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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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the field of heroism and such honorable behavior, it also shows an example to the whole world that when dying, our soldiers show a higher, higher category of humanity, because they save with their lives not only their fellow citizens, not only the settlements where they fight, but they practically save ukraine as an environment, a space and... a space of world statehood, that is why ukraine itself has both doctrinal advantages and visionary advantages, precisely the ability to maintain this civilizational basis of humanity and peace on a global scale, and i would very much like to draw your attention to the fact that these high, as they say in pathetic terms, now these terms are practical, then... because we live in
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a super-dynamic world, what happened yesterday is already, as it were, history, and what will happen tomorrow is our real future, so that today's example is very simple: today is the chernobyl disaster, but today we are witnessing the occupation of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, if one reactor was blown up at chernobyl, then at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant six reactors are currently in cold shutdown mode, what is there what is really happening with these reactors, almost no one knows, not even the magat mission, why? because the putinites do not fully allow them to access technological possibilities, and here is an example, on the one hand, the history of a world-class tragedy, on the other hand, let's say... the limit of this tragedy is
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six reactors, that is, six possible detonations, i understand , that these are different reactors, but no one knows, this is a precedent that can be in such states with such behavior for more than two years of occupation of the huge zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, and therefore this is an example of to the extent that today is both historical and... an example of the future, that is why these are completely different states in which we have to live, act professionally, and the most important thing is to manage, that is, to combine the efforts of our partners from the position not only of today, but of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow . well , when we talk about the combination of our efforts and the efforts of our partners, we usually recently talk only about weapons, ramstein will pass there, they will give... the number of weapons equipment,
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this will strengthen our capabilities on the front line, but it means that then in this process of interaction with partners we have to add a conceptual component of civilization, which so far, as i see, it is not always perceived by partners, this means that our diplomatic, these political bodies should still work in this direction more effectively, and on the other hand, after all, the army, if the risks have increased, the formats of threats are changing, relatively speaking, and the future appearance. of the ukrainian army must be adequate to the threats that russia produces on the battlefield, and not only there, conditionally saying, cabs, artillery there, or the manpower advantage of the equipment, what do you think about this ? very interesting, very good question, huge, but i would like to say only one thing today and here: understanding the future of the army shows how inadequate we are to reason. of the modern world, why
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do you think that the future of the army will not be a safe space in which everyone performs different functions, you look at the modern army, you understand that if society, ukrainian society, did not work, then the topic of the army would be well practically nominal, and we would probably not be sitting here, as we are sitting here and using the modern possibilities of modern technologies, therefore the topic of the future is primarily the topic of space, what are the putinites doing today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, every day, they destroy sumy oblast with cabs, what are cabs, they are technologies that we do not have today, that is, they are dominant technologies. to
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date, what our partners are doing, they are watching and talking, we are waiting for the ukrainian pilots to prepare, this normally. it's not normal, and you know why it's not normal, because they don't understand that they're practically watching how they're going to be killed or destroyed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so we're doing everything to make sure that doesn't happen, but just me on this example, aggravating, i show how inadequate the situation is, in terms of understanding, perception and actions, you said very well about... weapons, that is , weapons in understanding, perception and actions, modern at the level above the dynamic of the communication and content order becomes the first question , and the question of thinking, thinking what, the thinking of operational action,
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the specific task, or the thinking of the global world, which is faced with a choice, or we will operate these... civilizational regimes of international law that ensure humanity and peace, or we are practically waiting now, as in the 14th year, everyone was waiting for what would happen next with ukraine, they waited until the 22nd year, we are now in the 24th year with you, what are we doing, we act inadequately from the position of partners, why? because our partners do not understand these depths. it is impossible to understand from their comfort level and living within the rule of law, in the spirit of the law, understanding how terrorist-barbaric groups that are represented as a state operate is very difficult, so we have to work harder,
