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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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the direct speech of khortytsy's spokesman. the enemy is concentrating its efforts to break through our defenses to the west of bakhma and reach the siverskyi donetsk-donbass canal, capture the settlement of chasiv yar, and create conditions there for further advancement to the kramatorsk agglomeration. the enemy is trying to take chasiv into an operational environment. spokesman voloshyn emphasized that the russian occupiers have not had any success in the past seven days. direct speech. i quote: they are trying at all costs to take the village of ivanivski and the outskirts of bohdanivka in order to enter time ravine, are actively storming these two settlements in order to seize time. trying to align the line of defense and the line of battle, the russian occupiers storm andriivka and klishchiivka without success. an increase in the number of enemy troops was noticed in the klishchiivka district. most of the assaults were in the chasoyariv direction. in particular near
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bilogorivka. mr. mykola, well, i just published official information from the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortyts troops. i would ask you to supplement, perhaps with their own considerations. i don't know on which day or at what time this information was given, but from what i hear with my own ear, i repeat that cannonading from chasivyar's side, cannonading from the side. kostyantynky, these are the locations of krishchevka, ivanovske, it is approaching. unfortunately, what we hear turns into a continuous hum. if you remember the films about the second world war, it was called the great patriotic war then, then you remember how the katyushas worked non-stop in this hall. this is what is currently being done here in donetsk region kostyantynivka, continuously, continuously, tornadoes and hurricanes bombard. klishchivka,
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andriivka, chasivyar, and all this flies to kostyantynivka. therefore, i will not comment on the location of our armed forces, because there is no such operational information, but what is hell there, that is for sure. how actively does the enemy crow use aviation, in particular guided aerial bombs? yes, the connection was interrupted, mykola dovbnya, deputy of the druzhkiv city council, is in touch with us. he analyzed the current situation on the front line live. well, while mr. mykola is with us joins again, i would like to address you with another request. in particular, there is a request to help our soldiers. the espresso tv channel, together with various volunteer organizations, closed more than one collection in support of the armed forces of ukraine. this time, i would like to ask you to... contribute to
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the collection of ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. she serves in the zaporozhye direction, we have a request from the defenders for specific types of ammunition, and they are very much looking forward to help in the near future. the fights are ongoing, the fights are extremely difficult, things should be, in particular, ammunition, equipment, they should be modern and high-quality and meet the needs, well, we believe that with joint efforts this... bur will be closed quite quickly, the goal for the amount of the collection is uah 1,000, the amount is actually not large, so returned we have a guest, mr. mykola, how do you hear, i want to, i can hear you well, such a connection, we understand, yes, the front line, the internet disappears, water disappears, gas disappears, electricity disappears.
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but our belief in the superiority, see guided aerial bombs and the use by the enemy, does not disappear aviation, as far as aviation is concerned, i want to say that in the 22nd and 23rd years, our aviation constantly worked over druzhkivka, over our cities, we saw how our aircraft were tested, and we could, the enemy also flew in, by the way, and it was us have seen lately, i don't see anything flying over druzkivka, i don't hear anything flying over druzkivka, whether it's pppo. e russian does not work, as for the cities located to the right of us, yes, there are successful e examples of how they broke out of the outskirts of ocheretyn, thanks to our aviation, eh, well, let’s hope that it works not only our aviation, and that aviation, about which there has been a continuous conversation for a year and a half, and which should have been provided a year and a half ago, because democracy will lose, it must be recognized that... democracy in
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the world will lose, the enemy, the totalitarian regime, putin wins everything , because he is advancing, and as long as there are these ee unclear ee... considerations to give, not to give, how much to give, we will have people die, we will have children die, we will lose our territories, we will be forced to some negotiations, until we give up one or the other. i appeal through your program to the world leaders, to the american leaders, to us, help should come instantly, everyone, every minute, it's whose life, the life of people who live in a democratic country, who love. democracy, who love the principles of civilization, the foundations, and not a horde that will roll over us to take our land. mr. mykola, i would like to clarify, if we talk about the battles, in the direction we talked about, yes, in particular, it is about bahmud and chasiv yar, about
