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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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that is, they should, those who already have another, even citizenship, not touch this case or return it, that is, you understand that there are millions of ukrainians in the world who already have other passports, but they do not stop helping ukraine, and they are a huge rear, a huge weapon for the victory of ukraine. listen, what is the point of this at all, what are you sculpting the sinful with the righteous, what are you doing, what are the ethnic ukrainians here. who are citizens of foreign countries, this does not concern them in any way, and do not stick it here, those ukrainians who have passports of other countries, they have their obligations as citizens towards those countries, in fact, of which they are citizens, for example, ethnic ukrainians, canadian citizens in both world wars fought exactly as canadian citizens in the canadian army, and the fact that they were ukrainian . did not exempt them
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from serving in the canadian army, because that is an element of citizenship: to defend the country of which you are a citizen, not the one from which your roots come. we are now talking about people who are citizens of the state of ukraine, and there is no need to go through the motions. we are not talking about third-fourth generation in canada and so on. we are talking about people who have already left independent ukraine, by the way, unlike all previous waves of... ukrainians who left with, let's say, firstly, a certain excuse, that they still lived under foreign rule , they left their land, but not their state, and many were simply forced to flee from occupation by foreign repressive states, here are people who simply for their convenience chose to live in other countries already at the time of ukraine's independence, okay, then their right, there are no questions, but if they chose
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another country for... convenience, but at the same time they kept our citizenship and use the services of our state, in particular, for example, when they get into some kind of trouble there, then in the middle of the night they raise the ukrainian consul and he goes to solve these problems and so on, but if they claim the services of our state and the rights of a citizen of our state, i'm sorry, they should have exactly the same duties that you and i do not have here. the question of who comes from where, there is a question of who what kind of passport, that is, all ukrainians who are citizens of the state of ukraine, regardless of whether they are currently in it, whether they have now temporarily or permanently left, but as long as you are a citizen, you have a certain package of rights and you have a certain package responsibilities, these things are absolutely indispensable, mr. yevgeny, i would also like to ask you, you said that was the phrase you had, i apologize that... you don't like it,
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give your citizenship there, your passport and please, you will be stateless there, citizenship cannot be scattered like that, for many ukrainians, which, believe me, i am not i defend, i am on the side of those who fight, i support and will always support without question, but there is a part, a certain percentage of those citizens of ukraine who are afraid or for various reasons, they do not fight, but they are deprived even by saying that they can do everything give up citizenship, let's go for a walk in the forest, you can't, they have their history on... this land of their parents, their relatives, and it's so simple, because we decided today, we don't like it, let's get out of here, you can't talk like that, the state must to organize so competently, to explain so competently to the citizens that they really cannot all be on the front line, there are rear responsibilities , you can work in the rear, you can help, you don't have to, everyone should be at zero, not everyone will be at zero, let's be realistic, and why here again after all, everyone is at zero, here you are again, arguing, excuse me, please,
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but fine, i understand, i will not argue with you, you know a lot, but everyone should be or should not be at zero, we have already agreed, i'm sorry, these people are only being asked to register for the military, and not to go to, well, the state should organize how to put them on that account in the end, you hear what we say, or you don't, or you hear yourself, i hear, i've heard enough. this is again a classic ukrainian approach, that the state owes you everything, and you owe nothing, but that's exactly why, probably, probably because of this attitude, we didn't have a state for generations, and now we're taking risks again to lose her, precisely because of this approach to the state, she is to blame for all of you, she is to blame for you, not your fault organize the work, who blames the state, my dear, who blames the state, i blame the officials who did not organize the work, do you hear what i'm saying? i hear, i've already listened
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enough, okay, let's start in a more really calm growth, a little emotional, we understand, but in principle everyone. coming back but wants to use all support those who are not coming here with our services go ahead sir you are disconnecting can we still continue this conversation with you disconnected well i think it's an emotional decision was not here let's put it this way, i have a personal complaint against mr. even. i hope that when we listen to this broadcast, we will understand that we are somewhere here, we are looking for a way out of this position, and again, such a tough emotional position, if we want to find a compromise with those people who are there and arrange those queues, it may not be
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effective, sir, i think you should react and we will round up to the international dock, what am i more worried about? because i feel the same as others, because i have been, let's say, since 2014, close to certain let's say, to the military structures, yes, because of the help that comes through me from the diaspora, and therefore i know the diaspora, and it is very important to me that we do not erect a huge berlin wall between ukrainians in ukraine. and ukrainians abroad, and they began to divide ukrainians into, as vitaly portnikov said, into righteous and sinners, because then we will turn from a state into some kind of dictatorship, and this is not possible, we must understand that ukrainian, ukrainian history, unfortunately, it
