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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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will not give anything to the armed forces of ukraine at the front, others are sitting in skabeev with sad faces and talking about ukrainian attacks. why this time the disinformation machine suddenly broke down precisely on this american aid. mrs. larisa, you must be the first to speak. well, in my opinion, the russians did not expect ukraine to receive this help. they absolutely are. sincerely believed that the trumpists, johnson and so on, and trump himself, would push for the election, and then they would negotiate with putin. i don't know why there was such a belief, maybe there were some agreements, maybe there were some hopes, and this is introduced with the russians. let 's remember that last time when trump was elected president, champagne was uncorked in russia, they sincerely believed that he was now their president, and that's why... they
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thought so, that's why this vote came as a surprise to them, secondly, we must now somehow rearrange all our plans, because it is obvious that putin planned to seize as much ukrainian territory as possible and already agree with trump on the plan that we we saw all these denazifications, where there was militarization, where else, what else, he still had something. but the point was to pause and stop at the line that will be formed at the moment of these very negotiations, and not between ukraine and russia, but between the united states and russia, and now, when it turned out that the united states had placed such weapons, it becomes obvious that, first of all , this line will no longer be there, and secondly, the very moment of agreement is called into question.
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today in russia they do not understand whether trump is even ready to talk to them about something, this is it now i just see this propaganda, and what is more uncalled for propaganda, what concerns all these warlords, strangely enough, they were silent for a very long time after the death of prigozhin, they all pretended that there were no losses and that was it great, and now they suddenly all loudly shouted, what a nightmare and we will all die, this is me. more those, let's be honest, not all cried out, some started shouting and singing a song about how it won't help them, it's a little thing, we don't pay attention to it, let's collect all the opinions of all colleagues, oleksiy, on the eve of this decision, i do not agree with the fact that putin is going, or was going, to agree on something with trump, he was counting on trump's victory not in order to... negotiate with him, he is sure
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that trump is just will put pressure on ukraine in the event of victory, as we actually know from orban's words, that is, he will stop helping ukraine altogether and will demand that the ukrainians stop, putin himself was not going to undertake any obligations to stop even under such conditions, so it seems to me that here it is necessary to adjust this position a little, but of course they... reckoned, uh, that trump would still complete the task they set for him, well actually, because it looks like they are methodical, they didn't have a plan b ready, and that's why everything went alone, because even a day before the vote we paid attention to what praises they sang, taylor green, you remember, major green there, that is, oh, the best, but the next day they began to tell that what trump turned out to be and sukiya, you know, so...
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he did not fulfill his task, that's why i think that they have no plan at all, no plan at all, they often have no plan at all. on the other hand, when they are in the grip of their own illusions, it is better to look for when they are not, i even give another example, i don't think that if they understood what the real situation is, how would the west react to a direct invasion of russia and how will ukraine resist, maybe they did not make the decision that they made about the start of large-scale aggression, but again, they are, were in captivity of their own illusions, under the influence of what their people tell them, i don't know, and their special services told that here it is completely different, and there it is completely different, it is obvious that here, too, the special services told that they had everything with trump and the voice. it won't happen in any case, here now
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they actually failed in one word yes, something similar to the fact that kyiv in three days, here ops didn't work out, danylo, but i looked, who was the favorite? russian war propaganda, well, first of all, of course , margery taylor green, but we will not talk about this maryana bezugla's virtual sister, i don't need to say more, congresswoman victoria sparts looked scandalous for ukraine, where only she was written about her initiatives from the whole world, because even in america, both spart and green became internet memes in this case, we understand , that this com'. only one part of the russian game with our biggest military allies, and this is this intervention, but you found the answer for yourself, victoria sparts, whom everyone was so happy about, she shouted: "come on, ermak, here suddenly there is an op, and a blow in the back, what happened ?
