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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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some kind of falsification of documents, because it is not normal when the court sits in the waiting room for a week, at least, and at the same time issues a decision and gives it to my client in the car. that's why this is the situation, we started calling the police at night, recording that the person actually disappeared, that he was supposed to be released, but didn't. on monday morning, around 11 o'clock, we received this court decision that he automatically remains in custody for another two months, and the court adjourned the hearing to may 25. may man under for more than a month, the meeting was postponed for unknown reasons, and since then we are now, firstly, appealing this court decision, now an appeal hearing regarding this decision is scheduled for april 30, and secondly, we declare all these illegal actions to relevant authorities, the state bureau of investigation and the supreme council of justice. can you explain to our viewers to what extent this is allowed in... what is the essence of the case, what is
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the evidence base of the prosecution? look, in my opinion, i don't see any evidence base for the prosecution at all. the only thing that was done, it was the prosecution artificially created two military examinations. how was it done? in his report, the sbu employee writes: one of the servicemen reported the presence of servicemen and equipment at the kanatove airfield. the investigator rewrites all this in... his decision on the appointment of an expert examination, and the experts take it as a fact, that yes, someone reported, there is no evidence for this, no person, no witness, no document testifies that at least someone reported that at that moment on there will be equipment at the airfield, there will be military personnel at the airfield, all the more concentrated in one place in order to meet the russian plane, no, this is all a fiction, this is all based on the conviction of my client, i support his opinion, falsification of documents, that's it. all other
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evidence, in my opinion, points precisely in the direction of the defense, because the witnesses who were questioned during the pre-trial investigation in court are roman's direct management, they are his commander and the commander of the unit in which roman was on duty, they noted that roman is not acted arbitrarily, roman reported on this situation, constantly made reports on this operation, and this information was later proved... was brought to the attention of the commander-in-chief, during the trial we will consider all these details in detail, again interrogate these witnesses, all to establish these circumstances. as was stated in your story, yes, what the sbu is primarily targeting is arbitrary actions. no, the actions were not arbitrary, moreover, roman's commander, major general, he even gave an interview about the fact that roman agreed with him on these all actions, and these all actions were agreed upon, there was no arbitrariness. regarding the sbu, it should
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be noted separately that in the case of the sbu, which took part in this operation and initiated it, it cannot be that the sbu is investigating its own operation, well , it cannot be, we said from the first meetings that there is a violation here investigation, the investigator in this case interrogated, including the former head of the sbu, and he interrogated him not in the premises of the sbu, on the territory of the office where this person now... works, this is a kind of privileged treatment of a witness in a case when the witness is interrogated not like all ordinary witnesses, in his own office, the investigator interrogated other leadership of the sbu, deputies, heads of departments, and as a witness, as an investigator who is a subordinate of these people, can objectively interrogate them, no way, and we repeatedly drew attention to this, that such a situation should be corrected and this matter should be transferred to another body. but unfortunately, this
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was not done, and we will question all the evidence precisely in connection with this, because the sbu could not carry out the proper, proper pretrial investigation of this case. do i understand correctly that one of the main witnesses in this case is valery zaluzhnyi. well , yes, you understand correctly, and we asked the investigation to question him, since we have one of... indicates that he made a report to mr. zaluzhnyi on this situation and accordingly received permission for all these actions, but mr. valery zaluzhnyi still has not questioned no, moreover, i will say, we received a court decision, which obliged the investigator to consider such a request of ours, that is, actually today we are talking about non-compliance with the court decision by the investigator. the investigator never took these actions, although we repeatedly wrote appeals.
