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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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to the case of kostyantyn zhivag, we can talk about the inefficiency of the judicial system and its vulnerability to political pressure and corruption, this is followed by a red line, which really sometimes seems to us that the results of court processes are predetermined by the government or other intervention, that to get a legal decision in the courts on today it's just... it's unreal that pretrial investigation bodies, disregarding the laws and the constitution, simply carry out someone's orders, either in terms of redistribution or destruction of business, or prosecution and detention of innocent persons, including, by the way, at the expense of exorbitant bails, and this is emphasized by almost all lawyers, and somehow in my opinion.
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the key requirements of article 62 of the constitution of ukraine and article 17 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine are taking a back seat, this is the presumption of innocence, as well as common sense in general, and recently, these announcements and installations and instructions of the prosecutor general's office that that everyone should prove their innocence, i believe. that the situation will never improve. and ms. natalya, i would like to clarify with you in the end, but such reports have some additional value, some additional weight for making certain decisions in the white house, and it is possible that such reports somehow react specifically to them in other institutions of america. well, i think that this is an indicator, ah... or a slice that
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everyone is focusing on, and that everyone is taking into account, and that's why i think that in addition to the indicator further for the american side, this indicator we should clearly monitor it and take all measures for that these rights and all these norms are not violated in ukraine, thank you, if i understood correctly, yes, yes, yes, no, well, simple. the question is, is it possible to calmly say, well, somewhere they wrote it there, and it's just a kind of monitoring report and you can ignore it, well, we remember that in any system of government there were such people who were ready to ignore, and what do they say in brussels, and what do they write in washington, is this still a serious document? this is a very serious document, many international organizations participated in the creation of this document organizations there are many institutions, and that is
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why these analyzes and studies were carried out, and that is why this document is simply, well, not something that can simply be taken into account, this document must be read with a pencil and separate what we need to work on. thank you, mrs. natalya, an extremely interesting conversation, nataliya pushyna, a lawyer, analyzed now... on espresso, the report of the state department of the united states, in particular, is devoted to ukraine. well, there they also paid attention to the telethon "edyni news" and talked about it violation of freedom of expression. yes, it is about the report on the violation of human rights in the 23rd year. now, finally, i will quote a fragment of the report: national telethon - a changing platform of channels that adhere to the government's line on reporting on the war provided.
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an unprecedented level of control over television news in primetime, well , they are talking about a certain pressure from various official structures, although they noted that you can criticize private and public government and authorities without fearing official repression, well, there will be a short pause, after that i will be back, welcome to you, this is freedom. live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you do it yourself.
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events events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. and something... a curious statement from the head of the people's republic of china, comrade xi jinping. china and the united states, xizen ping spoke with secretary of state anthony blinken, and gave his reaction accordingly. china and the united states must take responsibility for world peace.
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xi jinping's direct speech. i always thought that it was a big country must behave like a great country, have the mind and responsibility of a great country. china and the united states should set an example and. behavior and take responsibility for world peace and promote global unity. i would really like comrade xi jinping to direct some of his diplomatic energy to his unofficial ally, the russian federation, which is waging an aggressive, opportunistic and unjust war, attacking us, ukraine. well, accordingly, sijin ping talks about what is big the country must behave. as a great country to have the mind and responsibility of a great country, but for some reason he is telling the us secretary of state and not putin, but anyway, another important signal, china and the united states must take responsibility for world peace, well we'll see , will the people's republic of china join, even
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as an observer, in a certain peace conference to be held in switzerland in june, well, but, but, but, china, so to speak, the matter is rather delicate, but now literally, well, during the second minute, we will together with you watch the joint briefing of the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , general charles brown, based on the results of the 21st meeting in the rammstein format. let me remind you that for the first time such a meeting at the level of defense ministers took place. from april 26, 2022, well , this is, so to speak, i'm announcing a little bit, well , but the story is extremely important, and i think that literally in a minute or two we will watch it together, but in order for us, so to speak,
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to prepare for something like this, i suggest that you now look at the digest of international news prepared by my colleague yuriy fizer. now we will learn about all the most important things from the international community. russia poses an existential threat not only to ukraine, but also to europe, and this should not be underestimated. president of the european commission ursula funderlajen said this during a speech in the european parliament. according to her, putin cannot be allowed to win, because his victory will not just change the world map. she can change the entire course of european history, and the eu will never be the same again. france wants to punish russia with sanctions for its destabilizing actions before the elections to the european parliament. in particular, the french government proposes to introduce restrictions against a