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look, nothing happened, actually from my point of view, because i am talking about the fact that ms. sparts is absolutely unfriendly to..." ukraine, a political figure in the united states, spoke even when part of our media and political field admired her, you understand , what is the problem, unfortunately, we have politics in general, it somehow operates according to the principle of groups of football fans, and everyone who is against our bitter rival or enemy, then they all automatically become our friends, it seems to me... what is the story of victoria sports, she is very good at it showed that you personally don't like andriy yermak or oleg tatarov, and at the same time there is such
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a congresswoman in american politics who criticizes yermak and tatarov. that doesn't make this lady your friend or ally, she does. for completely different reasons than those from which you criticize the ukrainian authorities. we criticize the ukrainian authorities, after all, having in mind the interests of this country, the improvement of this country, the survival of this country. mrs. sparts is not talking about this at all, but mrs. sparts was still on that time, in fact, is enough for you'. representative of this fairly radical trumpist wing of the republican party, not as much as margery taylor greene, but enough to be able to recognize it quite well, it amazes me that the people who
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have been active with this lady when there.. . a year and a half ago, did not find the strength today, you know, not even to admit your mistake, but just keep silent, because i saw that some continued that no, sparts is still good, you still need her listen, it still carries weight, once again the simple takeaway from this whole story is that not everyone who criticizes the same person you criticize is your friend, and to me you... i think that 's the takeaway that's very well , which would be very useful to take from this story, i just now remembered an anecdote about a sparrow that froze and a cow that saved him, having drawn conclusions on him, something like this, so okay, let's move on to
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such resonant topics this week on the verdict, i couldn't pass it up attention, all this schizophrenic nonsense that happened after. a video of hefty men in the plan of men queuing in consular institutions of poland, this video, i don’t know if it went viral on purpose or just became resonant because of the shouts that were heard there, but this is the idea to stop providing consular services on april 23, in particular from issuing passports for ukrainians in connection with... yes, that's what the deputy minister of foreign affairs decided, koleb, in my opinion, did not want to wave his hand at this, and made excuses, and mrs. larisa, here in principle, after which the most schizophrenic things began, the polish foreign ministry said we will help return
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men of presidential age to ukraine, the lithuanians said, let's see how we will do it with the poles, the germans said clearly, we will not do this, international lawyers said , besides ee... there are actually no mechanisms for extradition, the tcc cannot run on the streets of warsaw, some politicians in ukraine said that this is a violation of constitutional rights, others said, i'm sorry, and here it is a service from the state. if there is constitutional duty to protect, and you ran away from it. at this moment , the hottest indicators are now glowing. what is your opinion on all this that happened, because they say that from may 18 they will somehow restore it all, but it seems that of all the solutions that were possible around this issue, they chose the worst, or is it just me? well, you see, i want to ask, after all, i'm young, and you are men. and i understand that now it is difficult to get a job officially without being registered,
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for example, to a university, submit documents as a man, and you are not registered, walk down the street, and you will be stopped, you must show your passport and military id, that you are registered, when we talk about some constitutional rights, we must take into account that these rights were adjusted due to martial law, and adjusted. they sat in principle in a legal way, because the verkhovna rada voted on restrictions on the rights of ukrainian citizens, such as exit, movement, and curfew. secondly, as far as i understand, they do not refuse people consular services, and consular services are provided after registration, that is , this is the idea, and i would like to talk about something else, to what extent can this registration be ensured? to what extent it is possible to ensure the passing of the vlk abroad, what it should look like, that concerns me, and the fact that a citizen must be
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registered, this provision of the constitution has been in effect for two years, it, it has actually been in effect for two years, after february 24, 22 of the year the president at 5 o'clock in the morning introduced martial law and signed a decree on general mobilization, because of this the children began the rule of the constitution should apply, which says that everyone who is required to serve in the military must appear and update their data, well , military men, that is, register with the central committee, not go to the trenches, but register, and here i am it is just interesting what we are arguing about now, we are generally interested in the constitution, which has such a norm, we are interested in the law, we are interested in the fact that our ministry of foreign affairs makes a decision on the basis of a law that has not entered into force, and justifying this law.
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we currently have a law in force, it there is a law on mobilization, it is old, post-soviet, to give people consular services, this law provides, it provides that everyone must be registered, and this law provides that a person must be registered. please note that this law does not provide, it does not provide for a violation for it, for its non-fulfillment, moreover, this law is based on a direct provision of the constitution, and in this case we say that we are now debating whether to comply with the constitution, or for example , you can like it or not, you understand, it's very me, we, we in principle, that is not what we are talking about, we should be talking about how to implement these laws so that it is...
