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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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we have just started to equip cars with a rebo, that is, we drive and jam everything around us, but unfortunately, not everyone has such installations, it is desirable that the principles are now everything that moves, cars, i don’t know, there are buggies, if you want, there, anything, even a motorcycle, to have a rap on it, which jammed in the range of 50, 100 m, everything around you, well, but it threatens that you can get caught and your own drones, probably, absolutely true, the problem is that when we raise the fpv bird, the main problem is ours, the first is fly our rap, because it is closer to us, that is, we are, let’s say, the fivishniks, and there is an infantryman, there is a certain mykola, his wife made a collection for him, and... she collected for a small rap, so
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mykola brought it with him to the position and turns on this rap uncoordinatedly, and jams us, and we think that it is the orcs who are jamming us, and so on, and there are simply millions of such processes at the front, yes, uncoordinated processes, and we need to start, well, let's say this, to do this, if you want chaos in the good sense of the word, because war is always a bit of chaos, and sometimes not a bit. do its controlled, trained, here, with a lot of data, so that you open the tablet and see where you have a reb, where it is turned on, how to fly it and so on. this is, by the way , well, a very, very important question, and i want to say, i was active there in civilian life, and i had less chats and correspondence than when i, for example, sit in trench positions, because you constantly correspond with these... agree on
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frequencies so that you do not interrupt, in short, i am now starting to climb already in the wild, i will say only one thing that what you see in the video when the fp flies, this is only the tip of the iceberg, behind all this there is a profound, frankly unreal, great work and moderation of this work, well, let's say so, by the senior command, so that it is as effective as possible. well, i understand that so far there is no such unified system for the coordination of uavs and the work of the guys, but is it theoretically possible on the basis of the nettle or something like that, but it is theoretically possible and it goes to that, and for example, my task as a sergeant-in-chief and to make this consistency between units, between there, for example, those who it also flies between infantry and so on, that is, it is...
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to provide communication, it is possible, well , listen olga, let's say it like this, even a year ago, fpv drone for many people was generally super, some kind of surprise, some kind of miracle, a year passed and no one now you won't be surprised by this, realistically, the fpv drone destroys a tank, and a sau, and a sundial, and a tor, and whatever, and there are many more of them, thousands and thousands, right now , every second, i'm probably on... well, hundreds for sure drones in the air this second, and maybe even thousands, of course an increase the use of drones, and it requires a certain moderation and problems arise, so everything goes before this, that this problem will gradually be solved there, but certainly not immediately. well, how do you assess the saturation of the occupying forces with drones now, because... they
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are trying to do this as well, they have contacts with china there, as far as we are concerned, they ultimately have a certain base and the ability to produce it quite far from the front, that is, now you can assess whether things have increased or become more organized, how is that? i will thank you right away. by the way, to your viewers, because here the phone vibrates and they constantly ring, thank you very, very much, we will use everything as intended and with... the best video report, how we burn and destroy something, so, but i have, i have one clarification, we are we talking exclusively about fpv drones or the field of uavs in general, well, let’s talk about fpv, it’s still interesting, about fpv i would say that everything is not so bad, the situation in them, they feel that there is more fpv, i can’t say the number , but feels more fpv, they can use this fpv as just another one. a drone, that is, if we have
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a target, we only then use the drone, they use it, they just picked it up and are looking for a target, but did not find it, the drone just fell there, or hit somewhere. there and so on, and here, ah, the initiative and use of the ability to use this drone is ours, we are much better at using it, much more developed crews, somewhere i would say half-heads per head, we are better in use, but half-heads per head they are better in security, if we talk about problems in general, then the enemy is much more in this and that components. wins, because they have long-range drones, reconnaissance drones, which, for example, well, as of now, i am in a more or less comfortable place, that is, 20 km from the front line, and i do not exclude that, for example, it is flying above me now a reconnaissance drone is easy,
