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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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resolution, does this mean that putin is ready to continue playing for raising rates and provoking, well, it is meant to or invite the american side to negotiations, just to start some negotiations with the united states of america, to start talking with him on an equal footing, well and in particular about the future of space, about weapons, nuclear weapons in space. well, i want to say, there is a quote, there is an agreement, yes, yes, it must be implemented, so it is strange, before that the head of the russian defense ministry urged the united states not to do this, and when this benzia was asked, why are you blocking the resolution on the development of the treaty, he said, and we mean that nothing will be placed in space at all, well, that is, as always , i will cover a lie with a lie, maybe this... and
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everyone will swallow it , yes, this is a game to leave some platform where russia wants to discuss on an equal footing, they will play along, because at one time the soviet union had already played along, when america had its own initiative, remember, under reagan, just, well, she bluffed a bit , because the costs are huge, then only for the first one stage, it was 20 billion dollars at once, and the soviet union then bought into this... story, soybeans, once all these elements began, the soviet union also began to chase after all this, as a result, this is one of the factors that led to that the economic collapse and the fall of this country in general, the collapse of the soviet union, the truth is quite artificially created, so that they play along, er, the americans can react in a different way, they will say about the fact that some are already there under...
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preparation, they will not wait , they'll just run there by the dozen as they can to do, and then they will ask putin, what did you want there, what did you talk about? ah, let's talk now, because that's what russia does, it slips in somewhere, and then it doesn't know how to push out from there everything that stuck, that is, it's their style, they don't think about the consequences, and that's why they have a lot of such initiatives , in order to discuss these ... serious problems of the world, nuclear problems, in order to cover up with this, well, some agreement of the united states to sit down at the same negotiating table, they generally say that these are all issues of global security that must be integrated to consider, i.e., well, approximately, you don't want us to take out a nuclear satellite, give us a free hand in ukraine, well, if it was, that is, such a delusion, it's all... it won't
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work that way. another moment that our western partners are currently recording, in particular the minister of defense of germany, boris pistorius, he stated in an interview with ard that russia already produces more weapons than it needs to wage war against ukraine and warned against further military ambitions of the russian dictator . let's hear what pistorius said. military economy of russia. was ordered, and now most of the weapons produced no longer go to the front, but end up in warehouses. one can be naive and say that he is doing it out of caution. as a skeptic, i would rather say in this case that he is doing it because he is planning something, or already has something in mind. well, that is, russia is on the path of an arms race, the soviet union demonstrated absolutely identical behavior, already at the end. as
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this great monster country lived, there was also an arms race, and the soviet union tried to prove to the whole world that it could compete with the great leaders of the world, which actually led to the collapse of the soviet union, there is not only this factor, but it is one of those factors that a lot of money was spent on armaments, can we expect a similar scenario in the case of russia? well, i do not question what the german minister of defense said, only i have a counter question, and where to count the shells that north korea supplies, millions, and where to count the iranian drones, strike drones, that is, what does it mean for warehouses, well if to the warehouses, then why do they ask those countries, it’s a little strange, maybe... something
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is going to the warehouses there, but i saw that the strategic bomber flew on its own and not exactly to the warehouse, and they won’t build it now quickly, i.e. uh... i don’t think that this is the approach, it is massed, yes, that is, so massed that right in russia there is an opportunity not to use much now, why then do they use missiles that are flying over ukraine, release literally fresh, they just made it and are releasing it, then they will probably put it together had to go, that is, i have some doubts about the scale of this... stockpiling, however, in the long run it may be, that is why i insist that steps must be taken now, when russia has not yet reached such a level , really setting up the production
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of its own, when there is nothing to replace some components, when they still make up as a designer from two planes there or one from three, that is, that is why and now it is... it is necessary to concentrate efforts on our part as much as possible, help, not to give an opportunity stretch it into the future, then i see a basic problem here between our strategy and our partners, they somehow look to the future years, well , the future years are such a story, you know, russia, as an authoritarian country with a strict police regime, they can squeeze... the last juices of their citizens there and up to the latter to be spent on militarization, we can hardly have such an approach, although then it is necessary, if our partners talk about such an approach, then they should also transfer their production to
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a military system, such as rear rear support, because we cannot do much here what to do, under with ballistic strikes, these capacities are located, well, we also need to... develop production, of course, but our partners also need to strengthen what they are doing, but it is not always carried out according to the plans that are predicted, so uh, well, only i see one signal from all this, that it is necessary to concentrate resources, efforts and actions as much as possible this year in order to prevent implementation. putin has his own plans, and not to analyze, by the way, such conclusions that russia is there, it will strengthen now, they are actually spending already more than 7%, this is officially for the war, gdp, and
