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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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puts united by football, stronger together. yes, if you have not yet subscribed to our youtube, please do so, right now there is no need to delay, postpone, there will be all airs, all special projects, that is , even what is not on the airs, but what is on our youtube only, and there are such short cutouts, shorts. with the most important information, that is, to look somewhere in the evening, if there was no time, the opportunity during the day to know what our country lives and how it lives, please subscribe, comment and be sure to by us, we are also now waiting to establish a connection with our next guest, he is candidate of historical sciences and international columnist yehor brylenyan in connection with our studio, mr. yehor, we welcome you, good day. and i want to start with the fact that the british
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writer, who is not well read in the gruffin swamps, i mean george orvol, even he, when he wrote his dystopia with elements of stalinism, probably could not have suspected that all this would be implemented and very quickly, and we will get to that moment, which is already a few days away, like in russian a special state body works in the swamps, which censors books, because. in a word, it's time to burn books in front of the mausoleum on red square, so that everything completely coincides, but simply according to your review, as a historian, where will the russians run after having already overtaken adolf and roman 1984, where is their extreme point? i think that there is really no end point for the russians, and they have already
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done everything possible in their... propaganda, the only thing that i think is that they are in solidarity with the chinese here, and soon sisypinus will visit europe, will be in france, will be in serbia, it will be interesting to see how the russians will write about these visits, precisely because of russian and chinese propaganda, they are united in their anti-western rhetoric, which is to blame for everything, and it is no coincidence that george orwell, he wrote about that's all, although he had left-wing political views, but in his novels he showed everything that is happening to us now in the information space. mr. yehor, look, we will actually stay with britain. britain is a wonderful country that is currently helping us a lot, but there is one caveat: russia too. in britain has such very deep
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roots, and for years in london, where they have money, for 20 years, 25 years, at least, they began to pour a lot of money there, buy real estate, all over the world, invest, first took root financially, then this financial influence began to spread, and now we see that they have influence both in the informational and in the political environment, they got there in different ways, well, similar things are also happening in ukraine, and they started happening in us much earlier. how britain coped with it, how can we adopt theirs experience? in fact, britain still has problems with this perception and definition of the russian threat, which is called the english language, because they have only really started to realize and talk about it. after
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the attempted poisoning of the fiddlers, that is, the infamous spire seekers in soxbury in march 2018, and that's when they started saying let's investigate whether russia interfered in brexit and how it happened, and so far no reasoned answers, how it happened, that is, they said on the official levels in... in the report of the parliamentary intelligence committee in july 20th, the so -called russian report, that russia is trying through its oligarchs to influence britain, to change public opinion, within britain it was related to the scottish independence referendum in 14 year, here is an interesting point, why scotland, because it is on the territory of scotland that nuclear weapons are located.
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great britain, and the same was said there about the parliamentary elections in the 17th year, that is , the main challenge for the british is how reduce this impact, ie. it is very difficult for a democratic country like britain to legally block a site or a social network, and the russians also bought part of the media, although the same rasha today and sputnik, well, sputnik did not work there for a long time, but rasha today worked until the full-scale invasion of 22- th year, and now i think the key question is how to bring these people to justice, because we all know the people who ran it, for example, oksana brazhnyk, who ran sputnik, sputnik's office in edinburgh, and
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she was previously a communicator for the olympic games in sochi, and... the experts i spoke with for the detector media text are the guardian journalist luke guardian, chathouse expert keir giles, adam ure, who used to work in the foreign office in britain precisely on the topic of countering disinformation, and lucy birge, who wrote a dissertation on the satellite, they are all united in the fact that for a long time russian money from ... blinded the threat, and i would like to remind you that putin's first foreign visit, when he became president in 2000 last year, he went to britain, where he was met by tony blair, a labor member, and right now there are
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discussions about how to establish cooperation between the government and private business in the fight against fakes. in social networks, and in october last year an important law was approved about online security, there is a media regulator in britain called ofcom, that ofcom has now obliged online platforms to monitor threats that are on the internet, what is there or language not news, well, other similar ones. and we can say that russian influence, unfortunately, remains in britain, yes it decreased, so the oligarchs sold their assets, but, for example, britain has not yet frozen russian assets, and it is necessary
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to work on this. ugh, yegor, you already mentioned it, i mean, firstly, in britain there is an organ, and secondly, in britain there is experience, that is , they are up to... quite a lot at different levels and on at the social level and at the level of the authorities analyzed the so-called brexit. we remember how it all worked, and oxford analytics, and big data, and suddenly there were 6 million deep-seated people, as the russian surkov said, and who never in their lives did not vote, but then suddenly, in order to repel the turkish invasion and not to pay a lot to brussels, they decided to vote and in fact broke the geopolitical fate of britain. we determined another path, now there is a lesson, the lesson of brexit has been learned, besides, in britain, the only one that met with russian nuclear terrorism on its territory, so the first time was with litvanenko, the second time was with the skripals, whom you mentioned, this it is no longer
