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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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april 80, 1986 was caused by the soviet government, and today its successors are fighting against us. a moment of silence.
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khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. four people were injured in skirmishes in the kharkiv region, among them three children. the girls are five and 16 years old, as well as a four-year-old boy and his grandmother. previously, all injuries were minor. the injured were treated on the spot. in the morning, the enemy attacked the central part of the city with guided aerial bombs. a two-story building caught fire, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, said.
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the two cabs were dropped by the occupiers about an hour ago and on sumy, attacked an industrial facility, and also shelled bilopol'. a fire broke out in the city, the regional authorities reported. details are currently unknown. and the russians killed five residents of donetsk region. another eight were injured. the iskander m missile hit the village of udachne. three electromechanics died on the railway. four were injured. power grids were damaged, one more victim each in ochereteny and kurakhivka. private homes were damaged, and in krasnohorivka, three residents were injured and two houses were destroyed. another victim in hirnik. the russians hit with coffee and on a high-rise building in kostyantynivka, but the bomb did not explode, the regional police reported. during the day, the enemy shelled donetsk region 1,800 times. espionage was activated. the defenders of the sky destroyed two enemy drones in the south of ukraine. at night. in the kherson region,
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air defense forces landed the orland-10 reconnaissance uav, and during the day in the odesa region, they destroyed the zala drone, the air force reported. a military serviceman was kidnapped in odesa, who was helping to hide the suspects in the shooting of policemen in vinnytsia. the police informed the man about suspicion according to the investigation, two wanted soldiers were hidden. his car in the garage of the suspect's father, he bought a new mobile phone for them and handed it over together with foreign passports. in the car of the henchman, the shooters went to podilsk, odesa region, where they were detained. a preventive measure will be chosen for him soon. the minister of agricultural policy was arrested for two months in a pre-trial detention center with the right to bail. in the morning , the higher anti-corruption court of mykola solsky chose such a precautionary measure. however, the court softened the requirement
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prosecutors, they asked to determine the amount of bail of uah 200 million, but the amount was reduced to uah 75,700. if solsky makes it, he must wear an electronic bracelet, hand in his passport and not leave kyiv. let me remind you, the minister is suspected of taking over state land worth uah 291 million, as well as attempting to appropriate another plot of land worth uah 190 million. the day before , the minister of agricultural policy wrote a resignation letter, which must be considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. they tried to establish the russian tricolor. our soldiers eliminated the russians, who wanted to hang their flag at the factory in krasnohorivka in donetsk region, - reported in the khortytsia operational-strategic group. the defense forces denied the information that the enemy occupied this territory. the day before, russian propagandists. rejoiced at the alleged occupation of the plant,
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told that it was the main object of the city, but received a response from the armed forces. russian bombs were aimed at kharkiv. the security service of ukraine detained two enemy correctional officers. the men did repairs and at the same time spied on the ukrainian military, as well as searched for mobile phones fire groups the information was passed on to an acquaintance who left for occupied donetsk back in 2014. both face from eight years in prison to life imprisonment. and i remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, the intelligence unit needs. third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have
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less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. 38 years of the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. it still remains the largest man-made disaster in human history. due to the negligence of the management and problems with the reactor, there was a release of nuclear pavelov, equivalent in terms of pollution to three hundred hiroshimas. a radioactive cloud was formed that covered ukraine, belarus and russia, as well as part of europe. however, the soviet government. they tried to hush up the disaster, kyivans were taken out at the may day demonstrations, thousands of people received extremely high doses of radiation, and pripyat and chernobyl were devastated for decades. the national bank
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of ukraine dedicated a coin named "chernobyl-revival of the black stork" to the restoration of wildlife in the chernobyl zone. this is the fourth coin in the series, issued to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the te disaster. pieces, starting today it can be purchased in the online store of numismatic products of the nbu. in the village of marotske in the kyiv region , benefactors restored a residential building that was destroyed by the occupiers at the beginning a full-scale invasion. our correspondent dmetro didora saw how it was updated. he is with us live. my friend, i congratulate you, so how many people will be able to return to their homes today. greetings khrystyna, greetings to our viewers as well, we are indeed currently in the village of myrotskyi in the kyiv region, this is the buchansky district, it was occupied by the russian invaders at the beginning of the great war, against our armed forces then they managed to push them out of the kyiv region, but it was not without the fact that
