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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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well, wherever he is, he must return to his homeland in spite of everything, well, you know, if these words were about the boys in the trenches being tired and uh, the other boys should not be there at this time sitting in restaurants abroad, he said someone, well, some public figure or even a politician from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, well, this is the highest, uh, because in principle. we read this every day on social networks, and this is such a common opinion, and it is obviously correct, but the minister of foreign affairs is not the person and not the position in which such statements are made, if honestly, speaking in principle, that is , the minister of foreign affairs is a person who must rely on a clear legislative framework and conduct state policy,
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to comment on all this at such a domestic level is simply not serious, so i think that it was really about some kind of political action, about its political task, you know, by the way, in one of the last polls, dmytro koleba was, it seems, in the second place among the representatives of the current government in terms of trust and recognition, after volodymyr himself zelensky. the president of ukraine, so i do not rule out that this is some part of a pr campaign, maybe we will soon see dmytro kuleba in the position of prime minister, and such a pr campaign, specific to him, was simply organized, and maybe on the contrary it was decided, so say, burn in this, in this action, substitute what is called, and in the future he will be responsible. for all the consequences that
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we are talking about, by the way, i do not think that there will be special courts, i think that simply in some countries decisions will be made that will solve this problem the fact that the main problem is what, the main problem is that some ukrainians will have their foreign passports expired, and these countries will have to somehow deal with the stay, these will be their problems, they can send these men away back, which is very expensive, difficult, and there may indeed already be serious lawsuits, they may somehow limit their rights, but i think that they will go to these european countries of ours through some temporary regulations that will allow the use of these passports, in short i don't think it will have
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some serious, well, it definitely won't return these men to serve in the ukrainian army, but it's even unlikely that it will create for them very big and significant problems staying there abroad. well , the cabinet of ministers has issued a resolution stating that it is forbidden to issue a passport of a citizen of ukraine or an international passport to ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 abroad, they will be able to use such documents. can be obtained only from a territorial body or a territorial division of the migration service, meaning the state migration service, such passports are not forwarded to a separate unit or foreign diplomatic institution of ukraine for the organization of their issuance, but these requirements do not apply to ukrainian men who have the right to cross the border during martial law, well, as i understand it, now they are generally consular ones.
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department or there is a state enterprise that worked abroad, they will not issue passports to those people, they will have to go to ukraine, that is, even if they are registered with the tsc, as far as i understand this resolution, well, let's see how it will be a decision to act abroad, and in what way people will circumvent it, because probably some of the people will either return, or bypass, or return to... ukraine, how many men will return, let's see. i would like to remind our tv viewers that today we are conducting a survey and we are asking you whether the consular restrictions for men abroad are justified on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, no, or please write your comment under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think consular restrictions on men abroad are justified 0800 211 381 not 0800. 211
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382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote. another piece of news that came parallel to the news about the allocation of six to ukraine. assistance from the congress and the senate of the united states of america, the state department of the united states of america published a report for the year 2023, which concerns the violation of human rights in ukraine, adding there an item about the national telethon, which the state department writes in its report. national telethon, a rotating platform of channels that toe the government line. coverage of the war enabled an unprecedented level of control over prime-time television news, and some media reported being stripped of lucrative terrestrial and office contracts as early as the spring of '22. how are these conclusions, gentlemen, regarding
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the single telethon, how and whether they will affect the actions of... ukrainian officials and the existence of the telethon itself or the reformatting of this marathon or the state department, their remarks will be in principles are perceived as advice that you can not use, mr. oleksiy, well, you know, many people think that during the acute phase of the war, talking about freedom of speech, about the media, about the marathon is trivial, it is secondary, no, nothing like that , that is, if... you look at how the west perceives ukraine, i.e. evaluations of various governments, international organizations, international funds, there are indices of democracy and everything else, the issue of freedom of speech is always in one of the first positions, and therefore quite naturally, it is not
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simply about the broadcast format, it is about the fact that the first for a group of tv channels, a group of tv channels was simply thrown off the air, as they did with spreso tv, by the way. and no one gave an explanation for this, only at the level of the spokespersons of the president’s office, so with an attempt at a sense of humor they said that because of their sympathy for certain politicians, well, that’s the first thing, the west does not accept this, democratic countries do not do this, and it is necessary to understand, and that is why this assessment, it lies in the decisions of the governments regarding other issues, regarding the financing of ukraine, regarding support for ukraine, perhaps, including... that is, this is exactly the topic that feeds the positions, i support the positions of ukrainian- skeptics in the european union, so these are simply unacceptable things. question number two, which, in my opinion, is no less important, is not, again, not about the broadcast format, but
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about a huge mistake by the authorities, which was made in the late spring, early summer of 22. i guess in the first months. the acute phase of the war, probably the marathon position was justified, several weeks, perhaps several months then a huge mistake was made. due to the preservation of the marathon format , we had a surge in trust and a surge in the rating of various anonymous sources in telegram channels of other media and other social networks. and here there was a huge problem. today there are different. survey, about 80% of citizens will receive information, the first source of information is sources in social social networks, and this is a disaster, because russians behave in the telegram network just like at home, but now i can
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count on the fingers of two hands millions of 15 russian and of pro-russian channels that work in the direction of russian propaganda, and it is not obvious that we are talking about kil'. tens of millions of ukrainians who read these channels. this is a huge mistake that just needs to be fixed. thank you, mr. maksym, how do you evaluate these criticisms of the state department and the state information policy in general, because we are not talking about a single telethon, but about how our information field, which is managed by the state, how effectively this field fights , including with russian propaganda. alexei mentioned these telegram channels and it is clear about this environment in which millions of ukrainians live, and obviously it is one thing to turn off espresso the fifth channel and direct from t2, and another thing is to make an effective, effective
