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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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defense retreated in the direction of the next settlement of kostiantynka. the armed forces of the russian federation launched an active attack on the village seven months ago. during this time, having lost tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of armored vehicles, they managed to break through to the west for 13 km. this is too little to secure the railway line donetsk-volnovakha mariupol, so the russians want to develop success. they are storming all over the country. front from mikilsky and to the recently captured victory, but they fail. near marinka between victory and in georgiivka, the occupiers occupied part of the gray zone, moving their positions one kilometer to the west. fierce fighting continues in krasnohorivka, where last week the rashists stormed the southern and eastern outskirts of the city. the defense forces managed to partially knock out the occupiers from the eastern districts, and the battles for the southern buildings continue to this day. z...
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is preparing for the deoccupation of crimea. five american atak ms missiles hit the airfield near dzhankoy, where, in addition to airplanes and rotorcraft, an air defense division was stationed. as a result , four launchers of the newest were destroyed s-400 triumph. two s-300 installations, three radar stations, an unknown number of aircraft, and also detonated a warehouse of ammunition for air defense. the elimination of the unique is especially important. air defense management in crimea. according to its characteristics, it could track and direct air defense to 10,000 targets, but could not stop the ms attacks. now the calculation has begun: how many such missiles does the armed forces need to completely destroy russian air defense in occupied crimea. and in sevastopol, rockets hit the unique kamun ship, built back in the distant pre-revolutionary
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year of 1915 to rescue submarines. currently, he was extracting from the bottom elements important for the enemy, the ex-flagship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, cruiser moskva. strategic victories over russia. for the first time, our air force, together with the main directorate of intelligence and the security service of ukraine, made a successful ambush and shot down a strategic russian bomber tu-22m3, which... happened after an attack on the territory of our state. it's not even that there are about 30 left in russia similar aircraft and it cannot produce new ones. and the fact that now they will be extremely careful, so the number of attacks on ukraine may decrease. in addition, three pilots were killed, which is extremely rare for such a unique aircraft in the armed forces of the russian federation. however, the real breakthrough was the drone strike on the strategic nuclear radar station. container cover in the city
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of kavilkino, in mordovia. the station provided calculation and control for air defense launchers located throughout russia, especially concentrated under moscow, and should repel the blows of the enemy's heavy ballistic missiles. without this station, it is impossible to repel ballistic strikes. hopefully eight blasts from our drones were enough to ensure sufficient damage to the container. in... in addition, our air defense for the first time shot down two kh-22 supersonic cruise missiles and one modernized kh-32. dozens of ukrainian drones visited eight russian regions, explosions occurred in the moscow, belgorod, bryansk, kursk, tula, smolensk, ryazan and kaluga regions power stations, fuel storage bases and other objects of the enemy's critical infrastructure. thus, in the smolensk region , an oil depot, which was the main one, burned down. a transit
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hub for exports from belarusian oil refineries in the rostov region , in kamiansk-shakhtynsk, drones set fire to the chemical plant, which produces solid fuel for anti-aircraft missiles, in kazan, drones attacked the garbonov air plant, which produces tu-22m and tu-160-m strategic bombers . we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, let's talk with oleksandr kovalenko, a military observer of the information sproter group, congratulations, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, let's, you know, let's start with such urgent news, well, the senate has already voted to help ukraine, we've been waiting for this moment for a long time, it's clear that the president joe biden of the united states of america will sign it in the near future, and here is what we can expect, because of course, for six months, we have been very actively talking about the fact that we lack ... we lack, let's say, on the front lines
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of this aid, and that now we can get in the near future from this aid, well , here we must understand that... this general aid is financial, it is the largest than that which was allocated during the 22nd and 23rd years, and this aid will start to be allocated actually immediately after that , as the relevant document will be signed by president joseph biden, and this will happen by the end of april, that is, all the logistics chains themselves, they will already be working by the end of april, but... and this does not mean that we get all of it at once, it will be the same system, and from it will not be refused by the usa, as in 22-23, i.e. two packages each month, with the exception of april, april, most likely there will be one package at the end of the month itself, and
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this package will include the appropriate weapons, so each month there will be two aid packages in the first two weeks and the last two weeks. and what will be included in the first package is definitely, it seems to me, there will still be a nomenclature of ammunition, precisely the ammunition that our artillery needs, and we do not exclude even the presence of artillery itself, barrel or jet, these will be anti-aircraft guided missiles for air defense systems, and some or other modifications, and i do not rule out that they can be... even missiles of the operational-tactical level, that is, attacks, again for delivering deep strikes temporarily of the occupied territories on the objects of the russian occupiers, and a separate article will in any case be about the equipment,
