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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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including our territories, mr. yuri, we understand that if they take care of their equipment like this now, then it is valuable to them, and accordingly, we must hit this equipment as hard as possible, do you have enough, in your case, fpv drones, all parts ammunition, so that this equipment that you are knocking out was no longer needed by them and was not suitable for anything, there were not many drones. the more scouts, the better we can see the enemy, the more strikes, the more powerfully we can destroy his different category of targets, as for drones, we are collecting now, we appeal to the citizens to support the collection for batteries for semi-copters, these are powerful batteries, which, given the favorable weather conditions we currently have in connection with the arrival of spring and summer, will give us the opportunity to fly further and carry more effective ammunition, and what that means, that means that we can
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actively knock out enemy artillery that is making a significant impact on our forward positions, and immediately, if these batteries arrive in time, we will be able to conduct these operations and reduce the fire impact, which what we're talking about when we say reduce firepower, hit artillery, we're talking about saving the lives of our troops, every gun that loses the ability to fire is less firepower on our forward positions. and the smaller the fire impact, the more opportunities we have not only to hold them, but also to make improvements in the previous border accordingly, which means to knock out the enemy's positions occupied by him. mr. yuriy, we see on various front lines that those who are directly there are telling us that the russians have now started to use actively, after buggies, after pickups, they switched to motorcycles, and now footage of motorcycles that actually have such a grid welded on them appeared on the network. or
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have you already seen how it works, doesn't work, or do they use something like this in your area , how intensively, how often? i would like to avoid the false impression that the enemy has run out of things and that is why he is storming on motorcycles, in fact, after the enemy has carried out massive shock-assault actions, he loses, as i said earlier, from 70, from 30 to 70. of the equipment that carries out shock and assault actions. motorcycles are high-mobility equipment that helps them throw attack aircraft to advanced positions and very quickly leave the line of battle. we are faced with this quite often and the highest coefficient of their application occurs precisely when the enemy suffers losses in armored vehicles. but they have already learned to cope well enough by installing various types of barriers. it is not so easy for motorcyclists
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to ride the enemy now, i will tell you more, that we are looking forward, of course, to seeing them, you know, there is such a military saying, they ride on donkeys, but we really expect that we will knock out all the necessary equipment for the enemy, that he will have no choice but to go in battle donkeys, of course, this is very optimistic and possible to achieve when we receive joint military assistance, in particular long-range missiles, which are included in the package of this assistance, then we are talking about the fact that... we will force the enemy, at least in some areas , to storm with very unreliable technical support and in particular technical support by means of cars, well, it's a pity for the donkeys in this case, it's a pity for the donkeys, yes, mr. yury , you know, i'll say it, it's not for animals, it's on the news, it's a slightly different saying, when the enemy has lost his ability, let's translate it like this, i'm watching now, you are the public's son-in-law.
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which are related to this scientific and technical war, which is actually going on, scientific and technical institutes are on the front line, and every day something needs to be invented, completed, soldered, reprogrammed, that’s what the public write, they are shocked that it was possible to bypass certain the restrictions that are on the mask terminals on the starlinks, which supposedly will lead to ... the attachment to the starlink of an object that moves at a speed of more than 60 km/h, there is a ban , in fact, and the connection is lost, and here they say, for in order to fly faster on drones of the baba yaga type, the ukrainians came up with something that, as a result, it is possible to bypass this restriction, and through the proxy payment , the blocking is bypassed, and that’s it, and these heavy drones fly fast, and therefore they can catch up with. .. what are the speed goals, this is this, now they have
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the latest, what are they in shock about, you, what else do they succeed, let's say, in general , do you manage to outrun them? in all those detours, in reprogramming and so on. let's say that the enemy has the second most reliable electronic warfare system in the world, this is really true. due to the fact that the enemy, in addition to what he had in his arsenal, which we say is the second in the world, having increased the capacity of civilian production, this is in particular what is assembled from chinese components, portable rep systems that are going up a storm. we are groups they equip lightly armored armored vehicles, closing communication and many other things, that is, the russian federation has a very, very powerful, deployed echelon system of radio electronic warfare, and despite this, the defense forces at the expense of their drones are in the air day
