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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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moving in this direction will not increase the security of poland, and the relevant objects will definitely become a target. and in our military planning, they will be at the forefront. well, then, i think that poland's allies would, so to speak, reconcile with white-stone moscow. the mausoleum would definitely not remain. well, now we are switching to the news format, and our colleague iryna koval will sum up today's results: 19:00. irina, i'm glad to see you, fresher than ever, the secret, the secret of your energy can only be guessed. please tell me what will be discussed in today's edition. thank you, antin, well, about the most important, as you said, today's events, see in the issue.
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it's 7 p.m. in ukraine, and so, for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, and about the most important events right now. ukraine will receive another patriot system from germany, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said during a joint press conference with german chancellor olaf scholz and called on other alliances. take an example from germany in terms of supporting ukraine. germany is the largest european contributor of military aid to ukraine. you have just decided to send the third patriot system to ukraine. and i firmly believe that other allies should follow germany's example. it is very important that we all signal that we will support ukraine as long as necessary. the secretary
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of defense of the united states, lloyd austin , announced that washington is providing another package of defense aid to ukraine in the amount of 1 billion dollars. it will include missiles for haimars, shells, air defense systems and other weapons. austin also confirmed that f-16 fighter jets with crews and trained personnel will arrive in ukraine already this year. let me remind you, today is the 26th. contact group meeting in rammstein format. at the beginning , president volodymyr zelenskyy addressed the participants. dear friends, please do not forget that you decide. it is not just about supplying weapons, you are now deciding the fate of the world, the future of the world that will live, or according to the rules that we all recognize. or the world would
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depend on the mercy of the bearer brutal violence. president of poland andrzej duda and president of lithuania gitanas nauseda visited the site of joint military exercises near the suval corridor. more than 15,000 servicemen are participating in the exercises called the brave griffin. the sowal corridor is a territory in poland that lies between belarus and russian kaliningrad. is of strategic importance, as its capture by russia would isolate the baltic states from the rest of nato. let me remind you that andrzej duda summoned prime minister donald tusk for negotiations on may 1 regarding the placement of nuclear weapons in poland. the russian propaganda mill has turned, and naturally in such cases there are always threats from their side, but the threats only seem to indicate that this idea is indeed ... a significant
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deterrent and naturally makes russian politicians nervous. it is russia that is moving its nuclear weapons to belarus today. therefore, i have no doubt that the reaction of nato countries is necessary. we need an adequate answer. and that is why i believe that the entire nato space should be reliably protected by nuclear power weapons and that is why i believe that the nuclear exchange program should be extended to the countries of nato's eastern flank. evacuation of capital hospitals is connected with threats. head of the kgb of belarus , ivan tertel. at a meeting of the all-belarusian assembly, he declared that he would counter terrorists from ukraine. let me remind you that urgent evacuation of people is being carried out in two medical facilities in kyiv. the occupiers are spreading information that ukrainian servicemen are in medical facilities. the kyiv city state administration notes that all this information is a lie provocation by the russians. in order to provide for
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sick children, their parents, and medical staff, we must, we are currently doing everything possible to transfer patients and... this is not a simple, complicated process, but we cannot risk people's lives. the city has now turned to the security service of the ministry of health, for help, and informed about the measures taken by the capital to preserve the life and health of patients, as well as hospital staff. without any changes, the government continued the preferential price for electricity. according to him, the provisions on laying special duties on electricity market participants will be extended until may 31. compensation can be in the amount for more than
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two years, prices for gas, water and heat remained unchanged. this month, we approved a resolution that maintains the preferential price for gas for suppliers of heat and... hot water for the population until the end of the summer, also this week the state oil and gas company extended the effect of the preferential price for gas for the population, it will still be uah 7 96 cop for a pile of blue fuel. cynologists found two missing children in chernihiv oblast, about it the state emergency service reported . an eight-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy went cycling in the evening and disappeared. already on children's day. was looking for a four-legged helper of rescuers, they got lost 4 km from the house. fortunately, the children were not injured and returned to their parents. underground schools will be built in zaporizhzhia, the head of the regional military
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administration, ivan fedorov, said. also, in the near future, major repairs of shelters in ten educational institutions will begin in the region. according to fedorov, for a safe route in regions will update logistics. and will launch school buses, today the deadline for the rocket to reach the city of zaporizhia is calculated in seconds, not minutes. the challenge we set before our team is to build 10 underground schools by the end of this year. this is really a challenge that i believe we can handle together. 38 years after the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, it still remains the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind. millions of lives were saved thanks to the courage and heroism of disaster responders. on the occasion on memorial day, president volodymyr zelenskyi visited the city of slavutych, which was built
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for the evacuated personnel of the chernobyl nuclear power plant and suffered during the russian occupation, but to remember this and... i always, i want to express our respect to all the people in slavutych, to each and every one who retained the courage and devotion to the protection of life that saved us all in 1986, and which helped ukraine in the spring of 22 . slavutych did not obey the occupiers, showed his character, fought, defended himself, and we... we all saw you right here, on this square, and we saw the heroism of those of our people who, under the conditions of russian occupation, worked in shifts, right at the station, and all this helped
