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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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a way, even a bad way, but it got into the information space, it influenced american citizens, it shaped their public opinion to a certain extent, so in fact the authorities now have a great opportunity to take advantage of these comments, these recommendations and try to somehow correct the situation, i immediately i will say that i do not believe that before the end of the legal regime of martial law, we will have, for example, a canceled single marathon, well, you know this very well, a good tool that will be used for... further, especially since it is financed from the budget, and partly there are private funds, from the owners of those tv channels that participate in the marathon, for example, so there is no, let’s say, sense, to give up such a tool completely, well, under control, and it will remain, they will give certain reasons the objective points are related to the need to counter russian propaganda, this should not be disputed, but this is not enough in the 24th year, it was enough in the 22nd, but not enough in the 24th, at the same time, the authorities... now making one is very simple
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a step that would largely eliminate the negativity of the messages that are in this content of the report, what is this step, it is simple, just take back the three channels that were turned off without any arguments, well, don't even give arguments now, just return it, and accordingly you will remove, well, at least one problematic situation that you yourself created and which from the point of view of national security, well, is absurd, because these channels are not that bad... they, on the contrary , contributed to the effectiveness of our information there security measures against russian propaganda and so on further, but will it be enough for this, let's say so, the current authorities have rivets, let's see, after all, they have the temptation to leave it as it is and hope that it will be possible to sit with it for a long enough period of time, and it will not lead to to some negative consequences from our partners. another topic and such a cornerstone topic for the negotiations of the americans. with ukrainians, this is corruption,
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bribery in power, and here we see in the background, once again, the decisions of the senate and congress, the case of mykola solskyi, the minister of agrarian policy and food, appears, who was suspected in a case related to the acquisition of land. solsky himself says that the events about which, according to nabu's information, i have been informed of suspicion and about which are spreading. the information in zmi refers to the period of 17-18 years, that is, when i was a lawyer and was neither the minister of agrarian policy and food, nor the head of the verkhovna rada committee on agrarian, land and land policy, while the sap requests the arrest of minister sotsky from an alternative deposit of 200 million hryvnias, so in this situation, what should have done so? well, look, i have a very
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simple answer, he should have given an explanation of what he did, but he should have resigned, probably immediately. i understand that sometimes there are cases where this resignation, well, it may look there, well, even inappropriate to a certain extent, but well, in this case, we have the position of nabu and sab, and look, despite all our desire to believe in the independence of these organs, let me know something. well, she was actually supported or sanctioned there by at least some representatives of the office president, and accordingly, if this happens, the tenure of a person in the position of a minister, and in a strategically important sector for ukraine, well, it is questionable from a moral and ethical point of view, and it is now harming the cabinet of ministers, i would like to remind you, by the way, that in this ... the world, which we mentioned
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when we discussed the information policy of the state, one of the threats was precisely the high and sufficiently high level of corruption in the government, that is, it was such a general phrase, but this moment was mentioned, and here we have a story about what against a minister, an important minister, an important ministry makes such accusations, so even purely humanly, the position was probably correct, i resigned, i defended my honor and dignity, because... well, by the way, this is really a bit strange it looks like looking at it, i even saw some parallels with the case there, for example, against the famous businessman mazepa, yes, which we discussed there relatively recently, that we took some episode that was there a long time ago, brought it now, but it is there, and if she already came out on this level, tenure, well, it causes some damage to the ministry, look, we will have serious negotiations with poland, serious negotiations with other countries, regarding the transit of our agricultural products there, and so on. well, a simple question, what do you think,
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will the position of our partners change regarding the minister now that they have such information? well, something tells me that yes, that they will not have a special desire, it is possible to communicate with him somehow. because they will not know how long this person will stay in office and in general, to what extent is she authorized to make certain decisions, will it not be the case that later, because of these criminal cases, he will leave at some very important moment and everything they will talk about will no longer be worth anything, because, well, you know , such a feature as the heredity of politicians there, it is generally in the ukrainian cabinet of ministers, in the ukrainian executive power, it is unfortunately practically absent, and therefore it creates a global problem, and it would be optimal to solve this problem in this way. to stand up calmly in court, to prove one's point innocence, because in our country the court only makes such decisions, but not to take political risks in principle for the activities of the cabinet as a whole, but judging by the fact that this resignation and conversations about it did not even take place there, well, literally after the announcement of this suspicion ,
