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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday, definitely the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso.
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so, let's continue, yehor firsov, a military officer of the armed forces of ukraine, who serves in a company of attack uavs, has joined us. i congratulate yehor, i wish everyone good health, well, actually, i want to say that you still have it. collection for the needs of the 109th brigade with the goal of 15 million there, and that 's exactly what drones are mainly for, as i understand it, as a rule, yes, well, in principle, not mainly, yes there are fpv drones that we work with, our group directly, the only thing we haven’t fully decided yet is whether they will be night drones or ordinary daytime drones, and because daytime drones, because the enemy has now actively moved to our... actions at night , and here we are, well
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, fpv drones are high-precision weapons, and we are now shifting more to night work. well, you already started to say a little bit that the enemy went to such active offensive actions at night, in general, what has emerged from such, possibly new tactics of the enemy? well, firstly, we saw that a lot of equipment was used for a while, and a lot of it burned as a result. then very recently. they appeared, you know, big grills on tanks and equipment, but i wonder how it affects in reality, that is, is it effective at all? yes, well , let's start from the end, barbecues on tanks, we all laughed about it, you remember those pictures there, actually, it's not that, well, it's very effective, because, well, we, for example, can't fully hit a tank, because it protected by the fpv drone i mean...
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because it is protected by some kind of structure, i'm not tankman and never even ridden in a tank, not that he worked there, i don't know there, how the crew behaves there, what he sees, but what i we as fpv drone operators cannot effectively destroy a tank that equipped with such protective devices, this is a fact, and unfortunately i see that some of our... therefore , here there is a certain advantage of the enemy because he begins to think more deeply to understand, well, i 'll tell you this somewhere...
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the enemy shot down 30-40 fpv drones with rifles, not kalashnikov assault rifles, but with special rifles, shotguns, i understand that they have crews who work on duty and protect exactly that equipment, i.e. when, for example, we fly there on saushka, what a self-propelled artillery installation, which gives nightmares to our infantry, and we fly over the soldiers, but also... the main thing is to fly over this crew that starts patrolling, and if he heard the enemy crew, if he heard that the fpv bird was flying, he begins to attack them, that is, they are orcs, well , specifically for this function, but their function is to knock down half buckets with shotguns, and in general, i will say frankly, the enemy's tactics have not changed, they are polishing... starting there
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from the bakhmut offensive of these small groups , it was polished as much as possible in avdiivka, and everything that was in avdiivka, everything is now a... is implemented by the enemy along the entire front line, starting from ugledar, ending there at the very end to liman, and this is in the wide use of fabs, planes, and that's all artillery is flying, and unfortunately, the enemy continues to outnumber us in terms of artillery installations and shells, in general, and these are small groups, mostly at night, storming, er... our positions, this is how the situation looks in principle, and have you already seen in your direction , to try to storm, they are there on golf carts, or some on motorcycles, that is, now in the summer they are starting to use such things, and it's like , well, in theory, it's a little harder to hit them
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when they all ride on the same armor, there several of them at once and you impress and impress everyone, and so they disperse and seem to be more difficult, have you ever encountered such a thing or not? of course we encountered, in fact only yesterday i saw it constantly on the monitor screen, that is , these columns have already ended, a large crowd, i, for example, have never, well, i saw the last time somewhere near avdiivka, if i am not mistaken, it was there somewhere in october, significant crowds of infantry there were, that is, there were 40 orcs, but now, the maximum we can see is six or eight orcs. which appeared there and quickly hid, and we need time for to fly there, hit them with a target and so on, that's why their tactics are much, well , how it was differentiated, yes, that is, there were many, many small groups, small these
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small movements, you can even see them riding on motorcycles, on buggies , on bicycles and so on, well, by the way, this applies to the appearance of fpv drones and... we have the same, i, for example, there were cases when i walked to the position of 3.5 km, because it was much safer to walk that way on foot than to drive it on a road that, if it weren't for the fact that it is shot through, yes, flown by fpv drones, that is, for the fpv drone there, one person is walking, for example, he saw me, well, i protected myself with tree branches, there i walk along the landing and feel calm, and... but if i go without a reb just in a car, well, it is very- it is very dangerous if an fpv drone sees me, that is, i, as a fividron operator, as a commander in a fividron platoon, see this as a significant threat, and now we have just begun
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to equip machines with a reb, that is, we drive and jam everything around us, but unfortunately there are such installations. not everyone, it is desirable that in in principle, now everything that moves, cars, i don’t know, there are buggies, if you want, there is anything, anything, even a motorcycle, so that there is a rap on it, which jammed in the range of 50 - 100 m, everything around me, well, but well, it threatens that you can get caught with your own drones, it is probably absolutely true, the problem is that when we fly a bird... in pvi , our first main problem is to fly our rap, because it is closer to us , that is, we are, let’s say , fivishniks, but there is an infantryman, there is a certain mykola, for whom his wife made a muster, gathered for a little rap, here mykola brought with him to