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they destroyed everything they saw as they left, and the house behind me in it of course, it is hard to believe, but he was also there, there was a direct hit. of a russian projectile , according to the residents who were there, it caught fire, the flames immediately engulfed the central part of the building, then four apartments burned completely, two more were also affected by the flames, and according to the residents, even one person died, because i didn't have time to go outside, and the flames quickly engulfed the building, as it was then, at the beginning of a full-scale war, let's ... hear, took, you took, that you took the gold, when there was such an explosion, left smoke, when we looked at the window, there was smoke, we immediately jumped out of the apartment because it was on fire and they were shooting, my balcony was completely shattered into pieces, that’s right, the glass all fell down,
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you immediately began to be beaten, because it was scary, i also have a brother the same invalid, he has a knee, he can’t run, i say, let’s go down little by little, she herself ran to the basement, which is the same thing, in this building there are 16 apartments, in which 50 residents of the village lived, now the building has been restored thanks to a non-commercial the american organization gem and in partnership with the un agency representative office in refugee affairs, allocated 130 and 60 thousand dollars for this, thanks to which it was possible to rebuild the facade, replace windows and doors, and repair. apartments, rebuild the attic, which also burned down and restore the roof, and now the apartments have only been repaired, plumbing has been installed there, but the residents say that they have not yet connected the communications, so they most likely will not be able
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to enter their apartments today, but the un representative , which was here today, they promised that they would soon finalize all works, connect all communications and even promised that they would on... trying to find the necessary furniture and appliances for the residents for the first time, so this is the state of reconstruction of a destroyed house in the village of myrodskyi in the kyiv region. thank you dmytro, our correspondent dmytro didora told how residential buildings that were destroyed during the occupation are being restored in the buchansk district. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, set your favorites, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. atakams is already in ukraine. the americans have confirmed that the armed forces are already using their long-range missiles. will the germans dare to provide taurus? putin's insidious plans. russia began to stockpile weapons. will pistorius' predictions about an attack on nato countries come true in a few years? consular batih: conscripted men will not be able to get a passport abroad. will these restrictions help increase mobilization? about this and about other things, during the next hour. we are talking to the politician, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine valery chaly. however, before starting
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our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters repelled another russian assault. for strikes on enemy equipment, the defenders used drones and wild hornets. in particular, an infantry fighting vehicle was hit, it turned into a fiery flu. let's see how it was.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and also participate in our vote. today we ask you the following question: will putin dare to attack nato countries. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments below. this video, if you watch us on tv, get your hands on it smartphone or phone and vote for
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the corresponding numbers. if you think that putin will dare to attack nato countries, 0800-211381, no, 080 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's guest, he is a diplomat and a politician. former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center valery chaley. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with me today by us i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation, mr. valery, with today's resolution of the european parliament. meps adopted a document calling putin an illegitimate president and calling on the people's community not to recognize the results of the elections in the russian federation, as they were neither
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free nor fair. in addition, the european parliament calls for the introduction of sanctions against those involved in holding the so- called elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, the eu countries are recommended limit all ties with the authorities of the russian federation. despite the fact that the resolution of the european parliament is a recommendation. what does this mean for the world and who can benefit from this recommendation and how important is today's decision of the european parliament? well, i want it broken into two parts after all. the first thing about what you said about the russian leader, it is obvious here, it adds such additional political levers for his isolation, because, let me remind you, in general, there is an open criminal case in the international court, and the only thing that this will not affect is obviously his perception in russia itself, in a police
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authoritarian country, but really in the space of the european union, where it operates... the european council, the european commission, that is , it will have an impact, and it will have to be reacted to somehow, although, as far as i understand, there there is such a moment that from the point of view of the negotiations there and the recognition of the amount of compensation for ukraine and all other things, humanitarian issues, well, humanitarian now means primarily the exchange of prisoners. of our children stolen by russia, then, as i understand it, they have the options left in their resolution contacts, but it is already important, although the second part will be the most effective, and the second part, which really concerns the violation of not only international rules, but even