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and night and daily forces defenses take tens of lives of the occupiers, and hundreds, i would say at the expense of unmanned systems and tens. from technology on a daily basis, which this shows, this shows that the ukrainian intellect, the nation is dynamic enough moves from the point of view of technical modernizations, as well as those challenges that appear before us, i will say more that you manage to bypass the eyes of signal suppression, but the technology, which in the history of military science is tied somewhere to the first world war, i am now talking about , that of... drones, in particular, to reduce the possibility of advancing the enemy's equipment, the enemy throws drop-off spikes, well, i'm so that people understand what it is, it works, how do you tell me how it works, to what effect, everything is quite simple, our the task is to make
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the enemy trucks that provide logistics of the connection, i would like to say that look, if it is a bp, an armored car, when you see it, you understand that it is going to be some sort of assault now, when you see an oral, you understand that it is going to be intense, active artillery fire , why, because it is the urals who are responsible to the enemy for logistics and the delivery of ammunition to their guns, accordingly, the task of stopping him on the logistics routes, as well as the communication routes between the rear units, as well as their fire means, and in the case when we could move the target with moveable to make immobile, then at the expense of beplaza shock means, it is enough to significantly take out the enemy, send him to hell. i will also remind our viewers that actually on our screen right now at the bottom of the screen there is a card number, this is the card number for collecting batteries
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for fpv drones for mr. yuri's unit, you listen and hear how they are used, how effectively and how important it is, therefore, please join this gathering, we... encourage you, mr. yury, we want to ask more about how much on the other side of the front, how good is their supply of drones, we understand that they are also constantly trying to develop and improve their drones and are they able to counter them effectively? let's be honest, the opponent is not stupid, he understands priorities, he understands what works, i'm sorry. this is actually a qr code, if it is more convenient for someone, then you can scan the qr code, not only the card number, and join the collection. yes, mr. yuri, we are listening to you. the enemy understands clearly enough what works on the front line and what needs to be in quantity. what is due the rapid growth of factories, the rapid growth
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and scaling of positive examples of the russian occupation, which they use against us, both reconnaissance and shock means. this is the proximity to china. the opponent currently has an opportunity. to buy the most expensive components in large quantities, some enterprises, some factories in china, contracted for 4-5 months in advance with russian companies, there are important components, in particular video transmitters, for which we collected last time and raised more than 300 copters air, that is why the enemy, understanding the challenges that are on the battlefield, having access to components, having the petrodollar, purchases everything necessary at the expense of... its military-industrial complex, as well as private enterprises, is building up its combat capabilities, but i will tell you that ukraine is not lagging behind in this direction either, we are the first in the water, we are the first at night due to heavy bombers, as for reconnaissance, attack wings and copters
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of civilian use, fividrons, the enemy prevails, significantly prevails, but every day manufacturers, in particular private ones with the support of the ukrainian nation, this crazy gap soon. as much as they can. in comparison, i can say: at the end of november of the 23rd year, one to 5 fidrons for one, our opponent had five, at the current moment. one to two, one to three, this indicates that the dynamics of production in our country, provision is growing geometrically upwards. mr. yury, yes, thank you for your service, greetings to all our defenders, yury fedorenko, commander of the 92nd achilles attack drone battalion, of a separate assault brigade named after koshovoi taman ivan sirk, this is the bakhmut direction, this is from the time of the yar, and i remembered this when i asked about the whispers, it’s not even... the first and second world wars, it is believed that these caltrops, yes they are called, look, it
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has been used since the roman empire, you can imagine, that is, it is still effective, at least from the point of view that you cannot deliver bc in the urals, if our drones block the delivery routes correctly, this is how it looks now on the line, about another hot spot on the front line about reeds and not only about weapons packages, we will ask in a few minutes. serhiy from hurets remains with espresso. do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa? you need to improve your sleeping place. meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from the experts of mattress tv. an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price. total 990. uah 9 plus with the possibility of free delivery, old sofas, uneven mattresses, springs
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are stronger. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most pressing social issues discussions what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will meet already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special, proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. every one who pilots the uav. understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens
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those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together, serhii zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense-express, is with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. good morning, i congratulate you, i congratulate ours viewers, we would like to first ask you about the heavy battles in the avdiiv direction, and the very difficult situation in ocheretino is also reported on the deep state map, and various warlords are entrenched in semenivka, they look like they are already on the right bank, and we understand,
