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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio. greetings to all viewers, and now to the main events. two people were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. among them is a nine-year-old boy. the child was hospitalized in a moderate condition. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. the occupiers hit a residential quarter of the city, four five-story buildings and a gas pipeline were damaged. ukraine returned another 140 fallen defenders. this was reported in the coordination headquarters for issues. treatment of
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prisoners of war in total, it was possible to repatriate 112 bodies of defenders from donetsk and 20 fallen from luhansk directions. they also brought home five more bodies from the sumy direction, two fallen defenders from zaporizhzhya and one from the kherson direction. he worked for the occupation authorities. a 39-year-old collaborator was exposed in the kharkiv region. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. during the occupation of the region, the intruder. at the state enterprise kupyansk railway road, there the traitor publicly called on colleagues and employees to cooperate with the russian power, claimed that with erefia there would be more money and life would be better. so far, the collaborator has been detained. a committee of the swiss parliament has approved aid to ukraine in the amount of 5.5 billion dollars, reuters reports. the funds were allocated within the framework of a wider.
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a package aimed at improving switzerland's defense capabilities. money for ukraine should be spent on the restoration of civil infrastructure. the swiss parliament noted that the multibillion-dollar package is an extraordinary contribution to the security of switzerland and peace in europe against the background of russian aggression. sweden will send a small military contingent to latvia within the framework of nato. there will be increased security in the region. part of the country's contribution to the transatlantic alliance, said the prime minister of sweden. it is about half a thousand military personnel who will serve as part of the multinational nato forces in latvia until the beginning of 2025. sweden will also provide them with combat vehicles, infantry, all-terrain vehicles and leopard tanks. the minister of agricultural policy was arrested for two months, sizo, with the right to bail. this is a precautionary measure. in the morning elected the higher
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anti-corruption court to mykola solsky, however, the court softened the request of the prosecutors, they asked to determine the amount of bail in 200 million uah, but the amount was reduced to 75 million 700 thousand uah. if solsky makes it, he must wear an electronic bracelet, hand in his passport and not leave kyiv. let me remind you, the minister is suspected of flooding with state land worth uah 291 million, as well as of trying to own another plot of land worth uah 190 million. the day before , the minister of agricultural policy wrote a resignation letter, which must be considered by the verkhovna rada. equipment worth a billion hryvnias was stolen. the official is suspected of embezzlement and destruction of property at the chernobyl nuclear power plant during the occupation. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. according to the investigation, the russian official was at the ub station. in 2022, the person involved
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committed looting, in particular, he ordered the dismantling of valuable equipment, then this equipment was taken to belarus, and the occupiers destroyed everything that they could not take. due to the fact of the capture of the chernobyl nuclear power plant , three commanders of the armed forces of the russian federation, who structurally belong to the number of the national guard of the russian federation, the so-called rosgvardiya. by the facts of their aggressive war and seizure of the territory of the nuclear power plant itself. he corrupted minors. the court of kyiv imprisoned a children's coach for up to 12 years. according to the investigation , the 50-year-old criminal got to know two underage girls. later, the man invited the teenagers to his home. there he offered girls alcohol and drugs, showed pornographic materials. and later...
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incited minors to create their own video for money. such meetings lasted four months. in ivano-frankivsk, children of the dead and military personnel. easter eggs were painted, a master class was held in the regional local history museum, scientists of the art institute helped beginners master the intricacies of easter egg painting. in prykarpattia , pysankarst traditions have been popular since ancient times. not every district has unique ornaments that belong to different ethnic groups. some of the elements of such ornaments were applied by the participants to the eggs during the master class. to paint easter egg is for me. not at all for the first time, i 've never done it like this before, but if i did, it's important to show everyone that some traditions are always needed, even if minimal, but to maintain, continue and pass on from generation to generation.
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representatives of ukraine at eurovision 2024, alyona alyona and jerry hale went to the song contest in malmö, sweden. let's see what messages the performers sent and what the audience will see on stage. representatives of ukraine at eurovision 2024 sing their composition tereza maria on capital railway station. in a matter of minutes, the performers will go to... a stage competition, the first rehearsals will take place on saturday in malmö, sweden. it is very important that the ukrainian song is played not from eurovision to eurovision, as i already said today, but simply constantly, because if you know this music, you seem to know the people face to face.