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this, let me remind you, the soviet union was collapsing when 15 were spent, that was the last year, that is, i think that things will not be very good there until... well, the next period, if , let's say, it used to go to the development, export, for example, of weapons, now russian weapons have failed in ukraine, you see, india was already skeptical about airplanes, and their exports will already be sagging, that is, it does not translate into profits, it's just consumables for the front, so the economy, even the military system is not developing, that's all expenses, so it will also worsen in russia. the situation, it's going to get worse now, i mean, at the end of this year, the beginning of next year, it's much worse than it will be two or three years from now, so to what defense minister pistorius said, i have to add, i would add one phrase: while russia cannot
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stockpile on a large scale like this, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps. mr. valery, the european parliament on april 23 supported the continuation of the action. agreements on duty-free trade with ukraine, with additional safeguards for protection of european farmers, 428 mps voted for this decision, 131 against, 44 votes were obtained, among the 131 mps who were against, as many as 33 are representatives of poland, the opposition party law and justice and the head of the civic platform and polish groups. people's party mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine and co-chairman of the verkhovna rada's group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland believes that in the long run poland may block accession to the european union due to imaginary economic threats. what he writes? he writes that the polish government
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plans to appeal to the european council with a demand to extend the embargo on ukrainian agricultural products until june 25 . , despite assurances of... service and assistance to ukraine, poland continues to wage a trade war against ukraine and may actually block our country's integration with the eu. our task is to strengthen, change and have poland as the biggest ally in european integration, how to make sure that the poles do not perceive us as competitors on the european market, but are and will continue to be ukraine's advocates. no way, the eu, they will objectively not be just
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competitors, they will be one of the main ones in the negotiation process, the most difficult in the negotiations on the agricultural sector, that is, it is obvious, and these will be very difficult negotiations, is it possible to block the accession to the eu in this way, well, the accession to the eu is, after all, a whole complex of issues, but... to delay the discussion, yes, to make it long, yes, moreover, this is how france acted, i remember, and germany partially, in relation to products, specifically animal husbandry, there were also certain discussions there, because then poland was considered as the largest country claiming greater expenses from brussels, and now ukraine will be such a country , it is necessary to calmly look at it in peace. now why do we perceive so emotionally, we are, well
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, in a completely different situation, the war, and here every such loss of ukraine, including its resources, i remind you that for the war, directly, for salaries to provide of the armed forces, ukraine spends, the ukrainian budget, we are helped by funds that go precisely to payments there... well, but in this part we provide the production of weapons with our own forces, and every billion hryvnia lost in this way there, he obviously immediately cuts off a lot of opportunities to protect not only ukraine, but also poland, so these issues can only be connected at the level of, well, the advisory committees of the presidents of poland and ukraine, recently. serious steps were taken by president duda in washington there on
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lobbying for our interests, now prime minister tusk also made it clear that this is all the blocking, it will still go as i understand it, the search for some ways, that is , there will be a problem, it will not decrease, economic competition, all these economic problems, they they will only ripen, but well... a solution has been found, the same poland found france and germany at one time, well, we will find the same, the main thing is that poland does not face the problem of missiles, ballistics on warsaw, that is what is most important for us and for them, that is now the priorities must be set correctly, if even somewhere somewhere we are given the opportunity to earn legally absolutely somewhere on really certain advantages, then this will later be reflected in greater security for poland, but unfortunately... many in domestic politics do not think and play like that on such populist
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slogans, well, i hope for the european approach of prime minister tusk and that they will still manage to show the strength of the government in their own, that the government can close these issues as well, and also find a good formula for interaction with ukraine. in the end, if we press like this, we will reorient all the routes to other countries and... then poland will simply lose even from it, well, it will simply lose from this, and accordingly, if the routes there are lost, then polish exports to ukraine will also decrease , so that's all, you know, it's a two-way road , somewhere they block us, and then poland will also have to count the losses. mr. valery, one more issue this week is consular restrictions for ukrainians abroad, it has already been said, it has already been projected... a lot what, and of course, those who are abroad are obviously nervous now, some
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legally, some illegally, cannot take actions, consular actions, do you think this decision is fair in the conditions of war, or is it a violation of constitutional rights , or is this a decision that was simply necessary under the current conditions, and considering the reaction... that we received, there germany said that ukrainians whose passports will expire, they will receive temporary documents, and poland will consider... the question of a possible return of ukrainian conscripts to ukraine, and lithuania will look at the poles, how the poles will act in these conditions, considering your extensive diplomatic experience, what do you say about this decision, it is not an easy one, it is a clear decision, and of course there are many parties there is this question, but is it possible
