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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps. understand the processes taking place
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in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening, here we are back, and also about what... we told you before this break, now
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we will clarify, and as you say in the kuban, which they call the krasnodar region, how many good drones flew, we make bets, no, you did not read, how many were there, uh, they declare several dozen, look, uh, the closer to in the morning, the damn numbers are multiplying, dividing, gurgling, the ministry war, they call them the ministry of defense, the so-called russia, says that in their glorious... air defense forces on the territory of the krasnodar territory shot down and intercepted, attention, 66 drones and two more shot down over crimea. they imagine that they have an iron dome and how israel is knocking down iran. it is they who perceive that drones can fly somewhere like locusts in the kuban, in one word, however, they publish it loudly themselves. this is
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a video, as the place of the explosion is confirmed, and here there are many videos in their public, because they are russian, well, they are smart, and therefore immediately immediately everyone who can more, who has a video, is in sloviansk in the kuban, it's nice, here's a highlight, we see that at the npzt, one equipped heating base, and the second right at the airport, and at the same time everything was shot down, and it 's called...ambiguous, it's described by george orval, i don't even consider it a mental illness, it's just a state of the organism, when diametrically opposed things, which deny each other, are the truth, and this and that thesis, you see, it's been knocked down, it true, and burning - this is also true, such a double-mindedness in the kuban, that is attacked 66 drones, all 10 of these drones were shot down, they are burning because someone was smoking somewhere, we are talking about the south and... about the seas, andrii ryzhenko is with
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us, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine and strategic expert of the sonata company, mr. andriyu , we welcome you , thank you for joining, and good morning, just yesterday it was recorded that missile carriers were brought to the black sea and at night we already have, well, as missile carriers, they said about submarines, that is, not surface boats, but they also have missiles, but eh, now they bring out less often. for are they afraid, and if they are taken out, is this a signal that you need to be careful? well, really yes, to some extent, i would not dramatize this situation very much, because after, at the beginning of the year, they suffered such very serious losses in surface ships, after because of this, they removed the chief of staff of the russian navy and team.
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by the black sea fleet, and after i was forced to come to sevastopol in order to, well, let's say, set a task, how to be... how to deal with all this and, well, solve this problem for the black sea fleet even shuigu, they really limited the ships' exits to the sea, and in fact they have already kept all surface and underwater missile carriers for six months, in fact, all eight out of nine are in novorossiya, although at the beginning of the war, i want to remind you that all of them were 100% in sevastopol . well, and now, how about now , if they nevertheless take their missiles out into the sea very irregularly, but they take them out, but yesterday we saw another example of this,
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two submarines went out to sea out of three and, in general, there they were performing some kind of task , mr. andriy, tell us about the launch of cruise missiles. they still have to float to the surface, these are not underwater launches, they even have specially designed containers for submarines, transport-launch containers for missiles, they fire from an underwater position from a depth of 40 m, and this is their serious danger, and they are difficult to detect, let's say , than small missile ships, it is more difficult to detect them under water, because a surface ship, well , a small one, it is called that, but it has a displacement of 1000 tons, but it is a frigate, a frigate is in general, it is not a problem to detect it within the entire black sea, but such as buoyan and karakurt, they are usually half as many, but they
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can also be detected, a submarine, after it has submerged under water, it is very difficult to detect it, for this you need special equipment. and we do not have it, so far, yes, we have it, but it is on carriers, on air-based helicopters, on airplanes, it is either very old, or we simply cannot deploy these helicopters to the area where submarines are located because they have the advantage in the air, but i can say from the experience of working in the black sea, for example, training... seabreeze, when we worked together with partners, during the seabreeze we detected up to three submarines, simultaneously russian, which were following behind our ships, for this purpose, the planes of poseidon were used, these are american planes, basic patrol aviation. mr. andriy, these