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the performers did not admit what the stage number would look like. according to the music blog , the most famous ukrainian director was involved in the production, and the audience will see the real power of the girls on stage. we we will reveal her identity later on the date set with her and it would be wrong to do it beforehand without her consent, so you will see everything, hear everything, but it will happen, jerry hale's mother also came to support her daughter, she will be worried, the woman admits, and definitely let's keep our fingers crossed for luck, well, i kind of believed that it would be like that, because, as you understand, she knocked more than once, in the bible, as it says, whoever knocks, i think they will open. so that she was not the only one who knocked and reached, i believe that the whole universe hears what i am asking may the lord god help him to come in victory. also, the representatives of ukraine at the song contest have a charitable goal. together with the united foundation, 24 female artists
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announced a charity fundraiser for the reconstruction of a gymnasium in dnipropetrovsk region. russian missiles destroyed it in october 22. in total, 10 million hryvnias are needed for 250... children to return to the walls of the educational institution, since eurovision is such an apolitical contest, we will try to wear clothes, as much as possible, to howl and speak somewhere, and reconstruction is something that everyone will pay attention to , whoever wants to rebuild, break, not build, that's right, in front of the train, a group photo of the team and hugs with loved ones, the representatives of ukraine are going to the 68th eurovision song contest. bookmakers predict the fifth step for our artists. the representative of switzerland holds the first place. however, in 2016 , eurovision winner jamali, bookmakers promised only third place. alyona alyona and jerry hale
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will compete for a place in the finals on may 7. in the first semi-final, ukrainian performers will perform under the fifth number. here bookmakers' predictions are unanimous. 96% are confident that ukraine will overcome the obstacles of the semi-finals. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. and our military is waiting for your donations. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made a prepayment and it remains to collect less than uah 300,000, so let's not delay and help our armed forces, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen now. that was the news for this
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time, our team is working so that you can see the updated news release already at 15 o'clock, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also under... follow us on social networks and watch unique content at youtube, and literally in a moment meet my colleague antin borkovsky, who will continue the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, continues information day of the tv channel, and i will now inform you about the most important events of the day, and of course, i will involve the most competent and informed experts. another important message from sumy oblast, so the russian interventionists shelled bilopil with artillery, two people
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died, they shelled the residential quarters of bilopil in sumy oblast with artillery and hail, two civilians were killed. the direct speech of the mayor of bilopol' yury zarka. today there were two shellings on bilopyl, the first from artillery, around 10 o'clock in the morning there were four shots, they hit the first place. after 40 minutes, they struck again with... i can't say for sure whether the entire cassette or only 20 blows , it is being determined at the moment, it is known about two dead, but in any case we understand that the most tragic, most dramatic events are now unfolding on battlefield, about the situation at the front ivan tymochko, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan. glory to the heroes, glad to see you. we are glad to see you, and i would like to to provide a professional assessment of what is happening in the temporary yar and around it, we understand that
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the enemy is extremely active there and is attacking not only frontally, but also trying to bypass the temporary yar from the flanks. so, taking into account the geographical location of the temporary ravine, which is at a height, it is clear that the enemy, there are also built a number of fortifications around the city. of course, the enemy has a goal. in the case of a frontal assault, it is to restrain our armed forces, and bypassing from the flanks for him is not so much a goal as, say, delivering some kind of combat strike on to the city, how to cut the logistical routes of support and supplies of ammunition directly, transportation of personnel, rotation, and in these in this and in order to increase the field around the city itself in the future or in the future. clash or increase the width of the front around the city, on the assumption that, after all, under
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such circumstances, they will manage to find some weak, weak, weak point or weak point in the circular defense or in the general defense of the city, of course, in order to even get around flanks, to them, for example, in the district ivanivsky andriivka still need to occupy those settlements, it is clear that bypassing the temporal ravine, say... from the north, which they are counting on, they still need to move towards the zkil reservoir or towards the same siversky canal donetsk, which in turn will require enormous strength and effort. it appears that they continue to act within the framework of the plans and ideas that were prescribed by the russian command, even before we received support in terms of weapons with the agreement, it is meant, in particular by the united states and with the agreed funds of the european union,