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the position and includes this rap incoherently, and jams us, and we think that it is the orcs jamming us and so on, and such processes at the front. just millions, yes, uncoordinated processes, and it is necessary to start, well, let's say so, to make this, if you will, chaos in the good sense of the word, because war is always a little chaos, and sometimes not a little, to make it controlled, trained, here, with a lot of data, so that you open the tablet and see where you have a reb, where it is turned on, how to fly it and so on, here it is, by the way, well very, very... important question, and i mean, i was active there in civilian life, and i had less chats and correspondence than when i'm, for example, sitting in positions in the trenches, because you're constantly texting, you coordinate these frequencies
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so that you do not interrupt, in short, i am now starting to climb already in the wild, i will say only one thing that what you see in the video when flying in pv is only in... the tip of the iceberg, behind it all profound, downright unreal, what a great work and moderation of this work, well, let's say. so by the senior command that it be as efficiently as possible. well, i understand that so far there is no such unified system for the coordination of the uav and the work of the guys, but is it theoretically possible on the basis of the nettle or something like that, but it is theoretically possible, and it goes to that, and for example, my task, as the chief sergeant there, is to make this coordination between the units, between there... for example, those who fly between the infantry and so on, that is, it is to ensure communication, it is possible, well
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listen olga, let's say yes, even a year ago, fpv drone was not available at all for many people super, by some kind of surprise, by some kind of miracle, a year has passed and you won't surprise anyone with this now, in reality, the fpv drone destroys a tank, and a sau and a sundial and a thor and whatever, and there are many more than a thousand of them. and thousands right now at this very second, probably, i don’t know, well, hundreds of drones in the air at this exact second, and maybe even thousands, of course the increase in the use of drones, ah, it requires a certain moderation and problems arise, that’s why everything it goes without saying that this problem will gradually be solved there, but certainly not immediately. well, and how do you assess the saturation of drones in... actually the occupying forces, because they are also trying to do this, they have
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contacts with china there, as far as we are concerned, they ultimately have a certain base and the ability to produce it far enough from the front, that is, now you i would like to evaluate whether it has increased or not, how is it ? yes, i will immediately thank your viewers, because the phone is vibrating here and they are constantly reminding me, thank you very, very much. we will use everything for its intended purpose and with the best video report, how we burn and destroy something, so, but i have, have one clarification, are we talking exclusively about fpv drones or the field of uavs in general, well , let's talk about fpv, it's still interesting, about fpv, i would say that everything is not so bad, the situation in them, they feel that there is more fpv , i can't say the number, but it feels more fpv, but... they can use this fpv as just another drone, that is, if we have a target, we
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only then use the drone, they use it, which they just picked up and they are looking for a target, but did not find it, the drone just fell there or hit somewhere there and so on, but the initiative and use of the ability to use this drone is ours, we use it much better, the crews are much more developed, somewhere i would... say half heads for head we are better in use, but half heads for head they are better in provision, if we say about bepll in general, the enemy significantly outplays us in this component, because they have long-range drones, reconnaissance drones, which, for example, well, as of now, i am in a more or less comfortable place, that is, 20 km from the front line, and i... does not rule out that, for example, a reconnaissance drone is flying over me right now, it’s easy,
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it’s drawing something, i, for example, am not so much a target, that is, just a car, but this drone will record the movement of equipment, the accumulation of infantry, entering and exiting somewhere, and so on. i.e., this constant monitoring, and the enemy usually wins with this, if he was able to draw something interesting for himself, then he immediately passes these yes... there to other groups and they already send rockets there, shaheds there and everything else, i.e. war has become more online and information is interesting as of now, i know a bunch, a bunch of points where, for example, the enemy's c300 system was working, but that doesn't help me, i need it to work now, so that in 10 minutes i can assemble my drone and hit this system, already there, if it is as of yesterday... well, it doesn't give me anything, so the birds that are hovering in the sky and are constantly watching, analyzing the situation, he
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has a significant advantage, and unfortunately, this advantage is now held by the enemy, so our engineering rooms, our the state in general, it is strategically very important to beat the enemy not on the battlefield, in engineering rooms, involving our engineers, there are foreign engineers, we have something to offer to the whole world and so on, actually. we can see exactly the problem you are talking about now, when our systems were affected, well, the kharkov district, and it was clear that this was precisely the work of this reconnaissance drone. which simply scans and has the ability to guide russian missiles, and it was there that the missile strikes by iskander were carried out, and in fact, until this situation of combating such uav scouts is resolved, the air defense situation will not be resolved, because we cannot bring the air defense so close, it will be it's absolutely amazing, so in fact it's
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the biggest, i think the problem now is these long-range drones, thank you very much, yehor firsov, our time is up. i just wish you the greatest success in your work, and be sure to donate, i call everyone to any kind of impact drones, it's very important, well , our time is up, we'll see you in a week, stay with espresso, we have a lot of interesting things. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, i and my colleagues and you will talk about the most important things for the next hour and 45 minutes, and of course we will report on what will happen during our broadcast. and we begin with the announcement of the collection, aspressu calls to join the collection of