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our entire state to stop the unfolding of the catastrophe brought by the russian army , and i remind you of ours. the collection of communication and security equipment is needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is 720 00 uah with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect less than uah 3,000. so do not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is important. you have all the details. now you see on the screen, this was the news at that time, as always, you can read more on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main things, and of course watch our unique content on
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youtube, i'm iryna koval, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, wish you a quiet evening and leave you of course, in the company of antin borkovsky. well, i just want to personally thank irina. koval, i would like to thank the news editors, an extremely meaningful and rich issue, but i have, so to speak, five cents. so, an important message from the president of lithuania to useda. if nato deploys nuclear weapons in poland, it will contribute to deterrence and meet europe's security expectations. this was stated by the lithuanian president gitana from naused. i am quoting the lithuanian president. recently , there have definitely been events that increase presence. military power in our neighborhood, including the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. unfortunately, this is
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a reality today, both in the kaliningrad region and, as far as we know, in the territory of belarus, and the lithuanian president emphasized that the possible placement of nuclear weapons in poland would not be a threat to russia. the idea of ​​deploying nuclear weapons is not an incitement, not a threat to russia, but an element of deterrence, which should play a truly significant deterrent role. factor and power, well, in the meantime in the united states, we talked about this for a couple of days, published a report on the observance of human rights in ukraine for the 23rd year, well, this report was published on the website of the state department of the united states, and the report was prepared by a division of the us state department, the bureau of democracy, human and labor rights, and, of course, this report also mentions ukraine, in particular, low trust. pre-judicial authorities in our country, and about certain oppressions and distortions in the field of freedom of speech. nataliya
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pushyna is now in touch with me, a lawyer, glory to ukraine, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, and congratulations, glory to the heroes, the report of the state department, and i would like your professional assessment of the main problems you see, well , in particular, it does not concern the problems of this report, but the problems of our ukrainian. situation, and yes, the report is very meaningful, the report is very voluminous, a whole section is devoted in this report to the territories occupied by russia, in which in this section it is stated about violations of crimes committed by the russian military security forces, as well as proxy forces in those territories that was occupied by russian territory, russian federation. and this is simply terrible, i would like to note, reading this report and delving into all these crimes, and i think
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that this should be a separate conversation, and i would also like to note that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the prosecutor general's office recorded almost 100,000 cases of military crimes committed by russian troops, that is what this report is about, and what concerns the other part of the report. regarding the state of affairs in ukraine, this report includes several sections that speak for themselves: this respect for personal dignity, respect for civil liberties, freedom of participation in the political process, corruption in authorities, the body's position on international and non-governmental monitoring and investigation of alleged violations of human rights, and so on... other sections that relate to women's rights and
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minorities, but the main message, i believe, is that despite the fact that the constitution of ukraine and the law prohibited torture and ill-treatment, but our law enforcement agencies ignored it, the conditions in prisons and detention centers remained unsatisfactory, there is physical violence. lack of proper medical care, food, poor sanitary conditions, this was discussed many times, and in addition, the report notes that, although the constitution provides for an independent judiciary, the courts were ineffective and remained very vulnerable to political pressure and corruption, that despite efforts to reform the judiciary and the attorney general's office, systemic corruption among judges and prosecutors persisted, and the report states verbatim that
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it sometimes appeared that judicial outcomes processes were predetermined by government or other intervention. and the report also notes that civil society and the media have noted that corruption remains widespread at all levels of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. or judicial and law enforcement bodies, the management of state property affects the state, the management of state companies, as well as state regulation in general. but along with this, i would like to note that society still has confidence in such a court as vaks, i i really wish wax would remain as impartial as he is and not go down the path of a punitive body like all the other courts. in addition, the report concerning our
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law enforcement agencies states that the security service and law enforcement agencies are conducting a search. without proper permission, i.e. the decision of the investigating judge, this has been repeatedly discussed, and this is emphasized once again in this report, and the main thing is that the report says that many of our citizens note that they do not know their rights and they do not understand that the government violates their private life, in addition... it is noted that the trials were open, but some courts forbade the public to observe the trial, that is, they did not allow filming the trial itself and being present as spectators, but along with the violations noted in the report
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, i would like to note, that positive decisions and steps of our... parliamentarians of the government in the conditions of martial law are also stated, it is also impossible not to say, it is short, uh, well, it is very, so to speak, short, the report is really large, and there are separate, separate chapters are devoted to the fact that there is a holy self saints for american democracy, in particular, when we talk about freedom of speech, we remember that in the spring of the 22nd year , a string was thrown from the t-2 network. tv channels, in particular the espresso tv channel, on whose live air we are currently working, and now i wanted to quote the united states department of state a little, there they mention the telethon only news, as an example, attention to the violation of freedom of expression, well, accordingly, direct speech is now the state department, for example, a national telethon
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, a changing platform of channels that adhere to the government's line on reporting on the war with zabez. an unprecedented level of control over television news in prime time. moreover, according to the report, some media reported being suspended from lucrative broadcast contracts and pressure from the president's office as early as the spring of 22, and so on. some speakers who criticized the government were blacklisted from government news programs, and ms. natalya was blacklisted as well. i would also like your professional assessment, because freedom of speech is very important to the united states concrete indicator of the level of democracy. yes, i fully support you, and to be brief, i am very brief, because i understand that the ether, so really, from there it is about the influence of the authorities on zmi, and this is a red line