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i am not talking about abrams tanks, but it is medium and lightly armored equipment that is necessary, the same m2 a2 bradleys, which are excellent proven in... in battles in the zone hostilities, and therefore it can be approximately this, approximately such a list of this equipment and weapons that we can get in the first package, and then gradually it will be another nomenclature, other means of defeat, and the same mechanized component, well you already mentioned missile attacks, and now there is talk, well, at least in the military , there is a conversation that it is possible there... missiles will be provided, increased already, well, by an increased distance of the impression, up to 300 km, something like that, but does this mean that we will finally be able to use these missiles in the russian way an airfield on the territory of russia, are these,
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you know, so far, well, romantic expectations, but no, i do not think that we will receive permission to use western weapons on the territory. of the russian federation, we will remain in the position that on the temporarily occupied territories, yes, that is, we will and will continue to make this commitment, and on the territory of the russian federation, western weapons will not be used, and therefore precisely for striking objects on the territory of russia, and we will use the component of own production, ah-ah. this will stimulate the military-industrial complex, and we can really get a modification for 300 km with atakams, and because in the south of crimea, we still cannot reach block one modification with atakams,
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and that is why we need something this is more effective at a longer distance, in the south of crimea there are many such objects that need to be hit, first of all, these are divisions. anti-aircraft missile spiders, which are concentrated there, and their destruction has an important role. well, here you are, when you say that there is after all, there is something to destroy even on the territory of crimea, so maybe you can explain it somehow, and how will we see it, that is, it is something that they are shooting at ukraine, it is some, i don’t know, ships, well, that is, what is it, in such simple words? i think that in the first place it will be about means of anti-aircraft defense. first of all, they will destroy air defense equipment with a long range, that is, it is the s-400, and each of them is for a missile regiment, each division has cover for the s-400 in the form of
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zrgk pan s1, which precisely cover the 400 at short distances, that is, complexes small radius of action, and it will be a comprehensive destruction of such a thing... and the cover, in principle, there is something to destroy, i will say this, because the russians in crimea, what was in dzhankoya, in dzhankoya it was only one division from the composition. but there are still 18 zrp of feodosia, as well as 18 zrp located on mysla tarkhankut, and therefore at least two more divisions must be liquidated. in addition , the 12th zrp, the anti-aircraft missile regiment, is located in crimea, it is located in sevastopol, as well as in the yevpatoria region, and the third radio engineering regiment. which is also located on cape torkhankut and the destruction of which liquidation also has its own meaning, so there is still
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work to be done, well, but i understand that after all, atkms is not something that should fly there on an external bridge, it is not very effective in this case, depending on the modifications, in dependencies, and there are several modifications of missiles, and those that flew over the airfields in berdyansk and luhansk, as well as over dzhanka, are exactly the modification. with a warhead of the cassette type, and there is a modification of the warhead with a volume detonating in the air before impact with the surface, that is, it also effective against the accumulation of manpower, equipment, repair bases, and so on, and there is a combat unit of the penetrating type, concrete-breaking type, that is, it is used against fortified objects, headquarters, which are even underground, and in addition to everything else, it can be... . to use it for the destruction of the railway branch on the kerch
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bridge as an option, it cannot be said that it will be possible to destroy the support on which this or that part of the kerch bridge is located from the first time, but in general it is to destroy spans, that's exactly how she will show herself off. well, actually, have we finally come to the moment when we will see the supply of air defense systems from the united states, directly, because until now we have had air defense systems, american, but not from the united states, so has this moment finally come? we see that even germany is now trying to put pressure on the usa, they say, well, you are the biggest user, the operator of the paatriot air defense system. let's at least you battery patriot also join our coalition, which is now to
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things have actually already found potential, let's call it that, customers who can transfer four batteries to ukraine, patriot, and that's not bad, it's very good, this is where the question becomes not available, here the question arises in the training of crews and operators so that they are for use. and therefore another battery from the usa, well, it would be appropriate, it is necessary to close cities of millions, it is necessary to close strategically important places, as well as to cover extremely dangerous directions and locations along the line of combat, or in some others, for some other very interesting scenarios, well , let's know, let's talk a little more about... directly the situation on the line of contact, well, it's clear now,
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let's put it this way, an active attack by the russians is not that possible, well, not that it is not active, he is active, but he is not very successful near the time ravine, but we saw at least in the last days two points where they managed to advance, that's how far the 70 79 brigade did not hold nova mykhailivka, but it is closer to vuguledar, but still. .. was forced to leave and here is how it can affect in the future, what does this mean that it gives the russians some significant advantages? for the russian occupying forces, it was very important to capture novomykhaivka, this is their further advance to line 05-32, that is, in fact, it is about the route between marinka and ugleda. and further beyond novomykhaivka will already be kostyantynivka, which
