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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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here is such a statement for the example of the same minister of defense, in particular, it should be noted that this is not the minister of justice, this is not a representative of some other government, that is , a ministry that can directly deal with such issues, namely the minister of defense, which also raised the question of why exactly the minister of defense comments on such issues, because he does not deal with issues of conditional extradition there, nor issues of deportation and so on, but how important are those ukrainian citizens who crossed over, let's say, and legally, the territory of ukraine borders with poland and... illegally , how much do you see in front of the polish market, what do you think, what do you think, what do the studies say, is there a need for labor from ukraine, and is it beneficial for poland to have a large number of ukrainian citizens on its territory , let's ask this, well, maybe i'll start with this second part of your question, because it's simple here, but i have to correct you a little bit, we literally still have a minute and a half left, so i'll ask for a shorter one, okay, that is, poland is interested at the same time, so that ukrainians stayed, because the labor market really demands it, and from... on the other hand
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, for security reasons, she is interested in these ukrainians returning to ukraine, because we all understand that if ukraine, god forbid, loses this war, then the risk of , that there will be a full-scale war in poland will increase significantly, and therefore there are studies that show the impact of the ukrainian workforce on the polish labor market, and they all show, even in recent days, i read that if a part of ukrainians who are already in poland, a person, which will go to... polish security, and it is directly related to success of ukraine. i thank you very much for joining and clarifying your own vision of poland, while there is no additional clarification from the polish government, how it can work, how to do it, i want to understand, at least what moods prevail and what, you know, there are different angles in this topic that also need to be talked about, i remind the audience that lukasz adamski, doctor of history and politics... analyst, deputy director
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of the mirushevsky dialogue center was a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the vision and position of poland, in particular in the matter of return ukrainian soldiers to ukraine in order for them to protect ukraine from the russian aggressor. well, in kyiv, queues to the tcc were noticed , and in social networks they associate some with the fact that after the adoption of the law on mobilization, men went to the military to update their data. users of social networks posted photos with posts about queues, with words for example. there are about 100 of julia's children in line and people are coming, that is, the law has been adopted, people want to update their data, but they cannot do it. the command of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces commented on these reports, stating on on its facebook page that the territorial picking centers work 24x7. you can come at any time convenient for you, the department said. although, how to do this, for example, during the curfew in the wilderness of the ground forces, is not explained. radio liberty correspondents visited one of the tccs in the city of kyiv, closer to lunch. there were almost none there, and
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those who remained told us that in the morning there were from 50 to a hundred people under the military guards, mostly they came to update the data, what else did they tell us, let's listen, on the 29th, i was the 75th, at 8:40 i was the 75th, and it turns out that out of 80-90, 100 people who came to do it physically, the military officer can miss no more than 30 people, maybe 30 people, maybe, no, i couldn't get in, no, some of the offices are open until one o'clock, they process for a very long time, and i couldn't pass in one day, pass in one day, well, i didn't, i came to register for the military. i need this because i
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want to go on a contract with the social security administration as a volunteer, the process went very quickly, i got answers to the questions i needed, how long do you spent about 10 minutes, for what reason did you request data against the uvlk today and to be ready for mobilization, i was already here at 90 in the morning, i left only as much as 15, and why so long, what is the problem, only one employee accepts a certain category of military . you received a certificate of military service, that’s right, yes, that i’m healthy, that i can, well, fit for service, i’m going to sign a contract, serve the people of ukraine and go to war, because men are running out, i’ll tell you, my husband fought, unfortunately , he died and i have one the goal is to take revenge just for my beloved, that's why i'm here now, so at first there was a queue, but as i already passed everything, they told me to just go for a walk for half an hour and come back, i was waiting there. literally
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another 20 minutes and i was given a relationship. within the framework of current legislation, each person must come and update their data. quite a long procedure. update data. came to extend the reservation. at the company, for the next extension, you need to paste the vincode. in the morning, there was a queue here, then the person who took off might have sped up the queue a bit, well in principle, this is where i came, now i managed, well, four hours, but here you can also subtract an hour and a half, while i went there for the missing certificate, taking into account that now such an additional full house has been launched by the media, well, it is completely predictable normal reaction. ukraine will receive eur 1.5 billion in aid from the european union as part of transitional financing, the european commission agreed on april 24. this is stated on the website of the ministry of economy of ukraine with reference to minister yulia sveridenko. it has already received 6 billion euros in march and april of this year.