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days, at the end of april 10, 14 years ago, our verkhovna rada extended the stay of the russian black sea fleet in ukraine. yes until the 42nd year by 25, no, yes until the 1942 year, they continued, and uh, actually exchanged it for some kind of discount on gas, a virtual discount retroactively, i have a question about whether we understood how much russian was in the ukrainian sea, in ukrainian cities, and we understood that this is a great power, we did not have such a powerful in... fleet, they understood that russia would defend it all, but if it was successful in attacking, then it is possible to overcome all their defense, all their anti-aircraft defense, as our recent actions already show , are we in a position to attack so well now that to destroy to the end what they still have left
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in the black sea, in the sea of ​​azov, because i am talking now not only about the temporarily occupied crimea, but also about everything that poses a threat to new russia, well, look, i... did not combine these the question of the continuation of the stay of the russian fleet until the 42nd year and now the possibility of destroying all their forces and means, which are scattered on the temporarily occupied territories of the crimean peninsula and the azov coast. first of all, the decision on the extension of the agreement on the stay of the russian fleet on the territory of crimea, it... had an exclusively political character, and these are indicators that the russians will pursue this, they were already, well, much earlier than 2010, in 2010 they implemented it, when yanukovych came to power,
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but that they would , they will never leave sevastopol, crimea, they talked about it almost the entire period, well... let's say, from the beginning of the 2000s, when the economy more or less got back on its feet, they started holding such parades, you see , ukrainian, russian flags in order to, well, our such... vigilance, let's say, regarding the possibilities of simply occupying crimea will be significantly reduced, and the black sea fleet, well, its military importance, it was much less than in the 90-80 years for the soviet union, but it was such a trojan horse of the russian federation on the territory of ukraine, and precisely because of this. .. were infiltrated, now you see, even the sahaidachny frigate is standing on such a parade, so it means
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that ukrainian society, politics, economy, education, and so on were infiltrated, this was especially felt in crimea, that is, the main the point of this sequel was there, well just to speed up the occupation of the crimean peninsula, well, the gas discount is economical. spect, he was such a trigger, thanks to which it was somehow possible to convince some part of the population of ukraine, mainly those who supported the party of regions, that this was the right decision, but here, by the way, is our submarine zaporizhzhia, you see, it is going now, this is one of the last parades, i think it's somewhere in the 13th year, maybe zaporizhzhia is coming, so what does it mean as far as the power of the means is concerned. which they have in crimea, well, i don't think it is necessary, and we even have a resource for
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in order to destroy them completely, we need to destroy and neutralize those forces and means that critically affect the stability of their group in crimea, thanks to which they are currently continuing to block the northwestern part of the black sea, these are missile systems, these are air defense systems, thanks to which forces they can strike at... strikes on our territory, these are, as you say, these missiles of the nation, and submarines, and surface ships, strike at objects that could potentially lead to further aggression against us, these are landing ships and so on, sir, mr. andriy, look, just according to the statistics that are available from the armed forces of ukraine, it is precisely from the entire balance of those 34 missiles that eight were winged calibers from the black sea area, that's right, that's it.. . from the point of view of a naval strike, and you know, when we were once told the very psychology
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of the mosquito fleet, which is relevant for the black sea for ukraine, it was a theory, and now, if you look at practice, we had this story a few months ago, when minesweepers were given to us, but they were turks they did not miss, they said that they will not enter the waters of the black sea until the end of the war, now with some frequency from our partners the british and the scandinavian... countries we hear about the transfer of small boats of the same type, they are delivered by land, then they are launched somewhere into the sea in odesa region, or how do they get to our so-called future mosquito fleet, well , frankly speaking, trachiks are a classic fleet, it’s not a mosquito fleet, but no, but they just weren’t allowed, i mean, but how about these small, and even here it is very bad. because, in principle, money has been spent on these ships and they do not work for victory, the