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perhaps he will remain a minister for some time, unless of course the court issues a decision according to which he will be detained there and will not be able to simply fulfill his duties, well, as a minister of a european country, he... should actually resign, or at least to ask him to suspend him from fulfilling his obligations, this is also a good option, which is absolutely permissible within the limits of our regulatory and legal framework, yes, and not like in russia, where they have already taken the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur ivanov, who is close to to shaygu, and he is accused there of the fact that he, that he received bribes, and that he worked as serhiy's deputy for many years. guta was the hero of the anti-corruption investigations of alexei navalny's associates. the russian edition of important history writes with reference to sources in the ministry of defense of the russian federation that the real reason for the arrest of the deputy minister of defense of russia is treason, and in march 24
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, the ukrainian intelligence forces carried out a special operation, as a result of which they gained access to... a significant mass of confidential information and official documents of timur ivanov, well they write about such a story that ours pulled out some documents, as a result of which it became known about the bribes of the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, i don’t know what conspiracy to believe anymore kgbists against the security forces, against those who serve in the army there in the kremlin, or gur against the entire russian federation, what do you say. i think that here, well, it is unlikely that it is really about bribes, i do not know to what extent it is about treason, well , everyone knew about bribes a long time ago, no one touched it, here, most likely, the story is about the struggle of these bash of the kremlin, and it is clear that this is a blow to the shaykh, because this is a very trusted person, a person who is almost there right-hand man in
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some, let's say, issues, and if he was arrested, and you pay attention, he came there right in the uniform with orders and so on then, he sat in that glass cage, yes, when to him because... because this is a clear story about finally finishing off or minimizing some kind of influence that remained with shaygu, well , and moving him, maybe in the future there of the entire position, in the end it always happens in russia, they start with some figures of a smaller stature in order to get to the one who is at the head of one or another corrupt clientelistic pyramid built there, and this is the story, rather for all this is a story about a certain settlement of accounts there. the struggle to increase his influence there, and the story about treason and the role of the main intelligence agency there, well, according to tradition, the special services could simply have prepared there, since putin loves such stories, and as they say, only after he saw the eyes of this type of accusation in
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treason, he sanctioned there, accordingly, this aresh, so you know this is a story about devouring each other, do it faster and on an even larger scale, and we will be happy to watch all this, absolutely. exactly, thank you, mr. igor, for the conversation, it was igor reiterovich. friends, during this broadcast , we are conducting a survey and asking you whether consular restrictions for men abroad are justified, the interim results of the television survey are 58, yes percentages 42% - no, approximately the same numbers we have on youtube, 47% - yes , 53%, no. after a 15-minute break, or rather, news on... bbc, we will return to the studio, we will have political experts maksym rozumny and oleksiy koshel. hang on, we're going back to the studio.
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15% discounts on urulesan in psarysnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. rapid evaluations. bkk, as a judge's wife, she passed the interview in 7 minutes, i have been working in the judicial system all my life, and where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy have valuable property, my brother gave me his apartment. on thursday, april 25, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with
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economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premium the sponsor of the national team represents those united by football together, stronger, congratulations, friends, on the air of the tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the issue: unprecedented control over the news. the us state debt office included a single
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telethon in the report on human rights violations in ukraine. will the authorities draw conclusions? restrictions on consular services abroad. a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs can be summoned to the council to explain what european governments and courts will say. zaluzhnyi received agreman. the ex-head goes to... diplomatic service to velika britain, what does this mean for ukrainian politics? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes with our experts, but i will introduce them a little later. let me remind you that we work not only on the air of the tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please like this video and take part in our vote. today we ask you about this. are consular restrictions on men abroad justified? yes, no, everything is on youtube
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quite simply, if you sit in front of the tv and watch us on tv, then if you think that consular restrictions for men abroad are justified, 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, call, all calls to these numbers are free, and at the end of the program we will summarize the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is oleksii koshel, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, mr. oleksii, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today , and... maxim the smart, doctor of political sciences, political expert. mr. maksym, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. well, since we are asking our tv viewers whether they consider the consular restrictions for men abroad, which came into effect literally the day before yesterday, to be justified. i will also ask you, gentlemen, what you think about these