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when the plan for the ukraine facility is approved by the eu, we will receive the next payment of eur 1.89 billion in pre-financing in june, as well as eur 4.11 billion under the program in september and november. in total, ukraine will receive 16 billion euros in financial aid from the european union this year. financing will be carried out quarterly. the support program will operate during 2024/2027 . but ukraine may have to return part of the more than 60 billion dollars provided by the united states. it is about almost 8 billion dollars of the so-called economic support fund. these funds will be provided as a loan, however, the us president can decide whether to demand this money or write it off, this can happen in september during the time of the current president, or it will be decided by the newly elected american president in november, about what ukraine
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the day before, i asked lesya zubranna, a people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the verkhovna rada's budget committee, and let's hear her answer. let's stop at the american one. can you tell us how much this aid will be enough for ukraine, if you can contextualize what this aid actually provides, and then we will dwell more specifically, in particular on those 8 billion dollars, almost, which can go to support the budget as a whole. thank you, well , actually, six months of such active diplomatic work and the work of the president of ukraine, the head of the office, the verkhovna rada, the cabinet of ministers, our embassy gave results and... and we already have a directly signed package aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars. and what is key and the main thing is that this package mainly involves military support. it should be emphasized that the actual
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delay in financing and, accordingly, the delay in the supply of weapons, nevertheless to a certain extent had a negative impact on... the situation at the front, we saw how our courageous soldiers, despite the fact that, well, at least, if we compare the artillery, then it was in a ratio of 1:10, they continued the defense and continued and tried to win back the occupied territories, but of course, with this aid package, which includes the most important types of weapons for us, including pro... air defense, including long-range missiles, will make it possible to unequivocally and critically change the situation at the front in our favor. after all, we are not military experts, the military sphere is more specific, so we
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will not dwell more contextually on military aid in terms of armaments and so on, but we will dwell on those almost eight billion, which i think you can definitely comment on, because you in the budget committee of the verkhovna rada, this is the money that can go to support itself. precisely the budget of ukraine, what ukraine will direct them to, these funds, these almost 8 billion, which are actually provided as a loan from the american government, and the key question for me, i reviewed your previous interviews, where you said that in particular the salary for civil servants there, for the public sector, could be from these funds, if these funds were not given and in particular this loan was not approved by the united states, would this mean that ukraine could start certain problems with the payment of salaries for civil servants, or something else actually not. assumes, well, let's answer your question gradually, let's start with the fact that today the budget of ukraine is critically deficit, that is , as of today, in fact, everything we earn, we spend 99% on our own,
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directly on the defense sector and on the defense of our country. accordingly, all other expenses, absolutely, including social benefits and wages, we... cover at the expense of our international partners, of course, these 8 billion are very significant and a very important indicator and help for us, but at the same time we must talk about the fact that we cooperate with the european union, from which this year we are guaranteed to receive 16 billion euros, we cooperate and continue the program with the international the monetary fund, the world bank, with individual countries, partners such as japan, norway, such as canada, plus individual micro-grants that we receive to cover the total. state budget deficit. american legislators who commented in particular on the voice