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this direction. where in your opinion is the most difficult situation right now, without a doubt the most difficult situation, in the direction of zavtiiv. to pokrovsk, because chasivyar, torytsk, look, torytsk has been standing since the 14th year, the work has not advanced even one meter, as was the dividing line in the 14th year between the so-called ldpr and ukraine, the so- called ldpr, so it remained, the fact is that here is the donetsk ridge, here are mountains, here there is a place to build defenses, but from avdiyivka, to pokrovsk, there are fields, that line of defense that should have been built, like two, three, four lines of defense must be, they were probably not enough to hold the enemy, which is advancing, advancing, and look at the map, they are advancing to pokrovsk, they just want to cut the kostyantynivka, pokrovsk route, and why take the conglomeration, this kramatorsk, slavyansk and
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druzhkivka, when you can refine it, i think this is such a direction, so the fiercest battles are now taking place near ocheretyn, in the direction of avdiivka-pokrovsk, sir. i would like to immediately clarify what could be caused by the enemy blocking this pokrov route or taking it under close fire control? the fact is that last year this track, this track has undergone major repairs, it has been rebuilt, it is very beautiful, modern, with a thick layer of asphalt, and this track will now be used, well, if the enemy comes, i hope that will not happen, it will be used... this is for to quickly move weapons, armored vehicles, the enemy there or to the other side, in fact, it should be done by us, that is, the strategic importance of the road, any asphalted road, especially of such quality is incredible, because it rained not today, tomorrow, in us
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it is impossible for black people to drive off the asphalt in our country, any car and tanks and anything else will do, but the asphalt is made of high quality, it is a strategic one... because of which it will be stolen, well, because of which the armed forces will be questioned , let's see, i hope that our state, i hope that, after all, conclusions from the situation will be drawn by everyone, and what happened should be considered as soon as possible, at any level, operational, command, staff, and not it is possible to lead to such things that guys die, fall into situations where there is no... ammunition, fuel and something else, well, this is already a conversation of the top management, i think, of our general staff, which is currently being talked about, by the way, and i wanted there to be no more such mistakes. thank you, mr. mykola, for this honest,
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albeit extremely dramatic conversation. mykola dovbnya, a member of the druzhkiv city council, was in touch with us. well, fresh information battles are extremely difficult. and now i would like to quote a message from the spokesman of the khortyts operational-strategic group of troops, nazar voloshin. therefore, the enemy is concentrating its efforts to break through ours defense to the west of bakhmut, access to the siversky donetsk donbas canal, possession of the settlement of chasiv yar, creation of conditions there for further advancement to the kramatorsk agglomeration. the enemy is trying to take the time of yar to operate in an operational environment. but pay attention to what the enemy is trying to do. does not mean that he will succeed, as khortytsi's spokesman clarified, in the last seven days the russian occupiers have not had any success in this direction, they are trying at all costs to take the village of ivanivski okolitsi bohdanivka in order to enter the temporary yar, are actively storming these two
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settlements in order to take yar in the grip of time. well, now we are moving a little further north, to kharkiv. yevhen bilov, in touch with us, head of the volunteer organization. free kharkiv movement, glory to ukraine, mr. yevhen, yevhen, glory, well, what about the operational situation in kharkiv, we understand that the enemy is threatening, the enemy is firing, and... the enemy is preparing for something, i would like to ask you now to share the operational situation in the military dimension, and look, kharkiv is constantly under enemy fire, various weapons, this and missiles, and iskanders, and cabs, unfortunately, that's why the situation in kharkiv is the same right now, a more complicated story in the region, there are launches of rszzo and also various shaheds and cruise missiles. and well, constant shelling of the occupied de-occupied territories, but constant
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shelling of the front-line, border areas. yes, i understand what you mean around kharkiv, in particular, when we talk about certain fortifications. ah, i am a bigger volunteer, we communicate with the cart and help them. unfortunately, i do not have such information, i know that kharkiv... exactly what ready to meet if there is anything, because they are being built, in what quantity, i cannot know, but i know for sure that the work is going on, and for almost two years, kharkiv is still constantly under, for three more years, almost three years, constantly under the enemy shelling, so everyone understands the operational situation, that the enemy can attack kharkiv at any moment or try to attack kharkiv, attack some border territories, therefore... guys, our military is constantly preparing for this and understand the situation promptly. yes, sir
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evgeny, well, i'm glad that you and i have a connection, right? i don't know whether it is with the help of the mobile internet or with the help of starink, but the key story is that with the connection in kharkiv, did the enemy attack the kharkiv tv tower insidiously for a reason? yes, everything, yes, everything is correct, and, with vyzask in kharkiv, it's quite normal, and, we were just next to... well, in this area where the tower is being built, so we heard and saw everything that was happening to it, and some of the first ones were there at the mass, maybe someone needed help, but thank god, that's all well, everything happened without human casualties, so in relation to your question, everything is fine, and from the beginning, how was the hit to the televsion, there was a question on television, that's right, but we did not feel the situation with the electric . which pohartu is also the same, the enemy is constantly hitting the nodes of power supply or