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number of individuals and legal entities from the terrorist country, who may be involved in attempts to organize disinformation special operations, as well as interference in european elections. the proposal... france has already been supported in latvia, lithuania, the netherlands, poland and estonia. in 2020, the leadership of nato was preparing for a military intervention in belarus, about that. proclaimed president of the country oleksandr lukashenko said during a speech at the all-russian people's assembly. according to him , in august 2020, the west in general and the north atlantic alliance, in particular, were closely monitoring how the protests of the belarusian opposition would end. nato rubbed its hands with hope - says lukashenko, and hoped to capture at least the western regions of belarus. with whom and for whom is armenia? speaker of the russian federation council, valentina matvienko. offered to invite of the armenian parliament, an explanation of one of the last speeches of its leader, in which he
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used the term invasion, talking about the war in ukraine. in addition, he stated that official yerevan supports the territorial integrity of ukraine. such a statement seemed to the russian senators to be solidarity with nazism and an attempt to erase russian-armenian relations, so they demand an explanation. the secret service of the united states of america, which occupies trump in case he is put in a pre-trial detention cell. the organization itself does not believe that the judge can make such a decision, but a plan is being made just in case, and several working meetings have already been held. however , the secret service does not yet know what they will do if trump is sentenced to a long prison term. well, in the meantime , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi
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, announced the formation of new brigades of the defense forces. yes, he stated this during an address to the members of the contact group on the defense of ukraine ramshtein. today , friday, according to volodymyr zelenskyi , ukraine needs the support of its western partners to strengthen the defense potential. i am quoting now for the attention of the president. now we are forming new brigades to strengthen our positions. they need support, just like the brigades that are already at the front. this is an extremely important signal. we are forming new brigades to strengthen our position. this is an official message from our president. meanwhile, in kyiv , two hospitals are being urgently evacuated due to messages on social networks about rocket attacks. yes, they have already started the urgent evacuation of hospitals, one of them is a children's hospital, they decided to take such measures due to the notification of intentions of the russians to attack medical facilities, as
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russian interventionists believe that our military is there. this was reported today, friday, the press service of the kyiv city state administration reported. they noted that a video was spread on the internet, in which an attack on two medical institutions of kyiv was actually announced, so the city authorities were forced to start an urgent evacuation of medical personnel and patients. those hospitals, i quote: in order to protect sick children, their parents and medical staff, the authorities of the capital is doing everything possible to transport patients and doctors to other medical facilities in the capital. well, the kmda emphasized that the information about the stay of military personnel in hospitals is an absolute lie and a provocation of the enemy. in this way , the russians are trying to justify their attacks on the capital's social infrastructure. well, the signal is extraordinary. well, we are waiting for the secretary of defense of the united states austin
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and the chief of the united states joint staff general brown to gather forces for the final conference, the secretary of state of the united states i mentioned above antony blinken, already in beijing, threatened china with new sanctions in case of supporting russian aggression against ukraine. "i made it very clear, said antony blinkin, that we are ready to act. blinkin noted that the european partners of the united states have repeatedly expressed concern about the actions that chinese enterprises take to support the russian industrial base, this applies not only to the immediate threat posed by russia and its aggression against ukraine is a medium and long-term threat that many..." europeans feel from my own experience, which russia potentially
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represents for them, well, now i suggest you review the information from my colleague oleksandr morschavka, in particular, it is about the main economic news, it is important, don't miss it, let's watch it together. support within the "ukrain" program. this week, the european union allocated a new tranche of macrofinance to ukraine. we are talking about 15 billion euros. this was reported by the president of the european commission, ursoline. in her post on the social network, she noted that the funds are not vital. so that the state and services of ukraine can work while the struggle continues against russian aggression. electricity tariffs will increase by 15% this year. in 2025, the same amount. such forecasts of experts were published by the ministry of economy. i would like to remind you that the ban on price increases for gas, hot water and heating is still in effect, and this moratorium does not apply to electricity and
