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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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i am khrystyna parubiy, i will tell you about the most current things at the moment. and let's start with the good news. the military airfield in sloviansk in the kuban of the krasnodar region of russia was very successfully attacked by drones at night. several military planes were hit, russian media write and publish videos of large-scale damage. a fire broke out after the attack, but the ministry of defense of the aggressor country, as usual, keeps silent about the results of the hits. they only reported there. destroyed uavs, they claim,
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destroyed 66 drones over their krasnodar region and occupied crimea. in addition, in in the russian slavyansk in the kuban , the work of the slavyansk eco oil refinery was suspended. it was also successfully attacked by drones. as the management of the plant stated, the oil processing plant was damaged. at night, 10 drones flew to the enterprise. drones hit the ilya oil refinery. plant in the same krasnodar region. after the attack , a fire broke out at both enterprises. and russia continues to be flooded. an emergency evacuation was announced in the village of abatske, tyuman region. this was reported by the local governor. currently, the water level in the ishim river is almost 12 m. as a result of the flood in the orenburg region of russia , about 18,000 people have already been evacuated.
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more than 9,000 houses remain, and russian terrorists attacked our energy sector at night and dawn, fired at four thermal power plants in dnipropetrovsk, lviv and ivano-frankivsk regions. the seriously damaged equipment is affected, - the dtek company reported. a fire broke out at a critical infrastructure facility in prykarpattia, the head of the region svitlana oneshchuk informs. cover two more... objects fired at the enemy in the lviv region, ostryskyi and chervonohradskyi districts. fires have broken out, there is destruction - informed the head of the regional military administration maksym kozytskyi. the enemy struck with daggers and cruise missiles. three aerial targets were shot down over the region. the authorities urged residents to save electricity during the evening peak hours. otherwise, outages are possible. about one was injured.
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reported in dnipropetrovsk region, a 39-year-old man was injured. the invaders massively attacked the region at night and dawn. air defense forces destroyed 13 missiles in dniprovsk, kryvyi rih and pavlograd districts, said the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. in the first two , energy facilities are damaged, there are water supply interruptions in the kryvorizka district. 21. managed to destroy our defenders of the sky this night, this was reported in the air force. in total, the russians attacked ukraine with 34 air-, land-, and sea- based missiles. in particular, nine x-101 and x-555 missiles were launched. they also struck with two iskanders, four daggers and launched eight calibers from the sea, attacked from russia and from territories of the temporarily occupied crimea.
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the occupiers also hit a hospital in the saltiv district of kharkiv with s-300 missiles. one person was injured. at the time of the shelling , there were 900 patients and 250 medical workers in the facility, the mayor of the city igor terikhov said. fortunately, the rockets hit the ground and not the building. huge gashes opened near one of the buildings. the blast wave broke the windows, damaged the roof, power lines, water supply and engineering. one person died, eight more were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers aimed at residential quarters. two private houses were damaged - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. also , hits to objects of critical and communal infrastructure and cars were recorded. about the condition of victims and road accidents, multiple fractures and... bruises. two
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victims of a road accident in brovary are in serious condition. a two-year-old girl and her mother have injuries of medium severity, the head of the regional military administration said. ruslan kravchenko. let me remind you, yesterday, an official of the district administration of kyiv region was hit by a car four pedestrians. drager found the driver's blood alcohol content to be over two ppm. the prosecutor's office has started a pre-trial investigation. on the international day of healing, our defenders healed the ukrainian land from 1124 invaders. so, in total, more than 465. russian soldiers are no longer polluting ukraine, because they have died since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. ukrainian defenders and enemy equipment were stopped forever. during the day, they destroyed six tanks, 14 bmps, 41 units of cars and special equipment of the enemy.