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in order for them to expect to enter, to seize the window of opportunity in order to finally occupy, as they believed, in the time of yar, in order to again in turn expand the springboard for the advance of their troops in the direction of kramatorsk , sloviansk, druzhkivka, and also in order to enter, say, the administrative... zones of the donetsk region from the northern side, while in the south, we ourselves know, until now, that the fighting around the avdiyiv agglomeration around outside avdiyvka towards the coal miner, pokrovska and kurakhove are calculated to cover the donetsk region, actually from the south, and in this case they still hoped that at the strategic level they would be able to occupy the donetsk region, so it looks like they will continue to work in that russian, in that general plan, and if they try
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to adjust some of their actions, it is simply on a tactical level, taking into account the reserves that they can pull up at this stage. mr. ivan, look, avdiyivka, there is an alarming message from the intelligence of the united kingdom of great britain and northern of ireland i am now quoting british scouts, their analytical report, so the russians accelerated their advance near avdi. the advance of the enemy in this area has accelerated during the last week despite the losses. it's going, now let's give a direct speech. british, despite constant high losses, there is a high probability that the armed forces of russia are capable of continuously shelling ukrainian positions in this area and have taken control of several small settlements. the british department stated that the ground troops interventionists created a narrow passage deep into ukrainian territory to enter the town of ocheretyn, located approximately 15 km
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north of avdiyivka. mr. ivan, avdiivka. reeds and continuous russian assaults, well reeds, their calculation is to take a direct route towards pokrovsk kup'insk, this is a clear test in that direction, of course, it is a pity that the circumstances, which are already being discussed a lot in the public space, which took place in the ocheretyan direction, unfortunately, created problems for of the armed... forces of ukraine, but again, to say that this is already some kind of operational or strategic success of the enemy, and it is still very, very early. yes, this is a serious problem, and it is necessary to carry out, study the issue, conduct an investigation, work on mistakes, so that such events do not happen in the future, because this is the situation, not even
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so much in the combat plan, and at the operational level. .. the situation in the commercial space is very tense, very, very, let's say, has attracted attention, and it is even very difficult to understand for the general public where the truth, where are the information omissions, where there were real failures, and where people who want to, let's say, have on this, both hype and on the other hand, and people who demand fair, their responsibilities from individuals, which did not establish an appropriate defense, so of course here it is still worth waiting for official investigations and on the basis of this to assess the situation, in general, as far as it is already known, that even the commander-in-chief ordered a number of units to be reinforced with reserves in this direction, so
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to calculate that there the russians will succeed intercept the initiative in this direction, or let's say... penetrate our line of defense, well , it's too early to talk about it, but in any case, it's important that society knows about it, and that there are no censorship attempts by the censored, let's say , to limit information from society or to hide the problem, but from that, well, it’s not easier, we perfectly understand that in this way the enemy will always try to find weak points and try to break through the defense as much as possible and will be ready there, as the british intelligence officers said that they will be there throw continuously that amount of human resources and forces in order to expand and create bridgeheads, in particular, there they will most quickly in this direction try to expand the troops on their flanks, because a rather narrow narrow circle, a very narrow, let's say,
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the line that they occupied, and they understand that they are very vulnerable there. in front of the artillery fire of our armed forces, but we will all observe the situation, the events, in any case, mr. ivan, let's explain to our tv viewers in simple language, so you very rightly noted about information attacks from the enemy, about rumors that are very often hyperbolized, but on the other hand, we understand that the situation in the reed area is very serious, and it has a threatening dimension. now i can, i can quote the journalist valery lytonynskyi, yes, the site is a correspondent, and he says, for example, that the problem of the loss of ochereteny for the armed forces of ukraine is primarily related to the threat of the collapse of the entire defense line in the pokrov direction, the creation of which the ukrainian command was forced to
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start after leaving avdiivka, it was assumed that in case of further advance of russian troops in the western. direction, they will push into new lines of defense in the area of ​​the karliv reservoir and the vovche river, which are difficult to force, and so on and so forth, and who is to blame for the breakthrough, who is to blame for allowing the breakthrough in the ocheretenovo area, that is, everything that is possible and everything , that officially, mr. ivan, i would ask you to summarize, if possible, well, if we are talking about the non-classified part, yes, plus or minus, at what level they could assume ... these or other commanders of errors, this is a tactical, local level, operational, an investigation is currently underway, and here it is still worth waiting for official information and. a full range of issues and problems will be studied, guess now, put forward my theses, well, i, for example, am not ready in this regard, since
