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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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at such a level, operational, command, headquarters, and it is impossible to lead to such things that guys die, get into situations where there is no ammunition, fuel and so on, well, this is already a conversation of the top management, i think, of our general staff, which is now and the conversation is going on, by the way, and i wish there were no more such mistakes, thank you, mr. mykola, thank you for this honest, albeit extremely dramatic conversation... mykola dovbnya, a member of the druzhkiv city council, was in touch with us, well, fresh information, the battles are extremely difficult, and i am now i would like to quote a message from the spokesman of the khortyts operational-strategic group of troops, nazar voloshyn. therefore, the enemy is concentrating its efforts to break through our defenses, to the west of bahmut, access to the channel of siverskyi donetsk donbass, possession of the settlement of chasiv yar, creating conditions there for further... advance to
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the kramatorsk agglomeration, the enemy is trying to take chasiv yar into operational encirclement , but attention, the fact that the enemy is trying does not mean that he will succeed, as khortytsy's spokesman clarified, according to for the last seven days, the russian occupiers have not had any success in this direction, they are trying at all costs to take the village of ivanivskyi on the outskirts of bohdanivka in order to enter the temporary ravine, they are actively storming these two settlements in order to capture them. yar times, well, now we are moving a little further north, kharkiv. yevhen bilov, in touch with us, is the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv. glory to ukraine, mr. yevgeny. glory to the hero. well, the operational situation in kharkiv. this is how we understand that the enemy threatens, the enemy fires, and the enemy is preparing for something. i would like to ask you now to share the operational situation in the military dimension. and look,
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kharkiv is constantly under enemy fire, various weapons, these are short-range missiles, iskanders and cabs, unfortunately, that's why the situation in kharkiv is just now, a more complicated story in the region, there are launches and also various shaheds, and cruise missiles , well, constant shelling of the occupier's already de-occupied territories, but constant shelling of the front-line ones. border area, yes, i understand you, that around kharkiv, in particular, when we we are talking about certain fortifications, ah, i am a bigger volunteer, we communicate with the troops, we help them, ah, unfortunately, i do not have such information, i know that kharkiv is definitely ready, if anything , because they are being built, in what quantity, i cannot know, but...
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i know for sure that the work is going on, and for almost two years kharkiv, which is constantly under fire, for three, almost three years, constantly under enemy fire, so everyone understands the operational situation, that the enemy can launch an attack on kharkiv at any moment or attempt to attack to advance on kharkiv, to advance on some border territories, that's why guys, our military is constantly preparing for this and understand the situation promptly, yes, mr. yevgeny, well, i'm glad that... we have a connection with you, yes, i don't know , whether it is with the help of the mobile internet or with the help of starink, but the key story is that with the connection in kharkiv, so the enemy was sneakily hitting the kharkiv tv tower for a reason, and yes, everything, yes, everything is true, but, with the vizatsky in kharkiv quite normal, and we happened to be right next to, well , in this area where the tower is being built, so we all heard and saw what was happening to her, and were among the first to be there on the spot. and maybe someone
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needed help, but thank god everything is fine, everything happened without human casualties, so in connection with your question, everything is fine, and from the beginning, how was the hit to the television tower, there was a question on television, that's right, but we did not feel it with the mobile connection itself. and the situation with electricity, which is also the same, the enemy is constantly hitting the nodes of power supply, or... power supply, and the last time it was a few weeks ago, and electricians and people who are engaged in recovery, they are trying to recover as soon as possible, the question is about the light in kharkiv, because these blackout schedules are constantly changing, they either increase or decrease, depending on the world of the operational situation at that time, everything also depends on alarms, because they are constantly, constantly a threat .