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ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. the brigade serves in zaporizhzhia. to which hot line we have a request from defenders for specific types of ammunition, they are very much looking forward to help from us in the near future. the battles are currently being fought in rather difficult, one might say, hellish conditions, therefore, things must be modern, high-quality, meet the needs, be comfortable for conducting combat operations, for defense and for attacking the enemy. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection. our goal is to actively collect uah 100,000. the necessary funds, i will announce a little later how much has already been collected, and now we will talk about the situation in sumy oblast, there today and hostile drg tried to enter the territory of the region from the territory of the aggressor country, and there was also an attack on sumy with a guided aerial bomb, dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 17th separate
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territorial defense brigade, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. let's start with today's attack, the air attack on the city of sumy, it was announced in the news like this: there was an explosion in sumy, and a little earlier they wrote that the enemy hit the city with a guided aerial bomb, about the consequences of what can be said, whether please tell me, maybe something else happened, because this information was a few hours ago, maybe something else has changed during these hours. well unfortunately rocket and bomb attacks. sumy regions are attacked every day, and yesterday there was shelling in the suburbs of sumy , today kab flew in, almost every day it is shelling of civilian infrastructure, it is shelling of the infrastructure of the city of sumy, today was just such an attack, in principle, unfortunately, it happens every day, so nothing new, except
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terror civilian population on the part of the russian federation, that is, we cannot talk about any visible consequences of today's attack, but fortunately, fortunately, according to the information that we have, there were no victims, and also more than once today they wrote with some or other details, but again, not all details can be trusted, because not everything is always voiced, not everything needs to be voiced, this is a story that happened, unfortunately, sometimes these stories were with... tragic consequences only for the military, armed forces of ukraine or defense forces, as well as for the civilian population. in sumy oblast, an enemy subversive and reconnaissance group tried to enter the territory of the region, a battle took place with the defense forces. what is known about it, and again, well, roughly the community, wherever they wanted, wherever
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they wanted to go, and whether civilians were also harmed, because we know the history when russian saboteurs about... just shot them, or in some other way, i don't know how they were destroyed, unfortunately, or there they witnessed various injuries to local residents, which in principle had nothing to do with the fact that they could not join the battle or somehow harm the saboteurs, an attempt to cross the border did indeed take place, a battle did take place, our defense forces responded promptly, contacted each other... repulsed the enemy and the drg retreated. actually, once again, i can say that we are ready for this, based on the rocket-bomb attacks and the events of the drg. they almost constantly try to cross the border of the sumy oblast in one way or another, they try in one way or another not only to harm
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the defense forces, but also to the civilian population, so what was the purpose of the drg event yesterday, we don't understand, we don't know, but they left, retreated with certain losses according to our information, well, we are fully prepared. to the fact that it is possible that it will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and every day. well, there was also information that over the last day the enemy launched 74 strikes on the territory of sumy oblast, residential buildings were damaged, about wounded victims, at least i did not read, this is exactly what you were talking about when answering my first question, that enemy shelling is taking place all the time, it's the bilopol community, i'm told, it's suffered, it's mainly because... it could be mortars, artillery, not necessarily long-range artillery, i understand that the enemy is somewhere not so far from the border, is it also possible uses attack drones, or drops
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explosives on cars, well, we remember the story, it was this story a long time ago, but there were times when explosives were dropped on cars or grenades or some other devices, and on civilian cars, and once upon a time they also attacked the milkman, the ambulance gate, that is, there, as i understand it, they don't have a special understanding of what to shoot at, what they see, what they see, what is there now, what are they mainly hitting with? the enemy uses the entire range of hostile actions and enemy shelling, this certainly, rocket and bomb attacks that are arriving are arriving over the entire territory of sumy oblast itself, there are dozens of them every day. mortar and artillery attacks, this is an increase in the use of fpi drones absolutely, as regards the border areas, as regards the villages
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that are located on the border, namely fpv drones, mortars and artillery, they hit anywhere, it can be destroyed a private house, it can be a destroyed kindergarten or school or some outpatient clinic, absolutely without discrimination, but... well, we clearly understand their goal, it is to keep the civilian population in alarm, these are terrorist attacks, terrorist acts, we must admit that they actually succeed in this, because, well, if i tell you that sumyshchyna has been in a certain state for the last few days alarmed, because since last week , information about a possible attack on sumy oblast, about... the demining of the border from that side, and queues at car gas stations, activity in shops has appeared, a lot of people are calling and they say about