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moreover, i will tell you that in the case, which has already been given to us in full, there is not even a single subpoena sent to the relevant witness. it is very strange, mrs. lyudmila, whether , in view of everything that has been announced, you are considering the possibility of submitting a statement or applying to the european court of human rights. my colleagues deal with this, we have enough in the matter, well, i am not alone, and my colleagues deal with this, they directly file such complaints, it has already happened several complaints have been submitted, we have not received any decisions yet, as soon as we receive them, we will definitely inform the society about them. please tell me, or? support roman cherovinsky in one way or another, his colleagues from the security service of ukraine? it is quite difficult to talk about the security service of ukraine, because during the pre-trial investigation, witnesses who are
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sbu employees were actually pressured, they were not allowed to come to the court session and give evidence, how does this happen? "there is a witness who could directly report that this operation was initiated in the sbu, and he also received all the necessary permissions from his management to carry out certain actions. so this witness was not allowed to attend the court hearings as follows: we will receive a summons from the court to summon him, send it to him, he will be immediately sent on a business trip to some distant city several hundred kilometers away so that he cannot physically "to appear in court, and it happened so many times..." five times during the pre-trial investigation. yours look, what's the reason? the reason that an sbu employee will come and say that yes, this is an operation carried out by the sbu, yes, from the sbu, from my management, including the highest, i received the appropriate permissions to carry out all these actions, including
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the involvement the military, plus the sbu will need to explain how the letter was processed, because one of the pieces of evidence in the case is a signed letter. by mr. zaluzhny in the name of mr. bakanov, who asks valeriy fedorovych to send a specific sbu employee to the sso to repel armed aggression of the russian federation, but this letter was directly in this operation, it was connected with this operation, which we paid attention to, and the sbu will have to explain why they seconded their employee in such a case and in connection with what, and i i think they won't be able to explain it somehow. ms. lyudmila, as far as i know, roman chervinskyi is or was involved in two more criminal proceedings, do you know anything about it, i don't know, maybe you can explain to me in more detail, then i can explain something? it is about a case
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where he allegedly impersonated an employee border service and demanded money, can you? yes, this is a case that, in which he was really informed of the suspicion, it is in general some kind of absolute nonsense, because the case is completely and completely made up, it appeared at the stage when roman was already in the pre-trial detention center, and i believe that on my belief was that the defense's arguments were so strong that the prosecution was afraid that roman was about to be released from custody, and for this they needed to insure themselves so that... as soon as he was released from custody, immediately, in principle, to do the same actions with him and take him into custody again, this is the only purpose of this criminal offense, because he has nothing to do with it at all, none, and this case is currently under pre-trial investigation, there are open
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case materials , but she has some very, very strange prospects, which the investigation will make unclear with her, because there is none in the materials. there is no proof regarding roman, and the second case, regarding the alleged desertion of roman chernytsy, is generally also such legal nonsense as this case appeared and in connection with what, after all these events took place at kanatovo, the novel was transferred to another position in another military unit, it was transferred by whom, i'm sorry? commander-in-chief valery zaluzhy, yes, there was a corresponding order, and roman was transferred to another position. this order, this military unit, it was quite far from the city of kyiv and the kyiv region. roman appealed this order to the court, because he wrote a preliminary
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report that he has three minor children, and he in this case according to the law, he has the right to serve in the territory of the region where the family is located. he wrote this report, he was refused. he appealed to the court against the order to transfer him there accordingly. this case was won in the first instance, the decision was overturned in the appellate instance. and here it is in february. this year we received a supreme court decision, where the supreme court overturned the order to transfer him to that military unit. meanwhile, during this period, the sbi has already opened criminal proceedings for the fact that roman did not appear there to the military unit where he was transferred. it is factual, in it, in this proceeding , roman was not informed of the suspicion, the proceeding itself was based on the fact of chervinsky's non-appearance at a certain military unit. after we got the solution. of the supreme court, where it was written that this order was accordingly canceled and roman is no longer required to go anywhere, we sent