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to dispassionately say that it will work out? return people, mobilize and involve them in the war in ukraine, will this cause certain obstacles in the return of people to ukraine, well, what is the position of germany, they say, you stay, we we will issue you temporary passports, or temporary documents with which you can live, let's separate what is called flies from meatballs, that is, what happened to us? we adopted a new law, changes to the legislation on mobilization, which have not yet entered into force. according to the constitution, er, in principle, 60, it seems, the fifth article of the constitution regulates which rights during the period of martial emergency can be
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limited, and which cannot be limited, even during martial law. this position is subject to... such rights as may be narrowed, only, and now the most important thing, by law, by law, everything, no bureaucratic, sub-departmental acts, mandates, have any force here, so we are absolutely calmly waiting there on may 18, we would wait, then the law comes into force, and now of course it is fair at the... level and for ukrainian men here, they renew, according to the changes to the legislation, renew their data to the military authorities, the same is done abroad, that is, on the basis of this , passports or others are already issued, consular actions are taken, the problem arose in because it was done, the stop was made
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first illegally, sometimes they say, can it be said that way, it can be said, because it is a conclusion, well, i can from my point of view subjectively, i may say, but still in my i also have a legal education, i worked as a deputy minister, i claim that this is an illegal order that was received, but it is not necessary to blame everything only on the ministry of foreign affairs, because these queues that you see are the service, yes, the dp document, it is not the ministry of foreign affairs at all, it is not an embassy at all, this is not a consulate, the embassy and consulate have been established in many places, especially in of poland they set up electronic queues, they don’t have these queues, the tsdb document, which said, by the way, we have technical problems and that’s all, technical problems, that’s why this game without warning, suddenly caught people who were taking tickets, wanted to take their passports , and then suddenly they were cut off, like in
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one day, this is a completely abnormal approach, they were always planned there a week before, there was an announcement. in consulates, embassies, prepare for the situation, there will be changes from such and such a number, that is, it could be done. the ministry of foreign affairs explained: some kind of technical transition is needed to prepare for the implementation of the law. uh, well, it’s like that, you know, yes, i understand, everyone needs more time, shut up, but i’m sorry, the law is not yet in force, there are already transitional provisions, why wasn’t this in the law itself, that it comes into force from moment publishing just about this issue, and others, why not break it down like this, the law would have defined it and no one would pay such attention now, now, and now the question is, for what purpose was it done like this, here i am for you i will say, i don't have an answer, because i can see everything going on, how this discussion is going, the government
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makes a decision that passports cannot be sent abroad, that is... it goes a little further, that is, i now see that it is not simple there is a violation of the law and some spontaneous action, maybe there is some stupidity, excuse me, but no, this is a chain of attempts to return citizens of conscription age, or those who are subject to mobilization, 1860 in coordination now with those countries, as i understand it, and already there are statements by the minister of defense in poland and lithuania. statements, and that is, if someone thinks that this will bring back a large part of the draft age men, well i think it's like... high expectations for me, although i don't know, we'll see how it turns out, anyway, it already has too many negatives consequences, in the division of people, in the attitude towards the ukrainian
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state, in the failure to perform those functions that, well, the person actually paid for the passport, issued everything, the passport is not issued, you can declare as many times as there is a war, but such situations should not exist, that is, this is already out of bounds. understanding, or some need was to explain that if you have a difficult situation, which the ministry of foreign affairs has just now done, if you have a difficult situation, there is an emergency, you are sick, there are some questions, then everything will be done, all this will be done, because otherwise, it is not just officials who were given an illegal instruction somewhere and they ran to carry it out, these are people who can later go to prison for such actions, and they perfectly understand each of the consuls general or ambassadors, do you understand? here is all this stretching, on which she was put, because those who gave instructions, well, at most there is an excess official powers, but there will be questions there, so i would like
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those who started this story, and i understand that it is not in the ministry of foreign affairs, to start now based on this reaction, which is both outside and inside the country, so that they also considered the negative consequences of the partition. ukrainians have already been divided into some categories, that is, whether it will really make it possible to return to ukraine people who can be drafted, that was the goal, yes, as i understand it, justice in this, yes, and if it will not be achieved, and there is a high probability that this will not happen, then, then the question arises, then why all this negativity that poured out, and now i will draw your attention, look at this queue, i don't know, the booths there were already closed. there appeared some strange moscow accent, do you think the russians will not take advantage of this? they have already started to take advantage of it, they have started to disperse this
