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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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the chernobyl tragedy served as a warning to all humanity of how volatile our future could be with uncontrolled radiation. russia's current behavior is once again putting the world on the brink of disaster, because zaporizhia as is under occupation. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. thank you colleagues for this extremely important story. memory of all those who died trying to overcome radiation danger. april 26: the day of remembrance of the victims of the chernobyl tragedy. well, it's time for news, news time. iryna koval, already, i see irina on the phone. irina, tell me about the most important thing. yes, antin, i will talk about the most important events at this time literally in a moment, so wait.
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news time on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. two people were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. among them is a nine-year-old boy. the child was hospitalized in a moderate condition. it was reported. head of the region serhii lysak. the occupiers hit the residential quarter of the city. four five-story buildings were damaged and gas piper he worked for the occupation authorities. a 39-year-old collaborator was exposed in the kharkiv region. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. during the occupation of the region, the perpetrator worked at the state enterprise kupyansk railway road. there, the traitor publicly called on colleagues and employees to cooperate. with the russian
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authorities, claimed that with erefia there would be more money and life would be better. so far, the collaborator has been detained. sold trophy weapons. black gunsmiths were exposed in three regions of ukraine, who were illegally transporting weapons from the frontline bridge. this was reported to the security service. in particular, in the poltava region, a criminal group that tried to sell combat grenades to local crime was neutralized. three more. traders were exposed in zhytomyr region, during the search of the perpetrators, automatic weapons, flamethrowers and ammunition were found, and a resident of odesa region was also detained. the man distributed devices for mines and explosives. all seized means of destruction will be transferred to the needs of the armed forces. evaders were charged for bribes. in the lviv region, the security service exposed a criminal group of doctors one of the medical institutions. extras forged medical reports. on appointment
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of a disability group for men of military age. the price of such a service was uah 50,000. during the searches, officials found fake documents and 2.5 million hryvnias. the organizer of the scheme was the head of one of the medical advisory commissions of the district, who involved other narrow-profile medical specialists of the specified hospital. the special service established. more than 50 episodes of their criminal activity have been documented so far 10 cases of doctors receiving illegal benefits for a total amount of about 200 uah. as of today, five participants of the scheme have already been notified of the suspicion, and the issue of choosing a preventive measure for them is also being resolved. illegally returned to ukraine. border guards detained the men near poland. previously, two brothers had lived in germany for several years and, due to lack of work, decided to return
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home, they put on wetsuits and swam across the zahidniy bukh river, where the ukrainian border guards were already waiting for them. offenders, offenders were brought to administrative responsibility. business on marriage. police busted a large-scale scheme to smuggle men across the border in kyiv. according to the materials of the investigation, a 38-year-old resident of kyiv region and her accomplice were searched on telegram channels. men of conscription age. the suspects tried to find them potential grooms with disabilities. after marriage, they could legally go abroad. law enforcement officers kidnapped women after registering one of the fictitious marriages, for which a woman with a disability received $1,500. equipment worth a billion hryvnias was stolen. a rosatom official is suspected of embezzlement and destruction of property at the chornobyl nuclear
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power plant during the occupation, the prosecutor general's office reported. according to the investigation, the russian official was at the station in march 2022. the extra did it. looting, in particular ordered to dismantle valuable equipment, then this equipment was taken to belarus. the occupiers destroyed everything that they could not take away. as a matter of fact , the chornobyl os was already captured three commanders of the armed forces of the russian federation, who structurally belong to the national guard of the russian federation and of the so-called russian guards, based on the fact that they waged an aggressive war and seized the territory of the nuclear power plant itself. the newly appointed head of the ministry of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braje, came to kyiv. this is braže's first foreign visit
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in his new position, the press service of the latvian ministry of foreign affairs reported. the minister met with her ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba. together they honored the memory of ukrainians who died in the war. near the wall of heroes on mykhailivska square of the capital. the committee of the swiss parliament has approved aid to ukraine in the amount of 5.5 billion dollars, the roits agency reports. the funds were allocated as part of a broader package aimed at improving switzerland's defense capabilities. money for ukraine should be spent on the restoration of civil infrastructure. the swiss parliament noted that the multibillion-dollar package is a normal contribution to switzerland's security and peace in europe, against the background of russian aggression. sweden will send a small military contingent to latvia within the framework of nato. strengthening security in the region will be part of the country's contribution to
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the transatlantic alliance, the prime minister of sweden said. it is about half a thousand military personnel who will serve as part of the nato multinational forces. in latvia until the beginning of 2025, sweden will also provide them with combat vehicles, infantry, all-terrain vehicles and leopard tanks. for the minister of agricultural policy, mykola solskyi, a deposit of uah 75 million was made. today, the highest anti-corruption court chose him precaution. at first it was about two months of sizo. now the official has to wear. electronic bracelet, hand in your passport and don't leave kyiv. let me remind you, the minister is suspected of taking over state land worth uah 291 million, as well as attempting to appropriate another plot of land worth uah 190 million. the day before, mykola solskyi wrote a resignation letter,
