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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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the memory of all those who died because of the russian occupiers, all soldiers and civilians who died and could have lived if the russians had not come to our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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9th on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. details of the morning attack: four thermal power plants were fired upon by the occupiers, the equipment was seriously damaged and there were casualties, - reported dtek company. russian terrorists hit objects in dnipropetrovsk, lviv and ivano-frankivsk regions. in prykarpattia, as a result of the attack, a fire broke out at...
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a critical infrastructure facility - informs the head of the regional military administration svitlana oneshchuk. liquidation of the consequences of shelling is ongoing. one victim was reported in dnipropetrovsk region. a 39-year-old man was injured. the invaders massively attacked the region at night and at dawn. air defense forces destroyed 13 missiles in dnipro, kryvorizke and to the pavlograd district, - said the head of the regional military administration. serhiy lesak. the first two have damaged energy facilities. there are water supply interruptions in the kryvorizka district. our defenders of the sky managed to destroy 21 rockets this night - the air force reported. in total, the russians attacked ukraine with 34 air-, land-, and sea-based missiles. nine x-101 and x-555 missiles were launched. they also hit with two iskanders. four
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daggers and launched eight calibers from the sea, attacked from russia and from the territory temporarily occupied crimea. the occupiers also hit a hospital in the saltiv district of kharkiv with s-300 missiles. one person was injured. at the time of the shelling , there were 900 patients and 250 employees in the facility, the mayor of the city igor terikhov said. fortunately, the rockets hit the ground. and not into the building, huge rips formed near one of the buildings, the blast wave blew out windows, damaged the roof, power lines, water supply and engineering communications. two people died, four more were injured due to enemy shelling of the bilopol community in sumy oblast. the occupiers attacked settlements with artillery, mortars and aviation, the regional military administration said. also, one person... was injured in the sumy
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community. the occupiers dropped two aerial bombs on it. the russians also had a restless night. drones hit oil refineries in the krasnodar region. the attack was confirmed by our ministry of energy. drones hit the ilsk oil refinery and sloviansk eco. after the attack on the enterprises, she got busy fire. a military aircraft is also on fire. in the town of kushchevska. according to local authorities, the russian air defense system allegedly destroyed more than 10 drones in the krasnodar region. and i will remind you about our collection of communication and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us. opportunity to live,
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work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. on world healing day. our defenders healed the ukrainian land from 1124 invaders. so, in total, more than 465,000 russian soldiers are no longer polluting ukraine, because they have died since the beginning of the full-scale second world war. the ukrainian defenders stopped the enemy's equipment forever, destroyed six tanks, 14 bmps, 41 units of enemy cars and special vehicles in a day. ukrainian positions are no longer attacked by 38 enemy artists, but by three the air defense systems of the russians will not
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protect them from the fury of the armed forces. the general staff notes that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. combat clashes took place at the front during the day. in donetsk region, the russians stormed in four directions, the hottest in avdiyivskyi. there, the defense forces repelled 29 attacks. another 17 assaults were stopped in the direction of novopavlivka near georgiivka, krasnohorivka, prychistivka and urozhany. russians also became active in kharkiv oblast. our defenders stopped in the direction of kopyansk 10 enemy assaults. three more attacks were repulsed in zaporizhzhia in... zurobotyn and staromai and four in kherson. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 14 areas where the occupants' personnel were concentrated, and rocket launchers and gunners destroyed three air defense facilities, an ammunition warehouse, a rep station, and a logistics warehouse. they also
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eliminated two areas of concentration of personnel of muscovites. and ukrainian spies hit the newest radio. to this station the russians are flying, its cost is about 5 mln dollars, - uhur said. the enemy army has been using this complex since 2015. the occupiers used the radar system to identify and transmit target coordinates to their s-300 and s-400 anti-aircraft missile systems. terrible car accident in brovary. the police detained a district official. state administration of kyiv region. yesterday, kermanych legkovyka drove to uzbichchye and ran over four pedestrians. among them - one child. all were hospitalized - reported in the office of the prosecutor general. drager found in the blood the driver's alcohol content is over two parts per million.
