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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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extremely serious conversation. oleksiy kucherenko was in touch with us. people's deputy of ukraine, a person who understands the issues of energy and energy security of ukraine extremely well. well, now i'm giving the floor to the news editorial office. and all the news will be presented by my colleague iryna koval. irusyu, once again i congratulate you, i am glad to see you. well, i hope something pleasant happened during today's departure. now you will share, there will be some good news with our tv viewers, of course, antin, i will talk about something quite important for our countries for additional aid from washington and more aid from switzerland, so wait.
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it's news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers, and now to the most important events. the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, announced that washington allocates another package of defense aid to ukraine in the amount of 1 billion. it will include missiles for hymars, shells, air defense systems and other weapons. also. austin confirmed that already this year f-16 fighter jets will arrive in ukraine with crews and trained staff let me remind you that today is the 26th meeting of the contact group in the ramshtein format. and the committee of the swiss parliament approved aid to ukraine in the amount of 5.5 billion dollars. this was reported by the reuters agency. the funds were allocated as part of a wider package aimed at to improve
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switzerland's defense capabilities, money for ukraine should be spent on restoring civil infrastructure. the swiss parliament noted that the multibillion-dollar package is an extraordinary contribution to the security of switzerland and peace in europe, against the background russian aggression. and the newly appointed head of the ministry of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braze, came to kyiv. this is brazhe's first foreign visit in his new position, reports said. in the press service of the latvian ministry of foreign affairs. the minister met with her ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba. together, they honored the memory of ukrainians who died in the war at the wall of heroes on mykhailivska square in the capital. brahe said that latvia will unwaveringly support ukraine in its fight against russian aggression. latvians are deeply, deeply involved in support. countries:
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our entire society, our businesses. for example, today our latvian energy company will provide a large 215 mw generator to partially cover ukraine's energy needs, and accordingly, we also strongly support ukraine's accession to the eu and nato. we ourselves know what it's like from our own experience, because when we joined the organization, it also seemed unlikely to us, but maybe our experience will help ukraine. ukrainian intelligence destroyed a russian k-32 helicopter in moscow. the attack took place at night at the ostafyevo airfield. the airport is operated jointly with gazprom avia, which is part of the gazprom structure, gur added. in general, the destroyed helicopter was used in the interests of the moscow aviation center, in particular, to support the operation of the occupying army.
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sold trophy weapons. in three regions of ukraine, black gunsmiths were kidnapped, who were illegally transporting weapons from frontline cities. this was reported to the security service. in particular, in the poltava region, a criminal group that tried to sell combat grenades to local crime was neutralized. three more traders were exposed in zhytomyr oblast during a search. the attackers were found with machine guns, flamethrowers and ammunition. also detained. a resident of odeshchyna, the man distributed devices for mine-explosive substances. all seized means of destruction will be transferred to the needs of the armed forces. he wrote off evaders for bribes. in the lviv region , the security service exposed a criminal group of doctors from one of the medical institutions. extras falsified medical reports on the appointment of a disability group for men of military age. the price of such a service was 50,000 uah during the searches, the officials found
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fake documents, as well as 2.5 million hryvnias. the organizer of the scheme was the head of one. from the medical and advisory commissions of the district, which involved other narrow-profile medical specialists of the indicated hospital. the special service has established more than 50 episodes of their criminal activity and has so far documented 10 cases of doctors receiving illegal benefits for the total amount of about uah 200,000. as of today, five participants of the scheme have already been informed of the suspicion. it is also resolved the question of choosing a preventive measure for them. illegally returned to ukraine. border guards detained the men near poland, two brothers previously lived in germany for several years, and due to lack of work decided to return home. they put on wetsuits and swam across the zahidniy bukh river. ukrainian border guards were already waiting for them there. offenders
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were brought to administrative responsibility. business for marriage. the police uncovered a large-scale scheme to smuggle men across the border. in kiev. by with the investigation materials, a 38-year-old resident of kyiv region and her accomplice searched telegram channels for men of military age. the suspects tried to find them potential brides with disabilities. after marriage, they could legally go abroad. law enforcement officers kidnapped women after registering one of the fictitious marriages, for which a woman with a disability received 1. a bail of 75 million hryvnias was made for the minister of agricultural policy, mykola solsky. today, the higher anti-corruption court ordered a preventive measure against him. according to the benefits , it was about two months of syzo. now an official must wear an electronic bracelet, hand in a passport and not leave kyiv. let me remind you, the minister