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that we need to leave, not leave, but people must clearly understand that sumy is the biggest border with the enemy, and if we have such a terrorist threat, then at any moment we are not limited and there can be any attack , but now i want to declare the responsible one. about the fact that all the defense forces are located in sumy oblast, all law enforcement agencies are located in sumy oblast, i will add all of them at once, so as not to ask separate questions, and works on the construction, strengthening, fortification, defense dams are probably also underway, well we understand, we don't specify the location there, but i'm very brief just to say why it's important, i'm just going to literally immediately let our viewers understand why it's important and build these. buildings and keep the defense forces in constant readiness, near the border with shostkinsky district, the enemy is concentrating powerful weapons, it is not specified which, but we understand very well that it is probably
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not even some long-range artillery, powerful weapons, obviously it is something that the enemy can use, and in the offensive, we understand that the offensive is all the same art training takes place in any case, it is no longer february 24, when the enemies entered there, looking for, and where is anyone here at all, please. in columns, yes, yes, so it must be understood that all the defense forces are in place, and the regional defense headquarters is working, communication is constantly working between border guards, between law enforcement officers, we, thanks to our intelligence, understand every step of the enemy, we understand the personnel of the enemy located outside sumy region, we understand the number of armored vehicles, we understand their plans, so there is definitely no need to panic here. moreover, as far as fortification is concerned, all the residents of sumy oblast, in one way or another, moving the territories of sumy oblast, see that sumy is actively, actively, being built. we are ready
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, i think completely, to meet the enemy, i hope that these fortifications will not be used by our defense forces, against them, and in the event of any escalation of the conflict, we are ready to fight back, and this fight back will be worthy, that is why people need to understand that, unfortunately, we have such an enemy, he is working to destroy, everyone at the border... day feels this on itself, however, we are ready to meet the enemy, and all the defense forces are in sumy oblast, on the territory, both the territorial defense and the zso, we work, we communicate, and there are no panicky moods, we have this, we have already been through this several times times, so they are superfluous today, we must inform, we must help the armed forces and believe in our defense forces, believe me, something like what happened
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on the 24th... will not happen, and well, we see, we see how it happens passages in the territory, we see that there is proper protection of the territory, so we are completely calm. thank you thank you very much for your comments, thank you for your work, dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate brigade of territorial defense of sumy oblast, and now we will talk about such military-political issues, and this issue is actually very irritating. who does not write on it, and people are involved, not involved, they can only influence, but they cannot, those who are participants, who it concerns, who it does not concern, we are talking about certain consular restrictions, ah, the behavior of ukrainian men , who left ukraine after february 24 and not only after the 24th. iryna fries, with us, people's deputy of ukraine, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, good afternoon, i want to continue this topic, and from what happened, well, there is
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a decision of the ministry of foreign affairs, and, that now consular services are not provided to conscript men aged 18 to 60 who are outside ukraine. yesterday we saw her very emotional behavior, emotional events in warsaw, in particular this video, the one that everyone saw yesterday was the inclusion of our correspondent also from warsaw, and even today some say that it is necessary, it is not only to evade. rights are duties and responsibilities of citizens, the statement of the ministry of defense that subpoenas will not be served on these people and a lot of other things, let's start from the beginning, a similar decision, the one that was adopted by the ministry of foreign affairs, to what extent it is justified, not justified , and in your opinion, what was the goal when it was adopted, because there must be a goal that we will achieve in reality, not in words, but in reality,
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well, first of all, i would start. not from the fact that it is right or wrong, but from the fact that it is illegal, that is, this decision, or let's say, this letter signed by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, which was sent to consular institutions abroad, regarding the temporary restriction of the provision of consular services, is illegal. moreover, i see that the law enforcement authorities should be interested in the person who signed the official documents. by the person who signed this letter, because from my point of view this is, on the one hand , an abuse of power and an excess of official duties, on the other hand, inflicting a significant an image attack on ukrainians and ukraine. well , and the right of image, you know, there is such a concept, well, what is also voiced in ukraine, i
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can't disagree with that here either. why exactly the same citizens of ukraine who, well, some of them left ukraine legally, men, i mean waxed, some illegally, some conditionally legally, but in any case, men who are currently in in ukraine, both at the front and not at the front, someone can be at the front, someone from the front will return to civilian life, well, women, men, who are fighting today or died, they ask a logical question, why should we, and you should not, what is the difference? i think that , first of all, we should all refrain from manipulations that try to split the unity of our society and the unity of our people, someone is very keen to draw another line of fault between different groups of people, in particular in this case after the stormy autumn and the split of the field.


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