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does not depend on us, is so tattered, even since 1990, many ukrainians with ukrainian passports had to emigrate abroad. and there they created, in fact, a foundation for presenting ukraine, they actively participate in those supports of ukraine, of course, they should now manifest themselves more, but you know, on the other hand, well, i defend both of them , but i am very much opposed to killing such a radical wedge of discord between us, that is the only thing i wanted to say. moving to to international aid, we, we really wanted to wanted to start this topic, well, unfortunately, he disconnected, we will be glad to see yevhen on our other broadcasts, he often appears, velikiy lviv speaks on the project, mr. stetsky,
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the americans gave us help, and we also immediately there are two polar ones, well, this is again our ukrainian theme, one might say, there are two and several polar... opinions, this is the last help, they give us the opportunity to survive only until the end of october, the beginning of november, when in the united states will begin, the presidential elections will begin, another opinion, yes and kamsy, victory is just around the corner, what do you think from the point of view of our partners who are giving us this help, how risky is it that it could be the last and what are their goals in giving this help, delaying it, but giving it? well, the fact that this is the last aid is, you know, an assumption sucked out of the finger, i don't see any reason to believe that this will be the last aid. of course, anything can happen in america, in the event of trump's victory there may be various complications for ukraine, but it seems to me that america
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is evolving, the united states of america evolve to define a strategy in the russian-ukrainian war, as a strategy , after all, that goes in the direction. to let ukraine win, this is not yet a formalized strategy, the americans continue to adhere to the strategy of not letting ukraine lose, but they are not afraid that russia will lose, the more it will collapse, and this is such an ambivalent position, it is the main reason why there was such a delay of six months with this aid package , if we take last year, we know how they helped us in the summer offensive, we can remember the fall of 22 , how they stopped us when we liberated we were not allowed to attack kharkiv oblast to... the south, as it has now become clear, and this was the american position, we understand that, here in this case it seems to me that it is obvious that the decision, although late, is the right one. and it, now it’s just a matter of speed, president zelenskyy talked about it, the speed of decision-making about these packages and the nomenclature, because we don’t know
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to the end what the nomenclature will be, it’s one thing to have one squadron of f-16-12 aircraft, and another it's a matter of having 60 or 100 planes, and yes it's just... what kind of bomb load will the rocket launchers have, what range will we attack and how many will there be, this and so on and the like, but the nomenclature is already a matter for the executive power, and we need to have time by... the end of this year , well, at least until the budget year, the budget year in america is until the first, until the 30th, until the end of september, but if the funds are allocated and it is possible to take this aid from the warehouses, it seems to me that the consequence of the american aid is most likely obvious to me the fact that the planned russian offensive for may-june is already there under a big question, this is definitely a positive moment, whether this aid will give ukraine the opportunity to turn the tide of the war - it is unknown,
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because it can give ukraine an improvement in its position on the battlefield, and in this case i want to sharpen, well, our attention is not on that, we we do not know to the end what the result of this assistance will be, but there are several scenarios that are not very pleasant for ukraine, and they are discussed, they are on the table. in the white house, they are on the table in nato, and they are articulated very seriously by leading think tanks in the united states of america, that ren corporation themselves and so on, so they are quite likely saying that there may be a war of attrition, and this is not a good scenario for ukraine. the second version, the topic of negotiations began to arise, and this is a danger, this is a danger, because we all understand that if we are now inclined ... whether now, or in the summer, or after the presidential elections in america, to negotiations, then these are negotiations and compromise
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exactly at the expense of ukraine, exactly, well, it will assume that we will accept some territorial losses, some fact occupation of a part of the territory, there is another point, which, and here it is not necessary to look at the conference there in lucerne, which should be held in mid-june, because it will not discuss it, this conference was conceived as the implementation of zelensky's 10 peace formula. so it is simply called peaceful, it will not be peaceful, russia will not be there, china will not come there, some number of countries will gather, as you remember what kuleba said, there are 10 points of zelenskyi, you know that, like empty boxes, and so on these boxes need to be filled, energy security, nuclear security, like to end the war, which countries agree, for example, to deal with energy security, they sit down and fill this box with content, it is, you know, a little like the crimean platform, and it is unlikely that it will have positive consequences, but there is one danger ... danger that the worst is for ukraine, when ukraine will begin to be inclined to negotiate in