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is suspected of taking over state land worth uah 291 million, as well as attempting to appropriate another plot of land worth uah 100.90 million. the day before, mykola isolsky wrote a resignation letter, which must be considered by the verkhovna rada. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian occupiers damaged almost 1,600 medical facilities. another 210 hospitals were destroyed in shchent. this was reported in the ministry of health of ukraine. near destroyed objects foreign benefactors set up temporary modular clinics. our kateryna oliynyk will tell us what the primary medical care centers are equipped with and in which regions they already exist. these shots show the city polyclinic in izyum. the building burned down due to bombing from russia. reconstruction of a medical facility may
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take years, and medical assistance to the population of the frontline areas is needed now. a temporary solution was found in the world health organization. in july. in 2023 , benefactors, together with the ministry of health, established a de-occupied area kharkiv oblast modular dispensary. the clinics are equipped with everything necessary, including electricity, generators and more, so that our doctors and nurses, who heroically continue to work, can provide medical care for the frontline communities. the temporary clinic consists of prefabricated modules, an object that was installed in just two. per week can be used for more than 10 years, inside outpatient clinics, waiting rooms, patient examination and vaccination rooms. family doctors and nurses work here. we have to be sure that the most necessary health services, including medicines, are available to
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those who need them. primary care is needed now for people with chronic diseases, health support, mothers and children. with the funds of foreign benefactors... 16 modular clinics have already been established, they were placed in those regions most affected by the war, in sumy, kherson, kharkiv, mykolaiv and donetsk regions. in ivano-frankivsk, children of the dead and servicemen painted easter eggs. the master class was held in the regional museum of local history, scientists from the institute of arts helped beginners master the intricacies of calligraphy. for example, pysankart traditions have been popular since ancient times, almost every district has unique ornaments that belong to different ethnic groups, some of the elements of such ornaments were applied to eggs by the participants during the master class. painting
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an easter egg is the first time for me, i have never done it like this before, but if it is important to show everyone that... but some traditions are needed, at least minimally, but maintain, continue and pass on from generation to generation. and it is worth reminding about our collection, means of communication, etc. heats are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. so our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect less than uah 300,000. let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is important. you can see all the details on the screen. they were like that news at this time, we will see you at 5 p.m., you can read more on
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our website esreso tv, a brief summary of the main things in social networks and unique content on youtube, and literally in a moment my colleague antin barkovsky continues. in kyiv, representatives of socially responsible companies, on the initiative of oshchedbank and the visa company, shared their achievements in the implementation of barrier-free programs. in particular, oschad has developed and is implementing a whole road map of changes that the financial institution is supposed to make more friendly to people with disabilities and veterans in particular. it provides for improving the physical accessibility of branches, a special service model, mobile branches based on
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motor vehicles, special credit solutions for veterans. we will not be able to live in the future if there are no programs for barrier-free, financial inclusion, because there are many people who need that there are no barriers, but we understand that we need to attract business. our partners, our customers, to what they are also in their business, they made inclusions. the start of the inclusive program "my barrier-free " was announced in october last year. at this year's forum, the bank shared its first results. efforts to transform ukrainian banks into inclusive institutions are fully supported by the national bank. inclusiveness in itself for ukrainian society. that's what we're coming to, unfortunately, because of these very tragic, bloody things, but
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we're still coming, and i'm very, very happy that we're starting to talk about it out loud. the national bank as a regulator today is seriously thinking about financial inclusion, as part of the regulatory environment in fact, and we will create the conditions. savings and visa supported the creation. tubshow widval nih, in which war veteran oleksandr teren inspects ukrainian cities for accessibility. also, in january, they helped open the first mobile module for providing free psychological and rehabilitation services to veterans from the maida charitable fund. if a few years ago, many people in the country did not see barrier-free access as a priority. that it can wait, that's so interesting, but it concerns