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nuclear terrorism, it is already, as they say, playing with a newcomer. so, having so many grafts, and, or britain, can you explain, actually, how? the british are all reacting to this russian propaganda, we have seen it in the states, there are conspiracists, there are those reptilians, there are rednecks in the end, this is the american analogue of the ukrainian ragul, and on which it is very easy to sow a field with fakes, in britain, in addition to the deep brexit 6 million, on whom russian propaganda works and how successfully, the so-called what about works very actively in britain, where they say, what do you see, you are now talking about russian war crimes in ukraine, but where have you been? when there are countries the west were in iraq and in afghanistan doing the same, or maybe even worse things, and this narrative, it was there even before the full-scale
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invasion, and i actually got the impression after talking to my british colleagues about this threat. in fact, only experts and some government officials are speaking, the majority of people do not think about the fact that russian propaganda is poisoning their information space, so do the british. the overwhelming majority, the absolute majority, support ukraine, and this is their sincere feeling, because they have their own the experience of fighting nazism during the second world war, and the british will continue to support ukraine, the only thing here we should emphasize more to our british friends is that we need to take a closer look at what pushkin house really is, what blavatniks are. in oxford, what threats does it bring to them, because in
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britain it is very difficult to block a site just like that, for this you need a certain valid reason, and apart from votibautism, what is also interesting about britain of russian propaganda is the spread of narratives about alleged ukrainian neo-nazis, this was in general a trend western media after the 14th year, when they wrote a lot about the azov battalion, which later became the azov regiment, that there are allegedly many neo-nazis there, and it is clear that some people may peck at this, but i think, and by the way, regarding brexit important point, i don't think that this question is already closed, although it is clear that it is unlikely to ... turn history back, but i think
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that this is a million pound question, to finally find out exactly how russia through information operations intervened in britain before brexit, scaring them migrants, rapists, and the fact that let's not pay b. that is, it is clear that such eurosceptic sentiments have always existed in britain, and britain has never considered itself a european country, yes, because they have always considered themselves a global state, and it is interesting that in what way the russians, knowing these features of public attitudes among the british, instrumentalized them to their advantage, this is precisely the study of this. it will be very interesting for the british to show how they were manipulated by
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the russians, because this is what the russians use and with regard to the ukrainians there on the topic of mobilization, and many other points, i think that you know very well, mr. yehor, we literally have a minute and a half left, look, the german opposition is turning to rishisunak to somehow influence, to put pressure on scholz in essence for germany to hand over taurus to ukraine. we assume that russia may have some leverage on the leadership of germany, which they delay so much and categorically do not convey, and what leverage may great britain have, that is, they really have some weight arguments that can convince? yes, of course, and the same david cameron, the minister of foreign affairs of great britain , repeatedly suggested to scholz that britain would pay for these tauruses, that britain would buy for itself... tauruses, in exchange for giving germany its missiles, there storm shadow or others, and this it is very
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cool that britain is such an active communicator of ukraine in the world and in nato, because the taurus missiles will help ukraine to destroy the logistics of the russians and to destroy the kerch bridge itself, and this, i think, this... year ukraine is expected to receive the taurus from germany, it doesn't matter which way, but he will get it. thank you, mr. yehor, for the conversation, yehor brylein, candidate of historical sciences, about british opposition, or not opposition to this global threat. russia operates everywhere, in the global south, in africa, in south america quite successfully, in britain quite interestingly, and. how does it work, let 's move on, we have our last guest for today,
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lyudmila denisova, a human rights defender and the head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, ms. ludmyla, we welcome you, have a good day, we know that the government has simplified the procedure by which you can get the status of a person with a disability due to the war to any snap where the applicant is now, but the decision will still be made by the structural unit, the one with... you declare or for the one registered at the place of residence , i.e. you are in kyiv, submit a tsnap in kyiv, but the solution is if you are a place of registered residence. ternopil region, then decisions will be made there. according to these procedures, it is possible to provide in electronic form, this is by means of the action portal, or through a single one state register of film veterans. but there is one but. to date, there is still no such technical possibility to submit documents in electronic form. we are now waiting
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for the government to finalize the mechanism and will certainly inform when they will act. documents for the application. if you, uh, you have a request to establish the status of a person with a disability as a result of the war, then it must be a certificate from the msek about the group to the cause of the disability, a certificate about direct participation in hostilities, if you are an internally displaced person, then a certificate of military service, if you have lost a loved one and want to receive the status of a family member of the deceased, a deceased defender, you must add a death certificate, a certificate again about his direct participation in hostilities, a decision of the relevant vlk , according to the vlk, documents that confirm kinship by the applicant, and all this must be submitted to the application, but here again there is news that, in my opinion, simplifies the submission of documents, the submission of documents by applicants,
