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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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and send shoigu to some dsns, their analogue, somewhere else. and the third, ah, very important position, that is, what exactly did this timur ivanok do, he was engaged in construction, construction in all ages and in all countries was a very nice position, and it is really without exaggeration billions of dollars, he was already engaged in including, so to speak, recovery. in the occupied territories in the same mariupol and not only, by quartering soldiers, these are billions of billions of dollars that are not actually accounted for, you can say, well, war, here the coefficients are increased, a state secret, so for now i would not call it a split of the elites and something very significant, we need more information, and again, if they wanted to replace shoi- shoigu, then in principle it is just an excuse, i.e. re-election... putin and the reformation
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of the government, this is quite a legitimate, legitimate reason and a legitimate date for this, as far as the business elites are concerned, as far as the inner circle is concerned, we see that it has actually crystallized, it is actually unchanged, and there they are trying to... well show apparently fresh blood of this aptiya aladdin having brought him to the ministry of defense and that is what he is called, well, apparently, one of the alternatives to kadyrov regarding the new as the new head of chechnya or a possible watcher from the federal center, but it is still too early to talk about it, we do not see a fundamental split yet, and on it will seriously
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affect how putin can or cannot expand his plateau of so-called stability after prigozhin's rebellion and after his so -called re-election, because the fact that now there seems to be no very serious protest sentiment in russian society or some serious performances or some excesses, this does not... in any case does not mean that there will not be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and the reason for this can be anything, again, because the kremlin regime, putin cannot explain and cannot predict for society when all this will end, and why, if everything goes according to plan, why the life of russians is steadily deteriorating and why, for example, for example, there may be ...
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the next wave of mobilization, again we have to factor also apply: 74% of russians, this is generally across all generations, or if we take the generation of 18-30 years, that is , which will primarily develop, 84 among them, among this age group against the second mass wave of partial mobilization or mobilization, then this will also be a very important factor stability. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for your work. for your evaluations, for the time you gave to our air and to our viewers, i would like to remind you that it was oleksandr shulyuga, the head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, we can already see this, a non-governmental organization that analyzes what is happening in russia, and then we will talk about how we should confront this reality, which was created or partially created by the russian federation, which is the most vulnerable? in the russian concept of this
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systemic distortion of the world, we will talk about this after the advertising information break.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. we continue our war and weapons program and now we are joined by hryhoriy lyubovets, one of the heads of the communication and content security center. the specialists of this center, by the way, received the ivan
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franko prize for their work on how to protect oneself and the country in the conditions of totalitarian information confrontation. this work, a monograph, by the way, is extremely deep, which assesses the risks. of the modern world, mr. grigory, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear. by the way, good day. with the previous guest, we talked about what is happening in russia, we talked about the fact that they have, relatively speaking, a new social contract there, although i know that you do not support this word social contract in relation to russia, but in any case i would like to hear your assessment of what is happening in the russian federation at the current stage. and what should we oppose from our side to those concepts that are now trying to develop in the russian federation under the leadership of this military-political clique? it must be said here that this topic is huge, but i will try to be specific and precise. the first
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thing i would like to point out is that analyzing the putin regime by video... information, or by the content that they provide, is very unpleasant and practically, such a thing that works in the opposite way, all our understanding that analysis is the basis of , which we see practically does not work with this regime, why, because ... they have created an industry that visually makes the reality that they are talking about, and the real processes practically operate in in a different direction, that is why the terms: social
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contract, society, state, these are all not about putin's russian federation, there are a lot of terms, practically, with which we... operate here, and this is exactly our cognitive trap, that is, knowing the processes of inadequate tools, you ask a funny question: how and what to do about it? well , first of all, understand and accept what the european parliament did yesterday, it was not in the conditional russian federation. presidential elections, they are recognized as illegitimate at the level of the european parliament, even before that, practically even before new year, they said that after march 17 there will be no legitimate government in the russian federation, what does that mean there is no legitimate government?