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the rules of war, there are protocols that regulate these issues that the occupying authorities. do not have the right to force people to vote for another country, this is another criminal offense, this crime on the territory of ukraine will have consequences already during the consideration, already now, of issues of russian crimes on the territory of ukraine. in any case, this is the next step for really isolation of a certain one, which is very necessary for further coordinated steps of all countries from... another important decision this week is the provision of $61 billion in aid to ukraine from the united states of america, the congress and then the senate of the united states of america, and as a result, president biden signed this law, can this decision be considered a marker for other countries, and those
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that are going to provide us with help, and of course for... russia, that no one is going to leave ukraine alone from the russian federation? i would still start with what it is the decision was prepared for too long, and it gave the russians an opportunity to attack, that is, such a pause in our capabilities, and additional advantages for them, and it is not for nothing. this is a period of at least 7 months, and it will still take time until the necessary equipment is available already at the front, that is, this is something that could not be allowed, but such a situation has developed, the reasons will not be discussed now, because there is a solution, and when it has already been done, thanking, and we can thank here
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, president joseph biden, but also the republicans, mitch mcconnell, who has just been on your screens, today there were... calls from the president of ukraine, to all, just to the heads of the two chambers, both in the senate and in the house of representatives, this is the right step, not only to thank, but to inform about the situation, about how we will act further , this must be done constantly and continue to be done with the americans, now regarding the signals, the signal is very good, in principle it was already expected even by our enemies and the aggressor who condemns the entire democratic world, but still, i think they had some hope there on changes in the package itself, or maybe delaying it even more, so this was a very good signal to the kremlin, to moscow, as well as to european partners. i will remind
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you that at first, when the situation in the usa with military aid began to sag, it was precisely in europe that it began. to take new initiatives, if we were to move faster, realizing that it is possible here, well, not to get everything from the united states, and vice versa, when europe started to move faster, then washington had to react, because the ramstein format is already, well, let's be honest speak, so it sagged a little, and france and emmanuel macron even convened a meeting in order to hold a replacement for ramstein, new ideas began to appear, now america is back. as the leader of this euro-atlantic coalition, which is very broad, does not include only the countries of europe, there is also japan, and... say, south korea and our friends from other countries, well, the united states, canada, of course, on the american continent, so it is good , very much a signal of the unity
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of the partners of europe and america, which will be confirmed already, i think, during the trip, which will soon be carried out, well soon, it means in a month there, will be carried out to europe by joseph biden, i really hope that he will take part in the peace summit. where the ukrainian peace formula will be considered and a signal to countries like china that the usa is not backing down, the usa is working, the usa is helping, and at least it is obvious now that putin's intentions, for this year, will already be seriously undermined after such a decision , although i want to remind you that all these numbers that are contained in... oh, they still need to be translated into real weapons, a billion of these weapons have now been decided and promised
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to be delivered to ukraine as soon as possible, but the next packages, it seems to me, should go faster, without stretching it for a long period, concentrated this year in order to make it possible to transfer the war from such a profitable, as it is now in more, perhaps maneuverable. as far as possible, different opinions, but one thing is clear, that now there is a chance, not right now, but somewhere in the fall, maybe in the winter of this year, in order to change this situation that has developed now. after president biden signed the law, the department of defense of the united states of america announced the allocation of a package of military aid to ukraine with a total cost of 1 billion dollars. and defense minister rustem umyerov reported that the weapons provided for in the new package of military aid from the united states of america will not reach ukraine in the near future, although
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american officials have confirmed that the americans secretly provided ukraine with long-range ballistic missiles, ukraine has already started using them against russian troops. ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine bridget brink reported on the x network that the united states in april provided ukraine. the army's atakam long-range tactical missiles, this month the united states provided long-range atakam missiles to ukraine, as ordered by president joseph biden. this is another signal that our commitment to the defense of ukraine is unwavering, said the ambassador. mr. valeriu, the atakams weapon is quite powerful, quite strong, and scholz is obvious when he keeps talking about... that germany is not ready to provide tauris, every time i looked at the united states of america, whether this help with these missiles