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some improved position after the provision of this aid, which may end, and ukraine will not agree, then there may be a de facto freezing of the war, and america has leverage, they will stop giving weapons and the war on the fact will be frozen, and the freezing of the war , like it or not, it will draw that front line somewhere plus or minus somewhere to the west or to the... east, and this means that we have a postponed war, and these three scenarios, unfortunately, to a great extent it's a pity for us, they are talked out, they are talked out in the main european capitals, and they are talked out in washington, and the fourth scenario, which may be beneficial for ukraine, is for some reason pushed to the margins, and what could this scenario be? let us assume that american military aid in such size, which we know, arrives on time and in a good nomenclature. european aid is added to this and has already been calculated, it will be approximately the same as the american one, 60
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+ 50 billion 110, and the ukrainian military industry, which has finally become more active for the third year in some types of weapons, we are already reaching some, well, decent parameters, because in the 22nd year , our government blew it, we fully relied only on western aid, and we did not develop our military-industrial complex, we launched it last year, and these three factors can lead to the fact that... ukraine can inflict a series of painful military defeats on russia, no matter how small, and this is my belief, whether you want to, i don't know, believe it or not, i believe that a series of painful military defeats on the battlefield will trigger the mechanism of discord in the russian elites, will trigger, in in some form it will happen, the russian regime is fundamentally fragile, it just needs to be shaken hard, it needs to be shaken hard, either through the crimean bridge or... bomb their oil refineries or airfields, bomb them or get 100
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f-16s there and destroy all this their line surovikin and so on and so on with long-range guided bombs, and then in such a situation ukraine can expect to achieve military-technical parity with the russian federation in terms of armaments by the end of the year, because when you calculate that russia will spend 120 billion dollars on its war this year . and american aid plus european aid plus the ukrainian budget is more, more like 120, which means that this pertet can be positive for ukraine, and it can create a situation for us, maybe not for this year. for the next year on a turning point in the course of the war, and we ukrainians must promote this fourth scenario, we must not agree to a freeze on the conflict, in any case, i believe, we must not enter into negotiations with russia, this is a postponed war, which means that if any freeze war conferences or any negotiations now at the expense of ukraine, there are these istanbul things that are being offered to us now, this means
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that we are postponing the war for a year, for two or for three or for five, and russia has already made such mistakes as in 22- won't let him this year, she's fine will be prepared, let's honestly say that the russians, after the ice-breaking failed, they transferred their economy to military rails faster than we did, we are now catching up faster, and this, moreover, i will say that the ukrainians, our ukrainian economists they calculated, there is a sanctions regime, such a good sanctions regime, and in two years, russia managed to get 33 billion dollars out of sanctions, plus 67 billion dollars they converted. money for this national welfare fund, as they say, they managed to withdraw 100 billion dollars from under sanctions, where did he look for, that's what he did, and we already told them, we translated it into english and showed them, this is how your sanctions work, russia withdrew 100 billion dollars, that is , they simply changed the currency, they are what was in dollars, they converted the yuan into another
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currency and removed it from sanctions, and the americans in their law, where is 60 billion, when... they talk about the confiscation of 300 billion of russian money, of which 5 billion is supposedly in america, so they are gone, these 5 billion are gone, russia has already transferred them, transferred them and and this money has already gone to the budget, went to the war, so there may still be sanctions, so i believe that there are three negative and one positive scenario for ukraine, which results from the decision of the american congress, and we must stand firm enough, as it were it was painful for us not on this or. the fourth scenario: the fate of the war will be decided on the battlefield, and those who spoil various negotiations for us, tell us about a war of attrition or about freezing the war in fact, this is all from the evil one, it will all be at the expense of ukraine, i am not saying that it is impossible options, i'm just saying that ukraine must categorically disagree with this, and we must speak loudly about it to our western partners. andrian mykhelchyshyn,
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what do you think about this, how will it unfold? er, you see the history of ukraine, first of all there was a great success, of course , the allocation of this american package, and here our allies helped us a lot, because trump, suddenly, who was an opponent of this package and his party, the main part of which he controls, because there are some votes in the republican party, which he is not, which which he has no control over, they suddenly agreed. with that whole package, that's why they were arguing, but why, because ben johnson went to speak, the president of poland duda went to speak, who reminded trump about the polish diaspora that is in the united states, who will vote now in the election, that their vote is very important , and that's why trump suddenly, so to speak, became
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soft and began to agree with this and that package, well, of course, his representatives in the congress tried him. so to speak, like a locomotive to insert your other questions into these all of them, both israel and taiwan, put everything in this one, in one package, and also, for example, this victoria sports, who has become, so to speak, an odious figure, in ukraine, of course, she, she, in america there is politics mainly for their voters, for their elections, they are very little interested in international politics, it does not solve anything. and i have friends who are also in the american army, and who know what the situation is, the situation there on the border with mexico is tragic, and that's why she asked this question in order to raise her own stakes in next elections, that every month, every month , somewhere more than 10, 10-12