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this order to the state criminal investigation department , and this is where the most interesting thing began. they refused to close the case, and because roman does not have nothing to do with this case, there is no one there, we went to court, appealed this decision, again the court obliged us to properly consider our... petition, we were again refused, again with the same wording that roman chervinsky was not has nothing to do with this proceeding, it is a fact in the proceeding of non-appearance of a person to the military unit, that is , the proceeding is actually related to the novel, but it is not related to the roman, somehow. mrs. lyudmila, here is the whole story with this court session and the other two court cases, it... well, at least it looks like some kind of political or personal persecution of the colonel, what do you think about this, what
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does roman chervinsky himself actually say? roman hryhorovych has repeatedly stated that he sees this as political persecution, for those things that were voiced by him at a certain time to the general public, for those operations that he conducted and failed, i can somehow comment on this inalienable right, i can only... . to convey directly his words in this part, at every court session he talks about it, and the explanations of others, somehow that's all. what i explained to you about other criminal proceedings is also happening, how is it all, this is the course of events, unfortunately, it does not carry much legal significance, i want to ask you in the end what your expectations are, what is all this and... can the story end? i believe that this story will end
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with a vindication for roman. i am sure of this, because all the evidence of the prosecution side is already open to us, and we have collected quite a lot of our evidence over the course of a year, which clearly indicate his innocence in these actions. and i'll end with what i started with: none of the ukrainian military is to blame, defending the homeland , that the russian federation is shelling, including military objects, and... therefore, i believe that no ukrainian military, who acted lawfully, who defended one's homeland cannot be blamed for russia's actions. ms. ludmila, i thank you very much for taking the time to talk with us, and like our viewers, i hope for a fair court decision. on the air of the tv channel, stay with us.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, i am anna yavomelnyk and today i have a unique opportunity to talk without exaggeration with a man-legend, one of the best goaltenders in the entire history of the national hockey league, as well as an olympic champion and a person who is definitely not outside of politics. domminik hasyk next to her is a world-famous personality and the first hockey player who came to our country during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, i am glad to welcome you to ukraine, thank you for your support and thank you for being on the right side of history , thank you, also good afternoon, war criminal putin and many russian propagandists, they often state that what you see are russians... here at my home, in another neighboring independent country of ukraine, they are not at war with the civilian
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population, they are looking for nazis, fascists, residents of bandera, they are terribly annoyed by the song batko nas bandera, ukraine is the mother, and can you imagine, they catch here in ukraine, even satanists, and i know that you have already visited such cities as kharkiv, irpin, bucha, kyiv, and you even visited... vinnytsia, and one hundred percent saw those atrocities that the russians did to us in ukraine, and they probably saw bombed ice arenas. tell me more. about the purpose of his visits to ukraine. i do not agree with the fact that russia calls ukrainians banderites and nazis. the real imperialists and war criminals are the russians, putin and the russian federation. which commits ethnocide of the ukrainian people, including ukrainian children, in ukraine. in june of last year, i visited
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ukraine to express my respect to ukrainians for their ability to defend not only their country, but... also one of the main tasks were to support ukrainian hockey and to support parents and their children, especially those who play hockey, i am very concerned about the development of ukrainian hockey, because i feel responsible as an olympic champion for the development of hockey not only in the whole world, but also in ukrainian sports. what, for example, ukrainians feel and think here in ukraine, i understand, but i want to ask you how you think europeans and czechs feel, in particular, because for example, the distance from kyiv to prague is only almost 100 400 km, and do they feel that this war
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in europe, which is ongoing in ukraine, is already close, or is the war in ukraine and ukraine itself somewhere... still very far away. the majority of the people of the czech republic are on the side of ukraine. they sympathize with the ukrainian people in this war and actively support ukraine. the majority of people, citizens of the czech republic , are in favor of ukraine restoring its 1991 borders. they also realize that the ukrainian people should not only end this conflict, but also do everything possible to similar situation... when i hear that russians are not interested in politics, i don't smile, i laugh, because the russian federation, the war criminal putin, his regime and the kremlin, they use not only culture, but also sports to promote the world has its own narratives. we know that the russians
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play in the national hockey league, and you are a sports legend. your voice in this world, it is important, do you think, should the athletes of the russian federation perform, for example, at the olympics, which will be held in france this summer and at other sports competitions? i am very sorry that the western world allows russian athletes to participate in sports competitions, including the olympics, i do not support this decision. since the very beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, russian sports and russian athletes have served as propaganda for russian war.
