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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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it's a pity. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for knee pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with long-lasting cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. there are discounts on the room. 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. so what? when will you have a liver, alohol, but what about the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. stand up to ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is
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our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth individual. ukraine allegedly sells artillery to russia installations of caesar, which were transferred to her by france. today we discuss the rumor that tell us more about it. that's right,
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tom. caesar is a french-made self-propelled howitzer capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 55 km. since the beginning of the russian invasion, france has supplied ukraine with about 49 such vehicles. and paris plans to increase production and sell even more to help ukraine in military operations. internet users now claim that ukraine has actually sold two such artillery installations. russians. at the same time, the selling price was said to be only $120,000 per unit. it is worth noting that these are leading samples of french artillery, which are famous for their accuracy. according to the representative of the manufacturer, namely the sales director, they are valued at approximately 5 million euros per installation. so the cost of 120 thousand dollars is completely underestimated. we have also been able to confirm that... these statements are completely
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untrue by tom. ok, tell us how you managed to debunk these fake leaks and what was leaked please a little more light on exactly how the facts are checked. of course tom. if we start with the source of these rumors, then the first online publication appeared two years ago, in july 2022, in a media called the baltic word. the material is presented as a scandalous revelation in the prosecutor's office. despite the fact that this article is actively shared on social networks, it lacks concrete evidence. this media resource has repeatedly been criticized for spreading misinformation, as well as for publishing articles by internet personalities whose surnames often sound baltic, but which are very critical relate to the governments of the baltic states, as well as to nato as a whole. it used to be the same. the
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media outlet has also been criticized for its involvement in a russian disinformation campaign called operation ghost writer. research by farlab, an anti-disinformation organization at the atlantic council, found that various pro-kremlin media often share the baltic wort articles on their own platforms. they also quote the baltic wort headlines in their articles. so all this causes certain fears about belonging to moscow and doubts about his hope. in the original article also mentions a lawyer who lives in france, his name is haji castellano, and two years ago he made very similar claims that the russian armed forces were now using caesars art power. castellano also regularly disseminates kremlin statements. in particular, he called the tragedy in buch a well-directed production. it is used repeatedly in the text of the article. no french
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sources are named, and ultimately confirmation that such a sale took place, citing a tweet from the above lawyer, without any official confirmation. but in general, this information lacks reliable substantiation from reliable sources, and it all looks very much like an attempt to convince the western audience that ukraine cannot be trusted with modern , western-supplied heavy weapons. thank you very much for dispelling this myth for us, thank you for your attention. well, the information day of the tv channel continues , an air alarm was released, with which i congratulate you, dear tv viewers, but attention, do not neglect the air alarms, the enemy will now be very active, let's go in, more precisely, in the spring campaign, and it will be immediately
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followed by the spring, so-called summer campaign, we will talk about this and other things now with maksym matviychuk, commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade, an officer of the national guard of ukraine. glory. to the country, mr. maxim, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations, sir! well, first of all, i would like to ask you to describe the current situation in the so-called bakhmut direction, so we understand that the enemy is extremely active. share, be kind to espresso viewers with breaking news. well, for now the enemy can be seen gathering additional reserves, pulling up the maximum number of forces, because at the moment they only have... not so many of them, trying with all their might to take the settlement of the yar times, in time to bypass it from the flanks, but at the moment in he has two main problems that he faces: the first problem is the siversky-donets canal, that is, it is a man-made, let's say, a river that