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will be convincing for the germans now, because after biden signed the law, scholz once again said that we, we are not ready yet, when germany will be ready to do what the united states of america is doing. it is obvious that we need these missiles and taurus, and this is about defense, it is not about any additional strikes on moscow, no, our partners know this, they know it in washington, they know it in berlin, the position on taurus is currently the personal position of the chancellor of germany, it is frankly not shared by everyone in germany. you know, buddhists, many people look at it differently, well, this was the position at the time, i remember, it was connected with
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the sending or giving of atakamsa to ukraine, so it was said, if you look carefully for this connection, you will find it, but now it is not said that way anymore, that is , german chancellor olaf sh. does not publicly announce such a connection, and in principle, well, it is the case. about what is being explained it is the reluctance there to escalate, again additional, i think that everything has to mature, now we have to, when we evaluate the position of the chancellor of germany, i think we will continue to talk about it, but we must not forget that germany made a decision recently and about several air defense systems, and this is a serious addition to what is there, it is very good and ... a great decision by germany, a quick decision, and it should be noted that in contrast, even from the usa, which has very recently
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re-engaged in a powerful way. germany is not saying that they have nothing to replace, they are provide, understanding the need, i think, and the united states could really think about its air defense systems, after all, one usa patriot is not quite adequate, i think that it would be possible to strengthen precisely from the side of the united states this coalition led by actually germany-france on the air defense system about, but the chances are such, therefore... there will be coordination, whether the provision of long-range attacks will encourage, the provision of just tauruses, well, logically, logically, because i will say one thing, remind one thing, here literally said the other day was an advisor with of national security, jake salevan, the president of the united states, that long-range missile attacks are provided to ukraine after russia used north korea's ballistic missiles, well, that is, moved.
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some there, i don’t know what they crossed, some, maybe some agreements were behind the scenes, or are such red lines considered so simple, because it is strange to connect the provision of missiles absolutely necessary for defense to us with some russian actions, but it is so , so it was said, this is, by the way, evidence that this approach to such a war is driven by escalation i say, it is still not broken, that is, not broken and not remade. some conclusions to the end, we hope that after this package of legislation they will be made, because it contains a very important element of 45 days, the white house must provide a strategy for the victory of ukraine and an action plan, corresponding to action even for several years. returning to missiles, i will say that taurus, well, let's not repeat it again now, germany knows our needs, germany
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has now included it very seriously. aid to ukraine, let's hope for a positive decision, just one the thing about atakams, you said, mr. serhiy, that this is a secret decision, yes, that’s how the united states presented it, that it is secret, in fact, what kind of secret decision can we talk about, if it was on the pentagon website, it was written there, additional there to heimer systems, everything was written in 300 million, there was a package, that is , i in general, i will tell you honestly, just from the very beginning it is surprising, this transparency that is published by everyone, the number of provided, well, not everything is shown, but they are not deciphered, but everyone reads it perfectly, and the enemy reads it, that's why what worries me more is not that it was not officially announced, but now only confirmed, and what worries me is why the aid in this war is being conducted so openly, with such figures, i understand the report for taxpayers, but why give all this to the enemy..
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information, this is very confusing to me, so there was no secrecy, there is simply no need to shout to the whole world, this is a missile attack, let 's go to ukraine, let the enemy look at them, what is already appearing of the fact, it appeared at the front, there are consequences, i found pieces there, that is and it means that they appeared, well, absolutely true, at least. too much transparency in the current situation, it can only hinder, yesterday anthony blinkin, the secretary of state of the united states of america, began his visit to beijing, and before the trip to china, both the financial times and bloomberg reported that the secretary of state intends to warn of punitive measures by the white house, punitive, of course, in quotation marks,
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if pykin does not stop sending military and dual -use technologies to russia, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of china's affairs, wang wenbin said that the prc opposes the baseless accusations of the united states of america regarding normal sino-russian trade, well, it says normal sino-russian trade, let's listen to what wang wenbin said. in the ukrainian issue. took an objective and fair position, made active efforts to stop peace negotiations and worked for a political settlement. china is neither the one who created the ukrainian crisis nor a party to it, it never added fuel to the fire, did not profit from the crisis and will not agree to the blame game. we emphasize china's right to normal
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economic, trade relations with... countries around the world, including.


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