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some narrow group of people, and now every business, every state body, every all regional authorities already understand very well that barrier-free is a priority. my barrier-free event was held with the support of the company community, which united around the first lady's initiative. zelenska without barriers, it is aimed at creating equal opportunities for all ukrainians. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, the news arrived from belarus, so the self-proclaimed belarusian president received a new position in belarus and again spoke about the attack, therefore. lukashenko became the head of the all-belarusian people's assembly, that is
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, this week a congress of this structure took place in minsk, it is as if such a body of people's power, but people's power is people's power, the key story here is another informational throw-in by alexander hryhorovych. so, let me remind you, there at one time he already justified the assistance to the russian interventionists by the fact that, as it were, we were preparing this or that some kind of... attack on belarus, this is an outright delusion, there he showed some maps, did not provide any evidence, but now lukashenko has again returned to this rhetoric, however, according to his words... it is not ukraine that is preparing the attack, but nato countries. well, he started talking again about how they will use the belarusian opposition, and lukashenko named kobryn district, which does not even border nato countries, as the target of a potential attack, and i am quoting lukashenka now. i don't know why they chose kobrynskyi district, they talk about it a lot there, but it is not near the border itself,
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there is something closer to the borders, no, kobrynskyi district, to capture, declare power. to apply to nato, to introduce troops, well, so to speak, he awarded many things, but he stated that ukraine has concentrated 120,000 troops on the border with belarus, and this should also be taken into account, since the probability of armed incidents on the belarusian-ukrainian border the border is quite high, well, but in any case, lukashenko has not announced anything particularly threatening for us at the moment, and the economist publication is also important. russia's offensive will stop, such is the headline of the speech, but russia can take time and believe, and then ukraine will move forward. well, now we will talk about affairs, military, supplies and resources in general. oleh katkov, editor-in-chief of defense express, an analytical structure. glory to ukraine, mr. editor, congratulations. well, an hour ago
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, another ramstein was opened. the secretary of defense of the united states made a rather clear and specific statement, we thank the united states, well, but i wanted, you know, to start small, but well, i say so ironically from small, because it is not small, it is an important decision, it is a bold decision with on the part of the united states, and which can play its part extremely a big role during the spring-summer russian aggressive offensive campaign, in particular i mean... i mean that the united states did allocate to us etekms, respectively, in your opinion, in what approximate number, so we understand that these are only our assumptions , and how they can affect the current situation on the front line, there was a problem with the convoy, that is, we are talking about bradleys, that is, those machines
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that are allocated for eteks, about etekems, mr. editor, we are talking about etekems, how many are there? in fact, when ammunition is specified to hymers, then for hymers, atacoms are classic ammunition for hymers or m270. there are only unconfirmed sources, because we are talking about the fact that the official reports simply do not indicate any attack at all, despite the fact that it was transmitted, he used... already repeatedly, there were strikes on heliports, there were strikes on janka, well, for now occupied by zhanka, it means the zhankoya airfield, then the official reports from the usa do not mention the attacks at all, in principle, he just goes as ammunition to hymers, how many exactly was transferred, then there are only unofficial
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figures announced there, they need to be checked, because they cause even objectively certain skepticism. because, in particular, some publications indicated that a hundred atak missiles were transferred there, and they were part of the emergency aid package that was announced in march, and there was only 300 million. well , objectively, it seems to me that potentially , that we cannot talk about hundreds, at least within the limits of this size of the general package, where in addition to this there were certainly other and artillery ammunition, were listed there. and from the missile to the stinger, there is a lot of other things, so it is unlikely that hundreds of missiles, such as atakoms, which cost, well, quite significant sums of money in any case, would fit there. now, when it comes to the allocation of a package of 1 billion dollars, in which, well , let's say this, a fairly wide range
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of weapons and military equipment and also said various ammunition, then... well, it is more realistic that what could be hidden ammunition for the attack, their question again to open, but one must understand the hardened resource that is available in the usa, and there we are talking about the fact that there are not hundreds of thousands of them to be transferred by the thousands, well, in any case, it is possible to count on dozens of units, but the main thing is that they are systematic supplies that allow you to methodically hit the relevant ones. targets, when we talk about atacoms, we are talking, of course, not about the crimean bridge, we are talking about such categories of targets as airfields and air defense nodes. well, as far as i understand, the pojanko flew in... yes, absolutely, there are photos there directly, well, the russian so-called warfighters put them out and there