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america, why they changed their position on providing aid to ukraine, why they supported it, emphasized this position so that the american taxpayers were actually protected, as they say, and their opinions must be taken into account, too, president biden, currently president biden , the incumbent of the united states until the actual elections that will be held, we do not know what the results will be, he can write off this debt to ukraine if he wants, there, if i am not mistaken, it is about... two stages of writing off this debt, and the first one is already foreseen somewhere in a few months in september, to be precise, and maybe i'm wrong, you correct me, still, if, for example, congress does not agree, and it should also be a decision of congress that these funds can be written off, where does ukraine come from then will take these 8 billion in order to return and what is the deadline for the united states to return these funds, if, for example, this debt is not written off, well, it should be noted that really the whole complexity of the situation was because of that. primarily with us from the american context help, because now they have an election year,
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a presidential election year, and a state election year, and this is still a political factor, first of all, and of course, including support for ukraine, despite the fact that we we have the support of both parties, i want to emphasize this, since i personally am with colleagues, we visited the united states, we traveled to different states, i am a member of the special temporary commission for monitoring the use of foreign weapons, we communicate and we see bicameral support, that's for sure. on completion, in fact, how much money does the ukrainian budget need in general today in order to finance all other needs that actually exist in the state of ukraine. in addition to the military sphere, which is primarily, in fact, for which the funds go, and those that donors give, if it
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is provided for, and those, in fact, that are provided for defense from the state budget of ukraine, how much more funds are needed in general in order to everything, let's say, evened out and was even from the budget, i can absolutely agree with the assessments of the head of the international monetary fund, who noted that the deficit of the state budget in the 24th year in ukraine will be 40%. accordingly, this is the amount that ukraine needs today to cover all its expenses. i would also like to emphasize that most likely, as last year, we will make changes to the state budget in the context of increasing spending on the security and defense sector, that is , we will also direct the additional revenues that we will have. defense security sector, so on average, if we talk about all
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other expenditures, i agree, the imf score is 42 billion dollars i thank you for your participation, i would like to remind you that lesya zaburanna is a people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the budget committee, and was a guest of svobodar. i will remind you that you are watching the svoboda ranok project, we only have important topics, important events and important guests, in particular. this broadcast in order to understand what will happen to ukrainian men conscripted abroad, this is a topic that we have been discussing here on the air for the third day in a row and we are trying to take different positions on this issue hear. well, in conclusion to the news, cultural singers jerry hale and alyona alyona, who will represent ukraine at eurovision this year, were escorted on the road and literally put on the train to the song zareza and marriya. representatives from ukraine were escorted to applause at the central railway station. of kyiv, and also announced the opening of a collection of uah 10 million for the reconstruction of the velikostrom
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gymnasium in the dnipropetrovsk region, which was destroyed due to russian shelling in 2022, and told about special clothing, in who were, these are t-shirts with real keys, keys, for many ukrainians such keys are the only thing left of their home, and they keep these phantom houses in their pockets, said rapper alyona alyon, and the performer also sang his own. peace you. this year's competition will be held in malmö, the first rehearsal of the singers on the main stage of the eurovision song contest will take place on april 27, representatives of ukraine will perform in the first semi-final of the competition on may 7, this is the freedom of the morning project, thank you for being with us, my name is oleg galiv, subscribe to our networks, stay safe and have a relaxing weekend as much as possible.