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of the city itself, and because of this, utility workers and electricians cannot work so efficiently, because everyone understands why the enemy is attacking, and for the sake of the safety of the professional workers themselves, then... because of this , they laid the works themselves, mr. yevgeny, and here you are idle language, explain to espresso tv viewers, yes, who do not live in kharkiv, do not live in the kharkiv region, but live there, maybe further south, or north, or west, in such a simple language, how the situation with electricity looks like, that is, they are burning phases, i don't know, it knocks out refrigerators and so on and so forth, electrical appliances and others, is it possible? somehow this electricity is normalized there, has everyone given up already, well, relatively speaking, are they powering their phones or something else, i don’t know, near the generators, that’s just how it is it looks, no, you know, politically correct, just describe it as it is, because of what i
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'm going through in kharkov, so i can tell you about it, there are certain graphs that turn off the light, for example, i understand that in such the area will turn off around there... before that, and it will turn off there for 5 hours, i understand that at that time i will not have internet at home there, i can go to work somewhere in a coffee shop, because it runs on a generator , or to some city, or to charge the car from there, for example, and then turn on the lights there for 5 hours, it is already possible to return home, cook food, work on a laptop, so you can adapt to it. because the business has definitely adapted and it has a generator and you can come and there will be communication, internet, and coffee and everything, that's why it happens very quickly, they just turned off the lights, the generator immediately hummed, ugh, what about water and drainage, that is
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, in particular, the work of sewage there, this is a good question, the water flows constantly, and the drainage too, so it does not depend on electricity, for example, i did not encounter. moods, moods in kharkiv, at one time we remember when there was the first phase of a full-scale russian invasion, we remember that a lot of kharkiv residents left their city, and now the enemy is trying to shake up the situation, intimidate and so on and so forth, i would like to ask you now to describe how the people of kharkiv are preparing and what they are preparing for, and today we talked with our colleagues about this issue, we had to park in the central part of the city and simply... there was no place to park, everything was just jammed. and we said: "here is such epic information that kharkiv is being evacuated, there is simply nowhere to park, there are also traffic jams, either because of the traffic lights, or because of the large number of cars, ah, so the mood is fighting,
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charged, and we are ready, if anything, there is no such panic as there was on the beginning of the war well, thank god, thank god, and finally i wanted to clarify whether it is possible to organize now. yes, so to speak, the civilian defense of kharkiv, we understand that the scenarios can be quite unexpected, we are not talking about a direct invasion, well, but it happened at one time there, people have to sort out rubble and so on and so on, what is happening now in kharkiv, but i can’t say completely, i can only say for the volunteer community, it is united, everyone understands what to do and everyone understands what to do under time, if somehow the situation will change, everyone is ready to unite and defend the city. both military volunteers and civilians are all ready. thank you, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv was with us for a while, well, we were analyzing the situation in our glorious kharkiv, but now we will try analyze all the most important things that are happening on the front line and not only on
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the front line. military results of the day by serhii zgurts, well, i will assist mr. serhii, glory to ukraine, serhii, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, glad to see bentina. welcome to our viewers, today we will talk about what happened during the week on the front line, we will evaluate the american military aid, maybe we will mention rammstein, all of that in a moment. well, the information evening of the tv channel continues, as serhiy zgurets announced, now we will analyze everything the most important thing that happened in... this week, well, to be honest, i was most, so to speak, bewitched, i won’t say upset, we understand how difficult the situation is in the ocheretiny region, yes, and now information has arrived from the spokesman of the khortyts operational strategic grouping of troops, nazar voloshin, therefore, the enemy
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is concentrating its efforts to break through our defenses, to the west of bahmut, access to the siverskyi donetsk-donbas channel, take possession of the settlement of chasiv yar, create conditions there for further advancement to... kramatorsk agglomeration, the enemy is trying to take time in the operational environment, but clarification is important, essential, despite all efforts, the enemy did not have any. success, well, reeds and so on, so we understand that there are more gossips, rumors, twists and turns than we would like. well, really, when we talk about the situation on the front line, everyone who observes the front understands that now the most difficult area, primarily around chereteny, there is a dynamic of fighting, even in terms of the number of battles, is more than around the time of yaru, because the impression that chasiv yar has so far taken a back seat, but when we talk about cheretyn, it really is an area where, during a fairly short
