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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

2:30 pm
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are coming back, and as promised, we will talk about sumy region. so, you know that sumyshchyna actually has the longest border with russia, over 500 km, it is very twisted, wooded, swampy. and in sumy oblast there is a single crossing that works on the border between ukraine and russia. in fact, this is the only place where those who were temporarily under occupation. can through the territory of russia to come to this koloterivka-pokrovka checkpoint and cross in one direction, it works, that is, from russia to ukraine, to get to the controlled territory of kyiv. we will talk about how this checkpoint works, but literally right now, we are joining kateryna arisa, director of geopluriton, on our air for this. mrs. kateryna, we congratulate you. i congratulate you! so,
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please tell me how popular this checkpoint is now in the third year of full-scale war, how many people cross it every day? he is so popular how much is the only option, how can one return to controlled ukraine, for people who are under occupation, some for more than 10 years, some for more than. years, and people every day, using this corridor, return to ukraine, overcome this extremely difficult path in order to live freely and, as they themselves say, breathe free air, and this is a one-way corridor, that is, only russia in the direction of ukraine, or are there any cases when movement to russia is allowed? no, it...
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only works in one direction and only for citizens of ukraine, but we understand well that if citizens of ukraine go, some of them may be, well, they may already be recruited, what does the check look like, well, this is exactly why the services, border, law enforcement services work with them and check people, and every person who crosses the humanitarian corridor, he passes this check, ugh, panickaterina, you said it was hard. the way, accordingly, what is the difficulty of this way, how many kilometers is it, how many kilometers do people have to overcome in order to get from russia to ukraine, or those who have some limited physical capabilities, elderly people, children, have the opportunity to get some kind of help so that they don't have to go by themselves, because we understand that this happens for sure on foot, and in fact, how they are checked when they cross this border.
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it is difficult precisely because people have to go through two filtrations, the first for them when they leave the occupied territory to the territory of the russian federation, because... in order to return through this corridor, you must go through russia, and the next filtering of ukrainians awaits directly in kolotylivka, this is the belgorod region, this exactly where this point is, that is , kolotylivka is on the russian side, and pokrovka is on the sumy oblast, it is already a ukrainian checkpoint, and already between them people have to cross 2 km on a very bad road on foot, but... starting from at the end of february, our team, together with the red crucifixion response unit, we meet people at the border, especially those with reduced mobility, because people even in such
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a condition, they still want to return to ukraine, they leave their homes and despite their difficult condition, they go anyway here, and just for such people. we work directly on the border, directly in this humanitarian corridor and we help every day, and just after such an opportunity opened up, since we started doing it, we are approached every day by about a dozen people, precisely those whose relatives they are in a serious state of health and want to return, but they cannot overcome this path on their own, so they turn to us. and because of that, which is why they're able to be here, are able to get medical care because, like it is known that there is no adequate medical care in uncontrolled territories, even an ambulance
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cannot be called, and when people stay there, they do not want to receive russian passports, if you do not have a russian passport, then you are generally unprotected and... you have no rights, and very often, when we meet people in such serious conditions, they are immediately provided with general emergency medical care, and there have been cases where people have been taken immediately to the intensive care unit, or they even needed some kind of surgical intervention, because really come back in very difficult physical conditions, ms. kateryna, and look, it's already two two years of fasting. is happening, it is not an uncontrolled territory on that side, it is even a controlled territory, border troops, occupying countries, this is this, well, this is the kgb, in fact, the border troops of russia are the fsb, what you can see, that is what you
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see from there side, because, for example, ukrainian people go, including those without russian passports, how do the russian fesbshniks work? what do you mean, what can you see, well, we do not communicate with the russians services, we have no contact, we, we communicate only with people and see only our people, our ukrainians, who are walking on this road, we go out to meet them, because we know that on such and such a day , such and such will happen a person to leave, accordingly, our focus is focused exclusively on liu, and what do the people themselves tell them, that the fsb officers demand something from them, do they also undergo some filtering procedures before they are allowed into ukraine ? what do people say of course, they come through exhausting filtering procedures, they are also checked, documents, interrogated, and it is not, you know, such a pleasant procedure, it is very stressful, and when people already reach us, and then we take them
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to the volunteer center, then psychologists work with them, because people are really under such, well, strong stress and very excited, but in the end, that they are happy, that they are already with... are safe and therefore it would be much easier for them, and among those people whom you, whom you met, among those people were ukrainian citizens from the occupied southern regions, because it is logistically the longest way for them through russia, so that come in, that is, are there among them in khersonets, zaporizhia, there are all of them, there are absolutely all regions, including crimea, and if we are talking about the people of kherson, yes you asked, then here... you know, it is so interesting, if, interesting way, it is very difficult for these people, because they leave kherson from the left bank, and many of them still go to kherson, because they have relatives there, but to the right bank, that is, they cover several thousand km there instead to drive there, relatively