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shape, call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of... pay only half of the full price of the mattress, the premium sponsor of the national team represents stronger united by football, good morning to everyone who is from espresso? thank you to those who have already donated, and to those who joined, we would like to remind you that you can also join our joint collection, there will be two qr codes, two cards, because there are two teams, because we need twice as much more drones, but these are other drones, these are drones that are already adapted to the needs of the reb and technical tasks, now on the line, this is our production, domestic, these are the drones that
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the defenders themselves say, we need these, stay with us, a little later on our broadcasts , we will show... a video of how these two brigades work with drones, for which we are collecting, they are cold ravine and black zaporozhets, a little later on our broadcasts, we will show these footage so that you understand what the collection is for , in the meantime, donate, and we will add oleksiy to our conversation koshel, the head of the committee of voters of ukraine, mr. oleksiy, we welcome you, good morning, mr. oleksiy, before we thought about talking about solskyi, that he is writing a statement there, it is already late here and solskyi wrote a statement, so it is, but... he was already put in late, wait, did he write? that it is right, that it is right in this situation, in this case they gave him bail there, the truth is, the bail is yes, which means that if i stole 200 million, and the bail is made for 80 million, then i am in profit plus 120 million. such a classic ukrainian practice, whatever will everything be? well, unfortunately, yes, this is a classic
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ukrainian practice, and we have already seen symbolic pledges more than once, well, conditionally symbolic. equal amounts that are suspected, that's why this issue is now before the parliament, well, i think it would be, i'm not a lawyer, i'm an expert on these issues, but in my opinion there should be unprecedented measures if we want to really show the fight against corruption, well , for example, how would it be an honest principle for me if the amount of the bail could not be less than the amount in which they are suspected, what is interesting here, mr. oleksiy, is this moment, not that that it was a former deputy of the servant of the people. not that he later became a minister and not those schemes with the state geocadaster with the theft of land, but that this particular person from solsk was the head of this particular issue. a joint committee in the parliament, how does it look like, that is , a person gets into a chair and sees opportunities for corruption there, or is it already a corrupt person who purposefully goes to such a committee, well, as
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once the derkach used to go to the energy department, so that it would be easier to steal on the dew, the derkach said, and in in this case, where are you, where is the chicken, where is the egg, what was primary, well, despite everything, if we didn't treated this story, he is a potential corruptor, there will be a trial, there will be a decision, and actually then you can. will talk about corruption, despite all his sins related to activities before he became a people's deputy of ukraine. but, there is a question, there is a question, of course, well, on the one hand, i like this story, that the application for the compilation of powers was submitted immediately, this is extremely important, he simply submitted his resignation automatically in order not to cast a shadow on the authorities, on party, on all others. the second question is a question. to the party and before the formation of the electoral list, mr. solsky was on the list of the servant of the people party under number 125, so i will remind you of 2019, i
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remember very well, we analyzed in detail how the electoral lists were formed, well, believe me, none of the sociologists, experts, journalists, no one gave the servant of the people party more than 100 seats in the parliament, i mean 100 seats in the passable part of the electoral list, that is, you mean that it was not passable. at least part of it was expected, if we analyze the impenetrable part, who became people's deputies, we we see there many employees of the election headquarters, employees of the central apparatus of the servant of the people party, just good people, that is, the principle of filling out the electoral list, you work in the party, and you are simply offered, you are a person with a good biography, let's automatically include you in the electoral list , because the second part is impassable. a part of the electoral list simply needs to be filled by someone, and it was filled in fact all the time, by people without political experience, without experience in public work, expert
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work, without, let's say, the specifics of education, there was anything else, they just rowed everyone in a row, and now, by the way, the party is also calculated for this, i emphasize this, because i really wanted, i would like others to understand this lesson, yes... it is impossible to do, it is impossible to fill the electoral list with just random people, and in the case of solsky, one simply needs to study the biographies in detail, because there cannot be an electoral list of any person where there could be even a hint of dishonest activity, of possible corruption, on anything else. mr. oleksii, poland has already said that they know how to do it, they are already developing some schemes. lithuania says, we will see how the poles will do, we will adopt their experience and also in principle. are ready to help ukrainian men in some way so that they return home, for example, not to give work permits there, not to agree with documents, such things, other
