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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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the disaster, which affected hundreds of thousands of people, destroyed hundreds of thousands of destinies. the consequences of this tragedy are still felt today. we are coming back and will talk now, by the way, about the situation on the border, next to kharkiv oblast, with which we just spoke, because it has been there for the longest time. of the border region and something that has not happened for a long time , that is, more and more shelling, more and more bombings, but the drg, like that, to brazenly climb into the battle on ukrainian territory, this has not happened for a long time, now we will ask about it in spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andriy demchenko, in connection with our studio, mr. andrii, good morning, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, good morning, what kind of drg was this, what were they... where did they go and what did they get? well,
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actually, the enemy does not stop carrying out its sabotage work, and the most active direction, as before, is the sumy region, the most attempts of the enemy derge to enter are recorded here, and the extreme group that was discovered by the border guards and on which fire was opened, actually there was such a shooting battle. was again exposed in sumy oblast, it was a few days ago, during patrolling , our group recorded an attempt to approach the rg, in fact, as far as we understand its actions, this group tried, among other things, to plant explosive devices along the movement of our group, but actually... our guys opened
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fire on it , artillery units were also connected in order to inflict damage on this group, anti-sabotage reserves were also put forward in order to clear the area, and later this group moved beyond the borders of our territory, beyond the state border, and i would like to point out that, well , it cannot be said that enemy drgs operate every day, that they are exposed every day, but there is a certain frequency, in fact, if you take the sumy oblast, it is once or twice a week, such groups can expose themselves, and no, i can't give an assessment, why specifically sumy region, because previously hostile drgs could be active in kharkiv region, as well as in chernihiv region, but recently it is sumy region that has made the most attempts to intervene, actually. because in sumy oblast they just
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created such a strip of 5 km, where there is no one it should not be, and therefore there is no logic to enter where there are no rgs, what if they will run all 5 km to inflict some damage on civilians or, that is , they actually only enter in order to mine the paths of the border guards, such is the logic, well actually enemy dergs like and earlier they are also trying to expose the location of the defense forces of ukraine, to expose new positions in order to strike them with more powerful weapons in the future, or if the drg forces, because they have such a task, attack our positions with their own forces, therefore, of course, that, most likely, the enemy will continue such subversive actions in this direction. mr. andriy, we know that the number has been increased and will be increased in the near future... donniks, which parts
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of the ukrainian borders are we talking about, the greater need is now in the west, or indeed in the east in the north. well, we have seen that the enemy ipso is also spreading information that it is supposed to strengthen our western border, no, first of all, our task is the defense of the border and the repulsion of russian aggression, and the actual increase of the state's staff. border service for 1,500 people, this is due to the fact that we are already forming and will continue to form our combat units, border units of such a new model for us, the brigade type, which have the necessary military component, because now the border guards also actively use artillery, and anti-tank means, this is actually the development of uav systems, this is... these are means and
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units that are armed, means for destroying enemy aircraft, all this is a military component that needs participation. and such units on the front line, in the future, of course, this is taking control of the entire section of our state border, when we reach the internationally recognized borders of ukraine, and there will no longer be such simple border protection as it was before, it will be a new model of border protection, the border, which will be more closely related to the military component, because unfortunately, we will continue to have such a neighbor. mr. andrii, regarding the western border, because earlier it was at least somehow clearer, they blocked everyone, everything possible, released the farmers and everything, and everything was logical, now it resembles a traffic light, which mad, then they unblocked there, then one point,
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then they blocked it in the second, then they block it, then they let it through, then two trucks each, then they say you can drive within the limits, nothing is clear, what is being done on these western crossings? border guards, what is the algorithm of the polish-ukrainian border now observing? well, now the situation is better than it was before, because in fact only one direction is blocked, it is the direction of the ravarusk checkpoint, on the polish side, it is the hrebene checkpoint, and for example, in this direction until the 21st polish farmers did not let the trucks coming from ukraine pass at all, in poland we had zero indicators here, but from the 21st even a certain number of trucks can pass and in the direction of poland there were about 70 of them in the past day. ah, the direction of ukraine a somewhat larger number is allowed in this direction, about 100 trucks
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have passed over the past day, other directions, they are currently unblocked, of course we hope that a... blocking on them will not be renewed, including the unblocked direction of the checkpoint yagodin, let me remind you, this this is the largest infrastructure direction, which can pass 1,200-1,400 trucks in both directions per day, during the blockade, by the way, polish farmers passed the least number of trucks here, no one was allowed to pass on the polish side at all, 50 to 100 could pass there in the direction of ukraine cargo vehicles. this direction reached almost the same capacity for the past day as the day before, it was 1300 cargo vehicles in both directions, also active traffic is also happening on the previously unblocked krakowiec and szegina routes, but we
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remember that for a few days polish farmers resumed their blocking actions on these two routes, but luckily it lasted again... and only two days later they again stopped their actions to block these directions. mr. andriy, €8,000 was the cost for one person to pass the green route through the checkpoints through hungary from ukraine. such a scheme was set up by one of the residents of vinnytsia. as far as the pop, and we know that the border guards actually already have it exposed, i understand that it is not working now. how popular was it? this scheme among dodgers, how willingly people used it, maybe you can already name the numbers of how many managed to cross the borders of ukraine? well, i will not say about this specific scheme, there are simply no more details at the moment, but i can note that our