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obstacle for russian propaganda resources , or create a powerful tv channel that would speak and introduce counter-propaganda. i think that this assessment of our western partners will probably not be decisive for... the formation of the government's information policy, but it is quite symptomatic, and it actually reflects the paradoxical or even absurd situation that we have today in the information space, but actually i would emphasize the already mentioned figure of 80% of ukrainians who receive information from alternative sources, this is very important, that is, in fact, if. .. the idea of ​​a single telethon was to speak with one
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voice and in acute, extreme conditions, when really the whole nation spoke with one voice and listened to one voice, it was justified to some extent, it was more effective and so was necessary in that situation, perhaps, but by the way, perhaps there is another aspect here, it is no secret that our main tv channels are financed by large administrative and economic groups, which in this situation obviously could not fulfill their financial obligations, and it was , so to speak, also an economic necessity to consolidate this media resource, but the situation developed, and today it has reached its opposite, that is... today, in the ukrainian information space, in the ukrainian there are many opinions in the public space, there are many
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positions, and to pretend that a single telethon reflects a single consolidated national position is simply inappropriate, simply ridiculous, so there is obviously only one way out of this situation, to return to normal broadcasting, to leave obviously some official channel for to understand the policy, what kind of policy the government professes and what the government really offers, i mean in a broad sense, the president first of all, and his team, but at the same time to give the opportunity to develop all other approaches, all other views, especially since we made sure that in the so -called alternative field or on the same tv channel espresso or other tv channels, so to speak... off the grid, but nevertheless, have access to their viewers through youtube channels and so
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further, it's okay, nothing that contradicts the national interests is said, so it's just necessary to recognize this situation, but the last thing i would like to say is that taking this logical and necessary step to return to the normal broadcasting network may be getting in the way now. .. well, like that a trifle, like funds, budget funds are allocated for the same single telethon, in which there are potential recipients, and which, so to speak, it will be somehow inconvenient to refuse, but because of such, you know, strange and not quite those that fit into the state strategy , factors, we are and continue to be in this. thank you, mr. maksym, one more short topic, gentlemen, the departure, or
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rather the reception, of ahareman, from great britain, the former head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, one of the leaders of the popular trust rating, is leaving for a diplomatic service to london, that's what it means for politics, and in general whether. it is appropriate to talk about politics, as such, as we are used to, about which we are used to talking about, during the war, but there is no meritorious factor, irritation for many politicians, there is no rating of people's trust, probably tsirskyi does not get this rating of people's trust so quickly trust, the lack of a good person in the state, does this affect the fact that... ukrainians may forget him, or forget his merits, and, relatively
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speaking, he will return from great britain no longer as beloved as he was until now, mr. oleksiy, right now valery zaluzhnyi is simply silent, and this is the best he can do, because the insults from the presidential team have accumulated enough, and i think that if valery. zaluzhnyi remained in ukraine, the risks for his political future, well, actually for his even free life, there would be enough risks, well, let me remind you that last year there were initiatives regarding... conducting an audit of the armed forces, uh, they threw themselves in there separate special information operations, there were even reports that zuluzhny was guilty of the surrender of the south of ukraine, and there there were several more attacks that were quite serious, and therefore, if zaluzhnyi had stayed in ukraine, i think that this wave of attacks could have beaten him quite badly, and the consequences, by
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the way, could not have been unpredictable, so for him to stay in britain. as the ambassador of ukraine, this is not the worst scenario, certainly not the best, but not the worst. i emphasize, i am talking exclusively about his political future, because from the point of view of common sense, zaluzhnyi is needed in ukraine in any position, there, i don't know, a position could be invented, a special adviser to the president on certain issues , the head of a state or non-state analytical center, who would every day hand over a folder with ideas and proposals to... to the general staff, any role, any role, during the war, experienced generals simply cannot to spread out, it is not just irresponsible, it plays into a rather serious minus for the state, it must be understood, but for the political future of the worthy, i think that he has a sufficiently long margin of safety, that is, the
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trust rating that he had there, well at least i saw a poll that indicated about 94% to ... trust, well, such trust simply cannot be lost, i think that in the next year and more, he will remain, well, at least the number one politician in terms of influence, despite the fact that that we have no political life today, that parties work either as volunteer centers or have stopped their work in general, and by the way, it would be fair for the party if they at least directed 80 percent of state funding... now for the needs of the armed forces, that would be an honest position, i i think that a ukrainian citizen would appreciate this position quite well. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. maksym, here is the meritorious factor, how long can he be in ukrainian politics? the tin factor remains an influential factor, i
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think it really is. zaluzhny took a break, zaluzhny is industrious and obviously the people who are counting on him have some political, so to speak, calculations, eh, because you can't go into any politics, especially ukrainian politics , by yourself, it never succeeds and it's not inappropriate, so i think it's necessary to speak zaluzhny and those who stand behind him, in this sense ee... the zaluzhny factor is that the inevitable clash of the two most popular leaders of public opinion today, volodymyr zelenskyi, who remains a president with a fairly high level of trust, and valery zulazhnym, who
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has not yet become a politician, let's be frank, but has a high level of trust, here... this collision is not inevitable, it has a personal basis , according to rumors, but according to, let's say, verified rumors , that is, her experience of confrontation and positions, characters and everything else, that is, this confrontation is simply postponed in time, eh, how both sides will use this time, we will see, and here actually, so far, the struggle... between the teams of these politicians is taking place in such an inciting mode, that is, eh zelenskyi's team hopes that zaluzhny will lose his authority, well, some, some such steps, well, for example, there is the defense of the dissertation at the odessa kivalov law academy or there is the conclusion of the doctor.