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this means that all institutions are inadequate to international law, and let's remember that the putins themselves refused. from international law, as a basis for relations with the world, several years ago, but they themselves require all countries to follow this law, this paradox practically shows the scale of the problem you are asking about, so let's talk about it in 10 minutes , you understand, you and i cannot, if there are questions, i will try to... answer, well, that is, as i understand it, we are now trying to analyze russia from our coordinate system, and russia has already imposed a different model of the world, and in fact, we are forced to act differently, then the question arises, what do we have to analyze the actions of the russian federation, and most importantly, how we can
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counteract this russia or the russian corporation in the informational and military space. in this regard, you really mentioned the word corporation very correctly, i would refer everyone to the works of science, by the way, very powerful works. dmytro shusharin, he is a muscovite, but not putinets, he is a scientist, he is such a distinguished person, and he wrote several works, quite academic, but very understandable and simple, they are a pleasure to read, he tells what the modern regime is, modern muscovy, as we say in our center, and he will show why and what directions of interaction with this state are inadequate
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to all the practices that exist in the modern international world, but practically yesterday, not the prime minister, but the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, cameron stated that he and great britain cannot return ... to international relations with putin 's russian federation, practically cameron is correcting his mistake of the 14th year now, but what is very important, again great britain for the first time raises the regime of clarity in relation to the putin regime, the absolute in the absolute, that this substance is not contractual, it is not is... a topic of international relations, so it must be, well , we are already saying, dismantled, then, mr.
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grigory, the question arises, relatively speaking, there is a corporation russia is governed by an authoritarian regime, has developed its concepts of change world order, and there is a democratic world, and there is ukraine, which must develop optimal models of countermeasures, so i would like to hear from you. what is there in our assets that allows us to really provide a real counterbalance, and maybe even outplay the russians there on the information field, including on the military field? here i would say that first of all, i did not agree on the corporation, the corporatization of the population, which was carried out quite technologically, led to the fact that... what is there, that is, in russian, in conditional russian there is no society in the federation, it is difficult
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to understand, but it is so, because each social group was assigned its own, as they say, functional cell, and they perform it under pressure, under, by the way, genocidal behavior, the putinites introduced genocidal behavior not only for payback '. in the territories of ukraine, they also use it in the territory of the russian federation, it is very accurately shown in these natural or climatic disasters, when water flooded entire regions, and that practically the central government and local government doesn't do much for people, this is an example when practically with their... population, the putinites do not behave like the government, not like
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representatives, let's say, of these social groups, so the topic is precisely that this is a corpo corporation that operates only a function of pressure, intimidation and survival, you are showing it in front of you, and this is the reality that is difficult to hide, but... very interesting options, how they explain it, we don't have time here now, that's another topic, but i to what i am leading, i am leading to what you are asking, what to do and why we, ukraine really has potential and perspective, to teach our partners, to understand what is happening there and to understand what they are preparing, one of the main positions is that they do not turn...back, they are preparing the whole world for such a future, which will operate by force, and force will supplant
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international law and in general law and humanity as the basis of relations between people, i.e. the theme of depopulation, the theme of humanity - this is practically the vision of ukraine. ukraine is now in the firing line, showing more than just prowess. heroism is such an honorable behavior, it also sets an example to the whole world that our dying soldiers show higher. the highest category of humanity, because they save with their lives not only their fellow citizens, not only the settlements where they fight, but they practically save ukraine as an environment, space and space of world statehood, that is why ukraine itself has both
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doctrinal advantages and visionary advantages , precisely the ability to hold this . the civilizational basis of humanity and peace on a planetary scale, and i would very much like to draw your attention to the fact that these are high, as they say in pathetic terms, now these terms are practical, because we live in a super-dynamic world, what happened yesterday is already history, and what will happen tomorrow is our real future, because the example is very simple today. of the day: today are the leaders of chornobyl, the chernobyl tragedy, but today we are witnessing the occupation of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. if one of these reactors was blown up at chernobyl, then at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power