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operatives, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, are actively working to expose the schemes themselves, to expose such... such criminal organized groups, who promise people assistance in illegal activities crossing the border, they take funds, funds for this, and as we can see, the amounts can vary from $300 to $10,000, it all depends, i understand, on the arrogance of probably these organizers who promise people such assistance, and in general during the martial law , about 400... 50 such criminal groups were exposed, including the organizers and accomplices who were part of such groups, which actually transported people to the border areas, or tried to take them directly to the state border line , or those who were engaged
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forgery of documents, now not about two-legged, but about four-legged dodgers, we will now show a really cute video, a lynx that... actually near the border goes on its own routes, how much wild animals have increased in the vicinity of the borders, we understand that. .. and in the east, predators increased in the cities, in the north it increased, the ban on hunting, then even in our west, wild animals also increased, that we have along the border, our animals no longer run away to the west somewhere, they stay at home, we we do not track the movement of wild animals animals, but we quite often see animals while on duty with our border outfits, but i can point out that in... wild animal violators should also beware, because there were cases when the violator, seeing wild
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animals, even climbed a tree, waiting, that they will leave, and he will be able to continue his movement in the future, but the violator i am talking about even called the hotline of the state border service for help, because he was afraid of meeting with... well, mr. andriy, thank you you for participating on our air, thank you for the answers to the questions, andriy demchenko was with us, the officer of the state border service of ukraine, now we have a short break, during this time we ask you to inform us, yes, because the qr code always remains on our screen and on the page , yes, and in a moment it will be noon, we will talk about the temporarily occupied territories, so we will talk about skadovsk, wait.
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name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's do better. we will have even better roads. a special look at events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv some katsaps and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. in the meantime, we are coming back, as we promised you, to gather a little information about what it looks like in the south. the mayor of skadovsk, oleksandr yakovlev, is with us. we will now find out how the season starts, right, that is, it seems to me that
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the season has already started there in the south, well now sir oleksandr, we ask, mr. oleksandr, good morning, glory to ukraine. and good morning, glory, well, summer is coming soon in skadovsk, a resort in a previous life, we were used to it, as now in occupied skadovsk, there are occupiers, we understand that officers love such places, they used to arrange them there at one time nests for themselves, as they are now in the city, well, they declare their intentions to do so. this holiday season, rest and the like, ah, i'm sure that even we will see some video about the happy vacation of people who they arrive, but it is clear that the reality is different, because today, after all, this is a zone where ee - ee missiles or
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some other unmanned aerial vehicles can reach there, that is. there is no security anywhere in the occupied territory, so it is unlikely that there can be a normal rest for those who can, where at any moment something can happen, and the residents of skadovsk, in principle , know where all these russian officers disappeared, that is, there is some communication, so that later it would be clear and clear where the ukrainian high mars should fly to rest, and the residents of skado. well, it is absolutely clear that it is not always possible to find out, but similar information is received, and sometimes we see that some gifts are coming to visit, well, we understand that, in principle , they can now fly to any point of the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories, and
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it's no longer a secret, everyone confirms it, attacks can land anywhere, are they reacting to... are they russians, are they reacting in shadovsk, are they reacting by building their own roads, building some fortifications on the network of kherson oblast and crimea. well, they built the fortification very actively last year, when concrete was being poured everything, as it is now, well, there are a lot of soldiers, that is , they are ready, probably for various scenarios, but they declare that they have everything there. everything is fine, and there is nothing to worry about, that skados is a deep rear and a safe place, in fact , the beaches that are there in the territory of the skadovsk district, because the resort is not only skadovsk, there are also villages there, then most of the beaches mined, where there are signs of mines and where access is really prohibited, i.e. that this
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coastline and spit from lazurny to and to tarasivka, these are all mines. but there are such areas for sure, in the city of skadovsk itself, there are areas where the beaches are mined, they are preparing for some kind of celebration on the occasion of may 9 , in general, what is their behavior after the elections , after all these announcements, that they are moving forward after announcing their plans, that... what do they really need here again - there is not much time and they will advance further, and are the people of skadov taking part in this victory frenzy en masse? those who in one way or another are involved in the work of the occupation authorities or there are even communal enterprises are meant, yes, yes, there are
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doctors there, their teachers are local, that’s understandable that they have no possibility to refuse that parade and the preparation is being actively started, well, it has already started. a long time ago, because this is the main holiday for them, well, probably like the new year, in relation to the pictures after the elections, but in fact nothing has seriously changed, eh, that is, they ticked the box that it happened and they say that we are moving on, but we already know, we record that, for example, they plan to increase the number of history lessons for... well, in schools, respectively, again they confirm the thesis that education is not about education, but propaganda and