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, well, the solid-fuel engines themselves, or rather, the ones that have already worn out from the atakams themselves, this is natural , that is, because the missile used by the atakams has a cassette design, there were obviously used exactly such that the cassette is opened at the same time already worn out. .. falls somewhere nearby, so this is quite a revealing thing, and they posted it, and it was thanks to the previous photos that were taken when ukraine first used these missiles on the heliport in the still-occupied luhansk and dzhankoy in berdyansk, then these products were also demonstrated there, again now the question is that ukraine should receive not... a version, but the one that is 300 km away, so it will have a smaller combat unit, there is its weight is 227 kg, but here it is a matter of range,
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because again, the attack allows, with the appropriate number of these means, to take out enemy aircraft, to drive them away from their bases within the limits of the conventional 300 km, and this will significantly affect... well, it must be, will have a direct impact on its effectiveness, because if the enemy will be forced to relocate its aviation there to more distant airfields, then this will banally lead to a number of negative consequences for him, the planes will take more fuel than and less weapons, and the execution of tasks will be stretched out in time, the planes will spend more time in the air, it will eat up their resource faster, and in fact the number of aircraft... in the departure of enemy aircraft, tactical enemy aircraft will be qualitatively reduced thanks to this. yes, well, but look, we understand that the key story, well,
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what our viewers would like to hear, yes, how, for example, this whole thing can affect the current front line, in particular, taking into account the fact that the enemy is preparing for a spring-summer powerful offensive, so, well, they call may the month, the beginning or the middle of may. so, atakamsa, as if in our country. so we understand that there are quite a lot of targets, of course, no one is going to exchange for smaller targets, the key story is to hit strategic objects, yes, but, but, but, the strategic dimension of the use of atakamtsi during the repulse of the massive large-scale russian may campaign? what is important is that again hit directly on heliports, drop on airfields, and... if we look at how the russian federation is advancing now, the use of so-called ompk, i.e., bombs that
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have been transformed into planning ones, and often talk about just driving them away, is maximally activated enemy aviation can be helped by f-16s, and indeed, all the more so as it is expected and let's hope that these planes will also be quite soon, after all, in the sky of ukraine, it is relatively a task. atacoms in anti-aircraft defense, then again after all, the destruction of airfields, the less enemy aircraft will fly tactically, the less ompk it will drop and the enemy will be left virtually without this tool or will use it to an extremely limited extent. good, good, of course, mr. editor, look, i wanted to ask you about an equally important history, well, attacks, all this is about our offensive capabilities, so there is also the question of our defensive capabilities of the system. air defense, what do you think is happening with the patriot systems, because somehow our friends do not want to share additional batteries of patriots, so
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they said that, for example, additional missiles will be allocated there to ensure the operation of already existing installations on the territory of ukraine, which in your opinion can happen, well, because it is not just the protection of the ukrainian sky, it is the protection of the lives of our citizens, yes? on the one hand, on the other hand, this is an attempt to neutralize russian aviation, this is also an equally important story, because it is also about the lives of our fellow citizens, yes, but there are obviously problems with this, well, after ukraine made an appeal regarding the fact that the patriots are needed without appeal, and different numbers were voiced, how many are needed, but starting there from seven conditionally, the only one who... really reacted, so far it is germany, she announced the transfer of the third patriot, and well, formally the third one, because they collected one with the netherlands, it was one
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of the first visits, but there the netherlands... gave only two launchers or several launchers, the whole core was there, that is, the radar station, the main and command post, and more and others launchers were transferred directly to germany, so formally, germany has already transferred three patriots, and this is 25% of what they have, this, well, this is very revealing for a country that is really becoming such a european flagship for strengthening the armed forces of ukraine, but after that no there was no data that any country would still transmit. the only thing is that the netherlands allocated more than 1 billion euros for armaments, well, it seems to me that it is roughly speaking, we can’t was the country’s answer to the fact that it cannot give one of three of their patriots, and they talked about it officially, there mino the head of the ministry of defense of the netherlands said that the netherlands cannot hand over the patriots, because they only have three and that’s all, but they provided 1 billion, which is...