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thousand cross the border, every month, more, even much more. from mexico on that border, that border that's seeping and seeping, it's been years, this process is happening, and it's eroding america, and it's eroding its economy, and it's eroding its legal system in general, it's eroding everything, and so it's a very dangerous situation there, and the republicans are in favor of it, for some reason biden does not pay much attention to it, and of course, this whole package was very positive, but now the whole trend in the world is... such that spending on defense, on the army, is increasing very seriously, by 7% in the world alone for the past year, and increasing, increasing spending on the army, on weapons. and for example, the prime minister of england , rashi sunak, happily announced that england already spends 2.5% of its gross national product
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on armaments, 2.5% is a lot, do you remember that trump said that europe does not fulfill its obligations under nato, that the obligations under nato, that 2% of the gross national product must be given to defense, almost no one gave. now already 11 countries from the 31 nato countries spend more than 202% on their defense, that is, everything is increasing, and especially countries like sweden, even very seriously spend billions on defense, but they do it very interestingly, they believe that russia will attack energy infrastructure on the example of ours, and they strengthen energy districts near stockholm, near malmö and near. debt, so they've already figured out this whole strategy that 's being done, and so i think that all those scenarios are positive for us at the moment,
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of course, russia is very serious, as mr. taras said correctly, it has strengthened, strengthened the production of military products, they say that they already have reserves for 2 years, they are ready to wage war for two years, again, and it is clear that this war for us, such a... long-term war is less beneficial for ukraine, of course, than for russia, but it still seems to me that the western allies, who are us, who are signatories of the budapest protocol, they act a little differently, the british are a little ashamed , that they did not take any serious measures after russia violated, violated territorial integrity of ukraine, and the americans somehow behave very strangely, as if in... there were no mechanisms or that, there was no agreement at the state level, it is very strange in general, and
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here i believe that they is not a moral one, they have a moral obligation, they generally have all the obligations under the budapest protocol, and it seems to me that the americans react very weakly on the field in a political sense, they should beat the table with their fists more organizations of the united nations. you can leave russia from there throw it away, why don't they want to do it? because the yalta agreements between roosevelt and stalin still seem to be in effect, which are odious, which seem to have been forgotten now, and they are most likely still in effect, and therefore, i am very surprised that the americans do not act more seriously in the political plan, they have all resources to pressure russia and to bring and restore order, about the fact that european countries are preparing, we... have already repeatedly mentioned in this studio, analyzed it, but here i want to clarify for you, this is a story about if you want peace, prepare for war , or all of them
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in anticipation of what could be this third world war, about which there is also a lot of talk, there is still a factor here, the chinese factor, because china is needed for a world war, russia has three times smaller, smaller, smaller army than nato countries, three times less aircraft, four times smaller fleet, that is, realistically. russia cannot go to nato, it can do some small operations, for example, take over the baltic states and laugh, tell the west that you do not want war because we are threatening a nuclear strike, then i think that it is not serious, but these countries, this flank of nato, they, it must be strengthened, and the west and nato will strengthen both the baltics and poland, the fact that poland said that it is ready to accept nuclear weapons from the united states, this is... of course positive, because it is actually the answer, the answer to the fact that russia has placed tactical nuclear weapons in belarus, maybe in kaliningrad, no one
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knows for sure yet, but it is very possible, but you see, here he is now speaking, the minister of defense of france was speaking, in my opinion, literally yesterday, and he said that this decision is about to post nuclear weapons, it is a violation of the protocol of nato and russia since 1997. that we should not place nuclear weapons on the border, although russia has violated it, that is such a strange position of the west as well, there is fear, there is more and more fear in the west, well, russia violates many things, there is no proper reaction to this, another detail that i forgot to say, we must keep her in mind, look at what the vote in the congress showed, there is a fairly influential current in the american political system that opposes aid to ukraine, and the vote of the republicans showed it. and with what they come out of, you need to understand the motivation, they come out of the fact that, not because they don't like ukraine, they come out of the fact that from the worst scenario for america
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that... that as the worst option for america is a simultaneous war on three theaters of war, in europe, it is russian-ukrainian with growth in the middle east and it is in the quiet pacific basin, and these people proceed from the fact that america will not pull three theaters of war, and they want to sacrifice one theater, and it is the ukrainian theater , we need it, we have to understand it so that to attack this position and not give in, because they will exchange territories for us , based on this logic, thank you to the viewers of the espresso tv channel, we will traditionally meet next week at 21:15 every thursday, if you have a desire, join the youtube project says velikiy lviv, here we still have results.
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