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is directly located on this route 0532. they need this advance of the russian occupiers in order to create a safety buffer for the railway, the railway, ah, which actually goes south, from the donetsk region to the south , that is, through volnovakha exactly this one transport university. and this path is under the influence of fire from our artillery, there is no point in them restoring any logistics there as long as it is in the hit zone. that is why they are trying to advance to the 05-32 line, but in novomykhaivka, one must understand that, first of all, it is a completely destroyed village, because the battles for it, especially so intense, took place for almost a year, for almost a year, the russian occupiers tried capture this village using a rather
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serious potential of the resource, there was also this one very well known to everyone 155. the marine infantry brigade, which was destroyed several times under the ugledars, the russian command decided to transfer them to novomykhaivka, so the russians will now press against kostiantynivka, and for them this advance will also be very difficult, and it may take a lot of time, i.e. some kind of quick victory, some kind of very quick advancement will not happen, besides everything else, there is also... we have enough for them, a difficult landscape begins, and if you advance there, there are bodies of water that are a natural obstacle, and it is enough the village of proskov'ivka is also uncomfortable for advancement, so now the next stage of the exit to
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poroskov'ivka and the battles for it, not so much for kostyantynivka, but for proskoivka, well, that is, in fact, we have there... now there is a direction where they are probably concentrated and trying to advance no less than there under the time ravine, about which they talk a lot, yes, during the time of the yar, the direction of ocheretino, novomykhaivka - these are now the most hot locations, and they remain the hottest intensity of offensive actions, others the sections of the battle line of the conflict, and they are less intense, there are... manifestations of assault actions, but what else should be noted is beilohorivka, srebyansky forestry and thorn bushes, but in general the russians have reduced the intensity compared to, for example, the end of the 23rd a the beginning of the 24th year. well , ocheretin, as far as i understand, can already be considered lost in principle, that is
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, at least that's what they're talking about there, more or less, and a lot. moving to novokalynovo, novobakhmutivtsi is also there, this is already the old avdiiv shade, it is rather necessary to sow now, i don't know, well maybe pokrovsky, so to speak, because this, this place is the one on which the wishes of the russians are concentrated, their attempt to attack pokrovsk, but what about ochereteny. well, to what extent this loss undermines the possibility of building our line of defense, after all, because it was about building a defense along certain heights there, over there, over water obstacles, that's how it will be now, because in
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principle, well, there is a loss there, let's say so, ocherte na... well ocherine in itself for now that it is not completely lost, the hostilities continue there, the russians really entered the settlement, they control part of it, especially the southern part, and now they are trying to drive them out of there, especially the units of the 47th separate omsbr are trying to do this, it should be noted separately , why exactly ocheretina, because ocheretina is located... along the route 0511, in fact 0511 is, logistically, it leads to pokrovsk, so why - the russians intend to advance in the direction of pokrovsk, and besides everything else, ocheretona is located further north than it was placed, where
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our defense lines and frontiers are now, west of avdiivka. that is, on the one hand, they continue to advance, they try to continue advancing in the direction of pokrovsk, on the other hand, they try to bypass our defense lines so as not to go head-on, not to waste a lot of resources, they stick to the main logistical artery 0.511, that is, along the route, this is their advance refutes logistics in the first place, but there are relevant nuances from this report, that is, they do not control their the southern flank, and this is a threat to the pod, if the flanks are not... lined up, they risk being in, to put it mildly, not a very comfortable position, if they continue to advance in this particular direction, something can
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happen, and so yes or else they will be forced to stop this advance and start to level the flanks, most likely after they take full control of the village itself, but again , that hasn't happened yet. ugh. well, i understand that there, there is such an opportunity to have them from several sides, well, to hit and somehow change their ability to move, but for this, accordingly, you need to have more opportunities, means and strength. about which we can, so to speak, expect for now, but there is still nothing to talk about in this regard. well thank you. it was oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group. thank you very much. joined us, i remind you about our fpv collection of drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, now we have a short break, after it to
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we will be joined by yehor firsov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, and we will talk about what is happening with him at the front and what is happening around his unit. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, we are live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, chernobyl. the most terrible man-made disaster in the world, a disaster that affected hundreds of thousands of people, destroyed hundreds