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speaking, through the antoniv bridge there are several kilometers, so it is really very difficult, and people leave everything they've earned in their entire life, and their... now life, but after leaving, it literally fits into several suitcases, uh, and it's really difficult, considering that these suitcases, they only have to take one the number that they will be able to... carry through this corridor, and were there any provocations during such passage of people, i.e. these two, as you say, 2 km of bad road, were there any provocations from that side of shelling or something else for these two years? there was no, ugh, ms. ekaterina, you are already partially answered this question, but we still want some details, who are these people, yes, how old are these people, where are they from, you said that they are from all regions, but most of them are from where, maybe you know, the reasons why
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they decided on this right now step, and not, say, two years ago, and those who have been under occupation for 10 years, then earlier, but look, people are coming from absolutely all regions, after the explosion of the kohol dam, we met about 150, 180, 200 people every day, it was our maximum number, and it was precisely... kherson residents who were flooded, affected by flooding people, today the trend is such that, in principle, absolutely all regions, this is the zaporizhia region, and donetsk, and luhansk, and if we talk about the reasons, yes, for which people are returning right now, then in each, i can tell you, that everyone really has their own personal story, er, a story of survival, because it's very difficult for people there, and mostly there are people. of absolutely different ages, there are also families with children, there are also young people who want
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to study in ukraine, for example, they have either finished school or are already studying in the last classes and want to get an education in ukraine, and that is why support is very important for all these people when they return here, because they are told there that ukraine does not need you, you are a traitor to ukraine, why are you going where you are going and... some some of them are really very scared, because if, as i say, it is announced to them from every iron, then they still have, well, if there is a certain fear, and therefore it is very important precisely in these first moments, when they are already in to ukraine, provide them, as the first such aid, urgent, yes, there it is food, rest, er, yes and provide them with assistance for their further integration into the new conditions of society for them, because...
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you have cases when, we understand, here are these people who have fallen either under the flood or under the fierce occupation now, but were they among those people who are returning now, people who have lived under occupation since the 14th year, that is, we specifically mean here the residents of donetsk and luhansk regions, have there been such cases that they have been under occupation for 10 years, and now they are finally returning, have you not met such, of course, of course, they exist, they exist every day, i am on this... i also emphasized that these are the donetsk and luhansk regions that have been under occupation since the 14th year, of course they
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exist, that is, terpets luz is also different, but i already said that everyone has their own reason, i cannot say that every person has she is one and all for the same child, everyone has their own special, personal story, and it's not because people were waiting and then they were disappointed, believe me, it's not like that, it's not like that, but it's very important. thank you for what you do and thank you for answering our questions, kateryna arisoy was with us, director ge pluriton, sumy is actually where the only checkpoint between ukraine and russia is, and from russia you can only get to ukraine there, now, let's take a short break, then we will talk about the borders, but about the others, about the western ones, wait. the joints are so piercing, it does not allow to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from
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of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and... those ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, meter by meter our native land, stand up to let's keep the line together. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on tv . the most relevant topics of the week: the war between russia and ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on
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moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get. the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's get out, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we return to the conversation, and when we said that we would move to another border, we had the western direction available, but it is hot on the ukrainian-polish border , because here it is very often, if not here unblocked, then blocked in another place.
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in a word, this variation continues and one question remains in the air: will these farmers sow this year, are they from... i don't know if they are farmers or not farmers, yes, but now we will talk about more resonant things, in particular hoydalo warsaw, but we also mentioned that donald tusk wrote tonight, our colleague, the polish expert, marek cirant, mr. marko, is in touch with us . marrek. and we will briefly explain what it is about let's talk so as not to clarify all this later. so, this week in warsaw it was very revealing, but similar things also happened in other ukrainian diplomatic institutions in europe. a huge number, mostly men, came because they wanted to find out in some way whether they can still receive their documents, or whether they can
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apply to receive certain documents, because it turned out that... ukraine simply stops providing services to ukrainians abroad until that moment , until they check and clarify their data in the tsc, and in order to to do this, you cannot be abroad, you have to physically take it, come to ukraine, do it at home and then return, if of course it is possible to return, how to return , close the border, well, i say, if of course, the song oneway ticket side jurtion arose. honest discussion, its maximum, the temperature of the discussion was raised, the degree of boiling was incredible, since the order on consular institutions in... the country was signed by the deputy minister of foreign affairs, even more fuel was added to the fire by certain statements that were heard already from
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warsaw, in particular from the ministry of foreign affairs, said that they would assist ukraine in the return of defectors, but, well , they did not use such a term there, but those who fall under the law on mobilization, it was about how they would help, they did not say, after what two statements at the same time, these are from the lithuanians, who also said that they would see how they would do it in poland and maybe join this idea, and the germans, where ukrainians from poland most often move to, and the germans said that they would definitely do this not will be, so that the boiling point has increased by 100 degrees, the most outrageous, mr. marko, congratulations. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, this version of the statement, which was that we will help return men of conscription age to ukraine, from the ministry of foreign