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approximately the cost of what, well, the amount for which it is possible to buy a new patriot, the only question is to buy it, mr. editor, well, in military stores, as far as i understand, they are not sold, and it is unlikely that one or the other, i don’t know, asian or african countries own patriots , which they would be ready to sell or i don't know where to hide from broken patriots out of two out of three, one, what is the real situation with what is called the best defense of the air space, and that's why ... regarding the fact that he gave money, in which he explains, he shows what he demonstrates, that weapons cost more than money, and it most likely costs time, because if you order a patriot, then yes, it is a few years of waiting, regarding the fact that there is even pressure on certain countries that have patriots, for example, there is pressure on greece and well, the information was somewhat political precisely on greece and spain, the greeks, who have six patriot batteries in the pack-2 version, although they
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themselves are in... their media says that they are, as it were, pack-3, but only behind the radar station, everything else in them is pack-2, well, the greeks still have pak-2, and, but the greeks said, officially, athens, the greek government officially announced that the patriot will not be transferred, the s300 will not be transferred, well, this is the position of athens, this is the position of greece, it is objectively known quite a long time ago, and even when greece transferred something to ukraine, it was primarily as beneficial as possible for her, because, for example, when transferring... her bmp-1 greek to ukraine, they exchanged them in a one-to-one ratio according to the circular designations in greece for the marder. well, now i think the train has already left, if greece wants to change something soviet there, then it's not interesting, objectively, probably because ukraine is now getting marders and everything else on its own. let greece stay with its soviet equipment and decide something with it on its own now. regarding spain,
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spain actually has. only three batteries patriot and also in the pak-2 version, and here the situation is difficult, formally, objectively, they have an extra patriot, because their only battery has been in turkey since 2015 on a rotational basis, where it protects the turkish air base from possible attacks by syria , the question why madrid does not want to transfer, in particular exactly one of the three, well, it is probably that again i... if there were more, well, there would be some room for maneuvers, at the same time they understand that while the spanish patriot something is guarding in turkey, that's clear, that's all details, i would like to hear, that is, from patriot , we can ask this matter for now, unfortunately, with cold water, well , because miracles are unlikely to happen, that is, stand in some kind of long line or hope that the united states will uncan this or that fire extinguisher , yes, but... the enemy
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literally today took and hit the sums with guided aerial bombs, that's what he did, for example, in kharkov there a couple of days ago and so on, and we understand that the enemy will use this barbaric criminal tactics to use and in the future, and the key story is to make sure that the russian aviation does not dare, well at least the tactical russian aviation does not dare to fly so close, we have some, there are some... substitutes for the patriots, where should we direct our propaganda resources and our resources are financial, just to protect our cities. unfortunately, relative to the analogues of the patriots, it was rightly said that now the hopes are on the usa, which has unblocked aid, there is a significant amount of funds that they can allocate and implement in the form of transfer of patriots to ukraine, that is definitely the case.


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