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consular affairs, this consular epic and the reaction of those people who are there. abroad and the reactions of some people in social networks and in society as well, mr. oleksiy, well, i would break this question into several, firstly, will these sanctions or these actions by the ukrainian authorities be effective, in my opinion 100% no, that is, it is difficult for me to imagine that men are at risk of losing their passports, there are other documents, to perform notarial services through the consulate so that they return to ukraine , well, obviously there will be... but not more than half a percent, well, maybe even less, that is , these actions will be ineffective, or will they be with a minus sign for ukraine? yes, there will be, for sure, because it will raise a certain wave of publications in the west, western citizens will read again, citizens of eu countries will again read about hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men who are illegally
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staying on their territory, this will provide a certain, certain basis for euros... for ukrainian skeptics, for us this is a bad story, but i will remind you that several months there was a similar story, when they tried there for representatives of the ukrainian authorities, they said that let us control the money that goes to ukrainian refugees, later there were several statements about the need to return ukrainian men, but there was no mechanism, they were good words, there were appeals, but there was no mechanism, as a result, again, a wave of publications and skepticism about ukraine, but regarding the need for such actions, well, again, we should also think about issues of justice, issues of those men who are in ukraine, are on the military register and can be mobilized at any moment, or those who today defend ukraine at the front, and therefore from this side, as
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an answer to the topic of justice, well, first of all, actions, as on me, absolutely... true, the limitations fully correspond to the thesis of justice, but, but, these are points, they do not regulate the mechanism itself, it is necessary to improve the regulatory and legal framework, here is a small example: you cross the border illegally, you will be fined 800 hryvnias. a person who organizes the crossing of men across the border - 8 years of imprisonment, well, in my opinion, these are slightly different things, that is, an article about illegal crossing of states. crossing the border should be criminalized, the regulations on the organization of transportation across the border should be clarified, because some receive a suspended sentence of one year, others receive eight years, and such there are many points, that is, this issue cannot be solved by one public action or one statement or one action, the actions must be systematic and complex. thank you, mr. maxim,
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do you think such consular restrictions on men are justified? who are abroad, do you mean citizens of ukraine? well, i would also divide this question into several. the point is that, uh, obviously, it's, uh, logical to limit the rights of people who have broken the law. we are talking about people who illegally left ukraine during martial law. but we we understand that abroad. there are many other people, men of conscription age, who did not leave ukraine, it can be said that they did not comply with the law on the need to register for the military or to update their data, so to speak, about their status, state and re-register in
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this way in the territorial assembly centers, but eh, all this... all these are logical legal questions that seem to be inappropriate in this decision at all, i.e. eh , the norm-maker in this case is the deputy the minister, as far as it allows, so to speak , to understand her boxes of these documents on the internet, he did not bother, so to speak, just to wait at least a couple of weeks, when the relevant law comes into force and acquire at least some... legitimacy for this step, that is, it is purely a pr campaign with a political goal, justice, well, it is obvious that these men. who went abroad or are in no hurry to defend their homeland, do not arouse much sympathy, there is a desire, so to speak,
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to punish them in some way, but the state, well, the state acts for principle, when the punishment is legal, logical and justified, the way, how it was done and, in fact, what... they did shows that this punishment is purely some kind of declarative, which has a political purpose. if we summarize this whole story, we can say that this is such a political pr, which obviously has such serious negative consequences for the very image of the state, and about this image of the state in the eyes of its citizens and our foreign partners, i would be most worried, i.e. we can, so to speak, for some time there, for a couple of days to get, a feeling of satisfaction,
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justice, finally they were shown the way it should be, but the effectiveness of the ukrainian state, trust in the ukrainian state, the existence of a rule of law in ukraine in general, it appeared once again. it is highly questionable as far as our foreign partners are concerned, well, i'm afraid that this pr is aimed at them as well, we remember how our partners complained about these conscripted men, and some german politicians said that they are under outside of ukraine, we remember the american senators who they also advised us to somehow increase the scale of mobilization, perhaps. only there is synchronization with that decision in washington and the readiness of our european partners, perhaps there is a desire
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to take such an effective political step based on their reaction, they say we are also trying, we are also doing something, but with such one-time pr actions, it is obvious that we will not build state policy in the verkhovna rada committee on national issues. defense security and intelligence say that the committee can call representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs for clarification on suspension of consular services for men abroad, a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, solomiya bobrovska, said in an interview with radio liberty, let's hear what she says, from the day this law enters into force. there are still two months, 60 days for people to have the opportunity to come to the tsc, or another option, to issue an electronic account, and there to receive a bar code or
