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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel switches to a news format and my colleague iryna koval will present all the most important events not only of this hour, but in general of this sunny and sometimes rainy day. i'm glad to see you, irina, you have a word, please inform our tv viewers. thank you, antin, and in turn, yes, literally in a moment i will tell you about the situation in donetsk region and kherson region, also about the tragedy that happened in mykolaiv, and there will be more information. about which two resolutions, which directly concern ukraine, were approved by the european parliament, wait for all literally in a moment. news time on espressu tv channel. in the studio
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of iryna koval, i congratulate all viewers and let's start with the situation in donetsk region, three people were killed, another one was injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the russians struck the residential buildings that were destroyed as a result of the attack on uduk and kurakhivka. emergency services are on site. the enemy attacked antonivka in the kherson region. a 71-year-old woman was injured as a result of the shelling, she was at the time of the attack yard, reported in the regional military administration. the victim was hospitalized with an explosive contusion and craniocerebral injuries. and the tragedy happened in mykolaiv. two soldiers were killed, two more were wounded. five rescuers were also injured. new details of the explosion in the city, the state bureau of investigation reported. at one of the parking lots, ammunition in a military car detonated during overloading. occupied and nearby
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cars, and later, when rescuers arrived to extinguish the fire, a second detonation occurred. injured firefighters were crammed into houses, nearby were unharmed, - added the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. in the kherson region, the security service exposed nine collaborators. the perpetrators were members of the so-called election commission of the boryslav district during the occupation. they campaigned fellow villagers to vote. in favor of the kremlin, and also organized raids with russian soldiers to intimidate civilians. during the liberation of the region, the head of the election committee fled to the left bank of the kherson region to avoid justice, but her accomplices managed to detain, they face up to 10 years in prison. created a green route for dodgers. border guards exposed another scheme of illegal transportation of men abroad. conscription age this was reported in
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the western regional office of the state border service. the organizer of the scheme was a 43-year-old resident of vinnytsia. zlovisnyk and his accomplice guaranteed the escapees to hungary through checkpoints. €800 was charged for such a trip. the organizers were detained. they cooperated with the occupiers for up to 15 years behind bars. still. the court sentenced two russian agents. according to the case file, a married couple from kherson recorded and transmitted to the enemy information about ukrainian military bases and infrastructure facilities. in particular, the traitors disseminated information about the location of the national police unit, the local military administration, hospitals and checkpoints. thanks to this, the russians planned missile strikes. it was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. a man and a woman were found guilty of treason.
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an official from one of the district offices of a law enforcement agency was extorting money from collaborators kharkiv oblast will appear before the court, the state bureau of investigation informed. the law enforcement officer offered three collaborators to close their criminal proceedings and avoid responsibility, in exchange for such a service he initially demanded 100,000 dollars, and then reduced the amount to 70,000. in this way , the villain... wanted to profit from people, since he already knew that the implementation would be closed anyway due to lack of evidence. the extra person worked with an accomplice, his colleague, they will be tried together. he is finishing work in strasbourg today session of the european parliament, the last for this convocation before the june 6-9 elections. european deputies approved two resolutions that directly concern ukraine, the so-called. presidential elections
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of russia, in particular in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, as well as attempts by russia to interfere in european politics and elections to the european parliament. during the voting. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espresso in the european institutions, testified, and she is now with us live. tatiana, i congratulate you, please tell me which ones messages important for ukraine are contained in the resolutions of the european parliament? greetings iryna, greetings ukraine, greetings from strasbourg. indeed, on the last plenary day of the ninth session of the european parliament, two very powerful resolutions were adopted, starting with the first one, regarding the presidential elections of the russian federation. thus, the recent russian presidential elections were named in the resolution only as so-called elections, the european parliament recognizes them as undemocratic and illegitimate, and also condemns their holding in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the european parliament calls on the states
