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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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age to ukraine, the lithuanians said, let's see how we will do it with the poles as well, the germans said clearly, we will not do this, international lawyers said, except for her extradition, there are actually no mechanisms, the tkk cannot run on the streets of warsaw, this is a violation some politicians in ukraine said constitutional rights, others said, i'm sorry, and here services from the state, if there is a constitutional duty to protect, and you ran away from it, at this moment the hottest indicators are lighting up. what is your opinion of all that happened because they they have been saying since may 18 that somehow they will restore all this, but it seems that of all the solutions that were possible around this issue, they chose the worst one, or it just seems so to me, well , you understand, i want to ask, i am still a young lady, and you men, and i understand that now it is difficult to get a job officially without being registered, enter,
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for example, a university, submit a document, you are a man, and you are not registered, walk down the street, and you will be stopped, you have to show your passport and military id that you are registered when we talk about some constitutional rights, we must take into account that these rights were adjusted due to martial law, and they were adjusted in principle in a legal way, because the verkhovna rada voted on restrictions on the rights of ukrainian citizens, such as emigration, movement, curfew... secondly, as far as i understand, people are not denied consular services, and consular services are provided after being registered, that is , this is the idea, and i am different, i would talk about something else, to what extent this registration can be ensured, to what extent it can be ensured abroad the passage of the vlk, how it should look, that concerns me, and the fact that the citizen should...
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register, this provision of the constitution has been in effect for two years, it, it has actually been in effect for two years, after february 24, 22 at 5 o'clock in the morning, the president introduced martial law and signed a decree on general mobilization, because of this , the rule of the constitution began to operate, which says that all military servicemen must appear and update their data, well , military men, that is, in ccc to be registered, no, not to go into the trenches, but to be registered, and here i am just wondering what we are arguing about now, we are generally interested in the constitution in which there is such a rule, we are interested in the law, we are interested in the fact that our ministry of foreign affairs makes a decision based on a law that has not entered into force, and justifying it by a law that has not entered into force, mr. mr. danilo , i understand your, your expression, but i will explain to you. we currently have
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a law, it is valid, the law on mobilization, it is old, of consular services people. this law provides, it provides that everyone must be registered. and this law provides that a person must be registered. please note that this law does not provide, it does not provide for violations for its, for its non-fulfillment. more. this law is based on a direct provision of the constitution, and in this case we are saying that we are now debating whether the constitution should be followed, or, for example, one can want to or not want to, but you understand, this is very much for me, we, we, in principle, do not talking about that, we have to talk about how to implement these laws so that it is comfortable, what do these norms look like, can they be implemented so that it is it is comfortable for a citizen, but to argue whether to comply or not is absolutely no... a deep
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act, and therefore, when, when the ministry of foreign affairs restricts something, let me tell you, listen, when you get a job officially, you have to put in a military ticket and stand on accounting, and this is also not actually provided for by any laws, please express, but your expression is now enough for all four of us in the studio, it is about the fact that people who were abroad as of 2016 in... 2017 there is no law, which obliges them to come to ukraine and register for military service and pass the vlk. if you can find me where it is written in the law, i will admit my mistake to you live, but please show me where it is written. now we are talking about the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs made a decision based on a law that has not entered into force, and if you appeal to constitutionality. to legality, then this
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must also be taken into account. i understand that we are all very interested in the issue of justice and so on and so forth. but if we are in the name. justice, let's reject the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs committed an absolutely unreasonable action from a legal point of view, then we will never come to justice, we will have mischief instead of justice, you understand, okay, i have to answer, two seconds, as far as i, as far as i i remember, mr. danyla, we have an account. registration in consular institutions has been in effect since the 22nd year, and it is valid, and all citizens who must be subject to the law on mobilization and the constitution, that law which has been in force since the 22nd year, and according to which almost a million citizens were mobilized, they