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which must be considered by the verkhovna rada. he corrupted minors, the kyiv court imprisoned a children's coach for up to... 12 years. according to the investigation materials, the 50-year-old criminal got to know two underage girls. later, a man invited teenagers to his home. there he offered alcohol and drugs to girls, showed pornographic materials, and later encouraged minors to create their own videos for money. such meetings lasted four months. more than a hundred ukrainian. the large-scale literary festival book country started on the territory of the national expo center. it united not only publishing houses, but also authors, experts, critics and readers. during four days , more than 100 events, presentations, books,
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discussions, master classes with favorite writers. and there will be a huge book fair on the main square of the expo center and in the first pavilion. visit the country of books. you can until april 28, the main feature here is a lot of its own people, you see here famous writers, writers, beginners from different cities, from chernihiv, from kyiv, from cherkasy, from uzhgorod, from lviv, from kharkiv, you see here the stars of the show- business, you see, bloggers, those who create books. prints books, writes books, we combined them at the festival the entertainment part and actually the book events, and because people who read, they know what events they go to, they know modern authors, but there are people who have no idea how many
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cool modern authors we have, and and by combining the entertainment part and the book part, we want to attract as many audiences as possible and show that it is fun to read. today is a meeting of the ramstein group on armed support, opened by the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, so let's listen live. and we thought actually, how will we work in this format, and then that day i said that we will continue to move heaven and earth so that ukrainian needs in armaments and in security are satisfied, and therefore now we are on the threshold of a challenge, but now just starting these meetings is our pride, after all. we have all stepped up our efforts over two years to deter
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putin's brutal aggression in defense of human rights, and during this period we have been inspired by the bravery of the ukrainian military. a month before the first meeting of ramshtein, ukraine won the battle for kyiv, and ukraine then revealed. the atrocities committed by putin's military. the whole world was frightened by what we saw in bucha, mariupol and other places. armed forces of ukraine, they prepared themselves for the next battle. and since that time, ukraine managed to recapture the city of kherson, as well as a significant part of the kherson region. we know how much... ukraine succeeded in recapturing the occupied lands from
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february 2022, and also ukraine succeeded in pushing back the russian fleet in the black basin sea. ukraine managed to restore, restore supplies of grain exports, and ukraine continues to defend its positions in this aggression. and so we know the burden our ukrainian friends bear, and you should know that we have your back, we support you, and we will not waver in our desire, and this week , congress passed legislation that is already signed by the president, a package with a total cost of 60.8 billion dollars, a package to... help, actually financial, which will be aimed at providing urgent needs, and we will
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continue to provide for the current needs, and that is why today i am not only proud, i am determined, because putin thought that he would just quickly walk through ukraine and take it over, but ukraine has shown that it is ready to fight for democracy. hoped that the world would not intervene, would only observe, and he miscalculated, he was wrong on all points. he did not count on the fact that ukraine would put up a decent fightback, and he did not count on our efforts, everyone's efforts. over the course of two years, 50 countries around the world gathered, mobilized at the level of the heads of defense agencies in order to understand what we can provide to ukraine, and we, just... thanks to our efforts, we changed the course of history. over the course of two years, members of this coalition
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provided ukraine with thousands of missiles, more than 3,000 armored vehicles, tanks, tens of thousands of shells for tanks and others. tanks were provided to ukraine. abrams and is already actively training pilots for the f-16. this contact group will continue to increase its efforts to provide ukraine with what ukraine needs. the czech republic showed an important an important initiative to purchase thousands of artillery shells from other countries. the total number of shells, and in general, when
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we talk about germany's commitments, ukraine will receive additional patriot systems, and i also want to say that the usa will provide another package of financial assistance worth more than a billion dollars, which will include additional 155 m shells. caliber, as well as armored personnel carriers and other equipment, and i am sure that ukraine will succeed on the battlefield, throughout the ... coalition and our efforts, we now understand, what a flexible structure is, and in general adaptation to new challenges, as well as the construction of an additional effort in order for ukraine to direct its efforts to building a strategic defense capability, but we cannot take what ukraine is doing
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for granted, because russia continues its attacks on critical infrastructure. including cities, because more and more people continue to die, so today we will especially focus on strengthening ukrainian air defense systems, so that ukraine can really cover its skies. this is for us the highest priority today. ukraine also needs more artillery. systems so that ukraine could double the occupied lands. we will do everything in our power to help ukraine. ladies and gentlemen, ukraine's struggle for freedom, for its sovereignty, this struggle is important for all of us. ukraine did not bend under putin's boot, and europe cannot disperse under putin.
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therefore, today we are preparing for any... further aggression, including aggression against our partners. ukraine has shown everyone that it has shown the whole world how dangerous it is and the world would be chaotic if autocrats took their place, if they got what they want, people would live in agony. two years ago, i said that we would continue to help content. arsenal of ukrainian democracy, and this is exactly what we will continue to do today, thank you all for your presence, thank you for all your efforts to ensure that our common security remains steadfast for two years, this concludes the official briefing.