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38 enemy art systems, three systems, are no longer attacking ukrainian positions air defense of the russians will not protect them from the fury of the armed forces. the general staff notes. data are approximate. and ukrainian spies hit the newest russian podlyot radar station. its value is about 5 million dollars - said hungary. the enemy army has been using this complex since 2015. the occupiers used the radar system to identify and transmit target coordinates to their s-300 and s-400 anti-aircraft missile systems. and to promptly. information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 94 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. in donetsk region, the russians stormed in four directions, the most heated - in avdiivskyi. there , the defense forces repelled 29 attacks. another 17 assaults
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were stopped in the direction of novopavlivka near georgiivka, krasnohorivka, prechistivka and urozhany. russians also became active in kharkiv oblast. our defenders stopped in the direction of kupyansk. 10 enemy assaults. three more attacks were repulsed in zaporizhzhia, near robotyny and staromaiskyi, and four in khersonskyi. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 14 areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners destroyed three air defense facilities, a warehouse with ammunition, a reb station and a warehouse with material and technical equipment. they also eliminated two areas of concentration of personnel of muscovites. and i remind you about our collection. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give
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us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we 've already made the down payment and have some left over collect less than three. uah so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. joint investigations and strengthening of freedom of speech. journalist organizations of ukraine and poland signed a memorandum of cooperation. the lviv, volyn and rivne organizations of the national union of journalists of ukraine have agreed on... interaction with the rzeszów branch of the association of polish journalists, will work on deepening cooperation in the humanitarian sphere and development of good-neighborly relations, the media themselves called the document historic for
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the fact that there is a war going on, and this war is not only tanks, not only missiles, but also an information war, we can see this one by one. help each other to be united european peoples. and to the international news: a destructive tornado swept through the state of nebraska in the usa. three people were injured , the reuters news agency reports. as a result of the bad weather, more than a hundred
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residential buildings were destroyed. according to forecasts of forecasters, strong storms will come from michigan to texas. the storm will last until sunday. we will summarize the morning already at 12 o'clock, read on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then my colleagues will continue the thread... don't switch, stay with the espresso team. selyam aleykum, hurly kunler. we welcome you to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and tv channel espres. programs together bera-bera in the studio i work for you holsum khalilova and my colleague andrii
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yanitskyi. greetings to all viewers. today we will talk, as usual, about the main news of crimea, what happened during the week. but first, we invite you to subscribe to the atp and espresso youtube channels and make a donation. and of course, as we always say on our broadcasts, only together, only beraber can we win. the enemy will be able to defeat the russian occupation troops, so now in the southern direction our guys from the 48th oshb named after noman chelabykhan need drones for the fpf, so everyone who can and wants to support can do it by using the qr code that you will see now on your screens. well, we already have a ready-made guest who is waiting to be included, it is especially honorable. the guest for our program is refat chubariv, head of the crimean tatar people's midjlis, mr. refat, congratulations, silya maleika,
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alaikum salaam, i greet you all, riko taga, we would like to start this broadcast with the fact that you returned from new york this week , where the 23rd session of the un permanent forum on indigenous peoples was held, and i would like to ask, of course, what you focused on. is there attention during your speech? yes, indeed, 15 on april 23rd in new york, the regular 23rd session of the permanent forum, un, on the issues of indigenous peoples, this annual such forum is held, and this year, the main topic of discussion of all the delegations of the indigenous
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peoples of the world, which gathered at this forum, it was the question of strengthening the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination in the context of the un declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, and also the question of drawing attention to the opinion of the youth, indigenous peoples, and within the limits of this topic, the discussion of this topic was accepted by the participants and members of the crimean tatar delegation, i want to say that a very pleasant event took place at this forum, which directly concerns ukraine, us, the crimean tatars, and a member of the permanent forum of indigenous peoples . of the un forum, suleiman mamutov was unanimously elected, i emphasize this,