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that novobakhmutivka is also not easy there, and they also report about the promotion there, nearby in solov'ovo, how about you? do you consider whether it will be possible, whether it will be possible to stop them precisely in that narrow place, in the direction of the reeds, and prevent their advance? really the situation in this exact area, in the pokrovsky direction, remains the most difficult in view of the dynamics that we have been seeing for several days, probably starting from april 20, that is, actually now from ... the direction of the settlement is progress, this is the effort, which the enemy is now supported by a significant number of personnel, there in this direction the enemy is known to have a three-fold advantage in manpower, he is dropping his reserves there, even
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there the first units appear of the newly formed 27th division, i.e., actually now in... the main efforts are being thrown to the next and first of all to the expansion of this wedge, because we know that combat operations are taking place both in novokalynovo and further from novobakhmutivka, the enemy managed to get into novobakhmutivka, and in fact these are novokalinova and novobakhmutivka - these are two settlements located to the north and south of ocheretiny, in order to expand this wedge and structure. are there any counterattacking actions that could be taken by the ukrainian side to cut this off wedge, but i repeat, now the situation is such that we are currently conducting defensive operations, for six months with a delay in ammunition, everything else, they affected our capabilities, now we are first of all forced to receive the enemy at the expense of manpower and personnel
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, and we see that it doesn't always happen, we know the history of the 115th brigade there, where it was precisely the peculiarities of the defense of this brigade that influenced the advance of the enemy in ocheretino, about the actions carried out by the 47th brigade to hold back the advance of the enemy, and it is now successful, the 100th brigade is currently deployed there, which is also operating in this direction in the ochereting zone, but in any case we understand that if the enemy will have an advantage in... that the military leadership of ukraine will assess the risks and consequences, then it cannot be ruled out , that in the event of a threat to our group, which is holding a line of defense there from berdychi and down there through orlika, semenivka and further south,
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a decision can be made to withdraw our troops to... the second line of defense that we have there prepared, goes there on the line, if i'm not mistaken, there is progress, karlivka, komyshivka, it's right along the water obstacles, this line of defense is prepared, we know that, but in any case we understand that now the main efforts of our troops are directed at striking as much as possible at the enemy, to destroy him alive. forces and keep the enemy from advancing, but i repeat, this section is precisely from the advance from reed, well, it creates certain tactical threats for our troops, and now the main thing is that they do not turn into some operational successes of the enemy there, the exhaustion of the enemy is just as significant as in our troops, now i think everything will be
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decided by the availability of reserves, the availability of artillery, and understanding the specifics of defense. in this area, and, that is, it is clear either to cut this wedge into reeds, or to hold the line of defense along the vovcha river, which we once talked about, if we move from the operational situation to the fact that we are actually observing a change in the tactics of shelling on the rear, that is if earlier by generation, then in one day they actually beat up the railway junctions of ukrzaliznytsia. kharkiv region, in cherkasy region, in sumy region, these strikes, and, the logic is clear, that is, to break the logistics chains, but the specialists themselves told us. that hitting the rail isn't that effective since rail recovery is much faster than any generation or critical other facilities there, how long
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are they going to stick with this idea of ​​hitting stations and rail? well, actually, let's wait, we'll probably collect data for analysis there, as far as i'm concerned, these strikes on the railways are more likely to continue this psychological pressure. russian tourist troops, which are directed to ensure, conditionally speaking, an increase in the flow of refugees from kharkiv, from other settlements, in order to, conditionally speaking, implement this scorched earth concept, which is currently being implemented using cabs in adjacent areas, in adjacent regions , which border the russian federation, now , as we can see, missile strikes are added to this, and this tactic, in my opinion, will continue for some time, it is primarily aimed at destabilization, stability
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of our population, it is precisely included in the statements of the russian political leadership there with hints and with direct statements that, relatively speaking, there will be an attack on kharkiv and such other actions, in any case, this element is more of an informational one. .. psychological struggle, which is supported by the use, precisely, the use of means of impression on the cracks, but i repeat, we see the further tactics of the enemy and how to react to these changes in the offensive actions of the patient with the use of shock means. mr. serhiu, we observe, well, actually every day now, there is an alarm in crimea, then nothing flies, and our sources are already reporting officially that... well, we are working to unbalance their air defense a little, so half an hour ago they had an air strike again and they blocked the crimean bridge again, that is, it is regular and