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it draws something, i, for example, am not so much a target, that is, just a car, but this drone will record the movement of equipment, the accumulation of infantry, what goes where... somewhere enters, leaves and so on, that is, this constant monitoring , and even with this, the enemy will certainly win, if he could to draw something like that is interesting for him, then he immediately transfers this data to other groups there and they already send missiles there, shaheds there and everything else, that is, the war has become more online, and the information is interesting as of now, i know a lot, a lot points where, for example, robo... the enemy's c300 system was working, but it doesn't give me anything, i need it to work now, so that in 10 minutes i can assemble my drone and hit this system, already there, if it's a state for yesterday, well , it doesn't give me anything, that's why the birds, which hover in the sky and are constantly watching,
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analyze the situation, he has a significant advantage, and unfortunately, the enemy now has this advantage, so our engineering rooms, our state in general, here are the strategists. it is very important to beat the enemy not on the battlefield, in the engineering rooms, by involving our engineers, there are foreign engineers, we have something to offer the whole world and so on, in fact, exactly the problem you say, we can see now, when our system, well, on the kharkiv district, and it was clear that this is precisely the work of this reconnaissance drone, which simply scans and has opportunity to bring russian missiles and there were missile strikes by iskander, and in fact, until this situation of combating such uav scouts is resolved, the air defense situation will not be resolved, because we cannot bring the air defense so close, it will be expressed absolutely, so in fact this is
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the biggest problem, i think this is the problem with these drones, thank you very much, egor firsov, our time is running out, i just wish you the best... success in your work, and be sure to donate, i invite everyone to any drumming bpla, it's very important, eh our time is up, see you in a week, stay with espresso, we have a lot of interesting stuff. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project
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for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. i like to fight for my own country, i think it is a great honor for a man to take up arms and take responsibility for his actions. my name is mykhailo kovaliv, i currently serve in the dorobytskyi tsp, military. "i was still present on the maidan, of course i had such a youthful call to all this, i was still a young boy then, i wanted some kind of movement, some drive, change in the country, and then of course i wanted to go and fight for my country, for my
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homeland, i wanted changes, of course, i was a student at first, i did not finish the first year, unfortunately, and..." the end of the maidan was the month of may, yes, then the maidan was already dissolved, and i had already volunteered, the right sector, yes. there were not enough weapons for everyone, even here i was waiting for my turn, when i would have the first combat, two months, because there were also certain situations there, well, there was a lack of weapons, a lack of certain understandings of what was happening in general, a lack of experience, but the instructor came from abroad, we were taught by former afghans, that is, something was being built, so something compared to ukrainian nationalism, a certain kind of compactness, that's what we had there, it's normal to work with small arms, a grenade thrower, a bolt thrower. they tried everything possible, i just liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, and i generally
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did everything i wanted, that is, i wanted, i was taught, and i was in reconnaissance, i was in the infantry, i was in the assault troops units, that is, i tried everything , in the 15th year i already transferred to the azov regiment, in the 15th and 17th years i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino, then there was more trench warfare like this, hundred... like the first world, there are generally slightly different situations, there are guys with a completely different worldview, they have a more developed warrior cult, honor and dignity, and certain historical facts, and of course i really liked azov, because there, it is fashionable there, there it is a trend to fight, to fight for one's country, in the 20th year i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade. yes, i wanted to try something new in general in life, but i knew that the armed forces of ukraine have a certain
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bureaucracy, there are certain shortcomings, of course, and i wanted to try it myself, of course, that there are pros and cons in the armed forces of ukraine, but this ukrainian army is modern, and we are building this army, and we are changing this army for the better. already bring out and on february 24, what am i for , of course, what i met in trench warfare, this is the full scale for me, what i expected , almost what i wanted, and full drive , full-scale war, planes, aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream has already come true, i think that this is what i lived for to meet that's all and to overcome all this is bad, then i was already redirected to... the front line and the vicinity of the front line, there were no shells, unfortunately, the situation