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for all four of us in the studio, it is about the fact that people who were abroad as of 2016, on 2017, there is no law that obliges them to come to ukraine and register for military service and pass the vlk. if you can find me where it is written in the law, i will admit my mistake to you live, but please show me where it is written. now we are talking about the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs. accepted a decision based on a law that has not entered into force, and if you appeal to
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constitutionality and legality, then this must also be taken into account. i understand that we are all very interested in the issue of justice and so on and so forth, but if we, in the name of justice, reject what the ministry of foreign affairs has done, from a legal point of view, absolutely not ... justified action, then we are to justice we will never come, we will have mischief instead of justice, you understand, okay, i have to answer. as far as i, as far as i remember, mr. danyla, we have registration, registration in consular institutions has been in effect since the 22nd year, and it is in effect, and all citizens who must be subject to the law on mobilization and the constitution, that
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law, which has been in force since the 22nd year, and according to which almost a million citizens were mobilized , they were supposed to register, they... just didn't do it, so when you tell me to show you something, look, our consular offices have been registering people since the 22nd year, consular registration, consular, and not for the military, okay, for the military, friends, but we can, we now let's think over all your arguments, ms. larisa, mr. danilo, i also want to ask you, mr. oleksiy, to look at it from a different angle, because mr. oleksiy, look what... it turned out, that is, there must have been some kind of mechanism and clarification, probably we have as of this moment got the worst efficiency with the best intentions to get the men back, i doubt, excuse me, i have, i have reason to say, i doubt that the intentions were
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good, there is a record of society justice is quite clear and... er legal, power in us, instead of satisfying this request, in a legal way, is looking for ways to channel this, this, this request, and this dissatisfaction, of course, this dissatisfaction is somehow not very good to direct against the deputies, because the deputies are still needed, so they found a way to channel it into another into another side, this is the first moment, the second moment, of course... all this hysteria surrounding the fact that human rights are being violated, what the government is doing, what the opposition is doing and everything else, this is also an element of russian ipso, because they are happy to promote this situation, i think that the first thing to start with is to stop hysteria about it. now, in terms of
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specific things, yes, in '22 there were amendments to the mobilization laws, which yesterday... it's written in white that people who are legally, of course, abroad, they have to enlist registration with consular institutions of ukraine abroad, in those countries where they live. a question for the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, what did they do to organize this military accounting according to the law, for these two years, nothing, because. 2 years of the ministry of foreign affairs, instead of implementing the law that is in effect, he starts sending out unknown letters about the law that will only come into force on may 18, and then it turns out that the ministry of foreign affairs has nothing to do with the issuance of documents at all, because the dp document deals with this, and the government urgently forced to adopt a resolution that simply which
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simply regulates that the documents issued by the dp document are issued. only on the territory of ukraine, that is, first we make a communication error, then we begin to feverishly correct it, try to bring it into legal channels, and so on. around this is a huge hysteria, our enemies are happy that we will gain from this, it is not clear, but everyone inside has changed their minds and continues to do it further, so mr. oleksiy, you are a fool... but all your arguments are completely logical and this kind of managerialism appears here, well, you too telemanager, i.e. any manager , knows that he is given several, for example, strategic ways to solve a problem, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this, and you can also do this, but this is the worst, and again of all the options from
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on this question, the worst is chosen again, and here some such question arises as to whether this is the law of data. kruger, does someone deliberately always choose the worst solution in such sensitive matters? of course, we can assume that someone is doing it on purpose, someone is possibly doing it step by step due to their own stupidity, but as i am interested in the result, what will we get as a result, will we be able to enforce the law that comes into force on may 18, what will we get in public opinion, what will we get with... resolving our issues with allies, because now we will also quarrel as allies, that some of them say, we will, we will help, return men, others say, no, these are human rights. and so on , we will argue with them about this issue, the question is that everything must be done rationally, of course not everything happens the way we want, we saw that this is
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what happens with our allies, with this help is called american, as in jokes about the natives, the onion wagon and 100, so we remember, three presidents, and or this phrase of churchill that americans always make the right decision after they have tried all the... right, so you have to draw conclusions for yourself, so as not to step on the same rake, in our country it is generally a national one, so to speak, so look, here you are all together, colleagues gave our viewers all the right analytical markers , and it just seems to me that this machine, which was also picked up by russian propaganda and is being promoted, also has a sequel inside, and we will, unfortunately, reap the benefits. is still far further, because you can listen, for example, mariyana bezugla was visiting natasha mosiychuk there, she says, if you don’t want to be ukrainians,
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throw away your ukrainian passport, take another country, this combat unit of soviet people is sitting somewhere far away and on youtube aristovych tells in a good russian way, let's throw away your ukrainian passports, don't go to the consulate, take russian ones, you understand and, that is, it is gaining momentum and here somehow it already looks like it is almost similar to the law on updating the law on mobilization, that instead of a quick solution, it turns into a multi-part series of scandals, cringe and stupidity, how to finalize it all, well, let's just put a full stop in this topic, which will continue, danyla, here is your opinion, mrs. larisa, your opinion, one by one, it’s simple, how is it all with... drinking, because realistically, well , there will definitely be no exhaust in the large mobilization resource now after all that , look, it