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this should still be confirmed information, substantiated by the results of the investigation and provided information, because to talk about to the extent that it creates a threat or will create a threat, this can be done by specialists who work directly in this direction, who know about the presence. the forces, the means in this direction, the enemy, what reserves are involved, moreover, again now according to the supply of weapons, or how much do you currently expect to bring there, let's say additional forces in terms of artillery or aviation, i would not like to just discuss for the sake of discussion or discuss the issue information about which i do not have this volume of data is to guess, well... let many who want to draw attention to themselves, can tell on this plan, draw some different schemes, and about the events, about the actual
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it has been said, no one hides anything anymore, because it has been discussed for a very long time, it attracts a lot of attention, as far as it is said that it can collapse the defense line, the defense lines collapse, if, say, the enemy penetrates, strikes some kind of sharp blow and it is not... . are not stopped, then yes, it can carry, again, it should be several directions, several breakthroughs that cut the general line of defense, or one wide one, there on a stretch of several kilometers or even tens of kilometers, then it can be said about threats. or the entry of the enemy into some, again, there they did not go into the rear of some brigades of units, so they advanced in a specific direction, so i do not want to either underestimate or overestimate the threat, but, of course, it is much easier to draw attention to yourself with loud statements, but i would - still wanted us all to be restrained and very careful in our
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statements, while there is no official information about this direction. yes, mr. ivan, you carefully outlined the situation, well, but i understand for what reasons, yes, because we have no right to give the enemy any chance to information, on the other hand, we understand that in... the enemy has become active in the south as well, if we talk about the situation in the direction of the orihiv region, then it is robotine, novoprokopivka and activation in the novomovka direction of willow, but not only there the enemy is active, the direction of velika novosilka staromayorsky, the enemy in the south is also conducting quite active combat operations, which is now in the south, this is a distracting maneuver. the enemy, will they be ready to raise the level of intensity of fighting there? and above all, they are carrying out putin's order to occupy everyone
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territories, occupied territories of ukraine, which they lost during retreats. the robotino area is dangerous for them, first of all, because there is a direct road to tokmak, and they understand very well that those who go to tokmak have every chance to get out later, let's say even. to melitopol, it is clear to them, and taking into account that our troops, and this has just been officially confirmed, that in the kryno area, whether or not in a large area, but expanding the bridgehead, this means that the left bank of the dnieper for the russians is already becoming threatening, because shoigu once reported that that they have already occupied the crimea and will not occupy it until now, this means that they perfectly understand what is being done, what are the edges. to work with them in a negative way for the russians, which, for example, the same work on fire control now, especially again with supplies, additional supplies
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of long-range weapons for the ukrainians, will make it possible, let's say, to completely keep the mainland territory of occupied ukraine under control the south, of course, that they perfectly understand that there their line is so-called suroviki at ... at that time, which was cut, the defenses, there are several echelons of it, its defenses were cut, even if not completely, but this performance gave created serious problems for the russian troops, of course, they are trying now tried, by the way, until now taking into account the new forces, they tried to use the window of opportunity that appeared for them after the supply of ammunition by america was stopped, they also had a zaga... the idea of ​​collapsing our defense line in both the south and the east, so naturally that now the movement of troops or the activity of their troops to
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the moment of the arrival of these weapons on the front line, because the fact that the weapons are allocated does not mean that they are fighting, and the period between allocation and delivery can be prolonged both in days and weeks, despite the rhetoric of politicians who are in favor of that abroad, as well as here, in fact, until the weapon spoke, did not work on the battlefield, until then it is just capital, but it is a resource, but not a means with which to attack the enemy. so that the enemy tries literally in those days or weeks to use until the weapons have arrived in full in order to push our troops back in order to occupy small, or let's say , positions somewhere, but in order to later have the opportunity to gain a foothold, because they, the russians, also understand very well that when the full range of weapons arrives, they can no longer think about any offensives,
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at least the nearest ones there a month or two it will not be possible, even this announced large-scale offensive that they are planning there for the end of may, well, but as a rule , their offensives were always delayed for a month or two, we constantly observed this, that is, they expect to start some kind of a large-scale offensive, and this, among other things , is included in the framework of the mobilization processes that they have launched within themselves, in fact, up to this moment, they have been trying to keep the initiative for these few weeks. days, so that later, when they switched to a passive defense, they understood that they had also weakened our troops, destroyed the territories for their own detention or entrenchment on already occupied lines and positions. thank you, mr. ivan, for this honest, difficult conversation, i want to remind our viewers that ima-ivan tymochko was currently working on espresso, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the council of reservists of the ground forces
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