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congressmen, american senators and the president of the united states joseph biden for the assistance provided, but in any case we also realize that the key story is unfolding on the battlefield. and quite alarming news comes from the intelligence community of the united kingdom of great britain. and northern ireland, i am now quoting a part of their analytical report: for intelligence, great britain analyzed the situation in the avdiivka area, noting that the advance of russian interventionists in the area has accelerated over the past week, despite heavy russian losses. there is a high probability, the british say, that the russian armed forces are capable of continuously shelling ukrainian positions in this area and have taken control of several small settlements in the british one. the intelligence community stated that russian ground forces created a narrow passage deep into ukrainian territory to enter the town of ocheretyn, located approximately 15 km
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north of avdiyivka. well, the situation alarming, but let's talk about more than that. now i will add tatiana vysotska, our special correspondent in european institutions, to our broadcast. glory to ukraine, tatiana. glory to the heroes antina. for an interesting conversation, oh, the conversation is extremely interesting, well , in general, the most important things have already been done by the european parliamentarians, the members of the european parliament, they showed putin a huge deal with mack, and they call him not the president of the russian federation, but a citizen of russia, who due to one or another circumstances seized power and introduces himself the russian president, somehow, does not wait. but we have such a clear, tough position of european parliamentarians, which means that this can entail very serious
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consequences, yes, because the european... parliament, despite the fact that it is not decisive, but without it, europe too, as a certain political community cannot function, and it will also not be easy to ignore it, so the european parliamentarians were the first, de facto, not to recognize the russian elections as legal and legitimate, well, tell me more, who voted how, what happened discussions, the conversation will be extremely interesting, and by the way, i want to note that the very first... putin was recognized as an illegitimate president by the deputies of pariet last week, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe also made such a decision, and we have a lot of talk about the fact that parye does not decide anything, you see, after all, they took the first step, the european parliament followed them, and now we can still hope that the other states of the european union, each specific state will step by step to limit, as it demands, as it asks european parliament, to limit
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communication and contacts with putin. to the humanitarian framework, that is, only to conduct negotiations, for example, on the return of ukrainian prisoners, on the return of ukrainian children kidnapped by putin, this is also, by the way, in the resolution of the european parliament and so on, so we are waiting for further steps from the states members of the european union, and i would also like to add that yesterday the european parliament voted another powerful resolution on russia, also an anti-russian resolution that russia on... is trying to interfere in the work of the european parliament, in the next upcoming elections to the european parliament, because yesterday, by the way, was the last day of the plenary session of this ninth convocation of the european parliament, the european parliament is going to the elections and the elections will be held on june 9, and already in in july , the new term of office will come here to strasbourg, it will come to the first session here, and therefore the new resolution that was adopted yesterday, it says
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that russia... now the enemy is not only trying to advance on the front, but also trying to invisibly influence the european politicians on the situation in europe , including european parliamentarians , so that they promote the pro-russian agenda and weaken ukraine's support in the eu. moreover, some members of the european parliament even received money from the russians, the resolution says, and also, by the way, i want to add that both anti-russian resolutions are very. walked along our great friend viktor orban, prime minister of hungary, in the pews. the first resolution, which is dedicated to the elections, the so- called elections in russia, expresses regret about the fact that orbán still congratulated putin on his fictitious victory, and the second resolution states that the polish government very often takes a pro-russian or pro-chinese position at critical moments, in critical situations. these are the interesting
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moments. there were also several very interesting practical cases considered in these resolutions, for example, how russia cooperates with politicians in the same slovakia, in the same germany, in austria, cases were actually described when russia tried, or is still trying to somehow influence, to be friends with these politicians, to give them funds, but i want to note, by the way, that despite the fact that the resolution is quite strong, there are no practical consequences so far... it does not exist, because now several states of the european union have opened criminal proceedings, that's it it is already very interesting, criminal proceedings have been opened in which the facts of bribery of some european deputies are being investigated, but the european parliament itself has not yet received the list of precisely those european deputies who appear in the criminal proceedings, so they there are no names in this resolution, but it will be very interesting, maybe belgium is preparing some kind of, you could
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say, surprise for the russians... closer to the elections, in order to influence their outcome in their own way, so that they do not pass, well , of course, an interesting story, but for example, if we talk about russia's influence on certain european deputies, i don't know whether it's for money, whether it's because of recruitment, or because of some i don't know of compromising documents, i don't know of any pedophile scandals, and so on, that is, these people , they are the ones on the salary or on the hook of the kremlin, they show themselves somehow like this, and if... there are suspicions without surnames, well, if there are no surnames in the resolution, then we can not name those surnames, but i think that there are certain characters, you know, wrapped in a russian scum bag, so i think that the european parliament itself knows those characters quite well, so how they present themselves, how they behave and...


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