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was created a long, long time ago, which creates, makes it impossible for the enemy's equipment to advance, and for us it let's say so, the line is already ready the defense to break through against... will cost very heavy forces, and even if he breaks through, he will be able to do the most, this is a light bridgehead that the defense forces of ukraine will be able to calmly pull back, this is the first problem, the second problem is that chasivyar - this is an incredible high-rise, which is very difficult to take by itself, the enemy understands this, in connection with this, he will probably try to go through the flanks, number three, the enemy understands that it will be almost impossible for him to take the settlement itself, so he is now using the method ... burned land, aviation, artillery, especially jet artillery, is completely trying to destroy the city and all the coastal settlements that exist. mr. maxim, if we are talking about battles during the time of jaar, yes? you very correctly noted that the enemy is trying to cover it
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from the north and from the south. if we are talking now about the intensity of the fighting in the south, it is ivanivka and the enemy's attempts to advance in the north. bohdanivka, uh, what do these battles look like roughly, does the enemy use their infantry groups, or do they join there and armored vehicles, and if armored vehicles, then approximately in what quantity? well, now the battles, as we already know, have been going on for about a year , the so-called landing battles, and this applies to the chasoyarsk direction as well, i.e. the enemy is trying to cut off the possibility of the approach of the defense force reserve with artillery, strike ... or copters of ukraine at the same moment on equipment, whether tracked or wheeled without difference, the enemy tries to drive as close as possible to our demarcation line to our positions, under support
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large-caliber artillery or with the support of tanks, his landing party disembarks, hurries, ugh, and begins to enter our positions as quickly as possible, which... because in the absence of a reserve, the ammunition of the defense forces of ukraine is not, well, not unlimited, and in this case the main task is - this is to do everything so that our forces simply stop shooting due to the lack of ammunition, since the logistics are already disrupted by the artillery forces, and then try with all their might to push, push and push again, that is, in principle, the idea is not new, this idea, this tactic, a long time ago... the defense forces of ukraine, in particular the rubizh brigade, used this idea for more than a month, now in fact there are local battles for 500 m of landing, and every time it does not change, only the direction changes , the enemy is looking for opportunities where the junctions of the two units are in order to
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break through between them, since there is the least defense there, as it is written in the books, as it is in reality, very poor communication between the two units, why, because that's all takes place at... there headquarters and so on, and it is very rare, it is very difficult by itself to keep in constant contact with neighbors, so they look for precisely those weak spots and try to break through there. at the moment, at the moment, they are sending a lot of assault groups, a lot of support equipment, most of which do not even reach the line itself, that is, tentatively out of ten assault groups, well, if two arrive and can do their job, the others are destroyed by the defense forces of ukraine even at the entrance when detected immediately. well, accordingly, you outlined it correctly the situation: the enemy is suffering huge losses, but does not stop, but if we talk about ... the means of destroying the enemy, artillery, fpv, drones, what we have, what the enemy has, yes, we understand that they
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had a certain advantage, but now they have already arrived good signals from our overseas allies, well, we see that the europeans have intensified a little, but you know it, in words, on paper, how does it look like on the battlefield? well, if we look at a kind of strategic map, yes, let's imagine that we are like generals in some... tabi, that is, in the enemy has a clear advantage in artillery, arzo forces, in jet artillery and in the aviation itself, and he uses it to the maximum, that is, he actually destroys everything where he can gain a foothold with the available forces and methods, that is, conditionally, if according to the old books for one, for one agreed stronghold in order to completely destroy it, the book prescribed 900 shells, then the enemy can use around 700, but he will destroy it completely and... these are the methods he tries to force the defense forces to withdraw, in any case, we are left with fine
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fortified positions on our second line of defense, on the same siver-donets canal that i spoke about earlier, and it is becoming more and more difficult to destroy it, this is the first nuance, the second nuance, the enemy still does not have enough of the same copters, in contrast to the defense forces of ukraine, if we take into account, it is good if it is 1:10, that is, we conduct non-stop ... observation, while the enemy tries to somehow divide his observation forces in order to destroy and suppress fire and to communicate together with their stormtroopers in groups on our side, understanding the lack of ammunition, the defense forces of ukraine, in the time of the brigadirobyzh, realized that fpvdrony, it is, no matter how it sounds, a trump card, that is, frankly, you can destroy a tank, i send it by firing a mortar, 20 times per moving target and not hit, but possible to take. send one rpg projectile, the price of which is much cheaper, to the same fpv, the price of which