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power supply, and the last time it was a few weeks ago, and the electricians and people who are engaged in restoration, they are trying to restore as soon as possible, the question is about the light in kharkiv, because these are constantly changing blackout schedules, they either increase or decrease, or the world of the operational situation at that time, everything also depends on the alarms, because they are constantly, constantly there is a threat of shelling of the city itself, and because of this, utility workers and electricians cannot work so efficiently, because everyone understands , why is the enemy hitting, and for the sake of the safety of the professional workers themselves, because of this i will stop the work myself, mr. yevgeny, but you, in simple language, explain to espresso tv viewers, yes, those who do not live in kharkiv do not... live in kharkiv region, there live, perhaps, is it more southerly, or more northerly, or
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more westernly, in simple terms, how does the electricity situation look like, i.e. the phases are burning, i don’t know, refrigerators are knocked out there and so on and so forth, electrical appliances, others, yes, is there somehow a normal this electricity, has everyone given up already, well, conventionally speaking, are they powering their phones or something else, i don't know, near the generators, so... just how it looks, no, you know, like that, politically correct, just describe how yes, because of what i 'm going through in kharkiv, that's why i can tell you about it, there are certain schedules of light, for example, i understand that in such an area it will be turned off at approximately 11 o'clock, before that it will be turned off there for 5 hours, i understand that at this time there will be no internet at home there, i can go to work somewhere in... because it works on a generator, or to some city, or to charge the car from there, for example, and
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then turn it on there for 5 hours, turn on the light, you can already return home, cook food, work on your laptop, so you can use it adapt, because the business has definitely adapted and it has a generator, and you can come and there will be communication, internet and coffee and everything, so it would... it happens very quickly, they just turned off the lights, immediately buzzed with a generator, huh, and what about water and drainage, that is, in particular, there is sewage work, that's a good question, the water... is constantly flowing, and the drainage system too, so it doesn't depend on electricity, for example, i haven't encountered, the mood, the mood in kharkiv, so at one time we remember when there was the first phase of a full-scale russian invasion, we remember that many kharkiv residents left their city, yes, and now the enemy is trying to shake up the situation, intimidate and so on and so on, i would like to ask you now
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to describe how the people of kharkiv are preparing and what they are preparing for, and i we... today we talked with our colleagues about this issue, we had to park in the central part of the city , and there was simply no place to park, everything was just jammed, and we said: here is such epic information that kharkiv is being evacuated, there is simply nowhere to park, there are also traffic jams, either because of the traffic lights, or because of the large number of cars, and therefore the mood combat, charged and we are ready, if anything, there is no such panic as there was at the beginning of the war. thank god, thank god, and finally i wanted to clarify whether it is now possible to organize the civil defense of kharkiv, so to speak, we understand that the scenarios can be quite unexpected, we are not talking about a direct invasion, but that is how the people there at one time had to do to sort out rubble and so on and so on, what is happening now in kharkiv, but i cannot say completely,
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i can only say for the volunteer community, it is united, everyone understands that do. and everyone understands what to do during, if somehow the situation will change, everyone is ready to unite and defend the city, both military volunteers and civilians, everyone is ready. thank you, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv was in touch with us, well, we analyzed the situation in our glorious kharkiv, but now we will try to analyze all the most important things that are happening on the front line and not only on the front line. military results. today we will talk about what happened during the week on the front line, we will evaluate american military aid, maybe mention ramstein, all of that in a moment. well, the information evening
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of the tv channel continues, as announced by serhiy zgurets, now we will analyze all the most important things that happened this week, well, but to be honest, i was most, so to speak, er, bewitched, i won’t say, they upset us there, we understand how difficult the situation is in the ocheretyny region, yes, and now information has arrived from the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortyts troops, nazar voloshin, so the enemy is concentrating its efforts to break through our defenses, west of bakhmut. access to the siverskyi donetsk-donbas channel, possession of the settlement of chasiv yar, creation of conditions there for further advance to the kramatorsk agglomeration, the enemy is trying to take chasiv into an operational encirclement, but clarification is important, essential, despite all efforts, the enemy did not have any success, well, but reeds and so on, so
