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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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representative in the unoccupied territories, and compared to a year ago, when we asked who could be the source of information manipulation in the ukrainian media, the number of ukrainians who believe that the source of manipulation in the ukrainian media can be increased from 22% to 32% being a ukrainian state is actually a bell for society. her authorities, she must understand that people are not stupid, that they are able to distinguish, they are able to see the picture that they see outside the window in their lives, or what their acquaintances there tell them, and what they see in the media. well, yes, it is clear that our poll, our voxpop, cannot be representative, but still, when i read the comments, i come across very often, they again cannot be representative, but the credibility of this source of information falls on ... your opinion
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, the last question, why did this happen, if we are talking about the only news, as a state already information body, is it a mistake of the ukrainian authorities then? sociologists very clearly recorded such a noticeable reduction in attention to the marathon on the part of spectators and trust in it somewhere around the autumn of 2023, we can make such a hypothesis that at this very moment... it became very noticeable to differ from what people understand about what is happening in the country, first of all from the point of view of the war, how it continues, and well, let's say, the results of the counteroffensive announced for the summer, and the way marathon told about it, i think that this hypothesis, it very likely has the right to be confirmed, that it became so by a push, that is. and it did not come true in
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essence. yes yes yes. thank you very much for comment. halyna petrenko, director of detector media, was on radio svoboda. we talked about the single news telethon. the sixth administrative court of appeal continued the case based on the lawsuit of the former judge of the supreme court bohdan lviv, in whom the journalists of the scheme project, and later the sbu , found a russian citizen who is trying to resume his post. during the meeting. the judges heard the parties to the case, in particular bohdan lviv himself, who continues to deny that he has russian citizenship and demands recognition of the decision on his deduction from the staff of the supreme court as illegal, as well as a representative of the sbu, who confirmed that the special service established the fact that lviv had acquired russian citizenship, as well as the data of his russian passport and tax code. today, the decision was not made, after hearing the parties, the panel of judges decided. postpone the hearing to
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may 30. let's look at the details of this case further. excerpt from the investigation of the project of the citizenship scheme of bohdan lviv. in 2017 , the competition in the supreme court is ongoing. the highest court of the country. for the post of judge in bohdan lviv claims this newly reformed institution. this was a big and loud reform of 2017. then the public integrity council , having analyzed the activities of lviv and its property status, came to the conclusion: the judge does not meet the criteria of integrity. however, lviv still got to the reformed court. how was the selection? is a person admitted to state secrets without restrictions. in the written questionnaire, then still a candidate. when dad asked a fundamental
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question whether he has the citizenship of another country, lviv said: no, but we know what yes, he had the citizenship of the russian federation both at the stage of the competition and has not lost it until now. bohdan lviv received his russian passport at the end of the 90s. at that time, he was already administering justice in ukraine, as a judge of the military court of the central region. here is an extract from the official register of rospassport, which schemes they received. there are orders from two different sources. the passport of bohdan lviv, a citizen of the irf, was issued in moscow in 1999 . this is an application for citizenship, submitted on his behalf, the basis for issuing a passport, his military serviceman's certificate, which bohdan lviv received upon graduation from the red banner military institute of the ministry of defense of the ussr, which he graduated with honors in 1989. perhaps bohdan
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lviv, having received a passport at the end of the 90s, simply forgot to give it up later. the schemes revealed that in october 2012 , a new passport of a citizen of the russian federation was issued in the name of bohdan lviv, who... at that time was already a judge of the higher economic court of ukraine. the basis for replacing the document is reaching the age of 45. here is an application for a new passport, also submitted by him name in the same month, according to border crossing data, a ukrainian judge took a train to moscow. also, with the help of the data specified in his russian passport, we found him individually. tax number of bohdan lviv in the official register of the federal tax service of the russian federation. this code is not automatically assigned with the passport. for it , it is necessary to additionally apply to the tax authorities of russia. it was assigned to lviv in 2010.