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is also not very high, and with one shot, it will probably be destroyed, that is, we, our defense forces of ukraine, understand that, if we fight as an adversary, we don't have enough men or ammunition, and we start fighting technology, in this case, the one who develops faster wins, as it was in the laws of nature, yes, in ... law wars, who is more developed, who is more maneuverable, who develops faster, he will win, and so far the enemy is the maximum that can lay down brigades and divisions in frontal attacks, even bypassing the times of the yar, but laying down an incredible amount of manpower and equipment, the only minus that they can afford it because they still have a mobilization resource, even now. mr. maksym, how can you hear me, the connection is a little unstable, but nothing surprising,
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maksym matviychuk, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the rubizh brigade, an officer of the national guard of ukraine, is currently in the bakhmut direction. i will remind our tv viewers, tv viewers, that extremely tough and difficult battles are being fought there, in particular , we are talking about the enemy's attempts to attack both head-on and with flanking attacks of the yar times. maksym matviychuk is in touch with us. we are talking about the situation in the bahmud area, in particular in the temporary area yaru rap, the situation with means of electronic warfare. so? we understand that the enemy wants to live, the enemy is learning, the enemy has the appropriate resources, well, i don’t know whether it is about the old developments, relatively speaking, of the last 10 years, or whether they have some new additional russian and chinese products, but the situation with reb, because fpv drones are powerful weapons. it is a high-tech weapon, it is a good weapon, but the enemy is extremely
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active in the slave, what about him? on the enemy's electronic warfare, let's be honest, they even before the start of a full-scale, the means of reb in the russian army was still quite powerful, we will not get anywhere from this, the fact is the fact, conditionally, when the war began, the defense forces of ukraine met, faced even such a problem as airscope, that is, our main... at the beginning of a full-scale , these were dji companies, but at that time china had already transferred a means of detecting drones, that is , the enemy saw not only the place where the drone was located. air, he saw online where the pilot himself is, that is, the first months then were very difficult for us, because only the copter conditionally took off for a minimum reconnaissance, literally 30 seconds later enemy aircraft were already arriving in the area, they saw us on the full map, now, now they are a kind of cat-and-mouse in pursuit, that is, conditionally, we
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came up with how to bypass their means reb, their means reb are trying to silence them again. and we have been fighting this way throughout the entire war. if we take the account of fpv, then it is quite a good thing, which has really changed the whole situation on the front line very much, and on the other hand, it works as a normal analogue, that is, in fact, it is an open connection, like a radio receiver at home, if you have one, that is, it is just a connection that can be easily jammed. why is it used like that, because in fact fpv is a pretty cheap thing. and if we additionally code and protect them, their price will rise, therefore, yes, but now we have already moved on to many new nous, and this is the first nuance, the second nuance, rap means, no matter how much we want, they cannot suppress all that collection of drones that is in the air, even in one section of the front, and the third moment, conditionally, they
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can't jam our copters, why, because their copters are just as airborne, they're just as watching if they're conditional. if they press the lover, they will simply plant both their own and others, which the enemy also does not do, so they simply wait for the conditional time, sit down with their copters, we notice this, try to pull ours away, the tumbler is cut for a certain period, as soon as we see that the means raps are over, we continue to work. mr. commander, finally i wanted to clarify whether the so-called trench rap justifies itself, that is, these are tools that are used in manual. i don’t know, at the tactical level, yes, yes, and yes again, that is, my comrades, my subordinates, even the soldiers’ weapons are directly at the position, and i can tell you with confidence that he saved them no longer one, more than once, that is, in fact, it is the protection of the people themselves
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directly on the spot, why, because our means of rap, they do not see all that is in reality. the guys in the trenches can see a lot better, they can hear these copters, they can see, especially a copter with resets and crush them before they start to act, that is, yes, trench rap has already personally saved my subordinates more than once, and the development of trench rap should continue further and further. thank you, mr. commander, for this extremely important conversation on the live air of the tv channel, we were contacted by the commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade, an officer. of the national guard of ukraine maksym matviychuk about the situation in the bakhmut direction and the specifics of the battles during the yar period. well, the espresso tv channel is broadcasting live. now i am adding to our marathon oksana prodan, adviser to the head of the association of cities of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. oksano, i congratulate you. glory to heroes. good day everyone. well, we will not go far. yesterday's story in