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cold water. yes, the government says that the increase in kilowatts is necessary due to the need to finance the restoration of the energy sector. infrastructure, it continues to suffer due to russian shelling. the eu is ready to finance a pilot program of social housing in ukraine. this will take place with the support of the european investment bank and the european commission. the initiative on subsidized rent may start in the fall. a loan of 200 million euros is being discussed. the model assumes, in particular, that the objects should be fully owned by the municipality. the sector must be self-supporting and financially stable. 80% of the premises are allocated for social housing. to the attention of business, the state property fund has put up for sale the third prosthetic factory of the enterprise in mykolaiv. the starting price is uah 11.5 million. the auction is scheduled for may 17. of the includes seven buildings. the enterprise is engaged in the production of prostheses, orthopedic shoes, equipment for rehabilitation, the main condition for future owners is to maintain the activity profile for 10 years. the russian
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metallurgical giant is fleeing to china due to sanctions. nornickel to close its arctic copper plant due to restrictions. there were problems with the import of equipment, at the same time the company plans to build the celestial enterprise, thus gaining direct access to the world's largest metal market. china became one of main directions for russian companies. they are eager to export their goods there after the world imposed sanctions on muscovy following a full-scale invasion of ukraine. knauf is completely winding down the activities of verefia, where the german company worked for more than 30 years. dochevele writes specifically. the reasons for the aggressor's departure from the country were not reported, the company's statement emphasizes that it has decided to hand over the entire business to the local management, in particular the extraction of raw materials, production and sales, thus saving jobs. let me remind you, recently knauf once again came under fire for her work in refia, as well as in mariupol, which was occupied by our enemy. well, we're waiting
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now for the direct inclusion of the closing briefing of the united states secretary of defense austin and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff brown. well, at the moment, the americans are just warming up, i think that maybe they are finalizing the final touches, which they will use to characterize the final session of rammstein. here we see this eloquent american flag, we are waiting for the live broadcast, it is extremely interesting that they they will say, well, in the meantime, i will say it again... i will quote the us secretary of state anthony blinkin blinkin, who came to beijing to talk with the chinese leader comrade xi jinping, and he did not unequivocally hint to china that the chinese should stop supporting russia, well but the key story is how china will behave, so, quoting
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blinkin, this all concerns not only the immediate threat posed by russia and its aggression against... to ukraine, it is about the medium and long-term threat that many europeans feel from their own experience, which russia potentially represents for them as well. the state secretary added that the us and european partners expect beijing to take steps aimed at curbing such aid to russia. as i said, we are looking at actions that we are fully prepared to take if we don't see change. in the case of the united states, we have already imposed sanctions. against over a hundred chinese companies, export controls, etc., and we are quite ready to act, to take additional measures, and i made that very clear during today's meetings, well, the key story, as in in reality, official beijing, in particular xi jinping, will behave, so the key story is not what china will say, but how it will behave. well,
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in the meantime, i now suggest you take a look... a digest of the main sports news from our colleague pastukhov. let's take a look at what happened this week in sports. ukrainian gold in zagreb. daria bilodit triumphed at the european judo championship, which started in the croatian capital. the 23-year-old ukrainian defeated five rivals in a row. in the final match. bilodid won over the slovenian kaya kaizar. the fate of the fight was decided in the third minute of extra time. kaizar earned a third shido and received a red card. this is the first gold on the tour for the whites. at the level of the world and european championships after changing the weight category. until 2022, daria performed in weight up to 48 kg. failures
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of ukrainian tennis players in spain. marto kostiuk suffered the earliest defeat in the last eight months at wta tournaments. kiyanka stopped performing at the competition in madrid already at the stage of the second round. in two sets, she lost to the egyptian mayar sherif 26-57. game lasted a little over an hour and a half. defeat in 1:32 of the final of the tournament in madrid is the earliest exit for kostyuk this year. another ukrainian, angelina kalinina, also lost her match in madrid. in the three-hour confrontation, kalinin lost to american caroline doulkhit 76-26-36. during the next three days , matches of the 26th round of the ukrainian premier league will take place. four meetings are scheduled for saturday. dnipro-1, dynamo, minai chornomorets, lnz shakhtar and rukh veres. three more games on sunday. zorya obolon, kolos oleksandria, kryvbas metalist 1925. the 26th round ends on
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monday, with the match of polissia vorskla. xavi thought about leaving barcelona. the head coach of the catalans will continue to work with the team, although in january he himself announced his departure from the club at the end of the season. instead, on april 25 , barca management announced. that xavi remains in the blanas coaching chair. the specialist's agreement with the club is valid until the summer of 2025 . the coach himself hopes that in the next season the team will be able to correct what failed now. probably, we will not win any trophy this season, but i think so staying is the best decision. i think it adds stability, and i am first of all happy with all the support i have received from the club. many people. convinced me that this project is not finished, i stay to continue winning, we will fix the small details that cost us success this season, we believe