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the judge did not renounce the citizenship of the country of the aggressor even after 2014, after the annexation of crimea by russia and the beginning of the war in the east. remains a citizen of the russian federation'. lviv even now, when the state that issued him a passport invaded ukraine along a wide border line. here is an official service where you can check the validity of the document in real time, as of the time of publication of this investigation, bohdan lviv's russian passport is not listed as invalid. we asked for an interview with the deputy chairman of the supreme court so that he could explain everything himself. we ask a direct question: do you have? russian federation? me personally? so? no. we simply have a certificate from the rospassport registry, according to which these documents confirm that you have russian citizenship, that you graduated from the red banner institute, and on the basis of
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a certificate from this institute and a certificate in 1999, you received a passport of a citizen of the russian federation? no. we have the documents, i can tell you now simply. please show it, it will be interesting, here, look, please, even the handwriting is not like mine, you don't know anything about it, i will be grateful if you leave me these copies, if you have them, ugh, because i will have to deal with it , probably the supporting bodies. lviv claims that about he became aware of his russian citizenship only from us, and in... voices the version that this is probably an attempt to discredit him. we will hear more details about the court session from our colleague, the journalist of the scheme project hehoriy shabaev, who is the author of this investigation about bohdan lviv and
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systematically follows the court process in this case. gorgias, congratulations, please tell me what was discussed at this meeting today. today, another session was held in the sixth appellate court. tive court was considered the issue of lviv's reinstatement as a judge of the supreme court. let me remind you that before this, the court of first instance, namely the kyiv district administrative court, decided to reinstate lviv as a judge of the supreme court, moreover, to pay him a salary for the time of the so-called forced absenteeism, and thus he actually did not pay attention to the court of the first instance on the evidence which. provided by the security service of ukraine, namely in the context of the fact that the security service of ukraine confirmed the presence of a russian citizenship, moreover, the supreme court informed about it on the basis of this letter to the supreme court, the head of the supreme court at the time, vsevolod knyazum, terminated the authority
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of lviv, in fact fulfilling a direct provision of the law. instead, the judge of the first instance, on her conviction of these evidences obtained from the security service of ukraine, they were not... sufficient for the vsevolotnyaz to make such a decision, thus, the decision in the first instance was made, lviv was reinstated in his post, but the supreme the court filed an appeal and today was already the second the meeting, at which the representative of the security service of ukraine, perhaps, had the greatest attention, the greatest role, and it was he who firmly informed at this meeting that bohdan lviv is a citizen of the russian federation, listed. various databases and so on, but again, the meeting concerned exactly that, the very finding out whether lviv is really a citizen of the russian federation, whether his powers were really legally terminated with him, they referred to the norm of article
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126 of the constitution - that the acquisition lviv, the acquisition of citizenship of another state by judges - this the reason for terminating his powers, and again this was discussed in what was the importance of this meeting, because at the last meeting we saw a frankly weak position of the security service of ukraine, which could not clearly articulate from which bases. of the data, one or another information about lviv 's citizenship of the russian federation was taken, but this time the representative of the sbu spoke more firmly about it, and i propose to listen to the arguments and what exactly he spoke about in the context of this meeting. receiving of documents of this kind in an official way at one time was foreseen by the minsk convention on legal assistance in civil cases within the framework. ng is well-known for the fact that ukraine has stopped the operation of the specified convention, in
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our conclusions we were guided by the databases of the russian federal tax service, the jagger document, later the service of the ministry of internal affairs, the russian federation, the livd service, the consequences of such a check are that the lviv district has a russian the passport and the lviv applicant are separate from this russian passport, the russian national registration code is obtained, which is seen on the basis of the russian paspo in our opinion, whether it indicates a purposeful voluntary initiative. that is , this was the position of the security service of ukraine. in principle, it was clear, and this conclusion was actually made on the basis of this information. of course, the former judge bohdan lviv himself, whom we found to be a citizen of the russian federation , did not agree with this, and these were his arguments during the court session. i believe that the chief chairman of the supreme court had no pa' at all. to make such a decision, no regulatory act provides, no gives the head of the supreme court to those who have been dismissed the right
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to single-handedly dismiss a judge, necessarily in order to make such a decision, as the court rightly noted, it is necessary to establish a legal fact, and if these are cover-up documents or forgery, it is possible that they were issued to another person simply according to my data, georia, tell me please for what the court appealed today, and in your opinion, how do you follow this case, when and how can it end? in fact, today the court most of all appealed to why it is being considered in the framework of this court session the question of whether lviv had citizenship of the russian federation, how convincing the evidence was, whether the form for filling out the passport really corresponds to the one that existed at that time, today i ask the judge... about why these facts are being investigated, because here and the question