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countries are currently saying that we are not getting involved yet, nothing, germans they said that they would not engage in such things at all, well, they generally distanced themselves from this story, currently, poland and lithuania declare that they are ready to cooperate with the ukrainian authorities in this direction, to what extent... in principle, this is an effective mechanism for returning people, and are there already any estimates of how many men will be able to be recruited into the army in this way, because we understand that a huge number of them are in principle abroad with legal grounds, and have no reason to be mobilized, well, not all of them crossed the yew, well, two positions, firstly, as a law-abiding citizen of conscription age, i cannot accept that , what... in fact, almost half of the conditional army of men there is currently abroad, that is , there must be a question of justice, and in my opinion, the legislation on mobilization
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is extremely soft on these so-called men. second, i believe that the legislator did not complete the work, for example, if a person crosses the border there of yew, dniester, mountain paths, responsibility. only symbolic, it is an administrative fine in the district, and there are already examples, they were published in the media, when there are people who are caught by border guards for the fourth time in a row, they are paying a fine for the fourth time, i don't understand why the parliament does not criminalize this article, well at least from three years for illegal border crossing under martial law, well it was at least fair, ugh, now question number two, this is more so human characteristics in the emotional plan. now, the number two characteristic is as an expert who has a little understanding of how the legislative mechanism works, how decisions are generally made in the state. we have. in general
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, the authorities say that decisions are made and developed obviously in a very narrow circle people, later they are made public, later they are processed several times, this is a huge problem, that is, if we really aim to return at least a part of the men who are abroad, we need to propose a solution mechanism, so you correctly mentioned the statements of poland and lithuania , but what our polish-lithuanian colleagues told us, we... will think about how it can be done, that is, the ukrainian authorities did not propose an algorithm, the ukrainian authorities simply said that we cut off passports, there are notarial services, there are driver's licenses, anything else, but the decision-making mechanism has not been developed, yes, but it cannot be, mr. oleksiy, well, the tcc cannot work on the territory of another country, and they said that too, the tcc itself has stated this, in this case
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you... there is such a collision, in the deputy who decided to remain a servant of the people, maryana bezugla says, you don't sound like ukrainians, throw away the passport, take someone else's, the combat arrest officer shouts in russian abroad, take the russian passport, in one word, for some reason, they chose the worst of all decisions, why? look, i once had a history, again, i'm not a lawyer, but i had a history, i missed a fine for violation of rights'. traffic, there was a slight speeding, it was a minimal amount, i just missed it, and once 5-6 years ago i was going to go abroad and it turned out that my car was impounded, that is, my car was impounded for a small fine, and with on the other hand, cars are not arrested, those who crossed the border during the martial law by honest or dishonest means and are currently in europe, that is, i do not understand why
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parliament accepted how mild. the law has many mechanisms that can be regulated. now the next point: this is the decision about passports, we need to think about pr now, we need to think about the question of whether we will send a signal that the state is doing justly, or do we need a result? i always believe that the key, key task should be the result itself, but i assume that as a result of these... difficulties in obtaining passports, other documents, notary services there, i think that 0.01 or 0 may return to ukraine, 01, that is, actually nothing, that is, the result will actually be zero, moreover, to my deep conviction, we already received a few months ago, let me remind you, then high-ranking officials declared that we need to forcefully return ukrainian
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men abroad, they declared. without a proposal of a mechanism, and then i remember that a whole wave arose in europe, publications in the media, statements of european politicians pointed the finger at ukraine, that a second army of ukrainian men was hiding here. we got a negative result for ourselves, but people were not returned. now the second wave, again the discussion is rising in europe, everyone is drawing attention to a fact that is actually very shameful for ukraine, but the mechanism. does not exist, so when there is no mechanism, when we cannot achieve a result, i'm sorry, then it's obviously not worth raising a fuss, but now at the legislative level, at the level of by- laws, we need to create serious safeguards so that you can hand over the ships, sir oleksiy, you understand, we are again on the classic ukrainian rake, that sometimes, when there are no brains, it is better to chew than
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to say, we are back in these poloptsi. oleksiy koshen, head of the committee of voters of ukraine with a comment for espress viewers. thank you time for news. khrystyna porobiy already knows what to talk about. all the freshest and most important at the moment on the air of the espresso tv channel in news khrystyna tobi slovo. thank you, colleagues. what is the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant? i will tell you in a moment, and also about the losses of the enemy, do not miss it. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy , i'll tell you about the most relevant at the moment: the minister of agricultural policy was arrested by two months


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