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of the european union and the international community, in general, not to recognize the results of the russian presidential election, and in this connection to limit contacts with putin. let me remind you that a week ago i adopted the same resolution. parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. the european parliament proposes to limit relations and contacts with putin only to the level of humanitarian contacts and contacts in the field of human rights protection, regarding the exchange of prisoners with ukraine and the return of illegally deported ukrainian children. the second the resolution is also very interesting and powerful, it concerns how russia wants to interfere and is already interfering in the internal affairs of the european parliament, the european union and in the upcoming presidential elections. of the eu legislative body, in particular, the resolution states that russia's goal is to sow discord and weaken the european union, to undermine and reduce the eu's support for ukraine, for this purpose ukraine finances
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the far-right, in russia, of course, for this purpose, russia finances the far-right and far-left political movements in the european union, as well as specific politicians, in particular the resolution... z parliament received money directly from russia or from individuals connected to those connected to the russian government in order to spread russian propaganda and for russia to be able to influence european elections. in this regard, the european parliament welcomes the opening of relevant criminal cases, primarily in belgium. and undertakes to provide comprehensive support to the investigation into such behavior of some european deputies. and there is another point that is interesting for ukraine: the european parliament also calls on eu member states and the international community to mirror the sanctions that have already
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been introduced by the czech government against, as they call in the resolution, the ukrainian oligarch viktor medvedchuk, a close associate of putin, who, in particular, using the news site voice of europe, conducted operations for russian influence on the territory of the czech republic and the eu. together with medvedchuk , the european parliament calls for the introduction of sanctions against his manager, media manager artem marchevskyi. and another very interesting point, both resolutions mention the odious prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán. the first resolution regrets that orbán congratulated putin on his fictitious re-election, and the second resolution shows that viktor orbán's government has repeatedly taken pro-russian or pro-chinese positions in critical situations. these are the two resolutions we have today. the news is very good. studio. tanya, i thank you, it was our correspondent tatiana vysotska from strasbourg,
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and we are moving on. zelenskyi met with british finance minister jeremy hunt in kyiv and called for stronger sanctions against russia. about this. he himself is a ukrainian leader reported on the social network ex. zelensky thanked gantt for the largest package of defense aid from the united kingdom, worth half a billion pounds. later , the british minister is to meet with the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal and other representatives of the government. we understand, we give you funding and defense cooperation. but you are the only people who pay with your lives to defend freedom, and we never forget that. it is not just our good will. putin must lose, it is in the strategic interests of great britain and the whole of europe. we know this and will do everything we can to
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learn the lessons of history and stop him. therefore , we want to continue to support you in all possible ways. and it remains for me to remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles. the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have less than 300,000 left to collect. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of you is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. we will see you at 4 p.m. our team is working to... so that you will be the first to learn the latest news on time, my colleague antin
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barkovskyi continues on the air. well, thanks to our tireless journalists and, of course, special thanks to iryna koval for a brilliant presentation of all the most important events of this day. well, i will pick up the baton and... i will inform you about all the most important things and, of course, i will involve the most competent and informed experts, but before i move on to the main part of our broadcast, the story is no less important, we are talking about the needs of our fighters and the need to cover these needs as soon as possible, so dear tv viewers, the espresso tv channel held more than one collection, together with volunteer organizations we appealed to you, and this time together with a public organization. against the odds, we urge you to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and
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the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. own production, testing, variations according to needs defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting uah 2 million. on the one hand, the amount is quite large, on the other hand, more than one similar collection managed to cover the first successful applications of fpv drones with joint funds. there are already on the battlefield, join, be kind, so that there are more and more of them, so our goal is to collect 2 million hryvnias. every donation for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine is not only an investment in our victory, it is an investment in the lives of our soldiers, and it is priceless. so, dear viewers, you see qr codes, and accordingly, i remind you once again, let it be a small donation, but regularly shared. we will be able to close with our own strength, and this was not the case . well, in the meantime, the russians probably