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of the legality of the termination of lviv's powers is being investigated, and therefore, in fact, whether vsevelot knyazum really did not comply with the correct norm when he decided to terminate his powers based on a letter from the sbu, because he asked the sbu to inform whether lviv has citizenship the russian federation, the security service of ukraine, in response to this , informed in a letter that it really has, in this way, all the vagrants in... fulfilled the direct rule of the law, and this is exactly what the judges appealed to today, because they, relatively speaking, did not understand why so many attention is paid to the question of when the passport was acquired, lawfully, unlawfully, voluntarily, and so on, and as for what will end, actually this is a court case, this court process, we will see later, may 30 will be, maybe already the final decision in this case , precisely in appeal instance, then it can be considered in cassation. instance, but again, if we talk about what will happen if lviv is reinstated as a judge, this will be
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a signal to all other representatives of the ukrainian judiciary that they can have russian citizenship, and they will not have anything for it, and they can continue decision to be made in the name of ukraine, this will be a clear message that the state is not capable of opposing russian citizens in the ukrainian judicial branch of government and thus... this will be a very, very, i think, an alarming signal for ukraine, i i think that russia is watching literally the last question, we have a minute, in your estimation, how many more such citizens of the russian federation can work in ukraine now? we found out not only bohdan lviv, who has russian citizenship, we also found out that judges have russian citizenship, recently we found out that the oask court has russian citizenship, before that we found out that in court of donetsk. of the district administrative court lyudmila arestova has russian citizenship, we also talked about what
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valentina symonenko, a retired judge of the supreme court, has russian citizenship. i think that really serious and systematic work should be done here, and then we will be able to understand who has russian citizenship and who does not, and what to do with it in the future. thank you very much, there was a journalist of the scheme project , georgy shabaev, who was following the case of bohdan lviv on rfe/rl. thank you very much. this is the end of svoboda live, subscribe to radio svoboda's social networks, youtube, instagram, and join our telegram. not miss all the latest and most verified news there, do not forget to visit our website, there is also a lot of interesting and high-quality analytics about what is happening in ukraine and the world. well, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. turn on
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. at two o'clock in the company of your favorite presenters. conductor that many have become relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. information viruses, almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even
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in the third year of the war, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different... facts that point to telegram's interaction with the russian special services. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, in order to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the relevant bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse. who was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night an enemy army came out of it. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together
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stronger we are looking for 15-year-old daria myroshnychenko from the kherson region. imagine that the girl disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war on february 24, 2022, that is , there is no news about her for more than two years. i really hope that everything is okay with the child, the connection with her was broken only because of the occupation of the left bank of the kherson region. the girl lived in the kakhov district in the city of tavriysk. i believe that thanks to your concern, daria myroshnychenko will be found. so i am addressing everyone, and especially the residents of the left bank of kherson oblast. look carefully at photo of a girl. perhaps someone has seen daria and knows at least something about her. every little thing is important. if suddenly someone has
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information or knows where the girl is, call the emergency services immediately. at magnolia children's by the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if you cannot call , write to the chatbot child search service in telegram. another girl, who also disappeared in the kherson region and has not been heard from for more than two years, is 14-year-old yulia ivashova. she looks her own age, has an oval face and light blond hair. the girl lived in the village of kardashinka in the skadovsky district of the region. if anyone has seen yulia ivashova, or knows anything about the child, immediately call the short number 16. the hotline of the child tracing service works 24 hours a day, calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. these are only two
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stories of missing children and only from the occupied kherson region. in general, for more than two years of full-scale war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, most of the children were found and are now safe, but the fate of many children remains unknown. this is especially true. especially temporarily occupied territories, anyone can help find missing children, it only takes a minute of your time. visit the magnolia children's tracing website. in the missing children of ukraine section, you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and help find them. and now i want to tell about the missing children in the occupied donetsk region. look at the photo. this is 13-year-old dmytro horovy. nothing is known about the fate of this boy for more than two years. unfortunately, the details of his disappearance are false. i only know that when the war started, the child was in mariupol and on the same day the boy disappeared without a trace.