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plant, six reactors are currently in cold shutdown mode, what is really happening there with these reactors, practically no one... even the magate mission knows why? because putin's people do not allow them to fully access technological possibilities. and here's an example: on the one hand, the history of a world -class tragedy, on the other hand, let's say, the limit of this tragedy is six reactors, that is , six possible explosions. i understand that these are different reactors, but no one knows, this is a precedent. what can happen in such states with such behavior for more than two years of occupation of the huge zaporizhzhya nuclear power station, and therefore this is an example of how today it is at the same time a historical example of the future, therefore it is completely different the conditions in which we have to live, act professionally,
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and the most important thing is to manage, that is... to combine the efforts of our partners from the standpoint not only of today, but of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, well, when we talk about combining our efforts and the efforts of our partners, we usually talk only about weapons lately, ramstein will pass there, a certain amount of weapons equipment will be transferred, this will strengthen our capabilities on the front line, but it means that then we have to add a conceptual one to this process of interaction with partners. to civilization, which so far, as i see, it is not always perceived by partners, this means that our diplomatic, these political bodies should still work more effectively in this direction, and on the other hand, the army, if the risks have increased, the formats of threats are changing, conditionally speaking, the future appearance of the ukrainian army must be adequate to the threats that russia produces on the battlefield, and it is not only there, conditionally speaking,
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cabs, artillery there or an advantage in manpower of equipment, what do you think about this? very interesting, very good question, huge, but i i would like to say only one thing today and here: understanding the future of the army shows how inadequate we are to understand the modern world, why do you think that the future of the army will not be a safe space in which... everyone performs different functions, you look at the modern army, you understand that if society, ukrainian society, did not work, then the topic of the army would be practically nominal, and you and i probably would not be sitting here, as we are now sitting and using
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modern opportunities modern technologies, therefore, the topic of the future is, first of all , the topic of... space, what the putinites are doing, today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, every day, they are destroying sumy region with cabs, what are cabs, these are technologies that we do not have today, that is, this the dominant technologies today, what our partners are doing, they are watching and talking, we are waiting for the ukrainian pilots to prepare, this is normal, this is not... normal, but you know why it is not normal, because they do not understand what they are actually observing , as they will be kill or destroy tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. so we do everything so that this does not happen, but i simply use this example, exacerbating it, to show how inadequate the situation is in terms of understanding, perception and
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actions. you said very well about weapons, so weapons in understanding, perception and actions, modern at the super-dynamic level of communication and content order come first. questions and questions of thinking, thinking of what, thinking of an operational action, a specific task, or thinking precisely in the global world, which is faced with a choice, either we will operate under the civilized regimes of international law that ensure humanity and peace, or we are practically now waiting, as in the 14th year everyone was waiting, what will happen yes... with ukraine we waited until the 22nd year, we are with you now already in the 24th year of what we are doing, we
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act inadequately from the position of partners, why? because our partners do not understand these depths, it is impossible to understand, from their level of comfort and life in the rule of law, in the spirit of law, to understand how the terrorist-barbaric act. groupings that are represented as a state are very difficult, so we have to work harder, we are with you, well then literally one minute to answer, where we should go in terms of the vision of our society, because the nsdc announced that it is necessary to ensure the development of a doctrine for planning the future after the war, oleksandr, the secretary of the nsdc, spoke about this. danilo, he said about the development that this visa will contribute to the formation of public consensus. i would like you to just explain, in fact, why such a doctrine and
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vision is needed and why after victory, maybe it was needed yesterday and even the day before yesterday? today, it is needed today, one minute is straight, well, it is tin, but i will say: first of all, the doctrine should be maintained as follows: ukraine is waging... a ukrainian civilizational war, they are waging genocidal aggression against ukraine, with practices of terror and barbarism. ukraine must build a vision that began with the maidan of freedom and dignity, and it can be called, conditionally, as a working name, it is a vision of maidan ukraine, a civilization of peace and humanity. mr. grigo grigory, thank you very much for the explanation, for your conceptual vision what is happening in ukraine and around ukraine. let me remind you that it was hryhoriy
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lyubovets, the head of the commercial and content security center, and we talked about such things that actually distinguish society and the population in certain states from the point of view of forming a basis for conducting and endurance in combat operations, this is such a complex category , where there is a lot of dark and... gray and light, and this is something that should be taken care of by the state, which wants to rely on the full potential of society and sometimes avoids practices that are provoked or generated by the russian federation. the russian way in certain things is actually harmful in order to carry out some transformations in our ukrainian society, we understand that this should not happen, precisely these new visions, new approaches require the unity of society, the authorities, and intelligent people who want find. his ukrainian way in such difficult conditions, when the enemy wants to destroy us. the army and the armed forces are extremely important, but we also need new ideas and unity, which is now