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we understand that there are more gossips, rumors, twists and turns than we would like, well, really. when we talk about the situation on the front line, then everyone who observes the front understands that now the most difficult area is, first of all , around cheretyny, the dynamics of hostilities there, even in terms of the number of clashes, is more than around the time of the yar, because it seems that the times have receded into the background for the time being, but when we talk about the thickets, it really is an area where, during a fairly short period of time, the enemy managed to advance somewhere... by 4-5-6 km, and the actual advance in the direction of ocheretiny and the attempts to advance there have a significant effect situation on the front line. we understand that ocherino is a height, and relatively speaking, it allows you to keep a significant amount of area under visual and fire control, and
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the enemy understands this and our military understands this. we know that in... the left part of the city is currently under the control of the enemy in... actually, ocharitiny is now under the control of the enemy, our troops are also there, that is, the fighting there is extremely active, they continue, but during this time, in addition to the advance to ocheretny, the enemy now trying to expand on this wedge, we know that there are two more settlements that are close to cheretingo, this is nobach. mutivka and novokalynove, these settlements are almost destroyed, and the enemy is also trying to gain a foothold there in order to expand this bridgehead and minimize the threat to ours. counterattack, why attacks on ocheretyn, control of ocheretny are extremely dangerous, there are two such conclusions that affect the situation on this
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line: firstly, it is overhanging our line of defense, which is now going from berdychiv, we see semenivka, orlivka on this map there and further to the south, the actual control over ocherytyny to... allows the enemy to create threats of bypassing this line of defense of our first line of defense, which was formed after the withdrawal of our troops from avdiyivka, we remember that this line, it was formed quite spontaneously, our the troops there dug into the defense, dug into the ground, built fortifications there themselves, and a more prepared line of defense is located deep inside our territory, so now... there is a risk that due to control over the reeds, the enemy will try from one side to create a threat above the first line of defense where our units are now, and
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moving further along the railway from the reeded there to progress also creates risks of the enemy's income already to the second line of defense, this is what it looks like in theory, but so far the enemy is taking advantage in force aviation technicians are trying to implement precisely these threats, from the ukrainian side we know that there were situations related to the defense of ocheretny by the 115th brigade, we know that this brigade has now been replaced by the 100th brigade, there the 47th brigade is defends itself and berdichi and does not allow the enemy to advance, but the situation remains extremely difficult, and i think that it will largely depend on the ratio of forces and means in this area, well... on the use of a sufficient number of reserves on the ukrainian side, although and the enemy is also now using the reserves that are accumulating in this area,
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in particular, even in this direction they are beginning to transfer this 15th brigade, which was withdrawn from nagorno-karabakh, this peacekeeping brigade, where there is a certain amount of equipment and it is also now it is partially used in order to strengthen the russian unit, so the situation here remains extremely difficult, serhii, but is there already a reason? minya, what happened in the area of ​​ocheretiny, why did the enemy manage to develop their, well, let's hope that tactical success, well, but in any case, the key story, how much effort will it take to fix the enemy in the city, in order to , so that they cannot develop their offensive momentum. well, indeed, this question arises among many there and among our citizens, and experts, what exactly happened. we understand that... that this area was held for a long time, but then we understand that something happened with the defensive order from the 115th
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brigade, and now, i think there will be some investigations by the general staff, in what way, that it was precisely the effect on the actions of this brigade that the enemy managed to replace our positions quickly enough, using either rotation or other mistakes there. by what decisions, or by false information to our leaders, to the military leaders, that the enemy took advantage of this situation and managed to advance into the reeds. this story actually then forced, in particular, other brigades that defended other areas, in particular the same 47th brigade that defends berdychi, to allocate certain units to protect this area, which was previously defended there by the 115th brigade, then to transfer to this direction. also our new units in order to hold this area and prevent the enemy from advancing further, so in any case we understand that there are many reasons here, maybe at the command level, maybe