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the zaporozhye city council. yes, the secretary, until recently the secretary of the zaporizhzhia city council. even appealed to the president of ukraine with a request, so to speak, to suspend certain processes, which he called, i don't remember verbatim, almost revanchism, yes, well , what happened happened, the secretary of the city mayor's executive committee was dismissed deputies, he entered the conflict zone with the head of the regional military administration of the zaporizhia region, mr. fedorov, what do you know, how do you and your colleagues from the association of cities of ukraine evaluate the zaporizhia processes? well , first of all, most importantly, we thank anatoly kurtev, who acted as the head of the zaporozhye city council at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and throughout this terrible period, he passed as the head of the city, you and i see that zaporozhye is holding on, people are receiving that help and the
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services that should be, so thank you sir anatoly for his work, and the fact that i left yesterday from... here in zaporizhzhia is actually the result of local self-government capabilities, it is a decision of the council, and the representative of one political force, the deputies of the city council replaced with a representative of the same political force, this is the the process that is possible, that is provided by law, it is important for us, it is important for the association of cities that the council has the opportunity to continue to work further, so that the work of the council, which is acting as a military administration, is replaced, in fact , yesterday's vote of the council gives us an understanding and i hope that the council will pro... continue to work and there will be no changes to the military administration in the city in the settlement, because it is really important that the council continues to work, there are a lot of
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mechanisms that are important for residents precisely through the local body self-government, not through military administration. we thank anatoly kurtiv, he passed the period of time when he led the city with dignity. ms. oksano, in your opinion, what was the reason. those events in the zaporozhye city council, in particular, when we talk about the resignation of mr. kurtev, as whom you just thanked, yes, because from time to time there were signals from local, i don't know, from regional centers, including chernihiv and not only there, about the fact that not all is well in the relationship between the central and local authorities self-government, the zaporizhia case fits into a similar one, was there any separate sam s... internal zaporizhia specificity? i think that the case is not quite such successful or friendly relations, it
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applies to absolutely all territories of ukraine, and let me remind you that we are in an absolutely rear area, in displeasure, this is the khmelnytskyi region, introduced military administration under the active city council, in our rivne region in varysh, a military administration has been introduced under the active city council. therefore, when the acting secretary worked in zaporizhzhia, starting with a full-scale invasion without the introduction of a military administration, it was worth a lot, so we have something to thank kurtev for, but unequivocally such centrifugal forces, centrifugal movements did not go anywhere, and therefore it is important for us, that yesterday the zaporozhye city council met, it made decisions officially, therefore there are grounds for... in the near future we don't have anything to introduce a military administration and to restrict the rights of the residents of the zaporozhye community, and the council confirmed this yesterday, and
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accordingly, all those representatives of the central government who supported the change of the leader, the leader of zaporizhzhia today, i do not think that we are talking about a process within the party or within the city council, it is the right of the city council... to change the leader, it is important for us that local self-government continues, and yesterday's decision, well, strengthens local self-government from the point of view of the law, from the point of view of, well, any possible grounds for so that, for example, the head of the region initiates relevant, appropriate decrees before the president, the council is working, so it has the right to continue its work, ms. oksano, and speaking of... about the efforts, the so-called efforts to nullify the separate councils and the introduction of military administrations. pros and
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cons of such solutions. we understand that local self-government is one of the pillars on which the ukrainian intra-ukrainian reform continued, right? and it was a huge achievement, which was duly appreciated in the european as well union, and in the united states of america and there react to similar things, but we also understand that there are always... forces that would like, so to speak, to close the cycle of power on themselves, by introducing the same urban military-civilian or simply military administration, it is one thing when it concerns the front-line areas, another matter when it concerns the so-called rear areas. well, in fact, when we talk about the fact that the front-line districts are different districts, i want to remind the same chernihiv, he when... was practically surrounded, it was headed by the council, it was headed by the mayor, it was worked by the council and protected by local