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same, by the way, also applies to the corvettes that are being built in turkey, as for these small boats, indeed with the creation of a coalition with this navy, led by great britain, participating countries are great britain, norway, sweden, denmark, and finland. and estonia, they send small boats in the interests of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, and really the first, their first advantage is that they can deliver not through the bosphorus, but these are really other modes of transport, and secondly, they have much more survivability, because they are simply smaller in size, much faster, they can be hidden, they are maneuverable, and ... just not can track them in order to destroy them, and thirdly,
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they have enough firepower to perform the main tasks, which is to control the sea area, fight mine threats, fight saboteurs, enemy landings, and launch missile strikes , because now they are modern rockets well, actually 8-10 times less than anti-ship missiles. which were 40 years ago, before they, their weight was 3.6 tons, now all anti-ship missiles, in fact, they weigh up to 1 ton, modern ones, even half a ton, like nsm. therefore, these are advantages in the conditions of a very limited theater of operations, the northwestern part of the black sea, they make the mosquito fleet the only option to complete the task and, well, say, survive in the conditions that the enemy simply has a serious fire advantage. and it will be, well, let's say, the only one
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option until the moment crimea is in the hands of the occupier. after. we can look at other options, but now we cannot afford anything other than the mosquito fleet, and i think that it would be simply wrong to take other steps, and the mosquito fleet, it can be delivered, it has a place to base it, and it is capable of carrying out tasks, and now it is already known about dozens of these boats that are planned to be transferred to the interests of... ukraine in order to carry out these naval operations in the black sea as well, i think azov. by the way, on the sea of ​​azov as well, the only option to transfer them is to dry, as it was before the beginning of the war, when we transferred these gyurz armored boats on trailers. ugh. mr. andriy,
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thank you for participating in our broadcast, for the answers and clarifications for the professional analysis, yes... the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine and the strategic expert of the sonata company were with us this morning to analyze the black sea and the sea of ​​azov, and what we already know from the air force: 21 missiles were destroyed that night by our air defense forces, in total there were yes, 34 cruise missiles that were destroyed were destroyed, nine, no, they didn't destroy them, nine in total flew nine. it was from the crimea, four daggers were able to shoot, it was from the evening and also dawn, and eight
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calibers flew from the waters of the black sea, which we talked about a lot, but here exactly in... we see that in addition to energy, there was also logistics, that is, transport is under attack, unfortunately, they managed to hit in four cities, because dtek is already giving an analysis of the situation, the strikes were combined and also on stria, but in the frankiv region they also beat them, it must have flown to burshtyn along the burshtynovsky route, in fact, even the monitoring channels were constantly talking about the fact that... the direction of burshtyn istrey, burshtyn istrey, that was under a very powerful attack. vytonatite, we take a short break, after which we will speak with our defender, the commander of the combat drone unit. be with espresso. we will not die in paris, now i know that for sure. the legend
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united by football, stronger together. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroy. whole peoples and civilizations, in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war, russian narratives live freely and multiply. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. telegram currently has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, it is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that's why or to limit the impact a telegram i introduced the corresponding bill, it's not about banning the telegram, it's about regulating its work, we're dealing with
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a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night , an enemy army came out of it. the football format is changing its broadcast time, from now on. you can get into the atmosphere of football every monday at 10:00 p.m., professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a non-committed view of football, football format every monday at 10:00 p.m.: 00 on espresso tv channels. and we are coming back, collecting first- hand information for you. the commander of the combat drones unit of the third separate assault brigade, vadim mazevich, in communication with our studio, glory to ukraine, hero, we
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always start every morning with some such monitoring maps, that is why we will ask you how the situation at the front is, whether it corresponds to for example, when you look there, the maps are different, including, for example, deep state, does it correspond to the real picture on the battlefield, huh. if it concerns, for example, a question the reliability of this and similar resources, yes, in most cases, only one thing can be said, that there may differ from time to time, but it completely coincides with the situations that correspond to reality in the areas indicated, especially since the dipstet has a telegram- channel and the like, that's why they talk quite well. well , when at night, for example, when the enemy writes the armed forces, the northern avdeivkas retreat, is it true or a lie? unfortunately, i cannot comment on this,