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that next season we will be closer to our goals. under xavi, barcelona won the spanish league in the 20-22-20-23 season and also won the country's super cup, beating real madrid in the final. currently , six rounds before the end of la liga, barca lags behind madrid, the leaders of the championship. xavi's wards have already said goodbye to the champions league by 11 points. well, thank you colleagues, extremely interesting informative digests, but in any case we understand that the key story is the front of the russian-ukrainian war, the situation there is tense, i reported about this today during our broadcast day. sometimes a signal from the ministry of defense is important. attention of all for all conscripts. therefore, with subpoenas for verification of credentials, you can also apply to recruiting
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centers where the recruitment of citizens for service in defense forces of ukraine. oleksiy bezhevets, the authorized representative of the ministry of defense of ukraine on recruiting issues, stated this. i quote: bezhevts. even if you have a summons, it does not prohibit you from coming to the recruiting center in any way. there is an opportunity to come and find yourself, to understand which vacancy you can still apply for, to choose for yourself. at the same time, bezhevets clarified that it is about the existence of a summons in the hands of a person for verification of credentials, i am quoting now the direct language of the representative of the official ministry of defense. we are not talking about a summons, when the person has already arrived, has already passed the vlk and is actually ready to be sent to the unit, no. according to the subpoenas, which are provided to people for reconciliation of accounts. data, even after that a person can come and look for a vacancy, look for a place in a specific team for a specific position, it works. bezhevets also announced
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the opening of another recruiting center in ukraine to attract citizens to serve in the defense forces, in particular, it is said that the 14th recruiting center was opened in the city of kremenchuk, poltava region. so what, too there is good news from our cabinet: they continued. electricity tariffs without increase. a relevant meeting was held today and a decision was made to extend the concessional price of 2.64 kop for electricity for the population until may 31. the prime minister of ukraine, shmyhal, reminded that the cabinet of ministers has already approved a resolution that preserves the preferential price for gas for the suppliers of heat and hot water for the population until the end of the summer. the prime minister noted that this week naftogaz extended the concessional gas price for the population of 7.96 kopecks per bunch, well the way he repeats about
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the discounted price is a bit stressful. a permanent discount price for gas, a discount price for electricity, that is, this terminology seems to predict that the discounts will end soon, dear citizens, and there is also important information, in particular, it concerns pro-russian shelling, this time it is about nikopol, so the occupiers have carried out almost 20 attacks in nikopol region, three people were injured, high-rise buildings, private houses, a stadium and an infrastructure object were damaged, no. marganetska and mirivska communities. in general three people were injured, in addition to a boy and a man, there was also an 18-year-old girl. well, but we understand that the key story is the situation at the front. yes, i already voiced the message from the british today, well, but i will repeat it again. the intelligence of great britain analyzed the situation in the avdiyivka region, donetsk region, and noted that the advance of the russian occupiers in this
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direction continues. accelerated this week, despite heavy russian losses, to quote the british intelligence community now. despite constant high losses, there is a high the possibility that the russian armed forces are capable of continuously shelling ukrainian positions in the area and have taken control of several small settlements. the british agency stated that the ground troops of the russian army created a narrow passage deep into the ukrainian territory in order to enter the town of ocheretyne. located about 15 km north of avdiivka, this is an alarming, extremely alarming signal. well, now we are gradually preparing for the solemn meeting of our wonderful colleague natalka didenko, but before that, dear tv viewers, i have a small request for you. yes, i am now being told that the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, is returning to us. and
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chief of the us joint chiefs of staff brown. so, well, let's hope that now we will hear their professional opinion, in particular, it is about the final rammstein. well, now we will watch together. yes, we saw general charles brown. later, we will have time for questions from media representatives. so my first question is who turned on the fire engine there. it not me, thank you to everyone who joined, general brown, and we are now here to sum up the results of the 21st meeting, in the so -called ramstein format, we were joined by the minister of defense of ukraine, panurov and general syrskyi, so i want to say , what kind of
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results. of our meeting, the first meeting of which was held here at this airbase two years ago, and many of us were present then, and to emphasize this historic, historic achievement of the contact group over these two years, the president of ukraine just joined us online today. so, ukrainian defenders for two... years, they repel the russian invaders, and we see that they manage to restrain russian aggression for 793 days, that is, we know that in the world wars there were no such long, long battles, for example, when we talk about the soviet blockade of berlin during cold war ukraine
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continues to fight. continues to demonstrate extraordinary training, bravery and resilience. this coalition, it continues to hold the line. over the past two years, this contact group has demonstrated unity, influence, and its power we make history and we changed history. this contact group includes 50, more than 50 members. from all over the world, and we are truly united in providing military and financial aid to ukraine, ukraine, we have once again demonstrated that we can increase efforts, and the current meeting is no exception. 95 billion dollars was allocated to ukraine as part of security assistance, i am very proud of the leadership of the united states. i am really very happy
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to welcome you to sign. another package.


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