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period of time, the enemy managed to advance about 4-5-6 km there, and the actual advance towards the regular and attempts to advance further there have a significant impact on the situation on the front line, we understand that the height of the frontline is a height, and relatively speaking, it allows you to keep the visuals as well. and under fire control a significant amount of area, and the enemy understands this and our military understands this, we know that actually gocherytine ee is now located, the left part of the city is under the control of the enemy, our troops are also there, that is , the fighting there is extremely active, they continue, but during this time, in addition to the advance to the besieged, the enemy is now on... trying to expand this wedge, we know that there are
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two more settlements that are close to cheretengo, namely novobakhmutivka and novokalynove, these settlements are almost destroyed, and the enemy is also trying to gain a foothold there in order to expand this bridgehead and minimize the threat of our counterattacks, why attacks on reed control reed are extremely dangerous. there are two such conclusions that affect the situation on this line: firstly, it is overhanging our defense line, which is now going from berdychiv, we can see semenivka on this map, the eagle there and further south, the actual control over the reeds allows the enemy to create threats precisely by bypassing this line of defense. of our first defense line, which was formed after the withdrawal of our troops from avdiivka, we
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remember that this line, it was formed spontaneously enough, our troops dug into the defenses there, dug into the ground, built fortifications there themselves, and a more prepared line of defense is located deep inside our territory, so now there is a risk that due to control over the reeds , the enemy tries to create a threat on the one hand ... of the first line of defense, where our units are now, and moving further along the railway from the reeds, there to progress, also creates risks of the enemy's income already to the second line of defense, this is what it looks like theoretically, but so far, the enemy is using the advantage in manpower, equipment, and aviation, trying to implement precisely these threats, from the ukrainian side we know that... there were situations related to the defense of ocheretny by the 115th brigade, we know
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that this brigade has now been replaced the hundredth brigade, there the 47th brigade also protects berdichi and does not allow the enemy to advance, but the situation remains extremely difficult, and i think that it will largely depend on the ratio of forces and resources in this area, and the main thing is the use of sufficient the number of reserves on the ukrainian side, although the enemy is also now using... the reserves that are accumulating in this area, in particular, even in this direction they are beginning to transfer this 15th brigade, which was withdrawn from nagorno-karabakh, this peacekeeping brigade, which has a certain amount of equipment and it is also now partially used to strengthen the russian unit, so the situation here remains extremely difficult. serhiy, is there any understanding of what happened in the ocheratyny area, why the enemy managed to develop own, well, let's hope. what a tactical success, well, but in any case, the key story, how much effort will be spent
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in order to fix the enemy in the city, so that they cannot develop their offensive momentum, well, indeed, this question arises in many there and to our citizens and experts, what exactly happened, we understand that for a long time this area was held, but then we understand that something ... with the order of defense from the 115th brigade, and now, i think there will be some investigations from on the part of the general staff, in what way, what exactly in... affected the actions of this brigade, that the enemy managed to replace our positions quickly enough by using either rotation or other erroneous decisions or false information to our leaders, to the military leaders, that the enemy took advantage of this situation and managed to advance into the reeds, this story is actually then
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forced, in particular, other brigades that defended other areas, in particular the same 47th. the brigade that defends the berds, or to allocate certain units to defend this area, which was previously defended there by the 115th brigade, then on this our new units also shifted the direction in order to hold this section and prevent the enemy from advancing further, so in any case we understand that there are many reasons here, maybe at the command level, maybe it was influenced by the general exhaustion of our units , the lack of, i think , ammunition and equipment was affected, so... the 6-month blocking of american aid there affected both this area and other areas, they created a certain, let’s say, illusion of opportunities for the enemy, although we we understand that the enemy really has the advantage in manpower, aviation, equipment is now using it, but that does not mean that there would not be certain miscalculations, because, i repeat, it happens that we do not provide
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the commanders who provide false information above, and for sure the leader... who are from above cannot clearly assess the risks posed in this or that area, there were exactly such cases, we remember with the 67th brigade, when there was a breakthrough in the enemy's yar time zone and the same investigation was carried out, i think that all these measures should be , well, on the one hand, more active, and on the other hand, we understand that we are at a stage when our units are sufficiently exhausted, and we need to think not only about replenishment of personnel, but also about raising. effectiveness and training of the quality of personnel, starting from sergeants to junior officers and brigade commanders, because we sometimes forget about it, namely, from sergeants and from junior commanders , what happens in certain areas of the front depends to a large extent, and in those directions that are defended by brigades, it is generally a brigade, but we understand that sometimes