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the prosecutor's office has started a pre-trial investigation. joint investigations and strengthening of freedom of speech. the journalistic organization of ukraine and poland signed a memorandum on cooperation. the lviv, volyn and rivne organizations of the national union of journalists of ukraine agreed on cooperation with the rzeszów branch of the association of polish journalists. they will work on deepening cooperation in the humanitarian sphere and building good-neighborly relations. the media themselves called the document historic. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the russian occupiers destroyed almost 1,600 medical facilities and another 210 hospitals . this was reported by the ministry of health of ukraine. near the destroyed facilities , foreign benefactors are setting up temporary modular clinics.
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kateryna oliynyk will tell what the primary medical care centers are equipped with and in which regions they are located. these shots show the city polyclinic in izyum. the building burned down due to bombing from russia. reconstruction. of a medical institution can last for years, and medical assistance to the population frontline territories are needed now. temporary solutions were found in the world health organization. in july 2023 , philanthropists together with the ministry of health established a modular dispensary in the de-occupied kharkiv oblast. the clinics are equipped with everything necessary, including electricity, generators and more, so that our... doctors and nurses, who heroically continue to work, can provide medical care for the frontline communities. the temporary clinic consists of prefabricated modules, a facility that was installed in just two weeks, can be used for more than 10 years. inside the dispensary, waiting rooms,
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rooms for examining patients and vaccinations. family doctors and nurses work here. we need to make sure that the most essential health services, including... medicines, are available to those who need them. primary care is needed now for people with chronic diseases, health support, mothers and children. with the funds of foreign benefactors... 16 modular clinics have already been established in ukraine, they were placed in those regions most affected by war, in sumy, kherson, kharkiv, mykolaiv and donetsk regions. see you at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then the broadcast will continue, my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the team. espresso,
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we remind you that if you slept badly today, if you suffered, god forbid, of course, from russian attacks, if you are worried, one of your loved ones is at the front and... you can control your anger and your own, all their own expressing negative emotions with what you will donate is really the best way, because on the one hand it is a really effective way to fight, and on the other hand it is also a way to understand that we are all doing a common thing, qr codes and card numbers of you will lead to the collection for fpv drones of their own production, which are very much needed by cold yar and black. zaporozhians, they know, look, they know exactly what to do with those fpivishkas, how
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to use them, and regularly report on the results, please support our collection, 1442 uah is already in the account, we need 2 million, in fact, we can already say that we are moving towards closing this fee, because almost 3/4, 75% are already there, let's do it so that this fee is closed somehow. in the meantime, we will continue to analyze the situation and our veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, reserve major of the national guard oleksiy hetman, will be in touch with us. mr. oleksiy, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. let's see what they manage to , i mean, the enemy, in a short period of time, equip a sufficiently large set of various rockets well, from this. we can draw certain conclusions that, firstly
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, their economy is not as good as we would like, and that they get enough funds to make such high-precision missiles, because we look at the specifics, if we ignore the x555s that ukraine once gave to the russians to shoot at us together with bombers, all the rest are fairly high-tech missiles. so they are able to produce them faster and faster? well, faster, you know, here you have to be careful, how much more they started to produce, by five rockets per month or 10 rockets, they produced up to 100 rockets per month, they had such power recently, at the beginning of a full-scale war, well, but then there were sanctions and then that speed should have slowed down, no, it increased on the contrary. er, they produced less, they produced about 40-30, well there are 60-70 missiles,
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then they increased it to almost 100 missiles, the point is that counting how many missiles in general is a little incorrect, because there are different missiles, not every missile, there are x101, x555, dagger calibers, can produce in such a quantity, these are all rockets, and there this number becomes, well, it cannot be exact, because , well, two or three daggers can be produced, for example, if they concentrated on the production of products... exclusively daggers, then it would be at all there are 10 missiles, well, conditionally per month, if the missiles are less technological, they can produce more of them, so this figure, it is not the same, well, it is an uneven figure, to say that there are so many missiles they can produce and everything, depending on , on which they focused on the production of which missiles, more technological, less technological, that's why the numbers, and why are they increasing, well, firstly, they started working there around the clock, what is that called, and secondly, they... instead of the existing components, which were previously in their warehouses, what else did they get from the soviets,