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as the permanent speaker of the forum, this is a high position, and mr. suleiman mamotov will report to the institutions of the forum on the state of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, this is a pleasant event for us. rifat aha, aha, another important news initiated by the majlis. the mejlis is going to erect a memorial to the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, the location is still being discussed, why did you decide that it should be done now, why it is necessary to remind ukrainians that the crimean tatar people suffered in world war ii. including from the repressions of the stalinist regime. look, in the 20th century
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, in the 20th century, there were two most terrible, terrible totalitarian regimes, the communist regime of the ussr and the nazi regime in germany. and these two modes are not enough that they collided with each other and... it became the uh-uh beginning of world war ii, and they committed the most massive crimes in history. humanity, and so it happened in our recent history that in ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, all these three terrible crimes took place directly on the territory of ukraine, first of all, this is the holodomor, the beginning of the 30s, which, in which millions died ,
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very different numbers, they are difficult to establish, from six. of ukrainian lives lost during the holodomor is the genocide of the ukrainian nation, this is the holocaust, which, this is the extermination of the jewish people, which was carried out by the nazis on the territory of various conquered countries, including on the territory of ukraine, and this is exile, deportation, this is... the total violent expulsion of the indigenous crimean tatar people from their territory from the crimea, which is an integral part of the ukrainian state, and of course, it is very important that ukrainian society be conscious and aware of both the consequences and
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the causes, and the most important thing is not to allow the causes of these... crimes and most importantly would not allow them repetition of such crimes, and based on this, and in memory of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, we have long considered it very appropriate to have such a memorial in kyiv, and last year this idea was... supported by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, and we are currently thinking about it, but the implementation of this idea is already in place, there are certain developments here, i am not ready to specify now, and maybe
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the location, well maybe it sounds like a memorial, so that those who are watching us now... and listens, it will not be so very large-scale, it there will be a building somewhere, well, the overhangs are 7 m and the diameter with a radius of about 5 m, but we are looking for such an embodiment that it would be very, well, let's say accessible to the awareness of all people, so that it reflects. well, the tragedy that the crimean tatars experienced, i really hope that in the next few weeks we will decide on the location and graphic design, young architects worked here, although the basis was taken, the idea, concept
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and sketches were taken, which time were developed by a well-known ukrainian architect, unfortunately, he is already deceased, this is irfan sherfeddinov, this is one of those senior crimean tatar architects, he lived for many years, after the war, he lived in kyiv, he served in the army, was a participant in the second world war, and therefore he was able, well, he avoided deportation, he was not in the crimea then in 1944, he was at war, demobilized and... he worked here in kyiv all these decades, and there are his wonderful buildings on the territory of kyiv, and his works should be taken as the basis of these, this memorial construction, which is now offered by this collective young architects. well, indeed, the crimean tatars have a very difficult history, in particular from
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the time of stalin's repressions, and since then the crimean tatars have continued to fight. for their rights and for the right to self-determination, i know that during the permanent un forum on indigenous peoples, you emphasized the need to make this decision, in particular the right of self-determination of the crimean tatar people of rivfatag, how do you currently assess the prospects of this issue and whether your the opinion of these international documents of the institution are they pushing the ukrainian state to make such a decision? you see, everything that is connected with the development of the ukrainian state, with our future, we have to decide first of all ourselves, but since we are building. a truly democratic country, we strive and we do everything to become a full-fledged, full-fledged member of the free family of european
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nations, and this is also written in our constitution, by the way, in the constitution of ukraine, regarding membership in the european union, of course, we have we will rely on the international community. norms which determine the basic principles and norms of the coexistence of independent states, which determine the rights of peoples, and indicate certain forms of realization of their rights by them. on self-determination, you are right here, during the events that we held within the framework of the permanent forum, the 23rd session of the un permanent forum
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on the rights of indigenous peoples, we drew attention to the importance of the crimean tatar people realizing their right to self-determination in ... a dependent ukrainian state and at the same time we talked about the need to transform the current one autonomous status of crimea, national territorial autonomy based on the right of the indigenous crimean tatar people to self-determination. we held several meetings, in particular, we held a briefing with national delegations. countries of the european union at the organization of the united nations, the delegations of the united states of america and