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regular, because i am still talking about yesterday, i am talking about yesterday now, but we see 100 attacks like this happening every day, will they be enough to deprive crimea of ​​air defense, to repeat dzhankoi as many times as it will be necessary to... crimea became vulnerable. well, we really now have a positive story, which is connected with the transfer of a significant number of attackers. this transfer was carried out in secret, it was decided by the decision of the president of the united states. in march and april, we already saw the use of these attackers there and in dzhankoya and in berdyansk, that is, in fact , there are already examples of the use of these operatives. atkams tactical missiles with an increased range of up to 300 km, there are three different modifications, but we can see that these 100 missiles are under 300 km, they
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really added capabilities to our arsenal, but in addition to this, there were reports in the american media that a certain number of these shorter -range anti-missile missiles had also been transferred before that, but this is positive in general, that the number of those means that can be used by... the ukrainian side against the enemy is increasing. 300 km, in fact, is a significant zone, significant zones into which the enemy gains access, including, say, the possibility of strikes on crimea, in particular strikes on airfields, strikes on the location of an air defense base, and this can really significantly weaken the possibilities the enemy to keep its units in crimea, in any case, in addition to this, we see that it is also about the use of storm shadow missiles, which creates such a good tandem in working with the atikams, and this will really allow the ukrainian side to it is more powerful to implement
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strategies to wear down the enemy in crimea, but in any case, we understand that, in addition to atakams, other means related to strengthening our air defense and, above all, increasing the amount of ammunition of various types are of great importance caliber, because this... garden remains no less important than the appearance of atkamsi in our arsenal. i know that defense-express also analyzed it, i am now talking about these wild homemade modifications of russian tanks, my god, what do they call them, the chilipakh tank, the bronisarai, the tsar-mangal. the best british people called, you can't say it on tv, what they called this mobile. we understand that the minus is that you can't turn the tower, only the muzzle sticks out in front, the plus is that you can't do anything with the fpv drone, there's even a door at the back
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they did that... it was possible to go to the toilet, and rap is glued on top, how do you assess the pros and cons of this, because more and more videos like this appear, so they are betting on such and such sheds? indeed, we have seen several videos using this shed, as you say, or as you say, superkaput, which relates to the creation of such a superstructure over and... to protect against fpv drones, all these videos are just about krasnohorivka, where the enemy is now trying to break into brick factory and uses these tanks as such means of delivery of infantry, because now we see in the video, under this protection of metal sheets, the infantry is hiding there, which is delivered to the landing zone, and then it
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is already trying to break through there, to gain a foothold in the brick factory. the features of this design really allow them to provide protection against fpv drones, but first of all they do not protect against mines, artillery, anti-tank weapons, and the advance of the enemy on these tanks protected from above across the fields, as i see two questions arise, these are our limited means mining, which i think is a consequence of the limited supply of ammunition for these six months, where remote mining was quite limited, the second is the limited use of anti-tank weapons, because such tanks must be destroyed there by anti-aircraft guns, there ukrainian-made or american- made, i hope that this dynamic after the us aid package will change in our favor and we will still get more of the same javalins that can effectively fight these tanks. by
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hitting these armored vehicles, but such a decision of the enemy using these protected tanks, it is quite limited and partially effective, and in general it shows that each of the parties is now trying to use any technological or conventionally technological loopholes in order to ensure preserving the lives of the personnel there during the delivery to the execution of the line of sight, or such a solution? mr. serhiy, it would be effective for us, or after all, a slightly different situation, because surely they can have more artillery and more opportunities to hit our tanks, we have one minute, well, in fact, these are isolated cases, i don't think that this involves a systematic transition to a new system of tank protection with the use of this corrugated iron, which is welded on around the tank, i think that it is partial. point
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solution, our approaches should be based on other solutions, first of all we are talking about ensuring that the defense line is maintained at the current stage with the use of artillery impression means and preparing mobile forces there for the next periods of hostilities. literally in one word tell me, is this deficit in mines, in anti-tank javelins, from our thighs and everything else already overcome? i can't really say, i hope that the american... military aid packages will reach our units soon enough and that will affect the situation on the front lines. mr. serhiy, thank you for the early analysis for espresso viewers, serhiy sgorets, director of the information and consulting company defense express. well, in this case, i just have a hard time imagining that in our, in our cases, these same abrams were sheathed like that shed, that is, and how effective it is to stop the movement of the tower. in a word, an interesting
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story. in a few seconds there will be a nationwide moment of silence in ukraine, we honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian occupiers. we honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia with a moment of silence.


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