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any other confirming document, not even a document, but an electronic one in some form. as a result of the fact that you entered your data in talisman, i would have confirmed it at the consulate during service when receiving consular actions, all this, as always, no one explains to anyone, the ministry of foreign affairs approached me simply through, how to say, diplomatically, through some back yard, and in fact not just an idea, which should be adequate, they repel all our citizens, literally push them to receive temporary residence permits of other countries. the european union stated that they took into account the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine to suspend the provision of consular services by men of mobilization age and will continue to provide. they have temporary protection, but this is a decision made by the ukrainian side, and, well, probably, it will be
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contested by some of those people who are on the military register in ukraine, but cannot use consular services, that is, not all of them are in the end people who illegally crossed the border of ukraine with the european union, not all ... people who are hiding there, because some have the legal right to be abroad, there are three children, or they are guardians, and here actually all of them are deprived of this right, the right to consular service, although the law on mobilization enters into force on may 18, 2024, and will be there, as solomiya bobrovska said, for 60 days in order to... . to update their data in the tcc, that 's what the european courts can say in the current situation, if the citizens of ukraine will appeal the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. that
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regarding the restriction of their rights, of course, we can now talk about the fact that this is true, it is the duty of every citizen of ukraine, according to the constitution, to protect his state, but it so happened that i don't know how many 600 or 700 thousand men from ukraine are now abroad, and can they question this decision through the european courts, mr. oleksiy? you know, a very interesting topic, a very interesting topic, but it seems to me that it is important here that some serious analyst, legal group analyze and find out all the risks. by the way, i do not exclude anything, because yes, a citizen illegally crossed the dniester through the tisza, through the tisza, he can pay his fine, a symbolic 200 €, well yes today ukrainian legislation provides for it, and further it is clean before the law, that is, i do not
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rule out that... the appeal mechanism through the european courts, it may work, if this is the case, it will simply be a sentence for those who made this decision, but why , why exactly such a decision was made, that is , the decision must be made legally flawless, well, if we were to develop a decision with you, we would involve the best experts, we would involve several legal groups, we would conduct focus groups, we would conduct a detailed analysis there . and then they made a decision. here i get the impression that the decision was made simply from the wheels, well, actually, i didn't even expect anything else, because in general, we have built such a sick and distorted model, management model in ukraine. the head of state publicly said that five or six people are involved in the development of state decisions. he did not name
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the surname, we can only from... rather, he even named some of the surnames, but among these surnames there was no prime minister, no chairman of the verkhovna rada, no secretary nsdc, well, what are we talking about, i.e. deletant decisions, not professional decisions, decisions based on the pr base, so i do not rule out that there may also be an appeal, but here there should still be a professional assessment, the minister called the decision aimed at justice of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro. kuleba, termination of consular services for ukrainian men of conscription age living abroad, i will quote mr. kuleba in an interview with the guardian. the boys in the trenches are very tired, they don't understand why the government isn't trying to get more people to participate in war according to kuleba, it is not yet clear how many ukrainian men will return, but he considers it unacceptable that men abroad sit in restaurants while others
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die on... well , the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine articulates completely logical and correct questions, no one will argue with this , but over the past two years we have actually seen many variations of how people tried to go abroad both legally and illegally, and these systems are the way, we remember how places were bought there, people left as volunteers did not return to ukraine. mr. maxim, you say that there is more politics here. in this decision, but if we talk about the practical plane, kuleba does not know how many ukrainian men will return if, if this number is not so significant, is it correct to say that we took this step, we were wrong, but we acted according to to such, to such a situation, and it does not contradict the constitution, and that everyone thunders'.
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of ukraine must protect ukraine, wherever he is, he must return to his homeland no matter what. well, you know, if these the words that the guys in the trenches are tired and other guys shouldn't be sitting in restaurants abroad at this time were said by someone, well, someone, a public figure or even a politician from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, well, it's not... above, because in principle, we read it every day on social networks, and this is such a common opinion, and it is obviously fair, but the minister of foreign affairs is not the person and not the position in which, well, such statements are made, to be honest, to speak already in principle, that is, the minister of foreign affairs is a person who must rely on clear legislative framework and carry out... state
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