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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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friday, at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. and what to do when there is a liver? aloholk and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. hello hall with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. information viruses, almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has at its disposal. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night.
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despite the martial law and hostilities, ukraine is gradually restoring metallurgical production in all cycles. in the first two months of the year , the production and consumption of rental cars increased by 52%, compared to the unsuccessful 2023. during the same during the period, cast iron production increased by 42 percent, so this allowed ukraine to return to the twenty largest world producers. such indicators for metallurgists were provided by mining and ore companies that do not stop mining ore even under enemy fire. one of the largest mining and metallurgical complexes in ukraine is the enterprise of the ferrekpo company, the poltava and yaristiv mining and smelting combines, which produce iron coils. but iron has a very long way to go before it becomes solid. the raw materials for kotuns are taken here this career. here for a year. there are 34 million tons
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of raw ore, the scale of this place is impressive, because it is the largest deposit of iron ore in europe, the length of the quarry is 2x6 km, and the depth is 500 m. for comparison, this quarry can accommodate five monuments of the motherland, or one and a half eiffel towers. the depth of the pit is now 450 m, the project is designed for capacity up to a depth of 700 m. 700 m, this is taking into account the current production volume and for another... 40 years, another 40, of course, you probably have such a question, and what's next? further, depending on the economic situation, either the decision to deepen the quarry will be continued, because the ore goes to a depth of about 1,500 m. if you heard 700 m, he said, or the decision will be made to mine underground. ore is loaded on dump trucks, such trucks can transport from 136 to 220 tons of ore in one trip. these cars are something to be proud of. it was uferexpo that
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for the first time in europe they started using remote-controlled dump trucks, the route along which the truck travels, artificial intelligence builds and the car moves without a driver inside, automated... there are six dump trucks in production so far, in total there are more than 80 trucks at the plant, the rest are still driven by drivers, at the factory they note that women also began to sit behind the wheel of dump trucks, before the management of quarries, let's say on a shift it was the essence male, female, it was very rare, one of the representatives here is svitlana tur, she is currently intern as a general manager, this is the so-called night director of the company, which manages all processes in the career and with... in general, in the company, we probably also have was the first such women worked on heavy- duty dump trucks and then we continued with the war , this is becoming even more relevant and we will continue to attract women to all, let's say, so
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-called men's professions. then the ore is sent for grinding and enrichment of the charge, that is, a mixture of finely ground minerals is mixed with an additive. this mix is ​​moistened and moved to drums for agglomeration, we separate the moisture, i.e. water from this pulp and the concentrate with the necessary moisture remains, then the concentrate, which already obtained from the filter presses goes to the mixer, and the river where it enters is added to the concentrate and bentonite and limestone, mixed and then this mixture is already transported by transport. by conveyors to the loading station. as a result of coagulation, metal balls are obtained, they are dried and fired at extremely high temperatures in special furnaces. as a result, the balls become very strong. farexpo exports these frames all over the world, to europe, japan, the usa, china and
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other countries. to make production more ecological, uferexpo developed a project and solar power plant. while this station is small and produces only 5 megawatts of electricity. companies share plans that after the victory in the war have already planned to build several new stations. ferexpo deliberately refused to receive certain compensations, benefits, subsidies or the so- called green tariff from the state. all generated electrical energy from this station is used, let's say, inside the plant. during the war, the company continues. into the ukrainian economy. in january 2024 , an innovative prefiltration plant was launched technological building at poltava gzk. investments in the first half of the project amounted to 80 million us dollars, and its total budget - 160 million. the height of the building is 42 m, and the total
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area is 28 m2. the complex uses modern equipment from world leaders, which helps to better monitor the indicators of the manufactured products and improve them accordingly. quality thanks to the factory complex bentonite consumption decreased by 55% and product quality increased by 3%, while reducing natural gas consumption and air emissions. as ferexpo emphasizes, their task is to create a high-quality product that will be exported and ensure a stable flow of foreign exchange earnings to ukraine. greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, my name is kateryna galko, and this is our exclusive conversation with the head of the european union representation in the republic of moldova. let's start. greetings,
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thank you for making time for us today. so, on june 23, 2022, the european council granted the republic of moldova the status of a candidate for joining the european union. i believe that since june 2022, quite substantial and enough has been done impressive work, because like ukraine , moldova had quite a lot of homework, actually more homework, if you look at the number of points that moldova needed to complete, and the work is progressing, it was recognized by both the european commission and the... which council decided to start accession negotiations with the country. now we are at the technical stage, when we make explanations about what the negotiations will be like and what, first of all, moldovans need to pay special attention to during the screening process and negotiations. so now there will be the usual
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process that we have had with all the candidate countries that have gone through the chapters, which is the opening of the chapters, the closing of the chapters, and it will take quite a long time because the purpose of this process is to... prepare the country for full membership with all the rights and duties. and can moldova join the eu by 2030, for example? this is the ambition of the country's leadership, and this is also what the highest eu officials said. that the union should be ready for expansion by 2030, noting that it is currently 2024, and by 2030 there is not much time left. this is a very ambitious schedule, but quite feasible if the high pace of reforms, the high pace of changes from...