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it turns out that we, the western world, allow representatives from russia to participate in world competitions. this war results in great human sacrifice, and i will remain steadfast in my resolve and continue mine struggle to completely ban russian athletes from participating in any competitions. every time they take to the air during the competition, it contributes to the spread of russian narratives, supports full-scale bargaining. to ukraine, which in turn leads to the loss of human lives. not all athletes from russia support putin or the war, however, unfortunately, they represent their country and as representatives of russia become part of the advertisement for the war, so they are not allowed to compete. i thank you for this,
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for supporting and advocating and do everything in order to russian, you should not thank. it is important that this position is heard by people all over the world. but i thank you for your support. and at the same time, i remember such, you know, pages of history, for example, the prague spring, this is the spirit of this revolution, and this resistance of the demonstrators, against the soviet influence, i also remember what happened before the second world war, even as civilized countries wanted, thought that they will stop. dictator hitler, giving them territory, or, for example, turning a blind eye to the fact that hitler was building up his war machine. now i hope that the world sees in... ukrainians are not going to retreat and are not going to give anything of their own, europe helps ukraine a lot, but in your opinion,
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what else can be done to stop the dictator of our time, putin. first of all, it must be said that hitler and putin are very similar, and there is almost no difference between them. by imperialists who wanted to take other people's lands in order to advance their interests and realize their desires, just like hitler and putin, indifferent to human lives, people whose territories they seize, at the same time they are indifferent to the lives of their citizens living in their countries, they send tens of thousands of people to war, death, the whole world, including che'. helps, but much more help is needed, i will do everything to make that help much more intensive. the goal
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of the western democratic world, including the united states, is for russia to return to its borders, for ukraine to rule again in crimea, and in this the democratic world will always have ukraine support, no one wants to dictate to ukraine what it should do. this must be decided by the ukrainians themselves, and the democratic world will always stand behind ukraine and help in everything. what else can be done for what europe can do for ukraine to have more weapons in ukraine, ukraine to have more ammunition, in your opinion, what else can europe do now? i am very happy that the united states still allocated aid to ukraine. it's not just money. as well as weapons that will sustain you in the coming months. feel so that europe and the united states are together again,
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stand by ukraine again and will help. ukraine needs not only weapons that defend, but also weapons that can be used to attack the enemy. also, this is not only aid with weapons, but also economic aid. and we must do everything to cut off russia. macron's statement that france could send its troops to ukraine, it made a lot of noise, but do you even suggest that other countries of the european union could send their troops, for example, maybe the military of the czech republic could enter ukraine, as do you think at the moment , the political situation in europe is very difficult, and this is impossible from a political point of view. one of the leaders of countries that
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help ukraine not only economically, but also with weapons. the czech president initiated this aid in the amount of 800,000 shells for ukraine, and will always help ukraine, with weapons and economically. we joined the czech initiative of the president of the czech republic. peter pavel about a million art shells for ukraine, if you have heard or read about the slovaks, despite their policies of their prime minister, people collected 2.5 million euros for us, but their government does not support ukraine, peter pavel has shown a wonderful initiative, and tell us a little more about whether you support this initiative at all, our president and i think that he is a wonderful president for the czech republic. i also know about the situation with slovakia, with the pro-russian sentiments of the authorities there.
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today's slovak government is completely different from the czech government and the president and parliament. but at the same time, i am very grateful to the slovaks for the fact that they collected so much money despite their power to support ukraine. i thank you for this conversation, i say with confidence. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmers unpack tv, order in time for. at a special price of only 999 hryvnias. kors dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult places, near fences, along the path line,
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of facts and competent opinions. in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. premium sponsors.
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represents united by football, stronger together. friends, i welcome you, we will traditionally start our program about culture with some, well, not such cultural news, not traditionally cultural news, but still important, which concern our society, let's say curiosities, i in general , the other day i read on the facebook page of the orthodox the church of ukraine is a great post, i'm just trying to spread this meaning. as much as possible,
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because the orthodox church of ukraine tells us, dear ukrainian women, what we want, and if we want to go to church without headscarves and in pants, then we can do it, it is not a sin, we will not burn in hell for it , strangely enough, because you know, some priests, especially of the moscow patriarchate, not only talked about it, and in general there was a long enough... for a long time and it continues to be the opinion that women can only come to church with their heads covered and there in skirts, despite the fact that it is not above the knee, but below. and by the way, when i was in one of the churches from the temples , they gave me a special skirt, because my dress was at the level of my knees, and it was necessary to be even lower, so the orthodox church of ukraine says, once again, that in... none in
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our church there is such concern.


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