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hit the iskander on the railway in the cherkasy region. this was reported by air force spokesman ilya yevlazh. i quote, yevlasha. in the morning , the enemy fired one rocket, previously it was iskander k. at the cherkasy region, namely at the town of smila, where the civilian infrastructure was damaged and the railway connection was damaged. in addition, administrative buildings were damaged by the blow. tivki and civilian clothes property. let me remind you that on the morning of april 25, the occupiers attacked the cherkasy region. six people sought medical help from a damaged facility of critical infrastructure. but on the other hand, we understand that the war, this matter, concerns both sides and is also raging in russia. mykhailo gonchar, expert on international energy and security relations. president of the center for global studies strategy 21. we are in touch, glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo, i am extremely glad to see and hear you,
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i am also glad to be on the air, mr. mykhailo, in russia it was burning, burning and will burn, yes we understand that signals have been received from our overseas and european allies, who say that it is quite reasonable when rather strange fires occur in the aggressor state, and no one... thor looks like this, will no longer try to convince us that the tasks of the deep pinpoint strikes on military targets of the russian federation may not fit into one or another strategy of waging war. how painful is it for the russians to feel that the objects of their energy infrastructure are starting to strangely move? well, judging by the violence, which they have it there, and judging by the events. various lobby bypass communications, this added
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a lot of trouble to them, and since, in principle , they already felt that the boomerang that they launched back in 22nd against us, actually against the objects of our critical infrastructure, came back to them, what is happening now, this is not something new, it is just a different quality, but... it is enough to mention that the first strikes on our fuel infrastructure, they literally took place already on february 27, 2022 , the strike on vasylkivska. fuel base under vasylkov, actually, and then later, when we are already talking about oil refining, already in april 22 of the year there were the first strikes on the kremenchug oil refinery, after which during this time a total of, it seems, there were seven, seven attacks, and
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these were attacks not so much, not only not so much by drones, but by cruise missiles, such as x101, x-22 from iskandera with a warhead that is not fifty kilograms there, as in, say, shahedi, the t-22 there is 960 kg, that is, there were ruins serious, therefore, in principle, what the defense forces of ukraine are doing now is returning this boomerang back to the russians, and they perfectly understand what this threatens, right now. mr. mykhailo, look, forgive me for interrupting, but i would like to clarify, that is, do they feel pained by these symbolic slaps, do they feel that it is really their oil refining and not only oil refining, i think we will soon see more in the coming months, eh , that this symbolism works in them, that their, so to speak, deep infrastructure is not
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inviolable, or they simply undergo specific distortions in supply. of the same fuel to the front line to ensure their intervention, well, symbolism of course, if it was present here beyond all doubt, they say that what you do to others, you get yourself, as for the influence there on the supply directly to the front line, so far it is unlikely, i.e. this requires more systematic, more powerful, more intense blows. but one way or another , it disrupts logistics to a certain extent, both civilian and military, this is beyond any doubt, because we perfectly understand that every oil refinery plant, for example, each oil depot, it has its own specific work schedule, how much is produced, how much is shipped, where
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it is shipped, according to what schedule, and until it reaches the final consumer, so without a doubt, when, for example, the nizhny novgorod refinery loses half of its capacity, then, accordingly, half of the supplies go astray, or, for example, if we take export supplies, the apsin oil refinery sent 90% of its production for export, so it was certain contracts, and at one fine moment, by the way, exactly three months ago, the toopsyn refinery was hit on january 25 of this year, and to be honest, it certainly threw off the entire supply schedule from... and of course, so far, it has not had a fatal consequence for russia, but so to speak, this is one more time says that it is necessary to make more efforts on our part to destroy this infrastructure, starting with oil refining and ending
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with these oil depots, which are located in the adjacent regions of russia, and which ... perform the dual function of ensuring the internal market of the regional, yes itself and power supply for those units of the russian armed forces that are either stationed there or transiting to the front line, so here in this case, if it is the infrastructure that performs a dual purpose and everywhere it is, and therefore it is a legitimate military target. look, mr. mykhailo, i would like to ask you about adequate, symmetrical actions. from our side, i emphasize the word symmetrical, although i do not know what symmetry can be at all when we are talking about the shelling by the russians of the same kharkiv and kharkiv region, that is, they deliberately cut off electricity, deliberately bring the city of a millionaire to the level of a critical situation, that is, they do it deliberately, and most likely it is written in their, in their operational