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whole treason, so you know, simple decisions and all kinds of offices of simple decisions, this can sometimes lead to bad results, you need coordinated, institutionally balanced and calculated decisions from the point of view of the consequences. this is just such a solution, which is definitely not in this the keys are accepted, that's for sure, and there is a way out, well, we have to wait, the deadline is already on may 18, but if we, please pay attention to me, what is most important is that first the law is violated, and then the situation seems to be recovering, this is a very dangerous thing, i understood that for some officials... breaking the law now is a lesser evil than not fulfilling the bank's instructions, and this is a story that can lead to a bad
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development of the situation in the future, that is, we thus destabilizing the civil service, performance by officials of their duties, and i will remind you that an official performs his duties according to the letter of the law, not just what can be done there, that is, the phrase is so clear that everyone knows it, you can only do what is allowed , citizens can do what is not forbidden, and an official can only do what is allowed. in the event that he does not do this, he bears administrative or criminal responsibility. well, in this, unfortunately, case, so far we are dominated by politics, and this is a very dangerous thing, traffic, justice or what. any slogan, but if the state begins to move in the direction of violating the rule of law, the principle, people will begin to move in the direction of the makhnov region, so maybe not everyone
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is aware of this, but the duties of a citizen in the constitution, including absolutely correctly defending one's state, are not subject to questioning their rights, which also provide, as i said, some rights remain unabated even during war, so, you know, that's the kind of thing you'd better think about where you're going. another very short question, or rather short topic, this is a global peace summit in switzerland, president zelenskyi says that during meetings with partner states, that according to ukrainian intelligence, russia wants to disrupt the upcoming peace summit, which will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland, let's listen to what president zelenskyi said . we have accurate information from intelligence, concrete data that russia not only wants to disrupt the peace summit, but also has a concrete
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plan. how to do it? how to reduce the participation of countries, how to act so that peace does not last even longer. we will share with you, dear partners, on levels of diplomats, at the level of development, russia's plans, specific plans, specific points. we must oppose this together, must work in unity for the sake of a just peace. sir how will the global peace summit affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war and will it affect it? this is an intermediate, important event, intermediate, it will be important how many countries and which countries will gather, china's position cannot withstand criticism, they say that if russia is not there, then china will not be, well, what a strange position here, so first of all everyone will look at those countries that gathered, next
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already in the next one... and maybe there will be some kind of solution, although at the moment russia is obviously not needed there at all, it will not bring anything and it is not invited, so let's really fight with russia for these countries, for today the fight is on for participants and the level of their participation. at the same time, we still have the nato jubilee summit ahead of us, which will take place in july, that is, two important events this summer, this is a global summit. and the nato anniversary summit, should we expect that on the eve of these important events, russia can increase the pressure on ukraine, well what, what is predicted, but is it important for russia now to show dominance, its dominance on the battlefield. you know, earlier these ties were more serious, well , the same initiative of emmanuel macron,
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the olympic truce. some dates, it's pobedobesi but in the near future, it affects everything, but still the key events are no longer summits, not the olympics, it's the situation in the war at the front, on land, well, but also at sea and in the air, that is, production of weapons, the results of battles, and the preservation of lives and everything else, these are key issues, i think already russia itself will not be so tied to... some dates, because a total war is going on, in a total war these dates are already of less importance, although according to the plan for may 9 , of course, they will do everything now to seize more . well, what does that mean that, how will it be with the nato summit, well, we'll see, it also depends on the courage of our partners, what they will offer at this summit, if it is suddenly an invitation from ukraine, then of course there will be hysteria simply from russia , and if it
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will be... well, some formula is different, then it is possible a different reaction, but you don’t need to look at it, the main events at the front are with us now and in the flesh, thank you, mr. valery, for a meaningful and interesting conversation, it was valery chaly, a politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in from 2015 to 2019, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, on our youtube and facebook platforms, and throughout this entire broadcast, both on youtube and on tv, we conducted surveys. you were asked the following question: in your opinion, would putin dare to attack nato countries? we see the results of television poll 31%, yes 69%, no, on youtube we have the ratio: yes, 29, no 71. we put an end to this, goodbye verdict with you until monday at 20:00, bye.
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consular services have already stopped being provided to ukrainian men abroad, what they should do, how these restrictions will continue to work, we will analyze in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polomaryuk. this tuesday, april 23 , consular services temporarily stopped being provided to ukrainians of conscription age abroad. the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba, was the first to explain this to the x social network wrote: staying abroad does not free one from one's duties towards one's homeland. consular services are obtaining an internal or extending the validity of a foreign passport. entering information about a minor.


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