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one rush falls, it can later affect even much larger areas. territory of serhiy, well, we also understand that the situation in the area of ​​the temporal ravine is extremely difficult, and here the question is where the enemy will try to develop their offensive activities, that is , will they be able to hold two or three directorates at the same time, or will they still have one of them, i don't know, will be preferred as a strategic direction, and the question, which is also related to our defense, as well as to the enemy's capabilities, is to what extent... our allies will be able to reach the logistics of the armed forces of ukraine will be able to catch up with everything that the americans have already, as far as i understand, already placed part of it on the european continent. well, there are really two component questions , first of all, that the enemy has the ability to act in several directions at the same time:
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firstly, now we see a significant intensity of hostilities, that is, in the morning , the establishment of the headquarters. 14 combat clashes per day, we had this only in the summer, that is, a very high intensity of combat operations in terms of the number of combat clashes, and the left part of these clashes exactly, first of all on the donetsk front, it is precisely avdiyivka and maryanka, that is, what is precisely in this area, it is precisely the middle of this donetsk front, and here the main thing is the concentration of forces and aspirations of the enemy, because we see that all the reserves , which is the 15th brigade mentioned there from karabakh, is throwing everything... at this area in order, conditionally speaking, to push through, ideally, as the enemy thinks, to simply break through in the central part of this our line of defense in the notional donetsk front and continue to try to develop the offensive there, but we see that throughout the area the front, despite the high intensity,
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the enemy does not have special forces and means that can ensure a significant breakthrough there, he uses those forces that... he pulls out from various areas of the front, even i repeat, there from nagorno-karabakh, and this means that he is quite limited in his ability to carry out an offensive in several directions at the same time, and against this background, chai sivyar has now taken a bit of a back seat, because when he tried to move there from bohdanivka, to seize ivanovske, he got significant expenses and is now regrouping, and i think that now... in a period of two, three or four days, when there will be an accumulation of enemy forces in the area just at - near chasivyar in the west. and then just the attempt of further attacks at times in several directions, we know that actually here the enemy has two possibilities, it is to advance from
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bohdanivka and from ivanovsky, because relatively speaking, in these directions near rus to the west, there are sections when this the siversky donetsk-donbass channel, it goes underground, and there it is easier to advance close to the time of the yar, and there still remains the central frontal... offensive, this is precisely on the channel area, which is in front of this channel , siverskyi donets and donbas, and these three directions are now those that are sufficiently clear from the point of view of the enemy's advance, and the question is , so that we have, first of all, a sufficient amount of artillery in this area, because now we understand that it is precisely due to artillery and partial half-vessels that it is possible to restrain the advance of the enemy and defeat his offensive. offensive intentions. now the question arises how we will soon receive american aid. today is rammstein, there were a number of statements regarding the transfer of this or that equipment to us. there
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it was mentioned again about these czech ammunition, it was said that they will arrive in june. but there was a package of american aid for a billion, and in fact, in this package, which was announced on tuesday, for 1 billion dollars, there is also artillery ammunition. and cluster ammunition, i hope that these ee arsenals related to the support of our artillery will arrive much faster, i hope that this is a matter of days, not weeks. well, we will hope that it will be a matter of days, yes, i would like to make an informative announcement to our tv viewers, yes, at 19:30, in some 40 minutes, you can watch the final briefing of the united states defense minister lloyd live on the espresso tv channel. austin, of course, will be about the results of rammstein. and we return to our conversation with serhiy zgurets, the military results of the week. well, look, sergey, yes, the enemy
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entered the spring-summer campaign, it is already underway, that is, everyone heard about may, that is, the intelligence representatives talked about it, military experts and so on and so forth. what can we expect now from the enemy in may, because he has revived, there, there and it didn't happen. calm, but the enemy has once again revived in the area of ​​work in the south, and is trying rather to stretch what is called our defense in several directions, that is, they will surely choose some directions as the main ones, but at the moment they are very, very active and in the south and east, absolutely correct conclusions, i will simply make my own assumption, the impression is that, relatively speaking, this is the expectation of the may offensive of the enemy, they... already, in my opinion, are being realized, because we see a situation where, firstly, the intensity of hostilities increased , which i spoke about in terms of quantitative indicators, 114 for yesterday, and such indicators