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was very bad with the artillery, it practically did not work on our side, if they fired at us, i don't know, probably, every a minute, how much is there, how much is needed, then we could respond in an hour, one or two, then in the front line we were constantly moving around, we were an assault group, well , an assault group, an assault unit, we practically did not... the battle begins, because the russians constantly climbed somewhere, always wanted something, there were a lot of them, unfortunately, from all sides, we already started to be killed, unfortunately, three hundred, and unfortunately, i was also wounded, it was sometime in the morning, we were created again, again some new unit, because we already have less people, they told us that we should go there, there are already a certain number of enemy forces there, and we need
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to hold that front, we left and again, we don’t know where they are, which units are near us, that’s how it all is, i don’t know how in the blind, but of course, that the blood was boiling, them, we had to be there, a combat clash, i was wounded, i i had to report that my boys were injured, i was asked to call them out. i was the commander of the detachment at the time, i am right , i am reporting, unfortunately, i am leaving the protected city a little, it flies above my knee, i can no longer feel my leg, unfortunately, i already have two wounded, the situation, unfortunately, is no longer under control, i am already dragged along the street, over stones, with their hands, that's how, because the car couldn't drive up, because the enemy was working, in sub-islands, so naturally in sub-islands, with risky shelling, and in a hurry, here i am there was one 300, two more. more was added later, but somehow, there were no buildings of any kind, all the boys were somehow dragging
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themselves, somehow they barely got there, barely hobbled, then our evacuation car drove up, almost from here too, and only then did they get into hospital, he can remember his brothers, whom i saw a minute ago, he is alive, he communicates with me, he jokes, together we dream of something better, for a better ukraine. but unfortunately, he is already in a minute, unfortunately, he is gone, there were a lot of such cases, we, unfortunately, the 24th brigade suffered a lot of losses, over the course of a long time i was treated for about six months, i was taken out of... out of state, so similar, as standard, here is this bureaucracy, nothing to worry about, i went through all these situations, then , of course, i didn't want to to be disabled, i still want to return to the east, when i was wounded, i did not know at all that such a status was of limited use, because it was something strange for me, i do not know what it was, then, then the order came that we we can't take you east, because you are limited in suitability,
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i still get a disability of the third group, and i didn't want to be a burden for the guy. by order of the general staff, i was transferred to the tcc of the tsp in the city of dorhobych. i started informing people, saying that you should go to the army, carry military registration documents with you, there is a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstanding, mostly more than 90% are very aggressive. what did ukraine give me, and why do i have to go to fight, to open the borders in general, i am from here first of all, i can give you my passport, and why doesn’t zelenskyy go, and why doesn’t the government go, a lot of chatter, a million reasons for a... to abdicate responsibility as a man, there must be some kind of warrior cult, that is that we are the descendants of the zaporozhye cossacks, that we are the descendants of sich riflemen, that we are the descendants of ounup, it must be somehow in in such a state, unfortunately, the times of knights, unfortunately, are no longer the same, the knights are already gone, here are these soldiers in fact, real patriots, those who i do not want to offend everyone,
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of course, there are people left here who are of course also patriots of ukraine, but mostly those who love supassion, supassion. people are what that's the main thing for them to open the fridge, and there was a sausage for 11 hryvnias, everything is full, and some kind of spiritual development, some kind of spiritual, where you are from, your history, the future, they are not interested, the main thing is that there would be work, it is difficult with such people to work, to talk about why you have to fight for your country, because unfortunately they don’t understand it, then, probably money, i plan on until i get fed up, until, or until i’m wounded, or until god forbid, maybe i will not be alive, but i will know that i am for... all i could do, my conscience, my honor, my dignity, i will know my that i did everything as much as possible, i am the guys, my friends will know my acquaintances, i am responsible for myself, ukraine begins with me, personally, i give everything, anything, to them still able to give, i don't see anything wrong with that. see