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’s a complicated thing for me, well, come on, i ’ll tell you later, well, well, i’m just talking about the fact that i’m a good question, how to do it, how to stop russian parasitism on this topic, in my opinion, here we must remember what we are doing and why, because the law on mobilization, it had a purpose, why we made changes. this the law, it needed the old law, it needed changes, because its implementation, its implementation was quite difficult and dangerous, humiliating for a citizen, like, you are mobilized, and as a result you have no demobilization terms, you are, you are mobilized, and if you didn't serve, so before that, no matter what public profession you had, you would still go there as a soldier, that is... although you could be somewhere a logistician or something else, that is, these decisions needed to be eliminated, and that's why i took this law the second point that this law contains
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sanctions for its non-fulfilment, and thus it differs from the old law, which was very strict, humiliating for the citizen, because the citizen had no rights at all when he entered the army, and no guarantees, but at the same time, he did not was punished, this is a very strange story. make it easier for the citizen to fulfill the law and the constitutional duty, and not to tell, but how to avoid it, but how to do this in such a way as to pretend that we do not have a constitution, and we do not have a duty, and a military we don't have a state, we have to complete the task, we have to change the people who are in the trenches, we have to... ensure the rotation is endless, that is, this flow, because this war can be long, it can be 10, it can be more years, and we need to understand how to make sure that those who
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are mobilized have more chances to survive and know clear deadlines when they return home, so i agree with all of this, danyla, but to put a full stop in an endless series, these are all these correct things that mrs. larisa said, this scandal definitely worked with accuracy on... on the one hand, yes, that is, i really do not see in what way the fact that now this new innovation there, let it be temporary on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs, in what way it can contribute to the fact that we somehow expand the mobilization resource, but rather the number of people with ukrainian passports will decrease, but understand, in fact , you can have this discussion here. can actually be taken to such a philosophical and political level, because when we talk about the ukrainian nation as a whole, the ukrainian a nation is an imaginary community, yes.
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everyone has their own idea and we as a group have an idea of ​​what it means to be ukrainian, what it means to belong to this community, and i will tell you honestly, i am not in order to somehow incite conflict and division here, but i don't quite understand what unites me in the same community with these men and women in the consulate there in the dp document or in the consulates and they shout about what and what i have to serve, and what my husband has to serve and... . go serve yourself, yes, ugh, uh, that is, this discussion is really important to us today about what it means to be ukrainian, what it means to belong to the ukrainian nation, or to stay abroad and really pretend that none of this concerns you and that you have the right only to demand, or is this not a disqualifying sign for being called a ukrainian, but not according to
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a passport? and according to beliefs, so again, i really would not like this discussion to turn, you know, into that, excuse me, srach, into which it turns in us with mutual accusations of those who are abroad and from those who are abroad to us and some kind of mutual rejection, but we really need this discussion today, the one about what it means to be ukrainian when, er, when we stand before. it's an existential question to be or not to be, so some benefit can be found in what is happening now, if you can talk about it calmly, it seems to me that it is clear that if all this turns into simply destructive, then nothing good will come of it. oleksiy, finalize it too, it's just me i listen to danilo and remember that after the black terrorist attack on saturday in israel, we
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saw this one. a huge phenomenon, a large number of israelis, and they, by the way, in my opinion, are in second or third place after the chinese as tourists around the world, they flew to israel from all over the world for the war, we had it, it was in 22, yes, and now look, and now, thanks to all these actions, discussions, illumination, oleksiy, we have the reverse option, that is, those, perhaps, who wanted... after all this, this is what happened after the warsaw events, yes it can to cause the opposite reaction in my opinion, so it seems, well, i wouldn’t overthink it, you know, a person wanted to defend the country, and then they watched a video from poland and came up with it, then i don’t think that this is happening, well, not all yews swam over there , you understand that i don't, i think that there are too many people, well , maybe, if there are two people, then this one is
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too much. in principle, everyone left, i understand, on some grounds, from my point of view it is necessary to simply stop the hysteria, comply with the law that is in force now and comply the law, when it will come into force on may 18, is new, these are amendments to the law, this is not a new law, yes, yes, that is, those who want to obtain documents and have the right to cross the border can go to ukraine and take these documents, to what extent... i understand the decision of the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of foreign affairs, finally, after this kulesig scandal, they will take their hands and start creating a system of registration of people who are abroad and can be registered, there are many of them with documents, wait until they all have them documents will run out, that too disadvantages, that is, this is the second point, and the third point that appeared during this discussion,
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we are one point that... they do not pay attention to, there are citizens of ukraine who are now from 18 to 25 years old, they cannot according to the new law, they are mobilized, but they are not released from the country so that they, for example, receive an education at universities, it is possible, of course, for patriotic reasons, to take all students from universities, return them, return them to ukraine and let them, well, why not they wait for seven years until they become pregnant. the time when they can mobilize, but i do not think that this is a rational solution, it seems to me that the deputies will have to sit down, think carefully and prepare some new amendments that would solve this problem. until this problem is solved at the legislative level, everyone follows the existing law. it seems to me that this is the most constructive suggestion that can be made.


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