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not only the current mandate of the parliament, which means that such a high pace of european integration should be maintained in the next election cycle. after all, we also saw bad examples when countries lost their desire for european integration, and the process slowed down. on the one hand, this is something ambitious, but we hope that it is possible. won't euroscepticism hinder a rather large part of citizens quickly and effectively join moldova to the european family. well, first of all, citizens will have the opportunity, most likely, as soon as the decision of the constitutional court appears, to indicate it in the referendum on membership. this fall, so this will certainly be the first step to show whether the people of the country
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want to continue moving in this direction. we see that the number of people who support the european union is growing slowly. of course, it depends on who is asking the question and what the question is. understanding that the future the republic of moldova in the european union is growing slowly, although, of course, there are all rational reasons for this. including 2/3 of moldovan exports going to european union markets, but this will be a great work process, because there is indeed an electorate that does not support eu integration, and of course we work with all segments of the population. what do you think, if mrs. maya sandu does not win the election this. and her place will be taken by a pro-russian representative, which is quite realistic, according to recent
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polls, could moldova suddenly stop the eu accession process? first of all, we greatly appreciate the leadership of president maja sandu in the eu integration process. after all, i believe that a lot of what the country has accomplished is its merit, not only political steps towards obtaining the status of a country. but also all the significant steps that made it possible, namely the reform of justice, in particular the fight against corruption, which were her personal priorities. therefore, we hope that the european course of the country will be preserved even after the elections, because it is also supported by the citizens. it's not just about membership. do you admit that russia
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may interfere in the presidential and parliamentary elections in moldova in order to compromise the accession to the eu. how to deal with it? unfortunately, i'm pretty sure russian interference is going to happen because we see it on a regular basis, whether it's the elections to the... authorities last year, when there was a lot of that. we are talking about millions of euros and dollars that were brought into the country by various means to influence political processes. or take maria zakharova, for whom moldova has become a daily topic. i can say that it is from one side a reality that the country will have to live with until it becomes a member of the eu. since this was the case with all the candidate countries, russia tried to slow down this process, but
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at the same time it is important to take measures against russian disinformation, russian propaganda, hidden funding that comes from outside. after all, we need help so that the political process is genuine, that it is not controlled by uninvited pro-russian forces. of course, legitimate public sentiments can be of different directions, but it is important. so that such processes came from within rather than being bought, and in order for that to happen, i think several things should be done: first, it's the work of law enforcement agencies that should fight extortion. and secondly, it is work to combat disinformation. that is why we have now supported the creation of a stratcom center in
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the republic of moldova. which will hopefully not only analyze the narratives, but also provide advice on how to counter them, and of course, on our end, we're doing that work as well, both here nationally and through headquarters. ukraine and moldova started their path to the european union at the same time, but both countries suffer from the neighborhood with russia, one way or another, how? does the eu plan to help these countries in their struggle? we provide quite strong support, and it's not only our projects, but when needed, it's also very quick and very large amounts, like for example to the republic of moldova in the last two years just to counter the crisis, the energy crisis, the migration crisis, the covid crisis, our
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support was more than €1 billion, so it is a very good example of that... moisture, you thinking about a new mattress, but that stops you or have you thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also what a person... emits during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. thanks to the fact that
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by football, stronger together. informational viruses, almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has at its disposal more than 20 million people, this is more than action, telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, in order to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the relevant bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that
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was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. lever of influence or a decision that will anger ukrainians, minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. shocked men abroad, because in a few days consular services outside ukraine will stop being provided to ukrainian citizens of conscription age. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. watch this of the week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. quick evaluations of the vkks, how a judge's wife passed an interview in seven minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother