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perhaps he, like many children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro gurovoy. he looks about 13 years old, he has light, blond hair and that. eyes if anyone if you have seen the boy or know where he may be now, do not hesitate to call us on the magnolia children's helpline on the short number 11630. calls from any mobile operator are free. i also want to remind you that the search for 16-year-old ilya polishchuk is ongoing. he is also from mariuppol and nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. the connection was broken by the potion. february 24, and where he may be now, no one knows, so i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially residents of mariupol, who may be watching this
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program on social networks, take a close look at the boy's photo: he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes, if anyone has seen ilya, or knows where he might be now, don't delay and call our service hotline. search for magnolia children by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to ... and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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you are watching the program of the ukrainian service. america. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. on thursday, russian troops struck the railway infrastructure in donetsk region, kharkiv region and cherkasy region. analysts of the washington institute for the study of war warn that while ukrainian troops are waiting for the promised ammunition from the united states, the russian army trying to destroy the supply lines of the armed forces. experts warn that in the near future the russians will increase their attacks on ukrainian logistics centers and warehouses. western weapons to hit ukrainian transport infrastructure, logistics and military storage facilities. meanwhile, white house homeland security spokesman john kirby
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said during a briefing thursday that air defenses remain a priority for assistance to ukraine. and the us will contribute to the provision of these capacities. french president emmanuel macron warned about the threat to the existence of the european union. he declared that europe could die. in particular, he said that russia's aggressiveness can contribute to this, and he also warned against europe being a vassal of the united states. an indispensable condition for european security is that russia does not win the war of aggression in ukraine, macron said. we talk more about this with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupani. hello, bohdan. tell me, please, why the french president is scaring europeans with words about the death of europe, and at whom in general is this speech calculated? this hour and a half, at least an hour and a half, speech by mr. macron was announced as part of the debate. and
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macron himself stated that the discussions in europe are part of the european project, as he emphasized, on the other hand, it can be considered a programmatic speech for his party, for his political forces before the parliamentary elections, the elections for the european parliament in europe, which are starting at the beginning of june, as for the words about the death of europe, well... it immediately hit the headlines, and this is one of the reasons why actually we are talking about it today, it sounds very effective. it is obvious that there is no defense without the defense industry, here we are talking about transforming the urgency of supporting ukraine into long-term efforts, this is what the minister of defense and i call our effort. we must
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realize that our current europe is mortal, it can die, it can perish, and it depends entirely on our choice, and we must choose already, because now the question of peace and war on our continent and our ability to guarantee our security is at stake or not? bohdan, that's it figured out, what exactly worries macron about europe's dependence on the united states? well, actually, we have been hearing this from mr. macron for a long time, that is, his statement, his calls for the so -called strategic sovereignty of europe, which actually are not necessarily, let's say, some kind of confrontation with the united states of america, because if the europeans take it upon themselves a greater burden, for example, when it comes to
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issues of security and defense. and the french president talked a lot about this today, so this is what is welcomed in the united states, and this what macron talked about today. we must continue our partnership with other countries. it is about building a europe that will be able to show that it is never a vassal of the united states of america, and that it also knows how to communicate with all regions of the world, with developing countries with africa in latin. america and not just through trade agreements, but with the help of real strategies of balanced mutual partnership. bohdan, what place did macron give to the issue of the russian war against ukraine and what do he see as the main tasks for europe? the main task for europe now, when it comes to security, security - this was the key issue in his speech, is to prevent russia from winning, because... that
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would threaten this very so-called european project, the idea of ​​the european union, what about that's what emmanuel macron said today, and for this, again , we return to the calls of the french president, to put more emphasis on defense, to put more emphasis on the defense industry in european countries. it is obvious that there is no defense without defense industry this is about turning the urgency of supporting ukraine into long-term efforts. this is what the secretary of defense and i call the war economy, which we are strongly promoting. it's a long way, because you have to admit that we have been underinvesting in our production for decades, and because we had peace, it meant that the europeans were underproducing and underinvesting. it also created a very strong addiction.


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