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they are replacing them, including chinese ones, this information is already open, it does not work so well, some missiles are becoming less accurate and more vulnerable, well, there was information that the kha 101 began to be used in the kha 101 began to use some chinese parts instead of, well, american, european, japanese, and it became, excuse me, became on... can you work out one theoretical scheme like this, i am now looking at the report from the west pmc, it was possible to shoot down three cruise missiles, ah... but at the same time, all the same there are those that missed, and these were strikes, for example, i am looking at the lviv region, this is chervonogradskyi district and stryiskyi district traditionally, and on the eve of the arrival of these missiles there was already confirmed information that there were f-16 planes of the polish air force in the air, slovakia , watched, they can see it better from a height
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everything is happening, my question is, imagine that, for example, they agreed with their... territory with air-to-air missiles , for example, cruise missiles are already being destroyed over the western regions of ukraine, can the fascist occupiers of moscow prevent this and then shout , that nato countries entered the war, or can't they? theoretically, let them shout whatever they want, i don't understand why all the time, it's that some kind of governing organization, the russian federation, that we have to report, it's the country that attacked us, what do they want there? leave it to yourself he wants, he wants, he likes it, he doesn't like it, no, but the very theoretical option, if the f-16s of our western neighbors worked like that, would the muscovites see it, and they would, of course, well, let them see it, on the contrary, it would be very good, the fact is that after the missile flew there for 39 seconds on the territory of poland,
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there were certain meetings within the nato bloc, and well , it seems either to accept or they are trying to accept. the solution is that they will destroy these targets, as they destroyed israel, ie without waiting for a missile or something to fly to, to, to their territories, er, that is, on the approach, can they do it, does the russians like it or not, well here again the question is very strange, why why should the russians like it , these missiles that are flying russian missiles that are flying over our territory are, well, let's talk about it, these are legally illegal er... objects, they invaded our airspace without our permission , so our partners can legally help us to destroy these missiles, especially if they have a suspicion that these missiles can fly into their territory, they shoot down the nazis, and we are not against them destroying missiles over our territory, which quite possibly can fly to germany and poland and other countries of the nato bloc, there are no ee here
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, yes, we confirm your words, because even from... the armed forces of poland said that they raised their fighter jets twice today, well , because there was one attack late at night, that the question, the only question, i think we have to agree with our partners from the nato bloc , about the distance at which they should destroy, which missile is considered capable of reaching their territories, which is 10 km from their borders or 200 km away, it is not a difficult question, as they say, it could be solved over a cup of coffee, i think. where did the shahedis go, why, well, we don’t miss them, of course, but we’re just used to all these attacks, during all the attacks they use different types of missiles, and the shahedis, and different missiles fly, this night was a little different , and actually, too, there were two waves, and in each of these waves there were cruise missiles and keels, and it was the same in the evening and in the morning, and
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in fact , it flew over the same objects, in the same directions, well, they, yes, they, they think that when... we repelled the first first wave, that we exhausted our anti-aircraft defense, that there is something to shoot at, then, well, this, you know, they don't use some tactics that they invented, some know-how, all these air attack tactics, they are written in textbooks since soviet times, and they just use them, take their notes, on which they may have studied, i think there are people there who studied, and they just read the lecture the fifth or third lecture, that is , they are already working on it according to the same rhythm, there is nothing so new there and... also many people studied from these same notes and we perfectly understand what they are planning to do, so there are some surprises so far we have not been presented with the fact that some missiles pass through, well, there are no anti-aircraft weapons that could be 100% destroyed, especially since anti-cruise missiles, precisely anti-cruise missiles, more than 50% of the load
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must be on aircraft, 70 % in the united states. targets must be destroyed by aircraft, already 30% to be added by anti-aircraft missile systems, this does not mean ballistics, but the wings themselves, missiles, airplanes, helicopters, well, everything and anything that flies, in our country 100% of the load falls on ground-based anti- aircraft missile systems, well, of course, they are not can completely handle them, we were very happy how israel destroyed this powerful air attack, but there were not only planes. and the pilots of the united states, great britain, and france, who destroyed almost half of the targets from the air, and not only the sights, the iron dome, the arrow, i.e. we also need planes. which would help, would they take on part of the burden of removing the missile systems, and it is much cheaper in the grand scheme of things, because the missile is there, well, any air-to-air missile, it is
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cheaper than the missiles from the patriot, and of course it is, well, you can launch a few and there are much more chances to shoot down, you can shoot down no more, we can’t put missile complexes all over the territory, we put them around important objects, where they can be... about important objects, sir oleksiy, we understand, this is important, two words, this is important, why is it important, we all suffer from the fact that debris sometimes flies in, well, we can't build a complex 100 km from the city, because the length of the circle to go around, the length of the circle, what will it be, if the radius is increased, well, we understand that, and the planes will talk at a long distance and the links will fall somewhere in the field, well, it's a pity, but it's better than, sorry for such sad jokes, that it destroys buildings there or. fights, for god's sake, harm people. mr. oleksiy, when we shoot down planes and helicopters over the front line, everything that flies over crimea