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gave me his apartment. on thursday, april 25, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. many ukrainians know the titles of their books, but there will be no new editions. during the full-scale war, the russians killed at least fifty ukrainian writers, poets and translators, people who created a new ukrainian culture and were to write hundreds more works. friends come in march, together with migrating birds, streams of melting snow and young primroses, with the first sunny bunny, the sound of drops on the roof, or the song of a nightingale conveys greetings. they leave us with the breath of autumn and return in spring, friends go with the mists and become migratory birds. december 2021, yuriy
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dadak, better known as yuriy ruv, presents the vanilchastal collection in kramatorsk. how will it turn out to be his last life book, because already two months after the publication of this video, on april 1, he will die during targeted shelling in luhansk region. during his lifetime, yuri ru managed to publish four collections of poems and found the literary educational project spirit of the nation. there is no way out for you, because you have already been left alone, although they still give a command and say: "serve, little animal, serve." it will end in disgrace, returning on a dirty shield, or in a silent ditch. on the road, run, if you have time, run. gleb babij in full gear reads one of his poems. in
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in 2014, he volunteered in the ato, and in 2022 he returned to the army again. on july 28 of the same year, a man with three brothers blew himself up on an anti-tank mine near izyum. during his lifetime, gli babich managed to become the author of the kolomiy hymn. legs, while you have them, meet the guests in the studio, they returned from the fire, their eyes, the earth, the second year of a full-scale invasion, maksym kryvtsov reads his poem with a symbolic title. later, in 2014, he also volunteered in the ato, and with the beginning of the great war he returned to lavzu. january 7, 2024
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maksym died as a result of artillery shelling in the kharkiv region. the day before, he published his last poem on the social network, which turned out to be prophetic. during his lifetime, maksym published an author's collection of poems, poems from wartime, and also worked on a novel. with the previous name of radio oblivion, he did not have time to finish it, heart without feelings, eyes without a look, so if i die, bury me humanely, so that i don't have to wander among people like me anymore. olena rybka quotes a poem by volodymyr vakulenko at a dinner in his memory. the man, even during the occupation of izyum, refused to leave the city. march 24. in the 22nd year , the russians kidnapped the writer directly from his home. later, his body, shot through by two bullets, was found at the site of a mass burial.
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volodymyr vakulenko became an author during his lifetime. 13 books, already after the death of the author, his occupation diary was published, which volodymyr managed to bury at home under a cherry tree, before it was stolen by the occupiers, it was found by the writer and poet, victoria amelina. air alarm throughout the country, as if every time they are taken to the firing squad, everyone is targeted only one, mostly. the one who is from the country, today is not you, the rebuttal, but this is the performance of victoria herself. in june 2023, on the stage of the art arsenal, the writer read her poems to the public for the last time. immediately after that , victoria left for kramatorsk with the colombian delegation. during their dinner, the russians launched a rocket attack on the pizzeria building. amelina was seriously
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injured. and on july 1, 2023, she died in a hospital in dnipro. victoria managed to become a winner of the joseph conrad award and the author of two novels and a children's book. but my own i never had time to finish the first non-fiction work in english about ukrainian women during the war. as a result of russia's war against ukraine , at least 48 ukrainian writers, poets and translators were killed or died. however, the dead. there are more artists than are generally known, hundreds more books could have been published by ukrainian authors, hundreds more lives could have continued, if not for the attack of the russians.
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information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the minds of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, they live freely and russian narratives are proliferating. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has at its disposal more than 20 million people is more than action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, in order to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the relevant bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then left in the middle of the night enemy army
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it's news time on the espresso tv channel and we're coming out of hiding to see you again, due to the fact that the enemy may be in the air, please stay in safe places, and i'll tell you about the most important events at this time. summonses will not be served abroad, defense ministry spokesman dmytro lazudin said in a comment to radio liberty. according to him , work.


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