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the republic of turkey were also invited there, and we talked in detail there about how the crimean tatars see their place in an independent ukrainian state, we said it is very important that we today talked about the status of crimea, which... when it will be freed from the russian occupiers, that the future of crimea is inseparable and inseparable from the development of its indigenous people, that the subject of this autonomy must be determined, and it seems to me that the conditions under which it can to transform the crimean autonomy, which we mentioned, and i am repeating them now, the autonomy must necessarily ensure the following: first, it is not a violation of the territorial integrity of the ukrainian state, so that there will never
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be a repetition of what happened in 2014, this is the most important principle: ukrainian state inseparable, and all its territories are integral parts, this is the first condition, and the second, to which the autonomy of crimea must meet. the status of crimea is the realization by the crimean tatar people of their right to self-determination. this is not the goal, but it is a mechanism, a condition for the crimean tatars, being in a significant numerical minority on their land, to have legal mechanisms to ensure their preservation and development, this and these conditions are special. such legal mechanisms, there are many different forms of autonomy in the world, and the ukrainian state, well, it is able to provide the form that will absolutely
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correspond to the interests of the entire state as a whole, and will ensure the rights of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and of course there is one more condition that must be met by the crimean autonomy, which we are also talking about... implementation how we work, that on the territory of the crimean peninsula, of course, the equal rights of a citizen and a person, of all residents who will live on the territory of the peninsula, must be ensured to the same extent, these are the concepts and the approaches that we discussed at various events within the framework of the permanent forum of the un subjugated people. mr. rafate, i hope that it will be so, but now crimea is occupied and the russian occupiers are treating the crimean tatar people, well, we
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see even such attempts... to create some special units within the framework of the so- called rosguard specifically from crimeans, well, not in the best way and first of all, as i understand it, from the crimean tatars who are forcibly taken into the russian occupation army, why is this being done, what do the occupiers want to show in this way and how should the crimeans act to avoid such a fate? thank you for this question, this is a very important and sensitive situation, you know? it's like when russian troops captured crimea in 2014, and in order to convince the world that everyone in crimea just, well, they want crimea to be separated from ukraine and annexed to russia, moscow tried very hard for the crimean tatars to take the same position ,
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the crimean tatar people. in the mosaic that they then intended and tried to demonstrate to the world, in the artificial mosaic, as if the people there wanted to separate from ukraine, they really lacked of the crimean tatar puzzle, and that is why they tried to bribe, then blackmail, and then with these repressions, persecutions, they wanted to drive us into such a position, they did not succeed, now... in order, you know, to encourage the crimean society, for to once again show, first of all, already to the russian society, that, as they say, in the occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the crimea, local people want to defend russian interests, they are now doing everything possible and impossible, both by pressure and deception
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and... . are given enough attention involving the crimean tatars there, they do not succeed and the units of those who broke and somehow got into that unit will not succeed there, but the crimean gauleiters have been given such a task, and they will achieve it. with all measures and peaces possible for them, but how can crimeans, crimean tatars, citizens of ukraine on the territory of the occupied peninsula avoid what the occupiers are doing now, because they plan to do it forcibly? well, there are two options to avoid: or to become a frank refusal position and immediately leave the place, i.e
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to remain free, because they will definitely... bring it to the so-called court and deprive them of freedom, or leave crimea, and unfortunately, well, this is exactly the mechanism that its people choose, well, i would say, unfortunately, but it wrong, i just spoke, people choose the least acceptable option for them, because the crimean tatars are trying, well, to hold back by all means. in the occupied crimea, they simply cling physically, so to speak, to their land, but in order to avoid such forced mobilization to the russian army, they forced to leave crimea, and uh, well, we cannot establish exact statistics, but somewhere from september 2022, when...
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mobilization was announced on the occupied ukrainian lands in crimea, and in a few months, well, at least 6-7 thousands of crimean tatars, and some experts say 10,000 left crimea, they took their families, parents, in order to, well, to avoid mobilization, some of these people, they reached... mainland ukraine, and we are grateful to those who signed up in ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. choksagloslifataga, thank you very much thank you for taking the time to join our broadcast. the head of mychlis of the crimean tatar people ryfat chubarov was in direct contact with us. well, are we having a break? first to the ad, be sure to watch it because...


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