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self-government bodies together with the military, together with the residents of chernigov, and only long after the enemy had been pushed back a military administration was introduced from the city, this is nonsense, but this is an example of the fact that in fact an optional military administration will strengthen... the protection of one or another settlement, and it is clear that the presence of an active village town council, first of all, strengthens the community itself, because the community can influence various processes, and secondly, what was talked about even in the financial times is that it is the communities and local self-government bodies that strengthen the capacity and strength of our armed forces of ukraine and... there was a separate long article about , that the miracle of the armed forces of ukraine after february 24 is precisely that more than a thousand communities became part of the armed forces, communities
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of not... military administrations, no one talked about military administrations, this is very important, and what is important for the residents of the communities, and now it is best understood and declared entrepreneurs, where there is an active village council, village town council, there entrepreneurs were exempted from paying land fees, from paying real estate tax, if it is really a community in the combat zone, and the business has nothing to pay for, because it was destroyed. on real estate or mined real estate, and where there are military administrations, where there is a completely different governing body, there, unfortunately, entrepreneurs have big problems with exemption from payment for property that they cannot use and even more so make money from it, so it is obvious for community residents the best is the work of the council, therefore the military administration should be exclusively such as
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excluding the mechanism. and in no case should it be a rule even in the zone of hostilities, even in the zone of possible hostilities, because the council is a representation, and the military administration is a completely different mechanism and a completely different relationship with society. and how , for example, are the relations between military administrations and regional councils, in general in ukraine, if appropriate monitoring is conducted, because this is not only about, i don’t know, the powers of authority there, it and questions about the distribution of budgets, this is a very serious story and we understand that , as far as i understand it, part of the regional councils, well , gave certain powers to the hands of the military administrations, the majority of the regional councils, the majority of the regional councils agreed that the military administration during martial law has the predominant right to work and work with the budget in
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the first place, of course. it's great when the council continues to work fully, and the leader, the chairman of the council found a common language with the head of the military administration, and they reinforce each other, any conflict, even in the rear regions, between the head of the military administration and the regional council, is a conflict against the residents of the region, so i understand the deputies of the regional ... councils and heads of the regional councils, when the country is at war, everyone works for the same and there is no, you know, there is not even a desire and probably no need to conflict about who will deal with this or that issue, but it is important that the rights that the residents of the regions have through the regional councils continue to be exercised where the councils
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are working, because in fact... the council is a completely different mechanism for the participation of residents than the military administration. thank you, ms. oksana, for this extremely important analysis, in particular, we talked about the specifics of local self-government during the war and the so-called zaporizhzhya case. oksana prodan was in touch with us, the adviser to the head of the association of cities, but meanwhile, in smila of the cherkasy region, the liquidation of the consequences of the rocket attack continues. now i am quoting the chief of the cherkasy regional military. administration of igor taburets, first about the victims, for help to medics, a total of six residents refused hospitalization, 47 private houses on several streets of smila were damaged by the blast wave and debris, and windows in a nearby high-rise building were also broken. in smila, there is a headquarters for the liquidation of the consequences of an emergency situation, repair teams have already been formed, in the near future, we expect construction materials for the first-priority ones. dinner,
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well, now we are moving on, the live broadcast of the tv channel is changing to a news format, and my colleague iryna koval will present all the most important events not only of this hour, but in general, i'm glad to see this sunny and rainy day, irina, i promise you, please inform our tv viewers. thank you, antin, and in turn, yes, literally in a moment i will tell you about the situation in donetsk region and kherson region, and also about the tragedy that happened. in mykolaiv, and there will also be information about which two resolutions, which directly concern ukraine, have been approved by the european parliament, wait for everything literally in a moment.
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news time on espressu tv channel.


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