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you and i, well then literally one minute to answer where we should go in terms of the vision of our society? because the national security council announced that it is necessary to ensure the development of a doctrine on planning the future after the war, the secretary of the national security council oleksandr danilo spoke about this, he said about the development of this vision that it will contribute to the formation of public consensus i would like you to just explain, in fact, why such a doctrine and a vision are needed and why after the victory, maybe it was needed even in... even the day before yesterday, today, it is needed today, one minute is straight, well, it is tin , but i will say, first of all, the doctrine should be as follows: ukraine is waging a war of ukrainian civilization, they are waging genocidal aggression against ukraine
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with practices of terror and barbarism. ukraine must build a vision that began with the maidans of... freedom and dignity, and you can call it, tentatively, as a working title, it is a vision of maidan ukraine, civilization, peace and humanity. mr. grigo, grigory, thank you very much for the explanation, for your conceptual vision of what is happening in ukraine, around ukraine. let me remind you that it was hryhoriy lyubovets, the head of the center for content security, and we were talking about things that really make a difference. society and the population in certain states from the point of view of forming a basis for conducting and endurance in military operations, this is such a complex category, where there is a lot of dark, both gray and light, and this is what should be taken care of by the state, which wants to rely on
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the entire potential of society and sometimes avoids the practices that are provoked or generated by the russian federation, the russian way in certain things is actually harmful for, ah... to to carry out some transformations in our ukrainian society, we understand that this should not happen, precisely these new visions, new approaches require the unity of society, and the authorities, and intelligent people who want to find their ukrainian way in such difficult conditions, when the enemy wants destroy us the army, the armed forces are extremely important, but we also need new ideas and unity, which is now extremely necessary in view of the risks that russia is currently creating not only on the battlefield. here are the main conclusions from this. programs, stay on the spresso channel, there will be a lot more interesting,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is... bakhmut, let's tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent thoughts. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what a world he dreams of. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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locals who knew every street, every alley, knew our location, where we
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were based. my name is ivan, the defendant kardan, i am currently serving in the drohobytsky rtc, in the guard company, in the position of senior rifleman, in the 15th year, it was my late father's the dream is to be the youngest son, because we have a family. two served, the older brother, and as it turned out that my father had just died, it had not been 40 days since my father died, i joined the army, i went myself, i did not wait for that summons, i also went to the contract, in the 13th i was in the rear guarding bridges until the 17th year, in the 17th year i came, worked a little in the civilian structure, realized that it was not for me and signed a contract in the 21st year, there were no such intensive battles in the 21st year, there were skirmishes, but mostly they fired from
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their side, from the side of the aggressor, we didn't have any the right to open fire, because we had the minsk agreements and we did not have the right to respond, and the war began on february 24 , 2022, we were a rapid reaction company, we were sent in a convoy to the city of starobilsk, and with starobilsky ... everything began , we restrained a column, not one, there were two of them, one was restrained, the second was not restrained, and we had to retreat, because there was a very large armored vehicle, and there were a lot of them, at the beginning we had the power to restrain them, but they were in twice as much as in our country, all equipment from all borders went straight to there was no breakthrough, there was no aviation, there was wheeled te... equipment and there was heavy armored vehicles, these are tanks,
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howitzers, we held back the first battle, everything went very well, only in the first battle, we destroyed their entire column, well, they destroyed the entire column, which was going, but then we destroyed and destroyed a column of wheeled vehicles, and heavy armored vehicles were going on the other road, we had to retreat, because as... at the moment we only had four boxes of ours there, that's all, we had to retreat, because more than 100 of them were going there units, and that's why we retreated, we held him two, then for three days, then we were transferred to a border settlement, a settlement that was varvarovka, because it was very, very difficult there, but we stayed there until the end, not there... those russians there were those who were for the lpr, the dnr and
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local residents were behind russia, who constantly surrendered us, simply surrendered, and 152-caliber, 120-caliber mortars, tanks worked on us, well, it was very difficult, we stood at a checkpoint, between the roundabouts of varvarovka, a car drove by side of rubizhny, in the direction of varvarovka. we drove her with the headlights off, we stopped her, we tried to stop her, she did not react, we opened fire, she stopped there, then into the car. me, their so-called priest of the moscow patriarchate and his mentor, then that mentor had photos of all our positions on her phone and in the car we also found grenades, a stretcher, there was no chance at all, i lost