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some legal commission on military service such steps by inexperienced politicians, they may be reducing this rating and this trust, i would discuss it in this sense here, i think that the rating and trust are decreasing, but i think that this pause, which zaluzhny took, is the first is really the only possible way for him to survive in ukrainian politics, because he would hardly go to some... such a partisan position, er, and on the other hand, it is an opportunity to remain in the public space, but so far he has not said anything after his of his resignation, almost no comment about the appointment of the ambassador to great britain, this pause has dragged on, but perhaps, in
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the position of ambassador to great britain, we will already hear some first sounds, some first sentences, her hopes of ukrainian politics. but gentlemen, one more date awaits us, may 20 , 24th, er, inauguration day, the five-year anniversary of zelenskyi's inauguration, the russians are torpedoing and saying that we will decide and say there, regarding zelenskyi's legitimacy, and why do you think the ukrainian authorities, well, we understand that there are no elections, president remains the same, and why didn’t the authorities go the way of determining this status of zelensky after may 20, 24 through the constitutional court, why didn’t they just make a decision of the constitutional court, which in principle would allow to remove all speculations, well
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at least it would be possible for the same it's easy to poke lavrov under the nose and say: you see, our constitutional court has decided, it's not just like that, mr. oleksiy, well, the first thing is that after may 20, the president remains 100% legitimate, i talked to many reputable experts. from the constitutional right, the position is simply one-sided. why didn't they go to the constitutional court, why didn't they use any other mechanisms, by the way, it was possible to gather 20 people at the bank, the biggest authorities on constitutional law and get their position, this was also not done, like many other steps that would indicate to society that the president was, is and remains legitimate. i think there is only one reason, it is the government for... the elections, but now we forget, events are rapidly unfolding, but last november-december the government absolutely seriously prepared for the elections, well
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, this was indicated by individual statements and individual comments by the leaders of the servants of the people, and in fact all of them were external signs that the scenario of elections was being prepared, perhaps at the same time presidential and parliamentary, but as far as i know, the base was this is basic. the scenario was the holding of presidential elections, followed by parliamentary elections, and that is why they interpreted the basic law, based on their own positions, and by the way, to confirm my opinion, just analyze the last four or five months, not a single representative of the government, by the way, i apologize, except for mr. venislavski, he took a position as a constitutionalist, he took a very good position, very clear, all other representatives of the government said: that the current legislation prevents the conduct of elections, in other words, we change the law and move on to elections were held during martial law, so
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no one paid attention to the constitution. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. maksym, what do you think, will this topic accelerate, and not only in russia, maybe in ukraine someone will want to speculate on this, well, in general, maybe, maybe i somewhere... bots on facebook are already throwing up this topic, but i don't think that this position, this provocation, relatively speaking, about the recognition of the illegitimate government in ukraine, so that it will gain some kind of spread and go beyond some such marginal, marginal wave , the most important thing in this situation, i think, will be the position of our western partners, and the fact that i, by the way, absolutely agree with the fact that they did not hedge with the constitutional court precisely
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because they considered the alleged the option of holding elections, and it is clear that in the current conditions the current president has everything chances to be re-elected, and this scenario was very attractive to the authorities, but when already... the situation, well, as if it reached another level, it became clear that there will be no elections now, then i am sure that all the necessary arrangements were made with our western partners consultations, all assurances were received that they would not raise the issue of the illegitimacy of the authorities, and that is why it was simply removed from the agenda. thank you, maksym rozumny, oleksiy koshel were guests of our program today. friends, during the program we conducted a survey and asked you about whether consular restrictions for men abroad are justified, the results of a television poll 58% yes, 42% no,
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and respect. to the liver and gall bladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the minds of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, the russians live and multiply freely on... there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services, telegram currently has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, it is more than an action, telegram is the fastest way to adjust strikes on some objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill, it is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are
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