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were also the previous days, now the enemy's main efforts are precisely related to avdiivka maryinka, more precisely to the west of avdiivka and maryanka, this is precisely the old political desire to reach the borders. donetsk region, and it is precisely here that the main efforts of the enemy will continue, but in parallel with this, as of yesterday, the activation of in the kupyansk-lyman direction, we also understand that there is a separate grouping of troops that has started activation again, these are just offensive attempts in the kupyansk zone, activation in the lyman zone, and in the south indeed combat operations in the robotyny zone, this there is another direction. of the enemy, and this is really the desire of the enemy to undermine our defense and force us to transfer reserves to different
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areas, and here the question will depend on the general staff's understanding of what is happening, the maximum use of intelligence information and the opportunities we have, and here we will mention that we began to use hymers more actively, that is, we stopped saving, saving these e. missiles and finally added ata-kams, long-range ata-kams, we know that more than 100 ata-kams with a range of 300 km were transferred to us and a significant number of shorter-range attacks, there are 160 km with cluster munitions, with cluster combat units, i think that this addition, which is already in the arsenal of the ukrainian army, will allow to ensure, first of all, the stabilization of the front line, because our main thing now the task of holding our positions and inflicting... the greatest possible losses on the enemy, this is the main task, the issue of any offensive actions there is more for later, the main thing now is to hold what we have and
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inflict maximum losses on the enemy. i don't have any additional secret so -called information, but i have a feeling that the enemy has decided to use infantry mass, so the use of infantry mass, not even armored vehicles and aviation, not strategic aviation, they also use quite actively, well, we understand so atakams should practice using the airfields of the so-called short-range radio operations , which are located in our temporarily occupied territories, so they will fly there, but they can... use the same tactical aviation from airfields located further away, for example, not 300 km, and 400 km, that's one moment, the second moment, how much strength do you think they'll have, because, well, i think they've prepared a certain amount of resources, maybe it's about, i don't know, fifteen hundred thousand additional manpower, which they do not regret, but they are dead russians are problems, so to speak, for russia,
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our task is to withstand this storm. well , really, when we talk about the enemy's reserves, this is the most important question that worries, i think, everyone, including military experts, our general staff. according to this more or less official information, we understand that the enemy now has a reserve of 60,000 personnel in the area of ​​the entire contact line, and somewhere there is a certain number that is being prepared for deep in russian territory, we do not have any data on that no less than me as an expert no, but i understand that... with the existing reserves, relatively speaking, the enemy cannot provide any operational-strategic breakthroughs there, but the replenishment of personnel in the range of 30-40 thousand personnel per month allows maintaining the intensity of hostilities , which is now taking place on the front line, and the question then is that our ability to destroy the enemy exceeds the indicators, relatively speaking, in the range of 30,000
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per month. such an extremely important story, well, we still have it literally a minute and a half, look, sergey, if we are talking about hymars, and the use of cluster munitions, how effective they are and how much we will have enough of them to extinguish the enemy, well, because there is also the issue of barrel artillery, but we simply will not invest in time is about a minute and a half, well , when we talk about highmars, about mlrs, we know that these launchers use different types of ammunition, high-precision ammunition, which are now actively used primarily for the destruction of air defense systems the enemy, command posts, enemy airfields, we saw it there in dzhankoy and berdyansk, and the issue of quantity, we are talking about the fact that now we know about a package of 100 atakams 300 km and i am still thinking of a larger number of even atakams up to 160 km, it's a significant number, but in any case... in this case
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, we also hope that these announced packs from britain and france with stormshadows and scalps will add opportunities to destroy the enemy at greater depth and thus, well, minimize offensive and impact potentials of the enemy. thank you, thank you, serhii zgurets, the military results of the day were rounded up, and an important signal from the russian aggressor, so in poland, angliy duda, the president of poland hinted. that poland is ready, in the event of something, to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory, which would belong to one or another nuclear-armed nato member state. and in response, the russians already promised to terrorize warsaw. to answer. now i am quoting lavrov's henchman, russian foreign minister ryabkov. all those politicians who are now from their own reasons why such a scheme is enthusiastically discussed in poland and abroad, should be understood.
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shifts in this direction will not add to poland's pecks, but the relevant objects will definitely become a target, and in our military planning they will be at the forefront, well, then i think that poland's allies would reconcile, so to speak, even on the whites' dear moscow, the mausoleum would definitely not be left, well, now we are switching to the news format, and our colleague iryna koval will summarize today's results, 7:00 p.m., irina, glad to see you. fresh as ever the secret, the secret of your energy can only be envied, please tell me what will be discussed in today's episode. thank you, antin, well, about the most important, as you said, today's events, see in the issue.


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