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influence. mr. oleksandr, could you please tell me, for example, we were told that russian teachers are brought to berdyansk there in a shift method, to skadovsk they rely on local collaborators or they also bring them, there are also teachers who are... evil, who, well, i don't know if there was a shift method or not, but there are teachers who were brought in, and in general, teachers there, when schools were opened, everyone who simply agreed went to teach, regardless of the level of training, education and specialization, that is, a physical education teacher could go and read physics or mathematics, or not even a physical education teacher at all, if you just worked somewhere there in a school, not... some position, then you were offered to teach, so in this way they were able to close the need and open part of the schools. disturbing news comes from
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the occupied territories that, firstly, they are constant occupiers, i mean, they still come to the houses, villages of ukrainians who are currently under occupation, and can simply kill people, but there are also such here are the bells, when there are their own ... collaborators, when there are some gauleiters small villages can also be killed, can you confirm this information, it is about podokalynivka, about apricotsivka, these are small villages a little north of skadovsk, actually, north of kalanchak too, and how common are such raids, when they come and i don’t know, they kill , mutilate, well... regarding the fact that they can go to any house and without reason announce that there will be a search or an additional examination or a document check, then this is
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a fact, uh, and well, there is no one there can't feel it is absolutely safe there, especially since if there are still such people, ukrainians, who have not taken russian passports, then they will be given the utmost attention and, accordingly, such checks will be carried out. more often, and with regard to the collaborators who left for cooperation, but in fact during this period of occupation, the first wave has probably already changed completely, and those collaborators who left for cooperation are no longer in those positions, or they left somewhere , trying to escape somewhere, or they even sit in russian prisons, that is , it is different, on account of where they came... someone was beaten, i don't have such information, at least in the skadovsky district, i mean among the collaborators, but the fact that their rotation has already passed the first wave, then it is
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100%. and i wanted to ask you if you, as the mayor, have statistics on how many left the city, kadovsk, left the occupation, how many remained in numbers, and what about the real estate, apartments, and houses of those who left, how they are sealed , have new russians been moved in there, who make more money than the local ones, and by what mechanism? but the process resettlement, it started from the very beginning, roughly speaking, from may, when they began to go around the huts and settle there the military, then those who were evacuated during the liberation of the right-bank ukraine, then you, who... drove away from the flooding there hoprik khovka, that is, these waves, there were several of them, and all this was carried out under the local
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occupation administration. that is, they went, went around every building, every apartment, opened everything that was closed, and where people could settle, they settled people there, now they issued an order that those who do not appear by the end of this year, the owners, that is to say, their property will be nationalized, that is , housing, and mostly this housing, that is to say, or immovable objects'. they will be nationalized there, the mechanism for this is unknown at the moment, because they issued this order only on march 27, but they promise that all this will be done by the end of the year, in connection with this, some people are forced to come, i know such cases and issue their property, in what way it is given, it is difficult for me to say, but it is somehow there arrange and leave again or sometimes. someone
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remains, regarding the number of people, well , it is difficult to estimate, we know that only the initial information, how many children we did not count in our schools, accordingly we could estimate there that approximately up to 50% of the residents of the skadovska community left their homes, uh, is this the draft they started on a temporary basis. occupied territories, we know that this is definitely happening in zaporozhye, do you have a similar situation, or has the conscription started? and the prize money has not been officially announced, but they will provide it officially now all men of conscription age are fully registered, without this, they don’t give rest either to the employers, not
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to the employees themselves, i.e. to avoid eh... their registration there is impossible, they invite on a voluntary basis, and at least they report that there is volunteers who go there to serve somewhere, but there is no mass conscription in the occupied territories yet, is it because they don't trust it, or what is the reason, or are they afraid that people might riot, or do they want to do it somehow, what is the reason? sorry, it's hard to say, i think they are understand that, well, those people whom they will forcefully draft, well, cannot be a reliable er resource, and probably that's why they don't start this process en masse yet, uh, in conclusion, in one word, i just remember how residents of skadovsk were outraged, as well as the whole of
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ukraine. when the dangerous intellectuals from the quarter 95 studio were having fun with this, you remember, all skadovska, now all these fools got into the list of the peacemaker base as collaborators, so you read this news, as the head of skadovska, what are your feelings, and what are they really for me this is this and that's it. which closed, because they actually apologized, well , formally, yes, some people had a hard time accepting this apology, but this happened, and these videos that you are broadcasting now are not available, but they are probably only in your archives , that's why this is our archive, yes, yes, that's probably why this topic is still closed, and it seems to me that
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conclusions were drawn from it. not only these artists, but also all the others, because no, well, if you, if you are in the base of the peacekeeper, then it is clear that you must already draw conclusions, mr. oleksandr, thank you, because we are running out of time news, oleksandr yakovliv, the mayor of skadovsk about life in the occupation and beyond. khrystyna parubiy will tell more news, more of the latest and most important information for the moment. christina, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues, thank you about the situation in the regions of ukraine, he said. in the issue, as well as when to expect american weapons in ukraine, you will find out in a moment, wait. news on the air espresso, working in the studio.


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