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plans for the war against ukraine, well, accordingly, sometimes the boomerang can return... in your opinion, is there, for example, a list of certain objects of the state, of the aggressor, which could , due to certain strange circumstances, be, so to speak, significantly destroyed, that is , we understand that we have missile complexes, we understand, that appeared in us very powerful long-range drone systems and so on and so forth, well, i think we also conducted satellite imaging, but... in order for it to be painful, not traumatic for the civilian population, in particular, well, we are talking about avoiding casualties among civilians, yes, but at the same time in order for the russians to understand that it is not possible to just take a millionaire city and put it on the edge of survival, that is, it is about the work of hospitals, about the work of everyone, but i won’t even
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list them now all in all, you nailed it well this question, just when i said that in principle, as far as the energy infrastructure is concerned, russia is not doing anything new compared to what it did in 22-23 years, but there is, so to speak, an overgrowth. in a different quality, and just when you mentioned kharkiv, and we all now mention kharkiv, and also today there was an attack on sumy, before those chernihiv, we see zaporizhzhia, dnipro, kherson, kryvyi rih, odesa, sobto, that’s already indicates the transition of russia to, i tentatively call it the strategy of aleppo, ugh, remember, this syrian city, in the 16th year succumbed to bombing by russian aircraft, well there. they had the opportunity to act more freely than in ukraine, ah, and the entire infrastructure was being destroyed, regardless of whether it was military or civilian. in fact, now russia, not
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having the opportunity to achieve any success on the front line, or seeking only tactical success, it uses this scenario, which consists not only in destroying, say, ... critical infrastructure there, which is energy, in particular, but also to strike at civilian infrastructure, that is, it is just such a thing terror in the style of aleppo, and which aims at a double goal, on the one hand, so to speak, to morally break ukrainian society, they see that some serious discussions have begun there on various grounds internally and... it is necessary to suppress from the outside with such terror , and on the other hand, they obviously understand that the impossibility of realizing some
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propaganda-marked goals there, such as taking kharkiv there or entering the borders of the so-called dpr and so on, so they have now set themselves the goal of causing ukraine as much as possible possible damage in different ways. directions, not only in the direction of energy, that is what you showed at the beginning of the story about the attack on the railway infrastructure, we should also pay attention to the fact that attacks also began in the period of march, early april on the gas infrastructure, so to speak this approach, i would say so, is essentially based on the american model of actions. coalition forces led by the united states in iraq during the first iraqi campaign of 1991 ugu desert storm there if totally everything was destroyed. and look at such a simple
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, naive question. forgive me for intruding, but here, for example, take and turn off the light in leningrad or in moscow. is it generally realistic to do so? well, at least there, cut off half of the same st. petersburg. well, hypothetically so. but again, we understand that the set or arsenal of means that russia has is not limited to drones of the shachet type, that is, let's remember what set of cruise missiles they have, both subsonic and supersonic, and airballistic ones, and so on further, we don't have that, so we have a set, a range that 's expanding and getting more... more powerful and more long-range, that's the thing about drones, strike drones, yes we have maritime strike drones too, ah,
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that's our second advantage, but we don't have long-range missile weapons, that is, now, when it comes to the fact that there will be a long neptune, well, when it appears, but again, we understand that we do not have thousands and thousands of missile weapons there in the arsenal . as it is, for example, in russia, the same s-300s that they converted for strikes against ground targets and are hitting kharkiv, so here it is a matter of time and building up our capabilities in order to, so to speak, force the enemy to change their algorithm of behavior so that it is more annoying to them than to us, only then they can hypothetically change this behavior. for the time being , the blows we inflict on russian territory are preschool for them, but they are not yet able to change theirs in general, but
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this one. strategy and to give up such blows that they are currently making, on the contrary, they are now following exactly such an escalating path models, as i said, with the aim of breaking the morale of ukrainians. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for an honest and extremely professional conversation, without populism, mykhailo gonchar, an expert on international, energy and security relations, worked live on espresso. president of the center for global studies strategy 21. now there is a short pause, after it we will analyze equally important things, wait. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always , they run out of fuel in no time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from rozpakuy tv, buy in time for a special price, only 999 uah. the corse trimmer is lightweight.
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