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. in particular, it is emphasized that the martial law made it possible to introduce greater restrictions on communication. freedom of speech, the speech, in particular, is about the law about an unprecedented level of control over television news through a single telethon, about the ban on the media from watching court proceedings, about searches and surveillance of journalists without permission, i say again that without the permission of judges and court orders, blocking access to websites. about sanctions against some mass media and individual journalists, and i agree that such sanctions were rightly imposed on those persons or mass media who pose a threat to national security, undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, but unfortunately,
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unfortunately , they were included in this list , as well as journalists, investigators, or those who... simply criticized the government, and i would like to emphasize that the constitution and other laws of ukraine clearly freedom of expression is mentioned, and the government must respect these fundamental rights, but how do you correctly say that this is the basis of democracy? yes, ms. natalya, i would also like to quote a little bit from the report of the state department: with a few exceptions, persons in the territories located under the control of the ukrainian government, they can usually publicly and privately criticize the government and discuss issues of public interest without fear of official repression, but what... freedom of speech in ukraine was included in the official report state department for the 23rd year, this is actually an extremely strong signal, but there may be other additional signals, so we
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just analyzed the free speech situation, but there may also be equally important indicators that you saw in the state department report. you know, there are a lot of indicators, the report covers almost all of them. of human rights that currently exist in ukraine, and i would like, returning to the case of kostyantyn zhivvaga, we can talk about the inefficiency of the judicial system and its vulnerability to political pressure and corruption, it is followed by a red line, which really sometimes seems to us that the results of court processes are predetermined by you. by the government or other intervention, that it is simply impossible to get a legal decision in the courts today, that
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the pre-trial investigation bodies, disregarding the laws and the constitution, are simply doing someone's bidding, either to redistribute or destroy businesses, or to prosecute and detain innocent people, including , by the way, at the expense of... exorbitant deposits, and this is emphasized by almost everyone lawyers, at the same time somehow, in my opinion , the key requirements of article 62 of the constitution of ukraine and article 17 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine, i.e. the presumption of innocence, as well as common sense in general, and recently these proclamations and attitudes on ... fortunes and instructions from the attorney general's office that everyone must prove their innocence, i believe will never improve the situation. and
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now, mrs. natalya, i would like to clarify with you in the end, but such reports, they have some additional value, some additional weight for the adoption of certain decisions in the white house, and it is possible that similar reports somehow react to them in such a special way in other institutions. america, well, i think that this is an indicator, or a segment that everyone focuses on and that everyone takes into account, and therefore i believe that in addition to the indicator further for the american side, this indicator we should clearly monitor and take all measures to ensure that these rights. and all these norms were not violated in ukraine, thank you, if i understood correctly, yes, yes, yes no, well, it's just a question, is it possible to calmly say, well, somewhere they
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wrote it there, and it's just a kind of monitoring report, and you can ignore it, well, we remember that in any system of government there were similar people who were ready to ignore, and what they say in brussels and what they write in washington, is this a serious document after all, it is very serious. document, many international organizations, many institutions participated in the creation of this document, and therefore these analyzes, studies, and therefore, this document is simple, well, not something that can simply be taken into account, this document must be read with a pencil and separate what we need to work on. to work, thank you, mrs. natalya, an extremely interesting conversation, nataliya pushyna, a lawyer, analyzed now live on espresso, the report
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of the united states department of state, in particular, dedicated to ukraine, well, there they also paid attention to the telethon of the united news and talked about violations freedom of expression, this is what the report on human rights violations in the 23rd year says, now, finally, i will quote: a fragment of the report national telethon - a shifting platform of channels that follow the government line on reporting on the war, has ensured an unprecedented level of control over television news in prime time, and there is talk of some pressure from the official various structures, although they noted that criticizing the private and public government and power cannot be feared. there are also official repressions. well, now there will be a short break, after which i will return. cream. longite relieves pain,
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friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel espresso. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and forecast future. for the world, a second
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trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. what to do when there is a break? hello hulk, what about the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, a somewhat curious statement from the head of the people's republic of china, comrade xi jinping. china and the united states, xi jinping spoke with secretary of state anthony blinken, and gave his reaction accordingly. china and the united states must take responsibility for world peace. straight "i
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have always believed that a big country should behave like a big country, have the mind and responsibility of a big country. china, the united states should set an example of such behavior and take responsibility for world peace and promote global unity. i would very much like to for comrade xi jinping to direct some of his diplomatic energy to his so-called unofficial ally, the russian federation, which conducts aggressive zagardnyka. an unjust war by attacking us, ukraine, and accordingly, sijin ping says that a big country should behave like a big country, have the mind and responsibility of a big country, but for some reason he tells the us secretary of state, not putin, but in any case another important signal, china and the united states should take…


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