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this week in the collaborators program. selling bloggers, as a resident of makiivka, stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes his own choice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors. after the regiment, the heart and wallet went to serve the rashi occupiers. the bloody war unleashed by russia in ukraine showed that the internet and modern technologies have completely changed the tactics of the struggle, other fronts have appeared that also need to be defended. we are talking, in particular, about social networks, which rashka uses as a platform for his propaganda. to throw the desired message into
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the information space, it is enough to have a page or a telegram channel with a crowded audience, which reads, listens and most importantly. is not listened to, the kremlin goebbels are helped by tame and obedient bloggers, of course for wooden rubles. our today's issue is about the so-called influencers who, through social networks , called to support the occupation of our cities, vote in illegal referendums and help the russian invaders in every possible way, such as the blogger vasiliev from makiivka. relatives, look at the power. his full name is vasiliev. gennadivych was born in 1993 in the city of makivka, donetsk region, where he graduated school and college. dad was a miner, and mother was a steamroller. well, i just realized that for me studying is nothing at all, well, i don't need it. at that moment, i already understood, there was a time, that the director said: "look, vasiliev will not achieve anything, and only bad things await you in life. we must note that
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the director was not mistaken, nothing good grew out of vasiliev. when 2000". in the 14th year, russia began the occupation of the donetsk region, vasiliev did not think for long that he became a militant of the terrorist dpr with the call sign mongol. these flew in on helicopters, the city of trash, people, just mirnyak. i realized that you can't stand aside when history is being made. from this piece of the video, you might think that it tells about the russian military, which occupied our territories, threw rockets at the civilian population. and then uncle vova saw what was happening, then, thanks to him, he did not stand aside and sent troops. this nonsense
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is told with a serious face by a person who stopped learning after the fifth grade, that is, thinking, and even more so, not logically at all about him. the kremlin's propaganda machine is designed for such people. in his latest interview, vasiliev tells when russia held an illegal referendum in 2014. in donetsk region and luhansk region regarding their independence as so-called people's republics, of course he voted for it, after which he threw away his ukrainian passport and , in general, then, as now, he is ready to hand over ukrainian patriots to the russian executioners. were there no people in your circle who remained on the side of ukraine? no, if there were, they would already be sitting somewhere in the fsb. i would work immediately this topic. aren't you afraid of this status of stukaj? you imagine if... there was a man in my circle, a valuable spy who could spread a beacon somewhere. later , vasiliev became a toothless blogger on an electric scooter in the temporarily occupied
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makiivka. now he has 90,000 followers on tik-tok, 122,000 on telegram and 236 on instagram. to this entire audience, the vasilivs promote russian peace, bring humanitarian aid to the walking black bags. he attributes all shelling of the civilian population. ukraine and shoots a video for soldiers, where he thanks them for protecting the russian land from ukrainian fascists. and according to the schedule, thanks to putin every day, like a prayer. today, they came together and voted for our future, because it will be the best with such a president. yevgeny, you can thank putin before that for the fact that he destroyed all this, although with your... intelligence you cannot understand the real picture. now this blogger is sitting in makiivka, and we really hope that when donetsk region is under the ukrainian flag, vasiliev will go to our prison. not
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the fact that with his intelligence he will be able to understand his sentence, but i think his cellmates will explain everything to him. our next traitor is just starting her career as a blogger-collaborator, but i'm sure. you have definitely heard of her. on march 9, 2022, russia bombed mariupol. at that time, he was hit in maternity hospital number three. one of the journalists noticed a bloodied pregnant woman near the maternity hospital. it was mariana vyshemirska. the whole world sympathized with her. but as it turns out later, the woman will choose the side of those on whose orders she is, and her even then an unborn child could die. mariana will vote for putin. to go to parades and wear the goriv ribbon, saying that mariupol is part of russia. dear president of ukraine volodymyr oleksandrovych.