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affairs in poland, were there any specifics or something did you manage to find out, maybe they wrote something, maybe there were some comments, the way they are going to help, oh, best of all, the minister of defense, if he wanted to help ukraine, he would start... missiles flying at our territory, the peaceful quarters of western ukraine are surrounded and then bombarded, this would be the best help, to join such cheap populism, i would think that we should not mobilize, the polish minister of defense will mobilize the ukrainians who are in poland, that they got into the ukrainian army, but it is real yes, yes, yes, yes, but it sounds. really makes a lot of sense, of course , yes, it is, because there are no others, mr. marko, it sounds absurd, because we understand that
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in fact, immediately after that, a statement was made from of the ministry of internal affairs of poland, that even ukrainians who do not have documents, not that their documents are expired, that they will still be helped and will be issued a passport for movement, it should be so. contradicts another, well, you see, in the ministry of internal affairs, the minister is a representative of the people's platform, the people's platform, as we would say in ukrainian, in that party in the ministry of defense, the deputy prime minister is koshniak kamesh, a representative of the people's party, which in such a concise union with the third way, that is... the third way, it is possible to say the same thing, and they also made such a statement, i think they didn't think a little bit, they wanted to know, but it turned out as usual, when
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you play cheap populist it always ends with both laughter and sin, and here we have both, and i would say, i would really recommend to minister kaminski that the polish army and vinca... with their friends start working on how to make shelters for polish citizens, because there are none at all, for civilians, start thinking about how to shoot down missiles, who fly into polish territory, instead of saying that he is monitoring, you want to help to ukraine, yes, unlock the borders, you as the minister of defense can write a contribution to the minister of internal affairs.
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in poland, how to deal with nonsense, he used to deal there, the pill, the day before or the day after, and so on and so on, then, then abortions, and now he is also a specialist in mobilization in ukraine, but to summarize it briefly, or there is an effect after all those scandals, that ukrainians began en masse, at least the male population from poland to move to germany, because such a flow was quite large, the german government was there. offered a lot to ukrainian fugitives from the war, well, now there is such a mass movement of ukrainians, movement, movements, of course.
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price, because i haven't seen any polls, ms. marka, we heard, we know the main opinion, we know the position of the state, we heard your opinion, what do you think should be done, but we are also interested in what the polish people think in general society, because we read and received various very categorical statements, yes, yes, let them go, but we understand that this is also part of the information war, and they can simply encourage. certain
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sides of russia, in particular, that there was discord between ukrainians and poles, how did polish society react to this, divided, or does a larger part adhere to the same position? look, people who think with their brains, not other parts of their bodies, understand that when the ukrainians leave poland, there will be a huge problem, in several sectors of the economy, there will be a huge problem with the fact that... to replenish the pension fund with income from taxes , there will be many other things, look, the farmers are already polish, that's it the same ones who blocked the borders are already crying, then there is no one to pick strawberries, that is, strawberries in polish, well , the ukrainians did it and they don’t want to, they are curious why, but remember how you blocked the border and said, pointing the finger over there , there you
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go, you go east to yourself. turn around, and now oh, trouble, trouble, because there is no one, your field, you blocked the border, take and plow, do, and it’s fine, and it will be the same with everything else, don’t include emotions, think with your brain, emotions are nobody’s business here are needed, neither by us, nor by ukrainians, but some poles are like that, you know, i think that he will cover, cover, cover, and then he will think, and then when trouble comes, well, yes, after strawberries, that is, after strawberries , there will still be autumn apples, this is another thing, he played it for a long time. we have one more minute, mr. marko, and how did society perceive this statement by president andrzej duda that, within the framework of the nato nuclear program, poland will become a territory where a nuclear arsenal can be located ? it should be so, the majority believes that this is the right, right way, of course, there are
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those who say, they say that it is not, they think that they have so be it, it's in the east, the eastern wall of nato, it's the first, the second, russia, we don't know if it's a lie or not, but she said officially that she will move the iskanders near the border with finland, she moved, at least said, nuclear warheads to belarus, that is, it itself violated. well, you have disturbed the balance, it is possible for you, it is possible for us, and russia must also understand that if it continues to threaten with nukes, then others can also say, and we have them, and how will you bomb us, of course, yes, mr. marko , just interrupted us when we wanted to thank you, it was marek sheeran, polish expert, journalist, about the high-profile events in poland this week, well, about the events.
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this hour should give our team an opportunity to tell the audience. iryna koval is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. irina, congratulations, you have a word. thank you, oksana, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in the ovdiiv region, and also about what led to the indignation of the citizens of slovakia at the refusal of their government to support the armed forces of ukraine. wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and for your attention is a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. one of the rockets fired by the russians at night over ukraine fell 15 km from the polish border.


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