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because the actions of the enemy, or the probable character actions of the enemy, this is closer to intelligence, and you understand that intelligence cannot be shared live, we understand that they are advancing, do you record or note the decrease of this? speakers or not, unfortunately? unfortunately, we, unfortunately or fortunately, we constantly do this, and we constantly conduct analysis, in this case, if we are talking about the front in general and in this direction, in general, we can say one thing that the dynamics in different parts the front changes, and the number of armored vehicles changes, other units, however, however, there is a problem, we don't always... let's say, we can talk about it and report it in real time, because it is already a function more to the spokespersons of osuv otu, and so on, but i would like to note that at
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the moment, at the moment at the moment, everything is working normally, and the changes you see are local in nature. even yesterday at ramstein they talked more and more about the need for the 155 mm bk for arta. we understand that in certain areas of the eastern front... unfortunately for spark, there is an option to develop a drone, then arta worked out the exact coordinates, fpv drones finished, this is an ideal option, it can’t be like that everywhere, but when they are now pushing it on dry land, we can see from motorcycles and to tanks in sheds, do they actually want to get any closer to zero before the collision and saturate there in the only option - these are fpv drones, and that's what you do on e , and how they don't act when they understand that they get into the zone where fpv safari starts on them, uh, uh, in general, in any of... the statute and in
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including the statute, which was written back in the ussr, which currently governs the russian federation, this the approach of the enemy to, say, the distance of throwing grenades, and plus they use more and more, let's say, mixed assaults, that is, or, for example, a large number of infantry is supported by armored vehicles, or, for example, armored vehicles with landing forces, in some cases we can observe. .. what are the columns of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, they converge in order to occupy as much territory as possible and those areas that they can already equip for positions, like semi-drones, which we use and the whole our front can be divided into several subtypes both in terms of size and combat unit, which is used for fpv equipment
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directly and depending on the task, we deploy it, if it is, for example, an infantry fighting vehicle, we use accumulative shells, if we see a live force, we use it in the extinguished union and so on and so on, there are also composite, incendiary and the like, eh, so for us, for us, it is a universal weapon, which now we can say, plays due to the fact that there are no certain, certain means , or a lot of them little, fp very, very strong... ugh, what about ground drones, or those remotely piloted, robotic systems they 're using now, how popular is that? thank you, very good question. we are in different parts of the front, including in our area of ​​responsibility, we have met robotic systems of different sizes. at the moment , even drones, on which ags was installed, were observed in other areas of the front.
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my comrades observed drones equipped with a trench anti-aircraft gun, and now videos appear quite often, but we still have them have not seen in person, these are anti-drone robotic systems using 12-caliber automatic 12-caliber, i.e. missile cartridges, or as we say fractions, ugh, which automatically hit the drone as fire points. but we still don’t see them in person, we still have a minute before the national moment of silence, mr. vadim, if you can , tell me the number of cabs, we saw in avdiyivka, they drop, plow their corridors with those guided bombs, have they increased or decreased now ? look we can, well i can comment this way cabbies use where they want or
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rush in. and load the front edge as much as possible in order to saturate it with fire means, these are cabs, artai and the like, or hold us back, as happened last summer in zaporizhzhia during the offensive of the 47th brigade, so they use mainly on those directions that are the most, the most pressured, so you yourself understand that cabs, as such, are weapons of the 70s... years, but at the moment they needed it in order to use it in such a conflict. mr. vadim, thank you for your service, pass on the fighting congratulations to the defenders. vadym mazevich, commander of the combat drone unit in the third separate assault brigade, about today's realities on the eastern and southern fronts. 9:00 is approaching, the time when every day, throughout the country, we honor
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the memory of all those who died because of. occupiers, all military and civilians who died, but could have lived if the russians had not come to our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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