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were supposed to be registered, they simply did not do it, so when you tell me to show you something, look at what our consular ... consular, not military, okay, friends, it’s possible, we will now consider all your arguments, ms. larisa, mr. danilo, i also want to ask mr. oleksiy to look at it from a different angle, because mr. oleksiy, look what happened, i.e. , surely it was necessary to have some mechanism and clarification, probably we are as of this minute. got the worst efficiency with the best intentions to get the men back, i doubt, sorry, i have, i have reason to say, i doubt that the intentions were good, there is a record of society justice,
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quite understandable and legal, the power in us instead of satisfying this request,... in a legal way, he is looking for ways to channel this request and this dissatisfaction, of course, directing dissatisfaction against the deputies is somehow not very good, because deputies are still needed, so they found a way to channel it in another direction, this is the first moment, the second moment, of course all this hysteria surrounding the fact that human rights are violated, what is the government doing, what is the opposition doing and everything else? this is also an element of russian ipso, because they are happy to promote this situation. i think the first thing to start with is to stop hysteria about it. now, as to specific things, yes, in 22nd there were changes made to the
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mobilization laws, written in black and white, that people who are on legal grounds, of course, abroad, they should enlist in the army... register with consular institutions of ukraine abroad, in the countries where they live. questions to the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. what they did to organize this military accounting by law for these two years, nothing. two years later, the ministry of foreign affairs, instead of implementing the law that is in force, begins to send out unknown letters about the law, which... only comes into effect on may 18, and then it turns out that the ministry of foreign affairs is not even issuing documents has nothing to do with it, because it is handled by the dp document, and the government is urgently forced to adopt a resolution that simply simply
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regulates that the documents issued by the dp document are issued only on the territory of ukraine, that is, first we make a communication error, then we start feverishly issuing it '. trying to get it into legal channels and so on, there is a huge hysteria around this, our enemies are happy that we will get something out of it, but everyone inside has quarreled and continues to do it, so mr. oleksiy, you have listened to all your arguments and here appears a completely logical managerial one, well, you are also a telemanager, that is, any manager knows that he is given several, for example, strategic ways to solve a problem, you can do it this way, you can do it that way, you can yes, and you can do it like this, but this is the worst, and once again, of all the options , the worst is chosen again in this matter, and here
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a question arises, is this the law of dinning kruger, or does someone deliberately always choose the worst in such sensitive matters solution, of course we can assume that someone this... is being done on purpose, by someone, maybe gradually due to their own stupidity, but as i am interested in the result, what will we get as a result, will we be able to ensure... the implementation of the law that comes into effect on may 18, what will we get in the public thinking that we will get by solving our issues with the allies, because now we will also quarrel with the allies, that they alone say, yes, we will help, return the men, others say, no, it is human rights and so on, even with them let's argue about this, the question is that everything should be done rationally, of course, not everything happens the way we like it. we have seen that the same thing happens with our allies, with this american help
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is called, as in the anecdote about the white people, a wagon of onions and a hundred, remember, three presidents, and or this phrase of churchill's that the americans always make the right decision after no matter how wrong everyone tries, you have to draw conclusions for yourself so that you don't step on the same rake, in our country it's a national way. and well, look here all of you, colleagues, gave our viewers all the right analytical markers, and it just seems to me that this machine, which was also picked up by russian propaganda and is being promoted, also has a continuation inside, and unfortunately, we will still reap the fruits much further, so what can you listen to, for example mariyana bezugla was a guest there in natasha mosichuk says: "if you don't want to be ukrainians, throw away your ukrainian passport, take another country, you are this combat
