performed by this mustachioed potato dictator, listen, since we are already in belarus, they have all this cringe and all this story that you tell, i will add one more thing: there is a vkontakte group, as far as i understand, which is engaged in just sells cars, but you can come and buy, sell a car, so it was recognized as an extremist organization, for which they sold it or something, not an armored personnel carrier, they had some kind of leibochka there, white and black... it, a badge, and that's belarusian symbols , not russian, but belarusian, and the extremists, then belarus recognized, you, who are belarusians, who sell
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belarusian cars, by a belarusian organization and sent some patrols, troops and so on, on the border with russia, well, logically, well, in belarus everything logically, you see, not what in us, as we just showed you from the parliament, we will take a short break, after which we will return, by the way. and we will tell you and analyze, because with our aggressors everything is going faster than what george orwell wrote and adolf hitler dreamed of, they have already introduced censorship on books, you know, there is even a separate body that censors books, but we will talk about that too, a short pause, stay with espresso. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel. cheerful in the morning and productive during the day, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a mattrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian
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and forecast of development based on facts. events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the opposite. connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there will be a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, allohol with care and respect for
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the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! yes, if you have not yet subscribed to our youtube, please do so, right now there is no need to delay, postpone, there will be all airs, all special projects, that is , even what is not on the airs, but what is on our youtube only. and there are such short cuts of shorts with the most important information, that is, to watch somewhere in the evening, if there was no time, an opportunity during the day to know what our country lives and how it lives, subscribe, please, comment and be sure to be with us, well, we are also now waiting to establish a connection with our next guest, he is a candidate of historical sciences and an international columnist, yehor bryland, in
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connection with our studio, mr. congratulations, good day!


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