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a lot of my comrades in varvaryvka, my company was burned tank on... poor man, his tank burned too, one mechanic survived, he got out when the car was on fire, he managed to get out, that's all, then they fought a little in brobizhn, then i was sent to such a town as a shepherd. russia sent most, well, part of its special forces to the pasture, we fought there as special forces with the local lpr. and their special forces and that 's why it was very difficult for us, our cambrikh died there, we were constantly fired upon, we didn't have time to leave, as large-caliber guns did not fly at us, rounds of aviation, air bombs, it was very scary, a woman was walking in the pasture, we are in
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our well, there was lunch, so-called, because war is war, and lunch is according to the schedule, as they say. we had dinner and went to the side cars, because our cars were just parked like that, well, so that it wouldn't be seen, well, a woman was walking past our car, we didn't let her in, and she started crying, and we are western ukraine, here we understand everything, we made concessions to her and they let her through, and warned her that the road ahead was mined, and she walked, looked where each mine lay, and after 15 minutes of artillery barrage , the road was cleared of mines and two tanks and three bmps immediately began to burst. i remember that i ran out of that house and a projectile flew directly into the house , the tanks flew, shrapnel fell, i was lying then another shell, well, they fired without
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interruption, their tank was reloading, the bmp was firing, the artillery... theirs was pouring in, well, but thanks to our tourists , they burned one tank and two bnts, and the people ran away, because they realized that they could not go any further will leave, but there were very, very many heavy three-footers, it was very difficult to deliver, ammunition was very difficult, they were, but it was difficult to deliver them to us, because all the roads, which... but until the pass, all the roads were shot through, and very terribly fired at from all corners, delivered, but i say, we literally had time for 15 minutes, we had time to threaten, then threatened that we did not have time to turn around and immediately drove the report, i was wounded somewhere
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on march 23, it was around 12:30, a team arrived to us so that we ... we left, worked out, because the enemy box drove in, we had to work out in order for us to leave, when i ran out to run to the car, i heard the exit, i heard such a hard exit, i didn't hear a whistle, but it turned out that the a mine flew straight at me, and 3 m from me it broke into the wall, i was thrown back somewhere maybe five or six meters threw me back. wave and i lie like this, conscious, lying with my eyes open, noise, noise in my head, a lot of diapers, i tried to get rid of it myself, i realized that it won't work, because i don't even have a heel, fragments have flown there, i see blood flowing from my eye , i try with that hand, which fingers are jammed, because
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there is a penetrating wound, i try with that hand and look, the blood is also flowing, i realized that nothing happened, that hand was immediately torn off. left and everything and began to say goodbye, well, i knew that was all, i raise my head, look at my commander, then my the commander pulled me out, my type of tank that i was driving, and he pulled me out from under fire, they provided me with first aid, applied tronics, took me away, put me in the car, took me by car to meet in the ambulance, transferred me to the ambulance, evacuation from... military personnel who were wounded, for about 20 minutes there was shelling, and everyone was being taken out as we were driving, then mines were falling behind, because the road behind was being shot through. the mines just fell and that was it, well, maybe two or three kilometers away , they overloaded me in an ambulance, they also provided med help was sent to pervomaiske,
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they were stitched up there, then they sent me to the dnipro, they generally said that i was born in sorozka, because i lost a lot of blood, they already poured blood there, and i was in the dnipro for a day and i was sent to a hospital in lviv. and there the first operation, the second operation, the third operation, the fourth operation, four operations were performed on me, the fourth and the last one were performed on my hand and that was it, i spent maybe a month here in the hospital and i was in rehabilitation, because i was healing very quickly, and i was sent to the city of kuskavytsi, the village of lyubinya received a protest, then i was sent to the vlk. passing sek, they gave me the second group for life, passed the vlk, made me limitedly fit, i was transferred from the military unit, where i served, i was transferred to the drohobytsk
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rtcc and sp, to the guard, i have been in the drohobytsk rtcc for more than six months, well during those for six months , the relationship is very terrible, people think that i bought a group for myself, that i was not there, very much. you simply explain to people that there is a war in ukraine, they say, there is no war, it is very difficult here, psychologically it is very difficult here, observe iron nerves, people look at the internet, there are videos, they don’t understand that there are guys here, for a second they think that no one has fought here, all the guys here are fighters, half of them are 24-year-old, no one here has an eye, but people don’t understand that, me in general, they told me to take a bath, what to talk about with that person. that's all, the guys have to be changed, nobody wants to, everyone is running away and afraid, and it's hard for the guys there, it's been the third year there , it's not only physically hard, but
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morally, very, very hard, not a brother, a relative is coming, that's why i know it's very difficult there. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy. fire and returns our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's keep line up together verdict with serhiy rudenko