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the applicant, if, for example, he does not have a certificate of direct participation . persons in relation to which there is a petition in hostilities, then you can only submit an application, and already the body, special body, unit, which currently heads the veterans' policy in the local government, he himself is obliged to find all these documents, through my interdepartmental interaction, a month ago the unit is responsible for making a decision in order to grant or deny. in such a status: the right to the status gives the right to a certificate, and therefore the applicant must determine when submitting the application where exactly he will receive such a certificate, or again in the structural subdivision by place declared, registered place of residence, or actual, if idps, or in
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snapa by place of residence, this is the mechanism for today. and there are some cases when they can refuse to grant all this status, yes, of course, they can refuse, such cases are in the absence of these documents, well, what document, for example, there is no resolution of the ministry of health, which relates to the group and cause of disability, this is necessary to do to the applicant if false documents are submitted, or forgery is detected in the documents, or... if there is an indictment the court, which has already entered into force for the crime that was committed in relation to who, in relation to which person, one or another status is established, who committed this crime precisely during the defense of ukraine against this military aggression of the russian federation, and when the reason for the establishment of disability or death is not
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connected with their direct participation in this . measures that ensure the protection of the homeland itself. and it may also happen that the family member of the deceased will not be given such a status, if this person who submits such documents is not in accordance with the law of ukraine, to the family members of this deceased. ms. ludmila, we have heard many cases, many stories, when people are members of the families of the victims. fighters, but they do not care about the appropriate status, do not seek this status, do not go to the appropriate institutions, not because they do not need it, but because they simply do not have the moral strength for it, mostly because for them it is everything it hurts, it's painful and so on, but after some time, for example, a year passes, two years already, in
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some families it passes, and they understand what is needed, is there an opportunity to simplify... in general, even more this procedure, so that it all happens automatically, after all, we have some registers in the state, it is clear who is who, we are forming these unified electronic systems, digitalization is in full swing, you know, i agree with you here, that we still need to remove a lot of documents that a person needs to collect, well, for example, with the same procedures that we are currently discussing with you, for example, various certificates for... but to provide the commander in various forms, confirming the status of a citizen, a military serviceman who directly participated in the hostilities. alone the certificate concerns this, for example, when a person with a disability is submitted, another - the family is dying. i believe that if there is already a single
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state register of war veterans, there are registers of military personnel, there are registers of the civil status of the population, then it is not the commander who should take care of these certificates , he has something to do, he is protecting the state, he is protecting us and you. he does not have to do this bureaucratic work, so here it is necessary to simplify that this is the responsible body, well, for example, this commission, which was created to provide one-time monetary assistance to the deceased, the ministry of defense of ukraine, they need to make all these documents themselves, because it takes a long time to put all this together, but today, for example, i signed a letter to the minister again. of the security guard in order for him to draw the attention of some commanders who have not provided such certificates for more than a year, and the families who lost
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the most dear cannot receive this help, that support from the state, which belongs to you according to the law, you understand, that is there is room to move, there is something to reduce the number of documents and oblige precisely those bodies that make the final decision, through interdepartmental communication, to collect all these documents, and not to chase this poor person, as you rightly say, who does not know what to do at all sometimes, and therefore they turn to the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights by phone or by road, they simply to they come to us and we help them draw up all these documents and finally solve this very difficult case of theirs today, and we will simply remind you... once again , the hotline number is 08330709, because sometimes people simply do not even know where to start, although even are already mentally ready for this long-
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distance race with incredible obstacles. ms. lyudmyla, thank you for participating in our program, lyudmila denisova, human rights defender and head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. this is what we managed to tell you today, but in a few minutes the news will tell much more, i am sure that it will also be about mykolaiv, about the details of the explosion. on april 24 , yesterday's explosion in mykolaiv will be told, it is already known that there are victims, two soldiers were killed, five rescuers were injured, more in a few minutes remains with espresso, roman and i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until tomorrow, a peaceful, safe day for you, take care and be sure to stay with our tv channel. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and as always , the fuel ran out prematurely, and you want to have a beautiful,
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sponsor of the national team represents united by football, together stronger. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of the news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the tragedy in mykolaiv. two soldiers were killed, two more were wounded. five rescuers were also injured. the sbi reported new details of the explosion in the city. in one of the parking lots during congestion.


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