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eyes and a, and drying, and the whole world, we understand why this is happening. we understand when good drones fly and work on oil refineries or on airfields, and in temporarily occupied territories and already on the territory of russia on oil refineries, and this is the destruction of a russian ... helicopter at an airfield in moscow, what does it matter, does it matter precisely for the course of hostilities, or is it rather such a psychological moment that we can, well, i think that we do not know everything, and because this is a k-52 this, this is an attack helicopter, what is he going to do there in moscow, these helicopters should be used without being directly near the front line, well, obviously, as far as it can fly, it is there after two refueling stations to... just to the front line, what is it behind, why was it there, well, it is unlikely that it is being repaired, because there are no such factories or cities where it was repaired, i think that there it is, it
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was not a simple helicopter, there may have been some additional equipment, maybe it was for some high political leadership, that is, something there, something with this helicopter, well they say that he belonged to the ministry of defense of russia, ot this was the information from the russians, and the fact that the footage was just there, it was just right for him to shoot. well, that's why, of course, it's psychologically a lot of pressure, because they are at least the leadership at first, and then of course it can reach the people, it may not be a fact that we can destroy and attack any objects, wherever they are on the territory of the russian federation, this is firstly, and secondly, that we have a completely legal right to this, it is not even only our right, it is our duty, we have to destroy a military facility on the territory. well, don't give it russian territory doesn't matter where they attack us from, we have nothing, it's the territory of the russian federation, it's temporarily occupied territory, it could be the territory over there, i don't
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know antarctica, it doesn't matter, any, any military or military- related the objects from which we are attacked, we have the right to defend ourselves and destroy them, this is our right under international law, so we can talk about whether or not we can shoot on the territory of the russian federation, but we don't shoot, we don't even know where the military objects are objects where the russian ship is supposed to sail, such a tattoo, and then we understand that it will be a purely psychological operation, but what happened yesterday in kyiv is completely crazy, i mean that the information went out, then mayor klitschko posted a video in his public places about how evacuate as they can on ambulances, just in the arms of children and adults from two hospitals in kyiv, then there was a video, and this
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video was not from russia, belarusian kegists were sitting and they were saying something about terrorists who are sitting in various hospitals in kyiv, and then was a statement from the security service ukraine and to the kegists, and in general , it is logical in principle that this is an ipso, do not succumb to provocation, but the provocation of such... worked, because the hospital was evacuated, what was it? well, this was what the head of the main intelligence agency said a few months ago, that right now, right before the start of the large-scale offensive that the russians are planning for the month of may, sometime in april, in may, the russian ipso will intensify, greatly intensify , russian interference, the russian information war will intensify in different way, there are many things they will plan to do, well, this is one of the examples, there is no reason to be surprised here, we just have to remember that the war is hybrid and that the information component is very important and...
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now, well, we really need hygienic information first of all, apply hygiene and be very careful with such cats , i think they will be something, but how to react to them correctly, because i understand that they are still somehow from the enemy, but the belarusian kegibists are afraid to poop under the portrait of putin and this territory is controlled by the fsb. why do we have to react to such trivial things, such as those at the party meeting. belarusians speak, well , you know, there was already such an assumption, the analysis of such well-known political experts, that when something does not work on the front line, in order to raise some level of hatred towards us, towards the entire civilized world, then if there is nothing to show on the front line, there will be terrorist attacks, there will be terrorist attacks inside the russian federation somewhere else, that is, so that, well, when this degree of tension and hatred subsides, because well there is nothing to brag about in the so-called own. then
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there will definitely be terrorist attacks or something similar to terrorist attacks, so what we see is, well, that's quite another thing, well, they also work according to the methods, then everything is obvious, huh, mr. oleksii, thank you for the comment, for the analysis, oleksii hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine was with us, now we are going for a short break, after it we will return and talk about this document, about the ban in fact. for ukrainian men to receive documents, receive consular services abroad, what all this can lead to and whether it will have the effect expected in kyiv . gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, sadovi trime kors unpack the tv, order in time
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