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you promised that the ukrainian army would be able to protect us, but as a result, the city turned into a cage. until february 24 , little was known about mariana. at first, she lived in the donetsk region in the temporarily occupied makiivka. in 2020, they met their future husband and moved. to mariupol, where she was caught in a full-scale attack war. after the bloody events of march 2022, mariana disappeared from the information space for a while, and then unexpectedly began to appear in videos of a similar nature. everyone goes to russia, to donetsk on their own initiative. people leave both for ukraine from mariupol and for russia. everyone makes their own choice. as it turned out, mariana returned to temporarily occupied donetsk, where she began to build. blogger's career under a tricolor cloth. on the one hand, mariana positions herself as a beauty expert. she has 72 followers in instagram, and on the other hand as a volunteer and
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public figure, and this is what her telegram channel page with 7 thousand subscribers is dedicated to. mariana concentrated her volunteer activities around mariupol. first , on september 1, 2022, she visited the temporarily occupied mariupol and distributed balls in the color of the russian flag to the students of one of the... schools, later she wrote about how happy the children are in the seemingly peaceful mariupol: after that, the woman began to bring humanitarian aid from russia to the temporarily occupied donetsk, and later it turned out that she was almost the only one the russians admitted to olenivska colony, the place where our captured soldiers were kept at that time. there, the traitor talked with one of the ukrainian defenders and later wrote: a post that the fighter urged the ukrainian authorities to go to peace talks with russia. i am currently on a mission to connect prisoners of war with their families
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because i am a mother. as a woman, a wife, i understand their pain and fear. we remember the tragedy that the rashists staged in the olenivska colony. so i wonder how much marianna's rotten oregano is worth, or a lot the kremlin paid for her not just to betray ukraine, but to work off the bloody rubles in such a priceless way. when ukraine won the oscar for the film 20 days in mariupol, the vyshemir woman in her interview for the solovyov program called the film a fair of hypocrisy. for her ukrainians are allegedly making fakes about what happened in mariupol, while she is engaged in important matters. in the film, they used more profitable shots at the moment of evacuation, i can't call it anything other than a fair of hypocrisy. the important thing is to vote for putin in the presidential elections and call on others to do so, star in another propaganda video in mariupol and distribute humanitarian aid with words
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of thanks to russia. now this zaprodanka positions herself as a volunteer, an adviser to the leader of the muslims of the fake lpr and a member of the so-called assembly of the peoples of eurasia. at the same time, it continues to parasitize on the sensitive topic of mariupol, as it realizes that its popularity will not fade, it will become unnecessary for the kremlin, which means that rubles will stop flying onto the map and it will again become a gray noun. but marianne, i have good news for you. our law enforcement agencies will definitely not forget you, and you will return to ukrainian mariupol, where you will answer for all your actions. in your case, the carriage will definitely turn into a pumpkin, and you will go on foot, but not home, to the butcher shop. it was a collaborator program and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week
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ether espresso. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. quick evaluations of the vkks, how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. not restarting and personnel renewal of the judiciary on the basis of norms of professional ethics and integrity - this is the basis of the judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for us further path to the eu.
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let's talk about how successfully the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards. today, but first to the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed volodymyr kupin, the judge of the balakli district court of the kharkiv region, who is suspected of treason under martial law. according to the investigation materials, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion on february 27 , 2022, the judge moved to kupyansk, captured by the russians, and began to cooperate with the occupiers within a few months , kupin was already a representative of the occupation authorities in the premises of the kupyan district state administration. advised local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed alla demidovskaya, judge of the solomyansky district court of kyiv. in 2015 , the decision to dismiss the judge was made by the then supreme council of justice. parliament dismissed demidovska by its resolution and the judge appealed decision. the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only that year in june.
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decision of the supreme council'. the dismissal petitions are upheld. in march 2013, alla demidovskaya was caught by the security service and the prosecutor's office while receiving a bribe. she, along with another judge andriy makuha and lawyer yevgeny pedenka, received $700 for speeding up the proceedings regarding the violation of customs legislation. the special service claimed that alla demidovska was supposed to receive $500 according to a previous agreement. despite the criminal case dymydovska continued to be a judge during the revolution of dignity. chose a preventive measure against the activist vladyslav tsilytskyi, detention allegedly due to mass riots and disobedience to law enforcement officers. in the report, the suspect stated that after the arrest, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed van, after being examined by paramedics, he was taken to an emergency hospital . svitlana kolegayeva, the judge of the disney flight to kyiv, mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine and asks to stop the case against her regarding drunk driving. in 2021.
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the judge is intoxicated while driving.


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