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it was influenced by the general exhaustion of our units, the lack, i think , of ammunition and equipment had an effect, because the six -month blocking of american aid there affected both this area and other areas, they created for the enemy a certain, let’s say, well... illusion of possibilities, although partially we understand that the enemy really has an advantage in the manpower of aviation, equipment, is now using it, but this does not mean that there would not be certain miscalculations, because, i repeat, it happens that we do not give the commanders false information above, and probably managers from above they cannot clearly assess the risks that arise in this or that area, there were exactly such cases, we remember with the 67th brigade, when there was a breakthrough. in the area of ​​honor of the enemy's yar , an investigation was also conducted, i think that all these measures should be, well, on the one hand, more active, and on the other hand, we understand that we are at
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a stage when our units. are sufficiently exhausted and it is necessary to think not only about replenishment of personnel, but also about raising the efficiency and training of personnel, starting from sergeants and to the junior officers and to the brigade commanders, because we sometimes forget about it, namely, from the sergeants and from the junior commanders , what happens in certain areas of the front and in those directions that are defended by the brigades, in general, this is a brigade , largely depends on , but we understand that sometimes, when one spshka collapses, it can later affect even much larger areas of the territory? sergey, well, we also understand that the situation in the area of ​​the temporal ravine is extremely difficult, and here the question is where the enemy will try to develop their offensive activities, that is , will they be able to maintain two or three directorates at the same time, or will they, i don't know, prefer one of them as
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a strategic one? direct line and the question, which is also related to our defense and the enemy's capabilities, is how quickly our allies will be able to reach, or whether the logistics forces of the armed forces of ukraine will be able to reach all that the americans already, as far as i understand, part of that have already been placed on the european continent, well, there are really two constituent questions first of all, that the enemy has the ability to act in several directions from... first of all, now we see, well, a significant intensity of hostilities, that is, on the morning of the assembly of the general staff , there were 114 combat clashes per day, we had this only in the summer, that is, a very high intensity hostilities in terms of the number of combat clashes and the left part of these clashes is precisely first of all on the donetsk front, it is precisely avdiivka and maryanka, that is, what is precisely in this area, it is precisely the middle of this donetsk front, and
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the main thing is the concentration of forces. and aspirations the enemy, because we see that all the reserves that are there, and the 15th brigade mentioned there from karabakh, everything rushes to this area in order, relatively speaking, to push through, ideally, as the enemy thinks, to simply break through in the central part of this on our line of defense in the conditional donetsk front and continue to try to develop an offensive there, but we see that in the entire section of the front, despite the high intensity, there are special... forces and means that can ensure a significant breakthrough from the enemy there no, he uses the forces that he pulls out from different areas of the front, i even repeat, there from nagorno -karabakh, and this means that it is quite limited in its ability to carry out an offensive in several directions at the same time, and against this background, chasivyar is now a little bit on the back burner, because when he tried to move there from bohdanivka is being captured there...
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ivanovske, then he suffered significant losses and is now regrouping, and i think that now there will be a period of two, three, four days, when there will be an accumulation of enemy forces in the area just near chasivyar in the west, and then exactly the attempt of further attacks on chasivyar in several directions, we know that the enemy actually has two options here, that is... from bohdanivka and from ivanovsky, because relatively speaking, in these directions near rus to the west, there are sections when this the siverskyi donets-donbass canal, it goes underground, and there it is easier to advance close to the time of the yar, and there is still a central frontal attack there, this is precisely on the kanal district, which is in front of this siverskyi donets and donbass canal, and these three directions now there are those who are up to...
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sufficiently clear from the point of view of the enemy's advance, and the question is that we have, first of all, a sufficient amount of artillery in this area, because now we understand that it is precisely due to artillery and partial semi-tanks that it is possible to hold back the enemy's advance and defeat his offensive offensive intentions . now the question is how soon will we get american help. today rammstein is taking place, there were a number of statements about the transfer to... one or another technique, there was again mention of the czech eyes munitions, because it is said that they will arrive in june, but there was a package of american aid for a billion, and in fact in this package that was announced on tuesday for 1 billion dollars, there is also artillery ammunition and cluster munitions, i hope that these e- e arsenals related to the support of our artillery will arrive much faster, i hope that it is
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a matter of days, not weeks, well, let's hope.


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