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unit of soviet people sitting somewhere far away and on youtube in a good russian way aristovych tells, let's throw away your ukrainian passports, don't go to the consulate, take russian ones, you understand, and that is, the machine is gaining momentum, and here it somehow already looks, so almost like with the law on updating the law. about the mobilization, that instead of a quick solution, it turns into a multi-part series of scandals of cringe and stupidity, how to finalize it all, well, let's just put an end to this topic, which will continue, danylo, here is your opinion, ms. larisa, your opinion, that's all one by one, it's simple, how to stop it all, because really in the exhaust a large mobilization resource will definitely not be available after that. look, this is difficult for me, well, come on, i ’ll say it later, okay, well, i’m just talking about the fact that i’m
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a good question, how to do it, how to stop russian parasitism on this topic, in my opinion, here we must remember what we are doing and why, because the law on mobilization, it had a purpose, why we made changes to this law, it needed the old law, it needed changes, because its implementation, its implementation, was quite difficult. and dangerous humiliating for a citizen, for example, you are mobilized, and as a result, you do not have a demobilization period, you are, you are mobilized, and if you did not serve, then what kind of public profession you did not have, you will still go there a soldier, that is, although you could be somewhere a logistician or something else, that is, these decisions, they needed to be eliminated, and that is why this law was adopted, the second point is that it is... a law, it contains sanctions for its non-fulfillment, and therefore it
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differs from the old law, which was very strict, humiliating for the citizen, because a citizen had no rights at all when he entered the army and no guarantees, but at the same time he, his non-compliance with this law was not punished in any way, this is a very strange story, so now we have to remember that all these consular things, all, we have all these changes, they should be aimed at the fact that... to make it easier for the citizen to fulfill the law and the constitutional duty, not to tell, but how to avoid it, but how to make it so, to pretend that we don't have a constitution, and we don't have military duty we don't have a state, we have to complete the task, we have to change people who are in the trenches, we have to ensure endless rotation, that is, this flow, because this war can be long, it can be 10, it can be more years. and we need to understand how to make sure that those who mobilize have a better chance of survival and
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know a clear timeline when they return home. yes, i agree with all of this, danyla, but to put a full stop in an endless series, these are all the right things that mrs. larisa said, this scandal definitely works in exactly the opposite? on the one hand, yes, uh, i mean, i really don't see in what way what is now uh... this new innovation there, let it be temporary on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs, in what way it can contribute to the fact that we somehow expand mobilization resource, yes, the number of people with ukrainian passports will be reduced, but understand, in fact, this discussion can be taken to such a philosophical and political level, because when we talk about the ukrainian nation as a whole, the ukrainian nation is it is an imaginary community, so everyone has their own
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idea and we as a group have an idea of ​​what it means to be ukrainian, what it means to belong to this community. notes and i 'll tell you honestly, i'm not in order to somehow incite conflict and division here, but i don't quite understand what unites me in the same community with these men and women in the consul there in the dp document or in consulates and shout about what and what i should serve, and what my husband should serve, like go serve yourself, yes, yes, that is, this discussion is really important to us today. about what it means to be ukrainian, what it means to belong to the ukrainian nation, or to be abroad and really pretend that it doesn't concern you at all and that you have the right to demand only this or that, is this not a disqualifying sign in order to be called a ukrainian, and not by passport, but by beliefs, so
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again, i really would not like this discussion to turn into, you know, that? such, excuse me, srach, into which it turns in us with mutual accusations of those who are abroad and from those who are abroad to us, and some kind of mutual non-acceptance, but we really need this discussion today, the one about what it means to be ukrainian when, uh, when we face the existential question of being or not being, so there is some benefit in because of what is happening now, if... to talk about it calmly, you can find, it seems to me, clear that if all this turns into simply destructive, then nothing good will come of it. oleksiy, finalize it too, it’s just that i ’m listening to danylo and i remember, after the black terrorist attack on saturday in israel, we saw this huge phenomenon, a large
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number of israelis, and they, by the way, in my opinion, are in second or third place after the chinese as tourists around the world, they. from all corners flew to israel for the war, we had it in the beginning, we had it like that, but now look, and now thanks to all these actions, discussions, witnesses, oleksiy, we have the opposite option, that is , those, maybe , who wanted after all this, what happened after the warsaw events, can cause the opposite reaction in my opinion, yes it seems well, i wouldn't exaggerate, you know, a person wanted to defend the country, and then they watched a video from poland and came up with the idea, then i don't think that this is happening, but not all the yews swam over there, you understand that i don't, i am i think that there were too many people, well , probably, if there are two or two people, then this is too much, in principle, everyone has left, i