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is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with help. telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the informational evening of the espresso tv channel continues, 18:16 minute during today's so -called big broadcast, we will inform you about all the most important events of this. we will draw certain conclusions, it will concern both the situation at the front and the internal political stability of ukraine. an important message from
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british intelligence, the russians have accelerated their advance near avdiivka. yes, i quote what british farewell analysts say. despite the constant high losses, there is a high probability that the russian forces are continuously, capable of continuously to attack ukrainian positions in this regard. district and took control of several small settlements. the british agency stated that the russian ground forces created a narrow passage deep into ukrainian territory in order to enter the town of ocheretyne, located approximately 15 km north of avdiyivka. well, this is an extremely serious signal, but in any case, we are waiting for additional official messages from our ukrainian general staff. i will add now. to our marathon to mykola dovbny, mp druzhkiv city council. glory to ukraine, mr. mykola. glory to the heroes, congratulations to the viewers
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of espresso. good evening. well, now that i 've been voicing the information from the british analysts, yes, in particular, it relates to the fighting on the audivian side, i would like to ask you now to share your official, unofficial information, everything related to the front line in this direction? dear mr. anton, the fact is that what british intelligence says, we feel with our own ears, unfortunately, those... which took place a week ago, distant, so powerful, now they have a completely different appearance, we hear not only the exits of our artillerymen, but we can already hear how enemy shells are flying nearby, that is, the ground is shaking, that is , there is obviously an advance, you know, i am communicating with residents of the city and sometimes you hear such words
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we... we no longer want to open the deepstate map, because it spoils the mood so much, it is so difficult to expect that not today, tomorrow the enemy will be at such a distance that will reach our city, business in because if earlier only from time to time there were these rumblings and explosions, now the right is more right, well, if i am in the city of drushkivka, a little more to the right in the direction, it is avdiyivka, pokrovsk, there eh... we know that the front has been breached and they captured ocheretyn a little bit, and these explosions, mr. mykola, i would like to clarify, it was as if the front did not break through, well , as if they did not break through, yes, let's say that i simply, as a resident of druzhkivka, absolutely clearly hear the explosions from two sides now from the time of the ravine and from the side of the queues, ugh, and what concerns the temporal ravine,
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describe be. well what do you hear literally and figuratively, well i mean when we talk about the cannonade and what the civilian residents say, your acquaintances who may be in the area of ​​this city, the fact is that i have friends , who work in the military administration, and they move to chasovar, to siversk, which is a little to the left of chasovar, and the entry of the civilian population into siversk is prohibited, only the military can enter, and there, too , the border. the situation concerning the times of yar, yar times, the map, the maps of our ukraine, are being erased little by little from the face of the map, the maps of our ukraine, the situation is extremely difficult, extremely difficult, just this delay of ammunition, delay of the vote, what we were waiting for, now we have waited, the congress has voted there, everything is fine, the guys do not have enough ammunition , there are not enough drones, it must be provided here immediately, so that our other cities that are surrounded by time... devyar,
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kostyantynka, druzhkivka, samatorsk, sloviansk, do not turn into what you are showing now. the fact is that kostiantynka already looks a little like a city, which you are now showing, chasiver, a beautiful place, as a city that was located on the siverskyi donets canal, donbas, which was very pleasant to visit, modern, looks like a neat city. therefore, as for the military, not the military component, but the component on the front line, it is extremely difficult, just extremely difficult, and all the guys. they are waiting for those weapons, for bradley, shells first of all, for irons in order to keep our land after all. ugh. mr. mykola, well, a rather alarming message from the operational-strategic group troops of khortets. so, in particular, i quote his spokesman, nazar voloshyn. the direct speech of khortytsy's spokesman. the enemy is concentrating its efforts to
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break through our defenses in western sheba. and access to the siverskyi donetsk-donbas channel, taking possession of the settlement of chasiv yar, creating conditions there for further advancement to the kramatorsk agglomeration. the enemy is trying to take chasiv yar into an operational environment. spokesman voloshyn emphasized that the russian occupiers have not had any success in the past seven days. direct speech, i quote: they are trying to take the village of ivanivski at any cost and the outskirts of bohdanivka, in order to enter the temporal ravine, are actively stormed. two settlements, in order to take yar in the grip of time, are trying to align the line of defense and the line of combat, the russian invaders are additionally unsuccessfully storming andriivka and klishchiivka, an increase in the number of enemy troops was noticed in the area of ​​klishchiivka. most of the assaults were in the chasoyariv direction.


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