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extremely necessary in view of the risks that russia is currently creating, not only on the battlefield. here these are the main takeaways from this program, stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be much more to come. this is this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. quick evaluations of vkks. how the judge's wife passed the interview in seven minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional reboot and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity. this is the basis of judicial reform, which is now held in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. however,
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we will talk about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards today, but first, let's talk about the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed volodymyr kupin, a judge of the balakli district court of the kharkiv region, who is suspected of treason under martial law. according to the investigation, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion on february 27, 22nd the year of the judge. to kupyansk captured by the russians and began to cooperate with the occupiers. for several months , kupin, as a representative of the occupation authorities, was already consulting local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation in the premises of the kupyan district state administration. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed alla demidovskaya, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv. in 2015, the decision to dismiss the judge was made by the then supreme
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council. justice. parliament by its resolution released demidovska and the judge appealed the decision. the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only that year in june. the decision of the high council of justice on dismissal is upheld. in march 2013, alla demidovskaya was caught by the security service and the prosecutor's office while receiving a bribe. she, along with another judge andriy makuha and lawyer yevgeny pedenka, received $700 for speeding up the case regarding the violation of customs legislation. the special service claims. that according to the previous agreement, alla demidovska was supposed to receive $500, and despite criminal case, demidovska continued to be a judge and during the revolution of dignity chose a preventive measure against the activist vladyslav tsylytskyi, who was detained allegedly because of mass riots and disobedience to law enforcement officers. in the report, the suspect stated that after the arrest, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed van, after being examined by paramedics, he was taken to an emergency hospital
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. svitlana kolegayeva, the judge of the dysnya flight to kyiv, mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine and asks to stop the case against her regarding drunk driving. in 2021 , an intoxicated judge driving an audi registered to her mother ran off the road, knocked down a pole and crashed into a tree. no one was injured by the smoke. the obolon district court of kyiv fined the judge uah 17 and deprived him of his driver's license for one year. at the same time, public activists sent a complaint against kolegaeva to the supreme council. justice with the demand that she be removed from office, as the disciplinary commission of the vrp recently finally began to examine the complaints of judges that have accumulated. during the last years svitlana koligaeva's future as a judge was in danger, so she decided to mobilize. accordingly, she asked the high council of justice to suspend the consideration of the disciplinary case against her for the duration of martial law. according to the anti-corruption center, the judge's lawyer did not provide the vrp with evidence that
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kolegaeva was really mobilizing. however, the third disciplinary chamber unanimously granted the judge's request, so kolegaeva retains the status of a judge and will continue to receive a judge's fee. last year she earned uah 1,300. updating and reforming continues at all levels of the judicial system of ukraine, and the further, the more problems surface. competition commissions and expert groups work to exhaustion. every day they have to study biographies, career path and sound. you are a debit with a credit in the declarations of candidates for judicial positions and active servants of themis. the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges is apparently very tired. ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesyuk expertly manage to lead the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only 7 minutes with olena mikhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. even from the early years, yes, especially from the senior classes, when we started
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teaching. i studied law and participated in school olympiads, i dreamed of becoming a lawyer. olena mykhalyuk - the wife of oleh matuschak, a judge of the western commercial court of appeal, has $37 and uah 175 of her own savings, and already in the midst of a full-scale war, she bought a mercedes-benz for over a million hryvnias. however, the board of the vkks it didn't interest me. please briefly describe your motivation for taking up the position of judge, first and how convenient it would be for you to move. there will not be too many judges in one family, these are all questions from the commission to mikhallyuk. thus, without further clarification, the members of the supreme court of appeals decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of the odesa region. another quick interview, without additional questions, was conducted by the members of the vkks with yulia
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bulanova, a candidate for the post of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. according to the center. actions corruption, she is the daughter of the rector of zaporozhye.


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