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understand, on some grounds, from my point of view, it should just be stopped. enforce the law that is in effect now and enforce the law when it goes into effect on may 18, the new one, that amendments to the law, this is not a new law, yes, yes, that is, those who want to receive documents and have the right to cross the border can go to ukraine and take these documents, as far as i understand the decision of the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of foreign affairs, finally after this scandal joining hands, they will begin to create a system of registration of people who are abroad and can be registered, they are documents, many of them are, wait until they all run out of documents, this is also not an option, that is, this is the second moment, and the third moment , which came up during this discussion, is one a moment that is not paid attention to are
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citizens of ukraine who are now from 18 to 25 years old. they cannot be mobilized according to the new law, but they are not released from the country so that they, for example, receive education at universities. it is possible, of course, for patriotic reasons, to take all the students from the universities, return them to ukraine, and let them wait five or seven years until the time comes when they can mobilize, but i don't think that this is a rational way out, it seems to me that the deputies will have to sit down closely. to think and prepare some new amendments that would solve this problem. until this problem is solved at the legislative level, everyone follows the existing law. it seems to me that this is the most constructive. decided that there is one more topic this week, it is also resonant, but if we could
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analyze it together, colleagues, in a verdict from the point of view of a non-existent in us, but such a necessary institution as the reputation institute, i want it, so that we through it , through this prism looked at these events that have been taking place in the last few days. and yes, investigators nabu of the national agency for combating corruption is suspicious and tells us about the cunning schemes of the minister of agrarian policy around the state geocadaster, namely the plots that were supposed to go to the veterans of the ato, but there such a scheme took the plot under special conditions with a mandatory option, and then immediately transferred it to a long-term lease to a certain right company, well, in a word, for almost 200 m. such a scheme describes nabu, after which we learn that this order of things is happening, the minister mykola solsky writes
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a statement, submits it to the verkhovna rada, further they choose a precautionary measure, everyone at that time says, my god, what a good minister we have, he acted in a european manner, only suspicion, he immediately wrote a statement, immediately suspended himself for the duration of the investigation, further. they choose to play everything for two months, or a deposit of 75.5 million. today we learn that the unknown heroes of ukraine made that deposit, and then the entire ministry says, no, everything is fine, minister mykola solskyi continues to fulfill his duties, and somehow all that europeanness fell, and the reputation of this institute already it's not even visible, to me, this statement reminds me of a well-known anecdote, you know. "if i don't come back, consider me a communist, and if i come back, well, if i come back, don't think that solsky is connected with the agrarian lobby
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and took an active part in the deals, we won't say until the court's decision how legal they were or illegal, it was known before he became the chairman of the committee, not that he was appointed minister, the question is, why appoint people to positions that..." calmly deposited the deposit, i'm already in place, i'm again minister, this affected me the most, what about you, mrs. larisa? well, first of all, we have to understand that this scheme is not only solsky, there is a whole bunch of people there, including those bogus citizens who received these plots in their names, and immediately transferred them. moreover, this scheme works constantly. we have a problem, we are constantly grabbing each other, but we are not talking about the fact that in these schemes, for years and decades, a huge number of people participate, or even more, i call it, well , this is my name, you know, the burden of a small a person, a whole bunch of mothers with many children,