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of thousands of destinies, the consequences of this tragedy are still felt, so we continue, yehor firsov, a military serviceman, joined us. serving in a company of attack uavs. congratulations yehor. i wish everyone good health. well, actually, i want to say that you have such a collection for the needs of the 109th brigade with the goal of 1.5 million. and actually, for what exactly? mostly drones, i understand. as a rule, yes, well, in principle, not mainly, and there are fpv drones that we work with, our team directly, the only thing, we are still. have not fully decided whether they will be night drones or ordinary daytime drones, but because daytime drones, because the enemy has now actively moved to offensive actions at night, and
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here we are, well, fp drones, drones are high-precision weapons, and we are now shifting more to night work. well, you already started to say a little bit that the enemy switched to such active offensive actions at night, in general, what... appeared from such a possible new tactic of the enemy, well, first of all, we saw that for some time they used a lot of equipment, a lot of it as a result, it was burning, then very recently such of them appeared, you know, large barbecues on tanks and equipment, it is interesting how does it actually work, that is, is it effective at all? yes, well, let 's start from the end, barbecues on tanks, we all laughed about it, you remember those pictures there, it's not really that, well, it's very effective, because well , for example, we can't hit a tank in full, because it's protected (fpv drone), i
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mean, because it is protected by such a structure, i am not a tanker and i have never even driven in a tank, not that i worked there, i don't know there, how the crew behaves there, what they see , but what i we as fpv operators drones cannot... effectively destroy a tank that is equipped with such protective devices, this is a fact, and it is a real pity, i see that some of ours, our equipment is not up to the mark, if we neglect such and such, well, here is the equipment, let’s say so , here, and this allows, of course, the enemy fpv drone operator to destroy our equipment better. so, well, this is where the enemy has a certain advantage, because he begins to think deeper, for understanding, but i will tell you this,
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somewhere 30-40. tiv fpv drones were shot down by the enemy with rifles, not kalashnikov assault rifles, but with special rifles, shotguns, i i understand, they have target crews who are on duty and protect the equipment itself, that is , when, for example, we fly it there on saushka, which is a self-propelled artillery installation that gives nightmares to our infantry, we fly past the enemy, but the most important thing is to fly. this is the crew that starts patrolling, and if he hears the enemy crew, if he hears that the fpv bird is flying, he starts chasing them, that is, they are orcs, well, specifically for this function, and this is their function to knock down half-buckets with shotguns, and in general, i will say frankly, the tactics of the enemy are not changed, it was polished starting
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there from... the bakhmut offensive of these small groups, it was polished as much as possible in avdiivka, and everything that was in avdiivka, everything now, is being implemented by the enemy along the entire front line, starting from ugledar, ending there at the very end limanu, and here it is in the wide use of fabs, planes, all the artillery flies. and unfortunately, the enemy continues to outnumber us in terms of artillery installations and shells in general, and these are small groups, mainly storming our positions at night, that’s in principle the situation looks like this, but have you ever seen in your direction that they were trying to storm, here they are there on golf carts, here some on motorcycles, that is, now in the summer they start using such things, and it seems that it is
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a little more difficult in theory hit them when they all go on one armor of some kind, there are several of them at once, and you hit and hit all of them, and then they become distracted and seem to be more difficult, have you ever encountered such a thing or not? of course we encountered, in fact only yesterday i saw it on the monitor screen, constantly, that is these columns have already ended, wide gatherings, i, for example, have never, well, i saw the last time somewhere near avdiivka, if i am not mistaken, it was there somewhere in... october there were significant gatherings of infantry, that is, there were 40 orcs, something like that, now, well, the most we can see is six or eight orcs that appeared there and quickly hid, and we need time to fly there, hit them with aim and so on, so the tactics are a lot of them, so how is it how it differentiated like this, that is, there were many, many small groups, small ones...
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small movements, you can even see how they go on motorcycles, buggies, bicycles and so on, well, by the way, this applies to the appearance of fpv drones and the same with us, for example, there were cases when i walked to position 3 ,5 km, because it was much safer to go on foot than to drive on the road, which, if it wasn't for the fact that it was shot through, but also flew through... that is , for fpv, someone is walking there, for example, he saw me, well, i protected myself branches of trees, i go to graze there and feel calm, but if i go without a reb just on drivers, well, it is very, very dangerous if an fpv drone sees me, that is, i, as an fpv drone operator, as a platoon commander of fpv drones, see this as a significant threat, and now we
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have just started to equip it. there are cars with a reb, that is, we drive and jam everything around us, but unfortunately, not everyone has such installations, but it is desirable that, in principle, now every moving car, i don’t know, there are buggies, if you want, there whatever, a motorcycle wants to have rap on it, which stunned everything around it in the range of 50-100 m. well, but well, this threatens the fact that you can also touch some of your own drones, apparently. absolutely correct, the problem is that when we raise the fpv bird, the main problem is ours, the first is to fly our rap, because it is closer to us, that is, we, let’s say so, and the midshipmen, and there is infantry, there is a certain mykola , his wife made a collection, e.


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