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members of the ato, and others, write statements, allocate plots to them, because these plots are available, for another atoshnyk, who came, wrote to him , they say there is no land, they get it, they get their thousand dollars, they give it a plot of land and left, we have half the country already... bazaarino, and it is not only solsky, we have, until we learn, because we need to stop schemes, and stop them at the legislative level, such solsky ones will become as much as possible, and the fact that he is planted does not please me, because i do not see where to go those who took part in this scheme were also held responsible, the legislation is being changed so that this will no longer be possible, but mr. danilo, you talk a lot about the institute in your author's videos. here is a reputation that is so needed and does not exist, here is a story about exactly that, or is it a little different here? yes, i'm the only one, before answering your question, roman, i
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would still like to emphasize that bail is not a measure of punishment, it is not a fine, so do, like compare and talk about the net profit from the number of committed damages, the amount of damages specified and the size of the collateral, this is not entirely correct, i gave you the collateral as an example of how people... discuss it, it is not, i also know these norms, but i simply cited that this is how people perceive such cases , well, you don't need to help them perceive it that way, i think so, yes, look, as far as soelsky's statement is concerned, if, on the one hand, in a vacuum, it seems like the right step is to file an application for dismissal in connection with such a with this story, only we must remember that, in addition to everything else, as you have already said, the same statement should be adopted by the parliament. uh, and if, it is not a fact that the votes for this will be found in the parliament, so, if, maybe the gentleman feels that everything will be absolutely
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fine with him, and that the parliament... will express confidence in him and in this way he it will be a long time like it was on monday and as on monday they said that everything and kubrakov no longer wants and malyuska no longer wants and they were told yes stop we don't vote on personnel issues you don't want to be a minister go on comrades it looks something like this somewhere yes but in general, if we talk about reputation, we do not have this practice in power , we do not have this mentality in power. because on the one hand, let's imagine that even minister solsky, for the best, idealistic reasons, took and wrote this statement, like a conscious citizen and statesman. at the same time, we well remember oleg tatarov, who was not released by anyone, after nabu isab also informed him of the suspicion, because more in front of all the honest and not-so- honest people, he was smeared from responsibility, as soon as they could.
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moreover,... in our country, i know that i am already dealing with this story a little like a city madman, yes, but i just want to remind you that in 2020 , in our country , olga stefanishyna was appointed as minister, vice prime minister for european integration , who already at that time was suspected of a particularly serious official crime, corruption, now she is an accused, her case is being considered in the higher anti-corruption court, she is ... involved in the lukash case as her accomplice, and despite all this, it is nobody's business no one cares did not make a hard head, never appointed her to a position in the status of a suspect, not now, when she is effectively negotiating with our partners in the status of an accused, that is , we do not have this culture to somehow orient ourselves, at least for reputational moments, for some reason we just , only if you
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ask someone there about tatarov, zelenskyi, yermak, or about stefanishina, they will immediately mention the presumption of innocence, but people, we are not talking about criminal trials, dismissal from office is not a form of criminal punishment, we are talking about the fact that either we are fighting for some kind of reputation and for some kind of purity in power, or we pretend that all this does not matter, so separately, let's just imagine once again that solsky with the best... he did it, even if it was so, solsky, taken separately, will not change this whole practice, we need to fundamentally change the idea of ​​reputation, and this can only be done through society, if this request appears in society, here danylo said the right things, i did i smiled something to myself when you said that dismissal is not a criminal measure of punishment, i immediately remembered, that's right, when there is a suspicion, the greatest punishment is
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to send... you, for example, as an ambassador to slovenia, well, if there are suspicions, how it was to the minister of defense, that was the worst punishment, and he went as an ambassador to slovenia, this is your punishment, oleksiy, look, you, there are two dimensions, questions, questions, what to punish slovenians for , actually, poor slovenians, yes, but in this in the case when we talk about the institution of reputation, reputation is such a concept, firstly, it is ephemeral, and secondly, in the internal dimension it is. one can read, but there is an external dimension, and here it is from the light hand of our colleague danylo mokryk, i remembered it, and now i will ask my colleagues to prepare it and show it, because danylo told the story of the vice president of ukraine, whose powers, perhaps, sometimes more , than the president, well, we are all together with you, colleagues, we remember that tens of millions of ukrainians voted for vice president andriy yermak and all his deputies.


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